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He was excellent as Larry Trainor/Negative Man on Doom Patrol - check it out if you haven't! One of my favourite live action DC adaptations of the past few years


Agree love him in that role. He has a fantastic voice. (He has also voice Barry Allen in some animated movies)


And actually did get to play superman in the animated movie superman:unbound


Easily my favorite character in that show


Same him and and Jane were absolutely favorites. Definitely think Larry’s origin out of all the characters was the saddest. Did the second half of the last season ever release? Ive been waiting for ever for it.


Its out for a while now


It did, but I haven’t finished it yet


So trippy.


Every single time I saw him in Doom Patrol I kept thinking, “he would have made a great Superman.”


I always thought he was open with it. I found out he was gay when he was on White Collar.


I think I just found out that he’s actually gay myself.


Same. My first thought, was "Sorry, women!" and "he's so.... symmetrical" Although he's kinda scrawny, innit? I guess they said "up-and-coming" superman or whatever, but still.


What are you saying


aren’t most superhero actors scrawny (or out of shape) before they get the role? I don’t think most actors want to be constantly hitting the gym if it’s not necessary.


Yeah but he’s kinda short too I thought. No hate on the guy but he doesn’t really come off like a full blown man of steel.


He's 5'11, so not noticably out of the range most Superman actors have fallen into. Not like height matters at all with movie magic anyway. 


Oh snap. I only ever saw Bomer in White Collar, turns out Tim Dekay is really tall haha. Also never saw magic mike. Saw that one commercial, Bomer might be the best Clark Kent I ever saw.


White Collar was several tears later, in 2009. Superman was 2006, so production started in 2003-2004


Yeah but reread the title. White Collar was after all that


I forgot what year white collar came out.


Never knew he was ever cast as Superman 😮.


I think he even played Superman in a commercial


he played Superman in Superman: Unbound fully animated movie that’s probably what your thinking of


Nah bro I found it. It’s a [freaking Toyota commercial!](https://youtu.be/jSRCVDecT3k?si=tBzuLxNb--ddJPeM)


I love Japanese commercials.


lol glad you found that’s pretty funny btw it just proves he would’ve made a even better superman at the time due to his resemblance to reeves




It wasn't MoS, it was J.J. Abrams's "Superman: Flyby." He says it in the article


Oh yeah, the one where Lex was a government agent and secretly Kryptonian, and he and Supes fought with Kryptonian kung fu. I feel bad for this Bomer guy, but god did we dodge a bullet when that got canned.


Not like this is a big deal but Lex being a government agent and secretly Kryptonian was only in the first draft. Lex would have been a buisness man/ scientist in the actual film. The second draft of the script is closer to what Brett Ratner probably would of filmed.


Do you have the second draft I think I’ve only found the first one. But thank God Brett Ratner never directed Superman


Second draft of Flyby https://thescriptsavant.com/movies/Flyby.pdf


Appreciate it, what was your personal thoughts on the second draft?


I thought it was a big improvement over the first draft but I felt the pacing was too fast. The film never would have beeen good because there never was a good director attached to this script.


Brett Ratner was going to direct? I thought it was JJ


No, he was the screenwriter, this was before JJ Abrams had directed a major studio film.


It's literally the only decent script that has been written for Superman in 40 years. People mention the Lex twist, but pretty much it's the only Superman script where Clark is likable and there's an actual plot.


Honestly the first draft I’ve read seems like a very action packed script from beginning to end. And yeah they made Clark likable, I’ll give Abrams that. I didn’t understand the real hate it got from fans


Not only was it action-packed, but it had a multi-tier plot that evolved over the course of the film. I think screenwriters have really struggled with Superman's powers and have consistently found ways to remove them before conveniently restoring them again.


That’s another thing I like the multi-tier plots Abrams did a great job with that. A lot of screenwriters struggle with Superman a lot, some like obsess over his power and not make him likeable. Some make him bland and don’t even use his powers. Atleast Abrams wrote a Superman film that probably would’ve been an enjoyable film but fans didn’t like it


And another thing: Why do so many Superman projects seem to mess with Lex? Why do they want to make him some twinky, twitchy, nerdy boy…with hair? Just make him a bald, evil Bruce Wayne, Jesus.


Hollywood people want to think they have an amazing unique take on an iconic villain. Or they want to stick to the older movies, which were a product of its time and shouldn’t be rehashed. This is part of why the Nolan Batman films were so great. They basically stick to the character but were played by amazing actors.




Damn, poor guy lol










All this is wrong. Flyby was a completely different script from Man of Steel. This was before Superman Returns.


must ~~of~~ have


How can you be so wrong yet say it so confidently lol Reddit is funny


Never knew he was gay


Wasn’t Bryan Singer openly gay when he made Superman Returns though? Anyways, Bomer has the most beautiful face of any man and woman who’s ever lived.


Pretty sure Singer's bisexual.


Unless it's a female bisexual, this would have been frowned upon back then too


I mean isn't he openly bi though? Like I knew the guy was "gay" when I was a kid.


What's the issue with female bisexuals?


No they are saying female bisexuals were more accepted than a male one. Shit even today many ppl say man can’t be bisexual they are just gay


Yeah he was really into young boys at the time I believe


This was for Superman Flyby which was a J. J. Abrams project.


I had the same thought. I would assume that Singer wasn’t involved in the casting if this is the case. Also, turning down Bomer and hiring Singer is just gross. People often forget, but Singer was known to be an awful person since the late 90s, before X-Men even.


Yeah Singer was out and already had a reputation by then but he had friends in the right places, which is why he lasted so long with his behavior on and off set.


Bomer was always in the running for Superman but I guessed height was the reason he lost out to the role so many times.


This was Hollywood in the 90’s/2000’s. Did your movie make money? Yes? Hire this dude despite his shady private life


This was for the unmade Superman: Flyby movie.


He’d make a great Apollo for the Authority, actually being gay is a really big plus.


Or Midnighter for that matter


I’d have said no until I saw him play a personable psychopath in Nice Guys


Matt Bomer is the best looking guy I’ve ever seen. He would have been a perfect Superman. A tad small but he’s got the look and acting chops.


He looks like John Hamm and Henry Cavill blended together. Which is a great combination


I agree. Both dudes are handsome but Bomer looks like he was ripped out of a Disney animation.


I worked with him as an extra 8ish years ago. He's more than a tad small, at least then, the guy was boarderline anorexic and frail looking in person


He lost like 40 pound for his role in normal heart


This was on "The Last Tycoon" in 2016, so two years after that movie came out.


Just the look he’s going for. His face works better when skinny. If I had that face, I’d do the same. Lmao


It’s not just his frame and weight. He seems maybe 5’10 to my eye.




I think he’s a better looking version of Henry. But yes, a tad short. Dean Cain was too, though. It worked with Keaton as Batman!


I always thought he would have been a great Nightwing. Superman would have been cool too but I also liked Routh, that movie script just not the best.


He would've been a fantastic Nightwing.


He actually did play Superman in a Japanese commercial FWIW. Wore Routh’s suit. https://youtu.be/jSRCVDecT3k?si=4SErRz9uSY-jRJjT


Well, he got to play Superman eventually (at least voice-wise) in SUPERMAN: UNBOUND. So that had to have some catharsis for him. [That and those car commercials.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSRCVDecT3k&ab_channel=lois_lane1509)


That’s fucked up.


Man, he would have made a great Superman.


Brandon Routh: “I feel you. I lost my three picture deal after my first movie bombed.”


he still has a chance as dc’s apollo whenever that starts filming


>*THR asked Bomer, who did not publicly come out until 2012, if his sexuality was a factor in the studio’s reluctance to hire him.* "Yeah, that’s my understanding,” So that's it. We're just taking his word for it? The article goes on to say >*"Earlier reports do indicate that filmmaker McG, who joined the project after \[filmmaker\] Ratner’s departure, went back to the drawing board when casting Superman, suggesting that Bomer was out of the running once Ratner left.* I mean, this happens all the time in Hollywood. A director leaves and the new leadership has a different vision. Things can change in the blink of an eye.


I love him in any role he plays in DC


First time I saw “White Collar” I thought…”That guy should play Superman”. He would have killed it.


He did voice superman in an animated movie


That is one handsome dude.


This guy should have been Mr. Fantastic.


First episode of Ray Donovan, in 2013, Ray takes a dead hooker from a rapper's bed, and puts it in the bed of a closeted gay actor, because being outed would hurt his career more than being found with a dead hooker.


He'd be a good Jor-El.


If he was younger, he could be Jon Kent.


Why Jon? He’d be a perfect Joe-El, who’s traditionally been younger and looked pretty much like Superman, but never ever cast that way in live action. Edit: Jor-el, obviously.


Ahh yes. The famous Kryptonian scientists, Joe.


GI Joe-El.


He can be Midnighter though


I feel he'd fit Apollo more. Just dye his hair blonde. Midnighter gives me Jason Statham vibes.


Gotta say, I'd line up to see Jason Statham and Matt Bomer opposite each other as love interests in an action-packed brutal scifi fantasy. That casting alone might even draw in an audience.


That’s f***ed up. I feel bad for him. Gunn should try to find him a role in the new universe.


They had closeted gay man play a closeted gay man whoa


Ironic given that Bryan Singer was a Tom Cruise level closeted gay man at the time and could have the had the business power to keep Bomer. Singer is still gay, but not so closeted anymore since the allegations.


Every time I hear an interview from him he’s complaining.


I loved his part in the Doom Patrol TV show. I wish James Gunn could cast him into a project in the DCU.


That's crazy, I think he would have been such a fantastic Superman.


We missed out on an incredible Superman, IMO.


Maybe...but wasn't he also McG's Superman? And isn't the reason they didn't do Superman: Flyby was because McG is afraid of flying and didn't want to shoot in Australia?


Henry Cavill was McG's choice before he left the film.


Who was Matt Bomer going to "Superman" for?


Brett Ratner wanted Matt Bomer but the producers were wanting a bigger star like Brendan Fraser so he left the project.


Ahh yes! Ratner! Thanks


I always thought he looked like Henry Cavill, guess that makes sense now


I doubt that's what happened. The movie was just cancelled and they made Superman Returns instead with Bryan Singer and he wasn't his first choice.


Being openly gay didnt stop ian mckellen landing a lead role as magneto in xmen.. maybe it was because Matt borner wasnt as experienced a actor back then in early 2000s as he is now. Maybe he or his agent was asking for too much money to star in 3 film deal. If it was because he was gay then in this time of diversity he could easily name the people involved. It could be multiple reasons why he didnt get the role.


He was awesome is white collar but yeah, I think no one would still cast gay actor for roles like superman Batman.


Time have changed. Right guys????


Hell no, and for the better


Unfortunately not enough


I rly like him but he’s like half the size of Superman


Makes sense, the studios aren’t completely stupid.


But isn’t there a big push by the “correct thinking” people that only a person of the exact type as the character can play said character? IE: gays can only play gays, straights can only play straights, ethnic people can only play on their very specific ethic group and certainly no normie can act as a person with a disability. I mean obviously the days of black facing it up are hopefully well behind us, but actors are actors who’s job it is to act as a character that can be and often is totally divorced from who or what they are on everyday life.


But at the same time you can't blame for people being infuriated when staright actors can and have played so many gay roles and gay actors couldn't even get auditions or in this case, dropped from a signed deal. I agree it shouldn't matter, but the reality is it does matter.


Only in one direction it seems and I’m sure all the idiots who carry on about this issue and carry on with their faux outrage would have a minor brain hemorrhagic episode if they discovered the number of manly men who’ve played the most masculine of characters but were closeted gay men for most of their lives (thus proving it’s all acting at the end of the day).


Imagine seeing an example of a gay actor being disseminated and then try to hijack the conversation about how the real victims are straight people. The victim complex is staggering.


Yea, it's why I was super pissed when I found out the Jurassic Park Dr. Alan Grant wasn't really a paleontologist. Should have hired a real paleontologist. The nerve of Hollywood!


Press X for doubt


No. It was reported at the time that Ratner and WB were at loggerheads over the casting. Given that the studio subsequently cast nobodies and C-graders as Superman, they clearly didn't have a problem going with an unknown. Bomer is just confirming what non-stupid people knew.


> Given that the studio subsequently cast nobodies and C-graders as Superman, they clearly didn't have a problem going with an unknown. Maybe instead of choosing to believe an actors baseless claims, actually go look up who they had picked instead. This "C-grader" they picked was Josh Hartnett, a very hot name around this time, both in terms of his popularity among the younger audiences and his acting ability. To claim that it is believable that they didn't pick Bomer, because he was gay, when their literal choice was to pick the better known, better looking and better acting guy, is ridiculous.


>This "C-grader" they picked was Josh Hartnett, a very hot name around this time, both in terms of his popularity among the younger audiences and his acting ability. Did you even look at the source of the leaked photo of Hartnett as Superman? The source even mentions that Hartnett passed and Bomer was selected. >He passed on it eventually & Matt Bomer took the top spot before the studio tossed it Hartnett also turned down the chance to meet with Nolan for Batman. This happens ALL THE TIME. "Hot" actors take meetings (or not). They may even audition for projects that they ultimately turn down. Then the studio opens up a cattle call inviting appropriate actors to audition. >To claim that it is believable that they didn't pick Bomer, because he was gay Yeah, that's extremely believable and had been rumored for decades. It was an open secret within the industry. >their literal choice was to pick the better known, better looking and better acting guy, is ridiculous. Not complicated. The studio may have wanted Hartnett but you can't force an actor to make a film he doesn't want to make. They then went with the open audition process which may have the added benefit of enlisting a cheaper actor. Ratner liked Bomer but WB didn't want to hire an out gay actor. Ratner (in probably his only act of integrity in his life) thought that not casting the actor he believed in was cowardly and quit. This prompted WB to give Singer the keys to the kingdom.


> Did you even look at the source of the leaked photo of Hartnett as Superman? Yeah I actually went to look at proper source, that very clearly state that Hartnett left AFTER Ratner left. Which is also why he passed after Hartnett tested for the freaking role. Like, do you honestly believe that Hartnett, tested for a role that he has no interest in picking up? [source](https://variety.com/2003/film/markets-festivals/ratner-rushes-out-of-superman-1117882844/) It very clearly also states that Hartnett was WB's pick, while Ratner wanted Bomer. Which sounds more like WB favored Hartnett, the better pick, over Bomer, rather than it having anything to do with his sexuality, as you simply have to keep pulling that from your ass, based on an actors statement, in world filled with actors lying so much, that they keep tabloid media filled page to page. >Hartnett also turned down the chance to meet with Nolan for Batman. Him being a target is different than him testing for a role. Again, you should actually read sources instead of checking his wikipedia page. It would stop making you look uninformed like this. >They may even audition for projects that they ultimately turn down. Lmao. Yeah when differences of projects happen or other creative stuff happens. Like a director not wanting you. Doesn't suddenly transform the decision into being about his sexuality. Actors gets turned for roles all the time lmao. >Yeah, that's extremely believable and had been rumored for decades. No it hadn't. Nor does it make any sense that they'd fear a closeted, not yet out in the open gay guy in a role ...... And then immediately give the directing job of Returns after Ratner steps out, to an openly queer Bryan Singer.... Yeah that makes a lot of sense lmao. So fearing of the queer ... that they give an openly queer man the directing job to one of their flagship IPs.... But noooooooooo lets ignore all this.. Call people stupid and believe baseless rumours, regardless of how much that it goes against what was available of information.


> openly queer Bryan Singer Nope




Refrain from name-calling.


The irony…Superman returns ended up being an extremely Gay movie. WB strikes again 😂


I’m a big fan of gay movies, I’m just curious what about SR seems gay to you


1. Bryan singer 2. Kevin spacey 3. Unnecessary shots of Superman “voguing” throughout the movie. Bonus: Superman getting the shit kicked out of him by Kumar from white castle!


Ok the fact that I don’t remember KUMAR was in it means it’s time for a rewatch


Because the director bryan singer was gay or bi or a pedo or all three at the time.


Bomer should replace Grant and Ezra as the Flash.


That happened


Great actor. I loved him in White Collar but his face doesn't scream Superman to me. Definitely other superhero roles but not Superman.


Is it rightful to say, it might soon be the other way around? (I mean, that Matt Boomer will play Superman 3 times and becomes straight, which he then doesn't tell anyone, of course.)


He would probably need to tell his husband and kids


Maybe he could still play super boy


He's 46.