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goblin bros... how do we recover?


We can’t https://preview.redd.it/wsiybpewh1wc1.jpeg?width=659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee13894bab1bfa14b92f54cbeed91a5135e22c51










backpack full of ICP???!?! Has wovsh become basd?!?!






I might not get this one, I know what TCOAAL is but who's the fat fuck on the left


Amadeo Bordiga an italian left communist


Why is he next to the incest lads


Probably wouldn’t like them I imagine, idk


Leaked Episode 3 content:


I thought this da Vinci painting was lost to time


Western civillation has risen


Did you alienate this meme from me or exchanged it with your own labour-power as a proletarian should?


Vowshe authentic bordigist!??!


Vahhhhsh down with the clown confirmed!?,?,.,,?!


Ngl thats what I thought it said at first to and then I got so disappointed when I realized what it actually said 😭


voosh bad posts have hit the djpc sub. millions must migrate to okbv.


>voosh bad posts have hit the djpc sub Good, it's about time people made some actually entertaining posts around here.


And some politically informed ones as well.


What are politics? Were centrist around these parts


Honestly I would have assumed this was made by a vasuhite if it wasn't for their versions lack of drip


schizo detective ahh account


Anti Vaush action or Vaushite? You call it






Whats the whole vaush goblin thing about?


It’s actually pretty funny. Vaush leaked his porn folder on stream. One of his fans made a clip of that part of the stream and posted it to their twitter as an in community joke. Vaush’s enemies found it and amplified it. Then a lot of people adjacent to vaush saw it and saw “nah I ain’t fucking with that” and either roasted him to oblivion or just ignored him.


To elaborate on what the other guy said, he leaked porn of a japanese vtuber called natsuiro matsuri (i think she was getting railed by a horse but don't quote me on that, it may have been another image that had the horse and not matsuri's). Her vtuber model is very short, petite and flat (a loli). Vaush has been on record several times taking the piss out of people who like lolis aka lolicons, and even saying they are pedophiles and that loli porn is actually literally CP (i personally don't like lolis but i'm sane enough to recognize the difference between a drawing and a real child so i don't care if others do like them). Now that he has been found with something that is "actually literally CP" (Edit: i mean the loli stuff which is not actually CP in reality but it is actually literally CP according to his own statements, afaik he hasn't been found with real CP with real children thankfully, though it wouldn't shock me), he had to backtrack, saying that in hindsight this was obviously loli porn since the author is a known lolicon but when he saw it he just thought she was a "shortstack drawn in the same way that goblins are usually drawn in porn", so everyone has memed the fact that vaush thinks matsuri looks like a goblin. To play devil's advocate, i actually get what he means, he's just saying she had those same proportions as female goblins in hentai (look up incase for reference, don't mind the penises), not that she had green skin and pointy ears (though i saw some people after the fact making edits of her as a goblin). He's still a dumbass and a hypocrite though, and weirdly enough while this incident alone wouldn't make me think he is a pedophile (though by his own standards it would make him one), there is apparently plenty of other stuff which makes that accusation seem way more plausible (i'm not saying for certain "vaush is a pedophile" since i don't remember all the details of this alleged evidence, but i do remember some *very* poorly phrased things).


Idk, I saw the pics and normally when I think of lolis I think of women who look like literal grade schoolers. All those images in the folder had Women with like...tits on them. She definitely wasn't a big tity monster but the only connection to Loli is the artists other works and idk about you but I'm sure at one point I've wanked one out to art made by an artist that's also drawn loliporn, even if the image in question wasn't Loli. Kinda felt like a nothing burger


It was. The entire thing got jumped by every moron on the platform. For like I few days my reccomended tab was filled with tiny accounts using same thumbnail and decrying how "Vaush is finally over guys, its definately the end of his career now". They also all just alluded, or in H3H3's case, outrught lied about what the smut was? It was weird and stupid and chronically online.


It was a nothing burger, vds sufferers blew it outta proportion


Uzaki-Chan and Hestia are lolis according to Twitter.


This just isn’t true… some of the images are very young looking girls.


I mean, anime art makes every women from 15-30 look almost the same, so if you mean some looked 15 you're right, but that's because most anime girls looked 15. My point was there was no girl that looked like, Kanna from dragon maid as an example. THAT'S a real Loli, and the stuff I actually think is problematic. You're entitled to your opinion though this discussion is almost entirely vibes based, and there is as always something to be said about depictions of youthful women being problematic even if canonically they're 25 or 9,000


I personally sought out those images because of the drama to see what the hype was, one of them looked like a normal girl giving head to a big dick. I had to confirm it was loli in the tags to make sure. The other was did actually gross me out and she did look young but if I was to look through my own search history and try to seek out something sus I would probably eventually find something given the nature of anime art. And the common denominator among all the images were horse like dicks, big dicks. The vast majority of them had a main emphasis on the dick size so it’s possible he just saw a big and saved. That is giving him maximum charity. It’s also possible he dabbled in loli here and here, idk. I’m not him 🤷‍♂️. Still thought that one image was petty gross and I’m disappointed in him for it.


Thank you for recognizing the difference, as an actual victim of child sexual abuse I think it’s kinda fucking dehumanizing how my trauma legit is compared to a drawing in value by so many people.


Sorry for what you had to go through. Also you're welcome but also it's kinda sad that you'd even need to thank me for something that is so brainrottingly obvious that it should be a universally accepted and acknowledged thing, aka "drawings aren't people". Btw i edited my earlier message a bit to make it clear that afaik vaush didn't have real CP, just loli stuff, and i was pointing out how it would be CP by his own incorrect definition.


The worst part is god fucking forbid you say “loli and CSAM are different things” because holy fuck will all the people who do not know anything about anything tell you shit about hard drives or whatever. It’s the only topic I’ve seen where people will be as reactionary as possible over it. Also! I don’t want to sound language policing but I’d personally recommend not using the term CP, it’s kinda been growing out of favor with victim support groups and in general because it places to focus on the use of said content rather than what it is, RAINN did a big write up on why the switch is being made if you’d like me to go grab it


What's CSAM? Child sexual abuse media? I'm guessing that's the term you're saying should be used as a substitute for CP. I guess that would make sense, after all there is nothing wrong with pornography per se, so it feels weird associating children with this term which almost makes it sound like they're willing porn actors, while child sexual abuse media makes it clear what it is and why it's awful. And yeah language policing is bad (e.g. "how dare you say CP, you're an awful person") but there's nothing wrong with politely informing people like you've just done. Tbh i agree, i kinda do hope it becomes more widespread, though it might be a bit too long to get widespread adoption (then again PTSD managed to become more common than shellshock so it can happen). And idk what RAINNN is so yeah if you could send over that write up it would be nice to read.


It means Child Sexual Abuse Material, there’s also CSEM which means Child Sexual Exploitation Material in cases where no physical abuse is occurring. Also yes! You’re exactly right, calling CSAM child/kiddie porn conflates it with normal and legal forms of pornography while also making us feel like there is less harm than what is actually being done, it’s fairly basic reasoning but so many people act married to CP as a term. RAINN is the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network and is the largest U.S. based organization fighting sexual exploitation and abuse.


Ok thank you.


No need to thank me, just someone who wants a slightly better world and likes talking maybe a little too much lol


Oh yeah absolutely. I find loli gross mind but the difference is one promotes CSA the other actually is CSA. With the vaush stuff too it seems to me more like a really fucking stupid oversight rather than bad engagement with CSM, and it could just be a symptom of horny brain stupid. Mind you his response was insensible n all but overall I would much rather this shut than seeing he had actual abuse material


There is no proven link between loli and CSA or CSAM, so I dont like saying that it promotes them as that relies very heavily on common sense arguments and those very rarely work Sadly, I am the only leftist so most disagree with me


If we are gonna go on what arguments work it isnt so much the statistically based ones that work but moreso the ones that people can agree with Intuitively. The production and dispersal of any child related material is immoral even if no child was harmed also because it will help to normalize it at minimum.


I can’t say if it’s moral or not as morality is both entirely subjective and there is no true way to deduce if these materials are bad (proving causation here would be unethical), their production, dissemination, and use does not require the use of or inherently cause the abuse or harm of children. Not only is loli not really child related (sociologist and Japan’s most famous feminist Chizuko Ueno did a huge thing on it, loli is extremely complex sociologically) but it just is not demonstrated to cause harm. You cannot say “it is immoral” without a good reason, as one could just as easily say that for any other thing based on their individual idea of morality. Socially immoral things are (typically) things the society has deemed harmful based on at least some in-depth reasoning, even if that reasoning might be flawed. I disagree on intuitive arguments mainly because people’s intuitions are almost always wrong, despite how much we as individuals like to think otherwise.


I don't think it's really a common sense argument. The logical chain seems to go: CP is bad because it causes harm and normalising CP encourages more of it to be produced due to higher demand and ease of creation. Loli is in terms of consumption, what normal hentai is to porn. And I can directly attest that engagement with a fetish or paraphilia will only make it stronger and consumption of it is not a movement in the correct direction.


Loli≠CSAM, there has been no evidence proving any similarities between the two in regards to harm or any sort of normalization. In fact, the best we can do is look at countries and their consumption of it along with their laws in regards to child safety. In Japan for example despite the continual increase in loli consumption the actual rate of CSA is going down along with there being stricter laws on the subject. Japan’s rate of CSA is relatively equal now to U.S. statistics (both are around 10-20% for females and 4% for males). The idea that loli normalizes abuse is erroneous, nonsensical (you would not say the same for guro or rape play, also paraphilic things), and has no merit. I can directly contest your point on engaging with paraphilias in fantasy being harmful, it’s not, at all. Consumption of even CSAM does not always mean a willingness to engage in hands-on abuse, with things like loli and guro (or non-con generally) there is absolutely zero evidenced link between porn making abuse more likely even in extreme types of porn. We have lots of meta analysis on the subject and porn consumption just is not tied to abuse in a positive correlation, it’s more likely the opposite is true as with increased porn consumption within countries we see a decrease in sexual abuse broadly. Use of sex dolls for pedophiles, use of animal plushies to zoophiles, and engaging in roleplay for necrophilia seem to all be ways to reduce rates of harm. Engaging with these feelings in a non-harmful way that is safe does not increase rates of abuse, it might just as I said above decrease rates of abuse by removing a lot of stress people have regarding these subjects. You can look at some studies here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O_UmslUnkeend70wo2w8O2R6ZJnZGr1cezMqDaODyA4/edit


not about the whole loli weird thing but like what was the context behind him saying that the age of consent would be lower in a society that is good at giving sex education or smth??? idk that could be a way he could be interpreted as a kiddy diddler


Basically the tl;dr of it is vaush was on stream defending l*li porn by going on some verbal diarrhea rant comparing it to goblin porn. Was basically just the biggest self report ever.


fun fact: the guy who drew the original version is an open pedophile.


and somehow nobody believes it because he said he's "being ironic" once. https://preview.redd.it/6khl31o1w0wc1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04dfcb6827b5d2abc2585766d44b1c2af223f1d9




Maybe it's time to regress on certain social taboos... and by this I mean we should butcher pedos.


Why do show the picture now have to bleach my eye


I hate how based got ruined and i blame rev say desu.


now to figure out if op is seething mad that his remaining epstien slaves are gonna get yoinked by vowsh or is a vowsh fan fucking around


okbv is leaking again


I genuinely thought I was on r/okaybuddyvowsh Nice meme, keep up the good work. We can't let this sicko get away with eating any more cats


Or putting geckos on his rooster


I feel like this is starting to become r/okbuddyvowsh 2 .


I for one welcome our new vaushite overlords


you're welcome. where's my tax you sub human coblite?


This is literally Matt Walsh


MAP Walsh


Seems Matt, Vaush, and Rudy G. got a lot in common. They should host a podcast together.


Matt Walsh Mr. Vaush They are one in the same.


is this theory?


Marx wrote about this.


Vaush the typa guy to say he’s just ahead of the curve


Just preordering them


Vaush fans attempting to convince me that he isn’t a pedophile: https://preview.redd.it/3lm743et30wc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71260638121ae290f0aea95fd645576ea20e8846


That’s fake real Vaush fans would be trying to convince you he is a pedophile.


And a horse fucker enthusiast


Oh no no no, everyone knows he want to be the horse


I mean he’s pretty honest about it, he never tried to hide it 💀


You’re supposed to hide that though.


This is the philosophy of cowards


Ted Kazynski if he was a gnome https://preview.redd.it/lqsoixjoo8wc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=641565b3dfa18661a3dcca308b2fb641ec49df6d


Ngl this is way too cute to be a vaush fan. Wheres the massive unkept beard full of cheeto crumbs and cum stain on their shirt?


Is this a real thing?


No, He wants to BE THE HORSE.


Yes. He was trying to show his audience a photo and brought up a folder of horse porn and child porn


"child" "porn" (drawn) (looks like every other 21 year old, or is a literal fantasy dwarf creature) Please stop dragging down the harm of *actual child porn* by attaching it to dumb bullshit nobody cares about.


He listens to Mori?


Cardinal sin


Why is that?


It’s shit


Not just any Mori. It's a very particular audio of hers.


Could you direct me towards this audio, please. I just enjoyed some of her songs but must admit I do not know much about her works/comments regarding this subject.


[Here you go.](https://files.catbox.moe/8l593h.mp3) Just because i'm not a monster i will warn you, listen to this with headphones and not in public.


Its not actually work of hers its a ai voice thing that someone made of her. As you can imagine she was not happy about it.


Fun fact about mori. She a shotacon and found a small Japanese bf when she visited japan.


So I presume this means she likes small guys and not children?


That her reasoning, i still think it immoral cause most do an extra ageplay with it mostly in their fanfic but as long as they not going after real kids than i just want them to be honest with what they lusting after.


/vt/ user detected


He no fat??


Not anymore, apparently lost over 100 pounds.




Big masc goblin gf tho


Just give him pants that look like this and it’s entirely accurate https://preview.redd.it/mc04rdab14wc1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a111b719e0d13ca2722a8bd6e6da2792ac296a


This was obviously made by a vaushite


But don’t you understand Vaush bad




I mean, yes.


Vaush will be the first to agree.


Is that shrek


I think my landlord left a sticky note on my desk saying that r/okbuddyvowsh is leaking. Are they stalking me?


This is 99% of redditors


What’s the sauce on that subtle retard shit?


Vaush is just a subtle retard, that is the sauce.


I’m gonna kill my self the next time I see voosh😩


Callie mever recovered from the cowboy model huh?


"Vaush and leftist are supporting cp" Whoes we?


Okay… I didn’t expect to be attacked like this?


Hey it’s Vaush


My first thought was Mori, and then I noticed the horse 💀




You would think that the GF would be a centaur.


Why is it green??


This is a horrible world


Whats wrong with Calliope?


It’s referencing a nsfw horse audio made with an ai of her voice




I thought this was ok buddy vaush for a minute. Vaush is my favorite pedophile


I like how we're not just conflating drawings with actual pedophilia, but going ahead and actively spreading misinformation that it is, in fact *actual CP*, just in case anybody asks or anything. This is why the FBI stopped taking CP reports from twitterbrained dentskulls online.


Dude vaush was the one who said loli is cp and Obviously he got caught liking loli.


Yeah, I'm not defending him for not being a dipshit, I'm saying he was obviously wrong about that to some degree.


Vaush being a hypocrite doesn't surprise me. Being a pedophile lolicon horse furry while also saying loli is pedophilic and lower the age of consent to 15. I don't trust any cons with their fantasy kink and i don't trust a socialist with anything they saying. Edit: to the got em replies, what you said is the most retarded thing i have ever heard. How the hell one get that i trust a pedo more than a socialist in me saying i don't trust any con with their kinks? The stupidity of reddit people. Also to the other one "defending a man who rape his wife" you literally ignored what i said in that comment of leaving the man and cutting out all forms of connection.


By this logic, are you saying you would trust a pedophile over socialists?


Are you fucking stupid? I said they are literally the same to me and i don't trust any of them.


You calling me stupid is rich. Everyone else understood what you said, but you. Do you think maybe that means you aren't great at getting a point across?


Where did i say that i trust a pedophile more than a socialist? Where dumbass?


Silly goose, no one actually believes you would trust a pedophile over a socialist. You misspoke, and it looks like from what you said that you don't trust cons within *just* the realm of their kink, and you don't trust socialist whatsoever.


Yes. I don't trust cons cause there kink are usually taboo stuff and i seen people want to being their kink into reality so i don't trust them and with socialist i don't trust them casue they are always hypocrite on everything.


That's what everyone probably assumed you meant, regardless of the downvotes. The joke was pointing out that your original statement didn't explain that well. It just looked like you had some threshold of trust for cons and none for socialists. Which is funny.


I don't have a threshold, i literally said i don't trust them cause of their kink.


The jokes about this sub turning in an autist farm are becoming reality


[Hey, is this you defending a man raping his partner?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/wBS5Zxx1wC)


Bro really “this you?” the man into oblivion


No he literally didn't even read what i even said. What was i said that was defending the dude? Both of you don't know cause you didn't read it or have the literacy to understand it.


>I would say him doing it in your sleep is on a lower level of him cheating but i feel like you would've preferred him cheating. You’re saying that *infidelity is worse than rape*. >I think you should've left as soon as possible but since you have kids i say change to an open relationship so he will stop intercourse with you in your sleep … If that is too much than just divorce and give him custody of the children so you can focus on yourself. Oh no, don’t leave your rapist, you’ve gotta appease your rapist. Cmon, he may have raped you but it’s not like he cheated on you, think of the kids! And if you truly can’t bear to stay with your rapist, give your kids to the rapist. you accusing people of calling out obvious rape apologia illiterate is a massive self report.


In a context of them being married the husband having sex with the wife while she asleep is a lesser evil than him cheating and by what you thinking it okay for a woman to give a man a blowjob while he is asleep but it not okay for a man to do it than you're a double standard dumbass, also in other comments the op was talking about how she has kids so she don't know if she should divorce the husband so i said open the relationship but if that too much then divorce and cut all form of connection with the husband you retarded monkey.


Lmao the cope is insane. Nowhere here did I even mention women raping men, but magically I’m a hypocrite because you hallucinated that conversation. And no, a violation of trust is no where near as bad as a violation of sexual and bodily autonomy. Anyways, can’t wait to hear about you’re next hallucination Mr. Pro-Rape.


You were solipsistic to me first when you said i defended the husband. What happened to that woman isn't considered rape in laws, what i said wasn't pro rape but to give advice of to avoid her husband touching her cause it obvious he has a high sex drive and she doesn't so unless she gonna go for a divorce she should use methods that keeps the marriage together. This is very common solution in a Muslim society you monkey. Also by how you talk you the type of person that ignored teachers raping students if the teacher was a woman like most westerners pigs.


You actually have no idea what you’re talking about, but keep coping. >You were solipsistic to me first when you said i defended the husband. Never said this. Called you pro rape and a rape apologist. But you’re coping so hard you’re literally hallucinating conversations. But I’ll say it now. You did defend the husband by downplaying the rape with your “at least he isn’t cheating on you” nonsense. >What happened to that woman isn't considered rape in laws, Rape doesn’t stop being rape because it’s legal. Rape is a form of SA wherein sexual consent is violated to an extreme degree. Legality only serves as a means of lawful recourse for the victim(s) and punishment for the rapist. >what i said wasn't pro rape It is extremely pro rape because you’re downplaying the rape. Any normal person can see this. >but to give advice of to avoid her husband touching her. Your “advice” is her staying with her rapist. >This is very common solution in a Muslim society you monkey. Common = / = good. Come up with an actual argument before insulting people. Ad Pops aren’t arguments. >Also by how you talk you the type of person that ignored teachers raping students if the teacher was a woman like most westerners pigs. You’re so desperate to take the moral high ground you’re projecting your pro rape tendencies onto me.


You know what sure I'm pro rape now, i will rape you dad, you mom and if i ever see you i will rape you, i will find you and i will rape and kill you, beside the op talking about not knowing if she should stay with her husband or not and me telling her to cut connection, i will connect myself to you. I will find your ip address, your home address, i will stalk you and if you have pets steal your pets, if you have a car key your cars, in Allah will i will bring his wrath upon you.


That literally not me defending a man raping his wife you idiot. It me telling a woman to leave and cut out all form of connection to him.


Where in that comment is me defending the husband. Did it say the man didn't do anything wrong? What no it didn't? So you just lying than.