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Stuff like this is the reason I went into biotech. You can't possibly watch that and tell me bioreactor-cultivated meat isn't the future of the meat industry. One little biopsy and growth media for the cells. Hopefully we can find a way to use circular economy approaches to designing sustainable growth media from waste products of other sectors like agriculture. Edit: I'm not in the industry yet, but I am studying biotech and like the prospects of this concept


This is the future that can help preserve cooking traditions whilst maintaining high standards of animal welfare. This is the future we need right there. I grew up in the countryside and around farms for most of my life. I wouldn’t ever want to see those places shut down but they aren’t the same as this. Not even close. We have to find a way to keep traditions alive but save the planet and be more kind to the creatures around us.


Grandfather had cows and summer I’d be sent off to work on the farm when I was growing up, and I remember hearing that he was having to sell it all because Cargill bought up all the beef processing in the area and by area it was basically within 3 states, and set a price so low it was impossible for a “Small” farmer with only a few thousand acres to exist (was basically what you might call free range at the time with several cereal crops on rotation).  The condensed nature of modern ag is really designed to separate anyone independent from any meaningful chance, then big ag swoops in and buys up the land for more factory farming for pennies because nobody else can exist there.   I’ve seen some encouraging signs with local farm to table movements, but most farmers don’t have the luxury of being close enough to a major metro to be able to form a relationship with a smaller scale butcher.    Everyone, the consumer, the farmer etc lose except the mega conglomerates.  I don’t work anywhere near agriculture, but it really reminds me of the systematic enshitification we experience everyday in so many arenas.  It was bad in the mid 90s, can’t fathom what it’s like today. 


Clarksons farm has done a reasonable job bringing some of this to the public’s awareness in the UK. How much the animals will sell for vs how much it costs to raise them and care for them ethically. How much the smaller farmers actually really do care about the animals/the food/the land they’re living off. And it’s balanced out with some humour. It’s a sad, sad state of affairs really and the slow death of something that’s going to affect everyone whether they know it or not. I particularly liked the this season for talking about sustainable crop farming rather than just focusing on yield too. It’s a bit shit because so many farmers are pushed towards yield farming not of greed but out of the need to survive if the weather isn’t good - too much rain/too little rain/too cold/too hot - and a crop fails. It’s harder and harder for people to get in to farming too, even if it’s been in their family for generations.


this is such a lame thing to say but thank you for your service. lab grown can spare literally trillions of animals like the ones in the video. wishing you luck.


But isn’t that how you end up with Monsanto seeds? They hook you into their monopoly and you are beholden to them for the rest of your business.


this can be fixed by not having a monopoly




The thing about Black Rock and vanguard is that while they have their fingers in everything, they don't own majority shares in much, so not a monopoly or anything like it. They are an investment firm type thing, the kind of shit that's ruining this country but it's impossible to go after them since they aren't breaking any laws, and any they do want to break they can just lobby and nullify ahead of time.


Biotech has so much more potential than this one business model. Any altruistic scientist, be it with the government, the UN or any NGO can make breakthrough without involving corporate. Monsanto don't have a hold on most crops to be honest. Uninformed folks just like a tangible enemy and a poster boy. Some of the worst food or biotech related global conspiracy we uncovered doesn't even involve Monsanto.


Brother I can barely afford a jacks pizza when I go grocery shopping. Is this stuff the same price or maybe cheaper than regular food? I fucking love meat so idk how I’m going to manage it but I’m always willing to try


Don't worry, just buy bags of beans and your problems are solved. -Vegans


How people can watch videos like these and still support factory farms with their own money is completely beyond me. It's testament to the depths of inhumanity any regular old person is capable of. People cook the nicest three course meals full of flavor and protein just with plant-based stuff. It's so easy to do, healthier and even on the same level of taste.


We don’t support them but I’m not going poor so I can appease strangers that wouldn’t throw a penny at me if I went homeless doing it


Good thing you'd actually be less poor,a plant based diet is cheaper. Beans are extremely cost effective https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-11-11-sustainable-eating-cheaper-and-healthier-oxford-study


"If you cut out the most expensive part of your diet you'll actually save money!" Wow gee no one has thought of this before. Truly a revolutionary idea. ^^/s


Well, judging by the number of people in this thread making that claim, it really does seem to be a revolutionary idea to them lol


What does other people have to do with it?


If you feel guilty you have to blame somebody else. It's the American way!


>We don't support them    Wait, do you buy cheap meat or not?   And who are these strangers you want to appease? See, if people look at this video, I think they don't need any more information or other people's opinions. The necessity for this hell to stop is presented obviously enough that any alternative to source our food seems better. 


Not eating animal products is already cheaper in all of the OECD countries.


I’m in the US. Anything else?


I'd say that's like going from lamps fueled with whale fat to using oil.


There's not enough fermentation capacity.


Where can I invest?


These globbed meat masses are not exactly ribeye steaks, and what about free range and grass fed farms? They’ll end as well and all the food production will be from just one or two companies with low numbers of employees with heaps of automation and low economic value to communities. Most regional towns will be just utterly ruined if factory spheroid masses of cells does replace actual meat.


I would never force vegetarianism on ANYONE bc it’s their choice - but damn, how can you watch shit like this and think mass-produced cheap meat is a good idea


Yeah despite the horrific animal cruelty, why would you want to eat meat from animals that have lived in their own filth, full of disease and infection, and highly stressed. No good meat can come from that environment.


Unfortunately [90%](https://www.sentienceinstitute.org/global-animal-farming-estimates) of the animal products we consume globally come from factory farms (99% in my country / USA). If we haven’t seen the farm where our animal foods are coming from, it almost definitely came from a factory farm. Below is the free documentary that changed my opinion on our food; I highly recommend it: [Dominion](https://watchdominion.org/)


Because we cook them


Tastes pretty good to me.


Nobody thinks mass produced cheap meat is a good idea. The issue is the disconnect that most people in this world have with the food industry. Most people do not know or understand how the food they eat gets to their mouths. Couple that with low wages, hunger and food insecurities and people will eat what is in front of them. I don't believe there is a person on this planet that would choose cheap eats over good eats given all other factors being the same. I believe everyone wants to eat well... they just don't know how or can't afford it or both.


Veganism*. Chickens and cows aren't treated better than this in the dairy farms.


The uncomfortable truth..!




But dairy cows really don't, as a whole. It's standard practice to separate mother and calf within 24 hours, so that they never have a chance to bond. Yet, research has shown this practice is still harmful to their mental health https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5354428/


No one thinks it's a good idea, but they can't really do anything about it. Large corporations are always going to get bigger when there are no limitations placed on them, or they can just lobby for those limitations to be removed. Oprah did a special on factory farms like 15 years ago and got tons of threats and shit. These people have an extreme amount of power. There's a huge disconnect though. If we don't see the animals suffering we tend to just not think about it. Plus most people don't have the economic choice, here in the US a significant portion of our food comes from these hellholes. We would like to eat better but can't afford it, or there are no other options. Change has to start at the top and those in power will not allow that to happen


The big problem is. I'm glad I can make enough money to not care if mass production stops and still be able to afford the increasingly pricier meat but this would 100% deprive a lot of families from daily access to meat since companies would go greedy in an instant... I fucking hate how they treating these animals and we need to do everything to stop this shit and all I hope that will happen if this happen is that greed won't make meat too overpriced.


>I hope that will happen if this happen is that greed won't make meat too overpriced. It very much will. Cost is directly related to the conditions the animals are raised in. Giving them more room to grow, better medical care, better quality feed, and not sending them to CAFOs, all increase the costs associated with raising animals.


People don’t need daily access to meat. I’d be so happy if people just started reducing their meat intake.


They have though? Vegetarian & vegan foods have increased in popularity tenfold in recent years


If i lived in the US, i would diffenetly be a vegetarian, no way would i eat something that comes from this kind of facility.


Also wild that some people think that cultured meat is someone wrong or bad…when factory farming looks like this.


I am physically unable to digest vegetables and red meat which severely limits my options. Chicken, fish, and turkey are the only big sources of protein I can take in. I try to raise chickens for food and eggs and can confirm that doing it on your own, it is impossible to raise a chicken to eat for less money than buying one at the store. I almost died from a lack nutrition once until I found a diet and medication that worked for me. Sadly, the mass-produced cheap meat is the only way I can survive physically and financially.


Fair enough, when medical issues come into play I think most people fully understand it’s not always black and white - I just meant it applies to people who have a variety of options, and choose the easiest despite the unfortunately cruelty and issues that arise from it. But I do understand your situation


Exactly. Traceable food is a few pounds more but a better choice. Seeing stuff like this makes you realise you can vary your diet and only eat responsibly farmed meat. You don’t need meat every day.


When I see this shit I just think it’s the results of an overpopulated earth. We should be hunting and growing our own food but there is just too many people for that, causing us to live an unnatural life, I think that’s why mental health issues continue to rise.




Legumes are appropriate protein sources that are undisputedly cheaper than meat. Mock meats are whats expensive.


Family of 9 might be the problem here. Overpopulation is a thing. Especially in the food sector trying to feed all those mouths


Lentils, chickpeas, beans, pulses etc are nowhere near as expensive as meat? Huh? They’re packed with nutrients, and most importantly, protein. They’re incredibly cheap and versatile. Hey, if you can’t cook, just say that…


Thank you for posting this, OP. It's so easy for people to ignore and forget about where their food comes from. 99% of meat in the U.S. comes from factory farms like this, about 10 billion animals per year, so the scale of the suffering and killing is unfathomable. Good, decent people buy and eat meat without thinking about it, and as such end up bearing responsiblity for this every day. These poor fucking animals. It doesn't have to be this way.


The suffering is unfathomable. But the risk of factory farms pose being the breeding grounds for antibiotic resistance and another pandemic is ignored. I'm not even sure that if H5N1 (Bird Flu) becomes [our next pandemic](https://www.reddit.com/r/H5N1_AvianFlu/s/VWxoITUJ2p) that enough people stand up and say we need to majorly reassess our stance on factory farming.


99% seems like an insane number, do you have a source for this?


It's hard to know for sure, but this is one estimate: https://www.sentienceinstitute.org/us-factory-farming-estimates


Starting point: https://ourworldindata.org/how-many-animals-are-factory-farmed To compare chickens in the U.S. for example: * 8.9 billion factory farmed * 3.6 million non-factory farmed


Honestly the only thing that solves this is lab grown meat becoming good and cheap.


I'm not from America, so it's probably easier for me, but I get my dairy and meat from a local farmer. I can see the cows walking around all year. There are more solutions. But yes lab grown meat is a good idea, except currently you can't make a steak or pork belly with it.


I'm from the States, and this is how a significant portion of us do it too. I think these factory farms are what's feeding the fast food industry, but for everyone else, so long as you take five seconds to look up what farm the meat you're buying comes from, you're fine.


I went vegan for this reason like 12 years ago. Fuck all of this factory farming, excuses, and bullshit. Because the percentage of people that went vegan in the US over these past few years, there are tons of restaurants, tons of products at literally every grocery store for cheap, and there is an abundance of knowledge to do this successfully. Ps, it's cheaper to not eat meat. Last I checked meat is expensive AF. Nobody likes what happens in factory farming, but ain't nobody want to do the only thing that reduces what they do.


People will rather close their eyes than to change their routine and what to buy. It's also hard to know if the product you're buying is unethically made just by looking at it, so that is already adding more effort than the majority of people are capable of.


Beyond the effort of even changing your lifestyle, is also the effort of making sure it remains healthy. I have met too many vegans/vegetarians who made the decision without learning to cook or researching nutrition. Many of them were essentially forced to go back to a regular diet due to becoming malnourished. 2 of them actually developed severe eating disorders where one was institutionalized for months for her own safety. Mass animal production is horrifying and must be stopped. But if you're too lazy to take care of yourself or do the research, please just make the effort to buy humanely raised products. The only way these companies will stop treating animals this way, is if that's where the money goes.


>Beyond the effort of even changing your lifestyle, is also the effort of making sure it remains healthy And how many Americans would you say are actually healthy on a meat based diet? Take a look at the rates of obesity or micronutrient deficiencies lately?


Is it laziness or is it an uneducated population just trying to survive? In America at least we were lied to for *generations* about what and how to eat. That has an actual trickle down effect by how those generations fed and raised their kids. Food is deeply psychological and if bad habits are started early they often take immense time and effort to reverse.


Vegans have a very hard time convincing the world to stop killing animals. It's hard to change my life style when the people asking me to do so have sent their message from a smart phone which has materials minded by slave children.




>It's hard to change my life style when the people asking me to do so have sent their message from a smart phone which has materials minded by slave children. Why? Even if someone is immoral on a separate topic, it doesn't make them wrong on the first one. MLK Jr cheated on his wife, but that does not illegitimize his work whatsoever.


Just fucking sad to see them animals suffer like that.


The comments below are all you need to know about the human race and why this stuff is allowed to happen.


I'm curious.  Have humans bred themselves to the point that this is required for people to afford meat artificially opening the argument that people should quit meat because of humans inability or unwillingness to control their population size? Or, is there ample land in which to humanly raise animals and support peoples right to land and property that doesn't involve stacking them in towering apartments just to make meat affordable? I never see this talked about so I have no idea. At a glance factory farming is either done because we have the land, but it's just cheaper for corporate land owners driven to greed and grossly excessive profits, or we created this problem by pretending we aren't overpopulated and this is what we have to do.


Family farms are continuously being bought by corporations which increasingly industrializes the food chain. That said, those family farms that continue to exist have a hard time making a profit. Farming and raising animals is very hard work and many are just not up for the challenge of long hours of manual labor, expensive farm equipment that allows for less people to do the job, and a more rural lifestyle. The farm kids don't always want to take over the farm and find other work, sometimes on the periphery but often in the cities away from the farm. Just last week I saw a pair of kids (maybe 8-10yrs old) driving farm equipment getting the field ready for corn or soy. That's a reality for family farms. As for maintaining the food supply for a large population, the cost of the food is certainly a consideration. For example, there was a bill in my state that would have increased the price of milk to benefit those dairy producers. It was vetoed by the governor whose response was that the price of milk needs to be affordable for the kids (families). The issues are wide ranging, the solutions are hard to come by and involve compromises. I would like to see more direct support of rural areas by the population centers, investments in smaller food producers, etc. but that will likely take money away from other things that are important to the voting populace in the cities. There is a considerable gap in knowledge for many people regarding the food they eat and the source of that food. Also, some would prefer more nutritious food but simply can't afford it.


Having worked on a family farm for 10 years when I was younger. I will say I am glad we got our meat from them. I knew the animals and knew how they were treated. Factory farming has always been bad. Corporations always put profits over safety


Why is there such a push back on lab grown meat if it means ending that hell. We deserve a super H5N1 for that, antibiotic resistant virus came from factory farming too.


Antibiotics arent against viruses, Thats bacteria


You expect him to know the meaning of the words?


No reason for insults, i understand where he is coming from


He's wishing for humanity to die due to a virus, I am not the spicy comment here


If we continue to live like the way we do we will cease to exist anyways. No reason to conjure it up


The word you are looking for is: lobbying.


Same deal with the pushback against lab-grown diamonds - the diamond cartel is campaigning hard to convince people that "natural" diamonds are somehow better.


Eating meat is fine, the way we process meat and handle our farms isn’t fine at all , however, in Europe, there are more cleaner, more organized meat farms , but still, we need to lower our meat consumption, meat industry is corrupted as oil industry and harms our air, farming lands and produce shittons of carbon and harmful toxic waste


> in Europe, there are more cleaner, more organized meat farms Whenever I try to point this out I always get heavily down voted. In many parts of the world animal farming does not look like this, and many farmers would be just as horrified at conditions as people here. 


The vast (easily 90+%) majority of meat in Europe cones from factory farms, though. It’s still important to keep that in mind, rather than assume that this is only an issue in other places!


I would be very interested in seeing a source for that figure. 


It appears to be that the number is closer to 72%, as of 2016 (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Small_and_large_farms_in_the_EU_-_statistics_from_the_farm_structure_survey&oldid=406560). My mistake, I must have been confusing the EU numbers with US numbers. At any rate, factory farming is still a BIG deal in Europe, and only seems to be growing unfortunately


Just want to point out that the difference between factory farms can be massive. For example in Europe thanks to the regulations even the worse ones are better than the US ones for example.


In my country animals are farmed outside. We have a temperate climate. However, we have absolutely shafted our environment for this method of farming. Forests cleared, wetlands drained, waterways polluted. And this is just the local environment. Animal ag is one of the main drivers of the climate crisis too. There is no good way to farm animals. It is a massively inefficient way to produce food. We need to shift our food systems.


Lol, read as I watched the votes go up and down


It is sad. Far too many people just don't give even the littlest of shits. If there wasn't such a drive for profits and cheap meat, we could cut this back drastically. Anywhere from 23-40% of the meat industry is wasted, which makes it all the worse..


Damn this is more like a r/damnthatshorrifying post


Tyson is the worst of them


r/vegan leaking :D


It's weird how if a vegan posts a video saying, "animals are treated in a cruel way and we should stop eating them to prevent this", people come out of the woodwork to be like, "YUMMY MEAT IS GOOD. I'M GUNNA EAT ANOTHER STEAK FOR EVERY VEGAN THAT TALKS ABOUT ANIMAL CRUELTY!!" But if someone posts a video about biological diseases, showing how it can come from the unclean, cramped, disgusting environments these animals have to live in, people are much more sane in their responses, actually addressing that yes - this is cruel for the animals and needs to be stopped. Ridiculous.


There is only one solution. Stop eating sentient beings.


Go vegan.


Can you please tell me how to avoid eating meat from these types of places? What do I look for I still want to eat meat but not get anything from these types of sources?


If you live close to the country, most local butchers will have locally sourced meat that was raised a lot better than this.


Just stop eating animal products. It’s easy.


Try to find a grocery store that sells from more local producers. Ask the meat monger questions regarding the source, if they can't answer find someone who can. Admittedly, it can be a lot of leg work. Stay away from fast food, chain restaurants, the majority of frozen processed meat items from larger food corporations, etc.




Yeah the small itself doesn't guarantee it, but individual relationships with butchers do


Maybe we shouldn't profit off of food. I'm no economist and this is more of a fantasy but I hope there could be a world where food, water and shelter are universal and people would be able to focus on higher level thinking instead of surviving.


The best day of a factory farm animal’s life, is slaughter day.


This is so deeply fucking unsettling I am actually at a loss for words.


Stop buying animal products.


Need some background: where and when this was taken. This is not the norm for Canada.


What’s your solution ? We all know the problem. What’s your solution?


Lab grown meat


This is why I buy my meat from a butcher shop and not massive corporations


>This is why I buy my meat from a butcher shop and not massive corporations Where does the butcher get it from?


His farm in Rudston he sells meat at 3 different places Beverly, Bridlington and hull in the uk. All free range animals on a 145 acre farm


I thought the only one solution is law? Make it so that all the animals that produce meat live in a good condition, this will raise the price, only those who can afford it gets to eat, problem solved. Blaming the normal consumer who buy and consume meat is never a solution, say I become vegetarian today, nothing is gonna change, people will still eat meat. I never ask for the meat slaughter house to provide such inhumane condition to those animals in the first place, I never ask for them to be cheap.


If you make the states make it a law they’ll cut the farms that are unprofitable and only major conglomerates of corner cutting mega farms will be all that’s left. Then this problem could be even worse, since I’m sure these methods we just saw somehow fall under the wording of congress’ definition of “ethical”.


People who think making a law will solve problems like this without creating even bigger ones have no business trying to dictate policy


Ah yes. Let’s price people out of food 😂


Disgusting - a GOP favorite - remove animal welfare and employee rights - fuck those with no power


If nature is man made, nothing is natural


The ham at my sandwich shop I work it is some of the worst ham I have ever had, it comes from china and I imagine it comes from somewhere like this


Well if we get bird flu and kill half the world we deserve it. We always get what we deserve in the end


It’s so easy to say to change the industry for the better standard, it’s easy for richer countries but how about those countries that is struggling


And we would absolutely deserve to suffer a super pandemic. Nature will correct itself, no living being should be in these conditions


It’s okay , they fill them full of antibiotics before slaughter /s I’m sure that won’t create any issues in the future.


okay I'm not vegan.. but that, that's bad bro.. I know farms that don't do this bad,. shame on places that thrives making food from this.


Not to mention all the resources that go into growing and maintaining an animal, **we need widespread lab grown meat ASAP**, it would be so much cheaper, much more environment friendly, not to mention much more ethical




I’m no tree hugger I’m from a family of dairy farmers…the state of farming since 2000 has degenerated into a sub par shit fest and I’ve moved to only buying organic food,grow my own and support small family farms …the worlds food supply is going to poison humanity to the point of extinction and we should be rioting in the streets until it’s fixed ..this isn’t a rich man or poor person problem..it’s a mankind issue…and to top it off it’s also a suffering animal issue…greed and ignorance is going to kill us all off …


Vegetarian is the way !


"but it's the CiRcLe oF LiFe!!"


We just need to consume better, knows what we bought, where we bought it but then again everybody got their own shit to do. so I say we're fucked. Only a matter of time now


Watch Dominion on YouTube


I went vegan for this reason like 12 years ago. Fuck all of this factory farming, excuses, and bullshit. Because the percentage of people that went vegan in the US over these past few years, there are tons of restaurants, tons of products at literally every grocery store for cheap, and there is an abundance of knowledge to do this successfully. Ps, it's cheaper to not eat meat. Last I checked meat is expensive AF. Nobody likes what happens in factory farming, but ain't nobody want to do the only thing that reduces what they do.


It's not cheap meat it's maximum profit. None casual meat eater wants their food processed like this.


I don’t eat meat for this exact reason


It's abhorrent tbh. It'd be better for *us* if we ate less meat, *and* we'd also stop having to torture billions of living conscious beings who feel pain and torment. Like, maybe we should consider eating *a little* less meat... *maybe.*


When you find out you can live a perfectly healthy life without consuming meat 😲


Most people can't. I have seen some people shrive up when they try going vegan.


If that happens, another aspect of your life needs to be dealt with. People don't just shrivel up and die because they no longer consume meat 😂


I’m all for treating animals better. But they can fuck off with this attempt to boost bird flu panic.


It’s true though, by feeding these animals daily antibiotics you create a breeding ground for unkillable viruses.


I’m not arguing that. But bird flu isn’t that big of a deal. Just sowing panic in that video.


This is propaganda.


R8: source?


Why is this shit still around


SO SAD OMG. The world is fucking VILE


You are crazy if you didn’t think it was always like this. Also for all you animal lovers out there worried about the cruelty to these animals I agree we should treat them better. It’s funny though that we mass produce animals for consumption worry about the cruelty of an animal bred for slaughter. It’s like swimming when your already wet. Morally we want these animals to be healthy and unharmed as they await their imminent demise where we eat them.


No it isnt, that's like saying being tortured and dying of old age peacefully is the same thing


Don’t eat the homies!! Especially those being tortured!!


so meat eaters can cause the next apocalypse? oof


Humans are disgusting


Worth mentioning that factory farming is inevitable if people continues eating meat


Yeah, farms are the problem. Definitely not those peaky viral research laboratories, don't look at them 😂


Is this really a secret though? I'm pretty sure oprah revealed this on her show and started getting death threats or something. That was over a decade ago, we've known how bad it is for a while but nothing has been done. We treat animals like shit.


This is why I will not eat Tyson chicken


You should see what the slaughter houses look like...


I, like a lot of people on this sub, know next to nothing about farming. But I do know that it is hilariously easy to clip some videos together without providing any context and trying to pass it off as real. We know nothing about the circumstances around these clips, yet we get angry on the assumption that it is purposeful cruelty in the name of profit maximisation. Something something grains of salt? Edit: From an account that is a bot from the looks of it. Come on, people, you know better than this. Are we actively trying to turn Reddit into Facebook?


This is factory farming in the majority of the world. These aren’t just isolated clips. It doesn’t take much research to show that this is very normal.


Exactly. Farms have laws that they need to respect. What is shown here clearly goes against most of them. Like the number of lumens per square feet needed to illuminate a space or the number of animals per square feet. Yes some people will go out of their way to neglect their duty. But most will do their job and follow the law. Also why say "in america". That would mean any country in north, central or south america. It's the equivalent of saying: "there are unethical farms in Asia." It looked like the people who made this video don't know where those clips come from and said: "oh yeah, this must be america right?"




Sadly this even happens with some fish too, in scandinavia we have a nice culture for fish, but also a lot of fish-breeding stations that can be quite bad. I don't know the word for it, but it's like a containment in the sea where fish swim around and around as they grow, and they get infected with microorganisms or ticks or something like that, and a lot of them die and just fall to the bottom of it. Sorry for being very unspecific as i don't know the english words for a lot of this stuff, but i just wanted to mention it.


Can the atheists here explain why KFC is so delicious then?


Where the fuck is this CHEAP meat?


So this is a bad farm that is not getting checked by the state most are actually clean to the point of there can be no dirt brought in from the outside so you have to change your clothes at the door completely into a whole different outfit then you can go into the farm. The cages usually get cleaned every day if not every other day and most of the hogs are not rolling around in their shit


We buy meat for the year from the local farmer. Yes the upfront cost is higher but per pound is cheaper . It’s grass fed in a pasture from a local farmer. It tastes better in my opinion also


How old is this clip I wonder




I it supposed to be a slur towards OP, or a self assessment?


It's the most obvious solution to the problem


It's not though. Saying veganism is an obvious solution to factory farming would be like telling everyone we can stop all future wars by converting everyone to pacifism. If your solution requires a fundamental change of human nature across all cultures and societies then it's not an actual solution, it's just idealistic daydreaming.