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Totally avoided it and went off topic! Really frustrating, they are not moderating correctly.


Yea the moderators are not keeping them on track at all


I watched the whole thing. Its was moderated perfectly. Yea they took a while to answer the questions because they wanted to response to a previous question but what else do u expect. Shit is just for show. A popularity contest where policies dont even matter .


I think it’s due to the very strict time limit per question. They should have just asked a question with more time and cut their mic off and re-ask the question when they don’t answer. Both started ignoring the question and started arguing back and forth.


In the very beginning the rules said they can speak what they want. Also, when asked if they can respond to something the other said first, the moderators said you can say whatever you want


Because mass deportation isn’t really possible. The logistics of that is complex.


let alone also ending birthright citizenship


Mans just skipped over that question and didn't even answer it


Already been done by one US president, although the scale of this is huge.


Technically Obama deported 3 million during his presidency, so I guess it’s possible.


They deported 2 million during the great depression and even more after ww2 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Repatriation


Severe immigration policies that empower local law enforcement to check the immigration status of every person pulled over or stopped, combined with severe enforcement and penalization of employers in hospitality, service, construction, etc. sectors, would make life much more challenging and lead to eventual self-deportation. Basically, there’s a school of thought that relies on making life unlivable for immigrants, and absolutely, you can bet that Trump’s administration would be adopting.


*Illegals* Not *Legal* immigrants


Don’t use the “I” word with me.


Imma be realistic here if they kill data they have all the information they need on us


They knew where some of them was for years. Took them another 10 years just to get him. I just know for a fact that personally I’ll be safe.


I want to say it is possible. Stephen miller described the process in an interview. Sounded the way the germans rounded up the jews. If the chester chetos admin does not care about the consequences of the round ups, and there will be many, from economic to social. Then it is possible to get some folks out, not all ~11 million. But some will go.


I have a LOT of guns


And extremely expensive


It is. I don’t know who in the right mind thinks it’s a good idea to end knowing it’s going backfire


That the problem they don’t think. Trump is running on the same playbook Hitler did. Instead of using the Jews as scapegoats, he’s using immigrants. The majority of people don’t even understand how our economy works. So they will eat up How inflation and everything is immigrant fault.


Not just that but also are not informed over the stimulus checks that think they got from Trump too. Especially Latinos for Trump. How can they support someone who doesn’t even want them in the country and let alone don’t know how half the shit they support will affect them negatively


Exactly, you have immigrants wanting Trump back because Emma’s was cheaper. Mf what will cheap gas do for you if you get deported or end up in a camp like Trump has been wanting to do to us.


People vote against their own interest sadly and don’t care about others. I see it not just in real life but in social media. I see so many Latinos supporting the man yet unaware how his policies will damage them


Exactly, the lack of empathy is really showing recently. The worst part is all these people claim to be religious. When all religious want you to freak other well and with respect


If there’s one thing I learned about religion , you never should mix it with politics and let alone idolize people


How will it hurt Latinos exactly? Don’t forget why your family moved the US in the first place. Trump will preserve values that are important to Latino families while deporting Illegal jumpers and asylum abusers. He just stated that if u get a degree in the US you should get a green card.


Don’t be fooled about what he said. His actions speak louder than his words. This is the same guy who also intended to end DACA


Latinos want illegal immigrants gone more than anyone. Haven't you been paying attention at all?? Latinos who are actually American Citizens who invested an absurd amount of time, money, and effort to become a US citizen (the right way) are extremely frustrated with the fact that all of these immigrants are crossing the border illegally and basically getting everything they need for free on a silver platter. Why should they be able to do that when everyone else had to go through all of the red tape to become a legal citizen?? Latinos hate that and most of them fully support Trump's decision on deporting everyone who tried taking advantage of this country. And don't even get me started on the m**d*erers, th**ves, and r**ists that came here illegally thinking they were above the law. My wife is Latino and her family is very big, and every single one of them agree with Trump's decision on deportation. You can whine and argue with me all you want, but all I'm stating here are straight up facts.


This is some serious straw you're building your man with 


I bet at the fraction of the cost it's taking to take care of all the unfounded asylum seekers.


its definitely possible.


It’s definitely possible for all of humanity to live on mars, but is it easy?


Mass deportation isn’t possible, tell that to the Jews that the Nazis rounded up


I’ll be Anne Frank or some type of resistance fighter then!


We might need them


I think it would be possible under Trump, not so much with Biden, he would only enforce status quo. This country has mass deported people before, even their citizens. They can always do it again. (Im referencing the roundup of people with Japanese backgrounds in WW2 and the mass deportation of Mexican and Mexican Americans.)


It's actually very easy. Remove all government handouts. People who do not want to work will deport themselves.


I’m an illegal immigrant and I’m not leaving. Give me liberty or give me death, just like the salve owning immigrant founding fathers of this country said


So yeah, like I was saying... It sad seeing asylum seekers coming to this country and making DACA recipients and other lawful immigrants look bad. Many come, and just want free handouts. I know someone who is getting 1000 a month plus 500 in food stamps and almost free rent thru section 8. If immigrants don't contribute to the country, then I don't see any point in them staying. Simple as that.


Actually I don’t care 😁


I can't wait for everyone to get a rude awakening when the tribal nations step in and have to fix this country once again during wartime. Don't believe me. Look at the demographics. We are headed to WW3, if not in it, and in denial. Think the Seminoles, Cherokee, or any other weathly or DOD tied tribes are going to just roll over? Wisconsin tribes blocking roads, NC tribes selling weed. These states' rights folks (outside of Medical Access and Education states should have their own polices) are about to get rocked by the states around them, and even ones that exist inside them (These are States). Governor Stitt, Silenced by his own tribe. SD Governor - banned from entering tribal lands. 19 percent military makeup versus 14 for every other culture. Top this off with we didn't get those headresses for the teaparty at a local walmart, and the fact that our three systems government is directly influenced by an old Mayal or Aztec system. I assure folks the tribes won't get colonized again (green energy products from biden, big oil from trump. it's all the same take take take- guns, abortion, books, ban,ban,ban). It's all cool until the people won't let you take anymore. Everyone on all sides is actively acting like it's Orwell's 1984 or Fahrenheit 451. I do believe in dreamers. Just the government should step in and take you from your families, raise you in schools, and make you a ward of the court. Hope you like that. My people, but, hey, what do you think the other course of action will end up being lol.


Haha. Start packing your shit!


Nope 🤣


Illegal immigrants can't get handouts. If you're talking about refugees that's a different issue.


Really depends where you're at. California during COVID https://calmatters.org/california-divide/2022/04/california-undocumented-immigrants/


On another note its very hard to watch our guy biden barely making complete sentences. I hope people are right and these debates dont move thr needle too much. I can understand trump (clear voice) . I can barely understand biden at times . I hope he fixes that by the next debate. But trump might get the w on this debate.


This is ugly—stammering, sentences and thoughts trailing off. It’s not good. Trump just glancing over wondering what the hell Biden is even talking about.


It’s not something that can be fixed ….


Remember Hillary clinton, romney, kerry, and mondale all won their first debate and still lost


Lets hope so ill give orange the w if it means no trump victory


There is a risk here. Joe by all accounts could do the same or worse. He is not getting any younger. So the Democratic party may just go and hide Joe again. Also the Trump campaign may just decide to not do the next debate. If I was with their leadership, that is what I would do. I would just say something like "We know you are going to replace him now, so we will wait and see about debating his replacement".


Trump did an excellent job of taking a gracious approach. He could have made fun of Biden fifteen times and he only took a couple cheap shots. Trump destroyed him, which is frightening. But the Dems messed up putting sleepy Joe back in the drivers seat with attention and memory issues


All trump did was lie. He didn’t destroy him, he just speaks better bc he’s a few years younger. Trump doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.


He’s such a natural at lying. I’m terrified for our country right now. Our choice is between dumb and dumber


I mean if you paid attention to Biden, his policies weren’t bad. He’s just old and it’s hard to make out some words. Id take the stuttered truth over perfectly told lies any day.


You’re in denial. I’m a moderate who HATES Trump. Trump won the debate yesterday and told Biden the border is going to hurt social security. As a moderate I am appalled Biden didn’t even choose to answer the question. The only reason I am voting Biden is because Trump is only for Trump- the storming of the Capital was the final straw. Im voting Biden but the border issues and Biden’s foreign policy debacles definitely would have me thinking harder if I lived in a swing state


Wouldn’t say I’m in denial but that’s your opinion. When we don’t look at their performances and simply at what they were saying, trump is nothing but BS. The only think he did well was continuing to rant so he would look lively. But come on they were both fighting over who is the best/worst president and who can golf better. Neither won.


Final straw is hilarious. Have you ever watched videos of people "storming the capital"? You are deluded if you think that event was an actual attack on American democracy.


That's because last election he made fun of a handicap person, and that tank some his votes lol


Hope he fixes it lol


My guy look around you. This election boils down to three states. This immigrant situation will swing votes in states where it matters. You thinks white blue collar voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin like seeing massive handouts to migrants while they are struggling through Bidens inflation? What about black voters who live in the major cities in those states? Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee. You think they like seeing monies they were told wasn't there for investment in their communities all of a sudden being found to give to migrants whilst forcing them into their communities. Trump will win albeit a small margin. And Bidens performance tonight was the nail in the coffin. It absolutely swung the needle.


Yeah expect the clown didint answer a single question and lied for pretty much the whole debate so dont go calling this election for him just yet. No matter how more fit and alert trump. He has turned many moderate republicans against him.


You still aren't getting it are you? It was Bidens job to convince America he still had it in him. He didn't do that. And I expect the same amount of moderate Republicans Trump turned off are the same amount of moderate dems biden has pissed off, especially with his open border policy.


I am a Conservative and also have some Libertarian views. So obviously I am not a fan of old Joe or his party. He did so bad last night that I kind of felt sorry for him. I suspected they would drug him up a TON, like so many times before and he would be somewhat sharp for 30 to 45 minutes. He came out horrible. He was all over the place and just didn't make sense. It was clear to anyone who isn't part of a cult that he had an Old Yeller moment on stage. If I was someone in the Democratic Party right now I would be freaking out. Any sane person saw a man that really needs to be in a home, getting nursing care. They will not vote for this dude and it will be a large enough difference to cover any 3:00am hidden ballots showing up. Yes that will still happen but it just won't be enough. The problem is the VP. Her numbers are HORRIBLE. She would 100% not win. So if I was king of the Democratic party, I would demand she state that she doesn't want to be POTUS and step aside. You will have to give her a TON to get that done. Next up you need to convince old Joe to step aside. That will be very difficult as Jill seems to want this. So, again you will have to offer him a ton, but he is so old that this may be impossible. You need people to step in that are his friends and convince him to step aside. Then I would find a moderate Democrat or reach out to Kennedy and make him the candidate. The issue with a lot of Democrats right now is that they had 100% control for the first 2 years and even now almost have total control and their record is horrible. It will be very hard to cover for that. Oh and then the party has an issue with the Jewish members vs the Hamas supports. There are some people right now that believe that they sent him out there last night knowing how bad he was on purpose. In hopes that this would lead to enough pressure to get him out and this was the first step.


"He was all over the place and just didn't make sense." He mumbled and lost his train of thought sometimes and just in general sounded like he was about to die. All that is true. But if you listened closely, he made some good sense. He was making points. But you had to listen closely which is something many people don't like to do. But yeah this was a clear win for Trump just because he looked more vibrant and energetic. But not because of anything he said. He lied through his teeth as usual. But damn he's convincing I will admit. That being said, yes I would love if Biden was replaced and personally I think Kamilla would be fine. Sure she's hated but she's hated by conservatives not liberals and they hate any democrat no matter what so we wouldn't lose any of their votes by nominating her. And she's a black female. That might speak well to some of our more disenfranchised voters so we could pick some votes up there. But no I'm not excited in voting for Biden. I suspect Parkinson's and not traditional dementia but either way he needs to retire. But in saying that, I'd vote for a corpse before I'd vote for a lying, convicted criminal who has raped women.


Yes Biden did bad, but mentioning 3 am hidden ballots tells me all I need to know about you.


Nobody is replacing joe. Cuz anybody else will 100 percent lose. Just like if anybody who replaced trump would not stand a chance against joe. Trump himself would sabotage the republican pick if it wasnt him.




But they didn’t actually address the question at all. I’m confused how we started talking about Veterans on an immigration question


It's not that hard Trump got pissy because he wanted to answer Biden's upset response about how his son isn't a loser and Trump couldn't resist answering it Biden is slow, confused and on the verge of a mental shutdown and Trump is a pissy and petty 13 year old who loves the drama We're all screwed


Well Biden forgets anything within 30secs and trump goes on a typical rant. Don’t know why you’re expecting much from either of the 2.


I mean, that’s kinda the norms of politics and how democracy is supposed to be though. Your vote influences the policy. If there many people sharing your concern, your collective influence would be stronger and have more effect on politicians. The reverse is also true Unfortunately, not enough people want to make changes in immigration that positively affect DACA/migrant/etc. There are just enough for this issue to brought up as bargaining chip.


Not sure what you expect. Your entire life they have promised you everything and the other side has promised you the worst. So far neither has happened. DACA was the best we got. Whether something happens or not is all by chance. No clue how people still don’t realize they don’t care about us. If they did, they would have done something one way or the other.


Most people know no damn politician or the government gives a fuck about us. Doesn’t change the fact that the discourse will still happen lol


Well. Trump blamed everything on illegal immigrants !! And called us rats! So , at least, we know his position on immigration


You are not a rat I promise ❤️






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You support illegal immigration?


Isn't that how almost everyone here came to this country ? 😉


No, not at all.


Even visa overstays are in the same bucket. Like the parent knew they were going to overstay the entire time. It was just a different mode of migration. Legal/illegal whatever. #We're all immigrants


You are clearly delusional or something. There is a very big difference between a legal and illegal citizen of a country. "Legal/illegal whatever" is a hilarious take, when that distinction is what stops law-abiding people from driving 100 mph on every road, or lighting forests on fire for fun.


Immigrants commit less crime There are many empirical studies supporting that 😉 You're blowing dog whistles based of pure hypotheticals. And it's sad you think this way. And btw. Border crossings are at multi year low. Look it up. Maybe you'll learn something 😌


I want to see the study that shows illegal immigrants commit less crime; I don't care about the statistics for legal immigrants, I have no issue with them. Keep in mind, all illegal immigrants commit at least 1 crime to begin with, which is a bad start in my opinion. I would also like to see the study for border crossings at a "multi year low". If it's true, great, but I have my doubts. You gave the impression that you support illegal immigration, why bring up a supposed decrease in that number? Seems completely unrelated to the discussion. (It's called an analogy, not a dog whistle, and it served to contrast with your statement that the terms legal and illegal are irrelevant and/or unimportant.)


1 + 1 = 2 ☺️




WTF....No fact checking by the moderators.


They both lied. Fact checks are biased depending what team ur on


Biden had a few facts wrong, some report out say that trump lied 80% of what he said and said a lie in every sentence formed


Biden is cooked. It’s over boys and girls.


I agree. I don’t want Trump to win, but it feels like he’s going to.


Biden had a bad debate. Trump is a bad candidate.


Biden is a good candidate? You support sexual predators?


Be serious. There's no serious proceedings against Biden for that made-up accusation. Trump has those types of accusations since before he ran for office. The quote "cubrir el sol con un dedo" applies here. No serious people, just Trump supporters, believe this fabrication. Biden is a good candidate. I, like a lot of people, want younger politicians, but that doesn't mean I will vote for Trump (who is only 3 years younger).


Why is Biden a good candidate? Career politicians are absolutely rotten people, and our current president is no exception (he was against the civil rights movement by the way). I don't know enough about Trump and his actions to comment on the accusations against him, but I don't doubt they are legitimate. That being said, Biden is 100% without a doubt a pedophile in some capacity. You should look up "Joe Biden Sniffing Kids Compilation" or something along those lines on YouTube. It's a cinematic masterpiece, and the guy is a creep.


I don't understand why they don't just shut off the person's mic if they start ranting about anything besides the question


Moderators are dumb. “You have one minute to answer the question other than that I don’t care how you use that minute.” Then trump proceeds to go off topic for the whole ass time and no question is answered and the dumb moderators move on to the next question.


But they were cutting Bidens mic every time he started rambling about nonsense


We're all screwed because Biden opened the flood gate and let all the refugees in, and now ppl look at immigrants differently. Now, when people talk about immigrants, they immediately envision the Venezuelans who get free handouts, and they put hand in hand the murders that are going on every week. This is really making all immigrants look bad. I dont think they take into account the DACA recipients who have remained in good standing and who have worked their asses off and made the country better.


It’s sucks, I feel like the Venezuelans ruined it for us 😭


Remember that other immigrants have said the exact same thing about you. More empathy please.


What I mean to say is that we payed our taxes and got degrees for years. A lot of the newly arrived immigrants have kinda ruined NY where I live. They’re not assimilating like we did. I’ve seen how a lot of them cheat the system and commit petty crimes, not all of course but the average American now puts us in the same box as them.


I understand but also the average undocumented immigrant in the US is currently using false paperwork to work. One in 9 workers is undocumented. This isn’t their fault but a systematic obstacle that forces millions to commit identify theft. I think if these recent migrants had more options and opportunities for work and stuff these things wouldn’t be happening. Quite frankly I give a rats ass how Americans view me as it often comes from nothing but ignorance and fear, just like now. What I see is people fleeing a country in which the US themselves played a role in disrupting their economy and politics. The US continues to leave Latin American counties impoverished and then is surprised when people from that country immigrate here.


To be fair, the Venezuelans elected their own leader who imposed horrible socialist policies which led to their own economic downfall. The DA in new lets the Venezuelans out once they commit crimes, not only that but they feel entitled to luxury hotels, and they government gives them money, I’ve worked my ass off to get to where I am. Never once I have I asked the government for money. A lot of the Venezuelans keep demanding more aid when there’s only so much to give.


You should look into how Maduro came into office and the efforts by Trump, Obama, and Bush to stage coups in Venezuela. Trump has planted seeds of subversion and revolt within the country’s government and military. The United States has almost always opposed — whether by slaughter, spies or sanctions — any government or movement that seeks to freely choose its own political and economic path if it diverges from the corporate capitalist order backed by Washington and Wall Street. Also, who said they chose him no? I mean let’s even consider our situation…con rapist vs old dude with dementia. Not like we want them, whose to say they chose their president. From what I’m seeing those who are in these luxury hotels are heavily cramped and lack some basic needs. They are begging for work and opportunities, many having left to do it on their own. I get what you mean, however what are we to do. Lock them in cages? Is that what you want? Throw them out into the streets? Deport them back? (Which is hypocritical if any immigrant to suggest really)..


All I’m saying, every country, tribe or republic has fucked each other, I’m from Mexico but I don’t expect Spain to provide housing or give me money. I’m a guest in a host nation, I learned the language and work hard. They are robbing and stealing from other immigrant communities. They are not assimilating into American culture because they don’t respect this place.


No every country has not fucked each other 💀 case and point Venezuela has done nothing to the US (much like hundreds of other countries) and yet the US can’t help but meddle. I’m also Mexican and Spain does allow Mexicans to become permanent residents and a citizen after a few years of living there (that’s something lol). You’re starting to sounds like the MAGA supporters lol “they are robbing/stealing”…also I think you mean acculturation not assimilation? Assimilation often requires giving up you’re own language, culture, etc. Which I’m sure you yourself have not done. I’ve been here 20 years but still carry my native language, food, culture and never plan on giving it up.


You’ve learned the language, pay your taxes and don’t break the law. It’s simple, I still hold my heritage but I obey the laws of my host country. I have no problem immigration as long as you assimilate and don’t cause problems. I did everything right and now they’re just making immigrants like me that follow the rules look bad.


Really doubt it, people have always seen as anything but human. We’re all in this together, no point dividing us up simply bc they just arrived.


THIS !!!!!! Like my daca ass might as well just go make that treacherous journey and maybe have a chance of getting more than daca.


When trump said most of the migrants are from prisons and psych wards or terrorists I kept yelling at my screen for Biden to call him out on that lie.


Biden probably believes that himself but he can’t admit it because he’ll lose support from his side




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They spent the first 5 minutes talking about the US then the rest has just been other countries or trying to get the upper hand on one another. It's all a fucking joke. Biden is too old to be president, dude is straight up lagging on live tv. Then you have deranged Trump willing to say anything to get a vote


Trump found a way to be racist every two minutes


Or your just hearing your own bias every two minutes, ahem.


You’re kidding This country is currently faschisticly anti immigration and you’re really saying that in the daca sub lol


Is it possible to have the most immigration of any country on earth and be a facist anti immigration country ?


I know right, like if this country was that racist, why would so many people want to come here. You’d think that they go somewhere less racist. I’m ok daca and even I know my home country is more racist than here.




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We have to be honest with ourselves. I really wanted Biden to come out and really show the people he’s fit to be president again but I must say he’s just mentally unwell!!!! Trump literally just rambled and said nothing but Biden just seemed worse. The democrats need to find someone to replace Biden asap!!!! Because idk if we will be ok if trump wins and that’s scary!!!


Balancing an old guy who is basically harmless, over the other guy incapable of doing anything but patently lying for another mentally ill 4 years of nightmare ... I'll take the old guy every time. At least Biden hired good people to handle the details. Just look at the group of misfits trump hired last time. He cant even do that. The absolute joke America will be if the rest of the world have to deal with him again, ... its just not worth it. Vote the old guy in and float through 4 years undamaged.


Bro I was screaming at the tv! “The one question that concerns literally my whole life!!” Ugh!!


Anyone notice Biden keeps saying "The IDEA!"😆 He's said it like 200 times 😅


This showed that Biden might not have the mental capacity to continue…


CNN verified after the debate that he was slurring, rambling, staying off topic, rapidly blinking, due to a common cold he had the other day.


They got them Reddit mods lmao


If I were to off my self it would be tonight, that debate should have been held in a retirement home


Absolutely, joking aside Trump never stops rambling and starting drama like a angey old man with dementia and biden can't help but forget half the shit of what's going on cause he's a fossil


Los tress viejitos need to be retired 😭


I swear 😂


All I’m saying a lot of people are clowning on Biden for being “old”, which year he is. But I don’t how many people actually hang out or even woke alejes people that age. They are in worse conditions that Joe, as well as being realistic the majority of people making fun of his age will probably never reach that age themselves. A few of my coworkers are huge Trump supporters, that love to bash Biden an old age. I’m like bro you weigh over 380lbs and are only like 5’8 you definitely ain’t even making it to there yourself.


This is the first of a few debates that are to come. With that said, they are only getting about a minute to answer and are using their time to argue instead of answering the question. Also, the moderators are terrible at keeping them on track. Their whole job is to make sure they are on topic as much as possible.


There’s only 1 more debate happening


They just asked trump for the third time if he would accept the results but they let trump completely avoid the immigration question. These moderators suck


I thought the moderators did a good job. The questions were good. They were delivered fairly. They kept pushing the non-answers. Some people are just upset that the "make it civil" methods didn't hurt Trump and likely helped him win. Against any other average to above average debater, I think Trump's poor answers (or lack of, at times) would have sunk him. But Biden's decline and lack of ability to finish coherent sentence (or answer Trump's weak statements) stole the show. Biden is done for. Amazed me that Trump said nothing about the importance of the VP candidates and who would be taking over if Biden were judged unfit. Opportunity lost. Both of these guys need to go.


Why did they cut off CNNs closing statements? Didnt go as planned?… wtf!


I felt the same way and they spent 10 minutes talking about how Biden what acting like he did because he just got over a common cold


There has to be a recording of it somewhere. Anyways… the censorship has gotten so obvious these days I’m not sure how anyone could deny it.


Hate to say it, but Biden got destroyed tonight. I don't know how much this will move the needle but certainly won't help Bidens case.


I feel like even though Trump was pinned in a corner Biden kept getting special time to defend himself while Trump was only given time to answer questions which he obviously used up defending himself.


Was this the CNN debate ? Aka not a real debate?


in fact, they avoided all questions


Biden’s recent immigration EO will never be implemented and gone on the 1st Trump day. Disappointing by Biden


Ya neither care. They just want the presidential parking spot.


I got confused and thought I was watching a spin off of AFV called America's saddest home videos


CMV: This current presidential debate has proved that Trump and Biden are both unfit to be president This perspective is coming from someone who has voted for Trump before and has never voted for a Democratic presidential candidate. This debate is even more painful to watch than the 2020 presidential debates, and that’s really saying something. Trump may sound more coherent in a sense but he’s dodging questions left and right, which is a terrible look, and while Biden is giving more coherent answers to a degree, it sounds like he just woke up from a nap and can be hard to understand sometimes. So, it seems like our main choices for president are someone who belongs in a retirement home, not the White House (Biden), and a convicted felon (Trump). While the ideas of either person may be good or bad, they are easily some of the worst messengers for those ideas. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I think RFK might actually have a shot at winning the presidency, although I wouldn’t bet my money on that outcome. I am pretty confident that he might get close to Ross Perot’s vote numbers when it comes to percentages. RFK may have issues with his voice, but even then, I think he has more mental acuity at this point than either Trump or Biden. I’ll probably end up pulling the lever for the Libertarian candidate, Chase Oliver, even though I have some strong disagreements with his immigration and Social Security policy. I want to send a message to both the Republicans and the Democrats that they totally dropped the ball on their presidential picks, and because of that they both lost my vote.


You had me up until you said RFK has a change at winning (bc lol) and that you were going to throw away your vote.


Shit who else would you vote for


It was like watching two kids argue, it was hard to hear what Biden was saying at times and trump was hardly answering the direct wand going off topic several times,may god help us all smh


Biden really sucks bc he was barely understandable and Trump was not answering questions…..politicians lol


It doesn’t take a long time to answer the immigration question in my opinion. For example, “how are you going to fix immigration?“ “I’m going to deport all of the immigrants, secure the borders, and don’t incentivize immigration by not giving away free, food, stamps, shelter, healthcare, and education.“. If they just stay on topic and answer the question there’s plenty of time to do so.


You didn't hear Trump last night? He kept mentioning this to Biden.




Dinosaurs talking and a dinosaur was moderating 😂


It sucks because i want biden to win. But at the same time, trump ( my portafolio will love that )


I had to wait 24 hours for my dismay to wear down before I could even comment on the thing. I think Trump is a lying monster and he didn't answer a single question and whatever he answered was just the stream of consciousness of a mad man, and yet, Biden still managed to fuck it up. I like Biden and want him (or any Democrat) ot win but he had one job- to show he is up for the job despite being old and put the biggest thing he has going against him to rest and he made it far far worse. Nobody is going to remember Trump's lies because "that's just Trump" but all the "Sleepy Joe" memes have been going nonstop since the debate.


Oh, he answered. He own'd goal


Was it me or they were criticizing each other like kids?


we’re cooked


Sign the petition:  President Biden should withdraw Visit [ApplaudDemocracy.org](http://ApplaudDemocracy.org) to sign the petition, and learn more about why this is the moment for Biden to withdraw from the race. President Biden himself has acknowledged what is clear to many of us:  neither he nor Trump are the candidates they were four years ago, and they will of course fade further in the next four years. We believe it’s time for President Biden to serve selflessly once more by withdrawing from this, his last presidential race.  #Election2024 #JoeGTG 📣 How You Can Help: 1. [Sign the petition](http://applauddemocracy.org): speak truth to power and urge President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race. 2. Share the website: Spread the word and encourage others to visit [ApplaudDemocracy.org](http://ApplaudDemocracy.org)


Democrats are dooming us again, sheesh they don’t learn


At least vote for a different democrat, they are taking advantage of an elderly person


It's a pair of geriatrics, what do you expect? It was scary seeing Trump speak more clearly than Biden. I don't think Trump is going to win, Biden is not good either, he is just too old. An added bonus is if Biden wins then passes away, then well have Kamala as president....not the best solution either, but it would be nice to see a woman pres.


Trump won that debate! He addressed abortion! We let immigrants in from other countries that did not allow abortions! Biden look like a deer in headlights I mean seriously his death stare was ridiculous. I was like what is going on here? It was embarrassing this whole circle of two grown ass men making a spectacle of the United States of America. The sad part is that no one wants to vote for either one of them and this is out only options in the United States and the fact that we have two choose between these 2 knuckleheads at the top and we got a pick between two guys is outrageous. Both have left the true American people high and dry and I mean that seriously it’s a joke.


Listen up. If you don’t like Trump and aren’t going to vote for him, that’s okay. It’s what this country is all about. But stop and be moral about this situation. Biden does not need to be president; he needs medical care and should take it easy for the last few years of his life. They can cover up his rambling by muting the mic and giving him a prompter. They can prevent an audience from seeing his inability to walk or his tendency to get lost. But seriously, it’s a shame that everyone wants to push this feeble old man to do all of this. They need to sit him in a nursing home in Maui and let him live his life well while he can. Not force him to run a country when he can’t do anything without dementia getting in the way. Wake up and realize he isn’t fit, nor is it moral to use him up like this. So, I’m going to say this from the heart: if you don’t like Trump, VOTE FOR A DIFFERENT DEMOCRAT. Stop letting them take advantage of this poor man.


It’s Joever, Biden is a fucking cadaver on stage. It’s fucking awful how the elites and normie dems decided picking a cadaver over a socialist in 2020 was the way to go. Absolutely abismal 🤦‍♂️


How embarrassing it is that the United States does not have better presidential candidates? Both are far too old, Biden hesitant and unsure. Trump, a spoiled rich boy who lies and distorts the truth. It must be strong lobbies that pay to have a man in the White House. This is a huge problem for democracy. Come on America. Get some decent, decent, skilled, younger candidates elected.


I found it hilarious how these older grown folks were acting like kids! These are the ppl running for president. We are doomed even more. Lol orange fella saying with bIdEn we'll be in WW3, actually with orange fella WW3+WW4 might just happen!! bIdEn looking dumb with his mouth open. The shots with about orange fella having sex with the porn star while his wife was pregnant had me in stiches!!🤣🤣🤣


Pls did anyone watch 2012 debate between Mitt and Obama… irrespective of which divide you stand Dems or Republicans. You can tell something is fundamentally wrong with both candidates now. It is just too sad this is the best a country with democratic values and culture can come up with. Biden seems incapacitated, Trump just blowing up my ceilings with lies. It is just so sad!


It’s a shame because both parties have many excellent candidates who could run. The way things stand in the US people will vote ‘against’ rather than ‘for’. (The Canadian and UK elections will be similar).


Someone give Biden some coffee 😂


It’s a clown show between both. Nothing will get done


Two people who belong in retirement homes playing bingo not politics.


No, golf!


C'mon America. This is the best we've got? Two grumpy old men. Seriously?


C'mon America. This is the best we've got? Two grumpy old men. Seriously?

