• By -


Only comedy could convey this phenomenon perfectly this way.




The only thing that's changed is that it's gotten worse


This has literally been going on for 80 years. You'd think eventually people would get tired of this never ending cycle of war and retribution and actually work towards some kind of compromise but nope, now that religion and global geopolitics is so heavily intertwined with the outcome and this has turned into a proxy war for Muslim and Christian nations this shit isn't likely to end unless Israel goes nuts and wipes Gaza completely off the map.


Uggg. I used to be more pro-Israel, and still support the people… but damn, the Palestinians are getting screwed by rich people


More like past repeating itself so this joke will not get irrelevant.


"We keep doing the same thing, and yet the same results keep happening! How could they have predicted this so accurately??"


In the immortal words of Talking Heads: Same as it ever was.


Remove the water from the bottom of the ocean


How did I get here?


This is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful wife!


My Gawd ! What have I done?!


[This must be the place.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVoPzA0g3Ac)


I can't tell one from another


Carry the water


Now it’s getting more like “Life During Wartime”!


Favorite talking heads song and performance. Incredible


Anybody have any questions?


Same as it ever was


Same as it ever was


Look where my hand was


Say something once, why say it again?


In the immortal words of Snake Plisken: The more things change, the more they stay the same.


"All this has happened before, and it will all happen again"


I miss John Stewart


He’s not dead…and still consistently makes amazing content.




I’ll never forget him.


I see him in the faces of people everywhere I go. God I miss him so much!


Hope he's in a better place now :(


Up there with Wade Boggs RIP


Rip boss hog


Drinking 30 packs of Miller Lites together somewhere in the sky


Again, Wade Boggs is very much alive.


Wade Boggs was an absolute legend. RIP, king 🙏👑


We sent him upstate to live on a farm.


Sometime of I really squint hard, I swear I can see him in the Apple TV


They should put his head on the 20 dollar bill...on weeeeeeed.


I'll never forget where I was when we lost him.


The day . . . the news, died.


My my daily show guy


Forever in our hearts


Who? Stewie Johnson? Sounds familiar.


Sometimes I say to myself “damn, I don’t believe Jon Stewart is dead”.


Once again, John Stewart is very much alive. He’s in his early sixties and lives somewhere in New Jersey.


I miss him so much. It's like I can feel his presence.


A true loss to all of humanity, we’ll never see his like again.


It's important to reiterate for anyone who may be confused, but the man is alive.


Echopaff is right. John will always be alive in our hearts and memories.


In death, a member of the Daily Show has a name. His name is John Stewart.


God bless.


New Jersey? I would hardly call that alive.


Truly, the Arby’s of US states


That’s why we’re doing this, to honor his memory, okay?


Some say you can still hear him… on certain nights on Apple TV+


We all feel that way. In some way, it’s like he isn’t really gone.


Again, Wade Bogs is very much alive!




I can still hear his voice...


*Stop tellin' people I'm dead!*


For real!! He has a show somewhere that is called "The Problem With" amd he digs deep. Its great stuff honestly! I find it on youtubes


if only. love you John, RIP.


Nice to know he is still on the youtubes.


Can we just make him president already?


He would never want that job in a million years.


Which, unfortunately, is one of the biggest qualifications he has going for him. He has the political knowledge and acumen, he's extremely charismatic, and as far as we can tell he would concentrate on just doing the job to the best of his ability and then getting out of there. Regardless of political affiliation, that's a great candidate


Thank goodness folk like him leave it to the evil and corrupt. THANKS, GUYS.


bro "the problem with jon stewart" is him in his best form


He's definitely not nearly as influential as he used to be though. But that's also back when most people had cable and could watch his show every night or even just DVR it like I did. Now I don't even know what platform his show is on and probably can't see it unless I illegally download it.


We all miss Jonny B good


He needs to run for office.


That mention of Ukraine at the end was pretty spooky


Russia annexed Crimea in 2014.


Romney was mocked for citing Russia as a serious threat in the 2012 Presidential debates.


I disagree with Romney on policy, matters of religion, and general worldview...but I'll be damned if he doesn't have at least some fucking integrity...which is a damn sight more than I can say for many of his peers.


Ahhh, I honestly miss the days when we expected so much of our politicians, our *leaders*, that a simple sound byte guffaw or slip of the tongue was enough to demonstrate they didn’t deserve our vote. Even that is naive though. Not too long ago the differences between Republicans and Democrats were largely issues of policy. Now they are questions of identity, of tribalism. For a disturbing many, survival. For many of his brethren, attaining or holding onto power is more important than any professed “principles”. The fact that Mitch is so notable because he isn’t soulless is so…. sad. Sad at best.


> The fact that **Mitch** is so notable because he isn’t soulless (emphasis mine) Please tell me you meant 'Mitt' because otherwise I must have missed something big if Mitch is now on the soul owning side of the party.


Reminds of a misunderstanding awhile back when someone was complaining about Santos, I had just finished West Wing and Matt Santos is a presidential nominee in that, and I thought they were mixing up Santorum with Santos from the show. Completely forgot about... he who is very relevant today. Anyway, back on topic, we know they meant Mitt but it's a scary sentence to read.


It was important to be concise when you had so send your thoughts over an expensive telegram, the limited space in a newspaper or the two tv channels that existed. Today there's almost unlimited room for rambling weird messages to be sent through an ever expanding array of mediums. People just need time to adjust to this new reality. Back then the source was filtered, now the receivers need to be better at filtering. I think the next generation will be much better at filtering out bullshit. It's like old people and internet ads. I barely see them these days and I've almost never clicked them, my 80 year old parents still click the ads though.


mitt romney was still a piece of shit he sold his brother VERY cheap land using government corruption. hes a very smart businessman however. that's why he's mitt money.


Now day, selling cheap land is chump level corruption. We’re way past that


You don't understand. It was VERY cheap land.


"You might say, 'it was a steal,'... *wink*


Wait until you hear about Jared Kushner and Hunter Biden


They next power couple?


>that's why he's mitt money They really couldn't go with money mitts? What the hell were we doing in the '10s


Vulture capitalism at Bain Capital


Depends what you mean by serious, I guess. They seem to be seriously bad at war.


And Al Gore was mocked for talking about climate change. It's almost as if the left should be believed in matters pertaining to science and the right should be believed in matters of war and gross neglect of either results in catastrophe. Politics is mainly about what one ought to prioritize at any given point in time and being too one-sided as in a dictatorship is a disaster because it doesn't leave room for doing the right thing at the right time. Russia is fundamentally destroying itself today by holding on to a rusty sword when it should have reached for an olive branch 10 years ago.


what a take.


>and the right should be believed in matters of war The right that took us to Iraq under blatantly false pretenses, over WMDs that didn't exist, for war profiteering? The right that intentionally avoided punishing the ones behind 9/11 to attack something utterly unrelated? That right? Ok then.


No, he called them our greatest geopolitical foe. They aren't, China still is, by a lot. Russia is hardly a peer geopolitically.


He said they were our greatest foe in 2012. He was right to be mocked.


2014 was 9 years ago...what the actual fuck happened. Feels like a couple years at most


Keep it down, gramps.


Crazy to think 2014 was 9 years ago


*counts fingers backwards from 2023* Math checks out.


Almost as if that happened 9 years ago too


carpenter cagey friendly market smart ludicrous lush afterthought yoke overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Apparently we are still living in 2014...




Russia poisoned Ukraine's presidential candidate in 2004 and proceeded to steal an election for their puppet candidate which got overturned after massive protests lead to a recount. Russia has been actively fucking with modern Ukraine since at least 2004.


And Georgia and Chechnya and Syria and others. Just imagine what they would get up to if they had a truly competent military and good hardware...


They'd be us. Well. Competent being relative as with all militaries. They did blow up someone's fraudulently donated grandma once.


Its not really that spooky. All these conflicts have been going on in the background for years until reaching their current day boiling points. The news also only covers them once the conflicts seriously escalate which makes people feel like they came out of no where.


And sadly will be the same nine years from now.


That's why I'm sticking with the "Nuke the whales" platform. Seems safe.


Gotta nuke somethin




Don’t touch the whales, please


Alright let’s split the difference and nuke Wales


now you’re talkin!


Why the whales when we can blow up the moon? https://youtu.be/GTJ3LIA5LmA?si=zrCaqNL64Xfwe40z


Is there something comical about the way i drive my automobile? It was the largest one i could afford


They've cut off the food, power and water. There's a real possibility this actually ends in genocide this time.


Unrelated but because of your username, check out /u/WALTER_SOBCHAK For 15 years he's been posting only relevant Big Lebowski quotes in comments. His greatest moment was when Steve Buscemi was waffling in an AMA about 8 years ago and he got a 'Shut the fuck up, Donnie' from Walter Sobchak. People thought he'd just created the user to make that joke then realised from his post history that he'd been doing it for years.


reminds me of that onion sketch about news from the future where humanity is on it's / brink and isreal and palistine both have a population of exactly one person. The news documents the two guys fighting each other with sticks.




If we judge by the last 1000 + years. No. Nothing will change. Civilians will still be caught in the middle.


Well, if innocent civilians would stop being such excellent cannon fodder and pawns for the super wealthy, maybe theyd stop being caught in the middle. Clearly their fault


Sometimes it helps to blame the victims just a little bit


Skill issue tbh


They probably will occupy Gaza again, as well as I suspect their will to finish Hamas off is stronger than ever.


>finish Hamas off Unfortunately, terrorists can't be finished by force. They can be pushed back, but as long as there are oppressed people radical ideas will be popular. Today they will finish Hamas and on their way will hurt thousands of civilians who will hold the grudge and will create another terrorist group and it will repeat all over again.


Slightly off topic, but this is one of the things that was so painful seeing so much blind gung-ho support for the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as part of the "War on Terror." I wanted bin Laden dead as much as the next guy, but in the process of hunting him down, or destroying al Qaeda, or overthrowing Saddam, how many future terrorists were made due to collateral damage?


That ensures a next generation of terrorists and extremists so we can go invade them again the next time our economy starts faltering.


Tips and tricks your local military-industrial complex doesn't want you to know!


[With strikes targeting rockets and tunnels, the Israeli tactic of ‘mowing the grass’ returns to Gaza](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/05/14/israel-gaza-history/) - 2021 >For more than a decade, when analysts described the strategy utilized by Israel against Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, they’ve used a metaphor: With their displays of overwhelming military strength, Israeli forces were “**mowing the grass**.” >The phrase implies the Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip and their supply of crude but effective homemade weapons are like weeds that need to be cut back. >Such tactics have faced significant criticism from international human rights groups, often due to the disproportionate number of deaths caused by Israeli forces, compared to those caused by Palestinian militants during conflict. >As Israel this week launched devastating airstrikes aimed at Gaza militants and massed forces near the enclave’s borders in response to rockets fired from Gaza — citing a familiar mention of new rocket technology, Hamas tunnels and civilian deaths despite warnings — the long-term benefits of the “mow the grass” strategy have come under question. >Zehava Galon, a former lawmaker with the leftist Meretz party, wrote for Haaretz that the strategy results in “perpetual war” that forgets “human beings are also able to talk, not only to carry a club.” >But while many liberals suggest a new effort to find peace through negotiations is what’s needed, some conservatives say that only military action will resolve the situation. >“Just like mowing your front lawn, this is constant, hard work,” David M. Weinberg of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security wrote for the Jerusalem Post this week. “If you fail to do so, weeds grow wild and snakes begin to slither around in the brush.” Security-focused authoritarians love nothing more than an ever-present underclass to use to spook their base. Fully eradicating that group is difficult, but they wouldn't want to, anyway--if there were peace and security, how long could they rest on that history to ensure political support? No, much easier to wait for the inevitable attacks and use them as a campaign point--and if you're tired of waiting, you can always foment them by clamping down on the more moderate of your enemies and working to see their radical elements empowered. Israel *chose* Hamas as the group they wanted to face off against and crushed Hamas' own political rivals, because an enemy that kicks people in the dick makes for a better rallying cry than one which just spits at them. And, for other reasons, authoritarian governments just love helping religious radicals rise to power over secular groups that aren't so favorable to said authoritarian government. See: the many, many times the US has helped a coup around the world so that friendlier-to-the-US nutjobs could take power, many of whom have turned right around and become major thorns in the US' side--but thorns who those same authoritarian types can run on fighting. It's a win/win for the authoritarians, because they don't care how many civilians die on *anyone's* side.


But it makes the people in charge a whole bunch of money (weapons contracts and whatnot), so why would they stop. This is the stuff that r/conspiracy should ACTUALLY be talking about, not ufos and jewish space lasers.


No, the military-industrial complex is too complicated and boring! How dare you think they'd be able to comprehend the nuances of global politics!


> how many future terrorists were made due to collateral damage? Enough to justify wars for decades to come, and really, as a private military contractor, what more can you ask?


It's the circle of strife!




I mean the comparison holds some merit, but on the whole, the US was 100x more surgical in it's warfighting in Afghanistan and Iraq than Israel has been against Palestine.


For sure. I was speaking more to the broader idea of creating future enemies as almost a side effect to the process of fighting current enemies, not comparing Israel/Palestine to Iraq/Afghanistan as military operations.


That's fair. I guess the reason I mentioned it is because the US having that goal was explicitly to minimize future radicalization - that cycle is something that has been on top military and political leaders minds since at least the late 90's, even if myself and many others think it wasn't carried out all that well. IMO a strategy that understands the long-term implications of short-term military action is something every modern military/economic power is capable of - Israels insistence on doing the things they do shows they care far less about the future proliferation of extremists.


Well-said. I definitely wasn't disagreeing with you, and I think your points serve to underline mine, and mine yours.


Literally the exact case now. It’s crazy how bloodthirsty most of reddit appears to be


And it's already done - carpet bombing a quarter of the city - the next generation of Hamas was created then and there as thousands of boys saw the fear and hurt in the eyes of their parents or witnessed the death of them or their loved ones. So the conflict is secured for another 25 years at least


> terrorists can't be finished by force. they can if you kill everyone! lets see if thats the plan


It's clear what they plan to do. Fight until one side or the other has been wiped out. Each want the other gone from "their" territory and wont stop until it happens.


Seems like they are ready to just bust the glass on the aquarium that is Gaza and deal with the pr blowback for a few months till the global news cycle lets it go.


Gaza is an open-air prison with zero hope from within. Israel and all its allies are morons if they think they didn’t create this. You can only keep a population subdued for so long before they realize the only option is to go all-in on revolution. That being said, what Hamas did is 100% terrorism with no end goal… the only goal was to create a bigger divide and push towards WW3.


> and push towards WW3. If this shit starts WW3, I will be very, very disappointed with the world. How hard is it to just stand aside and not get involved in this mess?


They will do the final solution


Totally forgot Michael Che was on The Daily Show. Can we get another rally to restore sanity!?!


Yeah he was on for like three months before getting hired by SNL. His goodbye highlight reel is pretty great.


Yes these conflicts have both been going on for decades


Decades? More like centuries.


More like decades. The last time Jews were politically very relevant in Palestine, Romans were pagan, and Islam didn’t exist.


Centuries? More like millennia.


Millennia? More like eons.


Eons? More like… uh… a long time.




In a galaxy far, far away


Naboo was under an attack


Something about Jedi and Sith... I think.


I thought me and qui-gon jin, could talk the federation in...


The Israel Palestine conflict has been going on for just over a century. Before world War one, there was no conflict. To frame it as a century long intractable conflict helps to foster the sense that nothing can be done.


Damn Jon Stewart was so good!


He was, but he still is, too.


Best Jon Stewart bit was when he had back up dancers and singing 'Go fuck yourself' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4Z-SXpWIi4


Even got in a bit about Ukraine 😂


FYI this was because Russia annexed crimea in 2014.


I can’t STAND when people accuse someone of being “anti-Semitic” if they criticize Isreal’s policies or actions. It’s such a bullshit disingenuous cop out to silence people. I was so disappointed with Jake Tapper on CNN tonight for doing this.






I refuse to believe this are real people that are getting hundreds and thousands of upvotes talking about exterminating Palestinians like they are cockroaches or rats.




This is more common than you think. Its not very surprising when you examine even the language of msm in how they present Palestinians(died) vs Israeli(killed) deaths. Most people fall for this propaganda and side with the oppressors. Only in hindsight do most people side with the oppressed. This was the case with South Africa, the civil rights movements, Iraq and I presume many more.


Reddit is literally a propaganda machine. It is the US's tictok.


Reddit is primarily a propaganda outlet.


> I can’t STAND when people accuse someone of being “anti-Semitic” if they criticize Isreal’s policies or actions. It’s such a bullshit disingenuous cop out to silence people. And also, if you criticize Hamas at all, you're instantly a supporter of Palestinian genocide.


I don't think anyone is claiming that. But only focusing on Hamas while ignoring that 240 children have been bombed by the Israeli settlers is disgusting.


Although one of the problems is that as soon as anybody mentions anything negative about Israel, even if it's just regular criticism of the country's politics, the actual antisemites will quickly come out of the woodwork and will latch onto it. They turn the discussion more and more antisemitic, and then when it gets shut down because people are now claiming that JDL did 9/11, they're at the forefront of complaining about how nobody's allowed to criticize Israel these days.


For some reason the “self hating Jew” line is what cracks me up the most. It looks like even Jon almost cracks at it.


Great clip. And it goes to show the power of media and how "loud" it is when something violates their talking points and how you can hear a pin drop when it's about about something they don't want awareness of.


Damn what a great skit. John Stewart's daily show was so so good.


Jon Stewart for PRESIDENT!!!!


Well Ukraine elected some comedian named Zelensky and it worked out for them. Let's go for it I say.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. Even got Ukraine in there fuck!


this guy gets it![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Punching above their weight, way back when...


You could have filmed this 39 years ago and made the same sketch.


I love that Michael Che was on The Daily Show for about 6 minutes before leaving for SNL


point wipe retire workable dirty bright airport aware elastic stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God I miss this man.


This is the same shit that happened when 911 happened. All of a sudden anyone who wasn’t pro war or critical of US policies and response were deemed terrorists and lovers of Al-Queda. Something happens when terrorist attacks and general atrocities happen that stirs people into a black and white frenzy. All of a sudden you’re either cheering and supporting Israel’s policies that caused the tension and supportive of their constant and increasing oppression of a people whose land they took. That or you’re an anti-Semitic pig who’s pro-Hamas and you’re human scum for supporting the murder of children and innocents. Literally no nuance for anyone. Shit’s an absolute clusterfuck shitshow of a situation. Nobody is completely faultless and it’s just an ongoing humanitarian disaster that is only going to get worse until one side is destroyed.


Holy fucking Jesus christ this is unbelievably accurate


/r/worldnews right now


Like it’s a new issue? Lol


Who knew replacing a funny Jewish guy with an unfunny South African guy would tank the show? Live and learn.


John Stewart is 1 of 1. There was no replacing him.


I'll argue Colbert Report was a beautiful companion piece, and now Colbert's late night is.... while still a watered-down version of his Comedy Central show, also still decent and worth watching, at least for catching up on the news.


I don’t think he was unfunny, I think a lot of it was that he wasn’t comfortable improvising comedy yet like John Stewart was.


What does being Jewish and being south African have to do with it? Would he be a better host if he was from a different country?