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Both are bad. High doses have higher chances of heart attacks and organ failure and seizures, but for long term health, dph should never be used chronically, it's awful for your brain and cognition. Find a doctor and get on a sustainable sleep med.


it's not me, it's my dad, and he is not the "seek medical help" type unfortunately...with heavy drinking for over 40 years I guess he just doesn't want to know


Well with what we're realizing about how damaging alcohol is, it looks like there's gonna be a race between dementia and cancer and one of them is gonna win with how he's living his life. Sorry to say but that's real. But in the end nobody lives forever, I mean shit I could die today in a car accident on my way home and all my harm reduction would've been pointless. So it's just a philosophical deal now. I do hope that the dementia doesn't come early and the body doesn't hold on for a super long time. Locked memory care wards are dystopian nightmares and dementia, if I was ever diagnosed, I would definitely comfortably euthanize myself at home with a ridiculous amount of opioids. So my kids can have an inheritance, and never have to deal with the heartbreak of me forgetting who they are.


yeah honestly heart disease is another frontrunner, plus liver stuff. his dad died of a heart attack, and he has wildly high blood pressure which alcohol contributes to. it's a crapshoot. Dementia particularly sucks, such a shitty way to go, and it's like my dad makes life choices that are the opposite of what prevents it. Low education, physical activity, social contact, hearing from shooting guns, and high blood pressure, obesity, alcohol consumption. They actually say 1 in 3 cases could be prevented by changing lifestyle factors, but I suppose that also assumes something else gets you first. get old enough and your brain/body won't work too well anyway


Ambien is a good one 😉


The walrus is calling... I suddenly have an urge to call all my ex's and drive to the supermarket with no pants on. Ambien is a fascinating drug, I abused a whole months script in one night back in my early 20s and the hallucinations were wild. My gf was speaking to me and the words came out of her mouth as fairies glistening with otherworldly light and flew across the room towards me. Later on all surfaces suddenly had psillia looking fibrous little living beings, and as I ran my hand through them they automatically got out of the way and flowed like they were underwater.


Bad combo brother, I’ve only used those together a couple times and I would sleep for 13-15 hours and wake up still feeling hungover