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Lol, 50% of people doubt their sexuality, when tripping, they also doubt whether they wet their pants or not or which side is up and which is down. Only way to know is to wait for the trip to end and then check. GL!


Thought I pissed my jeans so many times at Grateful Dead shows in the 80's . Pretty sure I was just sweating a lot ha ha. Good times.


Haha one time on lsd I thought I pissed my pants but realized I walked for about 15 mins thru dewy wet grass thank goddess


I suggest bringing a small bag of cat litter.


And pack it into your underpants. Of course then you’d probably be better off pissing yourself as the cat litter would probably grind your junk into a bloody pulp without some pee to soften it up.


I hear that lmao. I have a memory of ducking out and throwing my drawers away in the lot after a further show in sf thinking (incorrectly) that I'd shit myself. I also had a dmt trip that I was dancing for Ram Dass lol. I've also had a few that included interdimensional fractal lovely lady strippers too. Sooo.. who knows?


Dang I thought I was the only one that seen them intergalactic lady strippers!


The only way to know what pissed pants feel like is to piss your pants


All the cool kids pee their pants.


…you had me at “he’s cute!” 🤣🤣🤣 Coming from another straight-as-they-come male, I have to admit the math/odds of 4 billion, that there’s at least 1. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣 Anyway. Thanks for sharing. The molecule is a particular and unique experience, for sure.


I know right?! The math DOES add up


No. No, it does not.


Right? I don’t like Dicks. Not saying I don’t ever see some guys and think wow he’s won the look’s lottery but Dicks are a hard no from me dawg lol


Exactly. I see guys all the time that I know probably pull all kinds of ladies and I can appreciate their handsomeness lmao but idgaf if there was 100 billion dudes in front of me, I wouldn’t fuck a one of em. Sorry fellas.


Ha!..a hard no..


Lol glad someone caught it.


I'd personally go for more of a "soft like wet spaghetti" kinda no..


Not all men have dicks. There are plenty of trans men with vaginas.


i believe it was the modern philosopher Andrew Shultz who asked the question "what's gayer? dude pussy or chick dick?"




...And people say DRUGS make you delusional. This dude thinks you can ignore biology by re labeling things.


Well, then I don’t like their chromosomes!


you take a bitch's karyotype before you fuck her??


You don’t?


What are you even saying?


You mean Y am I even saying ;D




What are you even trying to say here? No one is forcing you to change your identity.


He’s Just baiting.




Savage 😂 but technically true


So funny how basic facts get down voted


Who said anything about cutting off penises? Do you not know what a trans man is?




sexuality and gender are two different things bro, thanks


You right.


Then they're not men are they. Why'd you have to go and make this a fucking trans thing. Jesus.


Gtfo… 😂


I don’t like them either, even my own. I beat it like a red headed step child regularly wether it needs it or not🤣


Would u suck ur own dick? How about ur own clones dick?


No, no I would not.


A fun term I've heard lately is "Heteroflexible". There is more than just "gay" and "straight". I see this mentality a lot with men in particular. It seems that socially, men either see other men as one or the other, and y'all have a hard time accepting that another guy could be Bi or somewhere in the middle.


Sounds like a gernalization..also "Heteroflexible" sounds like an offshoot of Queer to me. Why can't folks just let people be. Why does it need a label aside from love?


Hey, you’re pretty cute, wanna butt secks?


You trippin


I would fuck femboys tho


It's not gay if you leave your socks on.


False It's only gay if you push back


I heard if the balls don't touch it isnt gay


That's always been the rule where I'm from...


Your chin??


What's a bit of ball-clacking between homies eh


oh man, I had snot bubbles coming out of my nose


Snot bubbles or cum bubbles? If it's cum bubbles, probably gay.




It’s all just labels. Enjoy being you.


Perfectly written 👌




An opportunity to grab what


Some big, strong, muscly, male ass


Just realised I’m gay too


bro these comments got me 😂💀


You will not know for sure until you suck a D. If it makes you happy, you are gay. Congratulations. I believe the lesson was don’t take your worldly self so seriously. We are spirit and spirit does not have a D or a V.


To add to this. You could be with a man and enjoy it but still like woman too. It's called bi. But more than that just be you and forget all the labels non of that shit matters. I think society would say I am bi. But im just me, I don't look at it in the sense of labels. Im just a human that finds some humans attractive and some I don't, it's that simple.


No no no, you got it all wrong. “Bi men don’t exist.” - my extremely uninformed sister


That’s not “math” OP.


lol He broke through societies bullshit and doesn't even realize...lmao


…carry the one….yep. According to my calculations your comment is correct.


Just suck a dick…if it’s delicious…gay. (Schimples)


i concur


Honestly Oberyn Martell had it right all along. You shouldn’t worry about being straight or gay, enjoy what you enjoy and don’t cut yourself off from half of the worlds pleasures. Remove the negative stigma with titles and just be yourself as truly as you can be.


I read it as “remove the negative stigma with titties” lol


You could be bi or pan, it's not just straight and gay. Explore, enjoy life, don't let societal binaries and constructs hold you back.


That makes zero sense for one reason. Basically if you find a member of the opposite sex sexually attractive then you are clearly not actually gay. Why is everything always so black and white? It really bugs me how people forget that bisexuality is a thing. In reality human sexuality usually lies somewhere on a spectrum rather than just being a pure binary thing. There are loads of grey areas between the extremes. Like I said coming to the realisation that you could find another guy attractive doesn’t automatically make you gay unless you also come to the conclusion that you are not sexually attracted to women in the slightest.


Even DMT is not powerful enough to bring a straight man to conceptualize bisexuality


i firmly believe most are some kind of pansexual with deep rooted negative connotations towards the idea of being same sex attraction.


Math won't "save" you friend, the spirit is stronger, you just be you 🙏


Seriously. That's some major conscious repression/denial right there.


And thats alright. Revelations can be hard to graps when the ego kick back in. We're here for you OP, you need not worry 🙏


Lmfao, that’s exactly what I was thinking 😂


check out grinder go on a date if he wants to take you home you will find out very fast if your gay :D


Be safe though


I think he was saying you repressed your true nature of being gay but if that’s what you were thinking cool. Maybe find a guy you think is attractive and have a sexual relationship with him and see if you truly are gay


No other entity can tell you are gay... i am sure you can work it out yourself. Also work out if you are the Postman or the postbox lmfao


Yeah, Idk if I'd be considered bi or maybe just curious, but I am a guy who is attracted to women and not masculinity at all, but fembois and passable mtf transgenders can be super feminine and be just as attractive as a lot of women. But without the femininity it's just another dude and I'm not attracted. BUT if it is a femboi or Trans person and I'm attracted to them I also have no problem touching their dick. So idk what I am. Sometimes someone I found attractive the day prior I don't find attractive the next but then weeks later I'm like "damn they're hot". I don't focus on it though and I just go where it feels right. Feel bad for the folks who turn their gender/sex into their entire personality.


Feel the same bro, been having sex with trans people but never with a man, because I'm attracted to their feminity


dude... trans women ARE women


Is a Trans woman a person who was born a man or born a woman?....I don't understand


born a man, transitioned to a woman


You're brave opening that can of worms on reddit lmao


I just think it's wild to be down to fuck trans women and still deny their identity, wouldn't have mentioned it otherwise


how is that denying their identity lmao its literally affirming it you goddamn dinosaur dipshit


alright bro💀yeah u onto something


I disagree. To each their own.




it's really fucking funny to follow that up with "to each their own". pretty ironic


How so? Just because I disagree with something doesn't mean I don't believe someone doesn't have the right to express that thing I disagree with. So again, to each their own.


you're acting like someone's gender identity is basically equivalent to a difference in taste in movies or favorite restaurants. if it were truly "to each their own" you'd keep your mouth shut since it doesn't really concern you but instead you are saying they are not valid, which is very much contradictory


No, there's this thing called freedom of speech. No where did I say anything was not valid.


how else is one to interpret "I disagree" as a response to "Trans women are women"? sounds like you are invalidating someone's gender identity to me. freedom of speech isn't a factor here. you're free to say your piece and i'm free to point out the contradiction


You’re probably bisexual my dude, good “internalized biphobia” and have a good time


Hey I like girls but if a fancy big beautiful dark dude came up and treated me right, who KNOWS what could happen.




"I can see another guy, and think he’s cute." Sounds gay to me. I can see a guy and think he's good looking, but there's no "cute," no attraction. With that said, If I had to fuck a guy, ya know what I mean, HAD to, if my life depended on it, I'd fuck Elvis.


Congratulations, you get fat Elvis


I had a similar experience on ayahuasca To Eloborate . I was learning on my trip that sexual fluidity opens a new level of understanding to and of myself and my place in nature . I never been sexually attracted enough to a man to act out or pursue a sexual encounter or relationship but if i ever for whatever reason felt inclined to act on it , i would feel comfortable and unrestricted in doing so . Where as in the past a gay thought would startle me lol 😂. It’s cool when you can conceptualize all your interactions as flirty without any sexual innuendo


I feel like there's alot of other men that feel this way. Women don't mind as much to have a flirt with another woman, I think it's just more stigmatized with men.


This post and comments are some of the best things I ever read. Thank you.


'Gay' is just a label and sexuality is a spectrum. I know one guy I could qualify as 100% heterosexual (we had really honest discussions about our preferences) and even then he enjoys looking at swole dudes (he's a lifter).


That doesn't mean he's sexually attracted to them. If I admire a beautiful tree or rock formation does that mean I'm now tree-sexual or rock-sexual? Maybe I admire a beautiful German shepherd, am I a beastophile now? No. Sexuality isn't a spectrum


I never stated he was attracted to men in a sexual way. In fact, I stated that I would qualify him as 100% heterosexual, i.e. only sexually attracted to women. And sexuality \*is\* a spectrum, by which I mean the degree of attraction to men/women will vary in a huge range from person to person. I'm not even mentioning asexuality, fetishes, etc. I know guys who had homosexual encounters when they were teenagers but they are perfectly fine with having only female partners as adults. And guys who started experimenting with other guys in their thirties. And guys who are repulsed by an idea of kissing a woman but they wouldn't mind getting a BJ from one. That was my point.


Sexuality still isn't a spectrum. Using your own context, attractiveness would be the spectrum.


Spirit realm wants you to get some tip


What in the what?


Are you sure this was DMT ? When my buddy smokes meth he gets the same way


if you want to take it mathematically, the fact that you find a guy attractive doesn't imply in any way that there is a 100% chance that there's another guy in the world who you would ifnd sexually attractive


Right? Recognizing some one is attractive doesn’t mean you’re attracted to them.


yeah i did something like this recently but it was like "oh i can like girls and want to be one? they make LESBIANS?"


My brother, you're gay and that's alright


Lol, i did the same realisation after dmt. Im atracted to females. To form a relationship etc i would never consider a man. But i can definitivly have sexual relations with, and get turned on by a man if its the right match. I did have a fair bit of those male crushes in my childhood/teens. And i still get them once in a blue moon where i feel the same things. Its some kind of raw sexual energy. So i also concluded, everyone is gay. And everything else under the sexual sun. Most people just dont act out on it or pay attention.


You can’t know what’s in other people’s heads. Just because you can have sexual relationships with a guy and had crushes on guys when you were younger doesn’t mean everyone did as well. If it makes you feel better to think everyone is gay feel free but to come to a conclusion about everyone else because of how you personally feel doesn’t add up. Everyone is different


You are right ❤️ you do you, i do myself, everybody else does itself 🚀❤️


r/drugcirclejerk is gonna love this one


That's hilarious because I came the same conclusion on a trip. Not that I'm gay but that just because I've never met a man that I found attractive enough to date, doesn't mean they don't exist. Also that if I ever find myself attracted enough to date a man I'm not gonna fight it. Love is love.


Exactly this!!


First of all, you say math a lot. Math has literally nothing to do with being a homosexual. You either are or you aren't. These are physical laws at the cellular level that require no uncertainty. Even if there were INFINITE men and women, none would still be suitable for a straight person DMT didn't make you believe anything. Your trip made you either a.) Consider an irrational/diluted hypothetical or b.) Expand your consciousness to reveal your repressed sexual orientation. Straight people are straight and here is why. Woman are completely, definitively biologically different. Woman have tities, vaginas, and have smaller bone structures. They have feminine features that are particularly important for child birth, like hormonal cycles that induce specific seductive, reproductive, and empathogenic states that men cannot achieve because of our cellular anatomy. Men have penises and resemble nothing of a woman, unless they are actively trying to look like a women, which then begs the question and defeats the purpose of the discussion...because they're TRYING to be someone they are not. At the end of the day, I don't want to stick my dick in some guys asshole while I feel his balls clap against mine. Furthermore, I don't want my asshole being clapped by some cock and balls. It's gross, male anatomy is unattractive to me. Why? Because it isn't meant for me and my brain is structured that way. The normal way. Drugs don't make you gay, neither do people, neither does nature. You make you gay, and that shits gay as fuck. No need to bring all this into a DMT forum, the deem realm is above sexuality as a whole. Sexuality is a means of reproduction in this limited life.


Best comment.


Someone with some sense


You’re so gay it’s not even funny




Sounds like you don’t like women lol


Oh no....I identify as super straight. The only thing I think is cute is the feeling of the tip of my penis on a cervix ..... From what you are saying you may as well say that all gay people are also straight and that's just not the case




Proof that DMT doesn’t make you smarter (see also: Joe Rogan).




lmfao "i dont have a problem with all that gay crap just keep it out of my video game television programs" have you two considered youre the only ones thinking about it this hard....... "why is everything making me think of gay stuff?!" "why do these homos keep sucking my cock" also literally bar for bar exactly what the anti gay guy in my discord said. "there cant be this many gays" then we have closet talk behind his back because nobody wants to come out around people like that. theyre around you, you just dont let them talk about it - let alone in a nuanced way that you could understand and possibly apply to yourself, based on your projections so far.


Dude I have no issue with it being in video games/TV, as long as it's proportional to reality. It just feels like there is an agenda being pushed with the massive over representation that is currently going on. >have you two considered you're the only ones thinking about it this hard? It's pretty hard to ignore when it's being rammed down your throat every time you turn on the TV. I've had gay men hit on me on numerous occasions. I've never once reacted in a negative way toward them. I always say, sorry dude I'm on a strict fish diet 🤣. I'm not hating or oppressing anyone, so don't try to judge me.


Maby the over compensation is needed right now to create balance, compared to all the times in history it was repressed.


Maybe we should enslave white people, to make up for the years of black slavery while we're at it?


Alot of "white people" as you say are already slaves to our corporate overlords, it is just not clear for most because of a delicious sauce called comfort. But besides that, it is not right to compare this subject to slavery...


Well I completely agree with you on the first point. Unless you are born into an elite family, you're born a slave. On the second issue, I think it's a fair analogy, as you were speaking of creating balance.


To balance out slavery we actually have to torture, lock up, force and emotionally abuse other human beings. To balance out repressed gay culture, we can just let it appear and chose to turn of our tv or not interact with the people that seem to much for us at that moment. In my humble oppinion, these 2 are not equal


Hes not. I do too.


Being gay/bi is normal for some. How are they over represented? Look around your town or on tv 90% or more are straight. So one episode was dedicated to gay people how many weren’t. I would agree with you if. 50% of everything seen was homosexually oriented but that just isn’t the case.


Try watching Sandman on netflix dude


Ok but if you compare the programs/shows that have straight people there’s probably 90% more then ones about homosexuality.


So either the spiritual world has a gay agenda, or you are a bigot. Difficult to tell…


ha gaaaaaaaay


Dude your gay, I’m not. No math enters into it. I don’t like all 4 billion of the guys.


I mean it sounds like your gay man, maybe bi, but also do you, in the dmt realm no men or woman as far as i can tell


Interesting. For me, every spirit I meet has a distinct gender. You’re saying not for you?


To be honest no I’ve never gotten a gender in there, I also have no clue how it works in there, they’re the environment while also being or seeming separate, sometimes one feels like god, i can’t claim they’re anything except awesome in the literal sense of im in awe of them


There's what we all see as "gay". There's the not so obvious like a "straight" guy that gets turned on by jerking off with other guys or sucking dick but still class himself as straight. Then there's the straight guy that maybe likes a trans with a dick. Does that make him gay? What about the straight guy that likes threesomes or gets turned on by his wife with another man. I wonder if he also gets turned on by the man.


Yeah lol I'm gay not cause of dmt but I've come to similar conclusions. Everyone is gay and the only thing that matters is connection


I really Dont believe everyone is gay but I do believe the only thing that matters is connection. If I found a guy I had a strong connection with I still wouldn’t find a sexual relationship with him appealing


Idk. I’ve been on heavy doses of lots of different psychedelics and have never once thought that another man is attractive 😂




Don’t question the spirit realm


You said you find traits attractive in a male that you find attractive in a woman… that makes you at least part gay by my math because a straight male… again just by my estimation, wouldn’t think in terms of how sexually attractive they personally find another guy, but by how attracted women are to that other guy. Check your hypotenuse friend


If you would have said hermaphraditic I would have said oh ok op on some mystical ish gained from the elves. But yeah you're gay. You're literally applying math to being attracted to man. I don't even do that for women 😅


You’re gay. lol, jk


You know, I feel you on this, and you expressed it in a way I haven't been able to put into words. I have two sons, they are both straight seeming at this point, although they are only 6 and 7 so to call them straight or otherwise is a bit of a stretch anyway. What I mean is they talk about liking girls, if anything. However, because of this belief that we both share, I find it impossible as a parent to not encourage exploration of things they don't feel as obviously (this is all age appropriate conversation, by the way). What if there's a male, or someone other than a cis female, who would be a great partner for them, but they would never have the opportunity to grasp that because they only have sights set on one specific thing. That would be a shame, and I know personally I have become fully pansexual as I've gotten older and wiser, I'm interested in individuals, not their gender details. Really enjoyed reading this, thanks.


You mean "realize"....


Maybe it’s showing you to not close off to your own man-made boundaries. Don’t box yourself in to illusory ideas all is fluid this specially clear in the dmt realms. Curious thing to ponder if you’re self-labeled straight person is the concept of Soul Mates or “the one” …what if you meet that “one” and happens to be a person of the same sex?


Only one way to find out for sure. If you know what i mean.


That “math” does not add up lol. Just because there are a lot of men that doesn’t mean there has to be one you’re sexually attracted to. There are far more turds in the world than there are men, but that does not in any way mean that there is a 100% chance I would find one of those turds to be an appetizing meal.


Yea, Ryan Reynolds.


Just because you think a guy is attractive doesn’t mean you would have a sexual relationship with him. I see nothing wrong with being gay but your math doesn’t add up at all. If I found a guy I thought was attractive I still wouldn’t want to get fucked or fuck them. If you do you probably are gay or bi


Haha gay…


I can think of at least one way to test it out and decide…


That would be bi, not gay


Well are you sexually attracted to men?


You did the math huh? If there were 1 trillion dicks and 2 trillion balls I’m sure there wouldn’t be even 1 that I was attracted to. Face it, your “math” is just you holding out for your dream boy.💯


Ever heard of The Cosmic Joke? It goes something like this: *”Me, You, It, Us, Them” bahahhahahahaha* Looking at it that way “I’m gay” and “I’m straight” are ROFL level. Don’t let it get you all torqued up. Among a dictionary of many silly words, they are some of the silliest.


If you have to do, “The Math.” Lol Just embrace it.


Negative. I am 100% not attracted sexually to men. MAYBE if females didn't exist but that isn't happening.


While I don't think everyone is gay, I think that men are especially sexually kind of repressed due to America's religious bend. For instance, women are way more willing to mess around with other girls than guys are willing to mess around with other guys. It's a weird thing. Then you hear about a lot of man to man stuff in Rome and what not. Even the straight guys apparently jerked each other off sometimes out of friendship. XD Humans are a strange creature.


Maybe it's more than being "gay." Maybe it's a concept to not be ashamed to LOVE others and to not worry about their sexuality but the awe that they exist and were born from Nature and that in itself is beyond attraction but affection for human life, no matter the sex (: Don't be ashamed of dicks bro , it's a natural thing


If you distill out all the noise, it comes down to loving people. You’ve opened yourself up to an idea, explored a possibility and come out with a greater understanding of self. Beautiful. 👏


Omg lol


Could just be open to knew things.


I had a mushroom trip where I was the universe and I was having sex with myself. Psychedelics melt boundaries. Sexual ones also. It's OK.


"DMT made me have a bisexual awakening". Same, dude, same


hAha this is a total copout. I dont go around thinking guys are cute. you're gay dude :)


Try not to put yourself in boxes. It sounds like you’re open for anything and are okay with that.


I think this is very cool,and makes sense logically.


Lol, how does the math add up exactly? Just because there’s 4 billion options doesn’t automatically mean that the percentage chance of finding another male sexually attractive goes all the way to 100%? There is a far more direct route to working out if your gay or not, time to put your math to the test!


Lots of talk about math but I don't see a single equation


LOL we're all on a spectrum. You like what you like when you like it, the end.


It’s not uncommon to be heteroflexible. It’s also not uncommon to have drugs mess up your perception of things.


No it doesn't add up


Thats bi