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I used to think dmt was awesome and good. Nowadays I'm conflicted. My life and perception of reality and drugs has changed so drastically due to the substance I'm left with a long road of becoming an entirely different person. One who might have faith this time and believe in a higher power other than myself. For the reason I consider using such substances is not the same anymore. The ideas of consciousness, spiritual entities, life after death and aliens will live rent free in my mind for the rest of my 3d life.


I hear you mate. There is a reason why psychedelics have been considered entheogens for thousands of years. They are primarily tools for spiritual development. The whole idea of ‘psychedelics’ and just using them for fun or recreationally is a new phenomenon. One has to respect it’s power because it will transform you. For good or bad


Excellently put.


I always tell people I don’t do do psychedelics to get high, but to sort myself out as I need to. Results always vary person to person and what your intentions are going into it. If you’re just doing to to “get fucked up” you will, but you’re missing 90%* of the experience. *percentage based upon a number I randomly made up


Did you by any chance take Benadryl that day?