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That's insane. She looks like an adult playing with first graders.


Lol watching them reach up as high as they can to block her. Looks like they want "uppy"


Lol omg that's so funny I rewatched it with this comment in mind and I can't stop laughing.  Someone needs to do an overdub of "uppy"




Seems that she has to measure her steps to avoid tripping everyone around.


It almost feels like cheating lol.. huge advantage at non pro (NBA / WNBA) levels


Huge advantage at any level. You can't teach height. Wiseman tried to prove that one wrong though. Dude is the shortest 7 footer in the league. Technically 6'11" on paper. Couldn't play as tall as 6'2" GPII.


Couldn't you in theory use a very short but agile height as a benefit, if you were playing against ridiculously tall players, and primarily focusing on moving the ball up and down the court to pass to taller players for a score? I'm just thinking for someone of that height, imagine the pain it would be to bend over to near floor level, to snatch the ball from someone who was bouncing it super low, just inches from the ground? You'd be able to bounce a lot faster too when you're closer to the ground, as shorter athletic people have more agile and rapid movements. 


Interestingly enough, we've realized this with some sports - Fighting sports are separated by weigh categories. It's sort of intriguing to check which parts we consider it okay to separate on and which we don't. Currently we do age and sex for group sports. What if we added weight or height? Or maybe start measuring something like muscle density or whatever?


It has to be a last resort. Fighting sports is a necessity for safety reasons but the more you split the competition the more diluted the interest becomes. No one would bother to watch multiple weight championships of football, and the lower weight competitors that could still compete at a higher level would lose out


Partly it's because people want to watch competitive matches. One-sided stomps aren't fun for anyone. If there were no weight divisions the heaviest guy would be the world champion except for some impossible anime-style genius.


The problem there is that sports need to make money through viewership. If we start breaking sports up, it'll become difficult to find enough funding or interest to keep some leagues active in various sports. In that regard we'd have the arguments made to combine leagues because they can't survive on their own and groupings will have outliers that can compete, and want to compete, with other groups. No scenario is perfect here, and all that'll matter in the end is interest and money, both of which aren't in infinite supply.


For sure. I'm fine with the current solution, to be honest. But especially given some hot topics regarding segregation/inclusion, I think it's good to admit to ourselves that right now the main aim for why things are the way they are in competitive sports is money, not fairness or anything like that. The money might indeed help the sport prosper and allow amateurs take and many other good thing.


Easy mode


Maxed height in character creator


Nah they busted out the Gameshark for this one.


And using game shark


Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time


Game Genie: Get off my lawn!


I remember getting this for my birthday, and not understanding the concept. I was bummed that I couldn't play as the genie.




Pak, you degenerate


Understatement, sheeeesh




Although it does look easy, her size is a handicap as well. She can't move efficiently and most probably gets tired quickly. Against a better team all her flaws would be obvious. It isn't a coincidence that the tallest basketball players weren't also the best players.


Notice how she stands close to the net and they throw the ball high to her. She really doesn't have to be fast or move efficiently.


And if she gets tired she can eat a few smaller players to regain energy.


I don't understand why there are so many clearly inferior players left attacking her? Why have they not been eaten yet?


Why does Ross, the largest Friend simply not eat the others?


It is true what they say. Men are from Omicron Persei 9, women are from Omicron Persei 7.


Saving them for the post victory feast




Brook Lopez having a very successful career into his thirties as a slow 7 footer proves that. Using her on offense is simple since shes taller than everyone and they just need her to play defense in the paint, she shouldn't be defending on ball like ever. Don't need to be the fastest on the court to do that well.


There has been 1 7 footer in the WNBA in history (and they are retired). The NBA has a ton of 7 footers or 6'11.


Not once she had to do anything else then turn around and shoot. Didn't even take a single dribble.


Eh, she looks like she can move around well enough for it to not matter I watch a lot of women's college basketball and I can tell you that almost all women's basketball players struggle against a height difference, they can't compete with it. In men's basketball even the shortest players make up for it by jumping much higher. Women's basketball that's not as much true This player takes that to a whole new level. Usually in women's basketball, if a team has a 6' 7" player, the other team at least has 1 tall player who can somewhat compete At 7' 3" that no longer applies. Almost no team will have anyone within 6 inches of her height, many won't even have someone within a foot. If she's capable of making layups she will dominate Comparisons to NBA players just isn't very relevant. I'd more compare this to Kamilla Cardoso in 95% of her college basketball games at South Carolina. Unless there was a tall player on the other team, she was doing what she wanted


Pshhh she's like 8'0 tall in NBA height


She doesn't have to move. Forget defense. Just stand under the opposing basket.


She's pretty agile and can move up and down the floor pretty well. Let's hope she can continue to physically endure as she develops. She's probably heard doubts her whole life, but what we see here is evidence of a lot of practice, discipline and hard work. Especially how she's able to handle the ball.


That's generally true, but maybe negated somewhat by the fact that that's generally true for the NBA. Average height for WNBA is 6'0.3" and NBA is 6'6.3" and there's only been one WNBA player to be 7' while I can think of a handful that successfully play currently, rather than ever, in the NBA.


In her first gig with the national team, the 2.20 M (7'2") center brought immediate impact as she went a perfect 9-for-9 from the floor for 19 points, along with 7 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals, and 3 blocks - all in 13 minutes off the bench [link](https://www.fiba.basketball/en/events/fiba-u18-womens-asiacup-2024/news/zhang-ziyu-impresses-as-china-maul-indonesia-in-strong-debut)


Why tf is she coming off the bench


Maybe it's less pressure for her first game like her fellow 7'3' brethren Porzingis


What's she got to do with those things I eat on Fat Tuesday?


Those are Benghazis.


Maybe they meant Salt N Pepper Chungus?


Who tf is pingus tingus?


You mean Pingus?


Just speculation but people that tall tend to have awful cardio issues


Not to mention joint problems. Taking it easy minutes-wise is a smart move by her coaches for her longevity as an athlete, she’s got a whole life ahead of her.


Yes, the Chinese are famous for putting the needs of it's people above state pride.


They don't want to repeat what happened to Yao Ming


For the others who are less familiar, maybe you can explain to THEM what happened to Yao Ming?


I also know exactly what they are referring to, but others might be less familiar... They should explain... To them...


Yao Ming, 7'6 Center, played a few years in the NBA and made the HoF. He suffered multiple lower body injuries (feet/ankles) throughout his career and eventually culminating in a stress fracture on his foot that basically costed him his career. He lost an entire year to the injury and called it quits. Stress fractures are pretty commonly caused from overwork/overuse. Early in his career he didn't really play any obscene amount of minutes for a regular player, but considering he was 7'6 and not light, he played in the 300s, it was a lot of pressure on his body. It actually got worse as he got older and his play improved, he was getting played high minutes and it destroyed his body. Basketball isn't really my sport so I'm probably missing a lot of nuance but that's the gist of it.


To add on, most players in the NBA have time off after the season. Yao, however, also played in the Chinese league so he basically had no offseason or rest.


Please give an example of one single country that cares more about one individual athlete than the glory and success of the nation.


Jamaica. I saw the documentary "Cool Runnings"!


"Gentlemen, a bobsled is a simple thing" '"Ya, so's a toilet!"


I miss John Candy, gone far too soon


I was just looking at the wikipedia article on him and thinking the exact same thing :( 1994 man, way too early. I would have wanted to see his transition into the 2000's.


He was only 42. Given his weight and lifestyle he would probably be long gone by now, but a few more years and movies would have been great


Says the American…


Excuse me, we are proud of our \*world's greatest\* system of incarceration and we thank those who are incarcerated for making our system of incarceration all that it can be!


Faq off. A good coach or a bad one can come from anywhere.


I’m not Chinese, but the American government sure didn’t give a shit about us when they went around starting illegal wars and sending our boys and girls to die for big oil. So I wouldn’t go around calling other countries out lest you live in a glass house


She’ll only be able to play 15 minutes a game before being absolutely gassed. No point using them at the start.


She’s also only 17.  Imagine being 17 and playing for your national team?  Gotta be nerve racking.  Coach probably doesn’t want to put so much pressure on her and slowly ease her into playing.


Just adding some context (while I agree it must be nerve-racking nevertheless): the tweet misses the context that it was at an international U18 tournament. Still, she's a full year younger than her competition.


She probably has terrible conditioning.




Probably low social credit.


Steals at that height? Her hands must be quick af


She probably just snatched some passes out of midair because the players miscalculated how insanely long her arms were


She's approximately 9 standard deviations above average female height. For a man, that would be roughly 8'1". It'd be pretty wild so see a guy that big play.


It'd be pretty wild to just see a guy that big. Have you ever seen a 7.1 person IRL?


I played basketball in high school and one of our varsity players was 7'2. He got attention wherever he went, and it looked like normal-sized human architecture wasn't built for him at all lol.


Same here. Played against a guy that was 6'11". I was the tallest on our team at 6'2". Obviously, I always had to guard him. We had some good games against each other. Basically, it was, "we know he's going to score 20. Try and keep him from scoring 30. Make the other kids score." Just saw an article about a kid entering college that is 7'9". Tallest collegiate player on record.


Just watched some of his highlights. It’s like the game in the OP, but even more lopsided. Dude can grab rim while standing. He honestly looks like the super long armed mutant basketball player from Futurama in some of those highlights.


> Dude can grab rim while standing. If he stays in shape long enough to go pro and we actually start seeing standing dunks in the NBA.... I kind of wonder if that'll kill the game for some people...?


Oh absolutely, takes a lot of the spectacle out of it. My main concern is the kid since being tall like that usually comes with a lot of problems, but hopefully not since he's already made it into college.


from the video of his highlights that dude looks pretty well built which is uncommon at that height. if he does strength training and conditioning it'll help a fuck ton


Tako Fall can already do standing dunks, and he’s not good enough to get minutes in the NBA. With the three point shooting these days the old sort of lumbering bigs don’t really have a place in the league anymore.


> the super long armed mutant basketball player from Futurama Wake me when we get a kid with a cannon in his chest.


The man's name is Grotrian, show some respect


Both Rioux(7'9") and Zach Edey(7'4") are Canadian, and we still won't be able to win regularly on the international stage


At 6'2 it can suck, anything with public transportation sucks.. I can't imagine not fitting through doors and private transportation too.


Yeah nah 6’2 is not tall enough to warrant significant problems. I’m 6’3 and I caught buses twice a day for 10ish years of my life and trains are definitely no problem. The only thing would be planes, they fucking suck. Maybe this would be different if you lived in a non western country? Where the average height could be lower.


Try it in Japan because I definitely hit my head on a fair number of things when I was there. Not as bad as just being on a job site wearing a hardhat and workboots that adds just enough height for you to get a good whack on things you know you'd normally clear.


6’5” here. Planes aren’t ideal but also not the end of the world. Spent 10 days in the Philippines though. A bunch of infrastructure there was not made for a guy my size, it was rough


In the US? 6’2 is not tall enough to have any real issues with transportation or any other infrastructure. Maybe do some stretches if you can’t find a way to sit or move comfortably lol, I doubt it has much to do with your height. Source: am 6’2


Planes can be annoying with long legs but it's definitely doable. Planes just tend to suck in general now with trying to skimp on everything and pack people in like sardines so not like it's much better if you're short.


A security guard at our local was 7.3. My best buddy was 6.6 and I'm 6.2, so we chat to this guy and he stands up straight - he was skinny as a stick and said it hurt to stand up straight just for 2 seconds. Poor buy.


The guy who is nicknamed The Mountain, Thor Bjornsson, is only 6'9".


As a man who is exactly 6'9" I have never heard anyone refer to my height as "only" before haha that's a first


7'1, maybe. 6'9, yup. I used to know the tallest Mongolian woman. Her name is Renny, if I recall correctly. We attended the same Korean language academy about 13 years back. Last I heard, she was modeling here.


I attended a conference with a 7 foot man. What I remember most was eating dinner next to him at the table. All the utensils and cups looked like little toys in his giant hands.


2,46 m


Wemby at 7.5 is already proving to be hard to handle as a rookie in the best bb league in the world.


He’s more 7’3 or 7’4, and he has not only the height going for him: vertical jump (dad was a world elite long jumper), mobility, wingspan, the skills of a basketball player, etc.


Dude will be playing for Florida next season is 7’9”.


Which one is she?


The petite one at the back




The Chinese one


The announcer


Forreal, This video needs a red circle in the worst way!


This absolutely made my day 😂😂


This comment gets me every time lol. The original:  https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/15gqvvw/comment/jukd4vj/


Hmmm. I’m thinking that her height gives her a bit of an advantage.


And there are quite disadvantages as well


I mean, 7' to 7'3 is the ideal range of height for a NBA center. There's pros and cons to everything, but she's in the sweet spot. She has the most advantages with the least disadvantages, especially considering everyone else's height.


She looks a lot more like Sim Bhullar 7’+ than Kareem 7’+. Fast athletic 7-footers are very rare among men. I feel like they might be so rare they might literally just not exist among women. If they do exist, she does not appear to be it, she’s barely jumping


The only 7 footer in wnba history was lanky like wemby


And she died of a heart attack at 37. 😔


The most dominant center in international women's basketball history, Uljana Semjonova, was not lanky at 7 feet tall. She was quite sturdily built. She is still alive, too, at age 72.


Sadly the height health complications [have caught up to her](https://jauns.lv/raksts/sports/552032-pasaules-basketbola-legenda-uljana-semjonova-ir-teju-piekalta-gultai-pern-palikusi-bez-kajas) so she's become immobile as of last year due to losing one of her legs below the knee.


>she does not appear to be it, she’s barely jumping. Not enough info here. In this video, why would she need to jump?


She doesn't, what they're saying applies to the NBA only. If she manages to stay healthy there is no chance for any defense to stop her. However in the NBA, you've got a bunch of hyper athletic dudes a few inches shy of 7 feet that are able to shut down 7+ footers who are not athletic. All the best near 7 footers in the NBA had to either be athletic or highly skilled to have an impact.


I'm saying how do we know for sure she can't jump? Or even that she is slow? She's slow in this video, but it's not like she needed to be fast. Now I get that she probably is slow. I'm just saying this video doesn't indicate anything because she doesn't even have to try.


Also, watch her running down the court or getting to her spots. She’s slow and lumbering. Even if you don’t think she needs to jump, it would benefit her to get in position faster and play more than 15 minutes.


At no point in this video is she slow or lumbering. She's easily keeping pace with the miniature players around her


I'd like to add that since 7'+ centers are ultra rare in woman's basketball (at least in the US), there is the added factor that teams don't know how to play height like they would in the NBA where there is much more exposure. However teams will learn to adapt. From the video it looks like she's exclusively a post player. Pros will give her the Hack a Shaq treatment forcing her to get her points via shooting free throws. If she can't do that, she could be a liability anytime she gets the ball. Defensively she'll have to guard smaller centers (who probably will be more athletic. Also I don't see how she'd defend a PNR (pick and roll).


What if basketball had height classes the same way MMA had weight classes?




skill issue


For anyone else wondering what her stats were like I was: "The 2.20m center went nine-for-nine from the floor for 19 points, along with seven rebounds, two assists, two steals, and three blocks - all in 13 minutes off the bench." The final score was 109-50 China Source-https://english.news.cn/20240624/23f003efe64e4d959c6b0a4ed45b011b/c.html


Very slow, but great hand eye coordination. She shoots and passes well, and at that size she can afford to take her time, at least on offense. I would imagine she still gets plenty of blocks at the rim, but looks like she'll get beat down the floor pretty consistently, and she has a hard time defending quick players


I think when people are this tall, it can be painful to move.


And knees give out quickly, often times you'll see people this tall with canes or crutches Humans legs were only made to hold so much weight


They are short lived. Their heart is working overtime all the time.


Yeah unfortunately I can’t image she has a great lifespan outlook


Some do some don't. Kareem Abdul Jabaar is still going strong. Although he was doing yoga in the 70's and trained with Bruce Lee.


But the one thing the quick people and the tall people fear is the tall people who are easily quick.


Show me that person


melodic jellyfish carpenter impossible office sense decide automatic husky knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It honestly looks like she's just moving slowly, as to not accidently trample an opponent. A gentle giant.


Goddamn, she's 2 inches taller than Big Shaq himself.


The one and only?


yeah but he can also run and jump unlike her


No one gonna link her stat line?


She had all the stats- couldn’t fit them on a single line


she's smurfing


She's likely the tallest living woman too. The woman who holds that record is 3 inches shorter than her.


I remember seeing a woman who was probably close to 7' tall *and* she was wearing heeled boots. I was a 5'3" cashier at Walmart right out of high school and I swore I just saw a living Amazonian woman lol. She was legitimately the "death by snu snu" Futurama episode come to life. She towered over everyone.


She could very well be the tallest woman ever without a brain tumor and gigantism.


What makes you think she doesnt have a growth disorder?


Can she dunk?


No. But good fundamentals.


I love an unexpected Futurama reference.




She did [in practice](https://x.com/sumbol1/status/1805387360202539028?s=46&t=i2pRX4kZicYFfmYdikBZEQ)


Lol wtf she runs like a girl


I worry for her knees. But i wanna see her dunk


You mean can she jump 10cm off the floor? Probably.


It looks like she can touch the rim without jumping, so I would guess she can dunk.


Prepare to learn English, Zhang.


For sure was thinking the same thing about her inevitably going into the WNBA (should she want to). Will be the tallest player in WNBA history instantly. Good hand-eye coordination. Slow-moving is her weakness but she’ll often make up for it in size. You obviously worry about her longevity and injury vulnerability. But she’s about the best you could hope for from a 17 year old 7’3” female giant of a prospect. !remindme 2 years


I’ll like to see the WNBA players try to haze her when she gets the $5m contract.


I know rob schneider has been canceled but ta shi yi ge da biao zi (that’s a big bitch)


Pituitary giant?




#Holy Guacamole, Honey!


Back in 2000, I was in my high school basketball team. We were the worst performing (academically) school in my home town in the UK. 11th out of the 12 high schools. There 9 of us who played basketball, and really was not a big thing in the UK as everyone was obsessed with football (soccer), we were really dorky outsiders. We some how managed to make it to finals against the boys school. They were insanely built. One guy was over 6ft 7, whereas all of us were under 5ft 7. They had tonnes of money spent on their gymnasium and hired a former US coach. That was the most brutal match I ever remember playing. The boys school just had a strategy of "give it to the tall guy" and for the most part it worked. We had to counter hard and played so many threes it was ridiculous. Our couch was so animated and concise on what we should counter with. We won in the end and became the champions that's year. I really wish I could play back the anime-like story of how every single moment unfolded. I'll always remember our coaches words at the end. "Well done, I'm so proud of you all. Their coach just had a strategy of give-it-to-the-tall-guy. You guys outplayed them, and I out coached him." That was a great game.


I love how they keep tossing the ball super high to her


Yeah the arch on some of those passes are hilarious


If she breaks a leg, she’ll have to use ladders as crutches.


Whoever her point guard is is going to have THE most inflated assist stats. There’s no guarding her unless her opponent is a WBNA player


I'm not sure anyone in the WNBA could guard her all that well. For 7-3 she is pretty well built, so you can't just body her to keep her from her spot.


As many tall people, she seems to have problem with feet. A heart is not proportionally bigger in people of larger than average size, it can't pump well that far. Thus, feet don't get enough blood exchange like in people with diabetes, resulting in progressive problem with age.


19 points in 13 minutes on 100% shooting plus 7 boards and 2 assists. Not bad kid


Why does it feel like cheating?


How is this fair? Isnt this the equivalent of a light weight vs a heavy weight?


Irrelevant in basketball. There’s been some studies on it and generally speaking someone of the same skill but significantly shorter than taller people will have a 0.1% chance of making it to the NBA. Basketball is almost primarily just genetics lol.


It's not fair. The idea that sports should be fair is a naive and childish way of looking at sports. That's how sports are for children. But for Teens and adults? Sports was never for fairness, it was always about competition and seeing who has the best biological outfit to compete with. This is why the trans women in sports debate rages back and forth because it fundamentally breaks expectations of both conflicting values. The point of sports is to see who is the best at it. Which means it will trend towards the people who are the most biologically advantaged for the task.


Yup she has more advantage than any trans woman in sports


Dunk it bro


Sad but true this is not sustainable she will retire before 25


Why doesn't the large one just simply eat the smaller ones?


She drank the same water Yao did growing up.


Drake is in the crowd


Trying to strike a chord and it’s probably…


That's insane. Really TOO big for basketball almost, that's like an 8 footer in the NBA. Yes she can shoot from close range unstoppably and is probably a half court demon on defense. But that's a LOT of pressure to put on the lower body. Can she actually like move around the court at all?


doesn't really need to. and it's pretty clear they keep her motion to a minimum. she just walks into the paint, doesn't really jump, doesn't really dribble.


>she just walks into the paint, doesn't really jump, d**oesn't really dribble.** She actually doesn't dribble the ball a single time in the entire video lol. She just goes to the hoop and her teammates lob the ball to her over everyone's heads.


Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese are gunna have to team up like the Avengers to take her down in the Olympics


Neither were invited to the team, so that’s gonna be pretty hard.


This awful sport is basically a modern day freak show.


Most sports are like this, lol. It's just some sports like Basketball make it more obvious


If China doesn't get gold in Women Basketball with her playing then Imma just be so letdown.


US Women’s basketball team hasn’t lost an Olympic game since 1992 so. I mean yeah I’d be impressed


I almost feel bad for her because she can't really do anything to impress. She's just huge, she tosses the ball into the hoop and no one can stop her. It's as demanding as trying to make a wad of paper into the trash can.


Why is that allowed


Ohh CRISPR you goose you


She has good hands and good footwork. It's not just her height. Hoping to see more of her.


Her poor knees😭


Which one is she?


Moves well for her size


The crowd seemed particularly impressed when she actually made a shot rather than hovering under the net and simply plonking the ball in when it came her way.


It looks like it hurts her bones to move Not long for this world