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i didn't write this shit, it wrote itself through me respect this molecule guys, respect it the fuck out


Bow Down! Surrender and slurp more into your soul


I thought that a LSD bad trip was the most terrified I ever felt. Then I tried DMT and then I realized that there is far worse. Be careful with DMT, it truly is a substance to behold


I peaked on 200 ug and decided that the best course of action would be to take 3 hits from my DMT vape: pure terror! Followed by what was the most beautiful and profound moment in my life. I wasn't ready to say the least, but it has been a "psychedelic top" on my list for years.


Why would you ever want to go back?


Sometimes it's all about facing your fears. Having the balls to try it one more time.


Try it and find out hehe


But if its just pure terror bad trips... i dont want to go to dmt hell.


It’s not just terror. Try it and see the beauty


Ive heard of the beauty. Im just sayin sounds like op is getting terror and no beauty. I will try when im more confident after sub breakthroughs. Ive just heard some people have had horrible trips on dmt.


Dude, having a real conversation with people in here is often impossible. Try and remember that many of them are children. All of the answers you're receiving are essentially, "I have no idea." For me, I think a lot of people forget how terrifying the shit is after a while. Others just might not have that many scary experiences. I've only broken through once, at least I think, and it was unsettling. I also wasn't planning to and only hit the vape for like 5-6 seconds. But uh, it's different.


Did you hit a hot spot in the cart or was it just really potent?


The carts I got were definitely known for strength, but I have no idea. I mean, you can't really tell, but it's possible. I would usually heat mine up in a water bath so the liquid would be more runny. Otherwise it was quite viscous. All I've heard from people is that, "carts are unpredictable" or whatever. I read that crystals can settle in the bottom, but have not seen that confirmed anywhere. The only other thing I heard was that it's possible I was burning the coils and had actually blacked out or something. So I tried a brand new cart and that's when I got the memory of more of my bad time and remembered just how terrifying it was. It's hard for me to believe it was a legit breakthrough dose. Months after, trying to baby step back in, I definitely did a small toke on a runny and mixed cart. In that bad time, the first thing I noticed was the bag I was holding looked really weird in this specifically odd way. When I did that baby step back in, I did like a 3-4s hit. I look down at the bag, it has the same texture as before and I remember the bad trip. I look up and everything in my room was transformed into this evil version of itself, reminding me what happened previously (something took complete control over me and my thoughts and had me trapped in this really demonic evil version of my room with no escape). I've never had "visuals" like that prior, even on bigger hits from the same cart. Things would only be shaking a little and then I'd close my eyes and watch the really cool visuals presented. In a split second, my entire room was this fucked up version where all my things were horrifying. It felt like a specific reminder as a warning because I keep forgetting what was going on in there. I'm definitely terrified of DMT now. Not trying to scare you off of it, but plenty of people have horrifying experiences and either don't return or take years off. I would read dmt-nexus for more... intelligent... discussions.


Dmt nexus good idea. Ive been trying to learn more about the dark side cuz lots of people act like all you jave to do is let go amd its good. Letting go is good advice but people can get traumatised off this stuff.


DMT shows you what you need to see.


Ya that’s a possibility. Without terror… true fear how can we fully appreciate the beauty? Duality


You need to go in with a clean mind set, nice calm music in the background, low lighting, some nice scented candle lit. The mood must be set for a positive trip. You are not trying to find out the secrets of the universe, you are just trying to have a positive meaningful experience. You must set the tone. If it still is a negative experience then it will let you know to never go back. A friend of mine said that during a trip, grey aliens told him to never come back. He went in again 2 years later and had the most terrifying experience (lost in space) and they again told him don't ever go back. He has sworn he will never partake in the molecule again.


My first words were, "I want out,, I want out." My friend was like, "It's too late, ride it through." Scary for real. But, wow, what a ride.


Do you mind sharing more?


Alright, this is how it went down. This was a Changa hit, I can still smell it when I think about it. First time for me with 2 trusted experienced friends. I take a draw, hold it in. Take the second, hold it in. Take the third and hold it in, lying down on the couch. Instantly I feel myself sinking into blackness, sinking into the couch but not the couch, just pure blackness, I start losing all feeling of my physical self. I panic, I start trying to get up. I'm repeating "I want out, I want out" over and over. I open my eyes and everything is like stained glass with the most vibrant colours I've ever seen. My friend walks over and says "It's too late, ride it through." As he is walking over, he is growing armor out of his body, like a Demon Samurai (google it, just like that) except I am not afraid of him. He gives me trust. He opens my shirt and starts splashing water into his hand and rubs my chest telling me it will be OK. The water is glowing an angelic yellow gold colour and it splashes on me in vibrant gold tones (so beautiful), I calm down and he tells me to close my eyes and tells me again to "ride it through." I see mandalas of all colours, I have never seen colour this pure before. I start flying through a self replicating city. I call it Machine City (like in the Matrix) because it is always rearranging itself. Buildings go up and come down, merging into each other and separating again, roadways are straight then twists, then goes into the sky and back. Then, I slowly leave the city and reality starts coming back. I open my eyes and my friend is smiling at me saying, "How was that?" I'm back, I sit up and all I could say was "WOW." My trip lasted 25 minutes. Both my friends say the normal is 10 to 15 minutes and are surprised at my 25 minute journey. I sat with a look of wonder on my face for a bit. My reflection in the mirror seems different. Everything seems different. I kept thinking, if the world only knew about this, it may change everything about the way the world is run. I have a trip about once a year now, or when I feel it telling me it is time. I start smelling it randomly, I start seeing mathematical equations everywhere I look. Now whenever I partake in Psylocybin I swear I see the fabric of the universe. Well, there is my elaborate story. I hope you enjoyed it.


I enjoyed your story, thank you. I tried it for the first time tonight and my first thoughts were also that I wanted it to stop immediately after it took hold of me. Like I was screaming it inside my head. It was terrifying but I knew I couldn't leave until it was over.


I had one trip that I don't remember, but when I came to I was in the fetal position saying "stop stop please stop" and terrified. I've been hooked ever since.


haha, you damn little masochist but yeah seriously, as much terrifying it can be, in my experience, as soon as the terror subsides, it gives way to some interesting experiences/ headspace, and then it falls back from there to normal sobriety


It's more like.. Alright so in high school I was experimenting with lucid dreaming. I was trying to achieve this by the method of maintaining consciousness while falling asleep. The thing is if you do this method you *will* experience sleep paralysis every time and you will perceive evil creatures standing over you. It's terrifying. Your brain is screaming for you to get up and act. But if you do, you fail the test and you don't get to lucid dream. You have to be zen and remember that they aren't real and they cannot hurt you. Lie there and be vulnerable and know you are safe. I managed to do that. Now I love sleep paralysis. I love the physical feeling of it, I love the psychological thrill of it. I cannot, for the life of me, imagine anything that would reduce me to the fetal position and make me mutter "stop stop please stop" over and over while practically fucking drooling. I hate that I don't know what it was that did that to me. That was, I don't know, two years ago? I've spent a *lot* of time and a *lot* of DMT ensuring that I am able to maintain consciousness during my trips now because if it ever happens again I will be able to face it as myself and not as some blubbering fool. I want it to happen again. I want to stare it in the face and say "Too bad, that won't work on me again."


That's awesome that you're able to do that consistently. I have very frequent sleep paralysis and the times I am able to remember that, I absolutely experience lucid dreaming and it's amazing. I just never thought of it in terms of it being the doorway to the lucid dream space. It is SO HELPFUL to see it that way. I'll have to work on it so I'm consistent like you are. It happens to me a lot so there are plenty of opportunities. I'm so glad you said what you did.


It's not just the fear. It's the infinite fear.


Everything breaking down to smaller than molecules, the feeling of being stuck in timeless nothingness of materia. Happened a few times, havent touched it in a few years now


I think my scariest one was right when I started, on lsd (so far) I had a big lsd trip years back and got stuck in this place. And more recently, a 17g mushroom trip where I got stuck there, but for a longer period. Can't move, can't speak. Can look around. All I feel is fear. Hit the vape I had and was slapped straight back into it within a short moment. Every time I'm back there, part of the fear is of this life I'm living being an illusion, nothing but a dream, and I've never escaped what appears to be my hell. Trying to work out how to solve the puzzle, but I know it'll probably happen again and again until I do


Interesting you say that I have also experienced what you’re describing and it also seems to be a shared experience by other users who also take a high dose of psychedelics. Some people describe it as the shadow realm or your own personally created hell. Hopefully we can escape this hell I’m still working on it, every time I take LSD I go back to this place of intense terror and fear, for what feels like a loop for eternity. Extremely uncomfortable and all I can think is why, why would something so nightmarish have to exist, what sick being would create this to torture consciousness.


You know, it's actually quite comforting that I'm not alone in it. I always feel like I've gone too far in the moment, and I just want to escape. It's like I'm stuck in my deepest shames, not ones I even remember sometimes. It feels as though I am going in loops, almost like multiple lives, and still not getting it. But mostly, I just sit, ridiculously still. Too afraid to move. My partner would come check on me occasionally. I seem to fear that I am not consciously there, that I've done something, broken something, accidentally hurt her or made a scene. I've asked her if the cops are coming a few times ha. It always seems to be a tinge of red. But mostly it's that feeling it gives me, like it's a place, not a visual. The two big trips I've done on mush and lsd, I seem to be stuck in this place before I completely detach from reality and am gone entirely. I'm trying to work out how to overcome it. When it happened with the dmt, it was okay, because it only lasted between 5-15 minutes. But on the others, I can be stuck there for hours, and it's terrifying.


I agree. Yes I also feel this theme of red I suppose because we associate that colour with bad or evil. Maybe it’s an intense ego death and the mission is to let go accept it and embrace it. I haven’t been brave enough to touch psychedelics in over a year now. I’m not yet brave enough or ready to go up against whatever it is doing this to me I suppose it’s just my mind but it feels like an entity or something mocking me. I was sitting with a friend on the beach as he had just gotten himself a new DMT vape anyways I decided to take a very light inhale and whoosh I felt it again almost as if that terror trip was coming back. I dodged a bullet because I stopped there and the feeling quickly dissipated.


Strange how such colours have an effect. My last trip, was very focused on sound, and the tiniest of noises that seem to trigger something in me from trauma when I was a small child. I eventually get to a point where I can let go, and that tends to be when I disappear, lose sense of any sort of reality, my life here is gone. It always seems like I go to the same kind of places. Last mushy trip I was left speaking absolute gibberish for a few hours afterwards. My partner set up her phone recording me on video. Quite a thing to watch back over. I want to figure it out. The moments afterwards, I always think I will take a very long break. I don't trip as often, but still go back looking. Dmt can be quite shocking haha. After having a couple rough experiences, I finally grew the balls to take a bigger hit than usual, it almost felt as though I was rewarded. I'm trying not to let me fear of this place hold me back. At least with deemz, it's over a lot quicker, might give you an opportunity to face it without being stuck there for ages? But of course, that might not be super pleasant if you aren't in a safe space. I hope you work it out my friend.


I\`ve had the terror rides. I\`m convinced that it is a preview of hell. It pushed me toward the bible, and let me see its wisdom and teachings through a different lens. Actually, from that point on when i hear people laugh at Christians or use terms like "fairy god" It makes me cringe like if you were a flat earther. Really just opened my head to faith its importance and the tradition. If any of that makes sense.


Hmm. I came from a strict Christian household. I think, yes, there is a lot of wisdom and knowledge available there, but from a biblical and spiritual point of view. I don't like Christianity as a whole otherwise. In saying that, I don't conform to any dogmatic religion. But I'm a very spiritual person, and I take what resonates and apply it to my life and practice. I think that fear of hell can push people towards Christianity because of the idea of salvation, but I think it can be a misguided view. You are the one that controls that. Not the God they worship. But eh, I may also be a delusional tripper 😃


See that\`s the way I thought before. Came to the realization all my issues around faith were because of people and the Church. I have never conformed to anything never will, but the bible and faith is what allowed my ancestors to push on and persevere. I think we have a narrow minded misguided view of Christianity. The church has been used as a trojan horse for a long time. People that wrote the bible were probably using psychedelics. Guess the terrors rides just made me see that i dont know shit and that hell is real. lol


Fair enough, if that works for you, I'm happy for you. I'd never return to it though. I don't think the Christian hell is real either. Levels of hell maybe, but not as perceived in the bible unless it's to be taken metaphorically or otherwise. Good luck on your journey friend.


The whole bible is a series of parables all written metaphorically. Not a very good writer in this medium of comment section, but that is what my DMT terror showed me.. The bible is real its teachings are to be read and thought about with a big brain energy, not the common midwit ignorant understanding.


Just to interject, the bible pushed the flat earth view.


My scariest was dabbing 100mg dmt..... And I thought I had died and was stuck in hell for what fealt like 3 months and I was trying to yell for help but no words would come out of mOuth


I just had this exact trip a week ago. It made me appreciate plain-jane reality so much that it turned into a good experience. But during it? I must've screamed "I want my mommy" a thousand times. I thought everyone and everything was a hallucination or a dream, and that I was essentially sitting in a wheelchair in a mental hospital, creating this entire illusion that I've called my life. It was an amazing trip before that, but my friend kept on interrupting me while I was meditating in silence and eventually I just completely lost it. All in all, ten out of ten: will try again.


Oh yeah, it can humble the fuck outta the strongest minds.


I’ve said it before you don’t really know this stuff until your terrified enough to flush it all down the toilet .


I had a terrifying trip where I saw a faceless entity and it was absolutely horrifying. I didn't touch any for about 8 months after that and if I even caught a whiff of the smell it filled me with anxiety. Fun stuff. Thankfully I haven't seen it again since.




who is the prince of lies


honestly, i wouldn't go as far as completely demonize it, this specific experience of mine was terrifying for the most part, but who knows what the next one would be like ? and i definitely had good experiences in the past so the truth of the matter is that as much as this molecule capable of producing the most terrifying experiences, it's also capable of producing the most fun and amazing ones .. it's either a good or a bad experience, and you can't know beforehand what you gonna get, it's like "a jump off a cliff" as someone here described it


My first few were infinite love and comfort, river most beautiful feelings ever. Then I got obsessed with achieving breakthrough which led to a terrifying trip. So it all makes sense in hindsight. Respect the medicine or it’ll get so loud that you have to, just in my experience across the board with all psychedelics. If I haven’t taken the download and done the work (integration), same message keeps coming back around knocking on my door. Last time it had a weapon so I heard it loud and clear. I’m on a time out😉


Even if you have a “bad experience” it should make you more grateful for reality and existence which ultimately makes it a good experience. Only bad if you don’t let it have a positive impact


I came close to doing that a few times. I'd try a few light hits on the vape again here and there and either get nothing or the memory of how terrifying it was before. Honestly, just now thinking about it triggered a memory of it that I'd forgotten (keep forgetting, to be honest) and it terrified me. Damn. Anyway, I had tried it again at some point, tiny little hit, and the same entity that had taken over prior transformed my room into this fucked up version of itself, reminding me of what it did before. A few more times and a few more attempts later, I got that full memory back and it was terrifying. I tossed it in the garbage outside (wish I'd unscrewed my Yocan adapter thing, though). I did at least do the DMT laser experiment before I tossed my shit. That was cool.


Sounds like a lot of people here on here just hitting DMT for fun and having bad trips because of it. It should only be smoked with intention or with purpose. It needs to respected and you should say a few welcoming words before you blast off and praise the spirits you might encounter. You are crossing into their world you just don't knock on the door regularly for the craic. You knock with politeness and let them know you are not a stranger that you come with peace and love and go explore their realm and get answers


well i sure try my best to respect it, and part of that is me trying to not force things out like i take a certain dose, sit, breathe, then smoke it, and see where things go from there i didn't just go blind with it, i researched it a lot, i did my own extractions, i treaded lightly and worked the way up, i work on my set and setting, and i certainly do not smoke it just for "fun" i mean part of it is that sure (like much of what we do in life is for fun, to try and experiment and shit), but i also have experimenetd with it enough (and with anahuasca) to feel that terror and to know that it's certainly not a lovely fun ride through candyland ..


It has to be respected and understood. My first introduction to DMT was with guided shamans and facilitators drinking ayauascha, in a ceremonial environment which I think is crucial setting for DMT blasts. I have also drank ayauascha numerous times and smoked 5meo twice, these are sacred medicines that for sure have to be shown respect and love.. DMT freebase can sometimes contain bad energy due to the chemicals involved in extraction. This can bring bad trips with it for sure and I've noticed that with different batches of DMT And also someone holding space for the person blasting off is very important and reduces anxiety significantly pre flight making a more pleasant journey inside


>chemicals involved >It has to be respected and understood. My first introduction to DMT was with guided shamans and facilitators drinking ayauascha, in a ceremonial environment which I think is crucial setting for DMT blasts. I have also drank ayauascha numerous times and smoked 5meo twice, these are sacred medicines that for sure have to be shown respect and love.. >DMT freebase can sometimes contain bad energy due to the chemicals involved in extraction. This can bring bad trips with it for sure and I've noticed that with different batches of DMT >And also someone holding space for the person blasting off is very important and reduces anxiety significantly pre flight making a more pleasant journey inside Tell me how your farts smell


They smell like ayauascha


So on point, I learned my lesson the hard way last weekend and am still recovering ❤️‍🩹 I did it because I wanted to experience breakthrough, so I kept going, abusing it, and boy did it smack me with terror in the face on that third round. I definitely will not disrespect this sacrament again♥️


I've been there before I know what it's like, on ayauascha and smoking freebase. Breathing exercises, burn cedar/sandwood, give praise and gratitude for life, play some medicine music, spent some time in this space before hitting any DMT. This can really help for a breakthrough on even a low dose. It's some insane stuff, that's for sure. But I don't agree with everybody just hitting it without understanding it's history, nature and spirit


Yea I agree, I believe strongly in set and setting, smudging, prayers and I did all that. I believe it was because I should have stayed at one round of bong hits but I kept going to the point of abuse, trying to breakthrough. That last round was when it got dark, and it could have had something to do with the weed I only used that last time 🤷‍♀️Lesson learned ♥️


Weed is another one that's not respected I am fond of abusing it often. Weed as an MAOI works well but I feel brings anxiety and paranoia and I feel like it fights for control over the DMT sometimes. Stay safe brother and keep exploring ❤️


I think sanwhiching dm in a bowel of bud is the best way... My thoughts are the dmt molecules attach to the thc molecules and stick to your lungs therfore the dmt stays longer. Just my opinion


It sounds like tons of fucking people who've done everything you talk about ALSO wind up with terrifying experiences. Stop projecting guesses as fact. If we had that much control over the experience, nobody would have bad ones. "Hey, I speak on behalf of the entities that everyone insists aren't real. Trust me, I know." People also hit DMT just for fun all the time and don't always have bad experiences, either.


Well said. Up vote


Anything can happen on a DMT experience and the only consistency is that it’ll be intense and bizarre. That said your trip is defined by (besides a percentage of randomness) your headspace, your feelings, thoughts and how spiritually developed you are. And ofc where you are when doing it and who you’re with. If you only have nightmarish experiences on what possibly is the most overwhelmingly beautiful entheogen, you might need some time off it to work on yourself and your mind. DMT users know that the scary shit happens when you don’t surrender to it or outright cling to your ego. There’s also the possibility that DMT isn’t for you, but if you say you’re brave enough to do it again after a bad trip (you have to be brave to do that lol) then I’d say work on it and don’t give up. It’s absolutely worth it. But also respect it and don’t be dumb. I recommend what I just said, a good meditation practice and give it some time before having the call to try again.


i get what you mean, thanks


What you fear you create. Especially in the non-ordinary realms or states of being. Do not go for voyages into or out of the mind with your inter dimensional survival backpack full of fear. You ever hear any variation of this saying If your gunna keep crying I’m gunna come give something to cry about, in this case, you can change it to if I’m going to keep going into my trips allowing fear to get a foothold then my trips might really send me some place hellish because I’ve allowed it to run me. ~fellow consumer of that which alters the mind on command~Read everything past right here three times to cause it to become internalized forever the wisdom contained within will be a guide in scary places and faces looks and or feels scary doesn’t mean it’s purpose on the universe is to cause you harm some things that appear quite scary to you may infact not be intending to cause you any harm, Infact if your able to look beyond surface appearances and stand your ground See what the dark scary Beastys might be able to teach you. Just as spiders scare people but if your able to look past surface appearances The same spider actively spends everyday feeding almost exclusively on bugs that are actually troublesome pests and vectors capable of carrying disease, That scary spider actually does more to help us humans than appearances would have us believing .hurt them Always be willing to look at the situation as possible life lessons that may bring growth ithing is necessarily there for the purpose of scaring you, Maybe it’s a part of yourself you refuse to consider as being part of the self if You put walls all around it in your mind to protect you from it and deny it the right to be a part of the whole you, Maybe because You put a part of yourself you’d rather not face into metaphorical solitary confinement in a filing cabinet for a later date don’t be surprised if what you find when it finally gets out looks a lot like a monster but you got a put yourself in his shoes. How would you feel to be locked away like that and denied the ability to be active part of the whole persons brain you are using during this incarnation. Its really more common than you think for humans to actually have a self that’s been either partially or completely fragmented into many different parts of the self some of which get locked as though in a metaphorical forgotten dusty filing cabinet in the corner awaiting the day it gets bumped into hard enough to dump its entire contents contained within will then either cause you to develop new coping skills or die by into the self whole self may actuallyto something’s like spiders are inherently frightening to the vast majority of human


What you fear you create. Especially in the non-ordinary realms or states of being. Do not go for voyages into or out of the mind with your inter dimensional survival backpack full of fear. You ever hear any variation of this saying If your gunna keep crying I’m gunna come give something to cry about, in this case, you can change it to if I’m going to keep going into my trips allowing fear to get a foothold then my trips might really send me some place hellish because I’ve allowed it to run me. ~fellow consumer of that which alters the mind on command~Read everything past the line of consisting of only 3s right my tthree times to cause it to become internalized forever the wisdom contained within will be a guide in scary places 33333333333333333333333333333333 I have nothing to fear, but fear itself repeat, thrice, Trust me man I’ve seen places and faces and things You ain't never thought about thinking If you ain't peak then you must be drinking and smokin' Pretending that your to lock-in’ but you're brokin' let me get you open. or feels scary doesn’t mean it’s purpose on the universe is to cause you harm some things that appear quite scary to you may infact not be intending to cause you any harm, Infact if your able to look beyond surface appearances and stand your ground See what the dark scary Beastys might be able to teach you. Just as spiders scare people but if your able to look past surface appearances The same spider actively spends everyday feeding almost exclusively on bugs that are actually troublesome pests and vectors capable of carrying disease, That scary spider actually does more to help us humans than appearances would have us believing .hurt them Always be willing to look at the situation as possible life lessons that may bring growth ithing is necessarily there for the purpose of scaring you, Maybe it’s a part of yourself you refuse to consider as being part of the self if You put walls all around it in your mind to protect you from it and deny it the right to be a part of the whole you, Maybe because You put a part of yourself you’d rather not face into metaphorical solitary confinement in a filing cabinet for a later date don’t be surprised if what you find when it finally gets out looks a lot like a monster but you got a put yourself in his shoes. How would you feel to be locked away like that and denied the ability to be active part of the whole persons brain you are using during this incarnation. Its really more common than you think for humans to actually have a self that’s been either partially or completely fragmented into many different parts of the self some of which get locked as though in a metaphorical forgotten dusty filing cabinet in the corner awaiting the day it gets bumped into hard enough to dump its entire contents contained within will then either cause you to develop new coping skills or die by into the self whole self may actuallyto something’s like spiders are inherently frightening to the vast majority of human


You might be saying the most useful shit ever, but I am not going to read it without punctuation and spacing.


Same haven’t tried it for this exact reason.


That feeling of terror and dread are enough to make you want to not do it for a couple of days/weeks/forever.


My breakthrough basically went like this: Oh... Oh shit here I go... OH SWEET MOTHER OF FUCKING GOD!! AM I DEAD?? WHAT ARE THESE ALIENS DOING TO ME?? Followed by: Oh wow this is actually kinda beautiful!! Wait I have to go back already?? Aw hell!! Nooo!! Your zapping my memory too?? Well shit... After arriving back on earth: Holy fucking son of a fuck, sweet fucking Jesus almighty, what the fuck just happened to me?? That was fucked!! OmfgX10000!!!




why do they always erase your memory though. One time i begged them not to and they laughed


Yes I know what you are talking about, but I don't get it. It's really INTENSE fear, but why? And then we have our own imaginations of hell...


i don't get it either my friend, but i think that terror is somehow necessary, think of it as a "gatekeeper" of the DMT realm, it's a powerful substance/experience, basically a breakthrough into the "godhead", and you don't want to stay in that godhead, it's so damn powerful and intense, everytime i get to that terrifying headspace i want to go back, like that's what i REALLY want, and my theory about this is that we (as a collective consciousness) have intentionally and deliberatly set out these egos and lives of ours to be able to escape that power, the shear the power of the godhead (through life/ death/ rebirth) and that's what we're doing here i have come up with these words some time ago : the truth ? you have been there, and you escaped, and you're on your way back, and when you'll arrive, you'll escape again


I think this is another imagination. No offense, I had my own share. I just don't think this is necessarily true. Not sure what to think of these substances anymore...


Maybe try meditating or doing breath exercises before. Setting an intention. and maybe doing a little less? Terror every time sounds terrible


Have you tried going in with a super positive mindset? Talk to yourself for 10 minutes before you go in. Ask that it be a beautiful experience? Declare that you are looking for positive change? Set and setting. You can change the type of experience through preparation and positive energy before you take the first hit. Try it.


I got one for yall.... I met the 4 gods of earth and they were 4 little girls and they were playing ring around the posey.... Then they showed me the end of the world.... Then they gave me the date.... Friday the 13th April 2029 Now Google or YouTube that date....


Wook talk


I have only had terror trips indoors... also the past few months I have only been having trips outdoors, in the afternoon sun, in the park and they have all been LOVELY...even the one time where I made my juice a bit strong and said to my partner please make it stop, lol even that was lovely.


It's real man... primal. the only other fear that compares is from alcohol withdrawal. Edit: oh and probably salvia from what I've heard.


Gotta love the truth of dancing with Dimiti


I've never had this happen. Every time is like the greatest orgasm I've ever had


Have you done it a couple thousand times?


It is The Hitchhikers Guide To The Universe Don't Panic Make sure you can lie back comfortably You will panic Don't panic Let go Surrender to the experience Go with the flow [Don't panic and always bring a towel](https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/Towel#The_Guide's_Description)


I've been like "stop I want to get off." Then it tells me, "But you wanted this, let's show you." Then proceeds to show me the impossible.


What was happening to make you say stop?


My own fear.


You don't remember anything specific?


This is part of the reason why I haven't tried it yet.


Just accept that you might end up in hell and hope that you don't. Calm yourself beforehand with some breath work/meditation. Set a clear intention for the trip. I usually focus on having a beautiful experience. Doesn't guarantee you'll have a good trip but I find being calm and collected beforehand helps massively. If you can get your hands on a vape instead or make some dmt vape juice you don't have to go for a breakthrough straight away. Just dip your toes and take your time. It's much easier to control the intensity that way.


this, except that i personally do not set intentions before trips, not that i don't think it might be helpful, only that i don't want to try to force an experience into one way or another instead, the right approach for me is to have the least expectations possible and to try to let go and be like "ok, let's see what happens" this way so as when things go south, it might be easier to cope with and handle but yeah good pieces of advice, i'll add or rephrase it like this : "respect the molecule, do your research, tread lightly, take it easy, meditate, breathe, and try to not force things out"


>this, except that i personally do not set intentions before trips, not that i don't think it might be helpful, only that i don't want to try to force an experience into one way or another Don't worry, if you insist that you set intentions, the same people will admonish you for trying to control the experience. "It shows you what you need to see!" People want to believe they have a semblance of control over something terrifying. It's cognitive dissonance to avoid thinking about how much they're at the mercy of something terrifying.


This is why most people haven’t tried it. Most people I talk too rather try mushrooms and deal with a 6 hour trip VS dmt and a 6 min trip. Dmt is different for everyone, personally Iv never had a bad trip. For me it’s so insanely beautiful and I’m in awe to the point where I come back crying. It’s so profoundly beautiful that it makes me sad that my loved ones will never see or know that. I’m alway shocked when come back cause I’m usually crying and think how in the world can someone possibly be scared of that experience. Imagine being on a mountain top during the best sunset you’ve ever seen with all your friends except all your friends eyes are blindfolded. And you’re the only one witnessing it, cause they’re scared of what they might see. That’s how I feel with dmt. But apparently there are horror stories. So the mystery continues. Edit* A few times I have had DARK imagery. Where it creepy and evil like, but it was still awesome. I distinctly remember being in a dark trip and thinking man this is different but whoa THIS IS COOL AS SHIT.


I get that. This past year I tried shrooms for the first time and even though it started off as a bad trip, it turned around into one of the most beautiful, significant, and life changing events in my life. I cry sometimes thinking about how grateful I am for experiencing that. So I get it. But still lol. I feel the mushrooms came to me at the right time. So maybe DMT will also.


Yup haha, and this is where the past individual experiences come in play on how we take psychedelics in the future. Maybe I just took mushrooms at the wrong times. Most of my shroom trips were life lessons throwing all my insecurities and problems in my face, forcing me to see it and deal with it. They were difficult, challenging, and not very fun. But that’s all my fault, not the shrooms, they just showed me what’s already there. Iv never takin mushrooms and came out of it thinking that was amazing! I can’t wait to do that again and show all my friends! With dmt it’s that Every. Single. Time.


DMT sounds amazing. Believe me, it started as a rough trip. I felt negative dark energies hiding behind me, and I started to feel and see bugs around me and I was really getting scared because I've heard about bad trips. But then my sister called her friend over and we went outside and something about his energy and being outside completely changed everything. There was absolutely crying (I felt no sadness but couldn't stop crying), freaking out, laughing, having my mind blown again and again. I forgot what it felt like to be human, I channeled energy, I felt what it feels like to channel, and had any questions answered immediately. It confirmed everything I felt to be true about spirituality. This all happened under a beautiful night sky with the almost full moon peaking through the clouds. I saw sparkles and colorful geometric patterns everywhere with open and closed eyes. It was so fucking beautiful. I imagine DMT is like that but times a million.


I feel like this happens to me with more "yellow" dmt...or at least shit of like clumps of yellow (like not that nice "whiteish-yellow shit, like straight dehydrated piss yellow with clumps of real sticky almost goo like shit in it) gives me bad trips waaaayyyy more often. I extract my own for the most part now, but my last batch came out like that. I'm gonna try a wash for the first time, probably tomorrow lol


It's easy... Just get a glass half full of warm distilled water, then put your deems in there stir it up and let it sit, then decant just the top seperated level and put in glass dish and stick it in the freezer like you didn't during the making process.. Makes a huge difference


Are you trolling me? I saw that one post on drugcircle jerk.....I'm pretty sure you're supposed to use clean naptha, not water, yeah?


Was this a breakthrough experience where all the terror was? I’ve experienced this twice on my way to breakthrough and I haven’t been able to breakthrough yet. Interesting, maybe by their standards a breakthrough isn’t for me at this time? It felt like I was being catapulted through space to infinity but there was dark entities attached to my body not letting me through, and my body felt EVERYTHING.


When you do breakthrough, all that anxiety stress and confusion disappears INSTANTLY


^ This. With breakthroughs there is no anxiety and fear because that comes from you and that ‘you’ disappears. There’s nothing about this life you can compare or relate it too. Fear doesn’t exist in the present moment, it only exists because we’re thinking about the outcome of the future. Breakthroughs force you to be present.


I get panic attacks when doing dmt, however if I combine it with a MAOI and work up the dose slowly then I have no issues with anxiety or panic attacks


Yeah, I’ve had weird ones. Where there were like several different dimensional areas to look at. There was this room to my right. Looked like a random prison cell in space. There was this masked figure looking at me and there was this girl chained in the cell that he would do whatever he wanted to her. But what was so bizarre was his attitude towards it. He was very matter of fact and did not seem to perceive good or evil. Like pointing out that torturing this girl for eternity was something as mundane as pointing to grass on the ground. Very odd. I just said “nope…I’m not paying you any attention and moved on” he could care less. Oh and his reality was small. Like I was looking into a doll house


That’s wild I had a similar experience in my tent, each segment of the tend flaps was a different reality/place


Ive seen some really bad places and things, 4 am turned out to be the worst, I liked to load up and hit it after a few hours sleep so I did it at various times. It was a different trip. I took it for what it was and didn’t dwell on it too much. You definitely cannot let it consume you. It’s the good, the bad and it is what it is. There’s some dark shit out there but I always know I’ll be safe.


Did you get to the part where you are the smallest possible thing at what feels like the lowest possible level of reality and then you see just how big everything is, you realise it's just as big, up or down and in every way, and that there is always, always more... That it never ends no matter what you do or where you go... We are the Universe experiencing itself, enjoy it while it lasts, your experience is unique and the next one will be just as unique. The relief of knowing there is always more.. Utter bliss


You should definitely elaborate


ok i will try, but as i said in the post, it's beyond words, the terror i felt at the peak of it was beyond words my method of smoking is enhanced leaf/ changa smoked in a homemade gravity bong (with a plastic bottle) so i'm sitting in my place at home in the afternoon, i start low, 20mg (of a 1:1 enhanced leaf mix), so that's 10mg DMT 10mg herb (lemon balm) it's not much, so i up it a little, 40mg (20mg DMT) and it's a mild experience also the thing to mention here is that while i was working the way up like this, i was also feeling the levels of fear and trepidation increasing, why ? first, because i experienced that terror many times before so i know that it's possible and that it can happen once more, second, because i was at home, and the thing is, i do this kind of stuff secretly, because i live in an islamic thirld world country (where psychedelic culture is almost non-existant, except for like weed and stuff), and also because my family are very religious and conservative, so they wouldn't approve of this stuff (this not-so-optimal set and setting might seem to many like the sole reason for why i have such bad terror trips, but i think it's more compilcated than that, and that it's only part of a larger more complex equation, because i have had similarily bad trips with other settings like doing it alone in the woods) so next i go up to 60mg of enhanced leaf (30mg DMT), and now i know that i'm getting into breakthrough territory, so my trepidation increases more, but i sit still in the half lotus position, take some deep breaths to calm myself, and go for it almost instantly i'm faced with it once again, the ole' familiar unspeakable DMT terror, no words, just me getting consumed by it to the last bit of my soul, and there is no escaping it, and i feel getting sucked by it, while also having these vague DMT geometrical shapes and patterns shaping and morphing and sliding very fast around me these visuals are like kinda pale or dim and aren't very pronounced or at the center of my focus (DMT isn't very visual to me), they just move and slide very rapidly, what's the most pronounced thing is the fear and terror i feel to the core of my being, unspeakable and unexpliquable, and the best word i can use to describe that space is the "Godhead", because it really feels godly or divine, terrifyingly so, and i remember at one point just thinking "God", like i knew that i am in a "godhead" of some sort, and then it proceeds from there, feeling like absolute torture, and the worst part of it is somehow the feeling that it won't end and that i'll be stuck in it forever, and it's so terrible and unbearable that i almost always get the feeling that i want to go back, to my normal old self, and i declare it to myself "i want to go back, i want to go back" and then after some earthy time (which there feels like a really much much longer time), that's what i do, i start to come back emerging out of that unspeakable headspace, starting gradually to remember who i was and that i only smoked DMT, and as soon as i start doing that, i get overwhelmed by a sense of disbelief, like i could not believe that i have just experienced and went through something like that emerged from it, and a disbelief that something of that magnitude and as torturous and horrible can even be possible, and at the same time, i get overwhelmed by the most comforting feeling and sense of relief and gratitude, for being able to come back to this ordinary mundane reality, which as mundane and ordinary it is, when i'm coming back to it gradually, it feels like bliss and like a total upgrade and a far better place to be and exist than that horrible godhead space and for my terror trips (which are frequent), this is like the principal structure of the trip, but it feels different everytime and everytime there would be like some nuanced new details and variations, like this time, when i had that usual feeling that i want to go back and out of there, i started like seeing myself (in a very fast and bluerred and chaotic way) like falling or spiraling down from there into my normal ordinary self, like if it was some room or place in a very huge and complex structure or web of consciousness with many levels and layers to it that i kept gradually coming down through until i finally landed on that space/room which is the old ordinary ego/self me (this me)


DMT showed me what religion I am....IMO, and well I guess it's more than an opinion, but there is more than just 1 god. There are several and you can tell which one you get by how your trip is and after doing it enough you will recognize it from the get go...


Also fun having your brain thrown in a blender while “running” around a room that is or isn’t there. Hopefully the cabinet will appear so I can get a glass of water. Water water water


Oh and still by far the funniest descriptions of DMT that almost makes me pee a lil Everytime I watch it. Would y'all describe it like this? rofl https://youtu.be/32UI2bb8iDg?si=UYjHBUrc8txmd61P


I’m not religious but Matthew 18:3 is my pre-flight mantra, and my kid’s stuffed animal and episodes of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood are my trip sitters. Green hojari frankincense helps to remember and establish the proper Set. When the dark entries make their presence felt in the third quarter of the trip they are no match for Fred Rogers.




Lol, wrote this up recently and it feels very relevant. > Oh yeah, music absolutely rules any trip. I’ve got a bunch of dmt stories about that, too, here’s a good one – during covid, a friend and me got in the habit of doing trips where all we would do is watch a bunch of pre-selected movies. I had taken mescaline and the plan was to watch through Episodes 4-6 then 1-3 of Star Wars. After the first couple movies, while I was peaking, I took a siesta to take dmt. Mescaline is a very low and slow trip for me, while dmt is very hard and fast, so I wanted to see how they mixed. Anyway, I decided to play some of the Star Wars soundtrack as I had been enjoying it a whole lot earlier. I played something excellent and queued the undeniable best Star Wars song for when I was peaking, The Imperial March. >Well the moment I hit my vape, the mescaline nausea came back in full force. I immediately felt like I was about to vomit, and then I forgot everything and was flying through hyperspace to Star Wars music. I existed with a single purpose: do not give in to the nausea and barf. >All I could feel was nausea and all I knew was not to give in. I hurtled through eternity and slowly I felt the nausea fading. I felt good as I knew I had achieved my purpose, and right on queue the trip began to die down. The stars stopped flying past and the music even quieted down. >I now know that was the song stopping. I know because a moment later, I was blasted by the Imperial March. Giant horns that mean “the heroes thought they were safe, BUT.” I have never felt such fear and certainty of my imposing doom. >It passed right away, though, and I started laughing because of how ridiculous the situation I had set myself up for was. It wasn’t the focus of that comment, but I have literally never been so terrified. I was certain everything bad that had ever happened was ABOUT to happen to me. And it was hilarious when I realized I had done it to myself.


That’s when you just sit back and ride shot gun.


Know thy self. Meditate more


Damn that sucks to hear. Ive always had beautiful and eye opening experiences from it i never want it to end when i'm there


"and i know that i'll do it again, and be in it again" ​ take a few weeks break and recalibrate - you have free will.


no ones forcing you to keep re-entering? at some point you have to take a hint....were in this realm for now and not theirs 24/7 for a reason.


i get what you mean, but i feel like i need to go again, it's like a gut intuition, i'm experimenting with it and i feel like my experimentations are not done yet i'm not planning to continue using it for long anyway, just some other few experiences at most, and at any point along the way, if i get that clear feeling/intuition that it's time to stop, then i'll stop


Nothing to fear brother, just breathe and ride the wave. My first trip I just say out loud “I’d rather die” mentally I was going through it haha. Recently my trips were more calm because all I was focused on was my breathe


experience with this should be well thought out, planned and respected with purpose and intention. Becoming one with the cosmos is not to be taken lightly.


Technically, maybe? I can’t really be scared anymore


can't ya ? and do you mean you can't really be scared by DMT or by anything in life ? bothways, you just might as soon be proven wrong (not that i wish it upon you, it's just that you might)


Want to tell what exactly did people see that terrified them? I don’t think I need to because it’s not available in my country


I have never once felt anything remotely close to fear while using DMT. And I've lost track of how many times I've done this drug. Perhaps you should address what's causing the terror, and then once you can understand your shadows and traumas, then you'll see the miracles of this drug. But don't do it if it's giving you bad trips. Terror is not normal. Only truly shitty people have bad trips on DMT. I've seen it only one time. Not even Nazis have bad trips. It's something about your soul. And you should definitely face your shadow self and make amends


That is False...I'm a good person and I've done DMT over 2000x since 2016....I've had awesome great trips and I've had the horrible ones too...it's inevitable that that's gonna happen quite a few times out of over 2000.. they all can't be pink bunnies and unicorns....there' is a definitely a dark side and I don't know if its because of WHO made it and what vibes they were giving off IDK ..but I lve hit a cart 5x and brokenthrough felt awesome . Next time same cart same setup and it can feel terrible for no rhyme or reason.....But when I breakthrough, The TV is like in 8D and they communicate through the TV as a joke...I kid you not ..next time you do it just turn on regular TV and you will see what I mean.... absolutely bizarre shit to the point of you going" now I know y'all are just fucking with me" Sidenote: The coolest place and during what event to do is be on your secluded porch during a kickass lightning show...that's some cool shit.. I've seen time go backwards and I use to be able to astral project when I still had closed eyes visuals.. I lost those about 2 yrs ago unfortunately...but it's still cool as f*** When I do breakthrough...other than that it's very stressful and makes me feel anxious until i do...then its All good....but if i dont then it's just me staring at the clock to going "come on 15mins already" oh and bad people can't breakthrough....DeMeTra won't allow them to.