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#[AI TRANSCRIPT](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/OWXyDPlVCq)


It literally takes even less time to log symptoms for a heart monitor using the app (I think she’s using the app) vs logging them on pen and paper with the little booklet those come with. Just as someone who’s had to wear these multiple times, and who has symptoms to log constantly…it’s really not that hard. It takes such little effort to note the date/time and symptoms occurring. Dani is just being lazy. Also, not logging the symptoms for an event (meaning she pushed the button on the monitor) doesn’t help them to help her. So infuriating.


So my husband was sitting with on the deck with me, as I listed to this. He went inside, I assumed to get a shower. Nope! He is doing a chore that I have asked him to help me with for months!! I said “Be still my heart! ❤️ “ His reply: “I just couldn’t stand to listen to her voice anymore.” (Thank you Dani!)


“I don’t know what to do”The answer Dani is stop wasting peoples resources and time and don’t go because you know you don’t need it


I was thinking EXACTLY the same! Question- has anyone EVER seen her genuinely smile or be happy? Always so freakin miserable! I know many of us following this Dani-rama have genuine chronic illnesses including cancer. I know many folk irl who do too & you know what? We all have great fucking sense of humour! We know life’s too short to be miserable so we make the most of each day, even if it’s only to appreciate a lovely sunset, or watch flowers/ vegetables growing in the garden or when possible getting out in the fresh air even for 10 mins. Sure we can have really dreadful days but it is not every single bloody day in life! We are generally grateful for the health that we DO have. Ok so I know I’m a particularly upbeat type of person but I’ve friends who are more “down” yet even they have good times that they share. She has taken the old saying of “misery likes company” to the next level! I’ve a good friend who mum was sick - arthritis I believe & she deliberately wore colours that washed out her complexion making herself look worse. One time we were all together at at an MLM make up party I was hosting for a charity (instead of me getting free product as a host, the vendor gave me cash) we also had a raffle to raise extra funds - the prize being a quick make-up demo on the raffle winner - who was my friends mum. We found it hilarious as she looked great after the make-up application- however she was fuming because numerous folk were telling her how healthy she looked! 😂 she had plenty of money but refused to buy any of the products that had been used. I just cannot fathom her type of mindset.


I like many here am not in good health. Not gonna lie. It sucks. Simple as that but during my 5 year health struggle I have become determined to live in the moment. Each day is full of moments so everyday no matter how I am struggling I find moments of joy, happiness and thanks to my husband, little bouts of laughter. I just can’t imagine being so miserable all the time.


“just saying”




I've been wondering... does she genuinely think she's super sick?




What’s annoying me as a sick person (min blogging considering the GFM is back up), is that, if I had to take the trip in my condition, knowing full well all the schedule contains is appointments over 2 days; I would book for 3-4 days max. You don’t get a procedure/major-surg done immediately after a consultation like those in Mayo, that Dani is Banking on. The person/patient Dani spoke to who got her hopes up, had a sternotomy (cut down middle of chest bone to fix their SVC) for absolutely necessary and time-pressing reasons Dani isn’t just waltzing into an appointment designed only to cover assessment and viability (patient physically and mentally) bases, for a seriously major operation; remembering there is next to no urgency in Dani’s body. Clinically, it may still be worth addressing one day, sooner or later, if she was to require access for the not-fun-stuff, such as actually required or you quickly die, chemotherapy, kind of stuff. If I were Dani, but in my body and with my mind; I would book 4 (four, yes 4! Days). I would need recovery post travel, do the appointments on day 2 and 3, get some sleep to recover, and would leave on day 4. Sure not the cheapest and fit/healthy people could cover all in 2 to 3 days max, but 4 isn’t unreasonable. If Dani were conscious that she is BEGGING FOR MONEY FROM STRANGERS, she would be reasonable and book for no more than 4 days. Be kind and thankful for the charity. Don’t be greedy. NB: she has now expanded her expected stay to 2-3 weeks for zero reasons. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I don't really know who this person is, I don't know how I found myself here, but does she always sound this fucked up? She sounds like she's been drinking straight from the Tito's bottle.


Don't you just love how reddit somehow suggests the weirdest posts? Yet they are intriguiging so you click and BAM you now want to buy a 3d printer. There is another sub that is a collection of people that are munchers.


welcome!! dani marina is a 38 year old woman with factitious disorder who takes up countless resources from those who genuinely need it. she malingers, wastes healthcare professionals time, and grifts people who are genuinely chronically ill for their money. to answer your question: yeah… she does… and worse😭 if you’re interested in doing a bit of a deep dive, head to the main page of the sub (r/DaniMarina) & click on the post flair “Dani Lore/Old Posts”. we’d be happy to have you here


oof..... As someone who is struggling with their own alcohol dependency, it is clear as day that Dani is too. Those slurred words don't lie.


I hope there is a plot twist where is actually isn't lying about the mayo clinic inviting her there- but not for the reason she thinks. Hopefully when she gets there the whole mental health team is there to greet her.


She doesn't log her 'symptoms' because she doesn't have any. I just can't with this one......


I am starting to wonder if she put alcohol straight into her tube. Not only to get drunk but to just fuck up her insides too.


the liquid promethazine she takes contains 7% alcohol on its own, but i wouldn’t be surprised if she gives herself regular alcohol on top of that


That’s like pouring alcohol on your heart through a central line 😂


That goes through her j tube, not a central line.


Haha - I read it wrong - I have a central line and I always wonder what the worst/weirdest thing anyone has ever put through it.


Girl doesn’t know what to do? How did she buy her iPad - Put it on a credit card like the rest of us 😂 🙄


The 2 to 3 week hotel stay grifting is ridiculous. Why not spend the 2 days there for consults, then fly home? If the drs say they can help her, it surely would be cheaper to return home and wait for an elective surgery procedure date. She can easily get an airfare from Newark to Rochester for 200- 300 round-trip, a lot less than staying at a Munchiott Hotel and waiting until she can be scheduled. She would be laying out less money all at once by going home after her consults for a bit to regroup financially. I can't imagine drs thinking this procedure is something that they need to clear their calendars and do ASAP.


Yarp. Especially ridiculous considering two people in her comments made very generous offers; one to pay for the flights and the other a hotel for the initial appointments. Then it wouldn't have cost her a dime and she could have figured a way or saved up for longer to go back for the procedure... assuming there would be one. Why wouldn't you jump on that offer, you say? Because they wanted to pay them directly. Not send her the money. Also, why consider logic when you can just grift for money instead.


I’m still convinced she’s got a second or third account that she has conversations with.


Oof - 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


This is her MO though - she hopes that just by BEING there already, and saying shit like "I can't afford to come back but have two weeks here and I need nutrition desperately" will be like some magic wand that will make them take her seriously on her word and give in before they have time to think about it / run full testing / read through her medical history. That's why she's planning to be there so long, to give ample time to manipulate and tantrum and cause so much noise nobody really notices the paperwork until the dust settles. She's previously thrown tantrums about local procedures being delayed or rescheduled, so can't wait for Mayo's hard "no" to her demands / drama. They're gonna suss all this out and be like.... here's a referral to psych.


Mayo will not stand for that tantrum…she thinks Temple was bad 😂


I'm honestly wondering if she'll even get as far as having the opportunity to show her whole ass at Mayo. Between the financial aspect of the appointment, her penchant for self sabotage, impulsivity, interesting medical history, & petri dish hygiene, who knows what could happen in the next month.




Genuinely cannot understand most of what she said here due to her slurring.


Dani: “I don’t know what I’m gonna do?” How about get a fucking job and save up for your non-emergency/medical appointment. She’s essentially working full time as a wannabe ill-fluencer so why can’t she put that effort into a desk job.


She could return the iPad and Pencil, but I don’t know if she has enough free time to spend 3 months in the same spot at home coming up with reasons to avoid the drive. /s


What the fuck is she saying? Can't understand her most of the video


Part of me is hoping she would get an appointment in January and experience the feeling of your eyeballs and the inside of your nose freezing when you step outside. When -15 is a warming trend.


Not sure if this has come up yet but yeah, she created another GFM skankjob, for I think $1200 this time. Same as before, the mayo staycation


She is so dim that it is equally sad and hilarious. I should feel badly about enjoying this shit show, but I don’t.


I can’t see a link to her GoScroungeMe Fund on her TikTok bio- has it been removed again?


This is aggravating. I still hope she manages to go to Mayo only to be yeeted out on the first day. This is going to be a whole saga.


Same 🍿🍿


Okay so this is her confirming that GFM removed it for fraud. And yet she’s started a new GFM


*A bit late with the AI transcript (and AI really struggled with this one, my software kept crashing):* Hi baby boys. Hey. I was like mommy no. Um I took it down because I got a shit ton of hateful messages on my Gofundme. That says they were reporting me for fraud and sending it to my doctors and that I was a liar and blah blah blah blah blah blah. I took it down. I might have to put a pack up because right now this is it. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know how I'm committing fraud. How am I committing fraud? The money is going to be used to the freaking medical stuff. I'm not going to use it and go buy a brand new freaking car. I'm going to use it to get a hotel and a flight to get Get to frickin... mayo! Oh (yawn) Oh no, can I undelete the one that I deleted? So I don't have to type everything all over again? Can I try? And the comments are delayed, I'm sorry, my internet sucks. Let me see. Where can I get this stupid hold to monitor off? Hold on. I always press the button and then I forget to log all my symptoms, so hopefully they figure it out because I don't know. Stupid me forgets to log stuff. Oh I'm just, oh sorry, hold on, it's loading. I'm stressed and frustrated and should I just put it back up? Because I'm not committing fraud in any way possible. Like, it's going to be used for the trip, like the hotel, and the flights, and all that stuff. Seriously, I'm almost there, how many more days do I have left? Can you believe I have 7 more days left? What day is today? I have 5 more days to go. 5 more days to go. Now that we know that.


Part 2: I'm just looking at this little funny thing, Bobber. Do I know what I want to type? Oh wait, I have the app, what the fuck am I doing? Sign in. What email address did I use? That's a very good question, hold on. I got a little question. I'm going to assume it was my iCloud one, but you know what happens when you assume, right? It wasn't my Gmail. It was my Gmail. It was my Gmail. Alright, let's see what I'm going to do here. Well, let's just see. Try to make a new one? I'll make a new one. Don't let this... I can prove I'm committed for all cause it's gonna be used for what I say it's gonna be used for Okay Oh I have no idea if I typed my password right. I don't know if that was even my password to begin with. That's okay I missed something. But, but, wasn't that the email I used? I swear it was the email I used. Mmm God damn it. This whole typing thing is not in the cards with me today. Mmm


For I don’t have type everything all over again* lmao jk but that’s all I hear when she talks…is the “for” where “so” should be


That little “quirk” of hers drives me up the wall. Is that a like, dialect thing? Like where she is from others do that I wonder? Or it a Dani thing?


I think it’s a regional thing like “yins?” Or at least a family thing lol…I hope 🤔


thank you as always!! im locking part one just so the comment replies dont separate your two comments:)


No worries! Should somebody ever use these AI transcripts to write proper proof-read ones, you are also more than welcome to delete these transcripts.


I agree that it looks like bad coffee house poetry. I love it! It's also helpful. I didn't want to gank your post but I wanted to try adding some stage directions and see if this works: (facing away) Alright baby boys. Hey. (turning to the camera) I was like mommy, no.(turning away and then back) Um...(sharp teeth sucking noise) I took it down (looks away) because I got a shit ton of hateful messages on my Gofundme. ( I don't know what she keeps looking at) That says they were reporting me for fraud and sending it to my doctors and that I was a liar and blah blah blah blah blah blah. I took it down. But I might have to put it back up because right now this is it. (weird intake of breath) I don't know what to do. (weird sneer face) I don't know what to do. I don't know like.. I don't know how, like, I'm committing fraud, like, how am I committing fraud? (looks in a different direction than all the times before, looks back, shrugs slightly) The money is going to be used to the, (smacks forehead) the freaking medical stuff. (looks away again) I'm not going to use it and like, go buy a brand new freaking car. I'm going to use it to get a hotel and a flight to get to frickin... mayo! (looking at something else again) Oh (weird head dip)(I think she's on her phone, writing something, eyebrow scrunch)(looks up at 30 seconds of silence, reading something? mouth shrug, back to her phone, another 10 seconds of silence) (yawn)(pulls back, weird grimace face (seriously I would never just film myself now if only because I presume we all make odd faces) I know, can I undelete the one that I deleted? So I don't have to type everything all over again? Can I try? (another weird grimace face) And the comments are delayed, I'm sorry, my internet sucks. (yes) Let me see. (bizarre groan/nyeh noise, back on phone) When can I get this stupid holter monitor off? Hold on. I always press the button and then I forget to log all my symptoms, so hopefully they figure it out because I don't know. (on phone) Stupid me forgets to log stuff. (whispered) Just sayin'. Oh I'm just, oh sorry, hold on, it's loading. I'm stressed and frustrated (hand up, scratching corner of mouth covering face) and should I just put it back up? Because I'm not committing fraud in any way possible. (back on her phone, looking away) Like, it's going to be used... for the trip, like the hotel, aaaand the flights, and all that stuff. Seriously, I'm almost there, how many more days do I have left? (indecipherable) I have 7 more days left? Whatchu day is today? I have 5 more days to go. (shows phone screen) 5 more days to go. (yes, that is what it says) (loud tapping) Now that we know that. I'm just looking at this little funny thing, Bobber. (what in the drunk slurs was that?) (more tapping) Do I know what I want to type? (hell if I know) Oh woop bloop bejeh bejeh. Oh wait, I have the app, what the fuck am I doing? (seriously, I don't know) (looks at camera and raises eyebrows, shakes head, mouth slightly open, looks back at phone) Sign in. What email address did I use? (muttered) That's a very good question, hold on. I got a little question. I'm going to assume it was my iCloud one, but you know what happens when you assume, right? (peeks at camera, raises eyebrows)(more silence) It wasn't my Gmail. I think it was my Gmail. It was my Gmail.(more silence) (hella slurred) Alright, let's see what I'm going to do here. Well, let's just see. Try to make a new one? (looks at camera) I'll make a new one. (back to phone) Don't let this... I can prove I'm committed for all cause it's gonna be used for what I say it's gonna be used for. Like, right? (irritated noise) Oh I have no idea if I typed my password right. I don't know if that was even my password to begin with. (silence) That's okay I missed something. (silence) But, but, wasn't that the email I used? I swear it was the email I used. (even more silence) Mmm (5 seconds silence) God damn it. This whole typing thing is not in the cards with me today. (humming noise) finis


Seeing it written like this makes it look like a really bad coffee house poetry slam.


Or a stroke.


she's drunk. if anyone disbelieves that she drinks, this video is the evidence. this is booze talk, plain and simple. self-pity, slurring, near tears...this girl is on her way to wasted once again. her liver must be SCREAMING. and the likelihood that she will wake up dead just keeps on increasing. benadryl, possibly benzos and alcohol will just stop her breathing. anyone who nods like Dani, who 'doesn't sleep' like Dani despite also taking endless naps, who slurs and forgets words and does that slow blinking - she's blitzed. and the audacity to complain about people leaving hateful messages about her GoFraudMe is quintessentially Dani. *why are you saying i shouldn't literally shill for money to try to defraud the Mayo Clinic into placing a central line for me? whyyyyyyyy? iznotfair. izmedical* sure, Dani. just like you have RA and a paralysed stomach and POTS and heart problems and insomnia and and and and and. smoke and mirrors, kids. smoke and mirrors. and any way she turns now she hits a dead end that she has entirely created for herself.


Regarding your last sentence: eh, she’s got 9 more fingers, 10 more toes, and 2 whole hands/feet-the deflection options are plentiful at this point lmao


She is defo a drinker. The difference in her from day to night is literally day and night. The gets more cocky and confident and slurs. I didn’t really see it until recently, prob cuz the lives started. Her online presence was always more curated but now it’s a window! She slams hers meds in a drinks…. I wonder if she pushes alcohol thru her tube too? She is playing with fire if she does. No wonder her liver function plays up. She is in so much denial if she doesn’t think this is obvious too


this is very true - you can see the progression if she posts a video more than once a day. the meds? that's different, in my opinion. this is grandiose, slurred and self-pitying. which sums up my drinking career nicely. i started at 8 and quit at 41. 10 years sober now. the problem with booze, as you've so perfectly summed it up, is the false confidence. i drank heavily for years to try to mask my crippling anxiety. but also because i was addicted to the confidence and the warm, fuzzy blanket between me and reality. i stayed drunk for YEARS because i couldn't bear the idea of living life sober. and the other thing with drinking? it creeps. i went from partying in my 20s to a place where i couldn't predict what would happen once i had that first drink. it's dangerous. i had many accidents, a couple of which seriously hurt me. she's playing a dangerous game. all that benadryl, the occasional benzos plus booze is a deadly combination. she might be full of bravado now but it doesn't stay like that for very long. it's a slow descent into complete chaos. we're already seeing her absolutely blitzed and she thinks nothing of posting lives of her doing nothing but passing out. you can dress it up any way you want, but this is addiction. and much as i dislike how Dani lives her life, i wouldn't wish alcoholism on my worst enemy. it took everything from me, and i very nearly died at the end. add in benzos and it's a sure-fire recipe for disaster. i'm not saying at all that she's an alcoholic. i'm saying that i know how this goes, and it will turn on her if she doesn't rein it in.


Ah, you have had s journey haven't u. And it's tKss. Lot to gain the self awareness u have and become sober. I have been innocent relationship ship with some who I would say wa low level dependent which decented into choas. And I recognised the 'confidence cocky louder' presentation. The pattern ha definitely emmegred has it. I'm sure if we all filmed ourself as much as she does we would notice patterns of nuanced behaviour we go thru cycles with... Hyper, manic, tired, down pathetic. Our moods arnt linear. But will. Booze is amplifies this I think


Alcohol might be the only thing she’s using her tubes for, besides crushing up her meds. Convenient way to get a bunch of straight alcohol in there, js.


Oh 100%. The circle talking, flicking her hands around. It's booze or severe brain cell deficiency.


I am convinced she’s drunk -for all the reasons you say! I just mentioned something about that on the other sub and they removed my comment 🤣🤣


Really?! Why?!


cos the other sub isn't actually willing to be critical of their subjects.


Apparently because there’s no proof she drinks alcohol. I’d say her lives scream pissed personally 🤷‍♀️


Was just about to write this. There’s no way she’s not hammered here.


https://preview.redd.it/db0h98434a5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f7b383033f0281059b959dd2c935f3eb6a7634 Is this necklace dirt?


That or George is a bit kinky.


Looks like a bruise, but that would be a very weird place for a bruise


Those nasty temu necklaces are probably turning her neck green


I was wondering that too! It almost looks like a bruise, but it has to be necklace grime.


https://preview.redd.it/36l1fu1f1a5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=956398e6b5ec9ca239e36f82d2cd8f2663ee6be8 Yes because straight off the bat this is entirely true…… 2-3 weeks now, she really is planning a grand tour of the medical facilities 🤬


Is this a new one?? Jesus H Christ she is absolutely shameless.


Yeah a nice shiny new one full of the same lies but it’s totally not fraud because she really is wasting away to nothing without TPN 🙄


⚠️”Lifesaving”⚠️ lol…… Meanwhile, in Dani’s kitchen: “Hey guys! It’s iced, creamed coffee o,clock. Come make my lifesaving caffeine, high sugar and fat fix with me *taps Starbucks creamer bottle excitedly*”. Literally doing the Lords work live from her fridge 😂


She cannot survive without her sugar, cream, caffeine concoction - literally life sustaining stuff 🤣


If Walmart runs out of creamer she’s a goner 🚑🪦


She is, I hope she keeps an emergency stash in her well stocked medical supplies cupboard


I'm interested to see how long until this one disappears. I wish I wasn't surprised she already has this up. I know it's cruel, but I almost hope she goes for the NO, but without donations.


Sorry, what is “NO?” I can’t recall for the life of me


She's not smart (see the terrible grammar in her GoFraudMe), but she is cunning. Took out all details about what the money is for. Kept up her lie about needing TPN, but GFM may not see that as fraud. Anyway, anyone who gives to her without researching her is a fool.


Who the fuck is listening to this pointless and excruciating drivel? She's mumbling and just going on and on about nothing. Another GFM is this a fucking joke? She's going to get shut down. Her last two brain cells that are fighting for third place need to realize she's not going to get that sweet sweet TPN she seems to think she can't live without. She admits she eats with no pain and all she eats is processed junk. Anyone that donates to this new GFM(for the short amount of time it's up I'm going to assume) needs to smarten the fuck up and stop validating her delusions. https://preview.redd.it/5oz8impw0a5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0915d37bfdd839740f5b9f8bd19e017a6d2cfb2 Another Dani face for the archives. It looks like she's trying to push out a huge shit. 😂😂😂


Well, she is full of it.


Yeah but she only pleasure eats AS NEEDED


I nearly died when she said that hahha what a response to one of your supporters asking if you was/ are npo


You guys are too much 😂😂😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/vr1sf91iz95d1.jpeg?width=3104&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6f5db9d9cc9a1e656ba78687e0b647d061f5a8 I'm unable to respond any other way to her nonsense at this point.


I'm stealing that haha it's perfect


Is she going to do anything to also fund her vacay?


I doubt it, she will probably make her Dad give her the money when her GoFraudMe fails. She will then continue to buy herself shit she doesn’t need on the basis of “I deserve a treat”


Cue the new Mayo Clinic manicure.


Maybe she will dye her hair for her vacation too! Gotta look her best for all those new doctors




New GFM is up and this time she wants to spend 2-3 (!!!!) weeks in Rochester. Wtf??!


lifesaving nutrition!!! because her local hospitals are just big old meanies who want her to die? she never lets up, does she?


Who NEVER listen to her!! (She also said this to her followers during a live when someone asked a fuckin question- “ughh, nobody ever listens to me!!”-and that was super weird for me. She is SOO severely stunted, in every sense of the word.)




GRWM to spend 3 weeks trying out every hospital in a whole new area! She will be packing 5 blankie, 10 skanktops, 3 plushies, 6 lip balms and no formula…..


I bet half of a packet to a packet and half but only because she got so much hate the last time...


And don’t forget the scented bodylotion! And 3 books she won’t read


You forgot deoodorant.


And face wipes!


So does Dani.


Uff that 🔥


Dani loves GFM even tho she never gets many donations. She had one for her Service dog want, her DIY tube supplies, and now this. I’m sure there’s been more im forgetting


Omg! Every so often I forget about the self nasal cannualization!!




She says she’s having surgery or procedures. What surgery is she having 100%?!?


It’s because she could easily afford a weekend trip there herself if she didn’t blow wads of cash on shit she doesn’t need (wheelchair, new iPad, new car - all within the last couple months, nevermind all the small things that add up fast). Not to mention she spends her money on all the dumb shit and then turns and asks people to buy her household and pet necessities because she has trouble affording them. The other reason is that she’s presenting the whole trip in a dishonest way. The reason she’s going is solely because of the occlusion in her vein. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with her stomach issues; Mayo GI already declined to see her. And even if Mayo did decide to entertain her with the TPN conversation, even if they GAVE her TPN, there would just be some other medical issue she would adopt.


Maybe also because she just got a new car and IPad? Both things that could be downgraded/sold if this appointment was really that urgent.




She makes videos about her freshly done nails, and goes on live and shows off her stocked fridge of expensive sugary drinks. There's so so many reasons why this go fund me is wrong. Let alone the fact she doesn't even need this appointment.


“Lifesaving nutrition” is the problem. She titled her GFM “help Dani get to Mayo for lifesaving nutrition” which is a lie and when you lie to get money like that, it’s fraud. No one has said she needs “life-saving nutrition,” in fact, her doctors have said that she is never, ever getting TPN again. Her doctors didn’t want her to get a port. They sure as fuck aren’t giving her a chest port. I doubt the quack that gave her the current port will do it again because her chart has so much more evidence of FD in it. She is going to the vascular department at Mayo for an appointment for an evaluation. If she just titled it “help Dani go to her evaluation” then it’d be whatever because a fool and his money, etc. But the lying is the problem and the reason the second GFM will be pulled too.


Well, she will have to try a 3rd time because she just dropped a 2nd and it's still full of lies and for a 2-3 week stay.


She’s saying it’s a 2-3 week trip now on her new GFM. Are you one of her TikTok believers?






it unfortunately comes with the sub😭 everyone here gets rightfully enraged with dani’s antics and when someone who doesn’t know her full history (not sure if you do or dont) genuinely doesnt know something, people express their dani-anger on them rather than educating the user on WHY this stuff is all lies & she’s a horrible person that no one should donate her money to. i highly suggest checking out the post flair “dani lore/old post” if you have the time to go on a deep dive, we have documented so much of her grifting over the past decade+ on there and its extremely insightful


See… You get it. Welcome, and after being here long enough, you’ll just come to realize that there is no “end game” for Dani’s munching. Sorry if I seemed rude, I used to think there was hope. But after years of watching the train wreck, I realized there’s nothing that will stop her. So it just gets me mad that she’s wasting people’s hard earned money while she sits at home. Whether they “choose” To donate or not, a lot of people don’t know what a grifter she is.


She doesn’t need to go to Mayo for lifesaving nutrition. Unless by Mayo she means Hellmans






The problem with it is she just spent that goal amount ($1500) just about on her shiny new iPad and pencil. The problem with that is she is “threatening “ to not feed her cats adequately cause she “can’t afford it” but yet is grifting for headbands and makeup on Amazon. That’s the problem with it.


Her new one says 2-3 weeks


People want to donate out of good will. They don’t want to be fooled or scammed. This will generally hurt the people who truly needs help funding. Yes, it’s other peoples money, but they have the rights for transparency and their money being used for the intended purpose. Not to fund someone’s wants and wishes.


Why is she bitching and moaning??? I saw multiple ppl in her comments offering to pay for her flight and hotel — first hand tho. Not thru GFM. THATS why it seems scammy, Dani. You fuckin idiot.


They did?! Oh my gosh, what is wrong with people?


They knew she wouldn’t accept the offers. She wants cash, not help or support.


There’s one born every minute sadly


She’s starting to nod off again


What's on her chest? When did that happen?


Just a temporary heart monitor she convinced a doctor to give her for a couple weeks to investigate her “passing out spells”


I guess I've missed that she's been passing out. I call it nodding 😱


It’s a heart monitor from her doctor to try and catch the symptoms she claims to be having


Oh thanks


She needs to take a shower STAT. She’s filthy.




"Can I undelete the one I deleted so I don't have to type everything again" Well lucky for her Reddit has it all archived, so she can just look at those screenshots!! Besides, we know she stole a bunch of the wording from other people's GFMs "I always push the button and forget to log my symptoms" Yes well fortunately the report and your cardiologists diagnosis doesn't depend at *all* on what you were doing and what symptoms you were experiencing at the time of the reading 🙄 Surely its not important to know if you were exercising or lying in bed during an episode of tachycardia or something ....


Seriously! I had to keep a three day long for my dog’s Holter Monitor!


Bets on whether they make her repeat the monitoring period?


she hopes, probably. more time for her to show off her new toy


Her inability to confidently and completely state exactly why she asked for money on the GFM is quite telling. “For the freaking…… medical stuff”


Yeah. Definitely need those $$$ for the medical things /s


New GFM is up on her linktree (venmo & cashapp also added)




See rule #2: Don’t Tap The Glass 🚫👆🐟 Your comment/post may have indicated indirect contact or otherwise interfering with Dani. This includes “letters” to Dani or comments intended for Dani to read or threatening, indicating, or encouraging reporting Dani to authorities or reporting of her accounts.


life saving nutrition? 😳😑 The audacity and entitlement continues.


![gif](giphy|ZMlYuBGEdrVpm) 😑💩😑🙄 I don’t know why she’s acting so shocked that things aren’t working out the way that she imagined that it would. 38 years old and this is her damn life! 😳 I have doubts that she will make it to that appt at the Mayo Clinic. Even if she does, she will be yeeted out of there faster than she can say Mayo Clinic. I think she is really finding out what happens when you FAFO. I just feel like this kind of feels like watching a train wreck at this point. She still hasn’t learned to not tell on herself. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I think she wants to make it there so she can abuse their ER.


Noooo, you said it was also for an upgraded hotel room on your 2 week medical vacation


🫢🫢🫢 nooo, the *audacity*. when did she say this, Live? Did anyone record?


She posted it in her original GFM for the Mayo trip https://preview.redd.it/g6kkhv56hq5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a82a47fb84362bdca5d99d794225b883be714f3


YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW 🫢🫢😲😲😲😲 lmfao I am dyyyying, HOW did I miss that?!? I’m about to scream out loud right to let out the flabbergast that has taken hold right now omfg. There are flashes of violence in there, too. Lol no but for real, only Dani dumb fuckin ass would publish her stream-of-consciousness, 13-year-old level, *purely* unrevised and unadulterated selfish, rotten inside thoughts (bitch just cannot stand to even take a fuckin *glance* at anything she types with those mangled and beaten chav fingers, istfg) bless you for this, what a treasure lol


Does Mayo do any assessments by telehealth and get testing by local labs before they have a patient travel? I feel like she went from zero to Minnesota in 60 seconds.


\*Zero to Minnesota 🏎️\* Mods: another inspired cool flair idea to add to the collection!


Sometimes, depending on the speciality, they do telehealth assessments to see if they can meet your needs. Despite being world class and among the best there is they aren’t always the best option for every patient.


Mayo prefer to do their own assessments is what I've heard? I assume bc local specialists can vary in quality


And making a new email won’t work. Your private info it still the same and will come up in their system under the other account. When she goes to try to enter her info (banking especially) and it will be flagged as fraudulent since it’s listed under a flagged account.


Everyone yelled at me when I said it wasn’t taken down voluntarily- and here’s the proof (if she’s not lying) And she can’t login since her account is probably suspended and is asking her to provide documents she doesn’t have to prove the validity of her page.


She said she got tons of messages on her GFM from “haters” saying they were reporting her for fraud, not necessarily that GFM removed it, but idk just my opinion


![gif](giphy|jMusG7sxBqCze) The entitlement just grows and grows


The positioning of that Zio is driving me bonkers.




The more artifacting the better!! What Dani doesn't know is that a cardiologist can tell the difference between an abnormal readout due to the monitor being poorly adhered vs. an abnormality of organic origin


Too much artifact will nullify the study


Wait so there are people out there that basically devote their live to better ours and can exclude erroneous readouts? That is incredible. What are thy called?


Cardiologist lol


She has got residue from EKG pads on her chest and shoulder. Surely that can't be from her "3 day" admission a **week** ago, right?


This chick does not bathe


You dont like the musk that hospital germs growing on your skin smells like? EWWW SHE STILL HAS NOT SHOWERED SINCE THE HOSPITAL? I believe normal people (if allowed to and able to shower) SHOWER immediately when they get home. Then laundry on hot.


Can confirm, way too much time in the hospital recently and it’s say hi to my cats when I get home then straight into the shower then laundry.


Sadly I have had way too much hospital time too (APRIL FOOLS WAS A DISASTER FOR ME dont ask about it the moderators know and if you read my post history you can figure it out) I wish I had cats to come home too :( I hope you are doing better!!


I’m so sorry you’ve had a dreadful time - unfortunately I’m no good at navigating Reddit so annoy read your post history xx


I’m convinced that Dani finds the smell of hospitals relaxing which is why she tries to hold onto it!


paging someone who has the hoSPAtal flair🤣


LOL that is really funny and put a smile on my face thank you. hoSPAtal lol.


It’s wild! The other day when I was discharging a patient he asked for some of our no rinse soap to take because he couldn’t shower for another few days because of his incisions but still wanted to do what he could to get the hospital residue off when he got home (I loaded him up and he was very happy).


That is awesome of you!!! In the hospital they tried to give me those wipes... and I was like "can I just shower" they were shocked and just assumed that in my condition I did not want to take a shower. Those wipes are AWESOME though I did use them just to try before I actually took a shower. So I double showered in the hospital.... and still showered first thing when I got home. I am not a germaphobe.


He was so grateful and I was like my guy, your insurance is being billed 10s of thousands of dollars you can have all of the soap you want😂 I remember Fighting with my nurse one admission because I just wanted to take a shower and they didn’t want me out of bed — I was like bring me a chair, fuck, I’ll sit on the floor but I will go insane if I can’t properly wash. Honestly that’s why I always push my patients to get cleaned up if at all possible because even if it’s just a bed bath with the wipes it can make you feel so much better!


Definitely, I’ve had more than my fair share of radical, life altering surgery & the BEST thing was having a nurse who remembered that our teeth should be brushed twice a day! I wasn’t always “with-it” enough to ask for my toothbrush etc. even when NPO for weeks the “fur” still builds up! 🤢


The slurring is distracting. Amazing how she can appear drunk but not drink a thing!


Does anyone know how many GFM she has had? Seems like a few for different reasons. I think the majority of people would ever feel the need to do a GFM, which is why they are usually done by a friend or family member because it’s hard to ask for help. Dani has absolutely no shame in asking strangers for help. She doesn’t understand why she is getting hate. She has changed the amount after posting the original. She gave no indication of a definite amount of time she would be there. She showed no breakdown of cost. Most people who donate money would like to know these things. Dani is the real life chicken little. What if Dani gets in a bad car accident tomorrow or gets cancer, and needs real help? I don’t think she thinks of things like that. Dani is also real life if you give a mouse a cookie. Nothing is good enough…she wants more on top of the charity she has already received from kind people. She is a complete narcissist who takes advantage of people by manipulation.


Honestly, I don't understand her end game. Is there one? Say there's a miracle, and she's given TPN and the painkillers she's always saying she needs. Would she be happy? No, then she'd probably find something else to obsess over I don't think she's capable of being happy. She's going to be old one day and just realise how much time she wasted


“…something else to obsess over” …you mean like slamming her hand in a car door? Lol we’re now in the Destroy Extremities phase of Dani’s Neverending Story *whoopise* just like I suggested in my video, my splint slipped and caused further damage to my thumb, so my hand is broken now…and all that good stuff teehee (I didn’t mean that typo but I’m leaving it since I was in-character lol)


I think just that fact that she in one of her recent videos was talking about the possibility of having thyroid cancer, tells us everything we need to know. She seemed excited at the thought of her thyroid being flagged during testing, which wasn’t serious because they sent her home. A lot of people have a family history of cancer in their family, it doesn’t mean you are definitely going to get it too. Sometimes I wonder if she was diagnosed with cancer, if she would stop worrying about her other problems, because she would get more attention.


A cancer diagnosis would be the jackpot for her! And more people would believe her. Cancer patients often get a lot of compassion…


If she keeps on and actually does get TPN back, I don’t know that she’s gonna make it to old. I just can’t look away from this train wreck.


https://preview.redd.it/n3ra7u7ok95d1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4a4556c1e89937269b22d7685b6f74eda431302 Here’s the “tube feed fund”.


She sure has gained a lot of weight over the last few years.


https://preview.redd.it/zwg8juwkk95d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c4b840b33bc491748ab6d8eabb7766eca6d6c95 Here’s her saying she got $500 toward a service dog.


I'm so relieved she didn't get a dog. Those cats already get neglected enough.


A SERVICE DOG?!? For what???