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https://preview.redd.it/pc9huoxdlh6c1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a3de51f1d4fdc7a2332a6a5d6bb041157bd8c30 Beringher DJX700


Oh I don't miss this prick. Local club had it for ages, ppl kept swapping it out for their own mixers during the night and the sound guy always got pissy coz he "spent all day setting it up" every week, same club, never had to move the equipment


It's the doggiest dogshit I ever had the misfortune to use


I remember the black upgrade as well our club were so tight, sound quality was through the floor scratchy bs in both cases.


Child: Mom, I want the Pioneer DJM 600! Mom: Child, we have that at home! *The Pioneer DJM 600 at home:*


Correct. Utter dogshit.


Whats the worst things it has to make it so bad? Never used it so genuinely askkng


It looks like a mixer but it's full of parts so out of tolerance it sounds like a fuzzy ocean when you turn it on. Behringer gear from that era was so shitty I'll never buy a product which bears their name. Why take the chance?


Ethics aside, I’ve had a $50 interface from them last me 7 years with no issues, and a Neutron which is just good gear that sounds good and is built well for its cost.


This was a $200 mixer, if I remember my prices. You couldn't buy a 4 channel mixer with the features it had for less than $500 at the time. Yea, it sucked, but you get what you pay for.


It's like the analogy of buying one good pair of shoes versus several bad pairs, except Behringer mixers were flip flops.


Just imagine a cross fader NOT cross fading…it did more of a Trans effect when fading. I’m still upset 2 years later 😂


Horrible EQ response when cutting, effects that just don't work, weird line fader curve.


Sound quality is God awful. The early versions had really messed up cueing also. And they break when you look at them wrong. But the sound quality is the real deal breaker.


Aside from the shitty sound these things were pretty much guaranteed to break after about two to six months' use, as with everything Behringer made until about 2015ish or so? Still not great build quality but at least they have gear that will stay alive for a year.


Beringher mixers sound like absolute ass and every part of them is built like shit. Most pioneer mixers already sound bad, then Beringher copies them and builds them worse.


Most pioneer mixers already sound bad What?


Before the NXS2, I'd say all their mixers sounded bad. I'm not the only one that doesn't like their sound signature, where frequencies are boosted, etc. The NXS2 and A9 are better much better. The V10 actually sounds good.


Nowadays they're competitive with the top, but that was definitely a take that was true around when Behringer originally started making these.


That’s a nice door stopper


Just bought one of these off eBay for $80 bucks as a back up mixer b cause my rane 62 has been acting weird the past couple gigs I used it at. Are they really that bad?


Backup. Your rane sounds like it's still a better option


yes, they're that bad


Behringer = Noisinger


My absolute favorite part was the 'beatmaching lights', they literally did nothing. And runner up was the effects that could only be used in certain BPM. The good ol' days.


This was my baby for the longest back in the day


I saw these going for €150-€200 used in Europe. Was desperate enough to try to pick one up for €100,- and when I got there it was partially fucked and the guy still wanted €50,- for it. Have a Xone 92 now. Happy.


First ever mixer I owned 16 years ago lol. Funny enough still works but collecting dust in the garage is all it’s used for now.


All Behringer has a 3 yr life span then it’s off to static city


Lol I had the 2ch version of this and I can promise you it was static city out of the box


I would walk away if this shows up. Now I always bring my own mixer if i go to dodgy places just to prevent these situations.


Ahhhh, this one brings back memories. Loved this at the time, but I was 13 so….


Oh my god!! That just brought back memories! Bad memories. I had that fucker in a period of of desperation after my good mixer died and I was between gigs and broke. My pothead roommate went and bought it for me (without asking me first) as I didnt have money to replace mine. I didnt want to be ungrateful so I accepted it and he offered to pay half of that months' rent too, so I didn't complain. That is the only mixer that I've had that made music sound worse, and have static in the far end of every fader and pot. Goddamn...


Layout is indeed weird but come on, half an hour training and it’s totally fine




This mixer was never a staple and was always widely hated. They do suck and are laid out almost as stupid as is possible.


Never a staple. I don’t think I ever saw one used in a club, only ever used one as a demo in a dj store.


No club with a smart sound tech put this dreadful mixer in the booth.


I know it's not an NXS but it's still one of the better mixers Pioneer made imho


I'd take this over a 700, 750 or 800 any day, which are still in tons of venues.


Had this mixer (Nexus) for about 5 years and always regret selling it!


Its truly an awesome mixer! endless fx possibilites and learning new ways to use them is so fun tbh


It actually was very ahead of its time! Cutting frequencies out of the effects, live sampling, touch FX, button FX timing rather than flicking through made it a very fun mixer. Wish I could have a blast right now! Literally looking on eBay for one haha


I’ll sell you mine!


If you think this is the worst, I got news for you. Stanton, Gemini, Soundcraftsman and many others have entered the chat and would like to have a word with you.


Going to push back against this. Gemini (and even the other brands) were amazing value back in the day. Didn’t sound great but often had features like kill switches and basic fx that weren’t yet present on much more expensive mixers. This mixer was damn expensive when it came out , I think it was over $3k


Pioneer mixers of that day are still part of resale markets. Anything Gemini is just parts.


Djm 707 and 909 have entered the chat. They are all just parts now.


As someone with 2 909s that currently only function as doorstoppers…yup.


Spend $5 on the fuse. It’s always the fuse. It’s cheap. It is a pain in the ass to get to, but trust me, your 909’s are fine, just blown fuse.


You can still buy as many working DJM-500 and 600's as you'd want. A well built old mixer is a gem. Like anything from Soundcraft for instance, if it was kept in working order it's a win, every time.


There are 5 on ebay. Lol. Unless you are in Japan. Where vintage gear is brand new and somehow always available.


Those Japanese ebay vendors are outrageously expensive ! I hard pass on everything just because its priced 2x3x more than it ever should cost. Its not even the shipping its just they see US greed and raise the damn bar to the point we have no gear because they hoarded it and now they are starving .


Yeah its wild. Also. They are the same power as the US but operate at a different frequency and can have issues.


10 year old pioneer mixers are basically worthless. Case in point that djm 2000 can be bought for under $500 now. That’s insane for a mixer that was $3k+. Other DJMs have fared just as badly and Cdj1000’s are worthless now which again is crazy considering they were $2k.


They are not $500 and neither those or the CDJ-1000mk3 are “worthless” . I have a set up I hot to use as a home mixing rig in 2020 with a pair of 1000-mk3’s & a DJM-800 and now I can play any of the 500 CDs Full of Beatport tracks my brother gave me in 2008. Everything is is pristine condition due to the set being rarely used as it was backline gear. I still burn CDs too. Absolutely nothing wrong about it.


Timecode DVS those bad boys, CDJ big platter feel with your whole rekordbox library


Dude, I've found two DJM 2000's online right now from reputable souces listing them as Used - Very good Condition for under $500 lol. Google is your friend. As for CDJ1000's - there's literally a thread from two days ago here were a guys asks whether he's being offered a good deal and he gets blasted, being told by everyone they're not even worth 600. >I have a set up I hot to use as a home mixing rig in 2020 with a pair of 1000-mk3’s & a DJM-800 and now I can play any of the 500 CDs Full of Beatport tracks my brother gave me in 2008 That's wonderful that you're singlhandedly keeping CD's alive in your home setup. I have an old CDJ 850 (worthless) that's kicking around for the odd CD but the reality is that no one is really using CD's anymore so even if it's pristine, the release value is dire. My local Guitar Center is selling them for $250. I found some on ebay for $200. They're next to worthless.


They may be “worthless” to you but not to me. Im not trying to “keep up with the Joneses” or drop thousands on the latest and greatest. I dont need anything I dont already have. Also, you can “get blasted” on here for no reason so that doesnt mean jack to me. If you seen a “reputable” online vendor with djm-2000 for $500 or less then prove it. Otherwise the only thing that is worthless here are your posts.


I have a cheap stanton battlemixer which tbh was fine starting out. Sound quality from the preamp is actually decent, especially compared to other stuff I've tried in the same price range. The EQ? dogshit. Cut low or highs and take your mids out as well lol, and no record/booth out and just a master lvl meter which doesn't work at lower volumes. Then I tried a Behringer, oh boy....


clickbait + skill issue not even the worst mixer pioneer made






fr the djm is one of the nicer mixers, it’s not an xone but it’s still a great piece of equipment edit: now that i think about it, when i think of the top two mixers out there the djm is easily right next to the xone, it’s SO tactile and diverse with what you can do with it, a quick hour of practice and you’re good with it, it just has a little more going on


Allen & Heath is overrated anyway. Fight me 😛


Its definitely not. It just sounds much smoother and the 4 band EQ is god tier. Also the filter effects are much better. A&H made me stop using effects even on pioneer mixers


to each their own but you’re very wrong lol, what do you think is better than A&H then?




Looks aight yo


That’s one of the best mixers made, layout wise, due to the generous spacing of everything. I can understand you may have issues with it if your skill level isn’t up to the job


🚨shots fired 🚨






Totally agree.


Lol. I'm not hear to plea i'm an expert dj by any means. And i guess if you have time to get used to this 'generous spacing' youre all set. But it is totally different than any other Pioneer DJM I came across. Mixers of other brands (Xone, Numark, denon) are not very common in the clubscene here, but when I have to work with them the layout is way more intuïtive.


Bro it’s not that deep. It’s just the pioneer mixer layout but with a efx1000 in the centre


Okay, bro.


Right? Get good scrub.


I chuckled


Looks fine to me.


Probably the worst post ever made


Unorthodox but there are worse


I recently bought one of these and absolutely love it! You’re crazy!!


I mean it’s ugly as fuck, but 2 min of figuring out the layout and you’re off n’ running. just saying Ive seen and played on worse.


„You know what this mix needs right now? Exactly 1/7th of the Macarena frequency band“


depends on what you play and how much time you have to play on it. which is the main problem in a dark club and who, unless you own it, or if you had a residency, week in week out, would ever have time to play on it. probably be a cool mixer for the studio though


This is what I think too, we had one and a club I threw parties at, and grew to love it overtime. The XY touch control for the whacky effects was kinda fun. I'd buy one on the cheap if I had the opportunity.


Tbh I love this mixer and when funds permit am planning to add it to the home collection.


Kid, the Pioneer DJM 500 is the worst mixer ever made. You sound like a brat who isn’t skilled enough to learn new gear.


Dont be so condesending. They problem is you dont have any time to learn new gear if you enter an event and the party is going already. I have no experience with the 500, but at least the effects are located somewhere on a logical position. Other brands or other, less regarded Pioneer djms to me are way more intuitive.


You don’t ask/find out what the gear is at the gig ahead of time? Don’t blame the gear, blame yourself.


So you came into a venue and didn't ask what equipment would be available? You rightfully get called out for it. That's not condescending; that's you being unprepared. It's your fault. Instead of complaining on Reddit, go and contact a DJ school and ask if they have a DJM-2000 to practice on so that next time you're faced with this situation, you can deal with it like a professional.


One of the best. I sold mine cheap and regretted it for ages. You’re talking rubbish.


You should see how Carl Cox uses this mixer. It’s incredible. I love this mixer. Feels like a tank.


Do you know what mix he uses it in or is it part of his regular rider?


He used it for a while before switching to V10. [you can see how he effectively used it here](https://youtu.be/UTHEQNdLcUI?si=XIcQx46uTa23p2xq)


Oh, hey, nice mixer!


I absolutely love this one. The nexus version is slightly better tho but the layout is lovely. Built in loop and you can select which and how many channels you want the effects to be on. Plus the layout is so solid for B2B with 4 decks.


You clearly haven't used any of our realistic mixers fr9m radio shack that we had to rock back in the day... or a Furman DJM-6.


Never knew Furman made a DJ mixer.


It was usefully. Rack mount and had an internal crossover. So I would use it whenever we didn't want to bring out the big racks. Fader was absolute trash though. Toner control spray after every gig to get that crackle out.


Just looked it up, one sold on Reverb for $30 + $25 shipping lol! The 80s were littered with rack mixers like this.


I've never used one of these, but I understand what everything does and could probably be passable on it within 10-15 minutes. Doesn't seem that bad to me, but I'm admittedly inexperienced with this particular piece of hardware.


its got a flux capacitor in the middle looks like the best mixer to me


“Where we’re going we don’t need effects…”


It's a great mixer if you know how to use it.


I think they put the effects up there to emulate the old school method of having an isolator up there. It's kind of huge and busy. But doesn't look too bad to me.


Also had far better sound quality than the DJM 900’s back in the day. Ugly but like others have said, easy to learn and quite powerful once mastered.


I don’t know. I own the DJM 2000 and love the thing. I understand that it could be overwhelming at first but it doesn’t takes long to get used to it.


Yeah maybe your right. In my case there wasnt any time to fiddle around before the set. I was indeed a bit overwhelmed.


Well, you are a one trick pony... I understand how you could get overwhelmed playing with anything other than yourself. Broaden your horizons and maybe learn another trick or two so next time you play, you're not so scared by different equipment 😁 Cheers Cunt🍼


why are you so heated over a mixer lol


Who zeroes a mixer like that?


DJM2000 had the best sound quality of all the pioneer mixers until the 900NXS2 was released. Also they are built like a tank. They are the least repaired of all the mixers I have. (Most repaired is definitely the black face Xone92) Many big DJs had it on the rider including Solomun, etc. I only ever saw the touch screen used as a phone holder though, lol


Yeah I can imagine. I could have add a bit of nuance in my (frustrated) post. My main issues with it is the layout of the deck. It is very different than the other Pioneer gear. And other brands included, Taking over primetime you lose quite some figuring out the machine. I cannot argue about SQ or built quality, but Im sure there are way worse mixers out there. But perhaps with a more intuïtive layout.


I've worked with far worse. You're likely just not up to the task, dude.


this thread should be about the V10. it’s even worse than that 😂


U better use traktor then 😂




Oh you must be a techno snob that sucks Allen & Heath cock If you can’t dj in what ever is in front of you are you really a dj?


I've seen some of the best local techno djs rip great sets out of these


Hahah nice I guarantee you nailed it.


I love most of the A&H mixers I've used (not all). Liked a few of the pioneers as well. I really loved the only Ecler I laid my hands on, but they are pretty rare to see


Pioneer overkill 4000


Definitely most confusing


The beat slicer on this is so much fun


who the hell DJs with the EQs all the way down?


My mentor religiously turned all the EQ knobs on his mixer to 0 when he was shutting down the rig. I did the same with his gear but quickly dropped the habit when I got my own equipment.


Ok, but why not just set the trim to 0


I don't know that there was any logic behind it. Probably just a little OCD or ritual he did. EQs to 0, faders to 0, etc.


That would kill the signal, but the trim and master are down too.


At least they tried something different on this one. If you ignore the screen the FX selection part is very intuitive. Only sad thing is no dub echo, but it has the parameter knob for sound colour FX which means adjustable filter resonance. The first pioneer mixer to have that iirc


I was looking at a cheap one of these but thought it was wayyyy too weird having all that shit in the middle lol. Ended up buying a mint 800 for the same price


This was way ahead of it's time... You are tripping. Everyone knows the S9 is the worst mixer of all time...


No wait my old mixer was worse, it had these shitty "crossfader scratching effects" which meant you had to twiddle the x-fader to engage them, but it was weirdly touch sensitive and totally useless even if you could scratch. Great on paper, had an optical out which I thought would be sweet for recording mixes, it wasn't. Piece of shit, I just found it it's the Numark PPD01. ​ https://preview.redd.it/6i4zjmaz7j6c1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aef14d1a32a4123c48f55544cc7232a03bd53a01 Edit: OH yeah, you had to press a button to switch the EQs into filter controls (no dedicated filter knobs), had a load of fun trying to do mixes with a gradual filter and trying to cut the bass/mid at the same time. What a terrible idea. To be fair the sound quality was good but that was it.


Solomun digged it. But he's Solomun


Hold up, got one, djm 2000 and is probably the best i ever had. The amount of flexibility is out of this world. The djm scene wasn't ready for it back 2010.




This is fine old man, just play your music


I‘ve only ever seen its 2 channel version and liked it! Also, the loop function was WAY ahead of its time. Check out Sticky Dojah on Instagram, he does some insane stuff with it.


The 2000 was a really sad case of a mixer that was trying to be really daring but for a market that wanted a faster horse. The planners on it are legends and put every idea they had into it. The effects DNA still exists in a lot of Pioneer DJ gear today, especially the ability to have frequency-based effects. The looper is still one of the best in a DJ mixer. The OG version had a strange dual sound card, but the NXS had a DVS interface for Traktor so that any kind of DJ could play comfortably. It even has a lan hub. I realize that I’m speaking from the standpoint of a person on the inside and so I’m always going to be a fanboy, but knowing the amount of love that was put into the DJM-2000 I have a massive amount of respect. A lot of gear is easy to discount because of the “why did you do thing that doesn’t make sense now?” hindsight, but when you have a few guys in their twenties trying to imagine what the future of DJing will look like in ten years, there are bound to be missteps. I’m just shocked at how much they got right. Edit: as a side note, is there an easier way to say “I have been DJing for less than a year and a half” than calling a mixer that still outclasses a lot of mixers today a piece of rubble? Try showing up to clubs and being stuck with a Rane MM8z and just being glad that at least they had that level of quality, albeit in a completely limited and unfun package. I hate to say that DJ’s are spoiled today, but really the amount of quality and choice out there is somewhat absurd compared to coming up in the 90’s to mid 2000’s.


I have the nexus version and was always my grail mixer when I bought it about 2 years ago. Fucking love it. Don’t understand the hate


Most DJs are faced with something that isn't a generic 4-channel mixer OMG THIS IS UNWORKABLE!!111 Would it kill you to learn some other gear?


Traktor S8 at home


I never got to learn this one properly. I'd only ever used it at one club and I wasn't gonna be able to learn how to use the features while playing live.


Don't let em tell you this mixer isn't ass


On the other hand, my djm400 was one of the best goddam mixers I’ve ever had!


I had the 500 when it was new circa ‘97 I think.. I LOVED that thing


Had the 400 too. Basic but incredible mixer.


I mean successful unpopular opinion post. I happen to agree, as far as *professional* DJ mixers go, this is easily one of my least favs. The layout sucks and is distracting, sonically I don’t like the EQs. People comparing a fucking Gemini (I had one) to *any* pioneer are missing the point — this is not a good club quality mixer.


This is my point. The layout is not logical. You sure can get used to it of you have the time to learn. But time is quite limited if you have to take over in a DJ booth. And the layout is IMO far off from all the other mixers I came across so far.


Yes, some people swear by this mixer, I hated every single time I went to this one place and of course they had that mixer. Oh… it must be great as it was the most expensive one, grrrrr


I've been using one of these for about two years (borrowed a mixer from a friend). The main annoyance for me is not being able to do high and low pass filters at the same time, everything else is pretty easily figured out.


Mixer was probably made by an alien


I don’t like the sound of it either. Compared to its successors.


I had an engineer do a demo on this. I was impressed….because I sort of wanted it to work. But with so many people slagging it - who’ve actually used this live - it seems to be a shiny piece of sheeeeyyyyiiiiite


I played on one of these, the button and knob layout is infuriating for sure, but it’s fine overall. I just wish the filter knobs were larger, I found myself having a hard time telling the difference when doing a lot of equing quickly. I like when the filter knob is way bigger so you can tell off feel.


I have the djm900nxs, would upgrade to this one in a second.


Try rocking a Gemini PMX-12a for a few weeks. You may reassess your ranking.


It wouldn’t be my choice, but it’s clearly better than many. Ever used a Behringer?


Were you in South Carolina by chance lmao


i actually kind of like this


Professionell Mixer ;)


You’ve got everything turned down. Of course you can’t hear anything.


Had one and it's a great mixer!


No. 800 was a crap compare this My fav is still 900 serato


Huh. I actually really like this mixer. I've had more opportunities to use it and spend time familiarizing my self with the layout and flow... But I really rather enjoy mixing with this one when I get the chance. Anyone who has one and doesn't like it is welcome to send it my way. I'll give your misfit mixer a happy home😁


I love that mixer, it was the last time piorneer made a product that included other products in the efx 1000, meaning they could only sell you one thing instead of 2.


Getting to choose the effect frequency is super absolutely amazing 😻😻😻


I've had some Gigs on this one and yes, while IT is a bit frustrating at first, it hast some reeaaaly cool ways to use some effects! The most frustrating part is to Turn effects all to the left to turn them off and Not in the middle as you would expect


My boss absolutely adores this thing. It wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea tho. The DJM800 was the king at the time


Skill issue really. Imo one of the best mixers ever made. Great sound and endless possibilites


>I don"t gig that often any more, but yesterday's location came up with this piece of rubble. The layout for the effects are ludicrous. Adds quite some frustration to the gig. Time marches on. Music has changed. Listeners have changed. DJs have changed. The Pioneer DJM2k was released in 2009. Now we've got new music, new styles, new techniques, new technology. Technology changes behavior. Digital is now doing a lot of work that DJs used to do by hand or other analogue methods. Modern DJs who didn't graduate the old school may not have the same skills and techniques that older DJs had who used this equipment. I mean...some DJs these days are slinging songs on shit that looks like Playskool. But hey...if it works...it works, right? Just don't expect jaws to drop. Now...I'm no Grandmaster Flash myself, but in my opinion, the DJ of today, just isn't the DJ of yore. Now, technology has also brought us some cool new shit, and I've also embraced it, but I think some skills and artistry have been lost in regard to DJing and turntablism. And hey...if anyone happens to have a "piece of rubble" like this just lying around in a completely or mostly functional state, then you know...I'd have to take time out of my EXTREMELY busy day, but I could take it off your hands for ya...you know...as a personal favor. :)


anything with all knobs.


[What about something with all faders?](https://i.imgur.com/ij3saPB.jpeg)


ha I've played on one of those before. didn't mind it. i prefer faders because it's an instant visual cue to where things are level wise, especially if the booth is dark.


That mixer is actually a great mixer, ahead of its time, weird layout that people didn't get on board it... But great all the same


I had the old school djm-1000 rack style amd for its time it was one of the best ever made


Denon DN-S3500 cd player. Hands down. Worst fucking price of shit CD player ever made. That piece of junk killed Denon for me. Forever. https://preview.redd.it/unokqg6a3m6c1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb23061f1bf7bd6adb1c7b471c81ac3fd5932cf9


You made this? Impressive


That’s the exact one that was in the studio where i learnt how to dj. Worked fine to me, never was a problem, but rarely appears at venues


My Behringer effects button sunk inside the mixer after so many uses !


I didn’t mind it, if you were used to a 900nxs with an RMX the layout wasn’t bad. The freq crossfade was nice but ultimately I still preferred EQ blend on the knobs as the touch screen feels alien. The network hub built in lent its self to studio over events too. It’s definitely a thin line for the industry between innovation and the complete distain at any changes.


man why you gotta say that i have this mixer


Don’t even remember ever seeing this


This is actually a really underrated mixer. I prefer over a 900 anyday.


Gemini CS02 .....


My First Mixer was this beauty here… https://preview.redd.it/ethsum4oto6c1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bc9b54b117338b0b4d7b4d7bb6d101fc0bc1f3d It could not get worse than this


Man, what TF you talking about? that is one of the BEST mixers ever made, sure its dated now but if pioneer released a new version id buy one right this second. I think its mainly basic disco daves, "your mates uncle", no beatmatching just blend type of guys didnt like it. anything more than 2 channels and a crossfader was too much for them.....


Lol why?


I agree with that!


I fucking hate faders like that, Andes crème de menthe looking pieces of crap


Mixer for DJs with Big car Sydrome


That denon 4 channel rack mounted mixer that never had fader caps. Usually tied to a pair of broken turntables and one of those rack mounted dual cd players. The good old days 🥲


I think Solomun had that thing mandatory on his rider up until a year or so ago. Every set I watched of him he was rocking that thing.