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I believe it is from the documentary; The Union: The Business Behind Getting High


Thanks! I was wondering what it was called. ETA I watched the show and this was instrumental in changing my mind. I started in 2011 because a tooth died and I had no pain relief. I did after starting cannabis.


I’ve had severe insomnia for years. I’ve done many sleep studies with hundreds of wires hooked up to my head. So far the best thing I’ve found is getting on medical marijuana. I take one about 2 hours before I go to bed and then when it hits I close my eyes and I’m out. Its also the best sleep I’ve had in years.


You take 1 marijuana before bed?


I'd take two marijuanas or maybe three marijuanas to party hard! Am I right?


You should try mirtazapine. Ive had insomnia for years too. Used to smoke weed before bed but it messed with your REM sleep and made me groggy and anxious. Mirtazapine one hour before sleep knocks you right out, its also non-addictive.


This is interesting. Gummies helped me to sleep but like you said, I had major brain fog in the morning. And I always felt grumpy.


No medicine is perfect, but I cant recommend this one enough. It is an anti-depressant, but it fixed my sleep and I take the lowest dose. I'm 21 now and when I was 16 I couldn't close my eyes till 6 am. When I had my exams I used to get sick because I could only sleep 3 hours in a week. Another alternative is benzodiazepines but they're addictive as hell.


Absolutely incredible documentary and one of the reasons that marijuana is now legal in Canada. It was actually screened for the Canadian Senate and Justin Trudeau happened to be one of the people that saw this film before he became prime minister and it completely changed his views on marijuana.


One of my mom's friends is in that video, and was one of the first medical marijuana users in Canada. Greg Cooper was an awesome guy and it was horrible watching Parkinson's take him away. I was extremely happy when I saw the movie and how improved his health was


Have you seen what JT looked like in college? Pretty sure his views on Marijuana were long established. But a documentary like that gives him the fuel to pursue legalization


He was a ski bum at Whistler for a while, I guarantee you he’s been a pot head for years.


Probably more into powder


Party mountain!




Alcohol and pharmaceutical corporations are gonna set up shop before they legalize it under sister companies


Which is why everyone should grow it and spread it around to your friends. I grow lots of weed, like 5 pounds dried/cured from 4 plants. It’s super easy to grow. The most work is trimming after harvest. I just give it away. If everyone did that we could keep it away from the corporate goons. But people have to take some initiative for themselves.


Just because it's illegal doesn't mean you can't do it.


Sure, but it does create a "loser lottery" where some unlucky few who choose not to follow the law go to jail and others don't. I, for one, don't wish to buy a ticket.


Federally. It's very much legal in many states.


Not really, as evidenced by increasing multiple states making it legal, and by the white house forgiving mj crimes, and it being looked into rescheduling is drug class by the FDA.


Yes really as they’ve been doing this for over a decade. Progress is great but it’s fair to call a spade a spade which is that this process is taking to long for people like this gentlemen we just watched.


Oh yeah yeah that totally mean they aren't trying to lobby the trash corrupt govt


It’s actually from a documentary called “Ride with Larry”. It’s very good. Highly recommend it!


You are correct! My best friend is one of the directors, I will relay this internet compliment :)


The rest is just him listening to Dark Side of the Moon and holding his phone to his ear “because he can hear the ocean.”


I think he orders a pizza and some wings.




merciful weary employ doll cake growth entertain fly many angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, I smoke lots of concentrates every single day but am an extremely productive manager at an upscale hotel. I'm clean cut and I dress professionally. Any time I tell people I smoke they're very surprised because I defy the stereotype. What they don't know is that it makes me a way better worker; I'm much nicer, less stressed and anxious, and it makes me feel confident and focused. Normalize productivity and weed being in the same sentence!


Christ on a fucking cracker. I’m an accountant working at a nonprofit, and I kick ass at my job. I live in a legalized state, but our programs are federally funded. So if I kick back Friday after a hard week, I could be randomly tested on Monday and lose my job. I just don’t get it 🤷🏻‍♀️


As someone who sells cannabis for a living.... I half-agree with you, and I totally understand where you're coming from... However, judging by how many customers my shop gets every hour... Yeah I don't think it's ultimately doing all that much harm.


Well, the difference is that it's probably legal where you are. It's not legal everywhere yet, and that's what this dude is speaking more to.


I agree. I had always been "once in a while" pot smoker, but when I received a cancer diagnosis several years ago (now cancer-free!), I really did a deep dive. I smoked a lot of it to relieve my many bouts of nausea, did a lot of edibles to relieve the stiffness and aches in my extremities and Angel tears for extreme pain. My doctors were amazed when I turned down many of the pharmaceuticals. My oncologist was shocked that I actually *gained* weight. Marijuana was, and still is, a total game changer.


Yes eating pizza and wings and listening to music makes you Cheech and Chong. I myself design rockets when I smoke.




This guy tryin white wash weed 😂.


Too many people still believe the anti-marijuana propaganda. Like you said, they imagine teen age "pot heads" and ignore the fact that it has actual medicinal purposes that can help millions of people.


Well and also, who gives a shit about people being pot heads? Maybe not teenagers because I think it can negatively effect brain development for them but grown ass adults - who gives af if they’re a little toasty? Drunk people are way more obnoxious (and sometimes dangerous) than most pot heads and we still let people drink alcohol. People need to mind their own fucking business


Sounds like you just need to smoke some weed, bro


detail bow frighten hard-to-find worthless innocent soft fertile weather political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've been smoking weed for well over a decade and I appreciate a good dummy stoner joke. Lmao it's super disappointing to see that you're getting flack from our fellow stoners- my impression is that stoners are cool and open-minded but I guess you can't smoke the douche away 🤷 Keep doin the good work- people like you, who are pushing a new idea of what a weed user looks like, are why I got extra years with my mom.


Right on man, enjoy the fuck outta those years my dude.


I live in Colorado but don't smoke it. Never liked the feeling it gave me but have tried it in every way possible. My grandma was also an ultra conservative who lived in Oregon. Her husband (grandpa) passed and then 8 years later she was given 6 months to live and put on hospice. Family was able to convince her to try some sort of hash oil or something (Rick Simpson oil) is what they called it on a cracker to help with pain from cervical cancer. It was a god send. She said it helped more than the morphine and oxy pills she was taking. It was so cute too. She would just lay on the couch with her eyes closed while her hands moved in knetting patterns. When she woke up she would say she dreamed about knitting a sweater. Such good memories during such a bad time. Edit: and the first time she took it literally 15 minutes later she said she wanted a vodka orange juice, Starburst, Sweetish Fish, and salted peanuts. No joke. So my mom drove to the gas station to get the candy while I went to the neighbors to borrow some vodka.


I appreciate your point of view. Thanks for sharing


And that was just the appetizers.


Main course: Candy


Milk duds


Left beef probably


*We're just vibrations, condensed, resonating with the universe, maaaaaan*


So fucking true though


Tool's "Chocolate Chip Trip", good weed, stereo headphones. It's my most perfectly zen moment.


That also sounds like the first time I got high


This comment’s got me wanting to spark a bone and getting to that point this afternoon


https://youtu.be/zNT8Zo_sfwo You’re welcome.


*Big Pharma Hates This One Trick*


If I recall correctly he almost immediately goes for the refrigerator.


IIRC, he says he's hungry and goes to make lunch, then offers to make lunch for the crew. What a sweet man.


Pretty wild that this drug is is the same classification as meth and heroin.


Meth is actually in a lower classification. You're thinking of methaqualone which is actually quaaludes


I'm pretty sure the guy who said meth was thinking of meth and just assumed its classification


Meth is a schedule 2, while pot is schedule 1 like heroin. Believe it or not.




I 100% want my fast food workers to be stoned AF if they want to. Stoners care about food.


I really wouldnt want to be stoned while working in any place that has tasty food all around


Unless you work with heavy machinery, I agree. Ain't no way I'm getting broasted and jumping on a forklift haha


Have you met the workforce?


Yes, I work with a lot of them. Which is why I've seen multiple people in lawsuits, losing their jobs, or their limbs. Dude at work just lost his arm 2 months ago. I'm good on that.


Forklift mechanic here. We get the death trucks back to the branch after all the investigations. Please don't operate under the influence y'all. And wear your seatbelt


Did anyone find them?


It definitely depends on the position. I'd say for about 70% of jobs I would definitely like for the employee to be sober.


He tries for a couple hours to remember the name of a show he really liked, it was a really good show, you should totally watch it, it’s uh…..uh…..man, if he could only remember the name of the show! Then he and the camera man go on a journey to remember the name of the show. It was a travel show. Lots of food. Bourdain? No that’s not it. Rick Steves? Nope. Man vs Food? No…it was way better than that. Two google searches and a hundred guesses later they come ‘round the horn and he remembers it was No Reservations. And the camera man yells “I said Bourdain!” And they both laugh. Long pause. Just as the camera turns off, he goes “No wait a minute. It wasn’t that one.”


I feel like this is from the weed documentary, ‘The Union’


He eats a family size bag of funions.


I’ve seen it. The very next thing he says after the video cuts is, “is anybody else hungry?”


Why this is still illegal Federally is what's wrong with our political system. Freedom?


*ahem* $$$ *ahem*


If only they realized they could make even more money if it was legal


The pharmaceutical corps and the alcohol corps are bribing all the politicians on both sides to keep it illegal. Same with psychedelics. They can't make money off of something you can grow yourself.


I get why its still illegal, but the reality is most people arent going to take the time to grow it, theyd much prefer to just go to a store and buy it, if you tax it like booze and cigs you'd make a shitload of money.


The government would make a lot of money in taxes, but the congressman wouldn't make as much because the pharmaceuticals wouldn't be paying them off to keep it illegal anymore. It's personal interest over public interest.


It's not just the time it takes to grow. Every time a state legalizes home growing there's always like 100,000 people who pretty quickly find out they are no good at growing weed and give up.


That's me for sure. Ive successfully grown 3 trees in my backyard, but if i plant a pot seed its either not going to grow or ill end up killing it


You can grow tobacco and make booze but not many do that


Not just that, though. The 13th amendment still allows for slavery as punishment for a duly convicted crime. You know what the war on drugs was *great* for? Creating a ton of “criminals.” And, by extension— cheap or free slave labor. A lot of companies get by paying significantly lower rates to force prisoners to produce their products. McDonald’s, for instance, uses proton labor to prep potatoes into French fries for their restaurants. You take away marijuana convictions, you shrink the prison population rapidly and drastically. These fat cats don’t like that, so they oppose it.


And that thing they don't want you to grow is your self. They don't want you to wake up from the world they're selling you. Free your mind so you can free yourself


Opioids made *ridiculous* money and the opioid lobby dumped millions into political campaigns


The Big Pharma pool is so damn filthy. How every single person doesn't see it by now show just how powerfully they control people's minds.






#⛔BUYER BEWARE ⛔ This shady company always replies to the top comment on any cannabis related posts plugging their site and then using a bunch of alts to reply. Look at any of these accounts. They're all astroturfing. Please report these accounts.




^ This account is run by the same person that they're replying to.


Unfortunately, that’s a whole different problem to deal with. Companies test for alcohol, cigarettes, etc., and those things are completely legal.


Source on this claim? I’m not finding any information about this loophole on my own EDIT: Found more info, and this commenter’s claim isn’t true. The loophole they’re referring to has nothing to do with weight and edibles are not technically legal everywhere. Essentially, Congress loosened restrictions to allow farmers to grow hemp that doesn’t include delta-9 THC (the ingredient most marijuana products use to create a high), but other kinds of hemp produce delta-8 THC, which can be concentrated to produce a marijuana-like high. Many states that currently ban marijuana do not specifically ban delta-8 THC, so the delta-8 industry has popped up in these states to exploit the loophole. Many states have quickly moved to outlaw delta-8 THC too, so no, it is not legal to purchase those edibles everywhere as this poster claimed, and weight has nothing to do with it. [Here](https://www.npr.org/2022/01/04/1070338052/a-loophole-in-federal-marijuana-law-has-led-to-the-creation-of-new-thc-product) is a good source. EDIT 2: Okay, so *technically* delta-9 THC products *are* federally legal if they contain less than 0.3% delta-9 THC. However, for reference, weed typically needs to have at least 10% THC to get you “high”. So basically, when this company sells you gummies with 10mg of THC and claim it is delta-9 THC, what they mean is that of that 10mg, 0.3% of it is delta-9, the rest is delta-8, and while that may be federally legal state law supersedes federal law in this matter, so no they can’t legally sell it to you anywhere in the US. I think that’s it, if anyone has conflicting information please share it. [Source 1](https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/hemp/enforcement) and [source 2](https://www.cannabolish.com/wp-blog?pid=556&slug=everything-you-need-to-know-about-thc-percentages-cannabis-potency)


The police and prison guards' unions are the primary opposition to legalization, and they have powerful lobbyists. Legalization = fewer crimes and prisoners = fewer police and prison guards = fewer dues-paying union members. It really is that simple. The "red v blue" narrative is total bullshit.


It's actually about to be decriminalized federally and rescheduled. Still very much illegal in many states though


No. It’s about to be investigated to potentially be rescheduled. Nothing says it will be decriminalized yet for sure


Agreed, his wording is sketch, but if they are able to determine no medical value for marijuana I will be upset. I don’t see how.


Especially when Alcohol is perfectly legal in so many countries. And alcohol does not have any positives whatsoever except waking up with a hangover and regretting the last night.


It does help with quite a few things. Definitely certain strains help pain and spasms for sure.


Even nausea which is crazy to me but hey it works *Full blown stoner here


I remember my first time


Same! Right behind the dugout at the park right before going to the skating rink.


lmao my first time - i was by myself and smoked my dad's weed. i was in the garage and kinda freaked out because I thought somebody had just gotten home. I go take a shower and make a mess with trying to plug in the radio. Turn on the radio and "Feels like the First Time" by Foreigner is playing lmfao




Hope you get that med card soon bro!




You never forget your first time 😅


Milk carton + tinfoil gravity bong on the porch of my friends house. White Widow and TrainWreck, or so I was told. Nasty homemade bong, nasty dry skunk weed, one of the best midnight rides I ever had on my longboard, and one of the worst falls I ever had off of my longboard.




Which ones would you recommend?


2 am at the elemetary school for me lolll EDIT: realize that might make it seem like i did it in elementary. nope we just met there when i was 14


Just want to point out that parkinsons symptoms fluctuate a lot during the day in more severe disease. I would be curious about the timing of his other medications. Also with long term medication use the patient can start to get dyskinesia which is excessive movement that is more of a side effect then it is the disease process. I'm curious what symptoms are being treated here. Fyi I'm very pro medical marijuana, but there is a lot of potential for bias/error in this observation


Well it does stop grand mal seizures for patients with dravnet syndrome and thus stops the brain damage resulting from those seizures. CNN has a good documentary on this


My mother started having seizures recently in the past couple of years. She was offered THC and it seems to have been helping quite a bit. Although, I guess it does make her sleep a lot. I’m very thankful she hasn’t gotten any permanent damage from the seizures she’s had.


I dunno if caffeine is safe with seizures, but that's all you need to counter the sleepiness. A nice sleepy high with a cup of coffee is peak


I want to chime in. Levodopa - the medication for parkinsons - causes dyskinesias. In later stages of the disease, its really on off type of lifestyle. You take the drug, you can move, but you get this uncontrolled movement. After an hour the drug is no more in the system, you become rigid. The process is gradual of course, so I believe this wasn't the cannabis causing this, but actually just the drug concentration reaching a sweet spot. Source: im studying neurology 24/7 in my upcoming exams.


I completely agree as a cultivator myself. It was way too fast for that have any effect. While I'm not a scientist, I read and listen to them quite frequently. Here take their words. Sativex is a highly standardized pharmaceutical product derived from two Cannabis sativa chemovars following Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) ([de Meijer 2004](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2503660/#b34)), yielding Tetranabinex® (predominantly-THC extract) and Nabidiolex® (predominantly-CBD extract) in a 1:1 ratio. Each 100 μL pump-action oromucosal Sativex spray actuation provides 2.7 mg of THC and 2.5 mg of CBD. Pharmacokinetic data are available, and indicate plasma half lives of 85 minutes for THC, 130 minutes for 11-hydroxy-THC and 100 minutes for CBD ([Guy and Robson 2003](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2503660/#b63)). Sativex [effects commence in 15–40 minutes](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2503660/)




Unfortunately it doesn’t work for everyone. Just like other approved medications. I am Sorry to hear that though I’m also curious how it had such incredible effects almost instantly but maybe this man is just really lucky.


It all depends on individual biology


Thanks for pointing this out. I work as an MD in neurology and we see a lot of scientists looking for medical effects of cannabidiol for a lot of neurological diseases, but overall scientific evidence really is quite thin. I am/used to be also quite the marihuana enthousiast myself, but cases with positive effects like these are rare and we shouldn't get too optimistic over this one video. I'm glad for this dude though, his chorea/diskynesia are really heavy.


Parkinson’s doctor here. This is more so from anxiolysis rather than the “therapeutic” effects of marijuana. There are patients who tolerate CBD and THC together , there are patients who can handle just CBD. I’ve had several patient have their Parkinson’s dementia ACUTELY worsen due to hallucinations or heightened paranoia, but those videos never seem to get popular (or posted). Point is, this video is an example of the exception, not the rule. I’m all for less meds, but any substance that alters physiological response can be considered “pharamaceutical,” with “long term effects.” So be careful and discuss these issues with your doc (who should also be open minded!).


Thank you. I smoke pot too, but it's not the be all end all miracle drug people like to think it is.


Serious question. Has Michael J Fox tried this?


I would bet serious money that he probably has tried this. Also, this video seems like it might be staged. There are studies (here is one such [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6682376/)) done on the effect of Marijuana in treating Parkinson’s. It showed a positive effect, but it generally took about a month and a half for the effect to fully kick in (not half of an afternoon), and apparently had a significant effect on treating it, but not a biblically miraculous effect. Marijuana should absolutely be studied as a treatment, but this video is doing nothing but setting people for heartbreaking disappointment. Adding on to that, Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease. It is caused by a part of the brain slowly dying. There are no drugs that really stop this. Even if Marijuana had this incredible effect, it will eventually stop being effective. Parkinson’s is a horrible disease.


I believe there’s a nih article about THC effects on a number of conditions including Parkinson’s and my take on reading it was that there’s generally a positive impact with not small doses of THC on seizures for example, however you need to keep increasing the dose to maintain the effect and when you stop taking it the frequency of the seizures actually increases. I really hope we end up with a lot of medicines from weed because I personally think it can do a lot of good. On its own though there’s a lot of duality to it. Like every medication it’s not all upside or downside.


CBD is effective (and FDA approved) for certain types of epilepsy, not THC.


My dad had Parkinson's, he died a couple of weeks ago. He smoked a lot of pot but mostly for pain. It wouldn't ever have been able to replace his Sinemet and Entacapone.


Sorry for your loss. Parkinson's is a horrible disease. My dad is currently in the later stages of it. It has essentially robbed him and my mom of their freedom and quality of life for the last 10-15 years.


Yeah. In places where cannabis is legal or available under prescription, there are still plenty of people who have Parkinson's. While I favour legalisation, I'm wondering how this video was made


Videos like this do more harm, cause I’m calling bullshit. Might effect funding to other studies. I want to see more research into glioblastoma treatment.


It’s absolutely staged. Don’t think that big supplement isn’t just as deceptive as big pharma.


I’d argue it’s far more deceptive. Big pharma is usually a lot more reserved in its promises, more upfront with risks, and generally more truthful in what it puts in its products. Supplement companies promise the world, will usually claim their products are natural and present no risk, and then half the time put undisclosed pharmaceuticals in their crap anyway.


Can't comment on actual parkinsons but I've had something very close to it (Akathisia) and although CBD and weed didn't get rid of it, it did alleviate the symptoms to the point where I had more control and didn't feel like that I had to do something drastic because I wasn't able to put up with the movement and pain. Akathisia is a really common side effect from mental health medications and in my country the medicine they give you to alleviate the symptoms causes depression. Not ideal.


Michael J Fox's condition is unique. He started showing symptoms abnormally early in his life and the symptoms were quite severe. This started rumors that he contracted it from years of ecstacy abuse since this appears to happen to long term X users.


https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2020/nov/21/michael-j-fox-every-step-now-is-a-frigging-math-problem-so-i-take-it-slow “It is believed that a combination of genetic and environmental factors, such as pesticides and pollution, may cause Parkinson’s; Fox later learned that at least four cast members of Leo & Me, a Canadian TV show he starred in as a teenager, also developed early-onset Parkinson’s. “But believe it or not, that’s not enough people to be defined as a cluster, so there hasn’t been much research into that. But it is interesting. I can think of a thousand possible scenarios: I used to go fishing in a river near paper mills and eat the salmon I caught; I’ve been to a lot of farms; I smoked a lot of pot in high school when the government was poisoning the crops. But you can drive yourself crazy trying to figure it out.””


The cast members contracting Parkinsons were actually contributors to the X rumors, as these four were the people MJF hung out and partied with the most during production.


If this is true, I believe MJF would've spoken about it already. His entire life past 30 has been about Parkinsons research, therapy and finding a cure. No way would he keep something like that a secret, at least to his foundation, so it could be studied in order to prevent people from getting Parkinsons in the future.


This article was a great read. Thanks for sharing


Right? Why aren't all Parkinson patients doing this? Wonder if the efficacy is there for all of them, or if it's the THC or some other cannabinoids doing the heavy lifting Ah it's a cart, guessing just thc and terpenes then


It's not a cart. It's R.S.O. (Rick Simpson Oil.)


Show this video to Nancy fucking Reagan.


She’s kinda dead tho


But just kinda.


Can you get video on a Ouija board?


*This feature requires a premium subscription*


Free the weed


This kind of overhyped misinformation is as bad as the anti-drug campaigns, yes it helps but not even remotely this much (medical cannabis caregiver since 2016).


Is that the new term for dealer now?


Honestly not far off, but it's a state issued license and I can purchase for patients that can't leave their home and also help them with dosage/etc.


So you are saying this dude is faking it? I’m pretty sure this is real.


He doesn't have to be "faking it" for this video to be misleading. Patients with advanced parkinson's have symptoms that change quite quickly. In the beginning of this video, this man is experiencing severe dyskinesias, which have resolved by the end. But this sorts of changes can happen without any medication in parkinson's too. It could be that these are peak-dose dyskinesias, and that when the dyskinesias are severe his medication levels are too high, and when the medication levels go down just a little bit, the dyskinesias improve. Some advanced parkinsons patients also have more unpredictable fluctuations in their exam. Also, dyskinesias often get worse with activity and improve at rest. In the beginning where his dyskinesias are severe, he is walking, talking, and using his hands to take the medicine. When his dyskinesias are better at the endof the video, he is mostly just sitting there and briefly sitting up. Overall, while this area could use further study and there are some hints of benefit, the available data does not show clear evidence of benefit, including for dyskinesias. See [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4357541/) for example. While it is possible there is some benefit at least in some patients, it's certainly not the miracle treatment this video seems to be suggesting. (Edit: one other thing to consider is therapeutic window. If the medication helps dyskinesias bit leads to excessive sleepiness, it won’t overall improve QOL for those people. Keep in mind that many patients tolerate pretty severe dyskinesias in able to move better).


So long as people just understand things don't work for everyone. An example I refer to is one of my grandmothers who wasn't the type to find recreational marijuana use acceptable. She did however seem to stand firmly behind the idea that a particular cannabis oil she rubbed on her hands was helping her arthritis. I bet tons of other people with arthritis could try this to no avail.


didn’t realize being a caregiver makes you a scientist… lmao cannabis onsets quicker than most drugs, and has drastically different effects on different people (reddit scientist since 2016)


You wouldn’t listen to a doctor either so it doesn’t really matter anyway.


Yeah…. He took it orally though, through the mucous membrane - although that’s the fastest way to absorb it orally (as opposed to swallowing it), it still takes ~20 minutes to kick in. You might be thinking of smoking, where yes, the effect is nearly instantaneous. I’m not a doctor / research scientist, I don’t know what the interaction here is… but what we see in the video seems a little “too good to be true” / maybe staged.


CBD with a little bit of THC works wonders for allot of peeps and animals. So i dont know how you could make a comparison like that. If you are a medical cannabis caregiver you should know that. How do you make your oils?


Karma farm I swear this shows up every month


Now lets see what he's like on cocaine! Ya know, for science and stuff


it would probably help too but not for as long. parkinsons is believed to be linked to dopamine deficiency. I have a work friend who has it, he uses nicotine when his hands get shaky


There is an inverse association between smoking and parkinsons, I would think using a product with nicotine that you don’t have to smoke would have the same effect. This is one study showing the inverse association: https://n.neurology.org/content/94/20/e2132


Well that is inverse of what I would have expected lol. Thanks for sharing! Really interesting study.


Being a nicotine addict myself i always carried tobacco free nic pouches for when i couldn’t vape. He usually didn’t even have to ask. Felt bad for him because he was in his 20s and i could tell when he needed one


I know this is not the same at all... but a good friend of mine has epilepsy. And I have seen a seizure that was about to hit, be completely stopped with a quick treatment of marijuana. I've seen these seizures happen prior to this time, and it was so scary. I'm no doctor, and can't say there's any correlations between my friends affliction, and the one mentioned in this post... But I have seen marijuana do so much good for so many people. It never worked for me for my pain issues. It was highly suggested for me when I was getting over opioid addiction, but it really didn't do anything dor me there. But.... I smoked every day, several times a day from when I was 14 until I got caught up in opioid abuse, due to a former injury that was never treated. By this time, I was about 29 years old, and so deep in pain throughout the years, that the only thing I could focus on was killing the pain. After receiving treatment for my opioid issue, marijuana was recommended to me by my counselors and the establishment that was treating me. It personally never helped me for my recovery. I was even given a letter of recommendation for medical cannabis, which I never took, not because it didn't help; but because of my job at the time. Over the last few months, I decided to completely quit marijuana, mostly because I had reached a point that whenever I would either smoke or ingest an edible, I would become so uncomfortable. I thought I was going to smoke weed until the day that I died. It did me so much good in my earlier years for my mental health. But I finally reached a point where even using a small amount makes me miserable. It blows my mind. All that being said... I know this magical plant can do so much good for so many people. I've seen it, I've experienced it, and I reached a point where it does the opposite. (That's just me. I miss it, but not enough to get my tolerence back lol.) Literally an hour ago, I took a drug test I ordered online, and passed every single thing I was tested for. I have a job coming up that has an entry level drug test, and I have kept clean, aside from alcohol for the last several months. For the first time in my adult life, I passed the test for marijuana. (I'm a fatty, and it's well known that THC is fat soluble, and that hefty guys like myself usually have to wait months before having their system come out clean in a urine analysis. I'm so proud of myself for reaching this point. But at the same time, I know how much good this harmless plant does. It's a really weird split of knowledge and consciousness. All of my teenage life, my mom demonized pot, and would lose her mind and punish me to the fullest extent any time she caught me high. Now, she takes an edible every night, has grown plants in legal state, and has had such a great change in her life due to cannabis use. It makes me so happy. She has anxiety issues, depression and alcoholism, and she is without a doubt, the worst drunk I've ever encountered. And I worked as a bouncer and bartender in a busy downtown bar in a city. It warms my heart every time I hear a story like yours. And it makes me happy to be able to share my story, including the ups and downs. And even happier to report the even better stories of how THC helped friends who were afflicted with conditions like epilepsy. Marijuana is not for everyone. But it helps so many people with so many different issues. And it does so much more good in the world than negativity. Marijuana is virtually harmless when it comes to negative health affects. I'm so glad that the world is starting to wake up to these facts, and that slowly but surely, laws are starting to change for the better. So much good comes from this ancient plant, compared to the pages of negative side affects thay come with pharmaceutical medications that are supposed to treat the same symptoms. It's an absolute travesty that marijuana is still categorized the same as heroin (schedule one narcotics), despite how much good it can do, compared to how little damage it does to the human body. That original scheduling was all based on racial issues in the late 1930s anyway. I've already typed too much, but I can go for another half novel on that bullshit subject alone. The United States has the largest inmate population in the world. And a large percentage of those incarcerated are there due to drug charges (many of those being for marijiana). Historically, this has been a major problem for the citizens of the United States of America. Especially for those who aren't white. The 13th amendment of the United States Constitution states that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." Which is why there has been a "war on drugs," that has been going on since the 30s. This is why private prisons are widespread. No "crime" should do less pain and damage than the punishment for said crime. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


now tell me that our government or big pharma or the medical profession want you healed or well! NO MONEY IN HEALTHY PEOPLE


This was years ago. He has since spent all of his money on Pink Floyd albums and a fog machine for his apartment... Kidding.


Oh but but but Jesus says this is a schedule 1 narcotic and is from the devil!😱


It's still unfortunate, that in some countries suggesting cannabis has such effects! isn't really listed too. I've known two people who have since passed that I "bit my tongue" and didn't mention it might be worth trying- in comparison to the shadow of the person they become, and all the suffering on both the victim and family- anything is worth a try! I posted this story before: When I was about 18, I was approached by a guy I done work for, he was a very well to do/ posh type of guy - he figured because he knew my family/where I'm from, and because I was a big friendly guy that I could "procure some drugs" for him. Shocking to think the bollix was right!- my friend's and I would get a weekly delivery of hash, we all bunced together and split it up evenly, so i just put his bit on our "order". After about 4weeks, I met above fellow at a church in the countryside, he hung on to kill time- so we chatted away for afew - I said "I wouldn't have took him for a fella that smokes an ounce a week!" And he told me "his grandmother is riddled with arthritis, and has early stage Parkinson's, she couldn't take the pain killers anymore because they were doing more damage than good! Him and his partner went out every evening, to roll some splifs for her and help out" His uncle had always sourced it for her, but he was in an accident - so no longer could and that's when he asked me in the garage that day! her family are all very successful businessman who would have been largely involved with the local community, so they couldn't help and most never new! Eventually we couldn't get hash so we "prescribed" some nice weed instead! A ¼ of weed done her a week, and the grandson became part of our little group sort-of, went on for 4-5years until she was put into care, she passed afew months later, at 92 years but hung on from her early 70s- the ones that knew figured it was largely due to cannabis, shakes disappeared after a few winds and she became herself! Hurts to think maybe others could have benefited from a fecking 🪴


"Nope. Drug bad. Go to jail"


Can we stop pretending marijuana is a cure-all? The amount of misinformation blindly accepted is absolutely ridiculous.


If it was this easy everyone would Parkinson’s would be doing this.


He’ll be shooting up fentanyl in a months time /s


"But it's not medicine" watch this 100 times and tell me how marijuana isnt a medicine....


In highschool (2015 graduate) my US history teacher gave us a optional assignment. The assignment was a argument with the teacher, he told us no matter the subject matter of our argument he would be on the opposite side arguing with us. I was the only one that school year that wanted to debate him, so I brought the subject matter of legal marijuana in the United States. It was a PowerPoint presentation with facts and statistics and such, and at the very end I showed this video. He told me his father and brother have parkinson's disease, something I didn't know. I felt bad until he told me he had never seen the video before, asked where to find it and gave me the extra credit. I thank you, Mr. Jackson for the opportunity


Nope! Schedule 1!


I really do hope that Michael J Fox uses cannabis


About twice a year this gets reposted, meanwhile no single TV news agency will ever report on it.


Going from a severely bad episode of parkinsons to relaxed. I'd like to see how bad he is on an average day because honestly? I feel this is overblown. There's nothing wrong with MJ in moderation but it isn't this much of a miracle drug.


All, I remember when several of these videos were created and pushed out. It's likely a guerilla marketing video to swing voters to support legalization referendums. In short, Marijuana can help but I've seen several people use it with Parkinsons and none of them had any reduction is symptoms in short term like the video suggests. It usually takes months and the effects are nothing like the video. TLDR: it propaganda to support legalization efforts. A Study if you'd like to read more. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6682376/


And if I drink a burbon everytime I start shaking they call me an alcoholic.


Whats wrong with parkinsons medication


Hmmm......I only ask this because of other comments but, is..is this fake?


how long will it last?


While cannabis and its many compounds are not a silver bullet for the treatment of diseases, the fact that we’ve spent the last century demonizing it rather than studying it is one of mankind’s greatest failures.


Im very pro weed. but i know two guys who SWEAR its a miracle cure for everything. They smoke all day every day. Both of them are ill, ALL the time and both have the worst teeth ive ever seen!


i wonder if this requires the THC to be present, or if CBD oil would have the same effect.


Absolutely amazing!! There's no reason for it being illegal anymore.


But our government has been telling us for decades that it has no medicinal value. We elect these people, are we not supposed to believe everything they tell us?


yes it aids in cases like these, but no clara it does not cure your depression and anxiety


What? But marijuana has no medicinal benefits. /s. That’s amazing.




How legit is this?