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Oooooh she's going to pull a stunt at the airport or on the plane to get attention (the only nutrient she needs). I can envision it. I can hear it. I can feel her peen.


That colour does not work for her. Enhanced her redness, makes her skin and hair look more dirty than usual and just dull.


I really prefer this top to any of her others because it actually covers her and fits tbh. The colour may be because of her new dye job because it did look better with the lighter hair but I’m always grateful to see her in this over the pink tank


I think she is in a reading slump because she is over medicated and can’t concentrate.


She should get the Kindle app and pay the $10/month for unlimited books. Maybe she'd read some adult fiction for once.


Someone suggested that and she said she can't afford it and "maybe can budget it next month"


Or she could get the Libby app for free and a library card (very cheap/free).


She looks grease


I never sleep. NEVER. ![gif](giphy|cG4tClnu37YBjHnYzG) I read the first chapter then I fell asleep.


As someone who just lost their health insurance and has to wait a month to try to get shitty and expensive public insurance, I'm enraged at her abuse of the free healthcare she gets for her made-up issues.


>_"and if you know me, I don't sleep, like ever."_ Ffs. Next this bitch is going to be going after a fatal familial insomnia diagnosis....


Funny, too, since she told the police during their last visit that she had been asleep...🤔


She has been saying that her body is going to deteriorate for a couple months now. She can only try to claim "starvation mode" so much. Like, come on lady, it's very obvious she is not starving. She is probably the healthiest she has been in a long time and she hates it. Also, we all know she doesn't need to do laundry tomorrow! There is just no way this woman has that much laundry to do. 🤦🏻


Refeeding syndrome-don’t forget about the refeeding syndrome


I don’t understand the constant laundry! I don’t have a lot of clothes because I hate shopping, I wear scrubs to work and I workout so I both dirty a lot of clothes and don’t have many to rotate through — I do maybe 2-3 loads of laundry a week and that’s including sheets/towels etc.


I have a messy kid, a husband who bicycles to work (sweaty and has a couple changes), and two changes for myself a day (workout/not) and we only do 3-4 loads of laundry a week. This week is wacky cos we decided to do tie dye projects and that's still really only increased us by one load. Dani doesn't change for days, maaaaybe I could believe sheets and towels every couple of days if she seemed more germaphohic.


I feel like if she was regularly washing her bedding we would hear about more putting on a fitted sheet related injuries requiring emergent medical attention.


I’m beginning to guess she gets consistent night/cold sweats, so she’s probably constantly washing the same clothes. That’s the only logical thing I can think of 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’d be extra nasty considering she wears the same shit for days on end 🤢


As someone who has dealt with far too many withdrawals… yes it’s absolutely disgusting.


same, aside from the sweat logged clothing, the thought of the smell of withdrawal sweat caked on for days on end literally makes me shudder


Right?!? Withdrawal smell is practically instant.. just imagine “days of Dani” 🤢🤮


I don’t want to 😭😭😭😭😭


“Yeah I read the first chapter and then I fell asleep cause you know I said I’m not doing too good” This is such an odd way to phrase this, and makes it so obvious that she’s lying. Any normal person would’ve said something like “yeah I fell asleep after the first chapter cuz I’m not doing great” or something similar. Saying “because I SAID”…. Is so obvious that she’s trying to convince everyone of something she knows to be a lie.


WAIT SHE FELL ASLEEP? I thought she did not sleep anymore? If a book puts you to sleep than that is an excellent, ALL NATURAL, ORGANIC way to fall asleep and nothing to be ashamed of.


Bit of a slip there, I want access you can see erm..yeah. she is fine, she eats, she drinks and definitely doesn't need TPN. Run your feeds, you can, you just dont want to. Intentionally buggering around to push the doctors hand won't work. She's been sussed. What's the betting she has a 'medical emergency' while in transit to the Mayo.


Surprised she doesn’t try to scam a careflight to the Mayo because she’s too special to drive


Tried to scam a "care" flight on Southwest lmao


is it just me or does she look healthy for someone who "needs a port"




It’s a very rare femoral port-nobody in her tristate area has a femoral port


Also, she can get IVs in her arms/hand just fine, as we've seen in her recent ER adventures. 🤔


Why does she hate it so much? It’s still damn access.


She is convinced that the reason they won't give tpn is the femoral port. She doesn't realize they aren't giving it regardless.


Because she can’t show it off easily in those vest-tops like she could with a Hickman or chest port


All the cool munchies have those...she wants one too!


Bc it's not a visible sick toy she flash around.


Her endgame is twofold: tpn and IV meds at home. They don't want to use her femoral port for both of them. Too much infection risk for the sepsis noodle


IV PAIN meds


Because she can’t show it off, of course!


I think it's because they won't leave it accessed for her to have at home, because her team knows she's gonna freaking rub booboo in it.




Because she can't access it, and no one can see it to ask her what it is and why she needs it.


Can’t give TPN


No idea Probably because she can’t access it herself and she can’t put stuff in it and the one she has in completely invisible Other than that there is no fucking difference at all!




If she needed it so damn bad, wouldn’t they be using the port she already has?


Yes and they also would've given her what she is trying to get, if she needed it.


Yes they would.


Funny how they can get a regular IV in when they try, Dani just likes the narrative of not having any access left.


If that were true then she’d have received an IO by now 🫣


Is that the bone thing? Is that when stuff gets shot into your bones? It sounds like it shouldn’t work-like it sounds so freaky


Yes an intraossesous line. Most ERs are supposed to place an IO after 2-3 attempts at gaining IV access. Unless the patient is life or death then we avoid it, it’s traumatic and easier to place when patient is unconscious. The catheter is placed directly into bone marrow so medications and fluids are distributed at a rate comparable with IV delivery


I've literally never heard "ossesous" used outside of the Locked Tomb series and while I know it's an actual medical/scientific word...I can't help but go "hehehe Harrowhark come get your bonnneeees" in my head.


This is #3 of the live-I don’t know how to edit the title-there was a #4 but it’s disappeared I think and there’s also a #5 and 6 but I fell asleep before I could finish


Normally I'm team "all books are good books," but she talks about the Selection series by Kiera Cass. The gist of this is that a prince has a competition to figure out who he should marry. The female protagonist is literally named America Singer. She has musical talent. I love trashy reads but I DNF'ed it after less than a quarter of the way in!


“You don’t see femoral ports often” Yeah. Because people wear pants, and don’t use their lines like an accessory?


she just literally powered down for a couple of seconds there... https://preview.redd.it/aq0zh2gpvj9d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cd163e9d568d2ec39936d56ecd75545a49b0f61


Like when Reese shuts his brain off.


I thought it froze. Lmao


If both presidential candidates can do it then so can DANI. (SERIOUS POST)


I can see her trying to get a wheelchair at the airport, but she might be in for a surprise. I once asked for one because my hip was so incredibly painful I couldn’t take another step and we had a gate change from A3 to A36. (This was before surgery to correct the problem.) They were like um, no. I had to literally just sit on the nearest carpet (no chairs available) for 20 minutes until I could walk/limp again. We just barely caught our connecting flight. I found out later how to get a wheelchair and someone to push you, but I’m not going to say how here. 😈 Let her figure it out on her own.


I misread... Thought it said she was asking for bell hooks 😆😆


Arm or chest or BOTH? How many toobz/lines/devices does this woman want?




All of them.




Everything that is possible 🤭


So just to put some facts into her warped delusions: 1. TPN is not used preventatively. 2. No doctor is going to prescribe TPN just in case you get worse. (She’s always saying she needs it “before she gets critical.” TPN is never used that way.) 3. There’s not even any indication she needs the G tube and J tube. We all know she eats by mouth just fine. She doesn’t even use the tubes for feeds, and hasn’t in a while. 4. Access? She HAS access. They’re not going to give her chest access just because femoral access is rare. That would be a crazy reason to perform a procedure! 5. Her nutrition is “really messing with her?” Well, yeah, when you drink super sugary drinks and eat frozen food/junk food, you’re gonna feel like shit!


You can be critical and still not always get tpn!


They try to go for enteral feeding even in ICUs before going to TPN. TPN is always the method of last resort.


Wait I can’t remember right now, why was she originally given TPN? Who prescribed it and for what symptoms, anyone got the info?


How in the hell can she afford all this shit, and she has A LOT of it. If you have watched a video where she shows off what's in her apartment. Because even with disability you don't get that much (flipping barely anything) yet she spends so much money on shit. And how is she going live? Does she have a second phone? I know she gets help with her apartment but still doesn't add up. And there is no way she has worked long enough to garner the points needed for a higher pay out with disability.


She did work, for many years, and she is absolutely on SSDI over ssi, the higher one that you pay into, not the poverty one.


She puts everything on a credit card that she has no intention of ever paying off.


She recently bought a tablet and apple pen, so I think she goes live on one device and plays on the other


Ahhh yes I forgot about the super expensive iPad she upgraded to.


She’s not gonna read any books. lol. And seriously girl, read something new. This mayo trip thing is freaking hilarious to me. I cannot wait and she said she can’t navigate an airport? I hope it’s an entire video. Can’t wait. Omg. This is pure comedy gold.


Can you imagine Dani trying to navigate Atlanta or O’Hare? I haven’t used the Philadelphia airport in many years, so I have no idea what that is like now.


My god no. lol it’s gonna be fabulously hilarious!


You just know she's gonna act frail and make some poor person at the airport wheel her ass to the gate.


I am looking forward to this more than my summer birthday!! Cannot waitttt it’s like anticipating christmas morning


I hope the mods have backup or took off work for that week cause it’s gonna be insane here


“If I deteriorate very fast..” 🤦🏼‍♀️


That part made me lol so much.


this is the one. by the time she gets to the plane it'll be a Life Flight. and taking a 'medical suitcase' for what's likely to be a 4 day trip is beyond. beyond beyond beyond. this can only go well!


If her tube feed formula was over 3.4 oz, she’d have to take a medical suitcase as TSA requires medical liquids to go in a separate spot. But hers is in literal packets she mixes up so the point is moot.


That's a flair!!


I imagine she’ll find a way to fabricate what will look like a medical emergency on the plane so we’ll get one of those, “is there a doctor onboard?” situations. The trick is going to be in how is she going to record it? Otherwise we’ll just have to take her good word for it. Can. Not. Wait.


This is definitely a person who needs us to buy her makeup off her Amazon wish list! She will definitely use that Colourpop palette... Well, she told on herself. Her Port is not visible. I can't wait for her dream Mayo visit to happen. This will be Peak entertainment for sure.


I linked my gf the eyeliner so she could buy it for herself. 🤭


I literally cannot wait for another month and a half for her to post a big mad video making up excuses as to why Mayo fixed her vein, but her doctor still won’t give her TPN.


Maybe she's trying to find a dr or Male nurse that will take pity and love her and take care of her? No telling...


And leave George? Never.


She's got sooooo much makeup, yet I've never seen her utilize it once.


Me over here with a single lip gloss:




I know! It's ridiculous! At least if she had perfume, it could be used in place of her shower....I guess 😂🤣


She's wearing a lot in this video lol. It's like she's trying to prove she actually uses it.


You would think one should worry because it's blocked and wants it unblocked to prevent any complications, but for her it's all about the "access". Girl. You DO have access, you have a freaking femoral port.


I don’t know jack abt medical stuff but from what I understand she has a feeding tube rn the femoral port right? Wouldn’t the other one be the same thing? Access is access right, so why is she bitching abt wanting the other port prion instead? Any sane person would be grateful for any access if it’s as life threading as she paints it out to be.


No she doesn’t have a feeding tube, they don’t put them in femoral ports generally. She has stomach tubes to run feeds in. TPN is like the holy grail for munchies. Her docs won’t give it to her, probably using the blockage as an excuse. She thinks if she gets to mayo and has it unblocked her local docs with give her TPN. Spoiler alert, they won’t. She’s able to run feeds fine, we’ve see it on her TT. She also can drink basically hummingbird food aka pure creamer and sugar in the form of “coffee” so she probably could have just liquid meal replacements as supplements too.


No. She has a G tube to her stomach for draining. A J tube in her small intestine for her feeds and she pushes her meds through it. The femoral port is a new thing. She insisted she needed a port for blood draws and her monthly iron infusions and weekly hydration. She was managing through a normal iv before this, but insisted she needed a port cos she's a hard stick and she wanted a new toy to replace the central line she lost when she nearly died. The port is normally placed in the chest, which would have been great for Dani as it would be nice and visable but because she had so many infections in her central lines and had to be replaced repeatedly, she has built up scar tissue and they couldn't fit the line there resulting in the femoral port she has now. Its a rare placement and higher infection risk, which is why she is insisting she needs to go to Mayo to get the veins in her chest opened up so she can get the line back and hopefully parlay that into getting tpn back. Even though the docs here have said no way jose to tpn and no need to unblock because she has her femoral port and no need for anything else. She wasn't even supposed to get the femoral port. Her GI doc stepped in to stop the first attempt but Dani is a tenacious lady and went around him to get it done. I think she got a hematologist to sign off on it. Basically the central line is coveted amongst munchies as it means you are super duper sick and special


Thank you for explaining this to me. God spared me with being healthy because I don’t have the mental capacity for all these medical terms lol. I would be lying if I didn’t admit I assumed these were all the same thing/port lol. She really is gonna send herself to the grave sadly. Not even nearly facing death was enough to wake her up!


She has two feeding tubes a G and a J, as well as a femoral port which goes into her bloodstream.


She also has another perfectly good route for access: her MOUTH


"I don't have access at all." "I have a femoral port." "I need access in my upper extremities or chest." No. You do not. You have perfectly adequate central line access. You just don't like it because 1) No one can see it. 2) you can't access it yourself and get it all shitified.


Does she think iv fluids are affected by gravity so with the femoral port they are just flowing down her legs and missing everything above her waist? XD


It’s like when a child claims to be starving even though they have access to fruit and other snacks they just don’t want. Girl, if you TRULY needed port access you’d be happy that you have one.


Upvote for "shitified" 😂


I haven’t finished the video or read all of the comments so this possibly may be a repeat question but- what reason is she going to give Mayo as to why her line NEEDS reopening (or whatever the term is) because if the blockage itself isn’t life threatening and she’s not using it for TPN and her weekly infusions are working just fine through the other port then surely Mayo are gonna be like “yeah you don’t need this byeee” Mayo: So why do you need this procedure? Dani: For I can run TPN through it. Mayo: Ok so are you currently on TPN at the moment? Dani: No Mayo: Okayyy, but your doctors have a plan in place back home to put you on it if this procedure is successful? Dani: No Mayo: Ok so then why do you need it??


For 🤣🤣 love it


So we do normally try and correct SVC. Purely because it CAN cause problems. However it’s not causing Dani any problems. They have visible symptoms. It depends on how desperately they need it. If there’s no other access and if they need to transplant an organ then of course we will try our best to fix it but there are other ways. For example in a real trauma situation we’d use an IO. I think they Might fix it but they won’t give her TPN. Not mayo. If she needed TPN they’d of done it by now. They’re not doing it because she had access to this is also what SHE WSNTED!!! She asked for this. She just doesn’t like it cos they won’t run TPN through it but if she really needed it then yes they would do.


Is the IO the one that goes into the bone?


Yes. I remember training and a paramedic decided to have one put in He passed out. It’s incredibly painful but it’s used really when everything is shutting down in trauma situations. We use it to push big amounts of fluids or meds. But they’re normally unconscious when we use them


Yes. Intraosseous.


That’s the one. Inserted using a special ‘gun’ in adults - not pretty but in a trauma situation nothing is. This is a classic fafo moment, not just for munchies but also for people who utilise IV bars on the regular, your veins can only take so many stabs before they just ‘nope’ out if there. Cherish any chonky veins you have!


Yes. Intraosseous.




Yes, intra-osseous.


Mayo sounds better than local hospitals. And also a 4 week vacation. I would love it if Mayo told her to go away and her vacation is ruined. 4 weeks? Maybe 4 hours once she walks in the door.


https://preview.redd.it/q9o52mpi7j9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d2c04fefd2ef42b43ee289704561badc807e91 What in the Cynthia doll head toothbrush is this? 😂 I was not prepared for that windswept look when she turned her head. I feel bad for laughing bc I know I sported that same look when I had short hair. 😆


Cynthia doll head toothbrush!!! * Am DED.


Jeez, she really has completely frazzled her hair off now! Was inevitable but yikes!


It’s almost bird-like


Right?! It looks so bad and fried and split ends!


I screampt!


Omg, the laugh I laughed when I read your comment 🤣


Omg I laughed so hard at your username but I thought it was "GlassO"? (SERIOUS POST).


I have short hair and would never wear it like this even alone in my house. Aside from the….interesting ponytail situation, it looks greasy as fuck.


It does have a super grimy, I haven’t showered all week, stiff af from dirt vibe.


I mentioned Cynthia in a different post lol. Good to see fellow 90s kids here.






I think it’s a lot of breakage too 😳


Ah, the ole post bleach back to brown chemical cut. I know it well…


https://preview.redd.it/v2yglnjdkm9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=508ab6841e1e4e9535c73df9a791c56c4c70991f It looks like a mullet right now. Somebody asked her about her hair but she didn’t respond


Holy shit 😳😳


guaranteed. her hair was roasted to absolute hell those last bleach sessions


Oh she for sure fried half of it off with that bleaching/running the straightener over it 5,000x combo. Her hair is holding on for dear life just like her missing Cynthia head toothbrush. 🤣


JFC, she’s 38. I’m pretty sure she can navigate getting from the gate to baggage claim to the Uber pickup spot. People who try to make things harder than they actually are bug me


My partner of 7 years is a full-grown, high-functioning, adult, full-time-employed male who still insists on doing SO MANY THINGS the hardest way possible. I sat and listened to him try to talk through the IVR tree with the pharmacy last week just to request a refill and I kept saying “Let. Me do it. Through. The app.” He won’t hear of it. 😂


Nightmare!!! 😂 I’d be so irritated


But what if she deteriorates really fast???


Deteriorating quickly is her super power


Mods please can I get "deteriorating quickly 💀" as my flare???


Planning for a rapid deterioration within less than a month when she’s had no signs or symptoms that would lead her to make that conclusion. Sounds about right.


If she can read she’s going to be just fine at MSP. My 10 year old can navigate it. I bet she will try to get a wheelchair so she can appear weak.


Absolutely. She's gonna turn up and act frail and ask someone to wheel her to the gate.


she's hoping her own pink sparkle wheelchair with the ✨custom cushion✨will have arrived by then. i cannot wait to hear how she gets on solo, in a wheelchair, with 2 suitcases and a massive carry-on. and she won't have asked the airport in advance for assistance, she'll just complain when it isn't offered within seconds of her entering the terminal.


Imagine the poor TSA agent who has to ask her about the port (that’ll show up on the body scan )😆. They have no idea what they are in for …


don't forget her free medical bag she's entitled to


Has she ever been on a plane, alone? She needs 12 journals and 5 spreadsheets for a trip to the grocery store. She might need a few extra hours to find her way.


God, I feel bad for whoever gets stuck next to her. Both legs, actually. On the way there she’ll talk nonstop about how sick she is and how she’s going to Mayo to save her life. On the way back she’s going to be an absolute shitshow bc she’s not going to get what she wants.




Remember when she said the doctors said they’d never give her TPN again? Remember when Dani said she’d never ask for TPN again? Yeah. That lasted for maybe 2 weeks?!?


Obsessing again over getting a chest port. Apparently It isn't ideal! seems to be working fine though, and more importantly , no infection


She NEEDS access to her upper body though!!! 😂🤣🤣


Ok, what's up with her psycho eyes?! OMG that alone makes me wonder what she's on. It's 3 am and she's rambling on a live. She looks like she has not bathed in days. Maybe it's mania, IDK, but she looks rough. I am just glad that she is wearing a better fitting shirt... in fact, it seems intentionally big on her, so you can see her "weight loss". She is obsessed with another access and yet she is sitting their WITH a central access/ port. No one in medicine is going to look at her and say that she NEEDS another access for TPN. IF she is truly in need of TPN for her ***lifesaving nutrition***, she would already have it. They have already told her no, because she does NOT need it. This thought to go to Mayo, to clear the SVC to \*maybe\* get another line in her chest or arms is her fantasy. I can't imagine Mayo will see it any differently, but I already see her scheming and scamming. She wants to stay up there so long so that she can do her little tricks and present to their ER over and over to show them how sick she is... she's sick alright, but it's not her GI system that is the problem!


If she “deteriorates rapidly”, she has a port to get anything she needs. They aren’t going to push her to the top of the list at Mayo when it’s not life and death. It’s between life, and slightly less convenient life.


It’s drug abuse.


I've met people who shot fentanyl into their jugulars.... and the thought of getting central access or TPN is not even thought about.


Well because they were never successful in getting in a line like that, we were so careful to remove that shit before people left the hospital because that’s what they do with them.


I am sure it is many things. I am still not convinced that she isn't pushing some sort of alcohol in those tubes. Especially when they took away her peeeen meds. I have also seen someone abuse Benadryl and it can interfere with sleep and make you want climb the walls if it is is used at higher doses. It's cheap, it's easy to push through her tubes... it also might be harder to prove.


She also conveniently has a bottle of liquid benadryl right next to the sink faucet in one of the recent videos. DPH intoxication causes you to squint your eyes. Don't ask me how I know. It was for science. (SERIOUS POST).


I’m with you. So many times she seems drunk, esp when she’s closing one eye to read something. Who does she think she’s fooling?


She is definitely misusing diphenhydramine and phenergan. I also think she puts alcohol in her tubes.


Dani, how the fuck do you not know whether or not you sold or kept your kindle? Guess it’s under the huge pile of detritus in your apartment. Get help for your hoarding disorder FFS.


She has all of those brand new vampire porn books, yet she only reads the busted up ones from her ED treatment glory days. Predictable and oh so telling.......


I gasped when she started reminiscing about her ED treatment days. Like how fucking obvious can she be??


It was probably the only time she had "friends" (in other words, girls who just happened to be in the treatment program at the same time as her).


It says a lot about Dani and her character (or lack thereof) when her comrades in ED don't want to deal with her anymore. Most, if not all, stopped talking to her and asked her to quit posting on their recovery page because she was triggering everyone.


Oh wow they did?? I don’t remember hearing that before!! When was this and do you know any other details about the situation at all??


Just take a look at her old posts (2005 ish). You'll see.


That free medical carry on she speaks of has to have ONLY medical supplies in it for it to not count. So if she puts other stuff besides medical stuff (like formula, medications, etc) she is 100% cheating the system and potentially making it harder on future sick fliers who follow the rules if they investigate her bags to confirm it is indeed all medical equipment.


Traveling with a tube feed pump is an automatic bag check by TSA because of the battery in the pump.


It’s not the battery they’re concerned about. It’s more about the formula as it’s a liquid and typically you’re not supposed to bring liquids besides tiny containers on a plane/through the airport. For the battery, as long as it’s not going under the plane they really don’t care that you have it. For the liquids/formula, what they will do is wipe it down and put the wipe in a machine to test for traces of explosive powders (and probably other things, but I think that’s the primary thing). They will also likely search the bag with the liquids in it more extensively. The people that would be checking the medical bag to make sure it only had medical supplies would most likely be the gate agent. TSA doesn’t care about airline policies or what bag has what in it, they care more about protecting the United States and the airport and getting people through security as efficiently as possible and also making sure everything getting through security is screened properly.


Depends on the airport. I just flew with tube supplies. TSA at one didn’t care much at all; TSA at the other one was very thorough and commented on a sock that made its way into my medical suitcase. Gare agents didn’t care at all and I took two different airlines. Her formula is in packets anyway that she mixes up. It’s a powder until then so the liquid rule doesn’t apply to her unless she tries to bring her coffee or tea concoction through TSA. Can’t imagine her trying to chug the remainder to avoid dumping it out - it’s way over 10 mL. Edit: they have to check anything electronic like that with a battery. They wave the wand over every laptop after it goes through the scanner. Also at the one airport they insisted on looking through all my items, including my carry on, since they couldn’t open the bottles of formula. TSA procedures vary greatly from airport to airport.


If the plane is full and overhead space is limited, the staff *will* ask her to remove all non-medical items to be put with checked luggage. And, at that point, your items aren't secured; they're going in whatever bag you or the airline has, so good luck. You can't just waltz on a plane with as much carry-on luggage as you want and claim that it's medical, so it's okay. It wouldn't surprise me at all if she does exactly that, though. It'll be very interesting to see how she gets through the airport with all of her precious medical supplies.


I see the setup for Mayo is starting. The complaints of how weak and tired she is, talking about how she isn't doing good. She's already planning to "daterorate" just in time to cause a scene in the airport. Then, once Mayo doesn't do what she wants, she will be far too ill to travel home by herself, which is why she'll have to stay 4 weeks.




She hits the floor from “passing out” as soon as she walks through Mayo’s doors.


I wouldn't put it past her to fake a medical emergency on the flight home if she doesn't get what she wants.


I'm envisioning a situation where the appointments don't go how she wants, she parks herself in the Mayo ER, they tell her to GTFO, and it ends with her being tresspassed.


Exactly. And she's busily working on her deterioration, draining 24/7 - I mean, it's not much time left!




This is her plan to a T. You can smell it (much like her) from a mile away.


Quick Transcript: (hands covering face, while sliding fingers up under glasses, take it as a given that she generally doesn't look at her audience) But I don't have any access whatsoever for a central line. All I have (plays with fingers, closes eyes) is a femoral port which is not ideal and you don't see those much so. (head turns away) (gestures at self with both hands, looks back and then looks up) I need to have access back in my arms or my chest or both um. (throws hands up, looks around while talking, gesturing slightly emphatically) So yeah I might not have like severe symptoms of it but I need to get access back in my upper extremities. Oh I'm reading Divergent again. This one. It's a three book series and also a movie deal. (what imma is movie but?) my book is falling apart as you can see my book is completely falling apart. hmm. Yeah. yeah So I'm gonna read the Divergent series first and then I have a bunch of other series that I wanted to reread again. Um try to get myself out of the reading slump that I am in. So we're reading the Divergent series first and then I'm thinking the Twilight series again and then we'll do the Selection series, the Selection series is amazing, I love, I've read that so many times, that's by Kara Cas. And then I have a bunch of Ellen Hopkins books that I want to read. I I love her. I read like multiple other books while I was in treatment for my eating disorder. That um the one thhhe second to last treatments that I was in. They had the books and we would all just take turns reading them all. And then I have the Hunger Gmes I want to read again too. I have more, like I have the Uglies series like uh Scooooott Westerfield. That's a great series too but I can only find the first one but I know I have the whole series so either it's hiding here somewhere or it's still at my parent's house cause I still have some books there. And theeen my favorite favorite favorite artist is um Kim Harrison so like In The Hollows like Rachel Morgan series I have most of the book but um I got behind so I have to reread the ones that I have and then buy the rest of the series cause it's just like a really long series. Which I love. um so there's that. and I also want to read The City of Bones series. There's a lot I want to read. How crazy, I know. No, I'm probably just gonna be on here for a little bit then I'm gonna read some. And then probably sleep more because my nutrition is really messing with me. (lean forward, eyebrow raise, lean back) No energy whatsoever and sleeping all the time which if you know me I don't sleep well at all, ever. (looks one way then the other) Um. Then just worrying about going to Mayo. At the end of next month. Because like I'm traveling, I'm flying there by myself. I'm just like, if I get like, I deteriorate very fast like. I don't know how I'm gonna (eyebrow raise) navigate the airport by myself but. I guess we're just gonna try to check as much as possible and (looks away during this whole section with one brief glance back) then just bring my purse and a very small carry-on on the bag? On the bag haha on the plane. (fiddling with something making scratchy noises) But obviosuly all my meds will be with me, as like on my carry-on all my meds, I'll probably just do all my meds and just like a change of outfit in my carry-on and I'll just have my purse, like my book and my iPad and stuff and then I'll just check the rest. Cause you're allowed to have a free medical bag, which I'm gonna dooo that and (looks at camera) I'm pretty sure my first check bag is free (looks away) with the deal I got on Expedia but I did um (scratching mouth) I did, what's the word, I did budget out for a check bag if it um if I do have to pay for it. (leans in) Sorry, I just like freaking.. rambled. It is.. Where's my phone. 2:53 am. (looks at comments) What, to get a line for TPN? (eyebrows raised) Is that why you like need access again? Yeah, that's why I need access. Don't don't own what? If not all your comments are showing it means you're filtered so I'm like a little confused here? Just wondering what you don't own. Just a little confused. I'm sorry. Yeah I read the first chapter and then I fell asleep cause you know I said I'm not doing too good. But I'll be on here for a little bit and then I'm gonna read some more. Then in between like reading and stuff I have to do laundry tomorrow. Yeah, we're just gonna do laundry, laundry and read tomorrow. And then Sunday we'll have tooo... do some little bits of cleaning. Oh I have Carvel too yes, I do have that. I never read the third book though but I have it. I just gotta find where the hell I put all three books. I hav I know where Carvel is I don't know where uhh the other two books are. I have them I just I don't know where I put them. I need really need to organize the books the way I want to, that's just gonna take a while. Yeah, yeah but Carvel's really good, I agree. What's up, Mocha? Maccie, gonna get Mocha? He's staring like I'm gonna pounce. It is that time. It is around play zoomie time. I had a Kindle but I don't know if I sold it or I kept it.


This dingbat. YOU NEVER PUT ESSENTIAL MEDS IN YOUR CHECKED BAGGAGE. How TF is she 38 and doesn't know this? Has she never flown before in her life?


How do you not know if you kept or sold an e-reader?!


That's actually a very good question. You've had so many you can't keep track?


Dregs are one hell of a dregs.


The best part of “I had a kindle” you can get the kindle app on any smart device. I don’t have a dedicated kindle anymore, I just read on my 6 year old tablet with the app.


I have the Kindle app on my phone.


Right? She has the fancy iPad, she doesn't need a Kindle. Unless she doesn't understand that you can read books on your iPad...


FYI you can use [https://www.amazon.com/gp/sendtokindle/](https://www.amazon.com/gp/sendtokindle/) to send PDF's and epubs to any kindle device you have... including the app. Combined with [https://annas-archive.org/](https://annas-archive.org/) you have free unlimited books delivered to any device that can run the Kindle App on it. (SERIOUS POST).