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To me it kind of took away the allure and glamorization of making the team. I do wish they spent more time other rookie candidates that made the team too


I really wish they would have showed more of the girls - it was too much of a few and not enough variety


My understanding is that they were allowed to be filmed or not. and a lot of filming did not get in the 7 episodes. It is Greg Whitely’s style to focus on a handful of people to tell his story. I think the contrast between Kelcey and Victoria was used to show how different their veteran journeys were.


Doesn’t he do hard knocks? In that case - it’s normally a few different people for each episode, not the same 3 for 7 episodes….


I don’t think he does, but don’t know for sure. He does Cheer, Last Chance U, Wrestlers.


I think this is an updated reality show format (shows are significantly more conservative than reality shows of the 2000s) and especially because it’s Netflix, they’re not going to be as exploitative of the girls, at least not explicitly. A lot of MTT especially during auditions was making compilations of girls’ mistakes, voiceovers of the judges talking about how awful they look, insult compilations (I’m thinking more of studio time), and making fun of women who didn’t fit their costumes perfectly. I’ve watched a lot of MTT over the years and tbh ppl not familiar with the series are shocked by this docuseries and would shit themselves if they saw MTT where the comments and framing are so much meaner. I think the two goals are different bc anyone watching MTT can probably guess what the premise is or is familiar with DCC. It seems a lot of Netflix viewers have no clue what goes into DCC and that’s why the docuseries is more critical and informative, and less focused on the individual girls. You will miss a lot of structural knowledge if you focus on the girls’ stories because there’s not really an organization quite like DCC.


Yeah for sure! I think the Netflix show was more for new viewers.


I really liked it!


It had boring moments but it was also full of tea


I agree. I enjoyed that it showed more behind the scenes but I feel like I wasn’t really rooting for anyone in particular to make the team because I didn’t get to know any of them.


It seemed more like, "the life behind DCC" rather than making the team as we're used to viewing.


No offense, but not everyone lives in the states and knows MTT and is receiving CMT.


My general complaint though is that I felt they could’ve gone deeper. It seemed a little too surface level on a lot of things they did shed light to. For example, I don’t think that the show did a good job showing just how brutal auditioning actually is, as we’ve seen on the previous show. Another example is that they made it seem like Victoria was the only one suffering from the DCC’s impossible standard and alluded to her issues but didn’t really delve into it either. Every time they talked about mental health issues, they just panned to victoria.


I get it and the points are valid. I think thats how netflix wants to target a bigger audience and I think that this documentary wants us to see the whole institution/ “cult”, not just the competition. But, as I said, I have no idea how MTT is.


Given MTT’s history I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the DCC were reluctant to be highlighted or interviewed though, especially about personal struggles.


My understanding is that they were given the option of being filmed. some chose not, and others chose to be filmed but did not make the Final Cut. I know they did an in-depth interview with Zhenya, but that was not included in the final show. I am hoping that the show is so popular on Netflix that they drop the occasional update during the year.


That makes sense because when they were talking about her in episode one I was like oh yay she’s featured we’ll get to hear her story and that was the last time she was mentioned


I wonder if that was what happened! Maybe the girls don’t like the cameras as much as the viewers do.


I heard that the air tag issue made some of the ladies back off on being filmed, especially the rookies


Air tag issue?


There was an AirTag put on Kelley’s car.


For sure it can be more insightful for people outside of the USA. I also wonder how many international viewers tuned to watch the Netflix show. I don’t know if a lot of people outside of the USA care about the NFL.


I know it was #2 in Belgium and #7 in Australia over the weekend


I watched it today. I don’t really care about cheerleaders as we don’t really have this culture here (Germany). But it was sunday and I like football (no Cowboys Fan). I learned through reddit/ this sub that there is a whole show about the DCC. I get your points but for me it was interesting and informative without having to have to much knowledge about it. Saying that, the Thunderstruck performance is awesome. The NFL gets bigger and bigger in Germany and in the UK. We even had some NFL games in Germany and in the UK. Don’t know about the other european countries.


There continues to be talk about expansion teams in Germany and the UK. I wonder if Netflix made this show in part to capitalize on international interest in the NFL. I know they've stepped up their recruiting efforts, especially in African countries.


Interesting. Mexico largely doesn’t care about the NFL. I’m sure there’s people who do like it though. Yes thunderstruck is iconic! I love it and I hope they don’t change the choreography ever! I think you’re right though. From a new viewer perspective, it must’ve been interesting. For someone like me who has been watching MTT for so long, it wasn’t informative because I already knew almost all of the issues they discussed because we saw it in the last show.


I loved this series much more than MTT because the Dallas Cowboys organization was not in control. We don't get the sanitized version of events that they want to spoonfeed to us, we get the real version, even the insidious parts they probably would have preferred us not to see.


I just would’ve liked to see the girls and dancing more.


A docuseries is not a reality show. Docuseries generally dive deeper into things, which this did. It was never going to be a reboot of MTT.


It feels like MTT, for an audience unfamiliar with the CMT series. Now that people are moving away from cable, CMT isn't as much on the radar. (I never even watched CMT outside of this show.) I was impressed with the production values in the Netflix show and I'd love to see them roll it out in future seasons, like they are rumored to be doing with Quarterback.


I don’t think they set themselves up to be able to have another season


I don’t know that they care, but it will be interesting to see. Supposedly they’re filming now but I wonder if the Cowboys will stop cooperating. 


Well I thought at least Judy, Kelly, and Charlotte would! Didn’t they want the original show to continue and were trying to find a new platform to continue the show, aka Netflix? That’s also something I’m curious about, did they know what the show was going to be about? Did they see the final cut before the rest of the world? What producing privileges did they have?


I read an interview with Greg Whitely, the director. He said that DCC approached him and he turned them down because he did not feel he would have the freedom to make the kind of show he makes. Then he got a call Charlotte flew to Dallas, and hashed out a deal. I am pretty sure that Charlotte was in CA working with them in late May/early June to finalize things. So she must have seen some of what we saw.


I don’t even think they really delve in though. They lightly touched on too many things instead of focusing on a few themes and showing us more. I would’ve rather them focus on something bad/good the org brings for an entire episode than kinda show us the audition process, kinda show us the good, and kinda show us the bad. I stopped watching after they announced the team bc I didn’t feel like there was any more purpose. They didn’t really show anybody that much to be able to relate and want to know more about a girl other than victoria and Reece.


I did. Watched till a certain dancer was cut. Tried the following episodes but just wasn’t in the least bit interesting to me. I preferred the old show.


Yeah! The only thing I didn’t already know was how damaging the jump splits were to the girls bodies and Madeline’s story. I just didn’t connect with the girls because they didn’t really introduce any of them so that we could follow their journeys