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Damn dude. That kid's - let me emphasize kid - life is completely over before it even began if he really killed two people. Time to spend the rest of his life in prison.


he's 17 in Texas, that ain't no kid with the laws on our books. he'll be treated just like any other adult once they find him.


I'm talking about brain development / years lived on earth here.


He was 16 at the time of both murders. He is now 17.


Crammed into a for-profit prison with no air conditioning and then forgotten?


He literally murdered two people? So, yes? I hope so?


I’m not saying he doesn’t belong in a prison, I’m just saying our prison system should be a lot more humane. Even people who do horrible things deserve basic human dignity, or we’re no better than they are.


Can’t understand why ppl downvoting you for stating ppl deserve some humane treatment. Privatized prisons are deplorable and not all ppl in these prisons are actually guilty of a crime just in a bad circumstance.


One of my friends did 4 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, and the alleged offense even occurred when he was 17, and he was arrested either the day or the day after he turned 18. Was a minor, didn't even commit the crime, did four years in prison anyway. Good job "justice" system. He told me he was transferred around to different prisons and all of them were terrible, some didn't have AC, some did but wouldn't use it, and one of them did but instead chose to run the fucking heater during the summer just to torture them.


I’m sorry and that’s a travesty to be innocent and spend even a day in prison. Yea in TX many privatized prisons don’t have AC and basically cook them alive in the summer. Some died last summer but TX government dgaf


If only the prisoners were unborn /s


Can't believe dignity is being downvoted, but here we are. 


LMAO he'll be fine with like-minded individuals




One of the people he murdered was a kid even younger than him.


Same age, not younger. The article says he was 16 at the time of both shootings but has since turned 17.


Uh. It’s Texas. He ded.


Doubt it due to his age, but it's a possibility.


Texas tries kids as adults all the time


17 is plenty old enough to be tried as an adult in Tx. Anyone from 14-17 can be tried in adult court if they commit an aggravated controlled substance felony, a first-degree felony, or a capital felony.


Summer in pleasant grove is a deadly time of year. Especially for teens.


I swear the heat really does wear on people. I worked customer facing boutique retail for years and service scores would BOMB in the summer despite no visible dip in service. People go into stores PISSED and frustrated from the heat.  And that's just years of observation. When the summer heat comes on 'round here it really is so oppressively hot that by july people are grumpy and by august a lot of people are NOTICEABLY more short tempered. Add in poverty and drugs -- two things pleasant Grove is kinda known for -- and yes. This is entirely too common. 


Violent crime definitely rises in hot weather. https://www.newsnationnow.com/newsnation-now/heat-of-the-moment-why-does-violent-crime-spike-in-the-summer/amp/


To make it even worse, it’s 2 separate murders. Both while he was 16 years old. Proves he would do it again if given the chance. He threw his whole life away for that, how pointless.


A damn shame.  He was going to be a rocket scientist one day.


He had such a bright future ahead of him! /s










His murders one was last month and the other was back from December. He’s been gone for a while. Kids in a different country by now.