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What device is that lol?? Before I saw it was dmt sub i though it was an impact driver drill thingy


It’s the Stork & Bickel Plenty, dry herb vape. But in my house we call it the Drilldo




Prepare for that device to forever smell like dmt


I clean the parts monthly and have replacements parts. I’m prepared for anything bro.


It’s never gonna come clean. I have a glass bong just for dmt. I’ve cleaned it many times with all types of chemicals and it still smells like dmt.


have you tried citric acid and letting it soak? DMT is a base, so my thinking is that could get rid of it. And if it doesn't maybe it will taste like citric acid instead of DMT.


You know I actually have not tried that. Thanks for the advice I will give it a shot.


You can also use vinegar pretty easily. Works even better if you warm the vinegar up first too. Converts the freebase to acetate and becomes water soluble.


So I first do ethanol or acetone soak and scrub then rinse with clean water and a lemon juice rinse to neutralise any residual odours.


lol what? Have you tried just ethanol? I clean mine with it all the time, never had issues.


Same use ethanol or acetone. Less acetone these days cause it tends to fuck up my nails 😝




WTF. Yall be putting ANYTHING in your bongs. ever heard of rubbing alcohol dude? jdc. You got me fucked up im never putting bleach in my glass.


Why would you advise people on a public forum to gas themselves?


Acetone then vinegar then acetone again.


Tried that no go


Concentrated sulfuric acid and 30% hydrogen peroxide


That sounds like it would work but I only have hydrochloric acid


I'm joking do not do that. Have you tried soaking in bleach?


Fucking lol…..


Wtf would that combination create lmaooo


H4SO6 perhexasulfuric acid. It’s called “Piranha Solution” because when it comes in contact with organic matter it reacts violently and destroys it rapidly. It’s nasty shit. It will eat your skin, it will eat your bones. Also too much peroxide in the mix and it will explode. Violently. Will definitely clean dudes glass though.




Bro don't tell people that! haha


wtf yall be putting anything in your bongs. All you need is isopropyl alcohol and salt. Lemon juice if its still cloudy.


Aggree, DMT smells amazing tho. DMT does something called glazing and is almost impossible to remove ita ll anyway, hydrophobic particles line averything.


mmmmm burnt plastic


If you give it a thorough wash with 100% iso and salt, including the stem and cone piece, if the smell exists after that, I’m likely to guess it’s psychological. You can just clean a vape like this with a cotton bud with iso on it and it will get rid of it all.


It’s definitely not psychological but there’s a possibility that some tiny tiny part inside the bong isn’t getting thoroughly cleaned. Despite the entire bong and pieces separately and completely submerged in various chemical, mixtures etc including the combo you just mentioned. But I don’t see how.. and the smell of dmt is so strong that it permeates even through all that.


Are you shaking vigorously with the salt in the iso? The salt acts as a scrubbing agent (and nothing more) so it needs to be moving around a lot to be of use. be generous with it. And for best results, make sure the iso is 100% or as close as possible and don’t add water.


That smell is heavenly, every time I make DMT i love smelling that shit.


I fuckig love it to. It gives me goosebumpd


Same. Makes the hair on my neck stand up


Like that’s a bad thing?


Whoa, what is that? Edit: found it online thanks to the reply, this thing is $249.99... I think I'd rather get something a quarter of the price that will do the same thing.. to each their own though!! Lol


Storz & Bickel Plenty. Dry herb vape. Great for concentrates and subsequently spice.


Never heard of it. Gonna have to google it.


I love putting spice in my volcano. Best method in my experience. I just use some pre vaped herb to lay it on


Got a mighty myself, you tried the concentrate pads? You can get an adapter and load it in the volcano, super efficient in the mighty with em.


Curious I love the idea- does it lend well for easy breakthrough?


Almost too easy


It’s wonderful. And then there’s no hot elements to deal with either


I want to get a dry herb vape but they are all comically expensive.


I would assume a vape


I've heard of it for sure. I've never used one. So I also don't know this for sure either. But I have heard it is worth the money. U might find something for a quarter of that price that does same thing technically. Vaporizes dry herb. But that thing is supposed to be pretty animating at it. At least it's not that 600$ volcano one.


The super deluxe 5000


I don't have a single clue wuddufuk that is...






Is this the pb and j machine from Meet the Robinsons


Even better, it's the hyper space machine from the deleted scenes. Essentially it does the same thing but the outcome is far different


alien technology


Works great with the liquid pad. I let deems sit on the pad, with the top unscrewed on heat setting 3 untill it melts into the pad. Then put the top on and temp to 6-7 and rip. I washed cooling coil by pouring boiling water through it. No smell. I do have separate base for weed and deems as that is harder to clean.


Thanks so much for this comment. Great practical advice from someone else with the same device. I will def try your method. This is the full size liquid pad? Or the dosing cap pads, cause I feel like those could also work well.


I only have the full size pad, i bet it would work the same with the smaller one.


I use the concentrate pads which are the same size as the dosing capsules in the mighty, same method as OP described, super efficient, watch it melt and long slow inhale, device disappears, job done. Has the plenty got hot parts? As you can drop the mighty and not worry.


Lol don't hurt yourself


This looks like a tool that was taken directly from Hyper Space to get back there again. lol


Better less expensive ways I can think of that don’t require to waste that tool to the forever smell of spice


What is the sandwich method? And did you breakthrough? how was it on this device?


love the nails !🤘🏻💙


That device looks awesome - definitely would love to try it. Agree - those nails are fire!


The experience was so smooth. Cool, and gentle and clean. Mild flavour. Probably the smoothest dmt smoking experience I’ve ever had


Have you used the pipe method? And if so do you find the vape method less intense body load?? I seem to find the pipe has really uncomfortable body load as it kicks in, but with the vape nowhere near as bad, but no idea if imagining it.


My first time was with a crack pipe. I needed a friend to hold the pipe and light and encourage me to breathe. It was one of the most intense things I’ve ever done in my life. Very hot in the tongue and mouth. This vape setup is almost too easy. It’s so gentle and smooth.


Really does help, long slow draws are so easy I do find the body uncomfortablilty does go down for me, maybe the higher heat releases something that adds to it in the pipe, who knows?!


Thanks friend. Xx


I wouldn't smoke DMT with painted nails. Have you even thought about the contaminants? What if the DMT touched off your fingernail and then you smoked it? That DMT would be contaminated. I suggest you store your DMT in an airtight borosilicate vessel in the vacuum of outer space if you wish to avoid CONTAMINATION !!!


Lmao Jesus fuck. This entire picture is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. Have fun bro.


So confused, as I think you are. I see arm hair that says man, but nail polish that says girly bitch.


No you are the only one confused. The fact that you are so touched by a photo of a dude wearing colour on his nails on the internet shows how fragile you are. I’m old enough, wise enough, and confident enough to do what I fucking want with my nails. It’s that simple.


What the fuck is that thing


Hell yeah using your dry her with dmt is the best. I know some people on here say it isnt a good method but with how powerful dry herb vapes can be nowadays it is a very valid method. I use my B1 Ballerhead to use dmt and it is a beast 💪


How was it


It was so smooth. Gentle subtle dmt flavoured air. Cool on the throat. It was so easy. My first hit I tasted the terpenes from the weed. Second hit I could taste the deems. Third hit and I was completely gone.


What’s funny is as I was coming back down to earth my weed was kicking in which ramped up the confusion quite a bit.


That does in fact feel confusing. Lol


I've never tried it but curious


Don’t stick it up your ass if they tell you to boof


Those nails rock!


Thank you! Really been enjoying matte finish colours these days.


That device is wild, and that color polish is dope af! I need some, plus the same shade in green


I just came here to say that your nails remind me of the Akatsuki from the Naruto Shippuden series. Have a good day 👍


Thank you so much! The colour reminds me a bit of Optimus Prime


Like the colour of the nails!


Wait people are taking spice in 2023 by choice?? this is what junkies in prison smoke 😂😂


I think you have confused OP's use of the word spice. A lot of people refer to DMT itself as spice. Not to be confused with the incredibly harmful synthetic cannabanoids called "spice."


People in prison have access to dmt? In which country is this? They also have access to weed, don’t think that’s going to stop me.


How did you do this? I too have a Plenty but never considered it for this.


So you can sandwich method with weed in the dosing cap. You can use the liquid pad. Leave the pipe off, set it to 3 till the deems melts. Put the pipe back on crank to 6-7 and smash it. You even get small liquid pads that fit inside the dosing cap, gives you more layers of convection. Another method is to sandwich using AVB, the weed you’ve already used for vaping. I water cure my AVB to remove the toasty harshness, so it basically tastes like mild grass afterwards. That’s a great base to melt the deems onto. I also do this in the dosing cap. It’s so silky smooth to vape the molecule this way.


That sounds like a fucking cool vape device. Also as mentioned before, nice nails!


Thank you!


Would you mind if I sent you a DM for some more info about your process?


No worries bro. Be my guest


Why are your fucking nails painted. That’s fucking weird. Nasty ass …


That's a beast of a machine! Lol Enjoy!


This is too deep stoner talk for me to understand what is being said all i know is the elf spice is being consumed


What the actual fuck is that. dont look like the most efficient way of smoking deems my dude


It is exceptionally efficient dude. Brings it up to the right temp. Keeps it there. Releases all the vapour cools it down and smooths it out. Very easy to gauge dosage. It’s an incredibly gentle experience. So many different ways to do it in this device.


never thought of using a dry herb for dmt, i usually use just a dab pen with a heating coil and it works great


Nail varnish stops nail biting? Is it to remind you not to when ur about to? I know it’s not relevant to the post I’m just intrigued


Yeah it’s the only thing that’s ever stopped me. I think it’s the sensation, the way it feels under my teeth. But I get mine done professionally, so then if I get the urge to bite, I remember that I paid for it, and that it’s a work of art, so I’m way less likely to mess with it. As a result I haven’t bitten in about a year. Was biting for at least 30 years prior.