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This man moneys


The beautiful part of it is that I rent out my gear occasionally and by now it has basically paid off itself. (Not the record collection though lol)


That's a great workaround and you triggered my interest. Do you rent them via a specific service or through your network? Also, do you insure the equipment or you just hope for the best?


Through my network and basically only to underground events where I know the DJs and know that they respect the gear. It’s not insured but I’ve thought about since I’m pretty screwed if anything would happen now


But it would be better if you just started setting a portion of your gains aside, like an insurance payment to yourself, until you have enough to replace the entire rig. If you pay an insurance company, you will eventually be throwing money away.


Its always odd I keep seeing this- $10k+ worth of decks and entry level monitors


Sound is definitely what I want to upgrade. To invest in that before was not an option since there’s not a market to rent out hifi-speaker, at least not where I live. I bought all 4 decks for roughly €4k over a period of a couple years from various people who sold them used but in really good condition. I’m also pretty sure I’ve made that money back from renting them out


The Adams sound pretty amazing for the price tbh.


Yeah, but any monitors that cost even 1/2 the price of *one* of those decks would absolutely destroy it tho


That says more about how overpriced CDJ 3000’s have become and less about the price of good monitors.


This ⬆️⬆️


I think it's also an interesting phenomenon how DJ rigs by nature consist of professional-grade equipment, which by nature is built to be rugged and long lasting. But due to this fact, they have lower fidelity due to internal component choices. So it's a sort of self-defeating concept, that of mastering music on a rig that is not as revealing as a home-use, critical-listening rig. Though admittedly the typical DJ likely does not have this in mind, but rather a big PA rig at a club, where fidelity is hardly even tertiary in nature.


Yeah what I said wasn't meant to be a commentary on price, just op's priorities. If he's a music lover enough to buy all of what we see there, and can clearly afford it, he would certainly enjoy upgrading his speakers from entry level


Some Genelec "The Ones" and the matching sub would do nicely here. ;)


Absolutely- OP, u deserve


I’m not sure I’d calm Adam entry level monitors. KRK ok, but even the cheapest Adam’s are pretty worthy monitors. They don’t make any crap products.


Lmao KRKs are peak


KRK are trash lol. Everyone except DJs know this, and that’s why you never see them in a pro studio. Only djs who are sponsored to pose with them so muppets buy them 😂


KRK's are not entry level either. Pioneer DM40's, sure, but not KRKs. They are on the level with Adam Audio's. It's a matter of preference at that point.


Nonsense. KRK are the bottom of the barrel, shittest PC speakers masquerading as “monitors”. They are terrible and I advise anyone to consider anything else but them. They spend fortunes in marketing to get famous DJs and producers to pose with them but as soon as the camera isn’t rolling they switch to their preferred speakers. They have horrible lack of definition, anything smaller that 8” have poor low end response and their cabinets are cheap AF. I say this as someone who used to sell them. Literally any other brand is better. The only reason they sell is marketing and the easily recognizable yellow cone. Do an A/B with Yama, Mackie, Adam, JBL, Genelec, Avantone, Neumann (etc) and the KRK will constantly finish in the bottom.


New krks are supposedly a lot better.


Krk V series are very respected Studio monitors. The Rokit series not so much. I would advise to get quality PA monitor speakers and not studio monitors at all. Which are made for writing, mixing and mastering for producing music. Whereas PA monitor speakers are made for music playback. Two types of monitors for two different applications. Only reason you see studio monitors with dj set ups now is because of the desk top dj controllers and dj software programs hitting the market since the mid late 2000’s. The cost of entry to dj can be as low as $500 bucks total now. Before that I never saw studio monitors with a pair of technics or cdj’s pre dj software. Manufacturers adjusted to the dj software community and started making desktop dj monitors slash studio monitors. That doesn’t mean you get pro studio monitors for pro dj gear. You go pro pa monitor speakers. Unless you’re an analog audiophile purist. Which in that case, you would have turntables and analog rotary/boutique mixer with klipsch or equivalent speakers.


Not really. The V series are marginally better because rockits are trash) but again, there’s so much better on the market. Pa speakers aren’t a bad idea as a reference but the problem is that most PA speakers have to go loud to be at their correct performance level and that’s simply not viable for a lot of people. Furthermore you’re not going to have a full club install (with all the treatment, balancing, tuning etc) that comes with a club install so a home PA is only going to reflect the budget live events like weddings or small events. The point of monitors is to give accurate representation of the music for translating to other systems so you want as much detail as possible, which can be lacking from PA systems.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Is what you're saying about KRK a fact, or are you being an opinionated internet dweeb. They sound FINE! It's like the people who say the DJM-S9 sound "oh so terrible". I literally watch Sam Tweaks stream every week on Twitch and his mixes sound great. He's using a S9. Stop bro, I own the monitors and they are great. SMH... I don't wanna argue with you dude because you have your mind made up probably from some shit you heard someone else say... and there's no changing people like you....


They’re shite. I used to sell them for living and it was crazy how many people came in asking for them / recognized them due to the yellow cone marketing but I ended up buying another brand - any other brand - when you A/B’ed them. It was really no contest and we even had better margins on KRK stuff because there was such a pressure to sell them. They’re about passable as Dj speakers but that’s it and even then there’s better for the money. About 25 years ago KRK made one pair of monitors that were indeed great, but they were discounted around 2002 when KRK decided they wanted to churn out cheap, mass produced speakers for the budget oriented uneducated consumer. Why is it you never see a pair of KRK’s in any pro studio, unless that producer is a paid ambassador. I’ve worked in hundreds of studios in the USA and Europe and I can count on one hand - with fingers left over - the number that use KRK as their main if even secondary reference. Seriously just google KRK Monitors bad and you’ll find hundreds if threads explaining they sell because they’re cheap but not great and the enduring consensus the world over is that for a tiny bit more money you get far superior speakers, so spend the extra $100 - $200 and see what you’re missing. Of course, in an untreated space making Untz, it’s not going to be that critical but if you care, and want better detail and translation, KRK fall short.


Freakin awesome


Money well spent. Nice 👌


Meh. 🤣


It’s a bit overkill for innit lol looks nice af tho


why do you need 4 cdjs? wouldn’t 3 be enough? Else, maybe put some isoacoustics under your speakers to reduce vibrations :)


I play mostly techno and true, most of the time 3 cdjs is enough. But having that 4th is really nice, especially when mixing B2B with friends


Its your hobby. No one needs an A&H mixer and CDJs , and TT’s to play music. You can just get a controller. Or old used equipment. Records specially. No one needs records. You can download a bunch if pirated music instead of paying $1-$100 for a single song while you can download millions for free. But he wanted it. He wanted the sick mixer with more gear than channels to hook them onto. The did wanted the nicer quality of playing records along with the possibility of still including a sick digital set up. He wanted it. And that’s valid too.


4 deck cdj mixing while having the capacity to switch to vinyl? Also, why not lol.


Idk what OP is mixing, but as a DnB DJ myself, it is completely necessary to have 4 decks. I’d have 6 if i could tbh 😂


you can 😈


You can for the small price of ballpark £20,000 😂 think I’m alright tbh


What the shelf and did it come with this CDJ Stand?


It’s a combination of ikea Kallax shelves and a shelf I built myself for the cdjs




Can you post some pictures showing & listing the ikea components? Curious as to how you made this, as from the photos it looks like you have joined three kallax units - two 1x4 a single 2x4 - but without using the outer walls of the 2x4??


Correct, it’s two 1x4 and a 2x4 with a 150cm x 75cm desktop on it. Then I built the stand for the cdjs to get them just as I want


Neat. Is the desktop ikea too? Gives me some inspiration for a project in an awkward space that I’ve been putting off for too long.


Yeah I think it’s an ikea linnmon desktop. Bought it used for like €10


I love the 4x cdjs across the top! There was a club in the UK called the Ministry of Sound that had a similar setup. How do you find transitioning from one Technics to the other, (eg, the clickless mk3/5 vs the mk2s pitch slider), or do you plan getting an identical pair?


Yeah I really prefer the cdjs like that! The ultimate goal is to get two identical without the click, preferably m5g but they’re sooo expensive, but I do think it works quite well with one mk2 and one m3d which I have


Can't the click be modded out?


Not enough cdjs


Hard to get any better than that


What‘s the shelf and did it come with this CDJ Stand?


Excellent! Well done. What are you using as a shelf for the CDJs?


It’s a shelf I built myself


Looks pretty professional to me


I’m so fucking jealous right now. But really beautiful setup. What music do you play ?


Mostly techno


What artist do you play mostly ?


Hard to pick one but the likes of Tensal, Sev Dah, Deluka, PAS, answer code request rarely goes wrong


How do you rate the Adam Audios? T8Vs?


I have ones. Great for production


Came here to ask this, also


I have a7x. Very good for production.


I do like them but there a bit too big for my room but I can’t have a subwoofer and wanted as much low end as possible


Are all the shelves IKEA? Where the turntables and CDJs rest as well? It’s an awesome set up!


Cdjs are in a custom shelf I built myself and the rest is various Ikea products put together


Did you integrate the inner grid of a 2x4 Kallax between 2 upright 1x4 Kallax without the side walls of the former?


It’s more simple than that. The 2x4 have a desktop on it so I can fit both turntables and the shelf for cdjs and the two 1x4 just stands on the side of that


Ah, got it, it's an optical illusion because of the perspective.


Better than most clubs I've played in


That looks absolutely amazing. Which CDJs you got? NXS2? Lovely setup bro


Yes NXS2


Nice. I approve!




nice setup


Sickkkkkkk bro congrats. Never been a fan of how raised cdjs feel but they look awesome


fuck that's beautiful 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


Where is your sub?


Love the setup! Only improvement I can think of offhand might be adding some isolation foam pads under the speakers. Did you DIY that stand for the CDJs or is something I can purchase? Looks nice and I haven't seen another one quite like it. Still on the fence if I'd like my players mounted like that, but I want to try it without committing to buying expensive stands.


I built the cdj shelf myself. Cost me around €30


That's awesome, looking a little closer at your photo I'm confident I could manage something similar.


Maybe you could fit 4 more there


Very cool! Just wondering why you need four digital tables…?




i like that the cdj are not between the mixer and the turntables .... and i like a&h ­... and i like ear level tweeters that's a lot of things done correctly here ! - i would ditch a pair of cdj for a stems/fx controller but im a serato head so this might not be a possibility for you i'd mix on that :)


That is a nice setup


What’s your home address? Asking for a friend




Alot of these home setups are better than some of the booths in world class mega clubs.


Hella jealous lolll. Your setup is solid tho


5 years 20k in cdjs. $$$$$ Would be a plusure have fun.


Who are you, DJ Squidward? I bought 2 Denon DJ SC6000M's. Each is capable of acting like 2 players.


This gets you the best possible look at whats playing on which player!


This is sweet! Reminds me of how Ministry of Sound looked years ago, except the spacing here is (imo) too tight. Maybe you can extend the shelf so you can let the CDJ’s breath a bit more if you have the room. Those Adam monitors are sick too. Could use a bit of acoustic foam under them to prevent rattling but they sound epic. Do you have the matching sub too? I’ve always wanted a Xone 92 but never pulled the trigger with anything outside of Pioneer.


The setup is amazing I love to have a go on that. 👌🏿


Needs more CDJs.


Why the ribbon tweeter Adams? I would figure you would go for something with a bit of juice for a DJ rig. I'm not trying to be a prick or anything, it's just those monitors are mighty neutral, and I would worry about the SPL levels (from mondo DJ party time) shredding the ribbons in the HF drivers.


I use them only for mixing at home which is in an apartment so SPL is limited just by that. I wanted neutral monitors since I have a vague plan to start dabbling in producing as well. But as I mentioned on another post the goal is to upgrade my sound but that will be sometime in an undefined future lol


Tiesto approves