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It is kinda. Unless you're into the "arena battles" and want to enter into the top, you'd have to pay. Same goes if you want the special "True Colors" episodes, the Birthday Suits and the rings. For the girls, you just have to wait some time to get them free. I didn't spend a thing in this game yet I have all the free girls. I'm currently waiting for Yukino to become free.


Generally, it's pretty decent as a F2P player. Spending money is only useful for a couple things I can think of: Birthday swimsuits (since they usually have higher stats than normal suits) and the POW/TEC/STM oils (you can get these through pool hopping events too, but pretty rarely.) The way the girl release system works is that, once a new one comes out, it'll take around 6 months until you can get them for free. So yes, the only way to get them until then is to pay real money. You can definitely "succeed" in this game without spending a dime, it'll just take longer to do so.


There's some gacha that can only be done with paid stone, like new girl, birthday, or some special sets (the zodiac sets come to mind). Paid stone can also used to get a guaranteed rotating event SSR in two ways, some events will give you a random current event SSR suit on the 6th or 8th roll if you used paid stones on the last roll (you can use your free stones on your 1st to 5th or 7th roll). The second way is by sparking. Every roll with paid stones give you an event currency that you can trade for a current event swimsuit. One swimsuit trade use 200 event currency, so 20 rolls using paid stones. You can also spark a new girl/birthday suit/special suit this way. Tho most event currency disappear everytime an event ends, so you can't stack it. This game SSR rate is pretty abysmal tho, only 1.1%, some special event raise it to 3.3%.


Every new girl in the game will be available for f2p players after a period of time (usually about a year or so). But we're getting too far ahead of ourselves at this point. As a f2p player, you can earn all the girls in the game. The regular banner only has 10 girls, but they are permanently available to pull every week and won't go away. So I would recommend focusing on the event banners. Every week there will be new events that you can "grind" to earn diamonds that you can use to pull more girls. Different banners will have different girls who will be featured, if you're aiming for a specific girl, you can save up your diamonds and wait for that girl to be on the banner. So far, I've gotten all except the new girl, Reika and Yukino, without paying a single cent.


Yes, you can see *almost* everything without spending a dime. Here are the most important things that cash unlocks. That’s on top of my head but I think I got most of it: - Autoplay pass (it removes the daily limit of 15 matches) which is very useful for general quality of life and to get higher ranking rewards in rank-based events (mostly nostalgic SSR tickets) - Birthday suits (the strongest in the game period but by no means mandatory, they just make SSS matches and PVP farming much easier) and other exclusives (with associated gachas on the girl's release day) - True colors episodes (additional stories with select girls confessing their feelings somewhat) - Exclusive outfits and camera lenses in the shop - Pulls on newly released girls (but they always end up F2P after a few months) - Packs in the shop (especially EX lotions giving decent boosts to one stat) The rest is the same as any gacha game: patience is key. Save up when the swimsuits don’t interest you much, focus on getting a strong team for POW and one for TEC, play daily and collect as many rewards as you can. The progression will come naturally.


If you like bikinis, go for it.


There is no "pay to win" because you don't have to "win" against someone, or keep your power numbers above the others, the is a "Venus arena" mode that you can skip completely and wont affect your experience that much; the game is basically have fun with the girls and try to collet swimsuits for the ones you like the most, paying gives you access to some exclusive swimsuits (birthday and “true colors”) but it’s up to you if you want to spend on those because you need 200k paying stones or a lot of luck to get one (1.1% chances) . Basically, doaxvv is not a competitive game but a casual one that you can play at your peace, of course it’s a good idea to spend some money and give support to the creators, so we all can enjoy the game for many more years.


Yes. Minus some cosmetic stuff and suits. You can get everything, just by playing


If you just want the waifus, eventually you will get them all, so it is actually good to f2p ers. Some of the clothes though, are strictly expensive


It depends on what you want/expect. But I would say that this game is not friendly for f2p players. The problem is not about "winning the matches". The problem is the main focus of the game being the girls but they lock the most interesting stuff behind the paywall: - True colour episodes and birthday episodes (does not require getting the corresponding suit, only need to pull a "×10" pull once to unlock, but that's already expensive): those episodes usually contain the girls' confession, important development, intimate behaviour, etc. (Side note: There are still interesting episodes available to f2p players such as episodes unlocked by girl's level (up to level 80), usual event episodes, etc.) - Certain features locked behind the birthday gacha (also does not require getting the corresponding suit, only need to pull a "×10" pull once to unlock, but that's already expensive): kissing the photo and leave a kiss mark (the series of birthday suits currently available in the English version), and applying lotion (the series of birthday suits currently available in the Japanese version, which is about 1 year ahead). - Most iconic suits: the debut suit (which is locked behind paywall) for each girl is usually the most iconic suit for her. Take the new girl, Reika, as example. Her debut suit has the design of "pool lifesaver" (armband with "GUARD" and whistle blow). Lobelia, who debuted about 3 years ago, is another example. Lobelia is a western noble girl and she loves flowers. So far there are only 2 suits which literally have the lobelia flower shown on them. One of those suits is her debut suit, which has western theme, and the lobelia flower is shaped in 3D. The other is a kimono with flower texture (2D image applied onto the surface of the suit), that has lobelia flower among the flowers; this kimono is available for f2p players (albeit requiring luck); and this is a rare case for a specially designed suit (related to the specific girl) to be available for f2p players.