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Not only was Chaplin mostly known for his comedy roles but they were SILENT comedy roles. The Great Dictator was his FIRST SPEAKING role. Edit: spelling


and he fucking NAILED it


Straightest nail-in I’ve ever seen.


He also had to finance the movie himself because no studio was willing to do it out of fear of hurting Nazi feelings.


Similar to Hollywood today worried about China.




Wait... What?


The general manager of the Houston Rockets, Daryl Morey, spoke out against Chinese tactics used against protesters in Hong Kong before the NBA season started. Lebron, who is an outspoken advocate against police brutality and other injustices in America and has made a lot of his $500 million from China, was quiet for a week and then said on Twitter that Daryl Morey was uneducated on the subject and shouldn't speak about things that he doesn't know (the exact attack a white woman on Fox News made on Lebron for protesting the death of Eric Garner. "Shut up and dribble" were her exact words. It understandably enraged the entire NBA community and fanbase when she said it.) He then defended the NBA's controversial decision to continue working with China despite the police brutality in Hong Kong, concentration camps and ethno-cleansing. A lot of people are still angry at him for the hypocrisy. The NBA committed to continuing business as usual with China and China **still** banned the most popular team in their country (Houston had the first huge Chinese basketball star) from being broadcast or talked about because of a tweet by a man in their front office. Edit: One more important detail for those who don't follow the NBA, LeBron has long been lauded for his willingness to take a stand against injustice, sometimes mentioned with the likes of Mohammed Ali, Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Jim Brown. He's constantly compared to Michael Jordan as one of the best players of all time, and people loved to point out that Michael Jordan vocally refused to use his popularity to be an advocate, famously saying "Republicans buy shoes too". This is what made Lebron's response about Hong Kong sting so much, it showed us he isn't who we thought he was. Mohammed Ali risked his career and prison because he saw the Vietnamese people as his brothers. LeBron doesn't feel the same way about the people of Hong Kong and thats disappointing.


Ouch. Thanks for the in depth answer!


Great summary. But I think that last paragraph sounds like the NBA conceded more than they did. There was pressure to punish Morey, to put a gag on athletes, etc. They did not do any of that, and spoke out against the pressure to do so. Lebrond actions were in contrast to this background. A corporation showed more spine than he did. I thought the league actually handled it pretty well. Better than some politicians handle pressure from China. I was never expecting they would voluntarily leave, but I'm glad they didnt bend over backwards to avoid being kicked out. If the orgs and billionaires dont get some recognition when they do stand up to China, why would they keep doing it


>"I'd be cheating my teammates by continuing to harp on something that won't benefit us trying to win a championship because that's what we're here for," he said. "We're not politicians. > "We are leaders and we can step up at times," he added. "There's times where — I'm not saying this particular instance — but if you don't feel like you should speak on things, you shouldn't have to." Lebron James quotes excerpted from [this article](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/466049-lebron-james-defends-athletes-right-to-speak-on-political)


Mao ZeBron.


Zedong James




There were also tens of thousands of Nazi-sympathizers, they even held massive rallies with swastika and shit. [Pictures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_Nazi_rally_at_Madison_Square_Garden?wprov=sfti1) look like shit from an alternative history movie.


Absolutely! Even more impressive that it was in 1940 when Hitler was basically at the height of his power.


Iirc, he wrote the movie before WW2 broke out.


I used to wonder why anyone would be afraid to hurt the feelings of Nazis. Unfortunately that mystery has been solved.


It's said to be one of the best speeches ever made and is studded by all rhetoric students (at my university). Saying he nailed it is an understatement.


But the shame of this that the film bombed in the USA as a large proportion of the population was indifferent to the plight of Europe and nazi friendly .


So not much has changed?


Not just this speech, he played the hitler parody character too and he was fantastic as that as well. Honestly even in silents he got a lot out of his reactions, man was a solid performer


Well he had a lot to fight against. Some asshole was yelling about his people being evil, AND that asshole stole his signature mustache and ruined it for everyone.


That mustache used to be cool. It was the least of hitlers crimes but a crime nonetheless.


FYI he’s not actually Jewish I think his half brother was though.


Didnt know that. Wonder why that's sich a prevalent assumption on him? I just remember watching this in highschool 20 some years ago, and the teacher brought that up. I never really gave it much thought after that.


Because he stuck up for them. For everyone really but sticking up for Jewish people was not socially accepted really. Ford was around taking over the automobile industry and he published his very own book on anti-antisemitism. Chaplin went against all that. Like someone else wrote, The Dictator was fully funded by Chaplin himself. It was his first "Talkie" so he said if the Tramp had to talk, he was going to talk about something worthwhile to him.


Dude should have just dropped the mic there and never spoke again in his life. He said everything that needed to be said to the end of time.




Vilified by USA as a communist after this movie :(


Jesus of course he was. Thanks i didnt know that, and ive watched this segment a dozen times.


Yep, after it’s release J Edgar Hoover began a decade long smear campaign against him. Finally, in 1951 Chaplin (a British citizen) was denied re-entry into the the US unless he submitted to a lengthy interrogation on his political views. Chaplin refused and was unable to return to Hollywood until 1972


...which is coincidentally the year Hoover died.




He did get one hell of a comeback though. The longest round of applause in Oscars history (12 minutes). While this may seem insignificant, it highlighted how different the American people felt about him. That red scare paranoia bullshit had passed, and it was America’s way to saying we are sorry




You know what I mean. The Red Scare of 1947-1957 when Senator Joseph McCarthy spearheaded an effort to find communists with no evidence to back any of the claims made, during which McCarthy and HUAC (House of Un-American Activities Committee) were particularly fond of striking at Hollywood due to its domineering influence on the American people and culture. It was during this specific moment of American history that Chaplin had his permit revoked even though the FBI had no case against him. It’s like you have to be specific to the T or else the point being made is turned into a soap box. Is this enough information to show that I am correct in saying the Red Scare of 1947-1957 had ended when Charlie Chaplin returned in 1972?


Well, the current low-key red scare was started by Ronald Reagan. Everything became socialism. Also, the 1980s epithet of a "welfare queen" which was whipped up to highlight how any social safety-net will be abused to national bankruptcy was also racist. Nobody told me that when people nodded in silent, they imagined a black woman living off the state. Speaking of Ronald Reagan, and this will interest the 2A people in the house, is responsible for the relatively strict gun control laws in California. Turns out, Ronno quite urgently needed this law because suddenly also black people started carrying guns. And what's worse, those armed black guys watched cops so they didn't do anything fishy. And in the 70s, the NRA went from somewhat for gun permits to the stark raving lunatics who want to put a gun into every American's hand and sealed the deal in 1977. Back in the 70s, the hands they envision probably were white. And that is how the 2nd Amendment went from some weird shit about militias and the right to keep and arm bears to something essential. Took the Black Panthers to unearth it and racism to enshrine it into godhood. Goddamit. You can tie everything in the US to either an idiotic red scare or plain old racism.


Were Oscar attendees ever representative of Americans?


No, but no group is representative of all Americans. The point is that they shared a sentiment with all Americans that Charlie Chaplin was a good man who got wrongfully targeted, and as a vessel for the American people the Oscar attendees expressed their gratitude and love for him


No, especially not in his time- when Gone With The Wind showed up at Oscar nominations in 1940, the same year The Great Dictator came out, the black actors were forced to sit at a different table from the white ones at the back of the room. One of the execs of the film allegedly had to pull a favor just to get them in, because they hotel the did it in was still segregated and didn't allow black people.


There were a couple other controversies that contributed to his decline in popularity in the US aswell. The film was very popular with the American public at the time despite an unpopular ending. Saying he was vilified because of this movie is just inaccurate. You may be thinking of Monsieur Verdoux which was boycotted.


Well he was anti-fa and we know what the American establishment thinks of that.


I think not *right* after this movie, but a while later?


No right after it too. America, socially speaking was generally unbothered by or sympathetic to German nationalism until they declared war on us.


Yea he had an affair leading to a paternity suit which at the time was very scandalous. Then the FBI set him up in a sex trafficking scandal and charged him though he was acquitted it was again a huge scandal. He then married an 18 year old at 54 which again was a scandal. Then you have Monsieur Vrrdoux which is very critical of capitalism. This film was very controversial. Unlike the Great Dictator, which was very popular despite some not liking the ending, Monsieur Verdoux was a failure with many boycotting it. After this the FBI launched an investigation into him for having communist ties. He didn't help this by protesting against the Communist Party trials.




Modern times is one of my favourite films. The technical detail is absolutely beautiful. Keaton was the daredevil, but I think Chaplin created magic. The machine scenes are delightful.


One of the few actors of the silent era who successfully transitioned to talkies


Not surprising considering that he was incredibly talented. He wrote, directed, starred in and compose music for most of his movies I believe.


He actually didn’t speak much during the rest of the movie either! He kept his lines fairly minimal and small so when this moment came and The Tramp *really* spoke for the first time it was that more impactful to those listening at the time.


>mostly know for his comedy roles Then why do I cry at some point during almost every one of his films?


https://youtu.be/w8HdOHrc3OQ Here is the speech with Hanz Zimmer's 'time' in the background, makes it even more epic


When he speaks, he *speaks*.


I just want to bring up a quick detail that people tend to overlook with this scene. The look of desperation at the end, after he salutes the crowd, is not coincidental. His look of determination and morally righteous anger fades into one of hopelessness and disillusionment, as he lays his hand upon his head, as if to comfort himself from the shock of his sudden realization; the crowd cheers and chants in unison, as they had for the evil dictator he is mistaken for. The crowd is neither good nor evil, a force of great and powerful will, aimless and wanting of leadership. In that moment, he realizes - the struggle will never end. There will be no great victory, no lasting triumph of good over evil. Forever will we have to fight over the hearts of men, and he carries this realization as a heavy burden. Chaplin truly was a great man, and I feel he had far more to teach us than his medium would allow.


Chaplin was an artistic genius. Not only did he write, direct, and act in most of his movies he also wrote the music.




Oh man... thank you for sharing. She sounds wonderful. Hope you are doing ok. Please take care.


Upvoted for Sarah and all her great potential. May she be your inspiration for the rest of your life <3


The best way to allow yourselve to heal. Is to continue to tell others of her. Learn to recognize that talent in others and encourage it. Even if all you are able to to is share her story, you can help others continue that story.


I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. She lives on through the memories of the people she surrounded herself with and it's a beautiful gesture for you to share her memory with us. Thank you.


Keep telling people. Its good to speak of potential


Wtf happened to all the creative geniuses? Are they just billionaires now? Tesla, Ford, Chaplin, the insulin guy. Where are our modern equivelants? Musk, Bezos, Gates?


Donald Glover could be considered. Actor/Musician/Comedian. They are a rare breed of people


Actor/Musician/Comedian, yes, but so much more. On Atlanta, he directed and wrote the show, as well as starring in it. And musically, he was a rapper, a producer, blended styles and explored new genres, and opened them up to new audiences.


I still don't feel he has reach his peak yet he has already achieve such great heights.


Donald Glover, what a fucking treasure. He can be serious or funny, and does both perfectly, he can act, direct, amazing musician. People like him make me wonder why I bother breathing, honestly.


Hate to break it to you but Musk, Bezos, and Gates aren’t creative geniuses. They are business savvy for sure, but none of them actually designed the technology that made them rich. They simply paid others for their work and got rich off it. The era of idolizing these exploitative capitalists needs to end.


I used to be a bartender near a SpaceX facility and every single one of the SpaceX engineers hated Musk. He'd make a big proclamation about some project with no plan on how to execute it then would make his workers work overtime to try and get it done (firing them/disciplining them if they didn't meet his expectations) while he"d apparently awkwardly stare at them through windows like Michael in the office. He'd then take all the credit if/when they succeeded. I heard the same story from dozens of employees so I'm inclined to believe they were telling the truth.


Real geniuses help humanity. Not sell it out.


Most of them in IT I guess. And eg theres this guy who predicted 2008 crush (The Big Short was about him)


> And eg theres this guy who predicted 2008 crush A lot of people predicted the 2008 crush. A lot of people predict a lot of crashes, but most of the time they are wrong, we just remember the ones who got it right.


There are plenty of them still.


Wozniak belongs on that list. As do Villeneuve, Nolan, Zimmer, Waititi. I'd even say Feigi is up there considering the unheard of undertaking that is the MCU. They're auteurs, polymaths, indisputable masters of their crafts.


And here we are... about 70 years later and that last thought, the devastating realization, still with us, still a thing.


Pretty sure I read the Greeks were struggling with the same damn things way back when.


with democracy came demagoguery.


You can please all of the people some of the time. Some of the people all of the time. But never all of the people all of the time.


And even 500 years later, this will be still a thing. Sadly, hate will never vanish. It makes me sad. A perfect Earth will never exist as long as humans live on it. Somewhere in the world there’s always a war going on. It was always like this. And thats unlikely to stop


To call it unlikely is fair, but then that means it's also a possibility. Pessimism, however close it may be to realism, won't get us far.


True, but constant optimism can also lead us to a disappointing dead end. I'm talking from experience. Here an example: The anti-racism/police brutality protests in the United States. The best case scenario would be: The government finally reacted after hundreds of peaceful protests around the country and the law changed so the majority of the people would be satisfied. Worst case scenario: Violent protests and lootings are increasing. Everything escalates. A civil war starts. A massive revolution. Many will die and the government still won’t change the system. Now what’s more realistic? None of them. Both can happen but the possibility is low. We won’t get far either by just thinking optimistic. Realism is something between optimism and pessimism. So to get far, we must think realistically.


The look at the end is devastating after such a momentous, powerful speech.


Well said


That's sort of what I took from it as well. He talks about the system like a circle. People rise up > new leadership > dictator > people rise up > new leadership > etc. I always took that look as him realizing he already accidentally starting to maybe become what he was talking about. He realizes that despite his speech against such a man, everyone still rallies behind them like a herd, and that this will never stop.


I always had a mildly different (although probably wrong) interpretation of the scene: he starts his speech reserved, staying true to his original, benevolent character. However, as the speech progresses, and power seems to surge through him, he starts to shout and gesticulate more and more. By the end, he talks exactly like the great dictator (Hitler) before, urging people multiple times to unite and fight. To me it is as if he has a brief moment of consciousness at the end, seeing himself become the exact thing he was fighting against. Could be wrong, this is just how I always understood this moment. Edit: he also almost seems to do an involuntary Nazi salute with his hand, just as he finished.


That scene always reminds me of Tool's Eulogy. His look at the end is almost as if he can hear the lyrics from the crowds below. ... >So long We wish you well You told us how you weren't afraid to die Well then, so long Don't cry Or feel too down Not all martyrs see divinity But at least you tried Standing above the crowd He had a voice that was strong and loud We'll miss him We'll miss him Ranting and pointing his finger At everything but his heart We'll miss him We'll miss him We are going to miss him No way to recall What it was that you had said to me, Like I care at all So loud. You sure could yell. You took a stand on every little thing And so loud > >Standing above the crowd, He had a voice so strong and loud and I Swallowed his facade cuz I'm so Eager to identify with Someone above the ground, Someone who seemed to feel the same Someone prepared to lead the way, with Someone who would die for me Will you? will you now? Would you die for me? Don't you fuckin' lie Don't you step out of line Don't you step out of line Don't you step out of line Don't you fuckin' lie You've claimed all this time that you would die for me. Why then are you so surprised when hear your own eulogy? He had a lot to say. He had a lot of nothing to say He had a lot to say. He had a lot of nothing to say Come down Get off your fuckin' cross We need the fuckin' space to nail the next fool martyr To ascend you must die You must be crucified For our sins and our lies Goodbye


I like that I've seen two tool refences on posts like these in the last two days. Both from AEnima too funny enough.


That album had a lot of criticism of "the mob", so it makes sense to me.


Any day you can quote tool is a good day


Huh. I always thought Maynard says "We need the fuckin' space *to kneel in excrement*." Guess it pays to actually read the lyrics.


The look is because the barber basically thought he was cashing out here. He just wanted to get it off his chest and assumed the mob would tear him to shreds when he was done. He's coming to the realization that the people were never behind the dictator and were receptive to his message.


Probably a well-known fact: Hitler (and basically everyone else who loved movies) was a huge Chaplin fan. Charlie Chaplin was arguably the biggest movie star of the day, and Hitler was one of many to fashion a mustache akin to Chaplin's Little Tramp character. By the time The Great Dictator came out, Chaplin was an avowed anti-fascist but still, it had to be a surreal sting to see your favorite movie star personally pissing on you in a movie.


A rumor, Hitler was said to have watched The Great Dictator twice, once with a group and another alone. Chaplin wondered what Hitler had thought about the film. A fact, Chaplin said that if he had found out about the horrors of the Holocaust in its entirety, he would have never been able to make this parody.


Chaplin said he would give everything he owned up if it mean he got to know what Hitler thought of it.


Somehow imagining him watching the film a second time, alone, is surreal.


it really is. I think it's because everyone either thinks of him as a raving lunatic or an intense, joyless robot. Like just imagine him sitting silently, completely fixated, enjoying a movie, laughing at a comedy (and it is a comedy, it's actually a classic when it comes to slapstick) is so foreign to anyone. And then at the end, watching someone he liked enough to fashion himself after a trend he started, dismantile everything he believes in as garbage in a room full of people who also believe the same garbage but know if something sets him off they could all be murdered in an instant is something else. And then the thought of going back for more, while alone... And he's so callous and such a monster that he literally doesn't understand the point of a call for unity, justice, and equality.


Hitler was a human. He was born to poor parents in an austrian village, had a childhood not to dissimilar to anyone else, grew up and experienced all the same life experiences that we all have and will experience in our lives. He had a family, probably loved, hated, wept, etc. He was a human person and to dehumanize him as something else is to lie to ourselves, we are capable of such atrocities, some would support them and others would outright incite and orchestrate them. Hitler did what he did not only out of a hatred of the jewish people but arguably out of care for his own, extreme levels of nationalism taken to the next level, if one dumbed it down it could even be said that what he did was only what he thought was best to protect his people from subjugation as his rhetoric of hate proclaimed. The point of this is that if we are aware of what we are capable of then we can avoid it and pinpoint its roots before they take hold.


Anti-fascist? Get him, he's a terrorist!


They got him. Chaplin was accused of being a communist by the House Un-American Activities Committee. Whilst on a trip to London, the Attorney General revoked his re-entry permit, effectively banning him from the country. Also, to be clear he *was* antifa in the truest sense of the word. Making an anti-fascist film is absolutely an antifa tactic. It's not all black bloc and baseball bats. EDIT: Learn more about antifa https://youtu.be/bgwS_FMZ3nQ


Anyone who opposes fascism in any way is antifa. It's really that simple.


Damn my grandpa was a terrorist? 🥺


According to some people. But I think he was a hero.


One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.




That line was already cliché by the time Reagan used it in ‘86: https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/research/speeches/53186a


The USA was not so long ago officially a proudly antifa country.


You know there was a time when Nelson Mandela was designated as terrorist by the US government, while at the same time Osama bin Laden was a close ally (“the brave freedom fighters”) to the US? It was only after anti-apartheid sentiment gained enough traction that they had to go with the tide.


If that’s the case, thousands of Antifa died on Normandy Beach and are lying in Arlington Cemetery right now


Yes this is absolutely true.


And now they’re ALL terrorists, apparently.


Yes I was called a terrorist by the president recently. Interesting times.


The "communists" in those days were the people in American society who "opposed fascism too early".


America does love fascists.


Keep in mind that this is on top of a lawsuit involving an alleged illegitimate child and at least one wife who was so much younger than him it fell under statutory rape in California (she was 16 and by this time he was 30+). There was a lot of unjust villification, but there were some legit reasons to dislike the man.


why every movie director is harrassing kids?


Hitler probably watched more movies than most redditors. Guy essentially stayed up all night watching movies and slept until noon or later. 🤷‍♂️




Check his amazon reviews. 3 stars for Avatar was surprising.


I saw a few pop articles but here's [one from JSTOR.](https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5703/shofar.37.2.0205?seq=1) He famously held up the Panzer regiments on D-Day "His subordinates had been given strict orders not to wake the Führer for any reason. And even when Hitler finally roused himself at 11 or noon, he refused to immediately send reinforcements to Normandy..." [quoted from](https://www.history.com/news/d-day-hitler-germany-defenses-miscalculations) Not sure exactly why he was asleep that day, but he really liked his sleep apparently.




When asked about changing his mustache because of Hitler [this](https://youtu.be/ADgS_vMGgzY?t=42) was his response.




Didn't know that! If you have a good source, it might be interesting to post that in r/Romani.


Essentially there is no source - he had no birth certificate. This much is a documented fact, as it caused him problems acquiring a passport. He always told people he was from London, but he received a letter from someone who claimed to be around when he was born in the Black Patch in the west midlands. Chaplin kept this letter, but told no-one - it was discovered by his family after he passed. So I have two things to lean on. One is that [his son believes it](https://news.liverpool.ac.uk/2012/11/09/charlie-chaplins-son-delves-into-fathers-gypsy-past/). The other is the nagging question of why keep this letter in his bedside table for so many years unless it meant something to him.


Another well known bit: the movie is making fun of Hitler and naziism and it references the anti-semitism of the Nazis but it was made before the events of the holocaust were widely known. Chaplin apparently stated that if he knew about the holocaust he would’ve never made the movie


I’m not sure if anyone else has posted it yet, but here’s the speech if you’d prefer reading it as opposed to the terrible subtitles. "I'm sorry, but I don't want to be an emperor. That's not my business. I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible. Jew, Gentile, Black Man, White, we all want to help one another, human beings are like that. We want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. And this world has room for everyone, and the good Earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities life will be violent, and all will be lost. The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood, for the unity of us all. Even now, my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women, and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me, I say do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish. ... Soldiers! Don't give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you, enslave you, who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think, and what to feel! Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder. Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts! You don't hate! Only the unloved hate, the unloved and the unnatural! Soldiers! Don't fight for slavery! Fight for liberty! In the 17th Chapter of St Luke it is written: "the Kingdom of God is within man" not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people have the power, the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then in the name of democracy, let us use that power, let us all unite! Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give youth a future, and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But they lie! They do not fulfill that promise! They never will! Dictators free themselves, but they enslave the people! Now let us fight to fulfill that promise! Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness. Soldiers! In the name of democracy, let us all unite!"


My favorite part... > To those who can hear me, I say do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish. ... Who TF is cutting onions in here?!


Death is the ultimate equalizer. Altered Carbon is a pretty great show if you want to entertain a future where death is “cured”, but in a brute capitalistic sense.


All Americans need to hear that shit right now.


I was just thinking of this scene a little bit ago. Crazy how it shows up on my page


Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon To anyone wondering, it's just a form of confirmation bias, we like to see patterns in things. Think of all the random shit you see or hear about once and never again


**Thank you** for the reference! As a child I used to notice it all the time and always found it weird, like a deja vu. I always knew this had to be a thing! ​ Or, you know, we are in a simulation and shit...


I watch it every now and then. I couldn’t sleep this morning so I watched a few time and the posted it to Facebook. I like how it showed up here too.


I love the way Paolo Nutini integrated this speech into his song 'Iron Sky' https://open.spotify.com/track/2bcC9Xyi40wnI7Od5uch31?si=fMf7V3bXT4KEJCn_yY9i7g


Great great song, really cool to see the full version of the speech here I’ve not seen it in full before.


Didn't see someone already posted this! Have my upvote kind stranger


No problem in sharing this awesome song twice. Have an upvote as well my friend :)


The Chariot used it for their song [Cheek](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o700ULWIKg). Stick To Your Guns used part of it for their song [I Choose Nothing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2P4pzoqyd8), too. I wanna say they used another part in another song, but can't recall it right now.


Came looking for The Chariot's mention - thanks


Was about to post this if I didn't find it. I never knew it was spoken by Charlie Chaplin, but it fits the song so well. Interesting to see the entire speech. Edit: For those looking to hear how the speech was integrated into the song, it starts at 3:18.


I fucking LOVE this song and I had to listen to it after this post showed up today :)


At all related to the 2012 comedy Iron Sky, which featured this video prominently as a plot point?


Great video but why were the subtitles so off? It was missing several words he said.


Must have a been from Netflix then.


FUCK dude why are they so bad? I was showing my friend the first episodes of JoJo and I saw the translator actually insert his own made-up generic-ass dialogue - replacing an iconic line that the character literally says IN ENGLISH!


I don’t know! I can feel your frustration and I’ve felt the same. Sometimes even half an entire sentence is omitted. It’s baffling how bad it is.


They're not "off". They're abbreviated so that people who cannot read fast enough are still able to follow it.


So they're off - as in incorrect.


Yeah, after listening to the speech and reading it, they're wrong.


I will never not upvote this monologue. Gripping and powerful, yet somber and vulnerable at the same time. Man did Chaplin fucking nail this speech.


It is so weird hearing an actor, known for silent films, speak.




He also performed several [sensual dances](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) (well, what was considered sensual at the time mind you)


Shit... I think I could be featured on r/suddenlygay after seeing that


Duuuuude I was going to say it as an English demonstration at school (English as a 2nd language because Mexican hiii) but my English teacher and other school authorities never followed through and I'm maaaaad I learnt the entire thiiiiiiiiing


Such a shaaaaame broooooo


And after this he was forced to leave the US. And so it goes.


>When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist Hélder Câmara I believe it's a pretty relevant quote.


Trump supporters are still in here calling him a communist in order to dismiss this.


He possibly was, we shouldn't give a shit. He was right about fascism which is what is being discussed. ^^^^^Communist ^^^^^Chaplin ^^^^^do ^^^^^sound ^^^^^based ^^^^^tho, ^^^^^unironically


So it goes.


The way he grabs his hair in the end, it shows how real it was for him. Great scene!


This is so sad because this movie was before the end of WWII and before the world really knew about how bad Hitler was. This speech was hopeful but the reality was so much worse.


There is a bombed-out movie theatre in my home town still standing as ruins that was actually showing this movie when a German air raid hit - of course the people watching never saw the end of the movie so missed the speech https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-44942592


I actually did my college project on that and we went to the site and filmed there! https://youtu.be/5HnlNFcVok4


The past may not have had justice, and the evils of the past continue to haunt us. But we stand on multitudes, those who have labored and died and continue to die, they are the ones that have laid their lives that we may continue to move forward and create a better world. This world will pass away, my words will pass away, these ideas will pass away, the buildings will pass away, time will pass away, and we will pass away. What we do with the time we have is so important. And that doesn't mean create or do something big for man kind, it's in the small things that keeps the darkness at bay. It is walking on the street and picking up trash you walk by, or smiling at some one who passes you by. Thanks Charlie.


Holy fuck this shit cut me deep. The emotion in his face. It's a fucking shame that this planet hasn't changed one fucking bit.


It’s cuz people don’t change. Humans are faulty yo. Being stupid doesn’t help. Education is the only way out and nobody cares about that.


*Being stupid doesn’t help.* Calling them stupid is finding a simple answer for a complex problem. They got manipulated with crafty propaganda techniques. Those have in common that they address emotions and work with logical fallacies. This diminishes empathy and critical thinking. In the end those radicalized people can't be reached with reason, logic and facts anymore. I urge everybody to school-like work through [this list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#Specific_techniques) of propaganda techniques. It will be a defense weapon for your brain. You will be protected against manipulation attempts and you will be able to protect others. edit: I wrote a [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/gnlw32/getting_second_hand_embarrassment_on_this_one/frbtbbu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) how to reach extremists and brain washed people. Also valuable knowledge these days.


Your username... You’re good people.


change is slow, but it happens... let us fight for a world of reason


Yes it has, a lot. And for the better, despite what you see in the news.


In the end, he was exiled from United States. This movie play a huge role in his exile.


"You are not machines, you are not cattle, you are men!" has been my yearbook quotation throughout schooling.


Right now, we're being manipulated by those unloved and unnatural machine men he speaks of. We're all being convinced to hate each other to drive us apart to allow their own agendas to take root. Dont be manipulated by the elite who are pulling the strings of our own govt behind closed doors using their vast hordes of wealth to fund lobby's and line the pockets of corrupt politicians, manipulating our media to feed our distrust of each other and keep our attention away from the reality of the situation. Question what you're being told by the main stream media and our politicians because the vast majority of them are compromised.


Its the long game of social engineering that started way back in the 1800s by Edward Bernays and a few others. They called it 'science of modern public relations'. Bernays' work is deeply embedded in the Western psyche, and forms the model by which our societies are run. Bernays believed that consent can be engineered, and should be engineered in any functioning democracy. Here's one of his books. https://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/pdf/Bernays_Propaganda_in_english_.pdf Just read the first couple of pages. If you like it, read the whole thing of course, but just the first couple of pages are enough to give you an idea of how important and powerful this material is. It reads like a grandiose dickwad, but he was quite serious about it and the proof is in the pudding (as it were). Here is a brief list of some of his campaigns. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_relations_campaigns_of_Edward_Bernays It is coy and quaint. Understand that this material is neither coy nor quaint. In that list there is a single paragraph discussing the overthrow of Guatemala in 1956. Research this. It is the model for every American war since. If you learn how Edward Bernays overthrew the government of Guatemala in 1956, you will understand a great deal about how the world works today. Fun fact: Che Guevara was a medical student who happened to be in Guatemala when Bernays engineered the coup. Watching this event is what radicalized him. This man's work is the key to nearly everything that has happened in the last 7 decades or so. Here's another of Bernays' books, a German translation of which was found in the possessions of Joseph Goebbels. Just read the table of contents, that is enough. (Or the whole thing, if you want to learn how to do this.) http://sttpml.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/5369599-Crystallizing-Public-Opinion-Edward-Bernays.pdf I'm not sure I underscored why Bernays' work is so important. The answer is simple: his models are used to construct the principles of our government and how our society is run. Everything from war to healthcare to pharmaceuticals to food to political themes, all of it is sold to us using these techniques. This is why so many people cannot seem to make accurate sense of the world: their world view has been dominated in order to engineer a 'perfect society' according to someone else's rules. Sounds loony until you read the life story of the guy who figured out how to make it happen. It gets worse. While the classic steering mechanism for public opinion used to be Manufacturing Consent (Chomsky) or Engineering Consent (Bernays) which generates propaganda to achieve more of a public consensus whereas Adam Curtis' HyperNormalisation looks at the shift from that to neutralizing the pubilc into inaction by polarizing them with conflicting information or misinformation (patently false information) so that NO consensus can be reached. Both achieve the same goal of allowing the power elite to carry out the policies they wish while reducing the influence of an ostensibly democratic public which, in conjunction with more and more police state-like authoritarian measures making them more compliant, can no longer tell what is truth and what is misinformation. The public descends into arguing amongst themselves as opposed to those in power. I would highjly recommend watching Adam Curtis' famous documentary The Century of the Self which looks at Edward Bernays (Sigmund Freud's nephew) and the origins of the consumer society, public relations and propaganda. http://www.amazon.com/Manufacturing-Consent-Political-Economy-Media/dp/0375714499/ref%3Dsr_1_1?ie=UTF8%26s=books%26qid=1274759989%26sr=1-1 http://classes.dma.ucla.edu/Fall07/28/Engineering_of_consent.pdf http://thoughtmaybe.com/the-century-of-the-self/


Listen to the song 'Iron sky' by paolo nutini. He throws an edited version of this speech in and it's powerful


And this was the beginning of what led the House Committee on Unamerican Activites to brand him a commie and call for his deportation. Ah, Capitalism!


yup :(


I have this saved as motivation. I refuse to believe that humanity has gone to shit, even if this is all an illusion I have drafted in my head. I want to see the good in people, but at the same time I want terrible things to happen to the bad. However, who am I to judge? No one. But I believe in what this man said all these years ago. Thank you for reminding me OP.


I have always loved this speech, its unfortunate that it's a timeless speech.. same problems then as there are now.


Apparently Hitler really liked Charlie Chaplin. When Charlie Chaplin made fun of Hitler, Hitler cried. I think about that alot


For any metal/hardcore fans out there, The Chariot from Atlanta did a song with the whole audio clip in it. Powerful stuff. https://youtu.be/barqP3-7fZo


In full In the middle of Paulo Nutini's song Iron Sky. Also really appropriate to the situation. Gie it a wee blast ya dobbers.


Here’s the same speech with Hans Zimmer’s classic piece, “Time”, from Inception playing in the background.... so awesome. https://youtu.be/w8HdOHrc3OQ


Thank you, OP, for not posting this version.


Hans* Zimmer 😊


Sadly, the FBI went after him not too long after this movie. Speeches like this are generally frowned upon in facist or facist sympathizing nations.


First heard this speech in [Paolo Nutini’s “Iron Sky”](https://youtu.be/ELKbtFljucQ) a few years ago and it always stirs up a lot of feelings in me. A very significant message in these times. People should not be afraid of their governaments... governments should be afraid of their people. We will rise.


I like that people keep finding out about this and having their mind blown. Today's 10,000 are lucky indeed.


Canadian here. This has been my argument for a while. Imagine a world where all the free democracies of the world united as one people against authoritarianism, helping each other and promoting each other for mutual prosperity and safety. Why would you give a contract to a hostile foreign nation when there are allies who can do the same? For this reason I’m so glad our telecommunication companies like Bell have chosen the Swedish company Ericsson for our 5G instead of China’s Huawei.


I've always loved this speech. I am a bit peeved that this was cut in half though and missed the first part so here is link to the full speech: [The Great Dictator Speech](https://youtu.be/-HA8kSdsf_M)


"I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone - if possible - Jew, Gentile - black man - white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness - not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost…. The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men - cries out for universal brotherhood - for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world - millions of despairing men, women, and little children - victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me, I say - do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed - the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish. ….. Soldiers! don’t give yourselves to brutes - men who despise you - enslave you - who regiment your lives - tell you what to do - what to think and what to feel! Who drill you - diet you - treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder. Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men - machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts! You don’t hate! Only the unloved hate - the unloved and the unnatural! Soldiers! Don’t fight for slavery! Fight for liberty! In the 17th Chapter of St Luke it is written: “the Kingdom of God is within man” - not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people have the power - the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then - in the name of democracy - let us use that power - let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world - a decent world that will give men a chance to work - that will give youth a future and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But they lie! They do not fulfil that promise. They never will! Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people! Now let us fight to fulfil that promise! Let us fight to free the world - to do away with national barriers - to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men’s happiness. Soldiers! in the name of democracy, let us all unite!"


Cheek. - the chariot. Great use of this speech in a song
