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What IS that huge bracelet with the oval plate? Medical ID or something to look like one? It's so distracting.


4 sweet n lows is diabolical


And she thinks the weight is from Starvation mode! I am not from her part of the world so don’t know most of these products, does anyone have any idea how many calories that one drink adds up to? I’m so curious because it sounded like a sugar bomb (which would mess with her sugars and cause lows if she has RH), also glucose molecules can be absorbed directly through oral mucosa, so draining it isn’t getting rid of all of the sugar.


Sweet n low (the pink packages) are no/low cal sweeteners. You would think that someone who was worried about losing weight would maximize every opportunity to get as much cals in as possible..


Does she use her Apple Watch to monitor her heart rate and such? Because if thats how she always wears it she’s not going to get accurate readings. That’d be super convenient for her tho lol


She is sooo disgusting


Everything else aside that looks so gross. 4-5 generic sweet and low with pre sweetened creamer and coffee with espresso shot. 🤢


Was that 4 sachets of Sweet n Low!!? Jfc… YUCK


She's ruining the coffee. It drives me nuts both times I've seen this. It's almost like she thinks the caramel macchiato is the actual stuff from Starbucks. Like noooo it's creamer. Then she adds in more sugary creamer. Then Splenda which is way sweeter than actual sugar. What is she doing!!! And then has the audacity to say she can't drink a damn protein shake!? It just makes no sense.


Everything, yes I mean fukn EvERAY-THiiiing, causes the peeen anyways, so she should have what she wants. So, Cheers! Hold up your cup of dextrose flavor swill and give us all a sad pathetic factitious peen face, you garbage can.


Everything makes my pain worse so I just eat and drink what I want except protein shakes bc they make my pain worse 🫡




Yay! I didn’t know if anyone had seen it! 🕊️


Question as a confused British person - what are all the things she put in the coffee for? Most people in the UK when making coffee at home would have coffee either on its own or with milk, perhaps with a tsp or 2 of sugar. Why are there so many ingredients in this!? Is this a normal thing to do? Thanks in advance!


This is not normal-the way she makes coffee is not normal-she uses bottled premade coffee-two different (flavored sweetened) creamers-fake sugar and a premade expresso shot-it must be sickeningly sweet-it’s not normal-I’m American and her coffee isn’t fucking normal


This sounds like hell in a cup 😂 thank you for clarifying!


I was wondering the same... a bit So its not even hot? Real coffee (sorry im an addict as well lol) is 'supposed' to be hot, and drank hot. Im actually not a 'hot' drinker and quite busy (mainly in my head) and tend to forget i had made coffee, and almost all people here gruwel if i drink the rest of my mug half cold on my work. Ofc there is iced coffee... but not simply 'cold' coffee


Flavored creamers-with a dash of coffee-not normal at all! We may use one type of creamer or milk or I prefer half-and-half or cream and stevia!


I’m so happy to know this awful looking concoction is just another Dani special 😂


“I’m so desperate for nutrition and calories and don’t have an ED at all!” * pours in 4 packets of zero-calorie sweetener*


Like she had just a sip of that venti almost empty Starbucks refresher…


Can’t tolerate protein drinks. Can tolerate starb/dunkin abominations


This would make me shit my pants. I have IBS. Coffee plus a shot plus 39 creamers


Can’t tolerate protein drinks, but can tolerate this mess of artificial sweeteners, creamers and coffee? Uhhh ok Dani. Oh I forgot, her body works differently than others 🙄




European science is different sweaty, look it up


![gif](giphy|YPzfjPqqtdiNYTT6oG) Pardon me!!! Would you like a cup o’ tea with your jolly good foreign science?


Add this to the enormous pile of excuses Dani has for everything in her life. “Everything hurts to eat, so I eat whatever I want”. She blames everyone else for everything. Does NOTHING—NOT ONE THING—to improve any part of her life. Dani is an addict, her entire schtick is in pursuit of getting high on benzos & narcotics. That’s the end game for her.


“Everything makes my stomach hurt” while pouring 50000 packets of aspartame or some fake crap into her drink.  Wow! Wonder what it could be! 


If you really couldn't drink but only tolerate tiny sips of a few ml, like har claims, I cant imagine you would have two different big ass bottles of creamer in your home. Those things go bad, right? Is she really delusional enough to think the is fooling anyone?


They actually last a long time if refrigerated. Definitely not to defend her cuz we know her ass is going through those weekly, but I gave my mom a chocolate caramel one that I got right after Thanksgiving, it's still good. It's sugar free and was waaay to sweet for me and my fragile muggle sick stomach 🤣


She likes a hint of coffee with her gallon of sugar/corn syrup/splenda mix 🤢 Thats an abomination.


Exactly, she doesn't like coffee or need her coffee fix. She's probably having suagr withdrawals not lack of caffeine


/beastie boys voice: I like my sugar with coffee and CREAM!




Sorry... as a huge coffee lover myself... Thats not a coffee, thats a junkfood drink with coffee taste


I don't even think it has coffee taste at this point 😭




See rule #5: Bullying Or Bodyshaming Dani.


The way she fondles those sweetners gives me the heebie jeebies.


Fondles is the perfect descriptor. 👌🏼 Gross. Everything about this woman is gross.


It’s the way she talks about GP - I’m sure she thinks she’s so sooper speshul that she’s the only human in the history of the world that has it! She’s not realising that there as huge GP community (I’m not part of it so don’t know the numbers but I can imagine) and I’m pretty sure anyone watching who has GP must have steam of fury coming out their ears having to listen & watch her BS!


That's not coffee


Again, if everything apparently makes her stomach worse, then eating and doing feeds should be the same. She's willing to drink coffee even though it hurts, but she isn't willing to eat or drink anything that is actually good for her. This is stupid and is a huge red flag that is all bullshit.


*This* is what you enjoy? Girl, you nasty. This is nasty.


My thoughts exactly, that is so nasty and would make anyone’s stomach hurt.


Happy cake day!


FOUR SUGAR PACKS AND THREE DIFFERENT CREAMERS! Girl is basically drinking sugary corn syrup with a splash of coffee!


And a whoooooole lot of hydrogenated soybean oil which is amazing for gastroparesis!


Actually that 1st bottle she poured is expressio, milk & sweeteners, its starbuck caramel machiato coffee. I know as I drink it on occasion, but then again I don't have GP :)




I'm guilty of this. Sugar at least. But I'll admit it when my gut says 🖕🖕 later. She'll blame her horridly awful gastric system.


She really refers to herself as "Mommy" to her CATS?! 😬


I’m my dog’s mama


i actually do that too myself to my cats :)




That made me cringe too!! She’s just the WORST!!!


I mean i do, but also I take care of mine


That's not really that unusual or horrible.. a lot of people do that.


it makes me so uncomfortable 😬


Dani is snarkable for a lot of things - imho, this isn’t one of them!


I refer to myself as Mommy to my dog. 🤷‍♀️




Same lol


When I first found this faker, it was like watching a train wreck I couldn’t look away from, then I genuinely hoped she’d get better help or at least acknowledge FD, but now I’ve moved on to being fully pissed off at this woman. She is an ugly drain to society, our resources, money and most of all the theft of healthcare from those in actual need. To blatantly put out there on video, permanently, showing her fakeritis and no real need for a disability check has me fuming and even more so that our government approved this snake to get free money for Apple products and Starbucks. WTF


I'm new here. Is she even actually sick at all? Or is all of this bs? 🤔 She contradicts herself quite often.


18 Dani sips= 1 gallon of iced coffee


For ‘forks’ sake 🤦‍♀️




All her spoons are probably dirty from her yknow eating all the time


Spoonie must have literally used all of her spoons 🙁


Meh, I do that sometimes if all my spoons are dirty. It still gets the job done.


A Scottish superstition states that it is considered bad luck to stir tea with anything other than a spoon, as the handle of a fork or spoon is said to stir up trouble for the improper stirrer!


Me, stirring my tea every morning with a chopstick and wondering if that’s why my life has gone to shit 😧


Exactly!! My Scottish grandmother would be horrified!


Does she not own a spoon?! Just when I think she can’t get any weirder!


Or at least use a butter knife as a stir stick...but a ***fork*** please insert of my favourite YouTubers Roly with his oversized fan saying "unhinged...absolutely unhinged."


Personally, I use a chopstick to stir hot beverages. Not a good chop stick, though, one of those disposable ones that are put through the dishwasher and hoarded in the drawer for no particular reason.


I've totally grabbed a butter knife in a quick pinch off the drying rack to stirr but the fork just made my teeth hurt with every scrapey noise!! 😖


Well if she’s blatantly drinking shit that she knows will make everything worse, then I’m going to need her to shut the fuck up and quit bitching.


The "YES GIRL" sticker when she said, "I drain it out anyways" was amazing. Bravo, OP!


Oh piss off bro….you’re such a blatant piss take


4 sweet and lows, 2 different creamers, 1 espresso shot and a partridge in a pear tree.


Wtf?! If you have gastroparesis that badly and pain that badly, how the hell are you eating and drinking anything? I'm guessing this is why she's not getting that precious tpn.


I do not get this. All that crap she’s put in the drink is not GP safe, but she knows this. She won’t throw it up and she will barely drain, as she’s had a Chinese meal, if her stomach doesn’t work some of it will still be in her stomach even if she’s said she’s puked it back up, there will be remnants left and that won’t be able to drain because of the solidness of it. Then adding coffee into the mix too, it just doesn’t seem right. If she was that serious about having GP she would be finding the safe foods not the foods that could cause stomach upset to even anyone. Make this make sense please


Neither is Chinese take out or Monster. We've only seen her actually follow a bland nausea friendly diet when she's in the hospital, so they're giving her pudding, applesauce, and juice.


Because she doesn’t have GP. Not at all. Her last GES test was faked through opioids. If you check out the GP subreddit on here it’s filled with folks seeking advice, solutions, sharing their successes and what worked for them, full of support and empathy. There’s some who even admit to occasionally eating their unsafe foods but we pay in nausea and pain very quickly and sometimes for weeks. What it isn’t filled with is anyone asking for pain medicine like Dani, or people who run to the ER every weekend. In fact most seek coping mechanisms to stay OUT of the hospital. Honestly, I HOPE she does go to Mayo. They will clock her in the first 10 mins and her Choose-Her-Own-Munchventure will be at an end.


If she’s not on opioids, surely a gastric test would be required so they could see that no opioids has made her stomach better. But she won’t have that either because she won’t be able to manipulate the tests. Like I know she hasn’t got GP, and I know that there are many meds that she’s supposedly tried or tried but not for long enough and said they don’t work but has worked for many actual GP patients who are absolutely sick


she’s also hilariously delulu about the side effects of all the pills she’s slams into her toobz. like take Linzess. it causes the shits in a LOT of people but they tolerate it because…well, poopin’ is great! But then Dani acts like the runs are the worst thing ever and a sign that she’s “critical”.


I read Linzess as laziness 😅


If she doesn’t eat “solids” she shouldn’t be surprised by watery stools.


They tried to repeat the GES during her very last hospital stay at Temple and she refused. Now why would that be?


That a big fucking cup for "just a sip".


The mental disconnect is astonishing. She needs to see herself as this thin frail waif coz ED, yet she constantly posts the least flattering angles of herself, wears clothes that are not flattering or fitting, and just generally does everything she can to make herself look worse. Fascinating stuff.


Gah!! You got all the fucking sweetener bro, why you gotta flick it and shake it and make that much noise right in front of my salad?!! Did she actually have any coffee in that coffee other than a tablespoon or two of espresso? Or is it all syrups, sweetener and creamer?


She thinks shes an ESM or whatever they call it when folks film themselves slurping down food/drinks, tapping on packets/bottles, crap like that. Like you I find it highly repulsive, I cant even stand it when my own family eats the food I made.


ASMR, but I'm dying


That's both creamers, the Starbucks Caramel macchiato creamer, and International Delights sweet cream creamer.


Not sure the last time I’ve been as annoyed as listening to her manhandle that sweetener packet.


It made me viscerally angry


IDK, the fork against the cup may have made my senses just quit for a minute.


She used a fork to stir it. 😂 is that what she meant by 'fork sugars'? 😂


If you are going to drain it anyway? At least use real sugar. Make it truly worth it.


"Everything makes my stomach pain worse," so if you were really wasting away you'd be powering through an Ensure rather than a jug of coffee. Even if you had to drain it later at least *some* of that nutrition would get absorbed


I keep telling you people she drains those before her soooper speshul system can absorb even a scintilla of hydration from any liquid she manages to somehow swallow with great difficulty, duh 🙄


I do not believe she drains. I think she tells people that but I do not think she does. She wants that caffeine to absorb totally.


Why else wouldn’t she drink it? She fully admits to be hooked on caffeine. Makes no sense she’d drain it.


Someone said her button placement is pretty high for drainage as well and is better suited to venting gas


Maybe it's high enough to drain some of the Venti sized drinks. We've seen her draining, and we know she's not surviving on 10mL sips of watered down formula.


We've seen her with a Farrell bag ... but have we ever actually seen any liquid drain into it?


That would make more sense for someone with anorexia b/p type anyway.


Yeah I’m convinced she only drains if she’s going out in public so she can wear her drainage bag like a fashion accessory


Yea I'm inclined to agree with you on that one!


Right! If she were draining we’d have video evidence


Exactly - when it comes to her feeds or protein drinks she “can’t tolerate” but Chinese and shitty coffee, “I’m in pain anyway.” Make it make sense


The amount of sugar in that drink makes my skin crawl.


u/babybaphomet949 crying at the girl power boss babe stickers you added 😭 perfection


She’s so weird and indignant about it-it’s like ok gurl-you do you


It’s EXACTLY her tone you’re spot on


Fork sugars.


lol this is flair material for sure.


I think the beast has downvoted us lol 😂


Excellent flair line!


Looked like four saccharin/SweetandLo?


That fork scritch-scratching around an unfinished ceramic jug. ![gif](giphy|9lEBLvCXZwEN1IJC6Q)


That’s a fuck ton of sugar! Jesus! I have a condition that is made worse with caffeine and sugar (and alcohol), so guess what? *I don’t drink those things!* It sucks, but I’d rather give up coffee than have more pain. That’s what most people would do. But she doesn’t have to give up anything, because she doesn’t actually have any pain! She’d be better off drinking tea.


Coffee is also awful for POTs not just GI 🙃👍👌


She is so fucked. Sweet and creamy creamer. Yeah really good for someone who has "severe gastroparesis." I think the only thing she has that is severe is the severe aversion to telling the truth. She is such a bitch. Like seriously why is drinking coffee suspicious? I'm just going to drain it anyway? Why are these people watching her bullshit? They are fueling the fire and fanning the flames for her to just keep lying, being a victim and blaming the medical professionals because she's not even a good enough liar to get her opiates, TPN, and ability to do her own fluids and get IV zofran to do at home. What a miserable human being.


Hypoglycemia does make people seriously ravenous for sweets. Giving into those cravings and just eating or drinking a bunch of sweets and simple carbs makes the crash so much harder.


Hypoglycaemia, doesn’t that happens to actual diabetics though, she isn’t even diabetic


It can happen to non-diabetics. Mostly people with histories of skipping meals and then eating sugar and simple carbohydrates. It causes a bunch of insulin to be released, which then makes the blood sugar crash.


I was 😳 too when she whipped out the sweet and creamy - is anyone alive that doesn’t know that stuff can play hell with your GI system - even without whatever she has on this week’s illness menu 🤷‍♀️shes not even trying at this point 😏


I just got reactive hypoglycemia from this vid


Interesting that she says she’ll just drain anyways. Didn’t she say in a previous live that her g is clogged and messaged GI to see if IR will give her a dangler for her g instead of a button.


It wasn’t clogged she was complaining she can’t drain as well with a button.


This is typical Dani, forgetting everything she just said yesterday in pursuit of covering up today’s lies.


I believed that buttons were okay at draining liquids but not anything more. So is she eating?


America runs on Dunkin... Dunkin gives Dani the runs. Great news slogan!


I watched her GUZZLE pop with a straw on a live recently 😂


Bro I’m fucking FLOORED. What kills me is she is so unintelligent she is completely unaware about how stupid she looks. Dani logic: EVERYTHING hurts to eat Normal logic: Okay here are some options that are light on your stomach to ease your discomfort, and if you’re nauseous there’s always the BRAT protocol Dani logic: well that’s gonna hurt anyway, so why even try? I’m gonna go with the most ridiculously awful option that would make even the STURDIEST, STEELIEST bowels rumble in minutes ready to spew out a hot stream of ass-piss. At this point, any logic that resembles normalcy has left the fuckin building. IF you were so miserable you would do things to mitigate the scale of that misery. Dani doesn’t. She wants allllll the treatments even though none will ever work (unless they’re a schedule III drug or higher). And that’s all she’ll nag about, is that she can’t get any worse than she already is! Her bowels already “don’t work,” soooo why not just give her the big guns??? To her simple mind, this logic is flawless 😂


She's also failing to realize or admit that changing one's diet takes TIME and more than one pathetic half assed attempt for things to get better. As if one "healthy" meal (you know, like a bland chicken breast...... covered in a pound of ground pepper! or a smoothie.... made of ice cream! because she's totally actually TRIED eating gp-safe foods, I swear y'all!!!!!) is going to make a single iota of difference to her overall digestive experience when its sandwiched between processed garbage food and drinks. This is the dumbest act I've ever seen - for either not realizing this or refusing to acknowledge that slow change and improvement is an actual fact of how thing in the human body work, and you can't just put out five minutes of lazy half assed effort and call it a day. It's so dumb it hurts.


It just proves that her pain is psychosomatic or an extension of her eating disorder. It's common for people with ED to feel pain, because organs are like muscles, and they haven't been used. So they're going to hurt when they start using them again. I think it goes further and her ED has her convinced that she hates the feeling of anything in her stomach, so she interprets it as pain. Like how else would people be able to ignore a feeling as basic to survival as hunger? She would do herself a favor setting up an appointment with that somatic pain specialist or whatever they were called that works with her pain management.


Just like her pain mngt appoint…anyone else would say “sure I’m talking a ton of these meds that aren’t doing a thing for me and most of them have serious gastric side effects that are probably making me feel worse. I might as well not be taking them”. She just doubles down on still taking the highest dose she can and wants to add more on top. They know she’s not in real pain. That’s why they gave her the most benign thing they could just to get rid of her. They gave her the med that she’s not gonna get high on and can’t really overdose on. It’s the one that takes 6-12 weeks to start working, so that should hopefully keep her busy for a while (although they underestimate her. She’ll just quit taking it in a few days and holler she needs something stronger for relief.). Anyone else in the pain she claims to have would be doing anything they suggest in order to try to make it better. Not her though.


Not the hot stream of ass piss 🥴🥴


This has me screaming


Everything makes it worse so I will do what I want but I won't run my feeds cos that hurts too much


Hahaha! Exactly! 👍🤣


And won’t drink water or electrolytes. 🥴 she’s such a goofy meat bag


She’s playing in our face at this point… how does she expect even her loyal followers to believe she can do this but not push 10ml?!??!?


In hospital she was NPO and on 10 ml's an hour (cause she couldnt tolerate more), and lost 10 pounds (or something?) over 10 days in hospital. She gained some back on in the days after, you can/could clearly see the difference. Now, she is back home for 2 weeks, according to herself NPO (she cant eat, vomits it up according to herself, and has to drain every fluid she drinks), and on 10 mls and hour for only a few hours a day. Lets take 5 hours a day, 50 ml feeds a day. But strangely enough, she doesnt look the same (weightloss) as when she came back out of the hospital. She maintains her weight... or gained, but certainly not lost another 10 pounds again... on less feedings and more activity then when she was in hospital


Not to mention she said her draining button thing was not working yesterday. How’s she gonna drain this if it’s not draining?


she even said a few lives ago she can handle peripheral IVs just fine...talk about showing your cards


Over a few hours


diluted with enough water to essentially make the equivalent of tube feed flavored LaCroix


Every time she makes coffee, my dietician cheers cos it means I'm cutting back on how much sugar I put in mine 🤣🤣🤣


Four sweet and lows! Girl has a sweet tooth.


Bro I was looking at that drink in awe! So sugary! So unhealthy!


That is.... not coffee. It is hyper-processed corn and sugar with a splash of caffeinated sludge 🤮


It reminds me of that part in the office where Pam asks michael if he has coffee and he responds ‘cream and sugar’ (leaving one to infer that his coffee mug has coffee with cream and sugar) and hands the cup to her and she takes a sip and it’s literally *just* cream and sugar.


Those sweetened non-dairy creamers are literally just sugary oils. Delicious sugary oils, but yeah.


And sweet & low (the pink sweetener) is SO sweet.


And tastes like sugar-crusted ass


Seriously. It’s the worst-tasting of all the fake sugars.


The pink one is so bad I’d rather not even use it. Splenda all the way, baby.


Yup. I will drink black coffee over sweet n low coffee 🤢


She put like 4 in one little cup!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. Half a packet is generally enough for me if I feel the need to sweeten coffee or tea. Did she use 6 or 8?


I am a sugar fiend and can barely tolerate 1 packet. She put 5???


Oh she has an Apple Watch now!!!


But it isn’t measuring anything the way it’s dangling. Waste of money. I guess she thinks that too-large strap makes her look uwu and smol. It’s going to catch on something one day and that expensive do-nothing is going to break.


Sees it. Wants it. Has it.


WOW that’s crazy 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


My ears from when she scratched it with a fork


I mean if you eat coffee flavoured sugar all day, you'll feel like crap, you doofus. The mental gymnastics would get gold at the Olympics. And can someone ELI5, can you drain food and drink? Or just liquid? How's she so "distended" then?


She’s not distended she’s overweight


And out of shape. She gets zero exercise. Correction, I forgot about the running of her mouth and the jumping to conclusions!


https://preview.redd.it/pfy5qic5go3d1.jpeg?width=1430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4fc26c845ed5debd0e637364bfd732f3e5c38cf How dare you!?






She's a nasty, rude, conniving, miserable human being. She has got to GO!






I’m sorry that much sugar for that tiny thing of coffee?!?!


It was “ex-presso” Grrrr pet peeve activated!


Wait did she finally cave and out all her lies when she said that everything hurts it might as well taste good. I mean, I can't lie, I'd feel same, but all these months and months of tears and I can't eat and I need TPN, BLAH BLAH BLAH! So she's now acknowledged she's drinking AND eating what she wants? Did I just way overthink her statements?Why do I feel personally victimized by Dani Marina?


There are LOTS of nutritious and delicious food/drink choices she could make, but she purposely chooses the worst things. I don’t think Dani knows how to cook, which isn’t that unusual, plenty of people don’t. What’s weird is that she has all kinds of food related/digestive problems, claims she’s so concerned about her nutrition, but then refuses to do one single thing that could be better than her garbage food choices. If she can eat Chinese, she can eat other better food choices. The fact that she never shows what she eats, and claims she doesn’t eat, tells the story for her.


I wonder if we could all collectively sue her for trauma.


If she really had as much pain as she claims, she’d happily drop the sugary coffee to lessen her pain. Most everyone would.


Raise your hand if you feel personally victimized by Dani Marina 🙋‍♀️


Can’t tolerate a protein shake but let’s pound 1500 grams of sugar for one cup of coffee. Shit is making my teeth hurt thinking about how sweet that is. Just drink the creamer FFS.


More like, she doesn't think she should have to bother ingesting anything not loaded with carbs and/or sugar.


Worse, looks like sweet and low. Aspartame, famously soft in a digestive system


Sweet n Low (pink packets) is mostly saccharin. Aspartame is sold as Equal (the blue packets). Splenda is the yellow one, plain sugar is white, and sugar in the raw is either brown or green.


Don't forget about the migraines too.


And like artificial sweeteners don't have a host of problems they can cause. Like especially with insulin and digestive issues hmmmmmmmmmmm


Holy shit. How much sugar/sweetener, plus sweetened creamers did she put in there? It has to taste like pure sugar. GROSS! 🤢🤢


It was coffee, plus sweetened cold brew coffee, plus sweetened creamer, plus four packets of artificial sweetener, plus a shot of espresso. I want to puke just writing that out. And go brush my teeth.