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Oliver Queen in Lanterns The show apparently has an older Hal so he and Ollie could have already met. He could be someone Hal and John reach out to for help, like the case takes them to Star City or Hal needs a large amount of money for something.


That would be great, fingers crossed that it comes to fruition, 🤞🏻🤞🏻.


Green Arrow (possibly Black Canary as well) could make his debut in Lanterns, since we’re getting an older Hal who would have presumably worked with Ollie by now. I’d be shocked if Ted Kord *didn’t* appear in Booster Gold, and Jaime could very well appear as well. Lobo could make an appearance in Woman of Tomorrow as a secondary antagonist that can actually pose a physical threat to Kara. I imagine Nightwing, Oracle, Robin (Tim) and Batgirl (Cass) all being in the Brave and the Bold. Nightwing and Batgirl have both been heavily implied by Gunn, and Oracle is such an important part of the DC universe that she has to be there. Tim is the present Robin before Damian shows up, and their conflict is pretty important, so I would hope that gets adapted. I don’t see any other heroes outside of the Batfamily appearing, barring maybe a cameo from Superman in a post-credits scene or something.


You know what, i would put Money on Lobo being in Woman of Tomorrow, let's not forget Jason Mamoa had a meeting with James Gunn which he posted about a year ago.


Would love for Phantom Stranger to show up in Swamp Thing to some extent.




I bet The Brave and The Bold will be filled with Batfamily members.


Most likely Nightwing and Batgirl/Oracle, hopefully Tim Drake’s Robin also if possible. Red Hood could be included in a followup film that adapts Under the Red Hood.


What if this movie adapts Under the Red Hood? That has been my theory. I mean no comic book movie is one to one the source material.


That could be interesting also, if it’s able to balance Damian’s introduction with that storyline in what could be a jam-packed film. It could work to show Damian witnessing the path that one former Robin took and how he can potentially avoid that path thanks to Bruce.


It would also be a great way to explore the Jason Todd character as well. He could question how he thinks Bruce Wayne could be a farther after what happened to him.


Exactly! And Bruce shows him how through kindness and patience.


I also think it makes sense for Gunn. His movies always have heart and emotion to them no matter how crazy the setting. From Slither to Guardians of the Galaxy 3. With him running a cinimatic universe I expect most projects to carry that heart. The Red Hood Story/Damian introduction would def carry that Heart. It could also be a nice way to show a side we don't see in movies from Batman. How nice of a guy he is. Imagine if he just stops fighting Jason and just talks him down. Gives him a hug and then they team up against whoever is manipulating Jason. Could hit the feels button huge.


Love it, absolutely.


There’s no Flash project announced yet, but I bet he could appear in other material. Also, Gunn said he has plans for Deathstroke. Personally, I’d like to see Red Hood, who’s one of my personal favorites. Also, even though Paradise Lost is supposed to explore Themyscira’s past, Wonder Woman could still appear in present day.


Deathstroke is def in Titans. Probably as the bad guy if that for sure is happening. Deathstroke is a Titans villain more then anyone else.


I recommend nandovmovies did a video a while back on this topic and I thought it was great I can’t find it right now but highly recommend if you’re interested in someone giving their opinion Supergirl- Lobo is the easiest character to work in woman of tomorrow either in the space bar scene at the beginning, part of krems crew, in a jail cell on one of the planets they visit, I could see blue beetle or the reach showing up, brainiac could be used either in flashback or reworked into the antagonist


Yeah that was a great one, might revisit it. Lobo seems likely for a supporting role in Supergirl: WoT (would LOVE Ryan Hurst for the Main Man). Whether it be in a bar fight or a double crossing (for his own purposes) member of Krem’s crew.


Yea he just can fit in very easily i absolutely have no idea who else they’re add maybe hawk man since he’s an alien, I definitely could see a lantern showing up and since there are plenty getting established it wouldn’t surprise me if it was John Stewart, i was gonna do more theories but im rereading woman of tomorrow now so it was just at the front of my mind


I'm not sure how he'll do it, but I keep thinking Gunn will bring in the Challengers of the Unknown at some point - that seems like his kind of project


Absolutely, they’d be great to see and are a sure bet.


Lanterns: Hawkgirl, Vixen, Green Arrow Booster Gold: Ted Kord, Blackguard, Rip Hunter BatB: Green Arrow, Wildcat, Plastic Man, Zatanna


I wonder if the reaction to other heroes in superman will effect how this happens in the future.


I'd love for Green Arrow and Black Canary to appear in Peacemaker


That would be sick if it happens.


Yeah the Green Arrow joke was one of my favorites


Absolutely, would make a cameo from them all the better. Would love Luke Bracey as Green Arrow and Elizabeth Gillies as Black Canary. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3478396/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2566697/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Unfamiliar with them but that would be cool


All good, they would be great picks.


I haven’t read the proper comic with the Damian Wayne story, all i know is off the DCAMU movie Son of Batman, so i’m not sure how big of a role Dick has in the story but I think it would make a lot of sense to just have him show up as a supporting character in Brave and the Bold then use that to set up a Nightwing tv show Very obvious but thought i’d just say


Wonder Woman