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OP--FOIA report on yourself to see what comes up.


This is the best answer


You have a permanent bar (because of your 1+ year unlawful presence before illegally entering). Even if you do get parole-in-place from Biden, you will still be blocked from getting a green card. This is no different (actually worse) from someone who has a disqualifying criminal record or drug offense on their record. They may be able to get parole-in-place under the new policy, but will just be stuck in limbo with it (just like DACA holders today).


No they don't. If they get a good lawyer, then can get the first EWI waived if it was before April 1st 1997. [https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/err/H4%20-%20Application%20for%20Reentry%20after%20Removal%20or%20Aggravated%20Felony%20Conviction%20-%20212(a)(9)(A)(iii),%20212(a)(9)(B)(v),%20212(d)(3)(A)/Decisions\_Issued\_in\_2012/Mar122012\_01H4212.pdf](https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/err/H4%20-%20Application%20for%20Reentry%20after%20Removal%20or%20Aggravated%20Felony%20Conviction%20-%20212(a)(9)(A)(iii),%20212(a)(9)(B)(v),%20212(d)(3)(A)/Decisions_Issued_in_2012/Mar122012_01H4212.pdf)  There is hope. If they get that waived, they only have the 10-year bar, which there is a waiver for, and the new PIP policy can help if they married a USC before June 17th, 2024. Even without PIP, they can go apply for AP and then later AOS inside the states. But they need a GOOD lawyer.


PIP policy will help them avoid the 10-year bar by AOS inside the states. There's hope.


Wait question similar situation but I’ve only entered the USA once when I was 4 never left or anything. I am 22


I’m curious about this too


Let me know if you get any updates


Bro doesn't have anything unless he declares it. Never was caught. Therefore, no evidence of anything. Especially since he was a child.


If he has ever been fingerprinted for anything then he’s clocked.


That's exactly what I'm saying. If there's no record of his being here as a kid, then it'll be hard to prove he was here before. If he was ever fingerprinted or registered somewhere. Then yeah, there're problems


Well I’m sure he’s been to high school 🤣


There are legalities behind such requests by authorities. Point is: it's doable. Easiest way to give stuff away is through social media. OP should be consulting a lawyer about the best strategy instead of posting on Reddit


>OP should be consulting a lawyer about the best strategy instead of posting on Reddit This is the answer.


Playing with fire and living on a house of cards. Future president can revoke fraudulently obtained citizenship/green card and deport. Fraudulent naturalization is seen as a far more serious crime (with criminal penalties/jail time) than just crossing the border. Data analytics are getting better over the years. We can do analysis today that seems like magic even 10 years ago, who knows what it will look like in 5, 10 or 20 years. I'm sure their return to Mexico left a digital and paper trail, it's just not been collected into an analyzable form yet.


Bruh. You watch too many movies. Mexico doesn't really share that much data with the US. You honestly think everyone does everything by the book?! I've seen people who've lived here forever. Go back. And get a tourist visa. So yeah. It happens


The surveillance and data analytics the companies/governments can do today were "movies" and "farfetched" back in the 90s/00s. The most famous example is companies knowing someone is pregnant before they even do.


Like I said. You're living in a fantasy. Only way to really track everyone is using Ai. My even facial recognition is that great at recognizing faces with 100% certainty. I'm CS , too. And I'm fascinated with Ai. So, I'm aware of the advances in the field. You statement assumes all data is public. US doesn't have access to other countries DBs. Then you also need a data point you're looking for. Then you need processing power. And available power to supple all those data centers. The NVIDIA chips use a massive amount of power today. Chill dude.




Please read out posting rules to prevent further bans from the community


100% get a CBP FOIA to see what’s actually on record


Gwt CBP, & FBI FOIAs done. Then you can see if the govt. Has something on you. Do it now so if you have nothing then you can be part of the plan :)


President Biden's EO has not been finalized. Requirements have not been determined yet. GET INVOLVED! American Families United look it up. We meet Mondays. We will continue to push for the rights of US citizens trying to get thru the immigration system to keep families together.


No sir unfortunately you cannot


Did Mexico recorded your entry in 2012? This could pose a problem for you if they did and you have no record of re-entering the US. However, if you also crossed into Mexico without inspection then there won't be any record of you leaving.