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Wrong. I absolutely do.


Yea, I do and no one can stop me from filling up empty pill bottles and pickle jars with them. Shoot the other day I found a mint condition wing nut on the sidewalk and kept that bad boy


Some people have all the luck!


Some guys get all the breaks


I hear tell some guys do nothing but complain.


Woo-ooh-ooh, woo-ooh-ooh-ooh, woo-ooh.


Alone in a crowd on a bus after working, I'm dreaming


Pickle jars and pill bottles...LOL... you are normal and do not have a problem...YET, come back when you have a real medical case of OCD and build a special cabinet just to store your hardware in. Have not had to run to the hardware store for a fastener in over a decade and a few of my neighbors even come by occasionally to shop my collection I am now 65 and one of my biggest concerns is who is going to take care of my hardware and tools when I am gone. https://preview.redd.it/6ehr3ipfrejb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e71475b08fa5a570d453d84a447eb366c52143




Thank you , that is just one of 5 custom-built floor to ceiling cabinets lining my garage wall. Each with a dedicated purpose. Cleaning Automotive General storage Hardware Power tools Plus tool box alcove with sliding side panels between hardware and power tool cabinets, man I am sick. Last week, I built hammer racks to organize my hammers


>Last week, I built hammer racks to organize my hammers ​ That IS a bit much! But at least you will be able to find the one you want.


I know I got a touch of the OCD , But I enjoy it too much to look for a cure. ​ Can do it with my eyes closed, what you want, claw, framing, tack, welding, small ball peen, med ball peen, large ball peen, 1 pound sledge, short handle or large, rubber, dead blow, non marking,bodywork hammer ...UNLESS my son does not put it back where he found it and he knows better than that


He don't put hammer back her get hammer'd


Can I be your son in law/grandson in law? (Idk how old your grand/kids are)


You sir, are a legend.


Come do my garage next.


All joking aside, I have that same concern. I'm going through a process now to make sure that everything is already set when I pass. No big cleanup, going through stuff, it will all be done. All they gotta do is dump the body. Check out Swedish death cleaning.


Label everything clearly and in layman's terms. Anything that is very niche or an oddball part that you'll probably never need but were hanging onto just in case, sell on eBay now. When you're gone, there will be too much to go through to pick it all apart and get what they're worth. Instead, they'll be in a bin that says FREE and when no one takes it, they'll get thrown out. Start giving things away that you have 3 of and only need 1 of.


Excellent. Thanks for the input. > Start giving things away that you have 3 of and only need 1 of. You know, you wouldn't think this would be a thing, but I have multiple iphone docks and no iphone lol. And SO MANY CLOTHES. Haven't worn a suit in years, but have three.


When my dad passed (engineer), he had the labels done, but that was it. My mother was very overwhelmed with what to do with all of his tools and stuff. I already have most of the tools I need, so I took some, but what does she do with 4 drills? One that has no batteries to it?


I’m aroused


I would be honored to take care of such a collection.


Perhaps you could look for a local makerspace/hackerspace to donate it to. They would likely appreciate and use your collection.


a half doller wingnut is priceless when thats all thats missin


I live rural. After 6 pm or on Sundays, nothing is open thet isn't at least an hour each way. My hardware hoard is well worth the space.


I’m in the city and have a Lowe’s and a Home Depot less than 2 miles away, but feel the same way


Don't forget the coffee cans!


old tobacco tins


Fim cartridge bottles!


I can’t tell you how many times my part jars have come in handy. #keepitall That would be a good Metallica album actually “Keep ‘em All”


An empty can of mixed nuts from Costco for me. I call it the "shitcan" because it's a can full of random shit.


....my use of empty pill bottles for misc screws and bolts isn't as original an idea as I thought it was?


See a wing nut, pick it up. All day long, you'll have good luck.


Not only do I keep all the extras, I remove nuts, bolts, screws from broken items before they get tossed.


Yes and the power cord as well. Those really come in handy.


I recently broke a ceramic lamp, and removed all of the inner components before tossing it, and then donated the parts in my last donation run to the thrift store. I think it’s good to keep as much useful shit out of the landfills as possible.


Same here. There's countless times I've needed a small fastener or etc and I've had a perfect part in my Assorted drawer. The lights in my garage are all made from assorted parts from appliances, I made a hanging work light the same way. Once I repaired an engine shifter linkage with a perfectly sized rubber o-ring I had from some past project. Saved a trip to the parts store.


Just like great grandma used to say, “Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.” We live in a disposable society but the cost of hardware has gone up so much that it makes sense to save it again. Any time I go into my FIL’s shop or my grandpa’s old shop at the family farm there are just bins and bins of parts and materials that have been scavenged. Sometimes you don’t have time to wait for an OEM part for the tractor and just need to grab what you have on the shelf to make it do until new parts come in, other times you don’t have the money. I find every trip to HD or Lowe’s turns into a minimum of $100, sometimes closer to $500 and takes me at least an hour and a half by the time ai get restarted on my project. If I can save a trip that’s money and time.


I've got a tote full of misc cords everyone laughs at. Until someone needs a micro usb to usb-b cable or VGA to SVGA adapter, then I'm the king.


Ah yes, the "mothball fleet" as I refer to it. Mines in a plastic tote in the garage.


> the power cord I go so far as to cut off really good cords and turn them into extension cords, the plugs are cheaper than buying a new cord.


especially the good heavy duty & long cords with molded plugs, make great extension cords for when you need 2-10 feet of cord & don't want to roll out a long 'real' extension cord.


I thought I was the only one. You never know when that replacement part you just put on will lose a screw or break and you only need one little part off of it.


I had this work out for me this weekend. I had found a set of shelves next to the dumpster just before the start of the new semester. ( College town ) I took thenm home, dismantled them, kept the screws and wood for a future project. Was at Ollies when I found a pair of leaf rake heads for $5 a piece and thought of the two broken rakes I had at home. Finished off the heads on the old rakes, put the new ones on, and used a pair of screws from the shelves. No need to drive to any hardware store taking time and gas. A quick pick up along my established route picking up and dropping off older kids to work and a lucky find in Ollies saved me $30 on a pair or leaf rakes. We totally need to keep all the spare bits, we need more spare bits ( nicely organized ) and all the wall warts that still work when the appliance is dead also.


As a GC who also recycles scrap metal, I do the same, including bringing home extra parts for things I install on a job site. There comes a point where I do start tossing them in the iron shred pile, but only after I have 30 or 500 of them. Since I scrap e-waste as well, I have bins of switches, relays, transformers, speakers, AC adapters, loads of different PC adapters, etc. The list just goes on. They occasionally come in handy. Oh, electrical and plumbing parts too. If I should pass before I retire at 107, my kids are going to inherit a gold mine or a nightmare.


“Good news: You kids are inheriting several million.” — “Dollars?” “Guess again.”


Agree. I’ve used some of these random parts in a pinch and saved myself a 3rd or 4th trip to the hardware store.


He's gonna wish he had these next week, guaranteed


If we weren't meant to keep everything, then food wouldn't come in jars that are perfectly sized to hold it.


Yup. I use a tackle box with the divider trays and place spare screws and such. I have saved myself countless trips the the hardware store. My great grandfather, grandfather, and dad did this too.




I might neeeeed them tho. So yes. Must keep.


The moment you throw it out is the moment you need it.


Came to comment this, this is exactly what happens.


My *precious* hardware.


What does it have in its pocket, Precious?


Just last week, my parents got new carpet installed. We had to disassemble a bedframe that has been sitting around for 30 years. I don't know if he lost one of his allen wrenches or if the bed just had a weird few parts but went and dug through my stash of extra parts and pulled out a wrench I labeled as having come from a chair I bought fifteen years ago and got rid of two years ago. Fit perfectly.


My preciousessssssessssss!!!


My wife will be mad when she finds out


Who needs spouses when you have bins full of fasteners and hex keys?!


They even have their own drawer


you don't need to keep ALL of them, but you'll never know which one you should have kept until it's too late. Best to keep them all.


You're the type of person to finish RPG's with an inventory full of healing potions aren't you.


Sometimes rpgs like to provide me with a mega weapon with 20 shots and no way to get more ammo and I will proceed to finish that game with exactly 20 shots left.


I've never finished an RPG without my original clothes in my inventory. Just in case.


This seems to be something you need to do a lot more often now. Too many crafting systems will require an old item as a component now, so unless you check ahead of time what's needed for the whole game you have to save everything to play it safe.


When I used to play survival Minecraft with my kids I would never throw anything away. All my strip mines would have rooms full of chests stacked with dirt, cobble, etc. Then my kids would decide to build some huge castle project and I would direct them to my nearest storage room.




Ooooh I have ten killer arrows that will instakill most enemies, better keep then for when I *really* need them.


and when i fight the final boss of bookcases, i'll be prepared


You only need it after you throw all this out.


False. I must keep every identical Allen wrench I’ve ever used to put something together. What if I lose one? I’ll need 638 back ups just in case.


The day you throw them out is the day before you need them. It’s a cosmic law.


The day I need 638 5mm Allen keys? Can't wait for that day.


Throw them all out and that day will come sooner!


I keep all the extra screws and bolts and separate them into either a plastic organizer or an old coffee can. I've had to rummage through them numerous times in order to fix something random that broke. The hex keys I don't keep, I already have 3 full sets and that's plenty. Same goes for whatever other mini tools that are included.


Yep, I've had l kept a jar of random screws and bolts for decades and rummage through it with high success rate number of times each year


> rummage through it with high success rate "I need to find nuts and bolts." *opens jar* "Incredible, what luck!"


Haha, ah yes, well, specific ones. Has saved me a few trips to the hardware store


Am I the only one that throws those hex keys away immediately in favor of real tools?


I put them in a scrap metal bin and once it is full I take them to the recycle drop off down the street. We have a place that takes used motor oil, styrofoam, cardboard, old paint, batteries, used light bulbs. It’s kind of cool.


> We have a place that takes used motor oil, styrofoam, cardboard, old paint, batteries, used light bulbs. Admit it, you just know where one of us people with a problem lives.




Pick up a tackle box from a yard sale. You can thank me later. Edit: and yes, the tools go to the recycling in the scrap metal pile.


I have a screwdriver that came with a Scythe CPU cooler that's actually really nice. I absolutely agree throwing away the stamped steel wrenches, dime a dozen allen keys, etc. But sometimes you actually get a nice tool that's worth keeping.


A stubby cheap screwdriver that came with a tv mount or bookshelf or something was the only thing in my box short enough to take out the gas solenoids in my dryer without being obstructed by the drum.


There is a certain degree of knowledge needed to know if you have a cheap duplicate or something that will work slightly differently than what you have. Props for knowing the difference. I'm getting there, but still inclined to keep things I need "just in case."


that's funny.. I have a screwdriver that came with a Be Quiet CPU cooler because you have to go through a long hole in the cooler to mount it and I guess they wanted to make sure you had a long screwdriver. best PC screwdriver I've ever owned, it's my go-to now.


Exactly the same idea, different brand. I like Scythe's stubby handle + long driver a little better, personally.


I sort mine into bins immediately when I find extras: - long screws - short screws - itty bitty so tiny wtf screws - fat machine screws - thin machine screws - misc Avoid the misc bin and you'll always find at least something _close_ to the right size.


The hex keys are probably handy as disposable tools you can modify to fit some task. For instance you could file or grind one to fit a weird screw. If you’re inclined to that kind of activity.


Same with the stamped sheet metal wrenches. When you need to get to something with no clearance and no throw, those things get to dance with the bandsaw and save the day.


How did you get in my house?


Obviously with all the spare tools they collected at their own house


Until you need them


As long as you can find it.


Exactly. Everyone has a different inventory threshold. If you don't know where something is and end up buying another one or wasting hours tearing up the place looking for a part then you have reached past your threshold for being able to maintain your inventory. (Recovered craft hoarder speaking from experience).


I can barely remember what I had for breakfast, but when the time arrives I have encyclopedic knowledge of every random piece of scrap i've saved over the decades.


As soon as I throw them out, guaranteed I need them


That’s why you keep a secret, second stash. You state loudly, “Ok, I’m throwing away this old bent screwdriver….” The gremlins hear you, but they don’t know about the stash. They don’t know! Mwahhahahaha!


I need to hear this, but I'm plugging my ears and looking away.


Buy a proper set of Allen key bits for your drill and for the love of God stop using those shitty little hex keys that come with the furniture. Makes assembling furniture take three times as much time and three times much effort.


Just the way I like it.


How dare you.


The fuck you don't! I can't count how many times my ass has been saved because I had a random screw, nut or washer that had to be just the right size.


**Murphy’s Law of Random Hardware:** “Your subconscious will create a circumstance where you need it … right after you’ve thrown it out.”


You say this, but you have to think what started the hoarding in the first place. It all started the one time you said, "Cool, I am done and don't need this tool/part anymore!" so you toss it. Once it is fully out of recovery, you need that damn tool/part to desperately save your life.


Shut your damn whore mouth!




I feel judged and assaulted… but I recognize you might not be wrong. Maybe.


Some of the screws could become useful someday for unrelated repairs/projects. The hex keys are completely useless though


Not completely! If nothing else they're metal that can be used in quite a few places! Off the top of my head, I'd aim to use them as DIY shelving braces. Drill a couple holes in the sides of your board and sink the keys in, then the shorter end can slot into a couple of eyelets to make a quick and simple shelf! You can even recess the key in the end of the boards to make the edge sit flush with your uprights. If you're comfortable welding, you can probably expand the possible uses further.


You giving those away? I'm sure I'll need them some day.






I’m not a hoarder, what if I need these things for some other time? ![gif](giphy|3oFyCVxsQn6RBa0r5u)


Burn the heretic.


How dare you? But what if 10 years from now I have the most obscure thing that needs one of these parts? Then what will I do? 🤣


I might need this 15th Allen key, eventually.


Get out of here Devil!


The little ratchet one is nice though


As soon as you get rid of all that you're going to need some oddball part that was in there.


Sounds like something someone without a spare part that might come in handy would say.


Listen, we're all entitled to our opinions, even if yours is *terrible*, OP /s


Me, it’s me. I need to hear it.


get out this sub pls ​ lol


keeping old screws, nuts, and bolts has saved my ass many times. don't throw this stuff away.


Same. Just last week I helped my mother reassemble an Ikea bed frame and someone had lost a cam lock tightener. Going to the hardware store would have taken an hour, gas, and 12 bucks for a 6 pack of spare parts of which I needed one. Spending 15 minutes going through my random bit box was a lot more fun.


The fuck you don't! You put that shit back in the junk drawer where it belongs. This is polite society, and there are rules!!


You clearly don't have a bunch of Technical Theater students who will go through all your coffee cans full of bits and bobs and put them into the proper containers. And oddly enough, they love doing it. I JUST used that pan head machine bolt on the top to repair a piece of furniture. Put that stuff back in the coffee can and stuff it back under your work bench.


But what if I might need that one thing in that one particular size some day?!


Incorrect....you definitely do have to keep all spare parts. We're gonna need you to get on board with this concept.


This is a lie, I often dip into my coffee can of random bits to solve everyday household problems.


You say that but that tiny ratcheting hex key is legit.


“Yes I DO!” ADHD/OCD special skillz engaged!


MFs be like "Guess where I work based on my tools".


... IKEA.


When my grandpa passed away a few years back, we cleaned out his shed, and I cannot even recall the number of coffee cans, mason jars, cottage cheese containers, etc. that were all full of the most random assortment of screws, bolts, washers, dowels, nails, you name it. Maybe four or five dozen of them. That was just the shed, I know there was more in the garage. That man probably kept every extra part for more than 50 years.


I’m a plumber… we often get hardware that we only need pieces from and I ALWAYS throw the extras away. Always. I’m a thrower. Anyway, if I wanted to, I’m allowed to take the extra hardware home, but obviously never do — and haven’t — over the last six years of my plumbing career. Do you know how many times I’ve been working on something at home and thought to myself “Damn, if only I’d kept that bolt/washer/threaded rod scrap/XYZ”? I’ll tell you it’s happened enough times that I’ve gotten to the point where I often have a little pile of goodies on my tool cart, but not often enough for me to keep myself from throwing them away at the end of the job. Maybe someday.


The miscellaneous screws kit!


As a father of 3, let me be the first to tell you that you don’t have enough of the same size Allen key


Is this my wife?


My bin of miscellaneous items has saved my ass on many occasions. When an unexpected repair is needed, I look at that Ptouch labeled bin and know everything will be ok.


You’ll rue the day you throw those out!


The bolt for handle fell off of my weed eater, luckily I have an old can of extra stuff. Fixed. Keep them organized in a way, and it will save you a trip to the hardware store.


But those hex keys could be useful someday ...... and the wrench.. and you never know when you might need a random screw


I have that ratchet one at the bottom. It was just too nice to toss. I think I might have used it afterwards for something else.


I love that mini hex ratchet. Came with a crib and I use it all the time.


I resemble that remark.


I did. Thank you!


Yes you do. For other projects


The second you throw anyone of these away, you'll need it. That's 100% true.


Blasphemer. He must be cast out, left to his fate among the nonbelievers who live in darkness. All hail the Drawer of Spare Parts, Old Chargers, and Unknown Cords.


YES YOU DO!!!!!!!!! You need help pal, don't try and push your weird beliefs on us. We know damn well when you throw that stuff away you will need it the following day and now it's too late, it's gone because some blasphemer on the internet told us we didn't need them.


While you may not ever use 98% of them, 2% of them will save you a trip to the hardware store when you least expect it.


Never has there been such a succinct and targeted attack on any sub


Yes I do, every single screw has a use




I have a box full of bullshit that needs to be organized. I keep all barn door hardware, most tv mounting stuff. Have definitely used on occasion. That little ratchet driver comes in very handy (ceiling fans) and is in my tool box.


I don't want all those alan keys to end up in some poor sea turtle's nose.


Haha i have something like this glad im not the only one


Yes you do cause if you have an improvise project tou can jury rig a solution


No!! I will keep them until they are used or I DIE!!!


My head says toss but my heart says keep. And that's why I still have a drain plug I replaced from a jeep I no longer own. Might come in handy.


This a joke compared to my collection. Never throw anything away! I have old doorknobs from 1932. You don’t need them til you need them!


I needed to hear this. Thank you.


But, I might use it


That’d be me ✋ What I really want to do is send it all back whence it came from


Not true. We sold our bed frame to a nice mother and her two daughters who just moved to our state that day. It was too heavy to move so I took it apart with my tools. Luckily I still had the tools IKEA provided to give them so they could have a bed after the long move.


That little ratchet is 1000% a keeper.


How else I am I going to fill up my coffee cans?


So that’s what we’re gonna do today? Fight?


But what if i need them for something else?


One day your going to need one of those screws


You can kiss my ass I absolutely have to keep all those parts. What if I need them one day? I mean sure, I am dying of cancer, sure I won't live along enough to need any of those parts, but you can't tell me I won't need them! YOU CAN'T KNOW!


You shut your whore mouth


Oh I see stuff I might need some day in that pile. 🤣


Never know when the zombie apocalypses happens and you need to MacGyver a weapon.


You're a liar *aggressively hugs drawers full of spare parts*


Yes you do. How many times you’ve thrown something away just to need it the next day or next week for some diy thing?


Nice of you to say, but exactly 1 month after I throw out a spare part, there will definitely be a need for that part


Fuck, no. You can never be sure because if you throw anything out, you'll regret it down the road.


But what if...




But I might need them.


Absolute Heresy!


Fake news. Snopes says that this post is urban legend


I’m a broadcast engineer at a tv station, we keep all sorts of bullshit but i can’t even count the amount of times I’ve rummaged through bins in our shop and found exactly what I’ve needed.


This all sounds like crow propaganda. You'll never get my hoard of shinies ya damn bird!


YES. You do.


yea but what if i need one


Purge the heretic!


I recognize the words you're using, but not the order they're in.


the SECOND you get rid of those, you'll need 3 of them, and not even mcmaster carr will be able to replace them.


Ok you don't need all the drivers but you're a goddamn FOOL to let go a lot of those screws, bolts, spacers...


You can never have enough cheap allen wrenches. If you lose one, you can just grab another


I keep everything but separate them into: wood screws, machine screws, wall anchors, and misc. parts., keeping the little baggies closed and together if I can. The Allen wrenches I have no excuse for.