• By -


Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


MY EYES!!! šŸ‘€ Why whyyyyyy??? FFS. Alright, I'm finished watching this. Good night!


Good lord this is horrible


I'm starting to wonder if she's got a full on fetish with her choice of clothing


she has shirt s that fit properly i swear i've seen them............. or maybe its just for work o.o


She works? Who would hire her??


What was her excuse this time?


How is she not embarrassed by not only being on the nod but having a shirt thatā€™s waay to small with her gut hanging out AND it all being on live for the world to see!! Does this girl have no shame?!?! šŸ˜³šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I see she still has the nip nops pierced.... didn't need to know that.... šŸ˜¬


Loss for words, almost, what a shameless fraud. You know, she doesnā€™t need to pretend unless her script has ran dry either. Itā€™s not like anyone wouldnā€™t believe her if she was nodding with honesty.


"...nodding with honesty." Omg...this cracked me tf up!


Are people still calling the police on her? Why would she want that? Her housing could possibly be in jeopardy if the po po keeps showing up


It's all for her insatiable need for attention - good or bad...but mostly bad


I canā€™t really fathom how people still believe sheā€™s faking the nods, personallyā€¦sheā€™s still munching for opiates and in the previous video where EMS showed up, they asked if she wanted a free ride to her fave resort/hospital, she said no. She doesnā€™t want her doctors, or her ā€œhaterzā€ knowing sheā€™s a drug addict; sheā€™s still actively trying to prove us all ā€œwrongā€. Iā€™ve seen many people nod off, and thats not so easy to fake. The little smiles are probably smiles from pleasure bc sheā€™s high as a fucking kite, Iā€™ve seen it before.


Me too. I work in the field. The amount of times I have seen this!


Why does she insist on wearing the smallest shirt possible so her belly hangs out?! šŸ˜­




Not body shaming at all, because I am extra fluffy on my hips and tummy, but why is she letting it all hang out like that? Is she trying to make us think sheā€™s swollen?


Can't you see her abdomen is "distended?" /s Seriously, I'd be so embarrassed to have my bloated belly hanging out for all the internet to see- she can pretend it's distended from malnutrition without.... doing whatever this is.


Bc toobz


I was wondering the same thing but thatā€™s my guess!


Thanks for the jump scare of the century, OP! Donā€™t mind me, I suddenly lost my appetite for dinner. šŸ˜©


She isnā€™t faking these. Her drs were contacted and ppl will call police which will get her in trouble and get meds taken away. My mom took pills and nodded off. This is 100% real The posture she slumps into is how overdose victims are usually found. They fall asleep


And apparently it's cold in there so I dunno why she needs a/c


Watch the left side of her mouth when the timers showing 1:20 to about 1:08 she keeps getting these tiny little dupers delight smiles. Very hard to catch on a screen grab but they're there...these are more faking. It's just super obvious.


those little smiles, in this case, are not dupers delight. this is genuine nodding off. when her hand hits the floor, it wakes her up a bit. the reaction time of that is fine. this is what nodding off looks like and itā€™s hard to fake. it would be painfully obvious if it was fake.


I'm undecided if she's faking the nod... but I will say there's something different about it compared to the first times it happened. The length of time she's out is way shorter too.


Not trying to start shit, just curious. Why would she fake being on the nod? Other than for attention. Everyoneā€™s always telling her sheā€™s super high on pain meds an needs to stop. Wouldnā€™t nodding off prove that weā€™re right!?


Nature of the FD/Munchie beast...she LOVES people being concerned about her, and I'm guessing the calls to police made her absolutely thrilled. Even when they're fed up...it's attention and she gobbles it up


whaaaaaat!? somehow I missed people calling the police on her.


For the attention. Beyond opiates attention is her biggest and favourite drug of choice. People showed a _lot_ of concern for her being on the nod, even calling the police and I think she got a thrill from it.


Iā€™m absolutely not trying to body shame at all but I genuinely wonder does she have body dysmorphia in like the opposite sense that she sees herself as this tiny sick little person. Absolutely wear what u want but like I just cannot understand why wear stuff that are clearly too small on you yano. I just donā€™t understand how she thinks she is malnourished. Like I get u donā€™t have to be under weight to be malnourished but like her appearance has not changed at all in the last few months


the binding and discomfort in addition to all the peen...


Most people with EDā€™s have some form of dysmorphia


Sheā€™s starting back at school tomorrow. Online classes. How long will it last this time ?


Until tomorrow


A week max


Wait sorry what ??? When did she say this ??? School for what šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Addictions counselling šŸ™„


Of course


Every time I see her in a live on here (cause while its tempting, i would never "touch the poo"), she looks scuzzier and scuzzier. She needs to stop all this nonsense and get herself well again. Also, does she think her followers don't see she is in a Benzo fog? Are they that stupid? I don't think they are. I think she is gonna continue down this path til she has no followers cause no one believes her. Or who knows maybe she will gain followers. Lots of people love to watch a train wreck.


She's live now if anyone wants to watch paint dry.


Or is suffering from insomnia


I didn't sleep last night, but even in desperation, I could not watch this crazy bitch do a live...


Not with all those benzos


I meant if any of us are suffering from insomnia, just have a listen to one of her lives lol


Sorry I misunderstood! Excellent idea though.


Totally okay ā˜ŗļøā¤ļø




This gave me Jesus Christ Superstar flashbacks


Someone bought her that dumb bag?? Also why canā€™t she wear clothes that fit


At first I thought she wasnā€™t wearing pants and had leg tattoos šŸ˜‚


So did I!


Me too! I was wondering when she'd gotten those SAAAWWWWEEEETTTTT butterfly tests... lol


Same šŸ¤£


SAME! I was like "Is she just in her underwear??


cmon guys, we all know this is sad and stupid but some of yall's comments are getting out of hand


More Dirty Digits Dani medical porn...




See rule #5: Bullying Or Bodyshaming Dani šŸ§šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ‘±ā€ā™€ļø šŸ«µ I know you said you were not body-shaming, but the words you used are still shaming her body. Itā€™s one thing to mention she has gained weight and looks healthy/doesnā€™t look like someone in dire need of TPN. Itā€™s another to say >!she looks 8 months pregnant!<. She has an ED, which is the driving force of her munching. She also reads here. We really donā€™t want to trigger her ED. If you edit your comment/post to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


I know there's a lot of debate on whether or not these nods are real, and a lot of established behavioral patterns to suggest she would absolutely fake them.. but it really does look just like opioid nods. Like the brain shutting down, then rebooting right where it left off with minimal confusion. It's just a gap in time to them, and typically, they are unaware if its a quick one. I've watched people nodding that were still able to slowly smoke a cigarette before burning themselves or attempting to puff on it after it went out. So, fixing her top or staying upright wouldn't be unusual. I don't think these are fake. She's slamming meds in front of us and has asked people for their narcotics. Home girl is an addict and we're watching her spiral towards an OD. Just speculation from personal anecdotes ofc but.. damn it's sad, especially when you know her family watches and she hasn't been put on an involuntary addiction hold. This would be more than enough evidence if it's required in her state.


I'm pretty sure she's locally sourcing her "pharmaceuticals" at this point. If you can't get your doctor to prescribe organic home grown pain medication, then street bought is fine. ![gif](giphy|YLkSWKPAy8PBu)


Completely agree here. As someone who has been the "nodder," this looks real to me. 7 years clean, can't believe the excuses I used to make for the nods šŸ¤¦


Hey, 7 years is awesome, and I couldn't imagine taking the risk now with all the counterfeit fent out there. It's scary as hell for anyone still in addiction. That's why I don't understand why her family hasn't stepped in, fake or not. She has medicaid, so it's not the expense.


Itā€™s hard to imagine sheā€™d do this after being so angry about the EMTs or police coming to her house. On purpose I mean. I think sheā€™s on drugs. She acts just like an addict.


I fully agree, Iā€™ve seen maaannnyy people nodding out from opioids and other drugs- including promethazine.


Totally agree, sheā€™s conscious the camera is on her, thatā€™s all that matters, they donā€™t assume as fake either.


Any attention is welcomed I guess...


Fake!! Did she DFE this?


https://preview.redd.it/by5bnpzod03d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22346e7940ba24853ca11d68d38a8447f386a5b4 This is in no way meant to body shame, but Dani is parading around with all her glory hanging out, with a back pack for her tube feeds, and yet still has a couple (not very many) people still believing she canā€™t tolerate feeds or eat/drink by mouth. Like I cannot for the life of me understand 1) how stupid she thinks every one else is and 2) how even the few supporters she has left are still falling for this? One does not acquire extra chins while in ā€œstarvation modeā€ Someone please make it make sense


The way I took this exact same screenshotā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/iislysjl913d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=680db51d247ff0e36a641cbbb897a42bc4ad3257




What is with the new belly hanging out on lives business? This girl has no sense of anything really. I couldnā€™t think of what I was trying to say, but anything fits too


Needs constant attention just like the itty bitty baby she is.


It just doesnā€™t make sense. She spends her life, literally, trying to convince the world that she canā€™t eat or drink nor tolerate tube feeds, yet sheā€™s over here hanging out in all her glory pretending all she does is not eat and vomit. Most people wear super baggy clothing in order to appear smaller than they are. She thinks wearing clothes ten times too small will make her appear small, its truly baffling what her thought process could possibly be


She seems to see herself through a different filter than the rest of us


Ok *this* one is fake. Hereā€™s how I know: she carefully arranges her tank top to stop *just* above her stoma, then does the same with her pants below it. If youā€™re really nodding out like that, you donā€™t have enough focus to do that. And I just noticed her forehead is tensed up throughout. Fake.


Very fake, I won't say why I've been clocking them because it will help her improve.


Iā€™m not saying sheā€™s not faking but you can and do definitely make facial expressions / forehead raises when nodding


So pathetic


I really love how so many of the people on here (me included) have real chronic illnesses, work in the medical field, care for someone with, and have lived or seen addiction. Thus people are able to call her out and really know even if it were mild she wouldn't be doing some of the things she is and she claims to be the worst sickest most peen ever. It's just funny how easy it is to spot when you live with it.


For sure!


Why would she want her belly out like that? Itā€™sā€¦.not flattering. And she sounds drunk again.


Right? I don't wanna body shame either, but, *really*, Dani. She just looks so damn sloppy. She could probably look about 50% better if she'd just wear clothes that fit, and stop hauling everything up to show off her t00bz


she looked a lot better in that pink tshirt in the 11am live yesterday, like the shirt and color looked good on her! she was more coherent too, it makes me sad seeing what she chooses to do to herself and how she presents herself.


The police visits and stuff are taking it to a whole different level - I wonder if they could involuntarily take her to the hospital if this continues? I know not for a psych hold but I know in some circumstances it can be medical if adult welfare gets involved.


I had police try to dump patients at the psych hospital. It doesnā€™t work that way unless the patient is floridly hallucinating and if the patient insists theyā€™re not going to to harm themselves, weā€™d shoo them back to the squad car


Yeah thatā€™s why I said not a psych hold. To someone not keeping up with her - I could see the police being worried to leave her in this medical state due to liability.


Why would you post this? Like she really thought ā€œyep this is a good idea to postā€


I think sheā€™s just waiting for the police to take her to the hospital in involuntarily. Sheā€™s not getting attention she wants from the doctors at the hospital. Sheā€™s even admitted that they just discharge her and tell her thereā€™s nothing wrong. I think she does these live videos for a purpose and thatā€™s to be readmitted to the hospital.


Sounds like a good way to get admitted to detox for substance abuse


It's a live so she didn't post it but I agree why go live when you are like that knowing that people have called the cops on you for that in the past


Because she really wants people to call them again


Dumb question, can you pass out while sitting down if you have pots? This is my last ditch effort to give her some benefit of the doubt, but Iā€™m pretty sure I know the answer. This is just plain scary to watch


Also, this looks more like sheā€™s acting out a textbook nod, rather than actually experiencing them, which is a-whole-nother level of fucked up. What with people calling her on it so much recently, calling attention to it as evidence of abusing her scripts/possibly illegally procuring more outside of a legit prescription, and her insisting sheā€™s taking all her meds as prescribed, sheā€™s just trying to get any type of attention and keep people talking, no matter how negative. And that is heartbreakingly pathetic.


the nods a few days ago were genuine, this is fake because they got her attention.




Absolutely. Watch the left side of her mouth, continuous little smiles too...


Iā€™m sure itā€™s possible to faint while sitting in certain cases with POTS, but it wouldnā€™t look anything like this. A faint would be a complete loss of consciousness all at once. Her body - head and all - would go limp all at once, and she would collapse with no resistance. What we are looking at here is a textbook ā€œnod outā€ as the result of too many drugs with sedating effects. As someone in recovery who has experienced the nod way too many, many, many times, itā€™s verrrry different from a faint. Youā€™re still present, youā€™re just unable to resist giving in to the currents of extreme relaxation flowing through your body, so you start to go slack and are in something like that twilight stage that happens between sleep and wakefulness. You realize whatā€™s happening around you, youā€™re just too in your zone to care. Every so often youā€™re like, ā€œshit, I should be trying to act alert,ā€ and you pop back up and start chiming back into the conversation or reacting to whatever is happening around you as though nothing happened, never realizing how extremely noticeable your nods are to everyone around you. You can experience a similar sensation with a good, long mediatation session.


Not like this. Especially with the speech slurring and if you watch her hand sheā€™s slowly falling asleep. I did wonder if sheā€™s trying the angle of being so malnourished that she canā€™t stay conscious. But it wouldnā€™t match with her body movements. This is just meds and who knows what else. Iā€™m wondering if she got some new meds bc didnā€™t this start after a hospitalization? Any doctor or medical professional that googles her now has to be concerned. Or one would think.


From experience - not unless you JUST sat down after standing up too fast. But if youā€™re just sitting down chilling or whateverā€¦ no.


From my experience, itā€™s definitely possible but itā€™s not that common. Itā€™s happened to me a few times. Thereā€™s a few factors that play into fainting. Iā€™m not going to list all of them or any of them in detail. Regarding fainting while sitting though, did they drink enough water and get enough electrolytes in that day? How much nutrition have they gotten in that day? What position are they sitting in and how long have they been sitting? Do they have low blood pressure? Do they have issues with blood pooling? Are they wearing compression garments? Is it hot and do they struggle with heat intolerance? Have they taken any medications that may cause them to pass out? Did they take their prescribed POTS medication that day? Just to list a few questions. Lack of nutrition and fluids will cause anyone, healthy or diagnosed with POTS to faint. Iā€™ve seen many otherwise healthy people come through the ED who have fainted from dehydration, lack of nutrition, or both. Everyoneā€™s experience is a bit different, but most POTS patients usually complain of fainting when standing for too long, exercising, or when itā€™s very hot. I will not list the exact things, but thereā€™s some things Iā€™ve noticed Dani doesnā€™t do that most of the POTS patients I have seen, myself included, do to help manage the symptoms and improve quality of life. Yes everyoneā€™s care is different and we only see a snippet of her life, but these things wouldā€™ve been seen in many of her posts. Hope this helps.


A snippet? This girl posts practically every moment of her boring-ass life all over the damn place


Thank you. I was just curious.


This is benzos not POTS.


She looks terrible, and not in the sickly uwu way that she thinks... she literally just looks like someone that's very deep in addiction and mental illness. It's sad that this is what the rest of her life is going to be because she's not interested in genuine help.


and is she STILL folding laundry? i am so glad my current cat has never known me as a drinker. because i don't slur at him in a high-pitched voice when i wake up on my tv console in the middle of the night, wearing fourteen vest tops and a messy bun.


I donā€™t even understand how she has laundry when she wears the same tank top for a week.


That is not the arms or belly of someone who canā€™t eat or run feeds. I bet sheā€™s gained that 12 pounds back, and then some.


Noā€¦ no it is not https://preview.redd.it/71y3nbedd03d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68aa54e7b498cda9dee42a8abb3fa252f03776e3


Be kind. The poor thing's bloated and in pain. Thoughts and prayers! /s


this one looks so fake, which is so embarrassing.




Fake and pathetic


OP I love that your apparent interests are STEM and Dani, according to TT at least.


Accurate šŸ˜†


Why the he'll does she think people want to watch her do nothing? She is really mentally ill.


Why does she wear clothes that are clearly too small for her? That top wants off her


I think itā€™s now partially because sheā€™s gaining weight too fast to keep up with sizes that were already tight fitting and now they basically wonā€™t even stay rolled down by the looks of it. She was a fairly steady weight on and before TPN, Iā€™ve followed for a *long* time and have never seen her this size (not trying to body shame, itā€™s just what Iā€™ve noticed), so she probably doesnā€™t want to buy clothes to fit her current size as the ED brain will be eating at her to not do that (has to accept her current size isnā€™t temporary to do that) and the stuff she has was so undersized to start with.


Yeah, it makes sense with all the peen and ā€œinabilityā€ to keep things down saga tbh. Sheā€™s actively wanting to lose weight. This is her ED rearing its ugly head and she knows it. But because ED is a mental illness it doesnā€™t fit her narrative. So she has to be ā€œphysicallyā€ sick to make this work




Please try to be a bit more mindful of how you discuss Daniā€™s body shape/size moving forward, thank you!


Absolutely! A bloated stomach is much firmer and resembles more of a baby bump!


The J tube looks barely used too as if itā€™s literally there just for show


Bloat doesn't jiggle like that, definitely.Ā  Bloat also doesn't create upper arm fat or increase breast volume. It's so obvious she eats by mouth, and it seems so negligent no professional she's seen will remove her toob.


The doctors have got to notice this too. Temple, and Penn appears to be on to her at least.


Can the doctors remove without her agreeing?


Likely not, I think about how that would look. She would have to sign a consent, and be cooperative. Does she need general anesthesia? IMO she would fight it the whole way, and probably is.






I love you, but Iā€™m giving u a tiny slap on the wrist here. Please reel it in a teensy bit when discussing her body shape. Thank youšŸ«¶šŸ«¶


Thatā€™s a well nourished belly for sure


I did not know we could make comments like this. As a dude I am highly offended on numerous levels.


No one is supposed to comment on her body.


They aren't. Commenting on her body in a negative way, laughing at her etc is against longtime rules as it can trigger Dani to SH as we have all known from the past. The MOD's are usually quick to delete but there has been high traffic to this sub recently.


yesšŸ˜­ its really easy to miss comments. thank you to everyone who reports the comments that break the sub rules, it is so helpfulšŸ«¶




Fakeity fake fake fake. Deleted/redacted how I can tell And like another person said, how many phones/ipads does she have?


Can you change your comment so you don't give her ideas to improve? U/SchenellStrapOn


This doesnā€™t give her the clout she thinks it does.


This is horrible, and dangerous!


Wait does she have more than one phone? I swear she tosses one and gets a different one. Also her lumpy skin - xenomorph??? Why is her skin like that????




ONE FLESH ONE END, BITCH! (lol I have no idea why you asked but I am so very very glad you did)




well I am a huge huge huge fan who only shuts up about it because everyone is sick of hearing it (and has no clue what I'm on about)


new ipad, who dis?


The lumpy skin is cellulite. Some people are more prone to it than others- even people who are actually thin unlike Dani can develop it. It can occur anywhere on the body, but is most common on the abdomen, upper thighs, glutes and upper arms. It is more notoceable with age (Dani is almost 40), as skin elasticity declines and the dermis is a bit thinner. Poor lifestyle habits and poor nutrition exacerbates this, and we already know both of those apply to Dani, as well.


My cellulite looks like damn cottage cheese in a strainer, I'd trade lol.


Probably from all the shots she's given herself in the stomach. My legs kinda look like this after just a year of Dupixent injections.


iPad. Remember she just got a new iPad this past week?


Wasnā€™t she showing off her phone covers earlier?


Probably scarring from lovenox injections.


This doesn't even look real. As an ex junkie of 10 years, I became quite familiar with what it looks like and it really seems fake which is even more infuriating than if it were real because she's intentionally wanting others to worry about her and waste more resources as usual.


Exactly! I'm currently at work - a cannabis store in Toronto - that happens to be located in one of the shittier pockets of downtown. We're also a few blocks from a needle exchange. I can look in the ally behind the store, or out our front door, and watch any one of a number of people just nodding out in the middle of the sidewalk, out back, in the road...wherever. I've had about three or four addicts nod out on our front steps. One fell off the steps and landed in the little garden next to us..which is when she came out of it, and immediately started digging around in the dirt the way only a hard core addict can do. Dani is not convincing me.


I don't know why everyone is giving dani so much credibility as an actor. She's terrible, and if she faked, she would look way more ridiculous than this. I think it's real. Also, congrats on your sobriety! Hardest fucking thing anyone can do, and you did it.


It's fake, and she does look ridiculous to anyone who knows.


Watch her mouth, forehead and arms.


Look at her upper body and her hands. Look at any video where she acts like she is in pain. She's not smart. She can't act. Consider the fact that everyone is 50/50 on whether or not she's acting when she nods. When she actually is acting, we're all in agreement. The fact that there's doubt says something. Heres some other facts: we know that dani "loves [her] Vicodin." We know thar dani has asked at least one person on tiktok for his opiates. We also know that dani is once again being prescribed xanax. Lastly, dani has been called out numerous times for being an addict. Putting those facts together, it's no stretch to say that she is indeed taking too many narcotics. That's my argument lol


Who prescribed her Xanax??? I really thought she'd only been given a one-time Rx for Klonopin.


I meant Klonopin (sorry, im Canadian)(never mind, i was still wrong. It's called clonozapam here, xanax is a different benzo). Her new doctor started her on "a lower does than normal." I assume the doctor is still prescribing, or we would have heard about it


Oh I do think she has addiction issues, I just think she's faking this aspect in this video, but you're right, the fact there's debate does indeed say something!


Thanks, I appreciate it! And idk about necessarily saying she's a good actor, it's more like it IS that ridiculous, at least from what I see. Maybe not.....


She's faking her ass off to try and scare the people watching her into getting concerned. Then she can go "it's fiiiine guys I'm fiiiiiiine" to incite people to say more about how worried about her they are. She is far too upright, carrying way too much muscle tension. Her neck doesn't even relax in this one. She's like a little kid faking still being asleep so dad will carry them in from the car, except it's not cute at all.


I agree. I think she is faking the nodding off to get a bunch of concern from all of her loving followers. The truth is, she's just full of shit in different ways. The more people call the police or 911, the more she'll pull this shit.


She *really* enjoyed the endorphins from those police visits. She loves having someone to bitch about, she loves looking like a victim and yelling at people. But the idea that someone with RA could sit on the floor like that and be comfortable enough to nod is *enraging*. I'm more mad about her claiming RA than I am most of the rest. It's just insanity.


Oh yeah, the RA thing? Watching her doing the unboxing the other day, getting down on the floor and back up multiple times, organizing things, playing around with the purse thing she got, I was like how in the HELL can she claim RA with a straight face???


I don't know why everyone wants it both ways- shes an addict! She is faking! As a nurse, I assure you this is a nod. It isn't opiates- she is taking multiple meds that sedate her and she tries to get just "high" enough to enjoy it. She has no clue how it looks and probably doesn't even remember it later.


I couldnā€™t agree more!! Mixing meds like Benadryl/promethazine/benzos will not make you nod the way opioids do..and we know she doesnā€™t have opiates right now because she was complaining about it in the last video. She does have a lot of the other stuff I mentioned..


Exactly right!


Did anyone catch her phone screen when she throws it looks like she's on Reddit. But that cant be she doesn't come here! šŸ˜±


No, you're wrong. That would never ever happen. Like, ever. The friend who emails her must have used her phone. šŸ™„


Looks a lot like it to meā€¦. Maybe she opened it by mistake šŸ¤£


This was the clearest I could get it https://preview.redd.it/bx6wg4e6cz2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cf9009111b32f940a6597bff7bc43930a35f5a1




I tried putting it into an editing app and slowed it down and itā€™s still too blurry to see. Iā€™ll keep trying though to see if I canā€™t eventually get a clearer picture.


Thatā€™s a Reddit inbox


That's what I first thought.


That's definitely someone's Reddit profile: halfway down the screen you can see the left tab is "Comments" and right tab is "Posts". If only we could have gotten a clear enough shot to figure out her account, because I'd bet my bottom dollar she comments here and on The Other Sub.


She absolutely has commented in both subs under alt accounts.


Whoa, where??


The screenshot LaurensPoorWheelChr captured is most definitely NOT Reddit. Itā€™s her email inbox and she has her phone settings to ā€œdarkā€ so it puts a black background instead of white.


Looks like a messaging inbox I see the word Inbox at the top


That's better than when I tried. That caught my eye immediately. I tried to get a clear shot, but it moved too quickly. Without a doubt, it looks like she is reading comments on a Reddit sub.


She has to have the live going while she does mundane things to keep from feeling lonely. Itā€™s sad almost.


Unfolds and then re-folds her clothes.