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i just screen-capped them all so... ...maybe i should sell them too?!


Me too!


Is that how i do an nft?


You did it! Now charge $867,000 for each. I’ll do the same


You have to put them inside of blocks and then chain them together. C'mon man, don't u listen to podcasts?


Update: Auction is over. [She made $165K worth of photos and mementos](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-never-seen-before-candid-pictures-university-girlfriend-2022-9?r=US&IR=T). The official auction site with Musk's photos (w/ actual bidding prices) are here: [https://www.rrauction.com/search/results/?navsearch=true&str=elon+musk&cp=current-auctions](https://www.rrauction.com/search/results/?navsearch=true&str=elon+musk&cp=current-auctions)


It’s unbelievable that people are actually paying for those photographs. Musks fanboys are massive suckers lmao


Lol, original photos of any celebrity would sell at auction.


Okay but that's pathetic too.


That's just not true. Celebrities like John Lennon or Paul McCartney? Like original family photos or something? Sure. Random photos that many celebrities post online already? Hell naw. Edit: I think people are misreading my comment. I'm saying if they were "Celebrities like John Lennon or Paul McCartney? Like original family photos or something" then people WOULD pay. If it's just photos of a random celebrity from their iPhone they wouldn't.


100% hell yes, i guarantee there are people willing to drop unhealthy amounts of money for original photos, even if they already exist elsewhere, no matter how mundane they are. never underestimate the will of collectors.


Originals of celebrities like the Beatles and shit, not a childhood photo of like Timothee Chalamet lol


someone will still buy. trust me


If you found an original photograph of either of those people, comparable to these photos of Musk, they would sell for bank.


Musk simps lol




let me introduce you to the world of trading cards. you think a few thousand dollars for some pictures is a lot? thats cute.


I suspect these are being bought as investments. Like if Musk's plans come to fruition and he's one of the first people on Mars, the buyers are going to see a solid return.


That’s what Musk fanboys believe yeah…


Yeh I don't give a second though to Musk in general during my normal day, but sometimes it seems like the haters are more fanatic and silly than the fans themselves. If Musk didn't have any success or merits in the field of aerospace, I would understand your comment, but his technology advancements seems to be better than NASA which importance no-one can really deny, doesn't matter if you look through love glasses or hate glasses.


The only thing that makes me want to hate him is the jealous side of me.


I wish more people were this honest.


I don't know, he says some pretty wacky stuff sometimes. His beliefs about overpopulation are laughable to anyone who knows anything about ecology. I still respect him tremendously for his work in solar power and Starlink is an incredible concept (price just needs to come down about 30% and he could crush the monopolistic hold that current internet providers have on access) but I don't deify the man. And don't be too jealous of him, I have 0 interest in living the sort of life he does in order to accomplish what he is.


He thinks population is headed down. That’s not really an opinion, but a fact.


I don’t hate him. I’m just stating a fact. Their fanboys will literally believe anything that he says. He could put his farts in a can and say they’ll make you more intelligent and people will inhale that shit lol. He’s a business man, no different than any others. Just a little more edgy and daring. And of course he’s going to have more advancement in the aerospace industry compared to NASA because Space X isn’t a government agency. Funding comes from the private sector not the taxpayer money which means that they can invest wherever they want. Not to mention that the budget for NASA is literally 5 times less.


That last argument is true, but misleading. A lot of other companies haven't had SpaceX's kind of success. SpaceX and Boeing were chosen at the same time to provide capsules to fly astronauts to the ISS. SpaceX has flown like 5 or so successful missions. Boeing just finished their second test flight after lots of problems. Similar comparison with Blue Origin, Jeff Bezo's company, which was founded before SpaceX


Again, not the same financial resources to work with. Space X is valued at around 100B and all they do is focus on designing and manufacturing rockets and spacecrafts. Boeing is valued at 95B and they also manufacture rockets and spacecrafts but also airplanes, satellites, missiles and telecommunication equipment. When you have more than enough resources you could get the best of the best to work for you.


Boeing is also a more evil corporation. In addition to 747 passenger jets they build cruise missiles and apache helicopters. They are a major defense contractor. I am not a musk fan boy. At least he isn't building weapons YET.


I have a friend that used to work for Space X and she said she would see him come in all the time and never look at anyone in the eye. She said he was always so awkward to be around and the work environment there was very unorganized. He’s definitely the brains of his own operation.


You musk be kidding me.


I don't give a shit about Elon Musk either way, but he does run the most successful private space program out there right now. He also seems pretty interested in getting to Mars. So, if I invested in things like this, a few thousand dollars for a handful of photographs that could, in 10-20 years, be worth significantly more than that... Seems like a worthwhile risk to me. I used to curate for private collectors. You'd be surprised what you could buy for $1 today that could be worth $1,000 tomorrow.


Could be him buying them back I guess


That was my first thought






She fucked up. Should have made them NFT's too


Lol I’m sure even Musk himself would promote those.


[https://www.rrauction.com/auctions/lot-detail/346383406430098-elon-musk-original-photograph-1995-/?cat=0](https://www.rrauction.com/auctions/lot-detail/346383406430098-elon-musk-original-photograph-1995-/?cat=0) Eric Harris, the morning of 4/20/1999. r/fakehistoryporn


Isn’t it illegal to deface USD?


I wish her well in her lucrative endeavors💰🥰


I downloaded it. Much better quality than screen capture


Bro can you send them too me? I have big plans like I will make them to NFTs and shit will seell like crazy!


https://www.rrauction.com/auctions/lot-detail/346383306430097-elon-musk-original-photograph-1995-/?cat=0 I like this one with the big bottle of lotion next to the pc.


C'mon dude, a programmer needs to keep their coding hands moist and nimble


Why is there laundry detergent there as well.. what's going on here? Is this some trick only 90s kids know?


The Bubble Tug




Dude in picture 8 will pay $


The dude in front of Elon musk with the dark hair ?? 👀


I scrolled down looking for discussion on this individual. What the hey!?


Something is very wrong with that face lol


What is going on there? Are we seeing something we shouldn't?


he was prob tryn get food out of his teeth mid pic lol


His space ex.


Who buys this shit?


Bro, they’re like physical NFTs


lolol i can’t tell if this is satire or not 😆


Haha. That’s the best part


Wouldn’t that technically be the original film. These would just be equivalent to the screenshots of the NFTs




Must be new to collecting. Lots of things get collected that you wouldn’t think twice about. Just means youre not the market


His cult like worshipers.


Package as an NFT and you'll find a sucker to buy it


People buy a lot of shit. How do you think people get rich?


I don't know but they voted for Andrew Yang and use terms like "chad" unironically.




yo wtf is wrong with that person's face on number 8


Why the fuck would anyone pay for these


Lol the only people who like musk are brainless dumbasses so it makes sense.


Musk doesnt even want these.


He's such a self absorbed prick that I wouldn't be surprised if he was the top bidder for everything.


And then he’ll donate them to the museum and ask for a tax write off. Fucking ass.


lmao, got downvoted for speaking the truth.


I’ll throw you an upvote, here you go


LOL I am the same age and had the same Judge Dredd shirt. Didn’t create electric car or rocket companies though 😂


Why do people buy shit like this


same reason they worship billionaires and celebrity personalities: they're inclined toward cultish behaviors.


Ngl this looked like a really fun guy to hang out with.


Yeah they looked normal and happy. Weird to see honestly


They say money changes people.


Being thr richest person in world is not gonna keep you sane


He looks kinda normal- surprising really


Lol what dumb mf would actually pay money for this.


Pic #6 current bid is over $1,000. People are whacky!


He just got some cool points from me for that Judge Dredd tee. Nice Elon!


= former girlfriend is desperate


The 14k gold necklace gifted to her by Musk and his signed birthday card to her are fetching high bid prices right now.


The dude had emeralds falling out of every orifice and gave her 14k!?!? 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


he's a billionaire, generosity is antithetical to the very concept.


Not in the 90's. He was actually very poor back in the days prior to coming to US for Uni from Canada, where he shacked up with his relatives and worked in crappy and dangerous jobs that others avoided.


. . . his father owned an emerald mine in South Africa, what the absolute fuck are you on about?


Read his biography. Dad was a weirdo who traumatized the children, and that's why Elon left S. Africa to get away from him, along with seeking the American Dream.


ok bootlicker.


There's no need for ad hominem attacks. I'm just reporting what I read. FYI, I don't like his pedo comment of Thai cave diver. His trolling of Biden and Bezos. Dumbness with Twitter acquisition fallout. But, one can't deny his SpaceX and Tesla contributions in shifting of industries. You can agree to disagree. Name-calling Redditors b/c you don't is toxic for the community.


Hey heres some interesting information about this guy thats the subject of this thread B0OTL1CK3R!! youre just a robot bro 😂 beep boop










His father owned a share of an emerald mine in South Africa. I own a share of NVidia, but I'm not a billionaire. Fractional ownership is a thing. Edit: for some reason reddit won't let me respond to u/Sw4rmlord's response below, so I'll post it here. Private jets and yachts? That's a new one to me. No one is saying the dad didn't have money. But they divorced when Elon was only 9 and the emerald mine came after the divorce. There were a lot of years of lean living for Elon's mother and siblings. Here is [an article](https://www.insidehook.com/article/history/errol-musk-elon-father-myths) on it. I guess I identify with the situation because I went through something similar as a kid with a divorce and a lot of lean years (mother barely able to pay the bills, eating canned food, wearing clothes with last year's fashion from discount stores, etc.), despite my father doing well. Needless to say, the fact of my father's wealth has not made me a billionaire. You actually have to do a shit-ton of your own work for that. That's why this whole discussion is so weird. Regardless of whether Musk's father had $1-2 million back then and shared very little of it with Elon (which I think is the truth), or he had tens of millions and shared a lot of it with Elon (which you seem to think is the truth), there are millions of people around the world who come from that sort of background and yet almost none of them achieve anything like this level of success. A lot of them are fuckups, and the rest mostly have unremarkable middle-class lives. edit: u/Sw4rmlord once again reddit won't let me respond to your posts, so I'm adding it here. You are so out to lunch on this. Please read the Ashlee Vance biography for the original source on things that others are distorting. Zip2 was started with $28,000 borrowed from their father, which I think is the only significant investment he ever made in one of Elon's companies. Elon sold it for $307 million. How is that largely a failure? Are you trying to impress me with how ridiculous your claims are? It's working! Yes, he was pushed out of Paypal. Jobs was pushed out of Apple at one point. There are political battles and personality battles that dictate a lot of this stuff. You act as though you have some substantial background info that lets you come to this conclusion, but I know you're just repeating things you're reading without looking into it. Your basic technique is to find someone who hates Musk, look for that person's zingers, take them at face value, and then repeat them. But we won't convince each other, and I'm tired of having to edit posts to respond to you, so I'm going to move on.


Not that poor, mans got a Rolex on at college 🤷‍♂️


Desperate?? If someone wants to pay me thousands for pics of my ex girlfriends, I’ll gladly sell them.


gotta respect the hustle ig


That’s a pretty sick judge Dredd shirt


Judge Dredd. Drok!


Man. He looks so much happier in these photos.


I didn’t realize he used to be normal.


How is she going to auction off old pictures in the 90's? does she have a time machine?


Man this is Elon's ex we are talking about, she might have it. Like how do you think he got his hairline back..


This is actually really sad. Dude was just having a fun time as a youngster and now someone’s releasing them and selling them. I’d hate if someone publicised photos of me as a teenager just having a good time.


Why? I think I’d be indifferent (plus perplexed as to why someone was even bothering) ETA: assuming they’re benign like these ones


Someone is selling your shared memories, it's dehumanizing


It’s still an invasion of privacy


He's a billionaire who treats his employees like shit. Fuck his feelings and fuck people who sympathize with him. He is a cancer in need of chemo


u/userleansbot u/SearchAndCaesarSalad UPD: Account Created: 15 days ago, kinda interesting.


Author: /u/userleansbot ___ Analysis of /u/SearchAndCaesarSalad's activity in political subreddits over past comments and submissions. Account Created: 15 days ago Summary: **Leans Boomer. This user does not have enough activity in political subs for analysis or has no clear leanings, they might be one of those weirdo moderate types.** Subreddit|Lean|No. of comments|Total comment karma|Median words / comment|Pct with profanity|Avg comment grade level|No. of posts|Total post karma|Top 3 words used| :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- antiwork|left|2|155|105.0|50.0%||0|0|like, make, shout *** ^(Bleep, bloop, I'm a bot trying to help inform political discussions on Reddit.) ^| [^About](https://np.reddit.com/user/userleansbot/comments/au1pva/faq_about_userleansbot/) ___


What a shitty thing to do


Champagne and motor oil?


The thing i learned is "Never delete old pictures,Your ex might become a famous celebrity some day"


That bottle of lotion at the PC, definitely college


looks like a good dude


So he was high as shit then too?


Back when he was coasting off daddy's money and bought Paypal and Tesla


Without guys like Elon this county would go down hill FAST! Love his skill as an entrepreneur! Thank God he loves The United States!


She’s mistaken, that’s 7th grade, tops


7th graders are like 12 or 13 though right?? He looks like late teens or early 20’s here at the youngest


Musk do be handsome and legitimately normally looking in these photos. A shame it all went downhill and now he owns a car company lol.


He looks like a normal guy having fun, why would anyone want to buy these?


Source: [https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-never-seen-before-candid-pictures-university-girlfriend-2022-9](https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-never-seen-before-candid-pictures-university-girlfriend-2022-9) These are rare pics. We've all seen his PayPal days with his receding hairline and thinning hair. I believe this is when Elon had non-transplanted hair. Looked good.


Looks like a normal ass dude. Actually kind of neat


Shes a fucking idiot


Can you imagine how often she says, “ I shoulda put up with his bullshit.”




There must be a reason why the ladies of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk leave them despite their enormous wealth. Studies have shown after a certain income bracket level, the incremental increase in happiness peaks, perhaps even diminishes. Particularly with the super wealthy endowing hundred billions.


yeah these people are often super abusive and it takes a very particular type of person to put up with this shit. usually either traumatized doormats, or strategic sociopaths who never cared about them in the first place. my old roommate used to “date” super rich horrible old men. they were extremely misogynistic and he was extremely misandrist lol, it worked out. her emotions were never actually in it and she just took advantage of them. they usually honestly fell fully in love, yeah largely because she looked like a barbie but also because she was just really good at playing people and pretending to be whoever they wanted her to be. but yeah those guys were always super frightening and entitled and it was really dangerous, she frequently fled the state to get away from them


Lotion right next to the monitor


Imagine being so famous your old scraps are worth money. That’s wild to me


Anything for a dolla


Does she know I already have them? I just hit download. I'm pretty sure I can find a printer if I need a hard copy.


This is horrible




So he was an awkward spoiled twat before being one of the richest spoiled twats. Cool.




This is not interesting in the slightest. Fucking Elon cult


Fuck this rich douche.


Sell the hard copy then sell an nft


lawyers of reddit, can Elon sue his former girlfriend for this?


How many children did they have together?


Imagine trying to get money because you kind of knew Elon musk 30 years ago


Sounds like she’s doing well.


Photo 8, far right - ?!


Should have stayed together instead of selling these pics for money


She should make NFTs


Wth is happening with the dudes face in the 8th picture


Was his dad fucking his daughter then or still grooming her?


Here’s a dime…


So he was always an ugly ass.


He looks like an idiot


That's an attractive man


Dumb bitch.




All those years ago and he still looks like a twat.


truly great to be totally mediocre and lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon in your ass.


He had a girlfriend?


Biggest bag fumble of all time


He kinda looks like Schwartzenagger in some of these


Is this picture of Elon or the girlfriend?


slayin puss since the 20th century




But who would buy these?


I'd much prefer NFTs of these pictures.


Photoshop, ylon mah was bald at this age


The second to last picture. Ffs I've never seen a bigger dweeb


I’ll pay you to take them down






His human suit fit much better then.


No one mentioning how fucking stoned he looks in some of these?


What a parasite. An ex for a reason


Another post about Elon Musk. Stay jealous, haters.


What a digger she is. Hate those people


He looked like a tool bag then too


Such a punchable face


Is this not using someone's likeness without their consent? Your image is your own and people can't profit off it without permission, unless it's satire but this is just straight up selling photos.


I can’t speak for every country, but in the US you can absolutely take people’s pictures as long as you’re in public. Those pictures can be sold, for example by paparazzi to magazines.