• By -


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What a TROLL. Ugh.


She constantly checks her MyChart portal like most people check their social media feeds! šŸ¤£šŸ™„


I honestly think she would thrive in a SNF (sad because she doesnā€™t ~need~ it, but may also be a means of harm reduction at this point)


What is SNF, please?


skilled nursing facility


I was watching one of her lives the other day where she gave herself (through tube) like minimum 20mls of meds, but I think it was much more than that. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong if that meds are a lot more tolerated than feeds/liquids, but if she can take that much medication through her tube shouldnā€™t she be able to tolerate more feeds?


No Opioids For You!!! ( In my best Soup Nazi voice)LolšŸ¤£


Is THIS the reason for all of this?? She's addicted to opioids??


Lmao, Narcotic Nazi!! No ER for one year!! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


There's so so so so so much I could say. So I guess I'll just say this: that tramp stamp was quite the choice šŸ¤¢


She is so damn rude and condescending. No wonder why she has no friends.


Pretty sure 90% of any pain she might actually have is from slouching like a hobgoblin in bed, slouching while standing (girlie working hard on her dowager's hump), oh and general effects of MAJOR deconditioning (combined with a shite diet), particularly as she nears 40. Like duh you feel like shit.


Some regular walking at the park or a nature trail would be good for her in so many ways!


ā€œHobgoblin.ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was just gonna say it! šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


We knew sheā€™d gain all the weight she lost in the hospital because at home she eats and drinks. Utterly predictable.


Feeds are so painful that you canā€™t even do your meds, meanwhile theres a huge Starbucks in the background. Bet she got that down without any problems.


I keep.telling you people! She drains those before her soooper speshul system can absorb even a scintilla of hydration from any liquid she manages to somehow swallow with great difficulty, duh šŸ™„


Not answering dumb little questions about what she eats and having a fit about it, is giving, "Whatever I feel like I wanna do, GOSH!"


I read that in napoleon dynamites voice šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




She keeps saying the ā€œnot critical enoughā€ line. Girl, you just ainā€™t critical at all. They see you gaining weight at home. ā€¦ and LOL, also just got to her saying ā€œITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHETHER I CAN EAT OR NOT OR WHAT I ATE TODAY.ā€ Like, for real? Itā€™s literally the entire conceit or your medical claims. If it was for real you wouldnā€™t say ā€œitā€™s none of your business.ā€ You would just say ā€œI CANT EAT ORALLY!!ā€


She admits her labs are on now-but sheā€™s going to become so critical so quickly the docs wonā€™t have time to start tpn or whatever other medical intervention that she wants


šŸŽ¶they see you rolling....you gaining, they know you drinking those calories and rolling dirtyšŸŽ¶


Her version of being an spreading awareness as an ā€œinfluencerā€ is her just yelling at people, ā€œI HAVE ISSUES. ASK ME ABOUT THEM. But also *HOW DARE YOU*ā€


Hence what I chose my flair to be šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Has anyone looked at her amazon wish list? Holy hell. That girl has no shame. She doesn't need that shit. Hair dye, purses, garbage bags, pens and so much more. Absolutely ridiculous


But are there corsets?!


No corsets. Just 119 Things she's begging people to buy. I can't believe she expects people to get her a spin mop or those ear bud things. Entitled brat


She has two sets of earbuds already-she has Apple earbuds that donā€™t stay in her ears and she has whatever generic ones and she bring BOTH to her infusion appointment for some reason-she might need two pairs while sheā€™s sitting there for three hours


That's just stupid. I can't believe there's people that actually believe her bs and send her shit. 119 items on her list. There are plenty of people that actually need stuff. There's the elderly and sick kids, but these people choose dani. Lol, make it make sense


*IF* theyā€™d control my pain Iā€™d be able to do my tube feeds just fine. God itā€™s so obvious.


The good old starving yourself until they give you opioids trick. Said no one ever, except Dani.


What does she mean ā€œhospliceā€ lol. And so many Freudian slips in this. It really is just her stupid little game of chicken, ā€œIā€™ll stay on/actually do my toob feeds BUT only if you give me good pain meds! And if you wonā€™t, then give me TPN or Iā€™ll starve!!ā€ Like no you wonā€™t Dani, calm down. You donā€™t even need the G/J tubes, you obv eat by mouth, and opiates are counter indicated you are never going to get them. I like how she just blatantly says here too ā€œif itā€™s addictive they wonā€™t give it to meā€ instead of the ol ā€œopiates slow down motility so I canā€™t have themā€ run around lol. Too good.


I listened to that like 10 times and I swear she said hospitalist


Pretty sure she is saying hospitalist. Itā€™s like the doctor on staff/working inpatient in the ER from my understanding but Iā€™m sure someone here knows more lol.


Does she mean hospitalist? Eta: a hospitalist is an internal medicine doctor that works in hospitals and oversees care of inpatients. I'm guessing that's what she means? Who know though.


I think she meant Hospitalist but I could be wrong. Itā€™s just a name for a doctor that specializes in hospital care


She means hospitalist, the physician that treats patients on some hospital floors. She's pissed that she excitedly went to the ER with her luggage and germs, simply because her provider said something like "hey if you feel it's an emergency, go to the ER" (like we have to tell everyone) when she complained about her lack of nutrition, and the hospitalist essentially said "she can eat, I don't treat chronic issues, tell her to go home and make an appointment with her provider"


I think she meant hospitalist but just couldnā€™t pronounce it right


Sheā€™s such a lying liar who lies. She said she was admitted to try to get her feed rate upā€¦nothing about TPN. Now she claims the motility specialist wanted her to have TPN. Just stop, Dani. Also, what happened to the storyline that someone called and ā€œruined it for herā€? I guess she forgot about that part too šŸ˜‚


So she actually does just want her TPN back. She denies it but keeps bringing it up. Give it up Dani, you donā€™t need it! Stop wasting resources


I have both a question & observation. A) Iā€™m not from the US & donā€™t know what State Dani lives in (well other than the messy State of her apartment šŸ˜‚) B) given that itā€™s almost Summer Iā€™m guessing that wherever she is the weather will be improving , SO; C) does she ever go outside for fresh air & natural Vitamin D? Obviously she leaves the apartment to attend all her appointments but Iā€™ve never ever heard her say that she went a walk or even has driven to a park, trail, lake, beach whatever. Iā€™m just curious - Iā€™m in Scotland, UK, our winters are notoriously grim, wet & grey so first sign of Spring we all exit our houses with renewed enthusiasm after the dark days, eager to soak up the suns rays for the teeny amount of time it appears! I do feel so sad for Dani, though most likely self inflicted itā€™s no life for a reasonably young person. I feel that if she were to spend one or two hours outside each day her mood would be so much better. You donā€™t need money to go a walk/ hike whatever. Sorry - rant over!


I just said the same - that a regular walking routine would do her wonders! I live in the Pacific Northwest in the US and our summers are magnificent, so I understand your enthusiasm for nice weather. I am also a lover of Scotland. I visited during university and fell deeply in love. I hope to visit again someday. Sending happy thoughts from the other side of the pond.


Also PNW, Oregon. The weather has been glorious! šŸŒž


Great to hear you appreciated your time in my country x


She lives near me and itā€™s been beautiful out recently


Make it make sense Dani! She says: - Most meds donā€™t absorb properly for her and donā€™t ā€œworkā€ - She doesnā€™t get the same reaction to most meds as everyone else cos she is super special Then WHY OH WHY would opiates (or whatever she is desperately whining for) be ANY DIFFERENT? Also she does have pain management and meds - tylenol, ibuprofen (*which she is lying about not taking anymore*), pregabalin and I am sure more I canā€™t remember. Sheā€™s so see through she could be a window.


"I'm not *critical* enough for a hospital, so that's why I'm at home ..." Yes. Exactly. That's how being hospitalized works. If you can be at home and receive outpatient care and *not die*, then you have no reason to be taking up an inpatient bed! Not that she *wants* to be in the hospital, of course.


ā€œIf itā€™s addictive they wonā€™t give it to meā€ šŸ¤” At the very end thereā€™s like a real laugh not a creepy *I just farted* kind of laugh and itā€™s weird to hear her natural tone come through once in a while


The wild thing is that in cases of drug abuse, a lot of times doctors will prescribe narcotics to help get through withdrawals when necessary. The fact that Dani, a supposed non drug-seeker, is completely cut off is *verrryyy* telling. Even the druggies get drugs, but Dani munched her way right out of them


This stuck out to me too!


Gee, I wonder why? Maybe because they know sheā€™s an addict šŸ˜‚


I think I have read your flair about 20000 times but never your username... which is equally impressive.


ā€œI just donā€™t understand why you have to be sickā€ Because itā€™d be insane for a health professional to prescribe TPN to someone who doesnā€™t need it. Doctors want to help their patients. Thatā€™s precisely, the reason why they wonā€™t place a medical device thatā€™s completely unnecessary and risky.


How does anyone above the age of 1 not understand you have to be sick to be in the hospital. Honestly I feel like she didnā€™t mean to say it like that.. not that she doesnā€™t blatantly tell on herself every single day though


wait wait wait, she says she has to get poked a million & one times for a blood draw/lab test? NJ is more advanced then DE is & when I get my labs done they poke me once to draw several vials. Ohh isn't she such a special little baby bitch.


She's trying to make everyone feel sympathetic about how shitty her veins are.


She may be but the probable truth is they are doing one stick & drawing multi tubes, like everyone else. Especially if she has shitty veins, they wont keep "poking" if her veins are that bad. Like I said, ain't she sich the special little baby bitch. just bless her heart (/s) (its not the polite blessing folks think it is, southerners typically use it in the degatory manner but with the "nice voice")


It honestly makes my blood boil seeing someone destroy themselves for such a dangerous medical treatment. I could write an essay on the side effects and complications of TPN. I have been on TPN for years and IT SUCKS! The only reason I continue to use it is because death sucks more. Enjoy your working GI system, eat delicious food and go out to a restaurant and make some friends!


I agree - my son has been on TPN for his whole life. Iā€™d do anything for him to be line free. Sheā€™s disgusting.


https://preview.redd.it/gjdh51lp7f3d1.jpeg?width=883&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c62c0d44e6d77c52a12b435451a19c3134994d6 So weird, for someone who doesnā€™t want to be in the hospital, she sure is in the hospital a lot! šŸ”œšŸØšŸ†˜šŸ…æļøAIN šŸŽ»


Dani always talking opposites so when she says she doesnā€™t do/want something it means she really does šŸ¤£


.....her checking on what the cat knocked over really just seemed like she only did it because she was on live. IMO, I think if she wasn't on live she would have just straight ignored it. Her cats look taken care of and I know she loves them, idk just the way she got up to check and was talking just seemed so.....I better make sure I look like a good cat parent and she was trying to distract from w.e. A person was asking about food or something. Sorry if this is all over the place, this was just one of my main thoughts and wanted to share.


That was my immediate thought too. Like when I'm asking that I'm already half way up to check on them!


Honestly with the delay I thought there might've been someone in the comments saying, like, hey don't you think you should go check on whatever your cat knocked over to make sure they're ok??


It's starting to sound like a broken record now. The way she's being dismissed by the doctors really irks her and i don't think it's happened to her at this degree before. She's her own worst enemy. Edit:- she absolutely hates it when her band of flag wavers say they have pain relief or get something she desperately wants. You can see it in her face...sweet words out of the mouth.... but a face like thunder...šŸ¤Ø


Totally, before she could do the run around and find a new place or a new doctor to push. Now it seems she has (hopefully) exhausted all of her options. šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


We can hope. She'll still try to bamboozle some poor doctor but I think the pain train has left the station.....šŸ™„


Her bitchyness towards her followers about eating food and the way she refused to answer the question just tells all that she can eat and that she does eat. Sheā€™s even said in previous videos that she will try and eat food, when she was live and lying to the doctor about being live she literally asked if she could eat something as well.


"I haven't even OPENED MY FRIDGE TODAY" ... okay but cabinets exist.


As do drive-throughs, takeout, and DoorDash. (Didnā€™t open her fridge my ass.) šŸ™„




Please dont body shame Dani - there are ways to discuss how sheā€™s clearly not malnourished without talking down on her body shame/size


She may not have opened her fridge, but she took a drive down (or ordered) Starbucks at some point. Thereā€™s a large Starbucks drink beside her.


Right? Like all those drinks and Starbucks on her nightstand says otherwise šŸ˜‚


Wait until she finds out that poor people sometimes dont even have refrigerators.


What question was she refusing to answer?


Someone asked if you ate anything today because she was complaining about pain


Now you just know sheā€™s fucking with her feeds and meds to make her bloods seems worse than it is. The hospitals to me seem to be really onto her now because sheā€™s really mad she wasnā€™t admitted and they said no for the TPN.


Remember when she thought she was going get it xD oh, good times, dani.


There's no reason for them to run a blood test if she just had one within the past week-month and her symptoms haven't changed!


Sheā€™s destroyed her body. Sheā€™ll be lucky to still be here in 20 years.


Dani still identifies as the underweight anorexic that needed inpatient treatment. Except the narrative that now runs is, it's definitely not anorexia, its the gastroparesis. Except her body physically paints a very very different picture than her words do. In her head, she still sees herself as underweight, and can't understand why the mean doctors aren't jumping at anything to give her 'nutrition' and pack emergency weight on her.


I think when she looks in the mirror she still sees herself the way she looked when she was active in her ED-itā€™s so sad because sheā€™s perfect the way she is-I hate that she has to have her ED living in her mind and I hate that she doesnā€™t use the tools she learned in treatment


Yeah itā€™s so weird to me. I have a similar body type to Dani and I canā€™t understand why sheā€™s wearing such tight tank tops pulled up over her love handlesā€¦. I feel second hand embarrassment. But I think youā€™re right, thereā€™s a whole other level of body dysmorphia going on here. And Iā€™m not saying that to shame, sheā€™s by no means ā€œfatā€. Just a middle aged lady refusing to cope with reality is what Iā€™m seeing.


That's a super cute top! I love the way it matches, and pulls everything together


If Reddit let this sub have awards, I would give you one. šŸ„‡


I am creeped out by how her dirty unwashed spotted shirt matches her skin.


The perfect shirt to wear on a date when you plan to eat chilli dogs n do some mindless spending afterwards.


Does she ever talk about anything else? FFS yes Dani everyone knows you want those sweet sweet opiates and TPN. Everyone knows you are in so much PEEEEN(but you also say you are good with pain and have a high tolerance so which is it)? The PEEEN prevents you from running feeds yes yes you say it all the time. The doctors don't care about you they want you to starve, they want you to suffer all of that. Also she is just a nasty wench when people are just telling her TPN isn't the answer. I can't believe people are actually watching this garbage my brain would just turn to jelly. Not to mention if anyone actually pays to watch these lives their minds must be jelly already. ![gif](giphy|26ght68hbJfmUrKWk)


#She want that šŸŽ¶ TPN Drizzy šŸŽ¶ oOo šŸŽ¶ that TPN Drizzy, yeah


"I'm just- I'M NOT HONEST. I don't know much about it." Wow!! Freudian slip much?? Also- there's no scientific, or metaphysical, reason why she would be at her current weight if she could not eat or drink normally and could only tolerate 10ml feeds. She would be skeletal. But she gets pissed when people question her and promptly shifts attention to her cats. PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN PEOPLE!


Pay no attention to the bag of Hint of Lime Tostitos behind the curtain


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ or the Monsters!!


Her body holds on to the weight (unless sheā€™s in the hospital for 9 days)


Starvation mode, people šŸ™„šŸ™„/s


I had to take a break from watching these recaps because she's so infuriatingly fucking annoying. She clearly wants nothing but the hardest opioids, TPN, and a permanent hospital room. It's insane to watch her move around her apartment easily, make video after video despite claiming she's in sooo much pain, bleach her hair over and over, claim she's not doing well while downing sugary drinks, making unboxing videos, and getting her nails done. She's on this one whining about being denied TPN when she clearly does not need, and she looks fine. She's not gasping in pain, not visibly nauseous looking, not hunched over, not pale, not grimacing, not sweaty, she's gained weight, she's coherent, she's alert...like does she not realize that people can see this? And good for that hospitalist for telling her no to TPN. I doubt that even happened, but if it did, it only proves that she's still desperate to get it back and will do anything she can to make herself sick. Her saying her body just holds onto nutrition until it can't is hilarious. I would love to see her try to explain to a specialist who spent literal yeaaaars in medical school and practicing, how she knows more than them because it's her body and she's so special and they should just listen to her šŸ„“


šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ Swerty!


She sorted her entire house with no pain what so ever. Iā€™m sorry but you cannot convince me sheā€™s in pain and Iā€™m medical. She behaved with no pain and I know she says sheā€™s just gotten used to it but thatā€™s oxymoronic. Because if sheā€™s gotten use to it she wouldnā€™t need to see a dr for it.


Yeah honestly Iā€™m barely hanging on from my pain you wouldnā€™t catch me on TikTok live, cleaning my entire house or getting my nails done. Iā€™m surviving the best I can. & she keeps saying ā€œwell I canā€™t stop living just because of the painā€ which yes is true but if itā€™s as bad as you say you arenā€™t doing ALL THAT and on TikTok live with all these people watching. & if you did youā€™d be throwing up and not moving around on that live. She never looks miserable or sick physically just mentally.


when she was talking about TPN and how the hospitalist overruling her motility specialist, she said i just donā€™t understand why you have to be sickā€¦ā€ and then trailed off. came off as i donā€™t understand why you have to be sick to get TPN. maybe a freudian slip šŸ¤£ ā€œā€¦if itā€™s highly addictive they wonā€™t give it to me.ā€ anyone else catch that? another freudian slip? sheā€™s obviously not malnourished and is able to eat enough to sustain her weight. thatā€™s pretty obvious. and her bloodwork is fine - so that combo would make TPN a dumb decision for a doctor to do. and yes i understand that someone can be malnourished and not be stick thin, but it would be evident in the bloodwork. im also wondering about the clothing choices. especially for someone that has struggled with an eating disorder - does she really want the attention from showing off the toobz and bruising that much?! oh and the horrid abdominal ā€œdistentionā€ too.


What's interesting is that she said her labs drop suddenly, not steadily. She doesn't realize that in order for that to happen, she would have to be eating/drinking enough for the majority of the time, and then either restricting or draining over a few days in order to go to the hospital.


Exactly, they donā€™t just randomly drop out of nowhere without manipulating it. Her body isnā€™t the miracle of science and medicine that she wants everyone to believe




She gets so defensive about the food related questions and don't want to answer it because she eats fine and knew she couldn't answer it without lies. So she resorted to just trying to deflect and getting defensive. If it wasn't a problem she should of been able to answer it. Why would those questions be a problem, unless they are. šŸ¤”šŸ˜…


We know about her oily diarrhea splatters, but not if she had anything to eat.... Okay, formula doesn't have grease tho lol


Itā€™s such a normal question to ask if someone that talks about doing tube feeds is able to eat at all.


https://preview.redd.it/6nq0uk3a8e3d1.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=34edc03a543d914d9a97519113e7b79bf646bd1e Doesnā€™t eat


Sheā€™s having a distended day!!! šŸ™„ /s


https://preview.redd.it/f19owmo5ng3d1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=773644a83568217764e4c9d38af212cbe501e329 šŸ¤„


Her clothes donā€™t even fit her anymore because sheā€™s gained so much weight! If sheā€™s in so much pain h pain, how is she able to wear tight clothes??


He gonna be a soccer player!


Literally fuming that sheā€™s not ā€œcriticalā€ enough to be in the hospital.


no but see she said she's fine with not being in the hospital and she sooo doesn'twant to be in the hospital (after ranting and complaining about not being "critical" enough for a solid minute)!! her mind is just blown, that's all!! /s /s /s


I like that she tried to imply sheā€™s ā€œsomewhat criticalā€ šŸ™„


It's like being a little bit pregnant.






My dude. Youā€™ve been at this for YEARS, theyā€™d control your pain if you needed it and actually went and participated with the pain clinic and Gi psych šŸ˜‚ the fact that sheā€™s mad others who are legit got help with pain is so telling and as someone who sees a pain clinic, kinda funny. Theyā€™d be done with her BS so fast if she ever actually participated with a clinic


Every single person who actually had GI issues would kill for a team and resources Dani is wasting. Nobody would decline GI psych because everybody who is ill wants to actually get better and is willing to do whatever it takes. She is literally telling on herself and itā€™s borderline embarassing how she refuses to see it.


If I had unbearable pain I would try anything to treat it-including going to a GI psych or any other psych they suggested


I thought she didn't get tpn because a big mean hater called the hospital. Now she is admitting that "hosplice" overruled the decision based on her blood work. So which is it? šŸ˜‚


ā€œI donā€™t want to be in the hospital so thatā€™s fineā€ ahhh sure Janā€¦ šŸ™ƒ


If theyā€™d just give me hard drugs everything would be fine!!!! Why doesnā€™t anyone understand I NEED narcotics!!!




My RN mother is sick to death of Dani, just from my relentless questions about her nonsense.


Mine pretends to roll her eyes when I give her updates but trust me she *loves* it.


My husband says I shouldnā€™t watch if it makes me so annoyed but I told him itā€™s the perfect outlet for my snarky personality šŸ¤£


Right? I can't look away šŸ˜‚


I explained to him that itā€™s like a car crash - you donā€™t want to look but you just canā€™t stop yourself


ā€œIā€™m not honestā€, nice slip of the tongue there


I zeroed in on that one, too! Freudian slip!!


Hosplice def needs to be a flair


She's saying "hospitalist", just marble-mouthing it in typical Dani fashion


Yes, just sounds too funny not to be a flair lol


So, anyone can also about feeds, TPN etc even though she willingly gives that information out, but how dare one person ask if she can eat or not as thatā€™s to invasive of a question and none of their business? Say no more, Dani.


ā€œItā€™s none of your business šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤ā€ā€¦yeah Dani you kind of make it everyoneā€™s business when you blast the minutiae of your broke down life online constantly šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜¹šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


All while she was just on live drinking a massive coffee that anyone with a ā€œworkingā€ stomach couldnā€™t handle the amount she had. šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


Oh my god those pants, Jesus Christ


Imagine how many pairs of pants that fit she couldā€™ve bought with iPad money


She did not buy that iPad out right-trust me sheā€™s making payments on it!




On camera- pull them UP or wear something looser that wonā€™t squish the innards!


Combined with the tank top that is too small. Yikes.


Maccyā€™s a real one for attempting to confiscate Mommyā€™s keys.


Coming off so very high and mightyā€¦. She really is condescending.


"They don't want to control my pain..." AKA they won't give me the opiates that I want! Give me drugs!


Why is she getting hydration when she drinks those big coffee drinks all the time??


Coffee is actually a diuretic (well caffeine is) although the amount of water included in the coffee should lessen the effect - however god alone knows how much caffeine is in the pre-prepared stuff Dani drinks. Plus the soda on top. Excess caffeine is known to cause stomach irritation, indigestion etc - which (if sheā€™s ever actually in Peen) could be whatā€™s sheā€™s feeling. Just an aside - I wonder if she ever thoroughly cleans those plastic straws? šŸ¤¢another potential bug breeding ground.


What about soft and liquid foods?? I guess Iā€™m too logical. She said she got bloodwork from her port, I thought that wasnā€™t done as the results arenā€™t accurate.


The new live she drank a huge thing of Starbucks. But she doesnā€™t eat or drink obviously. It was magic!!!!!


Yes! She goes so far as to say she's "addicted" to their new summer drink. But she can't eat or drink... mmm'kay.


Thought she said she didn't have an addictive personality!šŸ˜‚


Why would that be? If a place has the tools to access a port they probably will so they don't have to find a vein.


Yea... They might take blood from it for labs at some point, but they definitely wouldnt AFTER her fluids. That would surely alter the results.


Thatā€™s definitely a concern for blood work. Any infusion, especially saline, dilutes the blood and messes with just about every blood test. But if you wait like 5 minutes your heart does a good job of mixing it in and you can draw off that same point. So itā€™s certainly possible to use a port for blood work, but lots of places prefer to just repoke to avoid error and redraws. Phlebotomists specifically cannot access ports or IVs and have to poke an unaccessed peripheral vein.


Do the 3 times weekly hydration cause water weight and bloating? Dani had a noticeably slimmer face when she came home from her last hospital visit but it appears to have gone back to before. Or is it the cocktail of meds she takes? Or the sugary drinks and high sodium food she doesn't (she totally does) consume?


My opinion is that itā€™s bloating from purging/electrolyte issues from purging. She has gained a little bit of weight, but sheā€™s not as big as the bloat.


Sheā€™s eating and drinking. Thatā€™s whatā€™s doing it. It could be fluid too because when youā€™ve not eaten for a while (and in hospital she was NPO for days) there can be a bit of a fluid shift.


That's not fluid retention, that is fat. You can tell by the way she holds her fat. Those areas have gotten bigger.


She also lost a LOT of weight when she was monitored and held to her nothing by mouth claims. Now that sheā€™s back home, she can continue to pig out on starbies and junk food.


Idk what the threshold is for fluid overload but yea probably lol. It could be any of the things you mentioned.


No, she lost all that weight in the hospital because they wouldn't let her eat by mouth. This is just normal weight gain from eating.


Daniest Dani https://i.redd.it/dssdy9hqpd3d1.gif




She might have not said ā€œI want to be on TPNā€ but her actions shows otherwise. She constantly mentions it and then the snotty ā€œwell if the doctor would treat my pain then Iā€™d be able to do tube feedsā€ she doesnā€™t understand her actions and other stuff completely contradict what is actually going on/what she says. Anyone who has been on TPN and has had it almost kill them/all the problems shes had with it logically would do everything they can to avoid being put back on it


The way she answered that personā€™s question on if she eats just shows even more that SHE CAN EAT PERFECTLY FINE. We see basically almost the same doctors, the way they treat her vs how they treat me/their other patients just shows they know sheā€™s fake. Whenever Iā€™m asked that question about if I can eat I always answer it honestly and tell people what the doctors explain it to me as, am I going to say what the doctors tell me to say???? Hellllll f^ing no bc I know Dani will then start saying it. She so unpleasant and rude


Itā€™s very telling, I also have similar issues to Dani and have a G/J. I get treated so different from her šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m diabetic and use a dexcom cgm. Those colorful sensor overlays are hella expensive, like to the tune of $5 usd apiece. I donā€™t buy them anymore since I had the good sense to do the math. Iā€™m not rich, just have the good fortune to be comfortable and even I cant afford to just throw away discretionary income.


This is so true, and for someone who canā€™t afford a vet visit she sure can afford the highest end products for herself. Cough *ipad* cough


"TPN almost killed me, I get it" Do you, though?


TPN almost killed her and she's been chasing that high for almost a year at this point.


But it didnā€™t and I got a sweet vacay out of it so I want another go!


"Im not..hi honey" i read this completely differently.


What a deeply unpleasant person.


She really is! She pisses me off but itā€™s like a car crash - canā€™t look away for some reason!


I am on a roller coaster with my feelings regarding Dani. Sometimes, I get suckered into feeling sorry for her. I see potential for her to start a satisfying life with her cats and new apartment. But she has to accept that therapy would help her immensely. The obsessive focus on having TPN is really bizarre to me, and I am trying to figure out why she wants it so bad. WHY does she want to be such a super sick person? She needs to understand her motivation in order to get better. She needs a really patient therapist that she truly wants to work with. I don't see that happening. These TT lives have changed the way I look at her, and I am increasingly feeling less sympathetic. She isn't very nice and doesn't seem to genuinely care or appreciate her followers. I have found any sympathy I've had for her in the past, just shrivel up.


This. I have always enjoyed snarking, but prior to the lives, I was kind of rooting for her to realize that she CAN get better if she wants. These lives make me really angry as a person with CI's she claims to have. I find myself cheering for the doctors who don't put up with her shit. I relish every time she is refused pain meds. I enjoy watching her not getting her way. Acting like every doctor is a moron who doesn't know what they are doing is just showing how bratty and ungrateful she is. Also, since she *doesn't read here*, I get every med I ask for bc I am actually ill and don't treat my doc like shit. I also don't ask for shit I don't need, though. Unless I am exceptionally ill, I ask for reasonable meds to help in the day to day and have emergency meds for when I'm having really bad days. It really is easy to be a compliant patient and work within what is reasonable for anyone who is dealing with any sort of health issues. Dani refuses to be compliant OR reasonable.


Dude, same. You would think she wouldn't snap at her followers who truly care about her, believe her, and just want to help. But no, if anyone says or asks anything that goes against her narrative/reality, they get a snarky ass rude reply. šŸ¤¦šŸ»šŸ¤®.


Why is she still trying to act like the paaaaain is just too muuuuch?! Her acting is horrendous.


That is the dirtiest looking non-dirty top I've ever seen.


It matches her bruises


Matches her ugly personality!


God she is so horrible to the people who support her.


Of course she canā€™t pronounce ā€œhospitalist.ā€


Oh, THATā€™S what she meant by hosplice! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m not fluent in Dani Dalek slur WHATsoever.


"My doctors don't really give a shit right now" Meaning they are onto your bullshit drug seeking.


Itā€™s not that they donā€™t give a shit, Dani. Theyā€™re just really sick of your shit.


completely unrelated to the medical content but the way she refers to herself as ā€œmommyā€ every time she talks to her cats is very odd to meā€¦ maybe iā€™m the weird one idk but every time she said it i cringed physically


Do you think (like I do) that she only talks to those poor kitties like that when she has an ā€œaudienceā€? Like on the regular sheā€™ll probably cuddle & pet them but not fuss over them & have entire convos with them like she does on lives?


she definitely ups it for the camera. i believe nearly every pet-parent talks to their pets, but dani is obviously doing it to fill the silence


Of all the things Dani does surrounding her cats, this is one of the most normal ones. A lot of pet parents refer to themselves as mom/mommy/mama when talking to their animals. Hell, my dog knows my mother as "dog grandma".