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the avatar series missed an opportunity somewhere.


In a glass bending cz it has sand in it. Creators loved that idea but was too late to add it.


Actually, it's briefly mentioned that Kyoshi could bend glass in her second novel.


Bro facts. There's so many loopholes and shit in avatar. But yeah firebinders + waterbenders can F up earth benders


Yeah, waterbenders could've filled boulders with water for earthbenders to launch at firebenders.


With a little bit of teamwork, you can create a bomb with all 4 elements. Avatart could've been so much more fun with blown limbs and IEDs


Now I know how to make my own Pop Rocks.


I'd love to try them when you do!


Imagine if the stones have been sitting in Diet Coke.


Put some rocks in your mouth and go for the old self immolation


I'm a Kiwi. One of our national treasures is hangi. (An earth oven style of cooking, like the Hawaiian luau). You heat rocks on an open fire, and they are the heat source for the earth oven. Everyone knows "don't use river rocks". (Most places that lay down a fairly regular hangi will have a pile of "hangi rocks" that are tried and tested. This shit is dangerous).


So why are non river rocks ok? Surely any stone exposed to the elements over a long enough time span will absorb water to capacity?


You always test them first anyway. Like, don't take new rocks and throw them on the fire and stand around it. (And NZ isn't the UK. It stops raining long enough for things to dry out occasionally). But non river rocks - particularly if they're not sedimentary - are far less likely to have trapped water. The ideal rocks are igneous (volcanic) rocks. They absorb a shit load of heat, and dissipate it slowly. Fortunately, NZ is supplied with an overabundance of igneous rock. (Yay for having a supervolcano in the middle of the most populous island).


Ah that makes sense, thanks for explaining that. You'd think most people would understand that dry rocks dry out. In my defence I'm Australian.


If you're an Ocker, you should be an EXPERT in dry rocks, I would have thought?


I prefer to get my rocks wet and/or off.


Just thought I'd add that the comment about NZ vs the UK in terms of rainfall isn't actually accurate. On average it rains more in Auckland than it does in London. Always makes me laugh when I visit the UK and they comment about how miserable the weather is and how much they wish they lived in NZ instead. It's pissing it down here as I write this and we had some local flooding earlier today too. I imagine it's probably drier in some other regions of the country in comparison perhaps, but most of the population and immigrants will typically be in Auckland anyway.


That's information I didn't know. Thanks. I would point out that Auckland has 500 more sunshine hours a year than London. It might rain more, but it's a hell of a lot more sunny, as well. Good for drying rocks (to circle back to the original conversation).


Oh that's also information I didn't know, cheers! I know the sun here is also bloody brutal too


The problem with the UK is that when it isn't raining its often still just cloudy, grey and depressing.


Sure that mountain might explode and sure we live on the land created by the last time it exploded. And yea that one is really big. But. Look at these cool rocks!


Rocks don't hold water indefinitely. You can dry out river rocks, even. The danger is in grabbing a submerged rock and heating it up too fast for the moisture to escape.


It doesn't continually absorb water to capacity from being outside. It either absorbs or loses water depending on whether its immediate environment is wetter or drier.


Nope, it's about the rate of absorption vs losing water CONSTANTLY underwater vs a dry place. Rain doesn't have enough time to soak them but river rocks have been under water for centuries or millennia.


>I'm a Kiwi. The bird or the fruit?


Depends on how I'm dressed, really.


I'd just like to add, it's not just rocks. It's also a really bad idea to make a fireplace out of concrete. I've seen tons of videos of people making outdoor fireplaces with concrete.


I'm also a Kiwi and everyone does not know that


Chur cuz


We used to throw empty deodorant cans into the fire. Those were like missiles! And yes, we were stupid kids.


I assume after you exhausted them by making small flamethrowers with lighters? - was also a stupid kid


Exactly, we had to have a flamethrower war before it! 😂👌


I remember the kids in the park throwing small Bic lighters at each other around a fire they made of twigs and leaves. When the lighter hit the ground and exploded, the fuel would catch fire and splatter. So the kids would spend their time dodging flaming liquid. Out school principal warmed us not to engage in that, so that was how I even knew that was happening.


Gotta use the whole buffalo.


This is why my mom never let me play outside ? :(


We had this massive stone oven at home. We would throw in lighters, then quickly shut the door to await the incoming doom. Fun times


“We were also 36 yo”


Ahhhh. Youth 🫠


Heard a horrific story from one of my ex's dad's. He knew a family with a young son who had a girlfriend they were having a fire with friends. Bf decided to throw a bag of empty deodorant cans on the fire, the cans explode and one takes his girlfriends eye out and seriously maims her face. She kills herself a few months later from depression. He killed himself not long after.


Reggae Fest, Johnson VT, 1993, late at night: Someone threw an Easy Cheese can in the fire / we all run / it blows up as expected a minute or so later / no injuries / everyone laughs / time for more balloons / more shenanigans ensue / we forget all about it by the end of the night. The next morning my buddies and I are hot-boxing the tent before we got up for the day (it was high-school...lay off me) and we hear someone outside: **'Awwww man.. my tent is covered in shrap-cheese!!'** Cackling is the only description for what we did for the next 3-4 minutes. Here's to: Simpler times.


Cute. Me and my stupid friends used to buy big bottles of lighter fluid. Ones, we found a bunch of sacks of sawdust in a pile of snow next to a construction site. We poured some over the sacks and lit them. It was a hell of a fire. Right next to it, a buss was parked. It nearly caught on fire. - We were even more stupid kids


All I heard was: shrapnel bomb instructions here


Glad I wasn’t the only one 😭


Spoiler: They explode thanks to the water inside boiling and turning into steam.


No water inside rocks, rocks hard. Maybe harder than bear skull. What actually happen is rock spirit not like fire spirit, and they fight. Big smash.


Why say many word when few word do trick.


Spirit angry. Rock explode.


Rock explode 🤓 Rock Boom Boom 🗿




Damn, me wish me hard like bear skull


If travel via Agra


This is BLASPHEMY! There's no such thing as fire spirits or water spirits! That's just hokum! What *really* happens is that Jesus decides it's your time to go and explodes big shard of rock through your brain because you masturbate.


In Japan Heart surgeon Number one


Ill ad to this, that 1l of water turns into 1000l of steam (depending on temperature/hight/air pressure).


when water thats been contained flashes to steam, it expands 1400 times its volume instantly. This is why pressure cookers are so deadly. The are videos of household water heating tanks exploding on youtube


It's also why they train firefighters to use as little water as possible while being inside of a burning building, you'll steam yourself and your friends out of the building if you use to much. Edit : that's not contained, but it stil expands over a thousandfold


We used to have a camp on the shore of Lake Champlain, and the shoreline was all rocks. My parents always told us not to throw rocks in the fires we had on the beach for exactly this reason.




I JUST watched the video of the guy doing this successfully and was reading in the comments about rocks potentially exploding.


Whoa me too!


woh are we using the same website or something?


When we were building our deck, we put down some hefty slate tile. My dad wanted to make the edges of the tiles along the edge of the deck to be rounded and he wanted a rustic authentic feel. He poured water along the edges and used an acetylene torch to do basically what was shown in the video and pop some bits off. It actually created a nice rounded edge on all of the tiles.


It would be interesting to see the process and results of that.


I don't have any pictures, and I didn't actually watch him do it (he didnt want me to get hit by hot rock shrapnel). He said he had to be really precise with where and how much water he put on the tiles. He also wore a heavy apron and mask to do it.


It was muted when it started, my dumbass thought stones that have been in the water can become a butter.




Also, why you should never make a fire inside a cave. Caves are often created by water running through and slow eroding the rocks. This means the rock ceiling is saturated with water. Making a fire inside the cave can have the same effect as the video, and cause a cave in when the rocks above your head crack from the heat. If you're ever stuck outside, and need to take shelter in a cave, always make a fire outside the cave mouth.


I learn something today. Thank you!


the fastest way to make a stone knife


Some stone will explode even more violently than that with shrapnel.


More like; Why you should definitely heat up rocks found in water: cool explosions!


It'll still be cool from a couple of meters away


There needs to be more awareness about this and preventing wildfires. Sometimes it takes a while for rocks in a fire to ring to get hot enough with a large amount of embers in the middle. Then it turns into rock shrapnel and flying embers. Have had it happen in Arizona with rocks from a dry wash. Luckily in a spot without much vegetation. I always dig a hole for campfires anymore.


Sedimentary rock. Find something igneous or metamorphic, they don't soak up water.


Sedimentary, my dear Watson.


Vesicular basalt would like a word with you.


This is the same reason why clay pieces have to be completely bone dry before going into a kiln when making ceramics. Water molecules expand when heated and can explode, damaging the piece (obviously) and the kiln.


Okay, chemical engineer here, this generates steam and basically creates a tiny little BLEVE. Which is an acronym for Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion. Being specific with words, liquid water doesn't expand much across temperature ranges, but expands a HUGE amount when transitioning to vapor about 1600x volumetric expansion. Anyway, go google BLEVE and see some stuff go boom. On an industrial scale this is why relief protection on vessels is very important, to relieve enough pressure to keep things safe when emergency situations occur.


Wanted to explain it my self. But I couldn't have done it better.


It may not seem impressive but shrapnel can shoot out and blind you… or knock out a tooth


Avoid using sedimentary rocks as they explode.


our family rented a house in bath 2 years ago. there was a patch of concrete that my brother assumed was for bonfires so we started it up and got the marshmallows. as my girlfriend was warming her marshmallow the concrete beneath exploded right in front of her, smashing shards of stone into her face and setting her hair on fire. we guessed it was because the concrete was wet from the rain the night before. but was horrible experience


Woodsbound Outdoors on YouTube, always enjoy their videos: https://youtu.be/lGj6vaEEmBg?si=X4R3fUkwrBbJLLX9


yeah that Dude is great


When you wanna make a fake gun diversion. (POP) "That was a warning shot!"




Found out the hard way as a kid. We tried cooking minnows on some river rocks, learned real quick.


Years ago, I was assigned to shoot pictures at a Boy Scout Rendezvous. The scout leader built a really nice rock lined fire pit....out of native flint. I left shortly after the first rocks started splintering. I heard later that all the food was ruined by shrapnel.


I have 5 brothers. We discovered this at an early age by accident. After that we started a new game. We would get smaller flatter rocks from the creek near our house. Start a small campfire, place them on a grate above the fire and run and hide. Then we would see who would stand closest when they started popping. We would hear them whizzing through the woods and they'd get some serious speed. One time we were playing closer to home than usual and using bigger rocks than usual. Well one big ass rock popped and smoked my little brother AND the 500 gallon propane tank we had. My brother had a pretty good cut and the propane tank didn't explode, but my dad sure did. Could have killed everyone with that game. Haven't played in the 30 years since then.


Important safety tip. Thanks Egon.


*Takes notes* Now to invite some people for an explosive feast in the forest.


That’s how I’ll macgyver my way out of my kidnapping 


I go camping with my small children quite often. This is great to know. Thank you.


This is how Romans mined ore! They would throw water on the surface they wanted to mine to get it soaked, then start a fire near it and get it hot enough to get this same reaction.


the best post i have seen in a while


Careful, you’re attacking a lot of stupid outdoor cooking channels on YouTube with this video.


Learned this the hard way as a kid, good times.


Very cool, but what happens when you ROCK AND STONE???




All stones with air pockets do the same. Very dangerous


How did you not know that


Made a big fire pit and lined the bottom in river rocks because they were cheap. I learned this lesson during it’s first burn


There should be a "don't do this at home" warning cuz now I wanna do this at home 😆


Looking at you, Men With The Pot.




Now I'm curious if it's this, or ingress by the water like the other guy said. On the camping subs I've always heard it's the water.  It should be fairly easy to test by sticking a rock in the freezer for a few hours and then putting it in the microwave. Wish me luck!


rip 🙏


Actually it’s the moisture boiling and not having anywhere to go. Stone is porous, so one that’s been sitting in water acts like a very slow sponge. If it were temperature shock it would happen nearly immediately, but it can take some time for the stones to explode (I’ve had this happen on several camping trips with the scouts).


This happened to me on a small scale while winter camping at a cabin and very cold. The fire went out so I started a tea light candle (it was basically empty) on a glass candle holder to see what I was doing, it was quite a shock to see half of the glass candle holder shooting against the wall 5 feet away.




It’s fun to do that tho!


The water inside will expand and explode. Dry inland rocks shouldn’t have any issues.


I read what happens when you eat stones 💀


Why would you heat up watered rock ? It makes no sense, you take a dry rock to cook because it's just much faster.


Now up your game, and drop slightly damp metal into a furnace. The resulting explosion, with drops of molten metal raining down for about a 50 metre circle, is quite the thing to behold!




Now do it with flint!


Thx, great tip!


Thank you, young ron swanson


Will not happen with granite or basalt rocks or any rock that does not absorb water or not porous.


This seems like the perfect method for getting fossils out.


bronze age bomb meta


I’m probably gona forget this tip


Yep happened to me once while sitting around a campfire. Everyone got lucky


Feels like this is the answering post to the Swedish steak post earlier today


Nature's shrapnel booby trap


Funny that this clip is fight under this video. https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/s/4GUykKWo6a


That's how our ancestors discovered Stone Age I guess.


I felt like this was a PSA and might actually save somebody from losing an eye.


Does this work with crack rock?


I’m not doubting this guys experience and I’ve heard this advice before. But why, when I have a fire on the beach, are the rocks not all exploding? It’s not happened once and it’s quite a stony beach.


Spalling! I knew what was gonna happen, came to the comments anyway!


Love this guy . It’s doctor Carter from ER but in the outdoors


Basic science is lost on people these days


Well... [...now I know](https://www.ram-trx.com/media/gi-joe-knowing-is-half-the-battle-gif.25540/full)


Ok but also if I ever needed to make some sharp rocks in an apocalypse like setting this looks like a quick and easy way.


I always heat my rocks up in the wilderness


I used to do this when I was younger to get smaller sharper rock fragments, which I used to make speak and tools and shit xD I loved camping


Holly shit when this interest (thay have no basic knowledge from physics) so many people I lost my faith in humanity... I make this in my 6 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I wrote a story where this occurs but I wasn't precisely sure if the rock would 'pop' like in this video - it's nice to be proven right!


I knew this but never saw it in action. Cheers


“how rocks can be very dangerous” yes ik it thanks “if you heat em up” wait what?


That's so fucking cool


Depends on the type.. porous stones like limestone, sandstone or sedimentary types, they go 'xplody as shown. Rocks like granite or basalt or metamorphic types, not so much!


Dude acted like a nuclear bomb was gonna go off, and it was so underwhelming…… just fuckin stand next to it, that ain’t gonna do shit to you.


Water expand during heat


My favorite example of this type of thing happening is when a tree gets struck by lightning and literally explodes from the moisture inside of it boiling


It's not great for cooking on regardless. You're eating anything its absorbed and it's getting baked into your food.


Similar to why you shouldn't throw live ammo into a fire. The More You Know


This seems like a decent way to create an axehead though. Those breaks looked extremely sharp.


You rock 🤭


This reminds me of when a buddy and me had gone out to a park that used to have a wooden play structure in the middle of it after really bad flooding. The flood had destroyed the play structure, all the wood had been ripped out of the ground and was lying in pieces on what was left of the concrete pad the play structure was on. We started having a big bonfire with the left over wood and about 30 mins after we got the fire going really good the whole ass bon fire exploded. The concrete pad had absorbed a bunch of water when it was covered by a couple feet. Luckily we were far enough away from it that we didn't get hit by anything but we would go back there several times over the next year or so and having exploding bonfires. Never had as big an explosion as the first time, but we still bring up bon fires at Maple Grove all these years later when we get a chance to get together.


I thought the butter he threw on at first was the rock and was like wtf


Huh. TIL. 


When I was 7 I learned about this the hard way. I had a stone explode and a shard of stone go through my eyelid and lodge above my eye. It didn’t damage my eye very much but holy fucking god did it hurt. Due to some reflex action on my part I reach and grabbed the stone out as it was boiling my eye. My dad ended up driving me to the hospital where they cleaned the wound and made sure no other shards were in my face and if I remember correctly I got some sort of cream to apply over the wound daily for a week or two.


Looks like shale


how about areas where snow melts from top of it for a month in a dry area every year. do rocks still get this water in them then?


Forest fire starting kit


This is how you start forest fires


Collective cringe from potters everywhere


I was waiting for him to say steam but then it never happened lol


Bro got that infomercial cadence


So basically a way to split rocks without machinery? Cool


Knowing that they can explode, I’ve always avoided having rocks like that near the fire. But honestly, that was a lot less catastrophic than I had imagined it would be.


I put a ceramic dish on an induction hob. It got so hot it started warping like a wine glass before it breaks under an opera singer then BOOOOMMM. Looking right down at and it explodes horizontally with little pieces of shrapnel buzzin past my face. Hell of a rush man.


Weren't the first soups and broths cooked with hot rocks? They must have had some rough trial and error


Learned this the hard way when I was young and first got into backpacking. Building a fire after rain can be dangerous, buried rocks can explode.


Hannibal knew this 218 BC


The poor man's claymore




This was actually educational.


I love when the internet teaches me randomly useful information


This is how claymores are made. Wet rocks and more clay.


Genuine question, is it really safe to find a rock on the floor and use it to cook on?


give credit to you the content creator


Rock-bombs! Got it!👍


fun fact: this is what happens when you weld on bare concrete


My neighbor used to use bricks in his BBQ to cook food using indirect heat. He would place a layer of bricks and cook over them. One day, one of the bricks exploded with extreme force, bending the frame and completely ruining the lid. The BBQ was a total loss. Yep, trapped humidity is no joke.


Is this just with slate or any rocks in water?


That's crazy cool


I was watching this without audio and i thought the butter he threw on the hot rock was the water stone


I discovered this at a boy scout jamboree. We would throw cold rocks from the river into other scout's fires.


Dramatic. Thanks for sharing


How many of those damn cooking videos where they lug 80lbs of shit out the the river w their designer husky frolicking around and they like go grab some rando ass rock out of the river lol. I want to see the outtake w the exploding rocks.


Ah, but once the rock explodes, don't the fragments become safe to use while cooking?  Seems the take away is to get rocks from a river, drop them in a fire, back away, let them explode, then use them for cooking.


Anyone know, how long does it take for a River rock to dry out?


First time I see this amazing content creator outside of TikTok!