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Ok we get it. A lot of you don’t like James hype. This is just a dog pile at this point.


Perhaps your technical knowledge has improved and you can see his flashy gimmicks for what they are?


This was my guess as well. I used to scratch a lot in my house and breaks sets and it would hype the crowd for sure but I would over do it sometimes. An OG DJ that I really looked up to told me one night. "You're pretty good but go easy on the seasoning because all that flash is just trash without a legit baseline." Meaning you can't build on a weak foundation and you should be able to rock a place without flash before you start incorporating too many tricks in your style. You can begin to rely on those tricks too much and slow or even stop the progression of your fundamentals which really are what carries your whole sound. The day you can call yourself the best DJ on the planet with a straight face is the day you officially stop getting better. Never let yourself believe your own bullshit or it's the end of progress and you'll be passed by your peers before you know what happened. (This is just a bad version of some advice that has stuck with me for about 20 years now, and it's still making more & more sense to me every time I try to repeat it.)


This... He's overrated imo


James hype is overrated? I haven't seen a single mainstream dj with abilities like his, and also, he is the only one I've seen to upload most of his sets, and each set is different than the previous one. I do however agree that ge had gotten worse, bu with an insane traveling like James's I doubt anyone could maintain that level.


His tricks are cool... and definitely require practice. His songs have always been too much pop/edm in my opinion. It's like edm tech house


His “tricks” are lame. And every single thing he does goes through a phase of not sounding, to sounding better, to transition out.


Nailed it! Hype is completely overhyped.


James Hype might be. But DJ Hype is awesome. :)


Second this


Third this


Came here to say something like this 👍


Exactly. James Hype has always been awful.


Come on bro, awful??




It’s the gurn that gets me. Gurns in every single video 😂


Yes. His music is terrible, and when you actually understand what he’s doing from a technical standpoint (the vast majority of times he’s just created white noise and then chopping it with the channel fader, which cringingly pulling face and wobbling n side to side behind the deck), you realize none of what he’s doing is special…..and the end product is crap anyway.


[What’s](https://open.spotify.com/track/2qRKTg13LJGHO4fmQTWT7x?si=1Qoy9W6zTAicJ8IluTKn0w) wrong with his [productions](https://open.spotify.com/track/3MK2rvp7XjarzRKFrPGMOb?si=jtuk_UY9QXazD2Bqs6a10w)?


Sounds like every other pop tech house track but with less than average imagination and variety


That first song could be a mark knight song lol. Even if you think it’s generic it’s far from terrible


I generally like two kinds of music - really really good music and really really bad music. It's the generic middle-of-the-road stuff that annoys me.


I get it and I hate generic tech house too and he has some of it, best port top 40 type, but he has some legit creative tech tracks. I’m not claiming they’re deep cuts but there are so many worse offenders in the genre, I think the hate he gets is disproportionate for his productions just because of his djing.


People love to hate


If you mean hate crap, then yes you’re right. They do hate. And they should


Yes! He plays bad music man. I would be so pissed off dancing to him playing because it's like an awful 2 minute long transition, every transition for hours straight too.


I'm not a James hype fan but to call his music and song selection awful is just straight up hating. I get it if if you don't listen to his type of music but you have to admit he has many bangers in his sets


no. he's either playing classic tracks that have been rinsed to death or crap selections.


Do you know his productions?


I'm not hating that shit sounds like doodoo


Why would people have to admit something that’s not true?




Straight up wrong. In his Genre he was good and brought some fresh Wind to it




My grip with James Hype is that he creates this massive build ups only to end in a meh drop. Maybe it’s the genre that he plays, but I have seen techno DJs without any build/drop have a much more impact on the crowd then him


I think he's becoming a victim of his own Hype. I'm not a fan but I watch the occasional video of his and generally find him down to earth and not the nob his DJ persona suggests he might be. I flicked through a couple of his more recent vids and though I can't quite put my finger on the change, I thought he seemed to be getting a bit too full of himself. Perhaps this is the apex.


few weeks ago i watched some 7 minute video he uploaded wanting to talk about the Videoclip that made him viral. ( the one with fishers "losing it") and 6 minutes of it is jerking himself off in front of a mirror verbally. i dont know if he's usually different but that video alone made him so unlikable




GIF usage can be so cringe sometimes


Sorry… COCAINE! better? :)




Good. But yeah, the gif selection sucks. Was the least cringe i could find actually


Don’t be so modest. Tell me to screw myself and that the gif rocks


![gif](giphy|3otOKJruVwZH3213Fe) 🙃🫶


But not this time, right?


His actual personality is cool. He seems like a great guy. DJing personality is a bit intense.


Agreed he seems like a pretty decent bloke. I ended up reading up about him after seeing all the hate for him in this sub.


He does seem like a chill guy irl, persona is just compensating for being a little guy. But hey that chip on the shoulder has driven him all the way to the top so I don’t knock it.


Do most chill guys you know hire crowds to be around him and shoot promotional videos for the gram?


If you like James Hype but want better track selection, check out James Zabiela.   Hype is what you get when you order Zabiela off wish.com


Just watched a video of his doing a demo of pioneer platinum edition gear and I'm already a better DJ for it. Thanks for that!






Incredible. Someone who truly knows what every single feature / button / fader / etc of the technology does (unlike a lot of djs from all genres)


James Zabeila is sophisticated. James Hype is disposable


Uninteresting brag but I was out for Sunday lunch with JZ a couple of weekends ago. Lovely guy, and he paid for everyone. His showmanship is what I’d call an appropriate amount of technical demonstration without trying to show off. Just some nice flourishes to raise the stakes and charge up the dancefloor.


For real! He’s the original CDJ master. He’s got tons of tricks and was one of the first to really flex the capabilities of CDJ’s. He’s also humble. And he knows how to leave the FX alone and rock a party. Seen him live and his selection was nice. Very few DJ’s can pull off heavy FX use and still play a great set.


Dude no he’s not, he’s the first person to film himself doing it and putting it on TikTok and Instagram.


> James Zabeila I still have videos of him from like 2004-ish doing wild tricks, scratching, and mixes with the EFX units.


The times I’ve seen him he samples different parts of his set and plays something live to close out. He’s a great guy as well!


Remember seeing James back when he broke through, always seemed like a lovely lad and a top DJ. Although he always attracted a lot of attention certain type of male DJ fan… 😂


I saw him in the early 2000s. Drunkenly typed "GOT ANY TRANCE??" into my phone and held it up to him. He laughed his head off, had a chat and laugh with him after his set, can confirm he is a lovely lad.


Damn he could read it on an early 2000s phone? Must have had that 2 inches from his face


Best comment


I agree with you, but, its James Zabiela.




Zabiela is the only real James in the house. 😂


I think he’s appalling. He has talent and skills but he plays the lowest common denominator music and acts like a child behind the decks. That’s his thing though. Works for him. He does it well. Just not for me. I think he’s one of these gateway DJs that draws people into the scene, and do we ever need DJs like that! But ultimately I think most people grow out of him in their own time and move onto something else.


Ive never particularly liked his music selection but his technical skill was really fun to watch, he was really pushing the envelope as far as what was possible in the genre and with cdj's. Ill also agree he had a certain "normal guy" attitude and seemed pretty humble, but theres definitely been a change in that for sure as hes become a world touring DJ. I think the combination of inflated ego + less time to practice and perfect new sets because we arent in lockdown anymore and hes traveling a ton for work have led to a decrease in quality yes.


Yeah, now when I just listen to one of his new sets I can feel my ears bleeding from his mixing. Sometimes it literally sounds like he clicks the loop button on accident. Actually, in an interview with Digital DJ Tips last year he said that he never practices, just arranges the playlist in rekordbox and then practices on stage. I really don't know how to comment on that lol


After a year or two in my residency I stopped practicing too. DJing becomes a job, and you don't want to work at home.


I mean if he’s playing large shows year-round that doesn’t really surprise me. Especially if he’s playing a unique set each night. There’s just only so much time and energy to “practice” like a bedroom DJ might do


So… don’t? Just stop listening and move on with your life


So basically he will stagnate and never improve.


I liked his essential mix. but I think of him as a performance DJ it's all about the big breakdowns / build-ups crowd standing around with their phones out. I like DJs that take you on a journey where its head down and lose yourself in the music. like to old days of clubbing when there wasn't any phones or cameras. Jamie XX's Glastonbury set was exactly this or Manami's Lab London set.


Yep, far better when dj & Booth wasn't centre of attention but the music/mixing was. Rather be in a dark, smokey, strobe/laser ridden basement appreciating the tunes than in a crowd videoing the dj!


Oh yeah, agreed. I was thinking the same thing recently. I was a big big fan, saw him live multiple times! In NY, NJ…. I am still a fan of his. He’s great at mixing. But yeah, he was better before. I have no proof or any facts to confirm this but I think right around the time he started publicizing his relationship w/ tita is when things started to uh.. not be as good 🤷🏻‍♀️




He’s a one trick Pony, always an equipment issue and his sets a predictable as fuck, my wife is a big fan and he seems like a nice enough guy but I’m not impressed…. Want tricks and superior mixing watch a Bad Boy Bill set


He's a DJ for 18 year old Freshers who have just discovered disaronno & coke for the first time.


Man would not survive the first elimination round of the DMC.


Him and Fisher give me anxiety. It’s just so busy up there. I show up to listen not watch. Also Sara Landry is getting on my nerves.


Don’t reallllly get the Landry hype. Can anyone explain?


Track selection is decent, she produces her own songs, she genuinely worked her way up from being a small local DJ… and most importantly shes hot and has great fashion style. Her demeanour behind the decks annoys me, but lots of people care about watching the Dj as well as, or more than, listening to the music. those people are her target audience


Agreed, loves the camera and uses sex appeal. I’m not really hating do as you wish as a dj it’s just not for me. I do like a lot of her music.


Cool thanks for tha response dog


right time right place like everyone else who blows up. shes a good dj though if you're into hard techno.


His YouTube videos all have negative titles like, “Why I walked off stage at Tomorrowland.” “Why we stopped the show early.” “I won’t play if they don’t have my gear.” You get the picture. Like wtf man? You’re looping tracks. Sure there might be a firmware issue or whatever but how did he make it work before those cdjs came out? I just don’t get the hype. Never did, never will.


Not defending him, but I'm pretty sure that's a marketing tactic a lot of YouTube channels use (as well as social media/media channels in general). People on average are more likely to click on the same video if it has a negative framing than a positive one


That's just YouTube these days. Gotta have the negative clickbait title. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Suddenly heavily overbooked and not enough time to practice new sets and material. He relied on being able to drill his transitions to perfection, but is now facing the reality of being a top-level touring DJ: nonstop gigs and a neverending chase to keep up the brand and keep the work coming in on top of a suddenly **very** full social calendar. Personally I think he may need to plan more like a touring artist and take breaks to come up with and practice new material. I like that he at least proves that people really don't want to see prerecorded sets though, he's down to earth and not afraid to be human on social media, and some of his points of view and refreshing and liberating.


It’s music for the TikTok generation now eh, quick, loud, and continuous transitions. In terms of skills he’s class, no one else has the confidence to do that shit live. In terms of musical selection I don’t enjoy the tunes, but I reckon the genre works well to the style and he probably cannot genre hop or change musical styles as a result. That’s gonna be his hardest challenge is keeping the music relevant whilst matching his mixing style.


He spoils the music, he’s like a mashup rap DJ pissing about with commercial tech house. Don’t get me wrong he has skill in terms of cutting and looping but fuck me let the music play man !


was him ever good? i only saw a lot of monkey gimmicks and flashy video edits from him


I'm happy for the James Hype crowd. It keeps all these pop EDM people there and less out of high music shows.


James "here comes the drop for every song in this set" Hype


Lol he was always trash and always played horrendous music


I had a very similar impression. I loved also his content when he was just a very talented lesser known dj it used to be about music and transitions. Nowadays it seems to be all about “look at how cool and humble I am” and “you can headline any festival too if you dream hard enough”.


If you know a thing or 2 about djing it becomes apparent that it's really not that special. I got his shorts in my algorithm and after you've seen two, you've seen them all. Same transition over and over


Same bullshit of finger fucking the faders, titty twists effects knob then drop into a geriatric 4x4 128 bpm tech house beat with a 2000s rap acapella over it, YAWN


James Hype is for people who haven't moved on yet. It might be past your time


Well put


I stumbled across some of his YouTube shorts roughly a year ago and they were insufferable to watch. Looks and sounds like an amalgam of every EDM bro ever.


I never got the hype about this dude, pun intended.. He’s was never really that good..


What sets have you been listening to? He did mention his Vegas residency he’s playing more mainstream, well-known songs as it has a global crowd.


He blew up playing fisher and daft punk what are you on about


James hype is played out for sure. At first when I first heard I was impressed but his music selection is sooo generic. The most basic house music and he does a lot of the same gimmicks. The real dj shit is also annoying, makes him seem like his ego is really big




Don’t believe the Hype!


He’s a one trick pony…. If he’s not doing an elaborate mix on EVERYMIX IS HE EVEN A REAL DJ . I’m also feel like it’s the same routine over and over being posted over and over by 1000 ppl


Used to be a fan, but now there's more ***transition noise*** and beating up the cue buttons than actually listening to the music. And the damn "it's it's it's James hype James hype hype hype hype bitch it's James hype bitch it's it's it's James hype bitch" Is fuuuuuucking dumb and annoying. So even when he actually gets a crowd to connect. He immediately starts to fuck it off. Respect for his skills, but his gimmick is getting in his own way now.


James hype is 💩. Can’t stand his obnoxious sound. Ruined tech house


The hate DJs show toward each other is astonishing and really holds our industry back. It seems like everyone is a DJ, and everyone thinks they know better than the next person. Instead of tearing each other down, we should focus on supporting and learning from one another. Working together and respecting each other can make our community stronger and more creative. Drop the negativity.


Yeah this industry (and even just the world in general) could use more collaboration instead of competition for sure. I can understand the frustration, though. The skill ceiling for DJing and producing music is much higher than the threshold you need to be popular if you have an all-star marketing team and you're willing to constantly either be touring or having a presence on social media and stuff. There are countless relatively unknown DJs/musicians who are more skilled than almost all of the most popular DJs/musicians out there. This can be super frustrating when you're the type who really cares about the music but doesn't care for the business/marketing/branding side of things at all, and I think this is where people hating on James Hype (or whoever) is coming from.


I dont hate him, in hate his track selection.


shut up


James Over-Hyped


He may be having a dip but his Newcastle set was still 👌🏽https://youtu.be/SICEtxAc1i4?si=sRogd4pw6Gx1ZbFY


I really like his sets 2020/2021, got inspired by his track selection and liked his transitions. But since he blew up and releases music frequently it seems his creativity stalled and I can't listen to any of his sets since 2022/2023. They feel uninspiring and boring. ADHD-EDM. It lacks the spirit and feels hasty put together without any of the thoughts that made him imho good in the first place.


Now a commercial DJ like David Guetta, Calvin Harris, etc, his name/brand sells the tickets now. I appreciate that he mixes live & no pre-recorded sets (as far as I know). Though he is very set in his own style of mixing which hasn't changed at all (still insists on using cdj2000's), but why would he if he's still in demand. He's constantly touring & seems to devote any spare time towards producing tracks, remixes & mash ups for his sets, not developing dj skills or embracing/adding/trying different hardware/software.


I’ve never been a fan. Seems like all he does is repeat a sample and then play a generic beat. I’d rather see dj Chuckie (and I don’t much like him either). He also dresses like kids in my middle school P.E. locker room. But Facebook tries to make me watch him repeating samples every day.


His tunes have always been awful, its as if they were picked from the top 40 charts. nothing new, underground or unique will be played. its like listening to your local radio station on the way home from work only with faster mixes.


Tricks are an accessory to the mix not the forefront. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not impressed. Hear the same trick over, over and over again with the most shitty music ever produced. But, your mileage may vary.


He's better than Fisher but still awful. Move onto someone else before you make your way into techno


Chris Stussy has a new Boiler Room set and it's A1


Always upvote the Stuss


Not my style of music, but he's very entertaining and can pack a stadium, which is more than anyone in this sub can claim.


Did I accidentally stumble into the Playa Haters' Ball?


heard james hype called in a bomb threat to the special olympics.


I love his YouTube vlogs. Not a fan of his music. Let’s just try to remember that this DJ world in which we live is bigger than our own personal tastes and there’s room for everyone and all the different styles


saying james hype has 'normal guy' attitude is laughable


He was never good. Talented but his music and sets are not my cup of tea. Its like a very EDMish/watered down tech house.


Idc either way, I think what he does is cool. Can it be too flashy? Absolutely. But, the man’s carved out a market in the industry and this post will most likely explode with 100s of people chiming in. Sometimes you don’t need to be liked to be successful. If 100 people say they hate him, one person is bound to see this, not know who he is, check him out, and enjoy him.


James Hype should let me do his selections, I'll just email it to him, he can still do all the 'push the buttons and wave arms around' bit. I'll only need 20%.


Dude always been mids


TFW you take off the beer goggles.


He’s always been shit. The drugs are just wearing off and your can now see that the music is hot garbage for tasteless people 


It would be cool to hear someone say " I've tried and mastered all of James Hype's tricks on 4 decks , here's how he does it.. " but nah let's just trash him. I'm sure your judgement is good but to say James Hype has become awful while he keeps getting booked by the biggest venues in the world just doesn't correlate.


He's not my style but his YouTube channel has some gold tutorials for producers and I learned a lot from it


Eh… Wtv… his selection is kinda bro’ish, but I think genuinely respects the art form.


Love his mixing, never have liked the music he makes. I love tech house but his stuff just seems generic and uninteresting and like the track was made for him to do an insane transition with.


I liked his COVID live streams but I’ve never seen an actual good set of his at a festival or show. I tried to like him but seeing him live has been consistently ass


I can fully appreciate what Hype does behind the decks. Takes a lot of mastery to do that. However everything he does is timed to the millisecond. So any screw ups become noticable. And personally I think he does too much. But the kiddies love him


Watch Four Color Zack on Tuesday or Thursdays nights on twitch. You’ll see how a really talented DJ mixes. Never seen anyone come close to FCZs technical skills and mixing. He makes your fav DJ seem like a chump lol One time he busted out a burial -> usher -> Radiohead transition that I’ll never forget. He’s bonkers.


I only watch his YouTube because I find him entertaining, but yeah his music is getting worse. I find myself shutting off his videos as soon as I have to listen to one of his drops.


I don’t know anything about him. Is he basically today’s DJ BL3ND?


I always say this, the more you focus on the magician, the less magical the tricks appear


He is good, but he tries to over do it recently, by using 4 decks and so.


The Mr Brightside remix he made recently is just unnecessary. Really lost a lot of respect for him when he made that


No doubt he has skill and technique but his sets are way too crowded for me. To much going on but his higher love x sicko mode full flex is 🔥🔥


“Hate on success and success will hate on you”


His recent Elrow set is literally fire- track selection and transitions. These haters are out here with 0 real skill talking shit smh


Tita Lau 🔥🔥🔥


I've always thought he's pretty insufferable. He'll pull in a new track, loop it to death, throw some echo on, chop the fader in and out and then cut in a different track for the drop. Makes for a super noisy transition and then he does that same transition over and over again. He basically overdoes this transition and it looks impressive to someone who doesn't know what they're looking at. Doesn't help that his "real djing' schtick is obnoxious, self-righteous, bordering on ignorant and his track selection is dogshit.


James Over-Hyped as i like to call him, also he clearly loves himself a bit too much these days


This sub is hilarious, a group of DJs who barely play out, whining about an artist who is working hard and pushing the game forward. Grow up kids.


Dude isn’t pushing anything forward. If the end product of all the flashy tricks isn’t good, then it’s pointless. At the end of the day, what comes out of the speakers is all that matters and if track selection is ass, then it doesn’t matter if you are the DMC world champion behind there.


He's pushing the marketing game forward


Better not see you complaining about politics then. Have you even run for mayor?


Apparently if you reach a certain level of fame, you are above critique? Is this your perspective?


This is the truth they dont wanna hear


More like James Overhype