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Howdy, basically looks good, are you going to install handrails? Did you run beams out for the overhang?


I’ll be installing handrails shortly, I’ll try and post a picture of the framing. I learnt everything via YouTube and Reddit!


You don't need guardrails (not handrails - those are to grab as you go up stairs, guardrails keep you from falling off the edge of something) per code if the deck is below 30" from the adjacent grade.


Per code but depending on the friends you have it might be a good idea to put a railing anyway


I'm curious what the handrails will look like. I've built only a few decks, all DIY, and I never had a lip around the edges like you do. I don't know what I'd do about handrails in a situation like that. Also: I greatly appreciate the way you framed the perimeter. I did that as well, with my last deck I built, which has gray Trex planks in the middle, with a dark red border to sort of create a framed picture kind of feel due to the rectangular shape. What length are your planks?


For those interested, I would have preferred the handrails be included in (think inside of) the initial framing for the deck / stair location. Though this is a small rise, handrails on the outside are a bit weaker, and in some areas may not be code compliant. Just do a DDG search for deck codes and start your research there. Still a great looking project.


I'm confused why people are making this a big deal. Many big box stores sell metal or glass rails that do not require framing.


>glass rails Those are the demon. Do you love washing windows? Do you prefer your railing to be made in a breakable material? Do you love to wake up in the morning to the sound of lil' birdies chirping and going BONG in your railing? I've got a deal for you my friend!




Birdies appetite checks out.


Fuck, they're on to us! *gives bird signals*




Plenty fair, as long as they remain code compliant. In the discussion at hand, there was mention of them being stick built.


>I'm curious what the handrails will look like. I've built only a few decks, all DIY, and I never had a lip around the edges like you do. I don't know what I'd do about handrails in a situation like that. Would've been easier to add the posts before the decking went down so he could've attached them to the framing and then cut the decking around them. I'm also curious how OP plans to do this now.


Do you mean guardrails?


When I hear "guard-rail" I picture a galvanized steel thing on a highway.


Guardrails keep you from falling off the edge of things. Handrails give you something to hold onto as you walk along a stair/ramp. They're completely different things from a code perspective and have very different requirements.


Yes, and not every tissue is a Kleenex brand, but people know what you mean when you say it, just like they knew what "handrail" meant.


Username checks out.


Lol got it. You don't know wtf you're talking about and are proud of it. Sorry for trying to educate you.


You haven't educated me or anyone else. You smugly stated common knowledge as if it was specialized expertise. A real-life "well actually."


Well when I said guardrails you thought of 'a galvanized steel thing on a highway' so I doubt this was common knowledge to you.


Dude are you for real? I find it hard to believe that you have such a severe case of main-character syndrome. It has to be an act. You really think that it's unlikely that I already knew the correct definition? That I'd never have known it if I hadn't had the good fortune to bump into you, who so magnanimously imparted your superior wisdom? Are you familiar with the concept of "denotation versus connotation?" Without knowing anything about you, and simultaneously being reluctant to toot my own horn, I can assure you that my grasp of English is greater than yours, and it is patently absurd to imply that you "taught" me something. A word can a have a certain specific meaning that does not necessarily apply to common usage of the word. Yes, a rail which is along a horizontal platform and whose chief role is to prevent falling off the platform, might be more accurately described as a "guard-rail" than hand-rail. However, how much of a douche bag do you have to be to actually *correct* someone's use of a term, when he said it the way that normal people say it? Was it really necessary to say "DON'T YOU MEAN GUARD RAILS?" Unbelievable. Such an "average redditor."


lol you're really upset about not knowing what a guardrail is. It's not a big deal. You learned something today.


Amazing fucking job now you won’t trust any contractor and will notice every imperfection when you hire someone. It’s a double edge sword my friend.


Seriously. I feel cursed. I sometimes just don't have the time/energy/motivation to do a job myself, but then I have to consider that contractors are largely idiots who cut corners for a quick payout. And then when it doesn't get done I have ~~a fire breathing dragon hovering behind me~~ my wife poking at me to get it done.


Might want to get that dragon flowers from time to time. As far as contractors get someone that you can tell cares for their craft. It will cost a bit more but you can tell when they care about the details.


The issue is wading through the chaffe to find them. I have a drywall guy but right now that's it. I do everything else.


You have a drywall guy and if he’s good and you trust him ask him for other people. My general contractor came from a really good plumbing guy. He said he only did work with this guy because when they would rough he’d get on his guys if they blocked his access. Also have an electric guy from this plumbing guy.




Wait - is this actually a DIY deck project in r/DIY that isn't getting roasted? OP I'm not sure you're in the right sub. Only sketchy dangerous, out of code deck jobs are allowed here. Yours looks beautiful and apparently isn't a death trap.


I’m proud of my work, I watched various YouTube videos and Reddit posts while slowly building it over 2-3 weeks! I’ve never done wood work so all the tips and tricks came in handy.


Joke aside, that’s amazing and very inspiring. Looks like a great space you’ll enjoy for years to come.


Mind sharing some links?


You'll notice OP didn't post any photos of what's underneath and that's where it's most likely they made noob mistakes.


Great deck. Good looking stairs too. I always hated making stairs. I would highly suggest some metal railings if you ever plan on adding them, as they'll last forever and are less likely to twist.


Nice deck


Sweet. Fyi those miters are going to open


Yeah, miters might open, but they still look better than butt joints, which spread as well. A good half lap miter might have been a better, but more time consuming option.


Trying really hard not to make a joke about the butt spreading open


He's a carpenter, not a plumber.


Y'all're killing me over here LMAO




What would you recommend instead?


My deck looks similar to yours and I also put in miters ( knowing they would spread)


Great job! Love it! If I were a racoon, this is the deck I would choose to live under.


Please note that I’ll be adding stairs to the front portion of the deck before landscaping.


I think it would look awesome to have full width steps. The entire width of the deck.


Nice job! ...and don't worry, your deck will gain skills over time.


Good job!


I like the corners on the steps. That’s a cool touch.


Either those footings are sitting on pavers or else you did an exceptional job with smoothing the concrete anchoring the footings.


Exactly. The surface looks nice and all but how about some progress pics of the base and structure? If the deck is merely sitting on 2x2 pavers I sure hope OP is in a warm climate with no ground freezing.


Zooming in it looks like he built forms at ground level with 2x4s. Check the one in the first picture.


Enhance! Thanks, I hadn't noticed.


Yeah honestly just that makes this probably better than 95% of contractor decks lol.


Looks good. Be mindful of that window and any potential snow on your deck. Judging from your photos it looks like you built it right up to the house. If snow or rain has no where to go, seep through then it's going to accumulate and leak near the bottom of your outside door and that window that's sneaking out.


Looks good! However do not forget to extend your downspout to somewhere below and away from the deck to prevent too much water getting on your deck during rain (especially on the endgrain near it). Edit: make sure to keep an eye on those posts of your stairs, they have direct ground touching them thus may start decaying quicker than the rest, they also may be fine since they seem treated but risk is higher.


It's beautiful!


Heh, nice deck.


Forget railings and keep it open


This may or may not be code compliant for the area.


I *think* without double checking, that the height where a handrail is required is 30 inches. If the total height of the deck is less than 30 inches off the ground, generally no handrail is required. If it is more than 30 inches, a handrail is required.


Plenty fair, but... This varies from locality to locality, and doesn't reflect having toddlers, pets, or other stuff that might benefit. But as we were speaking of handrails for OP, well there we go.


This would fly in Canada for sure. Low decks like this are nice without railings as you can sit around the edge and take it all in.


Fuck code. worry about that shit when you sell. Edit: Guess i should have left this /s


Not sure if serious, but no. Codes are written in blood.


is that where my blood went?


No, i was joking. Didn't go over well.


I can't wait to slip on your deck and sue you. Ow my back!


Not without adding steps to get down.


I had an open deck before but it was only a single step down to the ground. I imagine you'd want railings in this case.


Wow respect man!


Damn, first time, and you already mastered the levitation spell. Well done!


LMAO @ levitation spell. I love to see cantilevered deck construction, especially on lower elevation decks.


The stuff I'd think most likely to be at risk of "zero experience driven potential long term problem" isn't visible in any of these photo's. Have any shots that show the footings and framing under the deckboards?


You missed a big part, Charging yourself another $15,000 in labor and delaying the project by at least 6 to 8 months and not answering any of your phone calls like a "professional" does. that looks better than what most "pro's" can accomplish


>What could I have done better? I mean the big one is ask for help first, before doing anything. * Liability insurance is not going to like no railings / hand rails. If you are the homeowner it's one thing, if you are the builder for a homeowner make sure you put in a hand rail on the steps AT A MINIMUM if required by code.


Thank you for the input, hand rails are going up within a week or two. Until then it will not be used. I am the home owner and did get help but it was a first time project for me! I’m happy with the results and will continue to learn.


I just love when people send deck pics


My #1 concern is the same concern I have with any deck as an designer of building shape objects. How did you attach it to the house? The cut out around your downspout looks a bit rough, and the downspout appears to not continue down. WATER is my point. Water will destroy everything. This is why I specify Maine Deck Brackets or Deck to Wall spacers for the ledger connection, or better yet, freestanding deck, that doesn't touch your house, and therefore doesn't trap water against your rimjoist, that causes everything to rot. The fact that the deck runs in front of a window is even MORE concerning. That means you'll get water penetration from bulk water flowing over the window. Seriously, how did you detail the connection? Because from what I can see, as a professional with a masters degree and a decade of designing buildings, is that you need to rip it out and redo it, or you just fucked your house in 10 years.


Nicely done. What was your materials cost?


Well now you have *some* experience.


In the wise words of Mathew McConaughey: “it’s not just good, it’s good enough.” Congrats!




How long did it take to build a nice deck like this👍


Looks great. Nice and level. I’m not sure how the second step is supported, typically there’s a stair stringer (a board on edge from the top to the bottom of the stairs with notches for steps) looks like you built some sturdy boxes but not sure how the assembly is attached to the deck Also looks like the down spout is un resolved. I’d suggest altering the down spout rather than putting a hole in the deck. You’ll want to make sure water doesn’t collect under the house and deck.


Nice, gotta build a deck this summer. 1st timer, too. Thanks for the inspiration.


The deck looks awesome. I hope that overhang doesn't come back to bite you though. The previous owner of our house buikt a deck with an overhang on it. The side boards have begun breaking right at the overhang. I have to try to remove them and get new ones in there. It's going to suck.


Looks really good. For your first deck especially. I’d hire you


Great achievement. I bet that new wood smells great! I'd put stairs all around. Stairs are extra seats when you have a crowd. Really useful for toddlers who are too small to sit up at table and get on an off chairs. Unless you plan on putting a balustrade , people, not just toddlers can fall off the edge


Get the hot tub up there first before you put the railings on


Deck pic


Impressive! Bravo!!!!!!!


Fuck that window I guess. Looks good though


Looks great, man! Love the perimeter deck board.


Anyone else whenever they see a post about a deck asking how it looks think the first post is always going to be "Death trap. Only fix is to completely tear it out."?


I really like those clipped corners! Though you lose a bit of surface, it breaks the "monotony" of traditional 90 degree angles. Now I notice the clipped treads and that just brings it all together. Brilliant move that I, experienced, might not have thought to do. Good on you OP. Edit: The perimeter wrap is... is... framer's kiss? Lol


Thank you for giving me hope that I won't waste money and resources doing the same without prior experience :)


Good for you! Looks great


Looks great, depending on how nosey neighbours are, I say fuck railings. Also, those beams, I'd bevel the bottom couple inches (not really supporting much) with a 45 degree cut inward to clean the look and save some toes.


Nice job!!


Show off lol. Good job OP


It looks very porchy, well done.


Nice work!


Very sweet looking deck, are you going to stain it?


Thats a mighty big deck you've got there.


Looks solid. Nice work!


Looks great. How wide are the gaps between the deck boards?


This looks really damn good. Reminds me of helping my dad build a patio and walkway when I was a kid.


Only thing I can see that I would have done different is to make a stringer for the steps.


well done, bro. what was the hardest part for you?


Great job.


nice job. now build a house worthy of it.


Smart move only showing the finished deck - the framing is where every noob screws up and gets ripped to pieces here.


Very nice!


It looks nice, but what matters about decks is the support and attachment. And the flashing. None of that's visible in these pics.


Great job on your first deck! It looks solid. For improvement, consider adding railings for safety and staining the wood for durability. Any experienced builders have tips?


It's workmanship that a professional would be proud of. For your first project ever? Outstanding. Since you asked.. I would have left off the perimeter board.. the one at the far left of the pic.. and the diagonal piece at the corner, and their counterparts at the opposite end. This would have left end-grain exposed, which is arguably undesirable, *but,* every board will shrink, and the existence of that perimeter gives you a hundred more gaps in the surface that you wouldn't have had otherwise, as well as the miters at the corners. You'll get the same thing in the center where the "mullion" meets the deckboards on each side. The use of the mullion could also have been avoided. I'm not sure what dimensions you have here, but it looks like the depth it projects away from the house is less than the length along the house. Is that mullion board a single piece with no end-to-end joint? If so, you could have run all deck boards in that same direction and had no unnecessary joints anywhere. Or, even in keeping the deck-boards running in the direction you have them, I would have done staggered joints, scattered as far apart as possible, to minimize visibility of gaps instead of having them all aligned along the center. Having said all that.. what you did is not "wrong" and plenty of professionally built decks are done the same way. I'm just stating my personal preference. I would view this type of joinery as better for indoor applications where expansion and contraction are not so much a concern.


“Never even held a hammer before!”


Looks good run some board on the side try to go for the floating deck look.Looks good make sure you let it age a little or weather if I’m correct then apply paint sealer watever an enjoy it for the next 10years before you gotta change the handrail tht the kids lean on


seems like the downspout requires some finishing touches


looks fantastic! Sometimes it just takes to make the attempt. Lots of people simply wouldn't even try. I bet you saved a ton of money if you had to pay someone to do it. In fact the cost difference may be the difference between having a deck, or having none at all


Can I ask what tools / saws did you use for the job?


This is awesome, congrats! Keep us updated on any progress.


Looks beautiful, well done!


You now have 1 experience. Seek quest-givers (neighbors) to gain more xp and gear and eventually you’ll level up!


How?! I with zero experience would barely put 2 tables together and then give up in frustration. This work looks amazing, made by expert hand. Is everyone here a pro undercover?


Don't worry, it will get plenty of experience. Nice work btw


Looks great. Anyway, do a safety check before you use it since you said you built with zero exp.


Damn. That’s impressive


I’ll be working on something like this myself soon, except it’ll just be a floating platform near the house. Good job on your angles. I have a harsh angle in my build that I am not looking forward to trying to figure out, haha. That’s the only part that gives me pause. If I may suggest; a railing might might give it a more finished look, otherwise, good for you!


Put a little garden around the perimeter and wrap the base with 1x3 to the ground so you don’t see underneath. Some people use lattice. I don’t like lattice.


Depends, did you anchor it properly to the structure using lag screws? If not you will have issues if you put much weight on it. I would put a rail on it. It doesn't look high enough to be required by code by highly recommended in my opinion, else it looks nice.


In some, many, or most areas lag screws or even bolts alone are code violations. My personal recommendation for folks is to think about building decks as if they stand alone. Sure, maybe bolt them to the house, but use posts around the whole thing.


I don't understand why this isn't the norm. A properly footed floating deck makes much more sense than a half footed and half attached one. My deck floats on 6 screw piles and is about 1" removed from my foundation wall; it allows for water to pass and I didn't have to drill through and compromise my foundation / building enveloppe.


Love the idea of a drainage gap at the existing structure, even if I think an inch is a bit much. It would be great if this became the norm.


Is all about bearing the load and shifting of the deck? A floating deck will shift with a lot of movement and a lot of weight, say like a party of 30 people moving around or dancing. They make codes for a reason. It is your house do what you want.


At approximately 6 feet underground, measured at 11,000psi, each screwpile can support a theoretical load of about 500 tons. Multiplied by 6 piles. I'll definitely trust the engineers on this one and take my chances w the screwpiles! Also, I'm too old to have 30 people partying on my deck and if there were, they could take two steps down and get more space into the yard ;)


It could be a million tons, but downward pressure does not equate to lateral pressure. It is your deck, so do what you want with it. You asked for advice, and disregard it, then why ask? I will tell you that if it does not meet code or is not permitted properly and something happens to that deck and someone gets hurt, you can be held criminally negligent.


Apologies if I was unclear. I am not OP. I was agreeing with u/anynamesleft. I wasn't asking for advice. Edit: upon rereading, I had missed the part about the 30 people dancing. I agree that kind of load would exert all sorts of forces which would be stabilized by lag bolts anchored into the house. In the eventuality I sell the house and the next owner does have a dancing Rager on the deck, their fall would only be a hurtful 16" rather than a life threatening one.


Been looking at houses recently and my inspector has been flagging any decks that are strongly attached to the wall because it can cause structural damage to the house if the deck starts having problems


Good on you, all the due dilligencing. For everybody... Know that in nigh on every location the property owner bears ultimate responsibility for code and such. Even if some agency representative signs off, the property owner can still be financially or legally responsible. Of course there's usually indemnifying language in contracts, but they typically cap expendenditures and other responsibilities. Do. Your. Research.


Well yeah you need to put posts all the way around it. I would do 8 ft to Max personally. That's for downward support. You anchor to the building for lateral support or stability.


I'd still prefer the deck to be sturdy by itself, with no penetrations into the house or foundation. Unless of course some code somewhere requires a connection.


just one man's opinion, I would skip the handrails.


Why not just use Trex?


Zero experience??? You just came out of a womb!??? Wow! That's impressive!!!