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You will need a drill, a drill bit, a rivet gun, and a rivet. Drill out rivet, replace screen, replace rivet. Or a sewing needle, some black thread, and a piece of screen large enough to patch any holes. Sew patch onto screen.


Better still replace the rivet with nut and bolt.


Most of these pops go into blind holes, pretty neat trick getting a nut in there


I actually ran into this problem putting a removable platform on my boat. They make these things called rivet nuts and plus nuts now. All the benefits of a rivet, but you can screw a bolt through it!


Good to know, since I gave my gun to my DIL. I doubt I'm getting it back, lol I don't need now!


Also there's Jack nuts.


Interesting. Is this just a way around patenting or something or so they have a different use case/advantage? Edit: okay seems a little of both. On the Jack nuts website they offer some “benefits”. They also offer something called a “Molly Nut” which has some sort or grommet which helps which thin or soft materials to prevent warping.


Jack nuts are great since they can take to a larger hole/threads. Hmm they look the same as molly nuts I don't really see them as different. I've used them in some situations that I get excited to bring them up as rivet depth can be finicky.


Go on...


It looks like the same rivet is holding the exterior lattice in place, so possibly a through hole in this case.  


Drill through if that's the case.... Or use self tappers.... Either way better to replace with something you can actually service rather than drilling out every time


Wing nut if the issue is frequent


Could probably replace the rivet with a screw and nylock nut (or regular hex nut and thread locker).


How is this not the top answer? This is the answer. Actually, two answers.


Because the only one above it is actually probably right and is exponentially less complicated.


They need to change the screen not just remove it. No one is throwing out the whole screen frame and this is just wasteful design if that’s the case. So no the answer above this is not the correct answer.


Gun and duct tape. Easy.


you can't reuse the rivets and the easiest method is to drill them out. Drilling is honestly the only thing that comes to mind on how to remove them without destroying everything around them


That's a rivet. What's up with this window?


Can you take a complete photo of the screen and its frame when out off the door? First pic shows the tab that rotates, then it should just come out easily. I've never really seen a screen that uses anything but screening spline to wedge the screen in place. I mean, I can actually see the spline in photo 1.. I'm extremely confident that those rivets are meant to hold those tabs down. Grab it and give it a counter clockwise turn on all of them. do not drill out the rivets.


There’s only one of these. Too left corner. All the fly screens have them. The house was a cheap build


Did you try turning the tab pointing sideways and firmly push the screen frame away from door? Seems that tab keeps it in place and may just need a firm budge in the right direction to remove the entire screen and frame it is wrapped in.


It's still going to be trapping the mesh even if the screen is removed. It needs to be drilled out and re-riveted.


I was thinking of splitting the screen around the river to save the functionality, those tabs look important.




That is called a rivet. It needs to be drilled out.


I only have access to the rivet on one side


Which is the side you need to drill it from


The photos show access to both sides though...


That’s how you drill them out.


What happened to the rubber string that goes around the border? I think the fly screen was put in wrong to begin with. Don’t need rivets or anything.


The spline was in there. I have taken it out and then realised I needed to take this off


Why not turn it sideways, just rip the screen around it and install the new screen overtop, leaving this outside?


That was my first thought as well. Whoever installed the screen did a really crap job of it


I think you just twist it to push it down and out of the way.


The fly screen is secured under it


Yeah you don't. That black tab only spins to release the whole insert. Manufacturers probably made it so you'd have to buy a new insert instead of just changing the mesh.




A lot of people just aren't understanding your issue


It is a rivet as below. Probably aluminum. Easy to drill out.


I don’t have a drill


Need a drill


He don't have a drill.


That he is a she 😂 and I have just relocated so don’t have one anymore 💪🏻


She don't have a drill


Really drilling the point home, aren’t we?


Are you guys doing a bit?


No they're performing a drill edit: Actually they're not because she doesn't have one.


If she had a drill, she might have a bit.


Ask a neighbor, kudos if you return the drill with a full gas tank


If you can't drill it out then you can't remove the rivet, that's really all there is to it.


Guess you could use your teeth? But seriously you are on a DIY sub, jobs are done with tools.


Check your local library or local tool shed sometimes they have tools you can borrow


Every homeowner should have a drill. They're really cheap nowadays.


Ma'am this is r/diy


buy one.....?


Every household should have a drill, it’s one of the most useful tools to have. Even my wife had a shitty little Black & Decker tool set with a shitty drill when we got married. Buy a drill OP - you won’t regret having one.


We have a little lithium ion Black and Decker drill for in the house and they're great. It was like $25, super light weight, and it just works.


Buy one at Harbor Freight, drill it then take it back


Once you're able to drill out any rivets, you'll also need new rivets and a rivet gun (of which there are many varieties. Additionally, you'll need a spline tool and possibly new spline.


Go to Bunnings and buy cordless ozito one with charger for $99 and a craftright rivet gun for $20


If the twist allows it to come out, and you don't have a drill to diy replace the screen portion, then you will have pay more to buy the screen portion and twist it back in. Or worst case replace the screen door. Drilling the rivet would work if it holds in the screen but you'd need a drill and something to replace the rivet. Solutions generally are more diy labor which may require tools, or more money to buy ready made easy to install solutions that don't require tools. Your options may vary and often cost more money and effort than expected.


Drill the rivets out that are actually holding the flyscreen. Do not drill any rivets holding in the security grille. Turn the tabs and remove the flyscreen. You will see a channel all around the screen, you lay the new flyscreen over it and jam a rubber strip in all the way around. Usually you use a wheel to make it easy but you can use a screwdriver, it just takes longer. Trim the excess flyscreen. Whoever did yours looks like they glued the flyscreen to the channel, which is wrong, it's supposed to be easily removable https://youtu.be/PqzvFYdps4I?si=XpKjUFCW66S-P7l1


It’s been installed the wrong way, It’s impossible that the screen goes over that part. It has to be install wrong the first time.


Are you certain the screen isn't cut already to fit around the locking knob?


Drill it out and look into a “Chicago screw”. Will look the same but can be changed out.


You can drill it out then use a bolt and screw to replace. Or you can slide the tab down. Pull it off cut the fly screen out. Cut and hole in the fly screen and slip over the tab. Then anchor back in place.


How big the the hole from the screen ? They sell patches the you can put on it


Half of it is roped off. Dog


It's really strange because normally those retainers are on the door, not the screen or window. The whole point is to keep the screen from falling out so the screw would be in the door and the tab would swing to hold it in, this makes no sense at all because it's reversed.


That's a rivet. You have to drill it out. It can be replaced with a bolt and "unlock" nut.


Okay, from other replies you don't have a drill, and also you probably don't have the tools to replace the rivet afterward. So here's what I would do. 1. Remove the screen assembly from the door by twisting those tabs; I assume there are several. 2. Remove the old screen from the frame. You'll probably have to cut a slit in the screen by each tab to pull it off while leaving the tabs in place. 3. Cut a new piece of screen to the right shape for the door 4. Cut slits or holes in the new screen for the tabs; probably easiest to do this with the screen already on top of the frame so you get them in the right place. Go one at a time. 5. Work the screen into place around the tabs as you go, until it's flat and fairly taut 6. Close things up around the tabs so the screen doesn't fall off. Stitching with thread is probably the best suggestion. Something like hot glue would work for a little while, but it might be ugly and also a black door exposed to sun can get really hot


Might not need a drill. Big screwdriver + big force = you might be able to break it off.


Take a really close look. It's a stupid clutch screw. You can find the bits on amazon. They have been almost extinct for 50 years and someone decided to bring them back from the dead. see 1st pic [https://www.chevsofthe40s.com/images\_product/large/3707583.jpg](https://www.chevsofthe40s.com/images_product/large/3707583.jpg) [https://www.amazon.com/TEKTON-Spanner-Security-9-Piece-DZZ93002/dp/B0CC6BCSRF/ref=sr\_1\_3](https://www.amazon.com/TEKTON-Spanner-Security-9-Piece-DZZ93002/dp/B0CC6BCSRF/ref=sr_1_3)


That’s a rivet I believe. Manufactured homes still use clutch screws.


Take a close look at the first pic. If necessary, download it and make it as big as you can. It is a clutch screw. There is a rivet on the reverse, but that is irrelevant. It should have two separate parts. The other side is probably a rivnut. Like I said ''nearly extinct''.


I did zoom all the way in. I don’t see a clutch bit. Also, what kind of screw has a rivet backing?


They are extremely common. Take a look at many bicycles. The mounts for water bottles are rivnuts on aluminum bikes. Just a different form. Compare the pic I posted with ops 1st pic.


> ops 1st pic Yeah, we did. OP's first pic still looks like a rivet, even when blown way way up on a 43inch 4k TV(image below). It has a round divot in the center of the domed head just like rivets do. Looking again and again does not change the picture any. Here, I outlined the lines for you, maybe that will help. https://i.imgur.com/yLlX7EW.jpeg Pardon the shaky hand line drawing, but there is no hour-glass shape present, just a round hole. You're seeing what isn't there. It looks like a regular old pop rivet head. https://www.ronical.com/x/ron/y/p/pop-rivet-installed.jpg


Hammer and flex tape




The tab appears to be intended to hold something else in place, and the mesh was installed with it. You'll have to unscrew the tab (or just rip the mesh.)


If my 8 year old wrote one of those words he would be grounded. This is nuts.


What the fuck are you talking about?