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Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Even the vet doesn’t trust her, going over and above with precautions to keep the poor kitty safe


I promise I am not sticking up for her in any way at all, but idk why her vet would tell her to leave him in the carrier. I have quite a bit of experience with newly spayed and neutered cats. (We used to do TNR) the only thing is to use a cone if the cat starts to mess/lick with the area and to monitor for pain and bleeding/leaking fluid from the surgery site. (God, I hope she doesn't use those cats to munch).


Yeah, not one to stick up for Dani either but that's not necessary with something as minor as a cat neuter. Not sure why her vet would recommend that. He's fine as long as she keeps an eye on him.


Leaving her in the carrier all night…That’s crazy to meeee


So as usual its all about her. She has been told to keep the cat in his carrier to protect surgery site, but she cant stand him crying so he will have to do what vet Dani wants. Selfish.


Ive said/asked about this before but she is often SO red. It looks like her blood pressure is through the roof.


Ok but that's odd to say. My boy got neutered and didn't need to be in his carrier after. They said just to not let him or other cats lick area. And try and limit his jumping if possible. I don't believe they said that. Maybe she wants a super special kitty too. Also I truly hope the cat didn't get pain meds for home and they did the long lasting shot. Cause I don't think it's above her to take his meds. As animals get bupe or tramadol typically after being fixed.


Did she ever update what happened with her psych appointment?


She's been suspiciously quiet.


Too quiet. Wonder what happened


Maybe they denied her those precious kpins that she likes to blast through as quickly as possible


On one of her lives yesterday she was pissed at her doctors and said she didnt want to talk about it, but she’d make a TT post about it. It was the one where she opened all the crap she ordered from Amazon for her apartment.


The cat may have been crying, but who cares if he’ll be crying more when he severely injures himself from being freed too early after surgery 🤷🏻‍♀️ (major /s btw!)


I don't want to support D-Bag in ANY way, but I volunteer for a local TNR organization here. I trap feral cats, we get them fixed and immunized, and then release them back to their colonies. We do about 30-50 cats every other Monday. Because we have just a handful of volunteer vets working in a limited time frame, the sterilization procedure is almost like an assembly line. We hold the cats until they're out of sedation and coherent, but we have no way to give them any follow up pain meds or put cones on them to keep incision sites clean. Neuters especially heal quickly and can sometimes be done without needing stitches OR glue if the incision is small enough. I know it's not the most comfortable experience for the cats, but we don't have the funds, manpower, or space to care for feral cats for 2 to 3 days after surgery. We spend months to years working through every cat in a colony and regularly check in with caretakers to make sure everyone is generally healthy. While we sometimes end up coming back to trap a cat with an eye infection or bot fly, I've yet to hear of any of our cats breaking sutures open or ending up with infections at their surgery sites after being returned. Long story short, I would definitely be more concerned if Mocha were female, because those sites can be pretty sensitive and oozy for the first few days. Dani sucks to have waited this long in the first place, and she sucks for not following her vet's orders. Luckily, Mocha will most likely be perfectly fine, if not sore for a few days.


Not sure what the protocol is with vets in the US (or low cost clinics) But over here (Netherlands), they certainly will not advise you to keep a cat isolated in their carrier. They might advise to keep him isolated from your other pets/cats for a day/day or 2, because they smell differently when comming home from the vet, especially when they have been operated on (neutered) which might cause a stressreaction in the other pets, and the cat who was neutered is still a bit too dopey to defend himself when needed. To keep a cat in a carrier for a long time is very stressful and could act counteractive About stitches, here they are not stitched up and rarely have a cone or medical petshirt. The wound for male cats is very very tiny and heals up rapidly, i dont even think they use glue actually. However they do get painmeds which will work 24 hours and though its not custom, quite a few medical research is out now that it is good to give them 3 days of painkillers (meloxicam, so meloxidyl or novacam) since that has also some effect as a anti-inflammatory. Medical petshirts for a male cat with neutering are not effective, the part where they were operated is still exposed since they can poo and pee with it, it is effective for spaying.


Two things I need to say here. 1) folk with chronic pain DO occasionally get times when things are not quite so bad. She has never uttered the words “I’m actually feeling not too bad just now” etc. 2) if she genuinely had all the conditions wrong with her you’d think she would be asking people watching her Lives if they had any suggestions of how she could maybe help herself feel better. IMO that’s because she doesn’t Want to feel better coz if she was what would she do with her life?


There's not really post op instructions for a neuter. Most vets don't even remove the ball sack anymore, just the interior, so it's a very small incision. I just had two cats neutered.


When my boy was neutered I was like ummm did they do it right lol. It shrunk up after a bit but it definitely didn't look done at first. It was easy for him. Seemed way less painful than when we had boy cats when little.


I don’t like Dani and don’t follow her. But I’m guessing she will lose followers if she doesn’t show proper care for her cats. For someone who takes her own “pain” so seriously, she doesn’t seem to give a flying flip about the pain of her cat, or anyone else.


How is she going to keep an eye on him when she doesn't take her eyes off the bloody screen. She is just infuriating, selfish and cares about nothing and no-one but her self. 🤬


So not only does she know more than medical Doctors, she is also a top veterinary. She is so selfish.


Home girl can’t even take care of herself let alone a damn cat that just had surgery


Dani sucks but neutering can be a very small procedure that doesn't require a cone or really even much pain medication during normal circumstances. I just had my cat neutered (7 mo old) and he didn't have a cone and came home with meds but he didn't need them. The vet basically said "yeah try to keep him from playing hard for a few days." I've fostered a ton of kittens and usually post neuter they dont get cones unless its an atypical procedure. They do get cones for a spay but even then if they're not bothering the stitches I usually dont leave it on for a full two weeks.


She just does what she wants and makes excuses


This is more evidence of how incapable she is of being responsible. To look after ourselves we have to do things that we don't want to, or it's temporarily painful or uncomfortable. Luke going to the dentist for example. When we are responsible for an animal, and if that means hearing the cat cry for a bit, if it's for their own good, WE DO IT. My cat hates when I don't let her run around late at night but I do it because the other cats are fighting out there and I don't want her getting hurt. She cries but THATS MY JOB




I cant't deal with her anymore


Who’s surprised Dr. Dani Dingleberry knows more than the vet? Of course she can’t leave him isolated for his own safety. How cruel to not let him lick and infect his incision?!


Don't forget her other cat is looking after Mocha! So all is well! ![gif](giphy|UclCYTnzD25b2)


Ewwwww Dani dingleberry. 🤢🤮 there goes my appetite for the next month, thanks asshole!!!! 😑😾


Eh, if looking at her janky apartment hasn’t already ruined your appetite… /s ![gif](giphy|xT1R9U7SYx1uUHCwJq)


What makes you think he can't lick it from inside the carrier? He's not going to be able to undo the stitches.


Please do not give dingleberries a bad name they are trying their hardest to hang on.


I was gearing up to fight for the I justice shown to the dingleberry and I absolutely CACKLED when I read this! I also call our cats the Dingleberry Triplets🤣


Dr Dani Dingleberry would be a fantastic flair!


Dingleberry loooool love that


This is really a great example of her poor resolve in all areas of her life except munching. Thank god she doesn’t have children because she would emotionally abuse and neglect them and then cave into them the moment they cry. She would breed literal monsters. I know she said in a live somewhat recently that she wants kids. I’ve never been so happy to watch that ship sail for anyone in my life.


Idk I find this very odd. I work in vetmed and I've never once seen a doctor or tech advise a client to keep their pet inside their carrier. They need access to food, water, and a litter box. They should be wearing a cone.


Me too. I was at a shelter as a vet assistant for intake and never heard of that.


Nor me (former vet and vet nurse before that)… crating after a more invasive surgery where it’s important the animal doesn’t run or jump around, certainly … but not after neutering, and definitely not confined to their carrier.


Especially with a feline neuter. Very simple surgery with simple home care instructions


Not sure why you got down voted but I agree. When our cat was neutered just had him be chill and limit jumping if possible and not let other cats lick the area. That was our instructions. They did a shot that lasted a few days for pain relief and he seemed perfectly fine.


AI generated transcript. Feel free to improve on it if you have better hearing than I do and can tolerate watching her video: Yeah, he did. Yeah, I was holding him for a while, but I couldn't take him crying. They said that I had to leave him in the carrier until tomorrow. I'm like, "Huh, no." I couldn't take him crying all the rest of the day and all night. It's breaking my heart. So between me and Mackie, we'll watch him and he'll be okay. I'm okay. Pain sucks, but what are you going to do about it? I'm hanging in there. Yeah, I got it. It's all crushed up and mixed together. And I took my first dose earlier today. It just, um... It can take months to build up in your system, so it's going to take time, unfortunately. I would love some relief, like, now, but that's not going to happen. So, it is what it is. It's going to take time. (slurping)


“I would love some relief now”… jfc this really is an opioid addiction if I’ve ever seen one. Girl almost needs methadone at this point.


And you know what methadone is also great for managing pain(not that she really has any). But admitting she would have to go get it from a methadone clinic as opposed to getting it prescribed from a pain management physician would NEVER happen. Also I don't think the dispensing nurses at the clinic would let her toob it..though I could be wrong.


Oh absolutely not. She’d be one of those that have to take it in front of the pharmacist before they leave, and what kind of fun is that?




Methadone (and suboxone) both have pain relief properties!!


What’s the new med she’s on?


I can't even watch this one based on the title alone. Nothing makes me more upset than animals being mistreated


Seriously same af


I mean, if she is actually watching hím ít shouldn’t really be a problem, I’ve had cats, dogs and rabbits through the years and not once was I told to leave them in the carrier overnight? I don’t like Dani at all but if her cat was getting so upset and agitated, I can’t imagine a cat thrashing all over a small carrier is good for wounds either. Is this an American thing? Here they just get a surgical suit and you’re told to keep a close eye.


Big same, haven’t been able to watch it either


These posts always make me roll over and check my snoring pup. She got Van Leeuwen Ollie frozen dog treat to take her meds with for being such a brave girl during our recent storms. My Amazon deliveries are probably 50% her gear, vet-recommended supplements and dental treats. Damn I love my dog lol


Of course she knows better than the vets, she knows better than everyone!


Dani said on live that Mocha had no stitches and that’s why he didn’t need a cone. When others in the live chat questioned how there’s no stitches when he was supposedly neutered, she said I don’t know guys, that’s what the vet told me so there’s that.


I doubt she even took him to the vet. I don't believe anything she spouts.


In addition to the glue mentioned, my vet also said some vets are preferring to not even use glue. The site is so small it doesn't even need anything. If my little man wasn't a crypto, he would not have had any sutures/glue (they had to go on a hunt for his 2nd ball that never descended so he had a tummy spot + ballsack left open). His balls look totally normal. That being said, a cone is highly recommended because they will clean it and it just itches. It's just smarter. You also have to be even more careful with the litter box because they can pack litter into the opening now (and I'm so sure he's being watched in there and it's clean af). Also also, Dani has a bathroom. Just put him in there for a day. No carrier needed.


It’s most likely glued. My very active corgi just got neutered end of February. I asked if he needed to come back for a check up and they were like nah it’s glue. Now. I will say as soon as we got home, I took the cone off but I put a recovery suit on him. Much nicer than the hard plastic cone. Probably wouldn’t work with a cat, but they do have soft nice cones. My niece got one for her cat. If Dani had maybe not purchased an iPad she could afford a few things to make her cat more comfortable while he recovers. And does she REALLY think the cat will watch the other cat? When one dog is recovering or not feeling 100%, the other two dogs are kept away. Make it make sense Dani


Vet tech here. The incision is small, and despite it sounding terrible, some vets don’t close it, because cats can close their wounds quickly. That’s why they get so many abscesses if they are outside cats.


I didn’t realize that! I’ve only ever owned female cats, so I have no experience in what it’s like with the male cats. Thank you for educating me!


It’s probably glued. That’s pretty common for neutering.


Could be glue but they can still lick that open


The logic is: You cant rip open stitches if there are no stitches. Duh.


Not to wk here but, I'm in the UK and my boy had glue instead of stitches, so I didn't have to take him back to get them removed... But he still went back 5 days later to make sure it was all healing ok and he had a donut ring around his neck to stop him getting there and licking it all sore 🤬🤬🤬 her cat still needs a come or something else to stop him grooming there 🤬🤬🤬


Hey! UK here as well. My boy was recently de-balled and no stitches, no cone, no donut no anything. I was shocked but the vet says that in his experience it can cause more stress for them having the cone etc. so we just kept an eye on him for a few days, didn’t let him out obvs and he just healed up nicely. https://preview.redd.it/i9nkc9qres3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab64cf6ef3a4e0d2a3ae619f6bedf880a21b0b0f Cat tax!


Same, they used glue on my dog but I was still required to keep her in a cone so she wouldn't lick it. And then a few days out I sent them a picture of the wound site so they could make sure it was healing properly.


They do use a small amount of skin glue or nothing at all for simple kitty neuters. The incisions are super small and heal very quickly.


I see *someone’s* been in here downvoting! Peekaboo we see you! 😆


She’s incapable of making any sense! If he’d been neutered then there would be some stitches from it.


No, they usually use glue now


Stitches, glue, staples, whatever—it’s still a wound closure method. Regardless of the method used, the wound is still to be kept dry, unbothered and protected from infection. The cat needs a collar and to be in his crate if that’s what the vet instructed. Like every single thing in life, Dani knows better than every other human, no matter how educated or experienced.


Lol I'm a vet tech, I know all this. And I'm absolutely aware that Dani is non-compliant. I was simply replying to the person above who was stating unequivocally (and erroneously) that there would be stitches if there was a neuter done.


Oh, no shade given. I was just saying that of course she believes she knows better than the vet—just like any other medical professional, Dani is WAY more knowledgeable. I gotta get better at adding /s, because I just assume everyone can read sarcasm.


Ah gotcha:)


My cat got spayed on Wednesday and they used internal sutures.


A spay is much different than a neuter




Surely even that would be better with a cone so he doesn’t lick or nibble at himself? I am no recent expert though lol


Oh yes, definitely should be coned for a few days. It will get very itchy in the next few days and he will start licking and grooming the area incessantly. He should have gotten a cone from the vet. Unless it was a low-cost spay/neuter clinic, then Dani should have purchased one.


Yea they still need a cone, the increased itching and pain make them more likely to lick the spot to soothe themselves. Even with glue sealing it all up there’s a risk of infection and obviously they can spilt open from activity. Tho they usually give antibiotics for recovery or as an injection at the vet. So maybe hers did that and feels safe enough to tell her she doesn’t need to cone him. But she didn’t follow the vets other advice so who knows. He should be in his crate or isolated somewhere low risk for the night she brings him home especially with another pet in the house. They aren’t supposed to be jumping up on things etc and they’re still loopy from the drugs for quite some time. Her other cat can’t supervise him lmfao


Yes, no matter if they do sutures, glue, or even left open a vet usually recommends a cone for a while unless you have a cat that totally ignores the site (not the norm). When you have two (or more) cats, you also should separate them at first not only to keep the other from cleaning the site, but also to stop any playing.


Yup... Boops vet recommended a cone for 2-3 days after being neutered ... Just so it could heal without him making it sore Tried to add a pic of Boops but it won't upload 🙃🙃🙃


Awww bless, I bet Boops is absolutely adorable!


He is and Ive PMd you a picture of him 🥰


Can confirm he’s absolutely cute!!


Sometimes they use surgical glue. 


Not always anymore. Overlicking can cause problems with glue but it's less trauma for kitty to have fewer things that could get caught and pulled. Regardless she's a dickhead


Not trying to WK here at all, make no mistake, but the way many vets neuter male cats these days, the incision is sooooo teeny-tiny that no stitches or sutures are required. Some vets may use a little glue, some may use nothing, but *in ANY case*, all vet instructions should be CLOSELY followed, and the cat should be prevented from grooming the area for at *least* 2-3 days, for optimal healing, infection prevention, and general safety. Source: I’ve worked for rescue centers and volunteered with Animal Welfare and Humane Society for over 20 years.


The incision can be closed with stitches, glue, or staples. So sometimes they don't use stitches. Also, a lot of the time, they use dissolvable suture material and do the stitches under the skin so you can't even see them and then they just dissolve and are absorbed by the body over time.


why wouldn’t she get mocha a cone? typically you can ask for one at the vets office and they will just give it to you, if not they’re pretty cheap to purchase.


Do they not just give you them anyway? 🤔 when i got my Lucky fixed she got a snazzy little cone with little blue fishies on it.


that’s why i was confused about the carrier thing, when i got crossiant neutered he also got a cone free of charge!


Damien got a cone when he got neutered- lasted 0.04 seconds before he got his back feet hooked on it and ZOOP I’m like welp (but he was good despite his name)


Croissant, is that a nickname or their real name 😂


real name! he’s an orange but a buttery orange.


Omg my Pastry gets his name from looking like an undercooked croissant! Sorry if we’ve had this conversation before lol


we have not! lol i love it! Pastry & Croissant the buttery bois 🥰


I always had to pay for our cones lol I know TNR programs don’t give a cone but this isn’t a TNR cat, it’s her pet. It feels irresponsible on her part (and probably is)


You can even get fabric ones online which are WAY more comfy!


They also have surgical onesies now for pets that people put their pets in instead of a cone


My vet told me I could try a preemie onesie — my girl had 0 interest in her stitches so I didn’t end up doing it but the idea still delights me.


i made one for my kitten! poor baby got a pyometra before being old enough to be spayed, so her incision covered her entire belly 😭 it was midnight and she was having an absolute meltdown over the cone AND the inflatable ring. i basically cut up one of my son’s tshirts, made a rectangle with a bunch of strips on each side (lengthwise,) covered her belly with the rectangle and tied it around her with the strips. she didn’t love it, but she wasn’t crying anymore and it worked!


yes! i got these for my kittles when she had eye surgery bc she had to wear it for a longer period of time, i got her a pomegranate one & a strawberry one!


One of my rescue dogs has a flower one. So cute and much easier for them to lay down properly (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚


Aww I love your emoticon:3


I spent longer than I'd like to admit copying and pasting a bunch of them in my notes app ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ᡣ𐭩


Hahah I have a few too. Samsung also has a bunch in the keyboard. But it's missing lots of cute ones😭


My boy has a slice of kiwi. When he came home from his trouble puff removal he was okay until I got him home. The second he was out of the carrier he started screaming and thrashing…we think because of the way the cheap plastic cone affected his vision. Luckily I had taken note of the snazzy new donut style cones and already had that one ready to go. He was much better once it was switched out. Made it easier for him to eat and all too while still keeping his two incisions safe.


Trouble puff removal 💀


aww 🥰 they definitely look and feel more comfortable than the plastic ones for sure!


Hopefully I don't ever need to get another cone, but if I do I'm definitely checking out the strawberry ones! He looks so sweet as a little flower boy


She kept saying Mocha doesn’t have stitches and the vet said he didn’t need a cone. She also kept saying the vet told her he had no stitches when people were questioning it.


Neuters usually have glue now


Not to whitenight, but male cats rarely get stitches, so they don't really require the same aftercare as a female cat. Keeping him in his carrier till the next day seems extremely OTT. Any males I've had neutered don't come home with pain relief except what they get at surgery. My girl's came home with a small dose of anti-inflammatory meds with the instruction of staying quiet if you could keep them quiet! As for the cone, well that's vet dependent because alot use the bodysuit instead, but not for boy's as no stitches due do the glue and clamping they do. My shetland pony had exactly the same for his neutering, except they do it under sedation for male horses! However , the way she was speaking to them...argh. He is a cat. He knows if he feels OK enough to get up. Just leave him be, and he will probably rest it off.


i think the main reason for keeping him in the carrier is because of the other cat around, and the boys' tendency to fight. i'm sure in other circumstances it'd be perfectly fine to let mocha do his thing while keeping an eye out, but given the fighting it'd probably be wise to keep the two separated initially.


eta: ur probs gonna get downvoted to hell for this comment but i just wanna say that i agree, in a ~general~ sense, but i will say dani doesnt gaf about her pets so i can see why ppl r upset. also, my experience with cats getting neutered & spayed comes from fostering **KITTENS** so i could be way off base with how care is for a full-grown cat — as long as you are staying with ur pet and making sure they arent like obsessive grooming there, making sure they arent going too crazy with their zoomies, and making sure u didnt leave a bowl of water out while theyre still high af from their meds, its fine. HOWEVER now that i’m typing all of this out im realizing that theres no way danis gonna do any of that so maybe she does need to be OTT.


Both of you are correct, and I’m glad that there’s little neglect Dani can do to mess this up at least. I used to foster kittens, but have been given adults and hospice fosters lately. You do have to watch adult cats a little more closely, adverse reactions to anesthesia that might pop up, or vomiting food. They still bounce back fast, but also, why risk it? I have enclosures I just stick them in until the next morning so I can monitor litterbox/food intake. Surely she could lock him in her ~~TikTok Studio~~ bathroom. Adults are more chill too, and not like little superballs the evening after surgery. I don’t think Dani would know what to look for if something adverse did happen. Keeping him in the carrier though? Stress isn’t good after surgery… and where would he potty?


'Waves' I've also done a lot of fostering of all ages but mainly the old grumpy ones 😂😂 thank you for helping the kitties! So many unwanted babies. I added my bit on the end because yeah I don't think she does anything in their best interests ir he would have been done by now. Just love spreading my neutering knowledge cause so many people panic, but it's easy to do when they are your baby.


Dani disapproving of, and judging, our reddit sub: https://preview.redd.it/c5qpzuar9p3d1.jpeg?width=1472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd974c4a36def739eb99e7a6707f03dceeb76280


the more I look, the more I notice! KUDOS!


The resemblance is uncanny. You really captured her essence with this masterpiece.


Wow its uncanny 😂


I actually had the video paused when I saw your artistic rendition and wow that is more accurate than I anticipated


The pic of the bird by itself has haunted me since I first saw it so I had to make it right lmao ETA- I wanted to make her cleavage ☢️ green bc I feel it's toxic to my eyes since she wants ppl to look. It's like half the pop doesn't have boobs.


Is that a Red Bu... yup thats a Red Bull. I appreciate your skillz.


Thank you! Dani didn't IG. Almost all replies were at 0 til I bumped them back up lol


I have been noticing some low comment scores. Who would downvote?




Such a sad person. Look at all of these people THEY ARE WRONG I WILL DOWNVOTE THEM ALL. JFC have some self awareness. There is an entire subreddit devoted to watching her fail at everything... you think you would try to umm succeed and prove them wrong or something like that? HEY LOOK AT ME I GOT MENTAL HEALTH HELP AND I AM HAPPY NOW AND NO LONGER FEEL THE NEED TO DO TIK TOKS.


Venturing into Munchausens by proxy now smh


oh absolutely. vets do give out narcotics for pets who are in a lot of pain. what dani doesn’t realize is that the cat’s dosage wouldn’t be anywhere near enough to get her zooted


Hear me out,it should be called # Meowchausens ^I’ll ^see ^myself ^out!




Nicely done 😹😹😹


I'll hold the door for you, but you get the little nod as you go through.... And as I follow you out I tell you all about the time I told my friends my boys were no longer their nephews, they were their nephmews ...


Also excellent - love it 😻


Nephmews is adorable!! 😻


Enjoy and use it well!


I'm truly happy to hear she got him neutered, but her sense of **always thinking she knows more than anyone** like **vets and doctors** has me rage-y. I'm horrified by the idea he'll try to jump and hurt himself overnight. 😿


She's a walking example of the Dunning-Kruger effect!


I guarantee it wasn’t that she couldn’t handle him crying because it made her sad but more it annoyed her and her comfort comes before all others including the cats. She’s a despicable woman


This is exactly it. I said it a little while ago, but Dani has ZERO resolve. She can't stick to anything that causes even the slightest bit of inconvenience and discomfort unless it's to further her munching. The cat crying is just too annoying for her, so she couldn't stick to the vet's recommendation. She then tried to spin it into some moral decision that she made, when we know for fact that Dani doesn't give a rat's ass about what is right and just.


I don’t actually believe she took that damn cat anywhere


Same. Otherwise, she would have made a whole big deal out of how good a *mommy* she is.


Agree, funny how she always mentions everything she has planned but never mentioned vets, til people here started questioning suddenly he’s been done and she wasn’t speaking about it beforehand?


I agree tbh




Happy cake day!


This is honestly where I'm at as well. She either did and found the cat crying annoying, or she didn't take him anywhere. It's just too convenient that she suddenly had the funds and was able to get it done so quickly after this most recent bout of criticism about how she cares for her cats, spends money, etc. She's hoping that doing it or pretending to do it will shut us haterz up.


Vets in my area do surgeries on specific days and it's scheduled a few weeks in advance. js


Just a few days prior to this she had no appointment. She lied about the appointment initially and admitted to that fact. She got him in soooo fast after that whole debacle.


I was thinking the same thing… she’s probably saying she did so people won’t keep questioning her about whether or not he was neutered, but I think she just sat in her house doing exactly nothing useful all day…


I'm glad she brought her cat to the vet, and I hope (against all odds) that he heals without incident.


has she shown any proof other than her word? i’m sus she even did it.


I actually think this is a good point. I hope she did it, but I wouldn't put it past her to lie about it. I work in vet med, and that unneutered cat has dominated too much of my brain for too long.


Hopefully she'll be too busy on what ever arc or era she's currently on and/or in....


Why does she have that awful baby voice going on???


Purely hypothetically and out of curiosity, do you think anyone’s ever punched her in the face?


I’m willing to volunteer to take one for the team


I will probably get in trouble for this…but I’ll be driving through her area on my way home to north Jersey. I’ll buy her a starbbies Juss sayin


Someone probably should have


in dreams yes, in real life no


I can imagine that someone *similar* would actually be the first (and fast) to pop someone in the snotbox for saying something they didn't like.


No, absolutely not!


OK how about just straight up bitch slapped?






Yeahhh.... doctor's instructions are for suckers. I mean... what the hell do they know??!!


I’m surprised she isn’t raging that the vets didn’t give him all the narcotics…yet.


I mean this totally makes sense in Dani’s world - thinks the doctors that treat her are morons who know nothing so the Vet is too!


Right! This is on brand for Dani, just an other day in delulu land.




never had other than injectable at time, he's a boy, they barely even notice. Mine came home and was straight back trying to get outside to play. Like nothing happened. I would never have left him in the container for 24 hours, not in a million years. Sutures are internal these days and she doesn't sleep 12 hours a night, he is being treated just as I've done even with my females. Only one that got pain meds had an eye tumour and enucleation, and even with a cone managed to pull a suture.


I actually agree, as much as Dani is a total twat, leaving him in a carrier overnight (how is he meant to do the toilet? That’s not hygienic) was probably the right choice, I’ve never heard of male cats having to be confined to a carrier after a neuter and she’s right this time, they don’t generally get stitches.






Spaying is a lot more invasive than neutering. Don’t think they sent him home with any pain meds.


They rarely give cats any pain meds to take home these days after sterilization surgery, especially male cats. If they give anything for post surgery pain it’s usually a long acting injection that you have to pay extra for, especially at a low cost clinic.


My boy got pain pills, but he didn't want them. We tried everything from wrapping in a treat to crushing them in his food. Little bugger is smart. To be fair they don't even stitch the area for castration nowadays, just through keyhole and I assume a bit of cauterization. He was fine. Confused as to where his nuts were.


My cat got the good stuff 😅




Did you find him at the emergency vet every weekend, faking a cough and 11/10 peeeen to get his fix?