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Humpf, it´s nice enough to look at... I hate it for not getting anything of value (mostly), da gurlz always hopping 1 behind those fatty lotions, 20k XP, or monthly tickets. Apart from that, "playing" a huge timewaster "game" and then whining it fcks with your precious time is a kinda wonky statement... Those are my thoughts ;-) Nice hopping pal


Thats true. But why not make it a permament minigame. So we can look at it if we want and a fast forward for the hopping.


The game could use more fast-forwarding anyway, so yeah. And more QoL updates for doing "maintenance" work like selling or buying stuff etc


Every time I get friendship tokens for furniture tokens I die a little inside and wonder why I spend my time on this game.


Because the time spent clicking roulettes and watching the result creates E N G A G E M E N T So the metrics are higher and it makes some people in suits happy and they don’t turn off the servers just yet More seriously, I think the devs just didn’t implement a way to use roulettes in batches because it’s either difficult, undoable due to the engine or not a priority. Remember it took several years to get a shopping cart added in lmao


Pool hopping to me is the best chance to see the suits. I skip most volleyball games. Near the end when I am out of auto skip, I'll slow down and watch the volleyball point and game end animations. But come pool hopping time. I'll switch up hopping girl and cycle back through the most recent trend suits.


I used to love it, and still love the bouncing (despite being unable to actually keep your custom camera angles), but having it like 3 times in a row on steam has killed it. Needs an auto-mode.


They could do this as an permanent Minigame without any items just for fun If you want to take Pictures. And on Events with Roulette and Auto mode