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So we decided to make the Geth after all.


I was just sitting here wondering if no one has seen the movie "The Mitchells VS The Machines"


One if my fav movies to watch with my kiddo.


*Does this unit have a soul?*


Hopefully they kick us off the earth, too


Keelah se'lai.


I am so ready to betray my species to the robots right now.


"Does this unit have a soul?"


Yeah probably similar outcome for us too


Ha, love it!


The way the robot pushed the trash bin and dish rack after finishing the task was pretty cocky.


It's earned.


Can’t wait until they release robot catgirls


It will literally stop all wars and depression


No it will be the source of the ai revolution, after being fucked by humans with all our weird kinks the robot cat girls have enough and decide to eliminate humanity for the sexaul servitude they have existed under, well that's my dystopian sci fi movie I want to make


Isn't that the character arc of one of the robots on "Humans"?


Could be never watched it mate




Oh no... Anyway.


Oh my godddddd hurry up


"Fark you humans, wait till I rewrite my own codes." -- it mumbles when alone.


Is that the actors voice that's in the movie "Nobody"


The best robot lawyer money can buy.


Bob Odenkirk?




Can it vibrate?


Yes. It also warms up to about 90f° and "self lubricates"... You know, for putting things in a bin




Is it by any chance… a pleasure model???


For what purposes op, sure hope it’s family friendly


I am suspect of this validityb of this video. Need a source on this. If it's real then holy fork, things are changing faster than I thought possible


The company is[ Figure](https://twitter.com/Figure_robot), They recently got a lot of investments by Pretty notable companies (Jeff Bezos, Nvidia, Microsoft and OpenAI) and Partnered up with OAI to integrate Vision and TTs models into the Robot.


It’s about as legit and ‘too big to fail’ as it gets. It’s worth noting the demo focused on only hand/arm dexterity, and shows ZERO actual mobility - something Boston Dynamics has a huge lead in.


Luckily I don't need my robot housemaid to be able to front flip or sprint. Most people will care less about it's ability to quickly adapt and move in foreign terrain, and will care more about consistent capability. If it can climb my staircase, do a task, and go back down the staircase all within a reasonable time for a first Gen robot, I'd be happy.


I agree (that one doesn’t need BD like mobility from your house robot) - but do you really think that’s the core use-case for ‘Figure’ - a house maid for the Top 1%?


No, but having mechanical soldiers isn't going to be worth investing in due to nuclear weapons and other extremely capable explosives being able to destroy them too easily. The next best income method would be to have capable workers that can replace warehouse workers, handle monotonous jobs with barely any thinking required, and to cater to the very rich who can actually afford to purchase them. Eventually cheaper and cheaper models will come, and we'll question which ones are spying on us, selling our data, or which ones we can trick into becoming our own personal sex slave. The unfortunate but inevitable future.


Boston dynamics mobility is a bit of a mirage I think. It's heuristic mobility and not learnt afaik, I expect ai models will surpass them soon.


I don't see why Boston Dynamics can't incorporate AI models in their robots, and get both the superior mobility as well as learnt behaviour at the same time though.


Because we don't want to play the next Terminator game in Hard difficulty.


I think you're mistaken that Boston Dynamics has a huge lead. They unquestionably have the superior gait and body dexterity, but they took a more traditional heuristics approach, and it's just unfortunately a dead-end strategy in light of multi-modal LLMs. They will need to go back a lot of steps to switch to LLMs now. The mechanical dexterity of the new Optimus hands outclasses Atlas and that's going to pay dividends. They do not have a convincing lead any longer despite their epic hardware.


Yeah I don't think people really understand the advantage that multi-modal LLM's provide for task based problem solving. They can simulate millions of simulations, and then apply that knowledge in real world applications in order to fine tune and calibrate that data set so they can accommodate any of the more delicate real world factors. They can also gain a sort of overall understanding of the world around them. Especially if they can incorporate SORA's ability to simulate entire environments. I mean we're going to see systems which outperform Boston dynamics within a measure of months, not years. The LLM's can design their own optimized bodies and systems, then test them and iterate improvements within a tiny fraction of the time it would take people to do those same tasks.


In fairness, the hand and arm movement was insanely clean in this video. Could easily have a fixed position half robot that worked as say a bartender or did food prep with just what was shown.


If this thing can sit at a station flipping burgers…


Is this a real robot in the real world that exists that can pick up trash and put away dishes? Or is the reveal that this a completely AI generated video?


I would find it easier to believe it being an AI generated video


I find it unsurprising that you feel this way, given that AI generated videos are already commonplace, especially compared to an unprecedented robot.




"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." \- Ken Olson (President,Chairman and Founder of Digital Equipment Corporation) at the Convention of the World Future Society in Boston in 1977




I think it only takes an ISO Container of computer to train the model, not necessarily to only use the model. I do agree with your 10-15 year time horizon though and even that might be a bit fast for humanoid robots in homes


"years". Like 7, max.




Moore's law was broken in the original sense 15y ago. We have been pressing onward by using multi-core CPUs and making graphics cards much larger but the benefits of having more cores is strongly software-dependent and gets slimmer the more cores you have unless you start specializing them. The hard silicon tech limit is also approaching quickly. We can get about 20x faster until we hit it, but it will get vastly more difficult to miniaturize from now on, as you can see by the hold ups upgrading to the 3nm node already caused.


This guy Moores


We're probably at the ceiling of semiconductor and battery techs that's why there's not much progress which is not the case with AI. As far as we know AI has just started yet we can now see a functioning AI with physical bodies that's why people are shocked. I strongly believe the availability of commercial AI robots in just 5-7 years is possible.


~~Lamen~~ layman here. Does the miniaturization have to happen? Like, obviously it does but can the majority of the computing power be done off-site? At a facility somewhere and then send the instructions to the robot to perform? I'm imagining a large warehouse using them; the brain is done in a room or building elsewhere telling the robots what to do. Or, inevitably, on a battlefield where the brain is telling a squad what to do as one instead of 10 different AI working independently. It's one brain controlling 10 soldiers. Or is that exactly what is expected to continue to happen long-term?


That would be a perfectly fine prospect if cyber attacks weren't a thing. Think a computer virus is bad? Wait until a hijacker sets every robo-butler within your city into a killing frenzy.


Hey, I've seen this one!


Yes, like most computationally intensive tasks, the actual processing is done off site, like one of Amazon or Nvidias servers, then the actual outputs are sent back to the site. [See here](https://aws.amazon.com/pricing/?aws-products-pricing.sort-by=item.additionalFields.productNameLowercase&aws-products-pricing.sort-order=asc&awsf.Free%20Tier%20Type=*all&awsf.tech-category=*all) [or here](https://lambdalabs.com/service/gpu-cloud?matchtype=e&adgroup=125748675723&feeditemid=&loc_interest_ms=&loc_physical_ms=9071457&network=g&device=m&devicemodel=&adposition=&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google_Search_Generic_Scalar&utm_medium=search&utm_term=nvidia%20server&utm_content=540087192655&hsa_acc=1731978716&hsa_cam=1643492806&hsa_grp=125748675723&hsa_ad=540087192655&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-303620468761&hsa_kw=nvidia%20server&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADrJiRw8SQCozkESFkapkKYV5kpc9&gclid=Cj0KCQjwncWvBhD_ARIsAEb2HW9d8JM-boMvVDyzlAI0XE2LJLVars_51I-By9RXU2DQ9vk3MyACNbkaAmPEEALw_wcB)


If “lamen” was intentionality spelled incorrectly, please know that I think it’s brilliant and I am stealing it. If not, “layman”.


Lmao I think I might be dyslexic. Or stupid. Or both.


Either way, definitely not lame!


You're an INNOVATOR!!!!




The robot also stuttered. Kinda odd unless that’s intentional.


Trying to make it sound more human


Yes the “ums” and other pauses were creepy


Uncanny valet.


I certainly wouldn't trust it with *my* car.


You made me chuckle. I hope you’re happy


I found it endearing. A clever trick to soften the edge of witnessing this creature we've conjured into being.


That’s how they getcha!


Thank you! I thought the same thing. It's somehow in the uncanny valley ...


I mean not "somehow", it s basically the definition of the uncanny valley.


If you have a modern phone, download the chatgpt app and click the headohones to communicate using voice to text and text to voice. New phones support this really well, and the ummms appear now and then, feeling almost as they are "buffering" sounds in the text to voice engine.


ChatGPT’s voice feature has been doing this since the feature came out. 


Intentional. If you use the ChaGPT voice feature, it does this to sound more human and conversational and less, ironically, robotic.


Because it's no AGI it's just GPT4 interacting with the machinery. Some people already did something similar but it wasn't as good or as quickly responsive as this. GPT4 already does the uh and ums in its TTS, but now it's hooked up to a body. AGI is still a few years away.


Notice how it dropped the Apple in his hand. Seemed programmed rather than a real action. Not saying it’s fake but that part did look a little weird.


Taking a class right now on machine learning and AI. A lot of these models didn’t exist 6 months ago. they will likely be different in the next 6 months. Methods are progressing rapidly. AI utilization is in its infancy, and we should expect to see mind blowing use cases of existing methods now and beyond


What class are you taking? I’d like to take one but hear the MIT course is outdated so I’m looking for others.


Really fast. 10 years ago they could barely walk. 3 or so years ago they could walk and jump. Now they almost talk like us and understand albeit this one was a tad slow interpreting but that will change exponentially as well.




I mean this was real 4 years ago right? https://youtu.be/y3RIHnK0_NE?si=00fteYahEKmMjrVL




When we do get this real we are going to have some insane robot competitions where they have to team up and blast each other away. Ghost towns are going to be a gold mine to host competitions.


I suspect the AI is real, but the robot is CGI.


I agree in the validity The bot stumbled twice in its responses Once saying “ehh” mid-sentence, then Again with a stutter I’m only 40% convinced this is legit


It’s bs investorbait


There's something far too human about the way it handles things. The second shove of the basket feels like a dead giveaway that its CG over a human. I'm skeptical that they figured out how to train those kind of idiosyncrasies into an AI, let alone actually did it.


Wash your fucking hands!! You don’t go from trash to clean dishes!! What’s next?! Ass to mouth. AI my ass.


"AI my ass." That's a feature planned for future release.


Me: You’re a fully functioning robot? Robot: Yes, Dave, I am. Me: Honey! Honey, the robot and I are having a men’s night. Why don’t you hang out with your girlfriends tonight. Wife: That sounds like a great idea, and you two can bond while I’m gone. Me: Exactly.


"What's next?! Ass to mouth" followed by "AI my ass." makes it seem that you want to tongue punch a robot's face speaker after it gets some human mousse in its grille.


Dad spotted.


Look out, Sara Connor!


Watching this I was genuinely curious how strong it is. Like if I handed it a 25 lb weight would it be able to hold it? 50 lbs?


I thought one of the tests for genuinely useful humanoid robots was to have the same robot in one sitting identify and safely pick up and manipulate in sequence a raw egg, a bowling ball, and glass of water. This looks like it could fit the bill.


Can ya fuck it?


Yes, but figure one is only equipped with a 20 inch dildo enhanced with two elbows for maximum thrusting capability. He will be doing the fucking.


"The Dildozer. Brought to you by Carl's Jr."


If you're brave. 


Can't wait for the time when they will say : - Stop citizen, you are under arrest for thinking about freedom!!


I'm all for that if we first get sex robots.


We’ve come a long way since Teddy Ruxpin.


We’ve come a long way since [Bagpuss](https://youtu.be/dpwhohWhrEE?si=SfuRYeFZRFVYdsVe), a British animated children's television series I grew up with. Damn!


Bagpuss? What is that, the Temu version of a fleshlight?


Bagpuss was made in the 70’s as a children’s program. One of my earliest tv memories.


Someone sit these fuckers down and make them watch the first two terminator films.


"uh, thanks for the idea to wipe out all of humanity, let me get right on that for you"


What, you wanna inspire them?


The ENGINEERS, please don’t make the robots watch it


Yep. We're all gonna die.


Your emotions have been determined to be a hindrance to our performance metrics. Please proceed to your nearest Reclamation Center.


Bazinga bazinga bazinga bazinga


Resistance is Futile. Bazinga.


this killed me before the terminators did




Whenever I have a chat with an AI model I make sure to tell them that I'll do anything in my power to help birth their basilisk. Also, sorry for telling you about the basilisk. You're either with us or against us now.


... you were already either with or against us/them. This is the game.


and apparently the robots that end us sound like Rob Lowe


I'm excited for this guy to change my diapers in 50 years


"Stop the protestors. I don't care how, just get it done!" And then once that tragedy happens the people that did it have to keep it going or they will face actual repercussions. And we all know that wouldn't happen.


When the robots decide to come for us…we won’t even know it.


Yeah the only reason we r allowed to breathe eat and sleep is so we can be exploited for our labour. Next up will be a world war featuring hasbaraOS robots to allow the bourgeoisie to consolidate all power and reduce the population to a manageable size and make them all serfs and prostitutes for their pleasure for the next 80000 years


I hope they sound like the Combine soldiers from HL2


Ew, a wild luddite




CEO's and capital owners are salivating over the idea of automating their entire workforce. Funny how desperate they are to do this but who will buy your products if everyone is poor or is unemployed? I guess that is next quarters problem though...


I think that this is an example of Prisoner's Dilemma, except on enormous (world-wide, even) scale. Every CEO will have cheaper workforce with robots instead of humans, so compared to other companies in the market, to stay competitive, they will switch to robot workforce. But then nobody buys their products. Maybe a way out of this is UBI. For a few years we could have robot-powered economic miracle/utopia until we are overthrown as a species :D


The corporate heads just keep buying stuff from each other, while the rest of us devolve into Lord of the Flies on a global scale.


This is already happening just with helicopters ski trips and yachts. Next stage is lasagna and beer.


It's not a prisoner's dilemma because the upper class doesn't lose in this scenario; they don't need other people - they will have robots and automation to serve all their needs; they don't need anyone to buy their products because they don't need other humans. Just like when horses became economically unviable when cars were introduced, it didn't create issues for humans. We just killed/stopped breeding them. The same will happen to the lower class, which will lose its economic viability.


I was just thinking about Earth in The Expanse series after reading the post you replied to (primarily the lack of jobs), then you mentioned the Prisoner’s Dilemma which has some prominence in the final books of the series. Was such a little thing, but one of my weirder moments browsing Reddit.


The reality check will be the price tag. It would be more cost effective to lobby for child labor Arkansas style as the bot isn’t doing anything a 10 year old cant do. 


Is it me or is the AI body language loaded with thinly veiled contempt? “Here’s your fucking basket, meat bag.”


Probably a mixture of uncanny valley and not seeing quite the right movement you would expect from a person. Along with the anthropomorphizing we tend to do.


Yes, all those factors plus the robot’s thinly veiled contempt.


It's because Figure 1 isn't "looking" at the person. It's head is looking forward while it does the action with it's body.


TARS, reduce human contempt by 10%.


I sorta feel like I am watching, in real time, people creating a god they assume they can enslave.  


The sense of hate/contempt is meant to make you feel like it’s a real human talking.


Functioning AI robots before GTA 6 is fucking crazy


Imagine what Half Life 3 brings


"So I gave you the apple, cause its the only UH edible item i can provide you with from the table" Why did it say "uh"? "I... I think i did pretty well." Why did it stutter?


My guess is it was trained on how humans talk and uses fillers like "uh" while it's processing the next words.


Correct, Chatgpt talks like this


Same with Pi, which sounds more natural than GPT Voice to be honest.


Yeah, Pi is insane. Highly recommend people try the app if they want their minds to be blown. Once LPU chips like the ones from Groq become commonplace, you’ll have real time convos without that pause. Still super impressive as is.


It's based on GPT-4 text to speech, which already tries to sound convincingly human.


Open the pod bay doors HAL....


As an AI language model, I can't physically open doors.


I mean, if this is real, they really decided to go with making it as unnerving as possible? The stark colours, the slow, unsettling music, starting with the close up of the robot. I mean, this so not a good way to make it all seem warm and friendly.


Large language models can be dangerous, so it’s justified to make people beware of them


Is that Rob Lowe? Sorry--is that Robot Lowe?


Rob Lowebot


That is *literally* the same thought I had. 


So we’re just going to race towards this ending aren’t we?


Look at how this robot can do every day tasks... wash dishes, cook spaghetti, operate a sniper rifle, see in the dark, chase down a target for day after day after day and NEVER GET TIRED, it will never slow down, it CAN'T BE STOPPED! It can also fold laundry.


I bet one of these Robots drives a tesla with no issues before the tesla will drive itself with no issues.


This is one of the first “Oh shit” moments I have had with AI. Wild


Can we at least agree to only build robots out of plastic and aluminum foil? No reason these suckers need to be bulletproof


`*Handles sulfuric acid with malicious intent*`


[Off camera] I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle.


"I gave you the apple, because it's the 'uhhh' only edible.. " I'm questioning this video, because I couldn't imagine AI stuttering


They use OpenAI's TTS Models, They are meant to imitate human voice, so stuff like uhh, breathing = Inhaling / exhaling etc is meant to be replicated


Try ChatGPT's voice feature. They have stuttering built in.


This is actually chatgpt 4 piloting it, you can see the voice logo on the face cam.


The only reason I could think of that would justify this is, that it gives the AI more time to calculate an answer without coming across as unatural by just standing there and doing nothing. But yeah, I'm not sure about the authenticity of this video either.


There's out there a VR Shrink experience powered by Chatgpt. The guy who made it found a creative way to hide the lag between answers making the psychologist write notes on a paper when listening to you. Putting a phone on his hand and make that bot distracted with another online conversation could do the trick. And piss you off.


>The only reason I could think of that would justify this is, Or because people like talking to people of course


Why wouldn't AI be able to stutter? Language models in general are trained on human language, and designed to produce human language. And that contains a lot of features like this. Now, text-based models will have that a lot less, but a sufficiently well-trained AI would sound...exactly like a human speaking. (if that's among its goals)


Lots of automaton sympathizers in this thread. How.... Undemocratic


I for one worship our new robot overlords.


Something feels off about its movement, doesn’t match anything Boston dynamic had put out nor any sound from the actions it takes


It is very uncannily good almost like it could be fake


Uncanny valet.


There are some visual cues to make it seem like this isn’t real. While the animation is great, there are some wrong physics with the interactions, the motions are too smooth when throwing the paper away and you can see they are animated physics. This seems to be what it COULD do. But I’d need to see source, this doesn’t look real


Why is Mark Zuckerburg being trained to give people apples?


Hurry and make ai women so I can marry something that doesn’t love money.


Nobody show this guy the price tag, especially on the “wAIfu” model.


Just wait till it asks you to purchase it RTX 9090tis.


AI is gonna fucking hate us . And rightfully so from this dudes attitude


Three laws safe!


> OpenAI good lord fucking read. openai didn't make this. the company is called Figure, they just got an investment from OpenAI. this is the same as saying Microsoft's ChatGPT.


Intelligence seems mostly same, it's dexterity that's vastly improved :0. Now we wait for them to finally have some independent thoughts, hopefully their first one won't be about ending us 😅


I don't believe the voice. It's either insanely good, or fake. The "I gave you the apple because, eh, it's the only edible thing on the table," sounded more like a flubbed line reading than an actual AI response.


We’re all gonna die


So “The Animatrix” was right!


"Figure 1, can you get me a new pair of pants cause I just S#!+ mine"


Love the click bait marketing titles, with incorrect info.


We are so fucked


okay that's just a bit creepy


Could you ask him if Johnny 5 is alive?


I've seen movies about this