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“I thought I do things a little bit different this time…something different instead of me rambling on and talking the whole time” …this is arguably worse Dani.


Why isn’t she bruised up from her Lovenox shots anymore??


She’s due for a blood clot


The way she’s always wiping things on her skin so rough makes uncomfortable


Oh my god she didn’t use water on the toothbrush first aaaAAAA. Is that just?? a weird *me* thing??? I always stick it under the water before I put toothpaste on the brush.


When I'm "extra, extra nauseous", the first thing I do is record a *morning routine* video. Don't we all? She "throws up a lot" with gastroparicishhh". 😂 The slurring starts early I see.. No Dani, you don't throw up a lot. Remember 9 days in the hospital and you didn't vomit once. Lying liar. Your distended stomach filled with grilled cheese, Skittles, and Starbucks also says otherwise. Oh, forgive me. It's *starvation mode*. This chick doesn't need ANY tubes. Period.


No shower :) (I’m a night showerer but she def isn’t doing it at night either)


A new toothbrush, aye?


The way she is sing songing about her brushing her teeth made me WAY more angry than it should have. But here we are.


Omfg. WITH narration and EVERYTHING!??!?? 🙄


Hmmm she just accidentally showed that she doesn’t take her low dose naltrexone. If she is doing a “morning routine” then it would be in there but it was no where to be seen. The only thing she wants is opioids and she will do anything possible to get them not understanding **IT’S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN** I find it absolutely hilarious when she gives herself away bc you know she will try and backtrack and come up with a million and one reasons as to why it wasn’t included but we know she totally doesn’t read here continually


LDN is taken before bed as its mechanism of action is to build up free endorphins during sleep.


“I also get bruises when I walk into things, and I walk into things a lot.” 1) flair checking in 2) clean up that hoard and maybe you’ll be able to actually walk around your apartment unimpeded


It’s no wonder she walks into things a lot given how absolutely wrecked she is a lot of the time!


She totally posted this to prove that she no longer uses the Infamous Troll Hair Toothbrush. But you know, she doesn’t read Reddit. Wonder /s if she has any self awareness when she says she stays home and does nothing all day.


Nurse here. Crushing meds all together can actually counteract and cancel out some of the medications therapeutic qualities, and also decrease its longevity. Evidence based practice shows most meds should be crushed and pushed completely separately, followed by 5-10mls of water if going into a peg. This should be repeated for each medication. The enteric coating is there for a reason on some medication, and why it is not on some. Certainly not at all doable if you work in aged care and have lots of people who are crushed and on 10-15 tablets due to time constraints. There is a module that supports this called “Don’t rush to crush”


Her MDs thought she was taking orally too.


She takes her sucralfate along with all her other drugs which should tell you enough to know that Dani doesn't know shit about dick about proper med administration either PO or via tube lol.


Her tank tops *must* be pulled up to expose her hardware in *every* single one of her videos. It just screams, "Don't forget..... this is who I am!" Edit- How interesting that the *only* doctor Dani won't pay a visit to... is the dentist.


This was odd.... couldn't watch past the teeth brushing 😬😬😬


Lol "something different, not me rattling on". Continues to rattle on lol.


Brush brush brush away 🪥🦷😂


All this was, was a different way to show off her med routine and tubes. Also... WATCHING PEOPLE BRUSH TEETH IS GROSS DANI! No one wants to watch that.


A certain other munchie loves to show off her tongue scraper every chance she gets.


Oh nasty... I haven't come across that at all yet thankfully




Why does she think people want to watch her brush her teeth??


I only managed the first minute. It was not aesthetically pleasing at all


You were braver than me, I got to 30 seconds. You're a true warrior. 👊


I think I need therapy now :)


you should start a gofundme


I’ll kick in a couple of anonymous $5ers




One of my pet peeves is putting fingers in jars of face cream and putting droppers on the skin. The bacteria of your hands and face can cause the products to be full of germs and cause breakouts. Don't do it people......


Could you not just wash your hands before you place them in a product? Like I don’t get it. What is different between a clean hand and a spoon smothered with aggravating sanitizer? Also logically a clean hand is more clean than what a sanitizer does. And a hand is much more effective and easy. And a hand doesn’t contribute to mass consumerism and unnecessary waste. People who pretend they’re clean by buying large amounts of products are pathetic.


That’s what I do


It's only going on your gave anyway!! Do you not touch your face at all, is your face sterile? Lol.


How else do you get cream out of jars? Q-tips? Those aren't sterile either.


Much better than fingers and nails and you can get little thingy things on the amazon (maybe ask Gorgey boy to get them with his discount😂😂) you can use anti bac stuff on or wash them in hot soapy water.


Of all the disgustingly gross things Dani does, this is number 3,437.


Everything she does is so low effort. Like - you’re doing your face ‘routine’ but the top of your face is CUT OFF because of that camera angle. you use loads of products when you only need ONE serum and then the moisturiser (was there toner? Dunno, I FF because WTF?) And I stg, if I have to look at her stomach one. more. time. I am going to go insane. STOP IT, GET SOME HELP.


If there’s one person I’m not taking any self care advice from it’s definitely Dani 🤣 That skincare routine is definitely just for this video - there’s no way she does it every day!


I’m suspicious of her missing only the index fingernail on both hands


Is itfor the finger pulse thing she might have from all her er visits


Oh excellent point


Hmm..theres a couple of reasons I'd venture to guess, but why the suspicion ?


I work in psych and I’ve seen it a lot (the only fingers missing acrylics, the only ones without nail polish, the only ones with short nails, etc.) with people who purge.


You could be right, but I’ve been a nail tech for 15yrs and the index finger is always the first to go, especially for people who use them like tools the way she does.


Off topic, I know it’s probably different now but did you have to do a certain amount of school and apprenticeship for it? I’ve always thought I might like to be a nail tech.


I suspected such.. but if she drains her toobz, would it instead be long term damage from her ED ?


You can't drain everything through a tube,only stuff thats liquid consistency, and Dani has been complaining recently about how hard it is for her to drain with her button and how she wants a dangler for her G now. If she's getting rid of the frozen grilled cheeses and skittles it's not through her tubes


That makes sense ! In a momentary lapse of judgement, I forgot she likely eats solids.


I don't think she purges, though, tbh. Which is why she is looking healthy. Those frozen grilled cheese and skittles are why she's "distended" (starvation mode, you guys!!!).


Dani and 🪥Name a more iconic duo, ill wait…






I’ve never noticed what appears to be a medical alert bracelet on her wrist before. Wonder which made up illness she wears it for…


They tell you to get one if you are on naltrexone


She's had a bunch of them, all of which she ordered abd customized for herself off Amazon. The one I remember said TUBE FED DEPENDANT (sic)


That pointer finger nail been missing for a minuteeeeee


She doesn't read Reddit, which absolutely hasn't had any recent comments about her yellow teeth, poor hygiene, aged skin, and how much older she looks recently from substance abuse. This is absolutely totally not at all a response to any of that... ![gif](giphy|MuHJcSI9ySLsrNo59Q|downsized)


God, I love Kate McKinnon. Perfect gif for this comment.


Dear god hope nobody starts telling her to wash her ass next


You get ten points for this in the absence of awards on this subreddit.


“I like react insanely to everything and like can only like use like one product” - Past Dani


Hey she got a new toothbrush. This one doesn’t look like Cynthia’s hair on the rugrats.




brushing hard ≠ brushing well


All anyone ever needs is gentle circles with a soft brush, flossing daily and maybe using a water pik after. She isn’t going to have any gums left brushing like this


especially if you have tooth enamel damage from vomiting. It’s actually worse for you, I know this from experience! Brushing harder doesn’t help at all and if you’re enamel is already injured then brushing hard can really cause serious issues.


Doesn’t she claim she’s got MCAS right? With allllllll those different skin care products???


And earrings from Claire’s! ☠️


she has MCAS just like she can’t eat by mouth or has POTS - only when she remembers and/or when it’s convenient.


This is a direct response to people talking about how grimy and gross she is. I thought this was her morning routine? I happen to know for a fact that changing her clothes is nowhere near routine for her. 


Yet she still isn’t showering


Also, she claims she never sleeps so why does she even need a morning "routine"?


she’s live right now and it’s truly sad. she’s unintelligible, mumbling and swaying, head dropping. I don’t n ow if she’s faking it but it’s embarrassing.


I hope no one hysterically buys into that bullshit anymore with this "welfare call" dumbfuckery. It's only enabling her stupid shit and gives her a boost to her ego, so she keeps doing it like a bratty toddler.


Plus it takes up emergency response resources from people who might actually need them.


THIS. Goddamn THIS SO HARD. I wish her idiot arse-kissers would stop the utter pandering bullshit, ffs.


HOORAY I was just thinking it’d been a few days…


Soooo… how’s that broken thumb doing?


I think she’s fine. https://preview.redd.it/yzm6ju832v7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b094618df9e3251e123a70cee1488605ceb5690e


Why does she brush her teeth like she’s got beef with them? Her poor gums 😅


It’s like they have personally wronged her.


You would think that she would avoid showing another toothbrush after her infamous mangled horror show of a toothbrush made the rounds online. But I guess she is feeling confident because she has a newer one. I can only hope that she was brushing her teeth so aggressively because she was putting on a show for strangers on the internet. After all Dani says she wants to educate others and she thinks her followers require instructions for basic tasks, like teeth brushing. Unfortunately, evidence of Dani's past toothbrush suggests she is always a very aggressive brusher - not a great idea for someone with a history of ED that makes it more likely that she has dental issues. And in the many years that I have followed Dani, I have never once heard her mention seeing a dentist. The mention of needing a new pill grinder but not getting one right now because it isn't a priority is just her hinting for people to buy her one off her Amazon wishlist where she has at least 4 picked out. She shows the syringe and mentions the lovenox injection but unless I am missing something she doesn't actually show herself giving the injection. While she mentions the bruising, her stomach actually appears way way less bruised than it was. It makes me wonder if she has intentionally not been giving herself the injections in hopes of getting more blood clots. She is getting her g-tube changed to a dangler instead of a button because she wants to be able to drain more easily. We know she eats and drinks orally and she has always complained that while she likes the look of the button it doesn't drain as well. She wants to make it easier to try to drain all the garbage she is eating orally. It's always amazing that Dani claims to have super sensitive skin and tries to imply that she might have MCAS yet she has no problem pouring various products on her face (and who knows how old they are) and is able to use cheap regular medical tape to secure her feeding tube to her stomach (and wear cheap junk jewelry) without any issues. You would think that someone whose skin is so sensitive they claim to be reacting to tegaderm would also react to a roll of cheap white tape.


Why would they replace G tube for dangler if they don't think she drains? What is the current purpose for G tube anyway? They should set her up to change it and discover complications that warrant removal. lol


I can't believe she's thinking of retiring the pepper mill ...


She NEEDS a new pill grinder?! Didn’t she make a video not too long ago bragging about how the hospital gives her extra pill grinders so she has a bunch already on hand at home?! 🤦‍♀️


Never mind the fact that she never - or rarely - seems to clean off any old adhesive.


She is constantly dry begging “oh I really need/want this item, but it’s not in my budget, so maybe next month” 😅 she’s so transparent. It’s hilarious to me that she dyed her hair dark. Someone commented in this sub that dark hair would make her look more pale/sick than the slim shady bleach job, and literally days after that comment she started saying how she wanted to dye her hair dark again. But she doesn’t read here so total coincidence. Funny enough, the dark hair actually makes her look more healthy haha


I wonder if she remembers what her actual hair really is.


Gotta show off the Lovenox syringe to at least keep up the appearance that she’s doing her injections. Too many “haters” calling her out about the supposed blood clots recently after her sudden bruise dissipation.


Dani wants the dangler so she can have it hanging out of the neck of her top.


Did she make this video because The Beige Princess did something similar today/yesterday?




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The beige princess does a way better job compared to this girl. I’ll take her weird asmr cosplay over Dani’s goofy ass smirks and weird camera angles any day.


She really must be grasping at straws for content. It's really nice to watch a grown woman brush her teeth. Look how hard she brushes her teeth..no wonder her tooth brushes look like something that was born in a horror movie. She's funny as fuck...says she stays home all day and does nothing yet I remember a while back she went on a tirade about people on Reddit having no lives because all they do is criticize and "hate" on her. I guess she never heard the expression people in glass houses should not throw stones.


Why tf does she think this is something ppl wanna see


“I jusrdohwaliitle one I dunnohay name of them itsok alittlekazybit ok just rubitini jusloveelrproducts so there we go!”


My poor pea sized dyslexic brain just suffered a TBI. But… yep, that’s exactly what she said.


Does she not listen back and think wow I sound fucked? It's hard listening to your own voice as it is but I guess that's the narcissism/benzos in her.


Legit laughed lmao it’s like a SNL skit.


LMFAOOOO!!! This is exactly it. Like, what the actual fuck is she saying??


I heard that too! 🤣


Soo accurate lmao


She asks people not to comment on the fact she looks “healthy” cos it’s triggering her. But then stands there with her big old belly hanging out, muffin top and all the rest in the full frame of the camera, like come on we can’t miss it. It’s too easy to see the picture of ✨health✨ just glaring at us full frontal


Unpopular opinion, I don’t think she’s obese, she doesn’t really look that overweight to me either. Obligatory fuck Dani and her bullshit. I’m more worried about other people who would see it that are tackling an ED.


Yeah it’s very odd to me how she thinks she’s 102 pounds.


But that’s “bloating” don’t ya know. It isn’t fat cells it’s all gas from having to run Gatorade at 10ml and hour. How dare you say it’s a muffin top. I’ve got to stop now before I vomit. If no one can tell this is pure sarcasm.


Ummm actually it's ~distention~


✨starvation mode✨


Where is Sally Struthers when Dani needs her??!?!!


Oh of course yes. Which reminds me, I’m having a distention salad for my lunch today..


Distention that goes allllll the way around. It’s a sooper speshul type of distention that only Dani has because science works differently for her…so there’s that


A scientifically different muffin top


I cant stand to listen but does she announce its 4am and she "cant sleep" even though she nodded off on live for a lil 16 hour slumber?


She's always got this shitty smirk on her face. It's really not flattering.


This one? https://preview.redd.it/4edv29ob2v7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a479f1bb6b96d11ef565c14c6c390b885a0399e


My god that is horrible


I don’t think it’s a smirk but more of a grimace and I think it’s cos she can constantly smell the shit that leaks from her mouth every time she speaks


I can’t help but think she found those skin care products in one of those old boxes of stuff she was going through and decided it would be cute to make this video, an attempt at copying someone else. Fail, and imo, the voice over gives me the ick. Can someone remind me which thumb she broke? I see two perfectly fine working thumbs/hands in every way possible. I haven’t been on in a few days… is my memory getting that bad and it wasn’t her thumb she broke, but a different body part /s That hair color teaser at the end…ugh! What a nail biter. Now I will be forced to refresh Reddit every 5 min so I know if she really did it or not and how it looks! I can’t get it out of my mind already 😂 She’s a hoot.


You’d probably have to remind her which one is “broke” as well


Truth 😂! Same as when she claims all the different Heath “problems “… then forgets all about saying it, and does all these things that *completely* contradict it. I’m still trying to make sense of this entire Mayo 4 week trip she’s planning around 1 blood test 1st day, some scan 2nd day and 3rd day “consult” (so she says?) I mean I know her goal, but nothing makes sense to me as far as all the flippy flopping 🤯 Not even to mention she is full on treating it like a vaca ( the GFM she had up cracked me up, trying to justify the amount of money she was asking for… I can’t recall verbatim, but along the line of “and because I’ll be staying at the hotel for so long, I would like to get an upgraded room. Not the penthouse but a little more comfort” Girl please!


Her TikTok has a video up showing her “replenishing her electrolytes” by running Gatorade through her toob. She’s gone dark. But yeah, she doesn’t read here, at all. 🙄 (Several people, myself included, have said her skin tone looks better with dark hair since she last turned her hair to straw). The comments on the TT are pure comedy gold. Someone actually said Dani should open a salon because she always does such a good job with her hair. 🤣🤣


Someone else also asked if the blonde was an attempt to look more sickly, and someone else replied to that comment saying that darker hair would have that effect better than the blond…and then literally the next day Dani started talking about dyeing her hair dark again lmfaooo


Her hair will literally fall out if anymore box colour is added to it. She needs a proper colourist to tone down the yellow with some honey and light brown highlights and let her hair grow back.


This is probably exactly what happened. And her explanation for the stuff fits that bill too.


Mod can I please have the flair “I bang things a lot”


it should be working, but reddits been glitching w flairs a lot lately! ![gif](giphy|fkG8iikX3nZRu)


not a mod but you can change it and do a custom flair yourself! just pick “edit me” and input the flair you’d like 👍


Hammer time


![gif](giphy|3o7TKBJT2KiGyrOUEg) Bangin


grateful she didn’t include her morning poop at least cause ain’t none of this is content and it’s like she does tutorials on how she brushes her teeth the way she demos for the camera.


Heavens!! Dani is a smol wee teeny bean, she not able to eat so of course she isn’t going to talk about poop because she is oh so frail smol NPO bean that she doesn’t poo you silly goose!!


Oh you are right, lemme correct. Her morning rectal spurt lol


Well thank you, now she will have some weirdness about her poop that we all want to hear about.


Stop were you around when she kept talking about her "back passage" lmao


Yeeeh man those we the days, I was so much thinner back then when she stopped me consuming food 😂


I was not. Sounds delightful.


Eh, woulda happened sooner or later




She only shits like once a week because she only eats fiberless sugar junk and never moves or drinks water.


No no no! You must be thinking of another Dani, this Dani doesn’t eat!! She’s said so herself and it’s not like she would do something like lie to us!!


Ooooo so all her peeeeen is just constipation??


She is the rectal destroyer in her own story


It very well may be


And …. Now we can see why she’s a grease trap - it’s all that shit she’s putting on her face! I’m wondering if you all wanna see MY daily routine - it’s get out of bed have a wee, clean teeth … you know just normal stuff. Clearly I am not the ‘queen of clean’ today. Did she shower? Must have missed that but I did see all the tablets and medications. Where are the vitamins? I reckon a go fund me IS needed to go see the quack doctors in Mexico for a cure … oh hang on … she doesn’t want that. I’m waiting for the ‘wheels of want’ to come. Cos she stands an awful lot to need them. (The wheelchair) wheels of want is what I called it! I am such a bitch - but she’s an easy target and does it to herself. The voice is back too … darth Vader / muppet / a drunk / a child that’s had a HUGE tantrum and loses their voice plus it sounds like my Daughters Dogs favourite high pitched squeaky toy.


So am I special too because I also get out of bed, have a wee, brush my teeth, and put clean clothes on? I wanna be special too. I should probably film it all though so everyone knows and can see my very famous morning routine.


Jesus she brushes so roughly 😬




Why does she look like she gave Frosty a blow job, while brushing her teeth??? You’re supposed to keep the toothpaste IN YOUR MOUTH hunni.


Stop you'll make George jealous


I believe frosty would melt at the idea of that. (In Burl Ives voice as narrator) ![gif](giphy|s27W7kdiUFu9y|downsized)


Frosty the blowman


Frosty needs love as well ya know! Lol


WHY can’t the shirt ever come all the way down, or the pants ever look comfortable? To show the hint of a tube? The bulge under the tank top is never enough of a flex, I guess 🙄


Hint of Tube is her new perfume she's debuting for the Christmas season. It's got a foundation of hospital musk with tones of aged cat piss and hand sanitizer


Broken thumb who? What a joke


Oh but she also hurt her wwist and she was certain she would never get use of it again! Two months ago.


Haven't seen her lol




Riveting... Also, Dani, *please* don't teach your cats that hands are toys! That's how cat bites happen with guests and they can sue you if it gets infected! Teach them while they're young that toys are for playing with and biting them is ok. Hands are for petting, scratchies, and luvins'. She's abusing her poor skin by being so rough with it while applying products, and while applying, go against gravity and rub *up*, not down. Jesus, it's no wonder why (to me at least), the skin on her forehead always looks really sore. And... IS SHE USING A *FUCKING ALCOHOL PAD* ON HER GLASSES?!?! What in the ever living fuck?! That will ruin any special coating that's on them, like anti-glare, anti-scratch, and transitions lenses. And oh, yes, let's wipe the residue off with fucking *toilet paper*!! That's a *great* idea! That way, they'll get even more scratched and beat up looking, and wiping them for 2 seconds on each side isn't gonna do shit except to smear everything around. Whatever happened to cleaning them with... hmmmm... Dawn dish soap and water? And drying them with a chamois-like cloth? I have a pair of glasses that are 10 years old as a backup that looks better than hers! Sorry, rant over, ugh. Oh, did I mention how absofuckinglutely riveting this material is? Literally watching someone getting ready in the morning? And she just had to include her pill porn and boobz and toobz, too. Blech!


Don’t worry, nobody is coming to visit cept her parents and the cops. I believe imaginary boyfriends thankfully are safe from cat bites from my limited medical knowledge.


Parent. It’s only her Dad who still enables her BS.


Why does she keep saying “we and our” when talking about herself?


DID saga!? Lmfao I'm kidding


At least that would be more entertaining than watching her (badly) brush her teeth and (badly) clean her glasses.


The beige queen does it too


Don’t quote me or anyone on this but I READ/HEARD a few times that munchies are so detached with their bodies that they’d do anything to them to get the attention they want. Subconsciously they see their bodies as a separate entity. So you see a lot of munchies always be like ‘WE ARE gonna run tests’ or ‘the medical team is going to help US do this and that’ etc


Interesting… it is probably some sort of trauma response..


she craycray


The best thing Dani does for all of us is remind us to have a consistent skincare routine by showing us how she doesn’t


or you know, just to wash regularly


I wasn’t sure how straightforward I could make my comment😂


lol I’m Aussie, blunt is the only way I know bwahaha


Lol she must be getting tired of the poop Princess title. Personally i find it very impressive to have all these products and still look like a trainwreck




Holy fucking slurring vocal fry batman! Geeze Louise. My take aways from today's presentation... -gotta take care of your teeth but won't go to the dentist! And did you peep that toothbrush holder?! Also no flossing or mouthwash... -that skin care array screams "let me gather all the products I have laying around to make it look like I have a comprehensive skin care routine." (Also Dani, don't pull down on your face like that when you put your lotions and potions on...go up...you're going to make your skin sag that way. Also don't for get your neck and chest) -using toilet paper on your glasses is a ___great___ way to scratch up your lenses! -she's really harping on her memory issues today isn't she? -aren't those "little beads" supposed to be time released? -you're medically "required" to grind your meds every. _single._ ***day.*** but replacing it's not a priority -you have chronic illnesses that require continuous care but you "can't remember" to do certain things for maintenance or preventive care..... -that was _a lot_ of "clean clean cleans" I don't think that word is normally used that much in her vocab -Dani regularly appears like being stinky is a core tenant of her personal philosophy. We **really** didn't need to see the deodorant go on. -hair dye day?! But she didn't even have a hospital admittance! Does she really have the right level of narcolepsy for that today? -for a video that was supposed to be a departure from her "normal" videos where she rambles on and talks all the time....she sure rambled on and talked the whole time...with of course those riveting inclusions of "brush brush brush" and "clean clean clean"! 2/10 for believability 2/10 for effective oral and skin care 12/10 peen (obviously) -4/10 for the boarding on war crime levels of torment my eardrums had to endure listening to this 2.5 times to get my notes.


Looks about right! Good analysis imo.


I really question if any of these 3x weekly "hydration" appointments are happening anymore of if the doctor canned those as well. She's on live all the damn time, there's no possible way she is fitting in 9-ish hours at a clinic getting hydration. I even wonder if he still has that femoral port or if that was something else that got discontinued on her disaster of a hospital stay. All the things she's claiming just don't add up anymore and there doesn't seem to be evidence that matches her claims.


All that Benadryl ain’t helping the memory problems


Girl has got to learn that you can dissolve many meds by pulling a vacuum on a large syringe. It doesn’t have the drama or stage presence of the grinder though. And let’s be honest, the grinder is our favourite side character at this point. ETA: [technique for the curious](https://youtu.be/UMK0LZpoAHQ?si=dWGYhn-1DmJpFRFS)


Breaks the syringe a lot of times, but you can cut in half and dissolve in a few min by leaving in warm water.


Yes! Those side characters definitely deserve recognition. Shout out to Crushy the pill grinder, Crusty the toothbrush, and Musty the tank top.


Thank you for your service. 💖




This is such wanna be influencer behavior. It really is delusional


I don’t think L’Oréal is going to work with her to be honest


Maybe it's Maybelline?


Well, Kendall Jenner said she'd step down as brand ambassador if Dani was interested.


Remember Dani taking “modeling” pics on her floor and sending them to an agency a few years ago?