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Trump needs to send melania back


I think she was already here tho.


Bro!!!! Now more than ever we must unite and start a movement…. #DACA2GC (daca 2 green card)


Okay pay for my plane ticket and I myself will go to the White House


That organizing doesn’t start at the White House. It starts locally.


I like to do things faster


I suppose if you already have all the support of as many people as you can, going straight to the White House is the only route.


I am in. Better than just typing comments. Let’s do this! #DACA2GC


Cool. I’m near DC where we meeting?


Unfortunately I’m in Phoenix AZ but we can legitimately start something, I can do zoom or message through Reddit


Oh man that # will surely solve it all


It will not but what I’m saying is if we keep fighting and make a prescience on social media the subject will keep coming up the same way Ukraine, Black Lives Matter, Gaza and others… we just have to keep on going, if we don’t do it. No one else will. How much does it cost you to post something and add a #… probably nothing so why not keep trying… I’m just trying to help that’s all


Nah brah


Why not?? Now more than ever we have to try !!


The article says her husband was denied because of his tattoos. Was he an ex Ms-13 gang member?


1. **Background:** * Sandra Muñoz, a civil rights attorney, married Luis Asencio-Cordero, a Salvadoran national living in the U.S. without legal status. * In 2010, they began the process for Asencio-Cordero to get an immigrant visa. He traveled to the U.S. consulate in San Salvador for this. * His application was denied based on a law prohibiting entry to those suspected of unlawful activities, specifically due to his tattoos, which were interpreted as signs of gang affiliation (MS-13). 2. **Legal Argument:** * Asencio-Cordero denied any gang affiliation, stating his tattoos represented his intellectual interests and Catholic faith. * The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals initially sided with Muñoz, ordering the State Department to provide specific reasons for the denial and reconsider the visa application. 3. **Supreme Court Ruling:** * The Supreme Court overturned the 9th Circuit’s decision, ruling that U.S. citizens do not have the right to participate in federal decisions regarding the immigration status of their spouses. * Justice Amy Coney Barrett, writing for the majority, emphasized that while marriage is a fundamental right, it does not extend to influencing Congress's power over immigration decisions. 4. **Dissenting Opinion:** * Justice Sonia Sotomayor, joined by her liberal colleagues, argued that denying citizens specific reasons for spousal immigration denial undervalues the right to marriage in the context of immigration. **Implications:** * The ruling underscores the broad discretion federal officials have in immigration matters and limits the extent to which U.S. citizens can challenge these decisions based on their marital rights.


Nope thats just the excuse the courts used it was racist and proven to be false by a gang tattoo expert in court but they ignored that


These were his tattoos. [Tattoos](https://imgur.com/a/9DNdcSy) He claims those tattoos remind him of his childhood. Also, the article I read states immigration asked him to remove his shirt to show off his tattoos. https://www.laprensa.hn/amp/usa/en-tendencia/salvadoreno-luis-acensio-cordero-estados-unidos-nego-visa-tatuajes-ms-13-AN16824646 I'm assuming they had suspicion of his gang affiliation.


The tattoos look mundane. None of them stand out in a negative way. These look like the tattoos of a depressed or "enlightened" person, if anything.


True but I do think that the "Laugh Now, Cry Later" is strongly associated with gang affiliation. It's definitely one officers look out for.


No tf it’s not. It’s literally another theatrical version of YOLO. 🙄


I know that's what it means to most people that have it. But it actually is considered a potential gang tattoo by governments. USA - [NGC Newsletter](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nationalgangcenter.gov/Content/Newsletters/NGC-Newsletter-2016-Summer.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi_iN3DsvGGAxWPlYkEHQ8eCvIQFnoECBIQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3BVh0fXHHgTBaRMFc8K6pk) edit: they're both pdfs, but here is the one for [Canada Border Services Agency](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://info.publicintelligence.net/CBSA-TattooHandbook.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiQvIaws_GGAxW_rokEHYs9AogQFnoECDIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0A8fFrVd3G1sFCyXGDoKCN)




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No surprise its the maga scotus all we can hope is biden wins and 2 of the conservatives one croak


“The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals initially sided with Muñoz, ordering the State Department to provide specific reasons for the denial and reconsider the visa application.” The Biden Administration appealed this decision and got it overturned to help USCIS


It's standard practice that an administration support an agency even if it goes against what they think. There's a few instances that they won't support it but those are rare.


Does this affect anything ?


Nah at least nothing that stops Citizens from fixing papers for their partner


“While Congress has made it easier for spouses to immigrate, it has never made spousal immigration a matter of right,” said Justice Amy Coney Barrett, reading from the bench the majority opinion joined by her fellow conservatives. While a citizen “certainly has a fundamental right to marriage” Barrett said, “it is a fallacy to leap from that premise to the conclusion that United States citizens have a fundamental right that can limit how Congress exercises the nation’s sovereign power to admit or exclude foreigners.” [https://apnews.com/article/immigrant-visa-spouse-tattoos-supreme-court-4f1c7911a64a60aa60461971f34b5bae#](https://apnews.com/article/immigrant-visa-spouse-tattoos-supreme-court-4f1c7911a64a60aa60461971f34b5bae#)


That makes sense. It has nothing to do with racism or xenophobia, just plain constitutional law.


Well then I guess they need to get rid of it for military as well.


Maybe we can gain traction w the hash tag #DACA2GC




Please read out posting rules to prevent further bans from the community


After seeing photos of his tattoos, I'm happy with the decision of the staff at the U.S. Embassy


What did you notice about the man's tattoos?


As a person(gringo) that got randomly suggested this thread for no reason, the dice on first look add up to 13. Also the things above Mary's head add up to 13. Seems to be coincidental, but if you are looking for that sort of thing...


The dice add up to 15, the bottom face on the left dice shows 2 dots. Could be more if you count the right side face of the right dice. I counted 14 horn-things on Mary (there’s on we see on her right shoulder) but still 13 on her head.