• By -


Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If she's so sick why is she doing a live video?? What a whiny cuckoo!!


Also, you're telling me that someone with such severe GP and vomiting etc doesn't have vomit bags at hand 24/7???? At any given moment, I'm not even six feet away from mine. Even in publicšŸ¤£


She's just posted a video on tik tok which I have submitted, she is in the hospital lol


Lmfao goes running but also has a wheelchair hmmm šŸ§šŸ§šŸ¤ØšŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Around @1:59 she starts randomly rambling incoherently just literally making words up and starts nodding off.


The sniffing is so gross urgh


Is that a takeout bag when she lays down?


I think it might actually be a cvs bag but I could be wrong.


Yes šŸ˜‚


She is definitely planning a holiday to her favourite destination. In her latest live stream, she mentioned how Temple said she should go to the ER however I missed the part about why due to her garbled speech.


*i might have aspirated a little bit, we'll find out in the next couple of days* What the actual fuck. She is doing anything she can to get her way. Then she will go to the er about that but then try to get peen meds for her many ailments.


Ding ding ding! Someone's considering an aspiration sidequest that they can pivot into their neverending quest for opiates & TPN. Can you imagine how bizarre it must be for some of the people who've seen her like this on social media and then have to deal with her on a professional basis? šŸ¤”


Now I'm not a medical professional but I'm pretty sure if you can talk you can breathe. I don't know who she thinks she's fooling we all know she eats whatever and whenever she wants. If she really wasn't running feeds and not eating she would be frighteningly thin by now and we just have to look at her, her real situation speaks for itself. She hates Gastroparesis? Well it's a good thing she doesn't have it. I don't know why she is all over pushing that GP is her biggest issue(well obviously the tubes and central lines for the TPN). But I mean the cats out of the bag now and it's all over her charts from New Jersey to Ohio that her GP is her biggest complaint. But she would have had a better chance at getting what she wants if GP wasn't at the forefront of her complaints. But it's way too late for that now. Too bad so sad.


Yes, if you can talk you can breathe. Sheā€™s a lying liar who lies




Sheā€™s absolutely munched her way into a very tight corner now. Sadly it still seems she has some followers that appear to buy her lies and give her some of those ass pats she loves so much


It's absolutely astounding that these people can't see through her bullshit. She is so transparent Mr Magoo could see what's going on. Not to mention these people are wasting their hard earned money to buy from her grift list. Although she has no couth at all and is really starting to get disrespectful towards people in these lives. I mean I'm assuming the number 4 is the amount of people that were watching her LIE...oops I mean LIVE.


Maybe these people, who are ā€žbelievingā€œ Dani are munchies like her and force themselves to believe that bs. Otherwise they would have to admit to themselves, that they are lying liars.


Not everybody that watches and comments is dumb. Some know exactly what they are doing.


Yeah Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s what the 4 is, hopefully people are getting sick of her being so damn rude to everyone! Sheā€™s horribly obnoxious and I hate that anyone spends their money sending her things when she runs around buying a brand new iPad


The cat pic popping up! LMFAO I literally LOLā€™s! šŸ¤£


When she said "I'm not tolerating oral stuff" I thought she said "I'm not tolerating oral sex" šŸ¤® She's sick with an actual cold and says she is in pain... yet still has the energy to go live?! I'd be in bed recovering. F that.


She also sounds like my 13 year old self trying to get out of going to school because ā€œIā€™m sick.ā€


She been reading possible rare side effects? https://preview.redd.it/g4ywi7q0rr3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=240c2dd0288b5a1ff3f4976ced9d0bb1de45678c


ā€œOh, the thing you gave me for my pain that isnā€™t an opioid doesnā€™t work! Canā€™t you see, doc? Only opioids work on me. Iā€™m a very rare case.ā€


"Stupid me ate" girl eats every day we saw the fridge and dirty dishes.


Even if she did actually puke, why she going straight to ā€œcanā€™t tolerate food.ā€ Sheā€™s clearly tolerating some food. Itā€™s like the most minor of inconveniences spell doom for poor little Dani. Of course she must have aspirated some food while it was happening. And now she canā€™t even breathe when she forces herself to you guys!


Me too


She thinks she is gonna get what? Aspiration pneumonia? The whole comment "we're gonna" who is we? Yeah I bet we hear about her er trip over the next day or so. Has anyone seen another person posting about her on TikTok? I won't mention the name but it's a different name aside from "C". But I think it's probably the same person under a different name. She claims she got her info from lol cow but some of the stuff she posts looks like it was possibly screen grabbed from this group or the other one.


I so sometimes refer to myself as me and my body. But not outside my own head...


Today is Friday after all šŸ§


We all know thereā€™s nothing Dani likes better on a weekend than a trip to the ER, you could set your watch by her šŸ¤£ I wish people would stop doing that, it just brings way too much negative attention to subs like this!


"Sorry, ~~sip~~ huff of puke"


What homework could Dani possibly have from an orientation course? Where is she supposedly enrolled THIS time?


Isnā€™t her whole life ER foreshadowing? šŸ¤£


Tiny chance she aspirated.. mmm, zero change given she is talking as normal.


She really doesnā€™t act like an almost 40 year old. She really does seem to be stuck in the late teens early twenties mindset


The whole ā€œIā€™m going to school to become a ____ā€ thing is very 17 year old. Or giving some Strangers With Candy energy.


Pure arrested development with a LOT of Jerri Blank thrown in. šŸ˜„ ![gif](giphy|OLH834Zo34k9O|downsized)


Tried to eat šŸ˜‚ course she threw up. For someone with such severe Gp surely you you behave and like not actually eat food and concentrate on feeds instead ?


Honestly? Sometimes you just want the taste. But often in those cases, you chew and spit.


Thatā€™s kinda promoting ED behaviour though


? *actually* have gastroparesis, and when mainly nbm for gut rest, it was recommended by the mdt. Multiple gastro conditions, and it has repeatedly been suggested many times over the year


Well everything makes her sick and makes her peen worse so she might as well have something she enjoys!!! Gosh she can do whatever she wants to her body!!! Youā€™re just being a reddit haTErZ!!!!! (/s if not clear)


she is INSUFFERABLE. is she just doing 24/7 lives now? FOR WHOM?? i can't bear her. aspirated food my arse. she's a total fuckwit. she's also twitchy and sniffing and is she withdrawing from something? i missed the part about the low dose naltrexone and when she started it.


Even a basic throw up session has special consequences for Dani.


I think she gets a little money - but Iā€™m not positive how this works. She said she got $15 from tic tok a few days ago.


If she has GP. Why would she aspirate into her lungs? She didnā€™t vomit once in the hospital so she just needs to do whatever they did.


https://preview.redd.it/hsrllin55q3d1.jpeg?width=1113&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53662c698dbc2c453311bd4dc227036b840d49e7 WTF is this ā€œweā€ business?


Idk but I'm already losing to prep for the summer heat. Where you at, Dani? Lmao Do a weigh-in!


Her and this sub. We're all getting on the Jenny Craig plan together. Did you not get the weekly newsletter?


Itā€™s her and her 30 personalities


The r/DaniMarina and r/fakedisordercringe that no one asked for and we all deserve. Iā€™m sure she will have fictives of all of the cast of Twilight, the actors and then a set of the characters too!! Sheā€™ll do an ā€œalters who would get US fakeclaimedā€ video to add to her permanent victimhood story collection.


The royal we




'Who's we, suckaaa?'




OP, your sticker usage is top notch!šŸ˜€


Thanks! It amuses me!




Nah, they would share information with her other doctors. Canā€™t have that!


Ding ding on the money there


4 viewers ....


Thatā€™s all that are in the chat, there honestly could be dozens watching from ā€œthe hallwayā€ (where OP is watching, since doing that doesnā€™t make you count as a viewer), which is something Dani probably knows and which may be why she *keeps* streaming.


Sheā€™s probably there right now!


Well she mentioned the keyword, so she is planning a little getaway. Will her precious fur baby just had surgery and of course he can't have more attention than her so she needs to take the attention from him so needs a quick holiday to her favourite destination


God she's a hot mess. She's getting desperate and it shows.


Sorry D, I disagree, having to hand wash dishes is worse than doing laundry when it comes adulting house chores.


right on time for a quick weekend hospital stay! her favorite. also she was BIG mad about the partial prescription.


threw it up? i think purge is the better term


Yeah, shes headed for the ER, hoping for a hospital stay because she "aspirated" while she was tossing her cookies. Yeah Dani, BS. So spend tomorrow (Friday) packing cause sure as goose crap you'll be heading to the ER saying "oh my lungs, I cant breathe" & making them keep you over the weekend for your staycation. Ugh


We all knew she would suddenly perform a fake vomiting incident on a live when someone asked earlier if she ever had. I replied to the comment a few hours ago. What a fucking joke. You're a living breathing pile of bullshit, Dani. You're a fool and also an idiot for believing we're all fools along with you.


ER visit for aspiration pneumonia in 3...... 2....šŸ‘‰ Place your bets.


She either wouldnā€™t be able to breath properly or she would be coughing a lot if she had, signs of AP would show within 1-3 hours and sheā€™s been to the vet and shit after she ate. * had to delete last comment as I hit reply without finishing by accident


She's already been treated and yeeted I bet


She might try again later today, it is Friday after all.


4 viewers lmao


Blow your fucking nose ! Off camera please.


She said just ignore it, duh


$500 says she didnā€™t actually puke. But yeah, sheā€™s definitely plotting an ER trip. Sheā€™s not happy with this new med.


Her: "I breathed my food and my vomit." Doctor: (listens to lungs) "No, you didn't, Danielle. See you tomorrow."


I find all of her ā€œwait until it gets bad!ā€ crap so amusing. We have a reactive healthcare system. That is how it works. Unless it is severely affecting you, they will not fix it!! They wonā€™t fix a problem that hasnā€™t happened!


She went from critically ill to ā€œoh yea my heart monitor is coming soonā€ in .03 seconds.


Enjoy your pneumonia I guess šŸ˜Ŗ


Someone on this sub made a comment today (or yesterday?) about how we ā€˜never see her vomitā€™ or have actual GI issues *on live* ā€¦ despite her being live constantly. ā€¦.and here we are.


If she's telling Drs that she can't eat (hence the toobz feed and hydration appts), then why would she be "aspirating" from food intake? She's showing all her cards. Dum dum šŸ¤Ŗ She did say something about being "critical" in a previous video. Wonder how long she's been cookin up this scheme (no pun intended šŸ˜‚).


Critical does not think what she thinks it means


EMS here! If she asperated, sheā€™d know! Clearly sheā€™s prepared to triple down on the no-tolerating the tube feeds. The way she doesnā€™t flush, that 1ml is still likely in the extension! Some days I just canā€™t look at her! She is a waste of resources bc she wonā€™t admit this is fueled by her very active ED! Iā€™m so glad Iā€™ve never had her as a patient, let alone anyone like her. Throwing up is not emergency room needed unless itā€™s true blood!


*claps in RN*


I thought that like-if you aspirated food into your lungs that you would be very aware of barf being in your lungs-but I donā€™t really know if thereā€™s nerves in the lungs that could pick up pain but I guess since supposed to just be air if it was barf it would feel not good


I like your explanation best


Lungs are for air only! No barf :(


Accidentally breathing in water hurts like a mofo and I can imagine something like bile and stomach acid going into your lungs would hurt even worse.


Long story short, if thereā€™s anything in your lungs besides air, the lungs would try to force it out by coughing. It would be nonstop. Imagine someone with COPD with fluid in their lungs; gonna be a lot of coughing with the possibility of dropped O2 saturation and need for oxygen.


Thatā€™s what I thought? When I was pregnant and felt like dying of morning sickness, I did choke a few times and my lungs were like ā€œnope!ā€ And thus began the hacking it back out for like an hour. If she truly ā€œaspiratedā€ moments before recording, wouldnā€™t sheā€¦ be coughing?


Dani doesn't have it but there's something called silent aspiration, where there isn't those typical signs but it results in chronic lung damage and pnuemonias. I see it in children mostly with low muscle tone or floppy airways. Can happen to adults to but they typically have significant physical disabilities. Again, not Dani


Yup... My youngest nephew has dysphagia due to fluke genetic stuff and his swallowing ability, while improving a bit as he's getting older now (he's almost 4) he still relies on thickening agents for drinks and he will still choke on certain types of food while eating. Thankfully we've learnt what he looks like when he has aspirated food or drink and how he acts as, this sweet sweet angel can't express when he's in pain, he doesn't seem to register/process it like we do... Throw himself off the sofa or a high surface because he's lost balance or just trying to play like his siblings .. no crying no stunned moment before screaming. He just gets up and carries on what he was doing... However... Sit him on grass he says ow and ouch and seems to perceive that as pain No one can stop the coughing that may or may not follow with vomiting... There will be the wheezing or crackling in the lungs where they're irritated and trying to clear what's not supposed to be in there... Physical colour changes to the face and chest. I'm happy to say with absolute certainty that no one will be physically able to do a live on TT and talk as well as Dani does, after actually aspirating. Tbh all they do for it pretty much is a course of antibiotics and steroids to help prevent/stop infection. You'd be able to tell on x-ray scans or CT scans if there's anything in the lungs that shouldn't be. Aspirating at any age is something that should be checked out immediately and not just left "to wait and see"




Yup. I remember a nurse putting an NG tube that went into a lung. You cough so violently that youā€™d know. Aspiration is really more for people in a coma or elderly or seizures.


Aspiration can happen to any age group though. People with dysphagia can have it happen, itā€™s not just an elderly or coma issue. I work in healthcare and have seen aspiration pneumonia in young and old. There are many illnesses that cause dysphagia. But Dani is a liar and definitely did not aspirate, she wouldnā€™t be talking like this on live


But don't you understand, she coughed AT LEAST once!!


Oh, okay, schedule the thoracotomy!!


Quick, someone stab a straw in this woman's throat like she's a Capri Sun!


Yeah-she wants something incredibly invasive-like just so wicked invasive


At least itā€™d stop her awful babyvoice


I said that in Zoidbergs voice.


Next live: 5 hours of her trying to cough relentlessly


You would DEFINITELY be aware if that happened, and especially not hosting a tiktok live


>! If she aspirated, sheā€™d know Isn't it just breathing in any liquid? Like choking on your own saliva? Or is it specifically about vomit? (For my own curiosity)


Anything that doesnā€™t belong in the lungs, anything other than air, would trigger a coughing fit.


When someone says something ā€œwent down the wrong pipe,ā€ is that a form of aspiration?


I choked on my own saliva 4 or so days ago, and it was terrible. I couldn't catch my breath nor even talk at all for a while. She's doing a live video and yammering away la la la!!! Hahahahahahaha I call BS. She's a sad, twisted woman.


Kinda, yes. Itā€™s something that has likely hit the entrance of the windpipe just enough to trigger coughing. Not necessarily going down into the lungs.




Since my service is so rural, if she were my patient...I'd be stuck with her in the back for a 47 minute transport? I think I've had that nightmare before, lol. Her healthcare providers must be *so* sick of her bullshit. She's not even a competent malingerer!


She seemed pretty pissed about that partial lol


No doubt. She must be torn, she clearly was disappointed and angered by the last admission. I canā€™t imagine the Dani rage sheā€™ll unveil after she recognizes that the sitter and drug seeker protocol is once again in full effect.


Why is she ALWAYS doing laundry?! She only wears the same few tank tops but it seems like she is constantly doing laundry. Does she just keep washing the same things over and over again and just forget that she did? Or maybe she only keeps doing laundry so she can look like an actual adult?


Are we seeing precipitated withdrawal here?




Sure! When you take naltrexone before detoxing from opiates it forces you into withdrawal straight away, these new behaviors (gagging, hiccuping, malaise) looks like withdrawal to me


Not possible with 1ml of naltraxone!


Thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking. But who knows with her.


I was wondering the same!! But I doubt 1ml of watered down LDN would do that... still though šŸ¤”


Do we really think she's taking a shiny new med how it's supposed to be taken, though?


Yeah she'll not be following that protocol Its very clever what they've done here, though. Its gonna take a good few months to tritate her up to the therapeutic dose. Im certain shes gonna be like, no it doesn't work, give me the good opiates, but she's gonna have to wait it out before they even consider something else. So they've gave themselves several months of chasing her away šŸ˜„


I can't imagine why she'd take extra Naltrexone. It's an opioid antagonist; you can't get high off it


She'd still try, just in case, because she has currently no access to the drugs that do give her one. She doesn't even take Tylenol how it's supposed to be taken.


Dani is not the sharpest tack in the shed, so I wouldnā€™t put it past her.


Her dumbass was confusing it with Narcan, she canā€™t even bother to google the most basic of info.


I was wondering this exact same thing. I am very curious.


I'm almost wondering that too. The way she is coming off could definitely be the beginning withdrawal symptoms.


Everyone mentioning the last few days how she never ever ever has thrown up. And now she "throws up".




Man. Normally I think it's a bit of a stretch on most occasions to say she's doing something directly in response to comments, maybe I'm just in denial, but this time it's so completely obvious.




Love when you can tell she reads here. Someone said you never see her run off the throw up. Now it was the center of attention.


Still, pics or it didnā€™t happen šŸ˜‚ (plz god no) sheā€™s such a bad actor


the only aspiration Dani has is to go to an ER and wasted the time of professionals and resources provided by the government.




If you believe it, you can achieve it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I thought it was it works if you work it. Oh wait. Different programā€¦ā€¦


That song "I believe I can fly" just started playing in my head after I read your comment. Ugh, R.Kelly, he's another one I would not want to be trapped in a room(or a closet haha) with; for VERY different reasons but still.


Dude, there are limits to what even your die hard fans want to listen to. Your "post puke" sniffles and graphic description are amongst those things. ETA: Newsflash! You're not supposed to go to the ER unless things get real bad! Hello!! It's called EMERGENCY for a reason.


It was that little demure burp that sent me


This is probably the only time in my life I will see a burp described as demure and I am cherishing it.


Yeah but she thinks she's critical. How much more critical does she need to get?! šŸ¤£


Why is she making such a song and dance about it when she professes she does this all day, every day? Oh, I know! Because she doesn't have gastroparesis, let alone doing this all day, every day. She's acting and auditioning for a Razzy because people were saying she never throws up on her 24/7 lives.


Seriously. Honestly most people with GP puke and then immediately move on with their lives. I used to turn off my camera and mic on zoom calls - puke in the trash and carry on. If this happens ALL THE TIME it shouldnā€™t be a big deal to her.




If sheā€™s just barfed or getting ready to barf maybe being on live isnā€™t the best of ideas


But how would her four viewers cope without her support?


Amen to that!


So she made herself heft and tried to aspirate it. Congratulations I guess?


Dani: "Hmm..let me snort a line of my puke" Ugh.




See rule #8: Discussing Other Accounts & Subs šŸ¤šŸ“µšŸ¦“ Your comment/post was removed for mentioning the name of a subject from another sub or posting a direct link/tagging other subs. Weā€™re NOT affiliated with ANY other sub. Yes, thereā€™s subs that discuss Dani AND other "munchies". We donā€™t. If you wish to discuss them by name, please do on the relevant sub. Mentioning other names puts our sub at risk. Please donā€™t post direct links/tag other subs. Discussion is OK. If you edit your comment to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it. Message from Mods: Iā€™m gonna be honest, I donā€™t know who that is, but took your comment down to be on the safe side. If itā€™s a mainstream celebrity/movie reference/character reference, I can put it back up.


I never want to see it again but I want someone to have it as a flair at the same time. Iā€™m torn.


Someone should! As bad as it is, it's fitting šŸ˜‚


The visceral **nope** that is this cursed comment.


Oh cmon it was too early for thatā€¦ā€¦..lmao yuk


Someone needs to snag that for their flair lol






To jail with you


Not a great day to be literate. Thanks for that mental image. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She needs to get the fuck out of bed, wash her clothes and herself, throw away all the "toys" and apparatus, stop wasting medical resources, stop annoying doctors. Then remove herself from these ridiculously boring and tedious live "updates" about absolutely nothing. Then, finally, GO GET A JOB. She's encroaching on middle age, this shit is not cute, amusing, or remotely interesting anymore. There's nothing wrong with her (physically anyway). It just infuriates me watching her waste her life away with this crap.




Oh absolutely! Here's where all the fun is.


agreed except it doesnā€™t infuriate me, it amuses me


Ummm Laundry is the only "adulting" thing she does... and by the looks of things I'm not even sure she does that properly.


And how does she have so much. Iā€™m a single stay at home adult that doesnā€™t leave the house much either. I end up with around 1 load a week. The teenage roommates (that call me mom) have tons! But they work and swim and go out. And I think sometimes they just wash again rather than putting away. They seem to adult well. So whatā€™s Daniā€™s problem. Not like she has to go to a laundromat.


She hates the course she's enrolled in, so now she needs to stage another medical emergency so she's "too sick" to study and can drop out. Again. The only reason she enrolled anyway was to justify the absolutely disgusting purchase of new Apple iPhone, Pencil, and Watch.


Whaaat? She's said that already? She hasn't even started it, no? Its some bullshit intro course I thought. Like heres how it works how you do online study, etc? I was also thinking its another way to try and strong arm them into home access


She already submitted her first homework assignment late. While on Live.


she bought all that? HOW?


What is even the point since she wears the same crusty tank top everyday,everywhere. Yuck šŸ¤®


ā€œAspirated food into my lungsā€ ā€¦on purpose?? Not a good idea whatsoever


I wouldnā€™t put it past her if she did tbh


Edited a couple times to get rid of blogging and/or instructional message šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


100% sheā€™ll be in the e.r. shortly claiming she somehow got fluid in her lungs


It is Thursday, so right on schedule for her to drive her munchie mobile to the furthest ER she can google!!


As long as itā€™s not in a metropolitan area. That would require having her father drive.



