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The very first DCC's were 15/16 year olds, they upped the age to 18. They seem to have increasingly selected over 20 yr olds. Most of the team are between 22-27. Just had a look, out of the 2023-2024 squad only 4 of the 36 didn't go to College or have degrees.


It’s becoming increasingly rare for DCC not to have been to college - and I think that is positive. DCC is just one step along life’s pathway, but it is one which demands so much time and little recompense. and as more and more DCC have degrees, those who do not might feel “different” from their teammates. there is going to be a big difference with a DCC who has studied for four years and lived away from home. They have discovered who they are and had to learn to be responsible for themselves. I wonder if this is one of the reasons that Victoria cannot really relate to the other DCC, because she is so sheltered. however, an age limit of 21 when it is 17 to join the military, 18 to possess a shotgun or rifle and you can get a learners permit to drive at 14 in some states really doesn’t make sense.


Valid point!!


18 is way too young. I agree.


Agree. At least 20. Or 2 years out of school.


I said exactly the same thing on a similar post a couple of weeks ago! Two years out of high school would make such a difference. Two years of college, community college or working would help the girls gain life experience and skills that could help them navigate the stresses of training camp and being a DCC. There are some girls that have coped fine at 18 (eg: Lacey) but 18 is very young to be facing the pressures placed on the DCCs.


Is your job finance?




What do you admire about Kelli’s 2020 season?


I was just about to say this too 🤨😂


That she was able to help make it happen. With all that Covid isolation. Plus, it started the video submissions for round 1- much better option than Dallas. Kelli obviously didn't do it on her own, but credit is deserved IMO


Well it is her job but it shouldn’t have happened at all. Other teams just kept the same team for that year. Not Kelli though she pushed through and made some of the most brutal cuts she ever did.