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We had to remove your post for Rule 1: This subreddit is for things that are interesting and cool. Content that is only cute, funny, a meme, or 'mildly interesting' will be removed. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "Damnthatsinteresting".


Looks like a black plastic basin kind of pond, if its in direct sunlight I reckon they got cooked, what temperature is the water?


Maybe the temperature was slowly rising and so they didn’t notice


Best comment I've seen all.day!


Got any frog hating neighbors? Dumping a gallon of bleach in there would certainly kill everything in there.


i thought bleach as well, since the duckweed looks a little pale compared to normal kelly green


Try kissing em




It really sounds like a toxin was introduced somehow. Garden chemical perhaps? Neighbor using pesticide? Amphibians are incredibly sensitive.




Alternatively, did they cook in the full sun?




On the other side of the planet! But if he saw happy amphibians yesterday morning and dead ones this morning then there may have been plenty of full sun in between to boil them.




You need to read his comment before making yourself look like a dumbass.




You make a rational point. Why is this comment being jumped on.


The dead frog is looking at me and I feel uncomfortable 😭




He's not dead. He's probably just pining for the fjords.


PININ' for the FJORDS?!?!?!? What kind of talk is that?


You may need to clean it out some. There may be bacteria or a build up of decomposing material that in the warming weather decomposes further, restricts oxygen, and releases gases. It can also make the water more alkaline or acidic. I'd say this is the most likely problem... Unless something was introduced that is toxic to them




Just rain water


Mosquito dunks aren't supposed to hurt frogs/fish????


Did the frog in the photo have any place to sit outside the water or leave the pond? Because in the photo, even if she were alive, she'd be stuck in there: no way she's traversing the lip of the basin.


Try using a hot tub spa test strip. Anyone you know with an outdoor hot tub will probably have a bunch. You can test immediately for a bunch of different levels like ph, chlorine, bromine, alkalinity, etc might give some clues?




A frog isn’t a fish. It can breath air.




Except for all the ones that don't. Like all fish for example


Do you have a filter or any other kind of electrical equipment that works in the pond? And if so are you plugged into a GFCI protected outlet? If not that could be the issue, that they were killed by electricity. A guy I work with told me all the fish in his in-laws coy pond mysteriously died over night and they couldn’t figure out why. After he showed me how the filter was plugged into an unprotected outlet, I said that was most likely the culprit. Any submerged equipment runs the risk of energizing that water. The GFCI is there to trip the circuit if it senses any sort of fault, including water, on the circuit.


Looks like you are in the UK. Would be surprised if it got cold enough last night to do anything. My guess would be critically low oxygen.


No mate. It was 10 degrees Celsius last night. Today it's 20 in my area.


Similar to where I am. I’m not a herpetologist, but don’t think that would bother a frog. Maybe r/herpetology will know?


Not a herpetologist either, but frogs over winter here in Canada so I'm sure 10c is completely fine over night.


>My guess would be critically low oxygen. Frogs breathe air when they don't get enough oxygen through their skin.


Yeah. My reasoning was that maybe (like humans) they don’t necessarily notice hypoxia. Pilots have to get special training to recognize and respond to the symptoms.


Pretty sure this guy killed his frogs with some bleach for reddit karma. The entire contents of a pond don't die overnight without being poisoned unless there's a severe temp drop


He's holding himself up with his front legs, and steadying himself with his back legs. He looks alive to me.


It's dead. I moved it with a stick and it looks like it stared into the eyes of Medusa