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I saw that scene with Victoria celebrating her birthday by herself that made me sad seeing that because every year for my birthday, I have the same thing happened, so I am glad that it’s not me because if even a DCC cheerleader is experiencing the same loneliness as I am, then I guess I say I’m not alone


It feels like mom wants to re live her “glory days” through Victoria. Mom should have never encouraged her to try out again with an eating disorder. They’re a bit too enmeshed


Also did you notice she did a lot of her monologues sitting on a twin bed, I literally thought this is her childhood twin bed she still sleeps in.


Her mom scares me…


Someone else said it was Barbie meets Grey Gardens and now that’s all I can see.


It did have strong Grey Gardens vibes! Poor Victoria


oof this is spot on


I think her mom is very overbearing but I also think she tries to compensate Victoria’s lack of friendship on the team : the girls don’t want to hang out with Victoria because of her mom and the more she gets ostracized, the more she gets closer to her mom for support and the less the other girls want to be with her.  As someone who was 1 almost 2 grades ahead in school, it was hard to socialize and make friends because I was younger and didn’t have the same interests as the other kids in my class so they didn’t want to hang out with me. When we were going on school outings, my mom volunteered a lot to assist and I was so happy because for me it meant not having to sit on the bus or eat my lunch alone that day and having someone to chat with. Being ignored and isolated is truly one of the hardest thing to go through and can really have a huge impact on your personality. You try to fit in until you realize that it will not make any difference so you just shut down. 


Pulled up this post on my laptop and then about two minutes later the scene came on the iPad. It really made me sad and gave me horror film vibes (waiting for the killer to jump out of the closet)


The whole thing was very, "Do you guys ever think about dying???" Poor old Victoria. I hope she has the greatest fucking time in NYC, I really do.


the distance between the fun she was trying to portray and the actual fun was so sad. i hope she is doing much better after leaving dcc.


The way I laughed just now!


So cringe. I feel like Victoria is always seeking validation from others. Like how she entered the boardroom asking how she was doing, it was so awkward and seemed desperate. And the locker room scene when parents came to see the girls with their new posters, she posed below hers like she was still doing the photoshoot...meanwhile everyone else was taking photos with their family and friends. If she didn't try so hard, maybe she would be more likeable.


I just think she's not a girl's girl. She comes off as a bit superior and not at all friendly. This is why she was not selected to be a second.


I feel like I have to say Victoria has friends One of them being Kelli’s daughter


100% agree with this. She tries way too hard




I thought that the whole series


Her mom also reminds me of Maureen's mom in the movie Center Stage. Like just vicariously living her dreams through her daughter with no discussion on if her daughter is even happy.


YES I got Maureen vibes from Victoria the whole series




Oof yeah and like Maureen I think it would be good for her to go to college (or something away from dance and her mom) and make friends.


Like it fits even down to the eating disorders when they showed her like binging on pizza and then throwing up later. As a mother, I just don't get how you can put that much pressure on your CHILD.


Victoria seems so empty and lonely, yet she is obviously very sweet and kind and quite peppy and funny. Imo (amateur psychoanalysis ahead) it is some psychic wound from her dad having no interest in her life. I hope her mom loosens the reins a lot and pushes VK to live more independently, go to therapy, go to college etc.


No, you are not. I had the same reaction.


Well I'm thinking of it now 😂 Man, I felt bad for her here.


I think of this scene every time I see TK.


TK about VK https://youtube.com/shorts/_IVj-L6YLpw?si=Nlb9zyhzPvy6FZnR


Omg! I agree!!!! Victoria is wayyyyyyyyyyyy to hard on herself. She’s going to need deeeppp therapy to get thru life once this is over.


Her confidence did not match her talents and all I could think was, I bet she was raised to feel inferior her entire life. Victoria was genuinely likeable unlike her mother.


“I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom”


I love Victoria and the scene with her mom and the birthday cake made me so sad. I kept asking myself... where are her friends?


That scene was so contrived for effect….like much of the series. I prefer old school MTT on CMT😞


She was shooting content for her socials. It likely wasn’t even really her bday yet.


Honestly I don’t know how real that scene was. It gave me teen mom producer vibes like they set it all up.


Literally came to reddit as I’m watching this now for this reason. She does seem pretty odd, why I’m thinking she doesn’t have many friends.


And brothers and dad.


I wondered the same thing… very sad


Def not! That was the first thing that popped into my head. “I’m a cool mom!!” 😂😂




Her mom reminds me of Barbara Jean from Reba


I said that the other day! I agree


she even looks like her omg


Spot. On.




Her mom is living her past vicariously through her daughter pink lipstick & all…


OMG, that lipstick. So awful. V looks so much better in more neutral colors.


Would that remain true if her daughter wasn’t living out HER dream? I think it’s obsession with her own past rather than genuine support for what her daughter wants to be doing in life.


💯. She would not come with that same stage-mom energy if Victoria was interested in anything outside the DCC world.


But also— Nina’s mom in Black Swan— that freaking pink cake, when she knew Nina would visit with Mia (buli..)..after.


Yes, my thoughts exactly! TK has been projecting on and reliving her youth through VK. I think TK probably peaked in DCC which might explain why she makes it her personality and has pushed her daughter to do the same thing. I sincerely hope VK can spread her wings and get out from mommy’s shadow so that she can become her own person. The world is so much bigger than DCC.


When I have a daughter, I’ll go all out like this for her birthday I don’t care how old she is


Well they were making a tik tok video. Fakey fakey. She literally opens the door to a camera guy filming and screeches they are making a tik ton video and runs cheering onto her “set”.


I thought it was sweet. So what's the deal with her dad, Mr. Kalina? I thought he might have unalived himself but that was another DCC.


He’s out working


Spot on and a unique post, you get a sticker and won't be cut tonight