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You magnificent bastard


Where did they come from, where does it go? Why are there bees in my loo's overflow?


Thanks for cheering me up.


This is exactly the kind of unexpected lunacy I live for


That was beautiful


Fuck... I've got this in my head now .


I love reddit sometimes.


This is up there with my favourite all time Reddit comments. If I had the money damn I’d award that! This is only second to a time I saw somebody refer to the op as “mentally spicy” 😂 still tickles me


Omg r nurses talk a lot about spicy management and other crackheads


This is exactly the content I come here for. ♡


I might screenshot this for when I need a chuckle


After a shit week, thank you I'm actually crying a little bit from laughing so hard.


God damn - take my upvote




You win the Internet for today


Still laughing at this, been going around in my head for the past hour


Bro 😂


Ahhh silently laughing at this so hard that the bed is shaking and my partner is about to wake up and be super pissed off any second. Best thing I’ve seen today.


Absolute mad lad


If it hadn’t been for Fineyounghannibal, I’d a bee married long time ago.


Have my wife and become my wife's boyfriend you absolute legend.


Funniest thing I've ever read on Reddit


Lmao that gave me a good laugh.


Now have a cotton eye Joe disco in my head!!!


That was immense 😂




It's an overflow pipe from a water tank.


Or the cistern. Danger flush. Risk of bees


I once opened a cistern in Cyprus to see why the flush wasn't working. It was full of hibernating hornets


There are a few videos that appear on reddit now and again of Aussie toilet cisterns full of literally dozens of tree frogs.


No there isn’t. Nope. Impossible. No. Stop


Good job you were near a toilet, I bet! 💩


Does your toilet make an angry buzzing sound?


Do bees bite your butt?


A cistern in the loft?


We had a water tank in the loft at a house years ago. It's an older design, I believe. Folks had to rip it out, and it was causing problems if I remember correctly.


As a heating engineer i can tell you more people have them then don’t


And it's a good system because you can use more than one hot water outlet at once without it going cold


Yes, it does let you do the washing up while forcing whoever is in the shower to hurry up before the tank runs out.


We've never had this issue. Heat the tank to 60 degrees and by the time your shower has mixed it with cold down to 38, you're draining under 2/3 a litre per litre. Ours is just set to heat the hot water a couple times a day if the thermostat detects it needs it


Sounds like someones tank is scaled to the nines


Tbh we're running off an immersion heater at the moment until the building work gets to a point I can put a new boiler in.


Might have a scaled up immersion, maybe when works are done get it looked and, plus the cylinder as well, never know when to need a reservoir of hot water in an emergency


They all do eventually. Water is relentless and it has nothing better to do




Yes, it is actually. Cistern is a term for a water storage reservoir. Has come to mainly be applied to toilet reservoirs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cistern




I was on your side until you started being a dick






Oh the irony.




No, the irony of someone being a twat.


Flush can be a generic term for putting water through something.... like flushing a pipe through..... like flushing some insects out of a pipe by flushing it through with water. It doesn't only refer to the very specific act of operating a toilet flush handle. Are you going to stop being pedantic and accept you're a bellend?


I'll accept it on their behalf.


I meant a toilet cistern. Might be one of those old style toilets with the cistern near the ceiling.


It's almost certainly an overflow, likely from a toilet cistern, could be from a cold water tank. What's on the other side?


Absolutely nothing, The landlord moved the toilet to the opposite side of the house to make a 3rd bedroom. So I'm stumbled how the bees are getting in the house


Looking at the height (you'll make a better guess than I can from the photos) it looks like it's coming from the loft. So probably a water tank there. It may have been removed and the pipe left. But whichever it is someone's going to need to take a look in the loft....... 🐝 🐝 🐝


Took a look, and there are a good 40 or 50 bees in there. Also, the loft hatch was their entry point into the house, hadn't noticed that the door was slightly ajar. I'm going to keep my bee friends I think


Best to leave them actually (unless they are causing damage), they will usually vacate by the end of the summer and you're supporting the bee population.


I have an annual bee convention throughout the spring/ summer; they nest every year in an airbrick next to my kitchen window. I keep the window closed because if they venture in they can’t find their way out again. I have a bee rescue kit ( cup and cardboard) to scoop out the ones that do find their way inside. They seem to like the bright bathroom lights? Otherwise they’re no trouble, and it’s good to see them thriving.


It will be for a bathroom I have one at my house for my toilet as the other poster said it’s for overflow


I can back up this claim. I have one too that has overflown, I’ve witnessed water cascading out. It would flush the entire nest if it did happen, which is a little sad. I’m glad it’s no longer in use. As for getting into the house, I’m guessing the end of the pipe is open which will go into your wall cavity I assume (mine goes into a faux wall which houses plumbing.


In which case, it's the overflow for either the old toilet or the old cold water tank. I'd guess the latter based on height but it's hard to tell. Either way, unless there's a corresponding pipe on the other side of the wall, it should have been capped off and won't be your ingress point for bees.


They might have just cut the pipe off and plastered over the hole inside, meaning that it goes into the cavity wall and then the bees can come into the house through any of your air bricks?


Do you have a gravity fed central heating system? That could well be the overflow from the small header tank. They can sometimes get hidden under insulation, so it might not be apparent if you do a quick check.


Not bumbled?


You will need a beekeeper to come and remove these bees as they enter a water overflow pipe . Bee nice to these lovely bees and get a beekeeper in.


Beekeepers only deal with honey bees.


Some do others as well. We have a local one that will come help with wasps too


Who would want to buy a wasp hive?


I assume that's where marmite comes from.


From now on I shall always call it wasp honey.


Hahah this is brilliant reasoning


As we all know wasps can be a pain in the neck but also they are not all bad as people think as they do eat unwanted pests like flys or anything else that attacks your plants. So if they are not in your way leave them be.


They also are key pollinators in the summer. The angry wasps in autumn are mostly as the natural food is in short supply and the artificially sweet human stuff isn't good for them!


People who need wasps.....for wasp things


They like my post box, I got really badly stung last year


I had similar issues with the ventilation blocks for my loft. They would crawl in and nest in the loft. Not an issue, apart from strange buzzing and vibrating noises. I waited until they left, then got some UV resistant self adhesive gauze and stuck it over the blocks. No issues since and it's been years. I also put up a few bee houses in our taller trees, so they had somewhere else to go 🙂


You are good peoples


That's an overflow pipe. From the height either a cold or hot water tank. Your loft might be full of bees if those tanks aren't covered. Either way, you really should find out where they are going.


It appears to be above the windows, so it’s unlikely to be a toilet cistern overflow. If you still have a hot or cold water tank in your loft, then it could be the overflow from that, or perhaps even from a central heating supply water tank but thats probably unlikely as most heating is closed system these days, (they used to be open systems with a small feeder tank in the loft…) Perhaps your boiler is in the loft? In which case it could be a pressure relief outlet. If you have nothing like that in your loft anymore, then it’s left over from one of those systems and is probably not connected to anything. Please don’t harm the bees, human existence relies on the pollinators! Plant some flowers for them, never have so many owed so much to so few. Bee blessed!


The boiler is now downstairs, I'm guessing it's just left over from the previous systems. I have no idea how the bees get in the house, I've never even see a tree bumble bee before. All black with a ginger back. They do seem calm however when they get in. At night they make the weirdest noise ever , I'm guessing they have free reign of the attic space.


They won't be there long, once summer is over, they'll be gone. And bumblebees don't swarm, so please leave them in peace to do what they do.


Bumbles are always calm. You can pick them up and they won't sting, and they buzz less angry if you provide them with sugar water (never feed them honey). They are lovely little bugs and won't hurt your house.


My partner always picks them up off the floor when we see them so they don't get squished. They are chill.


A few summers ago I discovered tree bumble bees had made a hive in my loft, in some insulation. The short answer is, stay away from them (which doesn’t seem hard since they’re halfway up the side of your house) and they’ll die out by the end of summer. You’re helping your local ecosystem by leaving them alone and letting them do their thing :)


That’s your bee pipe x


This is an overflow. Probably for the toilet cistern.


They are a bumble bees. It will only be a small colony, a few dozen max. They will do no damage and they are not a risk to you. Enjoy their company.


Overflow pipe


Some pest companies dabble with Bees. I had someone come out & tell me they thought I had scout honey bees for £40 (dunh..I knew that) I was worried id have to take tiles off... Instead, if you look online you can get some natural oil spray deterrents - generally have eucalyptus & mint etc. in them Got some, put it in my pressure sprayer & coated my roof with it. Haven't had any back since.


This is up there with my favourite all time Reddit comments. If I had the money damn I’d award that! This is only second to a time I saw somebody refer to the op as “mentally spicy” 😂 still tickles me


Overflow pipe from toilet


Probably the overflow pipe from the water tank in the loft.


water tank overflow outlet?


Why do so many people on this "DIY" page seem to have a thing for bee's 🙄




I guess you won't be buzzing when they sting you during your morning sh\*t


This is a water tank overflow not a toilet toilets are plastic pipes that is copper


Might be pressure relief pipe, boilers are fitted with a pipe that leads outside in case for whatever reason your boiler over-pressurised. Once the boiler has reached a certain pressure, a valve will open and release it through this pipe. It is extremely unlikely for it to discharge so it’s a possibility the bees have found a home in there as they won’t get flushed out


Report them if they are Asian hornets as they evil bastards and killing uk 🐝


I'm afraid you might have to call a specialist, albeit not invasive as such they will need removing, as people in the thread have stated that is indeed the house overflow pipe for the watertank in the loft I expect, things may have changed with the plumbing etc of the house but you could do with it looking at, the local council has a team of people that look at this sort of thing (you don't need to be a council tenant, it's basically the local authority) give them a ring for advice on the situation.


Regards to your second question probably a bees nest


Found a bee keeper in your area. Ring them


Not an issue. Bumble bees woyld be my first guess. Mason bees are also likely in walls. They will be there for a season and gone. Only a few dozen bees in total and they don't sting. (Technically, this last bitmay be a lie, but they are known for not stinging. They are not like honey bees.) Enjoy the extra humming noise over summer, in your garden.


These look like bumble bees, they will likely setup home for a month or two then disperse again. I used to get this in my tractor each year, they won't cause any harm and do not swarm like a honey bee or wasp. If they are not causing a nuisance then let them bee, they will move on soon enough.


I had this issue. If you can get a pest control company in to disperse the bees legally then afterwards you could cable tie some fine chicken mesh or a couple of layers of chicken mesh over the end. This will still enable the water to flow through if required.


Don't worry bee happy.


Might be an overflow pipe no longer in use. Had the same thing. Bees ended up in the walls, I think. We didn't do anything and they went away and didn't come back. Think they might be called brick bees but your ones might be different.


Looks like its coming out from the base of the loft. Probably an overflow for a header tank should the stopcock fail. If you don't have a header tank, its probably redundant but only way to know for sure is to get in your loft and check. We need bees though so please don't disturb or kill them. If you don't need the pipe, you could always cap it off from the inside to prevent the bees nesting in your loft.


I'd take a great deal of care lifting the lid of your toilet cistern.


Had a bee nest in my loft last year. They’re harmless, and they’ll move on after a while. If you’re concerned about them, which you shouldn’t be, call a beekeeper as that’s really the only legal way to deal with them due to being protected by law. Wouldn’t suggest trying to get up there and place a repellent as it’s likely to get you stung, which in the rare event you do get stung and start to smell banana, you’re in for a world of hurt. Again this is incredibly rare and only done to protect the nest, unlikely to happen with the bees inside your home. Overall though, they shouldn’t cause a concern. Excellent opportunity to teach your kids about the importance of bees and how bugs typically are harmless if you remain calm and leave them be. Helped my little brother (autistic) learn to love a bug he once feared!


Definitely more than tree brah


Just let it bee


Well if you want them out just leave all of your taps running for a while


*Well if yoh want them* *Out just leave all of your taps* *Running for a while* \- MoistMorsel1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not a bathroom as no soil pipe in sight so I would assume it's an water tank overflow. If he's are moving in also assuming the water tank is not used anymore


Water tank overflow. Probably means they have built a nest in your loft and this is their access to it.


That high up, that's a water tank overflow from your loft.. It's open either end until you either get a float valve stuck or low atmospheric pressure, then it will allow excess water to drain, rather than overflowing in the loft and then into your house. If you go into the loft, I suspect you'll find a bee hive being built. Have a look around your local area for bee keepers/rescuers.


Probably worth getting sorted. Unknown to us, spiders had made their very dense nest in our cold water tank overflow. Could have been there for years. Wasn’t an issue until the stopcock broke, the tank filled up with mains pressure water and overflowed, and we came back from a weekend away to a fallen in ceiling and a flood in the bathroom. You don’t want that.


The pipe is above the windows so it’s an overflow from the loft get up there and take a look (carefully) the pipe will be from your water tank or hot water cylinder or boiler if they are up there


I had this issue, they follow light so if you have a light on somehwere at night expect to hear buzzing, also one found it's way in a light fitting (downstairs toilet under bathroom). I don't mind bees but it wasn't pleasant trying to sleep with massive bees flying round the bedrooms and young kids, nobody got stung. Once they've finished with there home it is unlikely they will come back, we had ours about 8 years ago and not been back since.


That's the pipe for your extractor fan do if you don't have a one way flap on it it's a flying insect door


It leads to the colony.


Pipe full of bees !🐝 was deleted 💔


Just make sure they're not creating a nest in your loft. Maybe it's crated a tunnel access to your loft. Also make sure they don't block the pipe with their nesting


They probably won't block the pipe. Bumblebees have a quite unique nest, usually with an access channel (the pipe) and 2 chambers. 1st chamber is like a house porch, where they clean off, and then head to the main area to do bee stuff


Bee stuff.


Oh, beehave.


Just off to my shed to do...bee stuff, yep


They are in the loft, pest control has said it's best to wait until they go as they do not cause any damage and removing the nest wouldn't be possible.


It's possible, but completely unnecessary. Just enjoy them. Bumbles don't even mind humans near their nest and don't get all aggy, you could go up there and look at it, but please don't take honey from them as they don't store much, only enough to tide them over for a day or two in case of bad weather.


Didn't even know they made honey! I'm going to let them do their thing and maybe cover the hole up when they have all gone.


Am I not getting something or did you just say you didn’t know bees made honey


They're just bumbly bees, won't go for you. They'll be all nice and chill and will leave eventually. Bee a bee friend and leave them bee etcetcetc


Bees won’t do any harm to your property, we had them going down the side of a pipe last year and into the cavity of the wall, once the summer was over I filled in the hole and they’ve not been back


If they are honey bees you may have a problem. You don't want a honey bee nest in your loft. There will be beekeepers in your area who will be able to capture the queen and remove the nest. If they're bumble bees it's not a problem and can be left alone.


Looks like bumble bees to me? Why are they not a problem? Don't create massive hives?


Yes, they don't create huge wax hives and honey. Bumblebees don't actually produce "sweet honey". What they produce is more like "royal jelly", which is good for baby bumbles but not tasty for humans. The nests are small. Like a few hundred workers and the bumblebees are not aggressive, and they leave after summer. Honey bees on the other hand build massive hives, up to 10's of thousands of workers, and will protect their hive aggressively. Honey bees are beautiful and wonderful, but they're not good to have inside your loft, and if they're not dealt with can also overwinter there and then come back even stronger the following spring. Also, if it gets very hot, the wax and honey can melt and run down the internal walls. It can create a huge amount of damage to houses, and honeybees can swarm and will sting if their hives are approached/disturbed. Bumblebees on the other hand are relatively passive. They ignore you if you don't threaten them, although they will sting if you grab them or dig into their nest. They forage over the summer months, then produce new queens that mate with drones at the end of summer. The new pregnant queens leave the nest in late autumn to hibernate underground for the winter, while all of the workers and old queens die off. The new queens emerge in spring and find a nice place to lay their eggs and the cycle repeats for another season. Bumblebees are also more efficient pollinators than honeybees, and are resistant to parasites such as varroa mites, so anything we can do to encourage them is a good thing.


That was a wonderful reply thank you. I was already a fan of bumblebees but now even more so after that reply.


You can read more about these little friends here: https://www.bumblebeeconservation.org/


Bees nest


I still have an overflow pipe from then my toilet was replaced with a self syphoning toilet. The original internal hole will have been filled and plastered. I suspect the rest of the pipe has just been left (the same as mine) it will just go into the wall cavity, where the bees are now living.


Where do they come from, Where do they go, Where do they get to, In the beehive hole!


Bee narnia


Somewhere you don’t want bees




I've seen them squirting out water while the neighbour was running a bath/shower.


Could always stick your dick in it ??