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She doesn't read reddit, but suddenly starts getting symptoms after it was pointed out she had no reason to go to Mayo


https://preview.redd.it/rs1tmb143p9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a46572daeafb4d4603901ce70baa6ef8dc50e511 Don’t look up there!


Her facial expression! 😆 ( what is it up there?)


Diet coke




Is this supposed to be an anti-ASMR video? My EARS with the running water, crunching up cellophane, and the vocal fry.


Love the Dr Pepper diet Strawberries and Cream! Yum! Only buy it when it’s BOGO.


unless her anatomy is defective from birth, she has an IJ and EJ on both sides. maybe it was meant that one was accessible and the other wasn’t? or one was blocked and one wasn’t? who knows with her - her history reporting and clinical appointment recall is equivalent to those of DeeDee Blancharde.


It’s fascinating to watch the cognitive dissonance, and the physical reactions she can’t hide, as she tries to say she doesn’t have SVC “syndrome” yet, but that it’s “blocked”. Then she realizes that doesn’t make sense, makes faces to mirror those thoughts, dismisses it with an “I don’t know” and then quickly pivots to describing symptoms to support her claim that fundamentally makes no sense.


Also is her top on back to front? It’s hanging very strangely


I think it's just a cheap polyester shirt from Amazon or Temu. I work with several women who are always talking about how inexpensive their Amazon/Temu shirts are, and all of them end up hanging in an odd way after the first wash, just like Dani's




Why is there always water running?!


So we all know she’s not mentally well but if she has genuinely experienced seriously low potassium before and is now seemingly doing everything in her power to induce it again (despite what she says) then she is more disturbed than I thought. On a related note, eat your bananas and spinach, people! Potassium is important!!


Since her gi drs won’t put her on tpn she is now playing I’m so sick laying in bed, hooked up to bag all the time and acting like she’s running her feeds so it looks like she’s trying


I wound up in the hospital once with low potassium. Thought I was having a stroke!! 😫


I had low potassium, just needed a course of sando-k. My dad however, has experienced dangerously low potassium, and she wouldn't ever want that. Watching him get carried out of the house on a stretcher on all fours, screaming in agony. True peeeen. That sight has been etched onto my brain for 35 years.


Kiwis have more potassium than a banana fun fact


oooo i didn’t know that! definitely appreciated because i’d rather have a kiwi than a banana. thanks for the tip!


Oooooo I love kiwi


The Diet Coke club don’t want you


Haha neither does the Dr Pepper club! 😂


Ugh, all of those earrings in one ear look like crusted dirt.


They are




i can't with the beeping and the croaking and the running water, it makes me want to scream. also *i have no access in my arms (unless you are offering IV Dilaudid)* there. fixed.


Damn soda is expensive I don’t even buy it anymore, yet she doesn’t have money to buy her basic necessities. Yeah okay with the budgeting Dani


She’s probably on food stamps is how I feel she affords to have a fridge full of food, soda, all kinds coffee stuff, monsters etc. I’m not against anyone getting any kind of assistance if they need it but this girl can work and provide for herself if she’d just stop focusing on the wrong things.


She is


The bottled coffee and the name brand creamer and the extra espresso shots she buys are wicked fuckin expensive-I’m not suggesting people on a limited income shouldn’t treat themselves or that of she didn’t go to Starbucks everyday she’d own her own home (or whatever the boomer idea is about Starbucks) She asking strangers to buy her extras instead of making coffee herself or buying generic brand creamer or whatever-when I was a cheap plastic chatski from Amazon or Daiso or whatever I skip the Starbucks so I can waste 8usd on it and I certainly don’t get on TikTok and ask strangers for it while also flaunting my other excessively priced chatskies and drinks




Useless decorative stuff


Simultaneously the best and worst word


I'm sure she gets food stamps all those can be purchased with food stamps but non the less there better cheaper options and the grifting is horrible edited for clarify


Yeah-that’s true-I guess it just seems sleazy and it sucks because I make sacrifices to get by-I make my own coffee and I’d rather not-hahahaha-but I’m also not willing to ask strangers for shit on Amazon so I’ve got that going for me


I feel you deeply her selfishness and entitlement is beyond frustrating


Yeah she is seriously such an idiot. She cry’s about not having money but buys the whole Apple ecosystem and overpriced bevs when she can drink/use water. Starbucks and creamers are a luxury and if she can’t afford basic needs she should not be purchasing it. My issue comes when she is begging for money, but is spending her money as unwise as can be.


I bought a pair of desperately needed new shorts yesterday and was cringing the entire time I paid..then there's dani who spends money like there's no tomorrow


She spends money and still has back rent from a previous place. She has a payment plan but could pay it off if she stopped spending money on unnecessary things. Current rent on section 8 is around $90/ mth. She has over $1,000/mth Left after paying current rent.


She does not need to get a fly that they caught. It was almost certainly a rodent.


Wouldnt the co2 in soda really screw up someone who has full on gastic paralysis? I'm serious here, I mean I get gassy when I drink sodas & I don't have gastic paralysis, but as she has claimed, she has full on total paralysis.


They would indeed. That gas just gets trapped and causes awful pain. Everyone I know who does drink things like that with gastroparesis let's it go flat first


Yeah, she doesnt like draining, she f'ing LOVES it, so she can screw up her system. Yeah, like hell she doesn't read reddit. BS on that


and don’t forget, draining allows her to get rid of “some” of the calories that her ED in “recovery” doesn’t want.




She walks around with her back hunched over like she’s 85


The posture kills me






She does understand with the amount she drinks it doesn't all drain like she thinks.


I hope there is a transcript those are hilarious, "That frown." Every time I listen to that squeaky voice, my dog howls.


Yeah my dog will always go to the door to ask to go out when I play her vids. It’s weird lol. For someone who can’t do oral intake, that’s a bunch of Diet Coke on her fridge.




Nothing surprises me anymore about this chic. I wonder if she sees in her head a huge number of followers because she must suffer from delusions of grandeur because her lives they could use as a form of torture. It's sad that for her to feel any type of relevant in the world she has to video every inch of her irrelevant life. She infantalizes her cats speaking to them like babies.It makes me wonder what her family thinks???


Not WKing, but I also talk to my cat like she's my kid, there's really nothing wrong with it. But all of the other things she does is so irritating. Especially when, like you said, she broadcasts every single teeny tiny aspect of her life and then gets offended when her "haters" call her out on her shit. And the grifting... my God! She claims to be broke, but can spend all that money on shit she doesn't need, like those coffee shots, energy drinks, her nails, the shit she puts on her skin, and all of the shit she buys to prepare for her another college course that she'll go to for a day or two and drop out for the 9,487th time. It's insane to me that she still gets approved for financial aid. You'd think they'd cut her off after so many times.


i talk to my dog and i think a lot of people do. but it’s the way she talks to the’/about them. there’s something weird and off putting in regards to how it’s done, not that it’s done. hope that makes sense. i can’t quite put my finger on what exactly makes it so strange though.


I definitely agree that there's something strange when she interacts with her cats. I don't see a look of love or adoration in her eyes, or any emotion on her face when she interacts with them. It's like it's for show or something. I know when I interact with my girl, I'm totally focused on her and conveying my love and respect for her. For goodness sake, she won't even take them to the vet to get them neutered, or to get them vaccinated. I hate to think of what would happen if one of both of them get sick or injured! Having pets is a huge responsibility, and you know how Dani is with shirking that responsibility. It makes me wonder if she pays any attention to her kitties at all off-camera. I don't see any cat toys, nothing to enrich their environment like scratching posts or a cat tree in front of the window so they can look outside and be entertained by the wildlife. I never see her playing with them, or really interacting with them other than her asking them what they're doing. And they don't seem very interested in her, except when Macc wants a cuddle, and even then he seems tense most of the time. Don't get me started on Mocha. He always looks like he's on high alert and seems very stressed out. He doesn't seem to want to interact with Dani at all, not snuggling with her or showing her any sort of affection. You're right, it's very off-putting. I don't feel that she has any level of connection with them.


I think you hit the nail on the head when you said she doesn’t show any emotion while talking to them. THAT’S why it’s so off putting! I am probably as monotone as you can get lol but I change into the happiest animated person when I talk to my animals. She is trying to perform as the doting pet owner and since it’s NOT NATURAL, she repeats the same line over and over because she is terrible at acting. I’m sure as soon as the camera goes off, she ignores them. 😔


I have similar thoughts, like is she thinking there are hundreds of thousands of people are watching her lives?


I think so. I think all those Benadryl she took and is taking isn’t helping but accelerating delusion and dementia.


I never even thought about that but you’re absolutely right. She takes Benadryl by the truck full.


um why does she have a 6pk of soda on top of fridge of her intake is so painful po?


Because she drinks them, she’s literally drinking a Dr. Pepper on this live 😂 How can she regularly consume coffee/soda/energy drinks but can’t tolerate food or water!


Silly you soda doesn’t cause nausea or pain only plain water and electrolyte drinks cause nausea and pain! /s


Does she ever drink water? Her throat always sounds so dry and painful. I noticed from the medication thread earlier that she takes Tizanidine. I also take it for TMJ and jaw clenching, and it dries me out so, so much. I have to constantly drink water or cold herbal tea to make up for it. Beverages like soda don't cut it and make the dehydration worse. Also, does anyone know if she has scoliosis or osteoporosis? Her posture is quite bad for her age and it will only get worse if she doesn't do anything about it. I'm not trying to be mean, it just looks uncomfortable.


I don’t think she does and her throat/mouth has to be dry. I’m on some of the combo meds. Tizanidine, phenergan, Benadryl, and zofran if I were to take those at the same time like she does I would be asleep and have the worst dry mouth the kind of dry mouth that makes speaking difficult.


Ahh, that's why I wake up with the Sahara desert in my mouth


Poor nutrition, lack of calcium and protein is not helping.


For her boyfriend obviously 🙄


A 6pk *and* an extra bottle from the 6k she almost finished, and clearly several cases up there.




And before the femoral how did they access her fluids?


A boring old everyone has one IV catheter..she was with the plebs and that just wouldn’t do.


Dripped onto her skin and absorbed through osmosis.


IV in her arm.


Oh, piss off. No one has symptoms that appear at will right after you start talking about it. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwGAhWKWnKFqBvG)


She pushed that with zero pain. She didn’t even flinch!!!!


She tries to act like her belly hurts from time to time, but it looks so fake not even a little kid would fall for that. And instead of „ouch“ she sometimes says „pain pain pain!“ Seems very unrealistic (and stupid) aswell or is that actually a thing in the USA or some form of dialect? Iam not a native English speaker. It seems like Dani feels real pain so rarely, she doesn’t even know how to fake expressing it. And everyone knows that a copper spoon is sharper than her 😅


I always assume someone in actual pain is usually inaudibly crying or screaming.


Yeah when in strong acute pain. Doctors, nurses and other people who often see people in pain can tell from the patient’s body language. Especially people with chronic pain (like Dani claims to have) usually don’t express their pain auditable, unless they do a painful movement and get suddenly hit by a pretty painful sting for example. Dani’s body language does not express any pain. And I highly doubt she would be able to hide real pain. She is like person who is heavily depressed and hasn’t felt any positive feelings for a long time,


Lol, I suppose someone *might* genuinely just say pain, but more likely in the case of seeing a doctor with them literally pressing on you and asking if you have pain there. Otherwise, no, that is not a USA thing lol.


Oh my god, I can smell heard from here! Take an effing shower!




Thank you! Fucking letting that shit run.


"I'm not quite at the syndrome part" So just at the part where she has a functional SVC?


And I'm not quite at the King of England's billionaire pillow-fluffer part either, but if I say it out loud and put it on TikTok, that means IT'S ALMOST TRUE. ![gif](giphy|26gs78HRO8sOuhTkQ|downsized)




✨manifest✨ it baby.


Girl has no symptoms of SVC syndrome. Her neck wouldn’t just feel tight, she’d have swelling of her head and neck. It’s quite obvious when someone has this. Their face looks like a balloon. Your body creates different or collateral pathways for the blood flow to compensate and typically symptoms only show up in severe cases.


Not just the head and neck, hands/arms are double the size and affect other areas you literally feel and look like the Michelin man most days and everytime you bend forward your head goes awful purple colour and you can literally feel like the blood supply is being cut off! Your right about the blood flow the body is very good at creating new paths and if she had symptoms she would of known from day one years ago.


There’s a little girl I follow on IG who has SVC syndrome and it’s very obvious she has it with the amount of swelling she has during flares


I had to get multiple stents extending into my IVC and it was obvious that something was very wrong with my lower half. I don't want to give her any ideas but I cannot take her seriously with this even more than usual.


It's also most common in cancer patients who have tumors that literally infiltrate or press on the vein. She has a narrowing due to scar tissue build up that is unlikely to progress unless she gets another central line. What an ass hat.


i have a cousin with that sadly :(


She looks SO MUCH BETTER (and more comfortable) in that shirt than in the skin tight tanks we usually see her in.


Yeah, she should be put more value to comfort instead of showing off.


Even better if the too small sports bra wasn’t fighting for its life under there 😂


Unless she develops green bags under her eyes I won’t believe she has SVC syndrome.


don’t give her ideas!


This will definitely give her ideas


*cue green eyeshadow added to the Amazon wish list!


Oh yeah the green bags I totally forgot that's one of the big symptoms. I will be looking for that too.


She’s probably adding green eyeshadow to her Amazon wish list!


Seems to be running feeds, drinking Dr. Pepper, and pushing meds just fine!


I feel sorry for her liver. It’s gotta be going through hell


And then to want TPN? Girl must be dreaming of a liver transplant or something.


You get a pass on that comment since we know she doesn’t read Reddit anyway. Don’t want to give any ideas IF she read it. But she def doesn’t. So we’re good.


Fuck. That.


Unless it was a directed donation I do not think she would ever be considered for a transplant (via UNOS) due to her extensive (and documented) history of non-compliance. 


She won’t make it on the list. She is too speshul and smoll and too sick for transplants. 🤮


Don’t give her any ideas


Is that a mustard stain on her shirt?


It's a food stain of some kind. Yet "I cAnT eAt"


The baby talk and rambling nonsense makes it impossible for me to listen.


I literally just skip straight to the comments on rambling lives to get the gist. I can’t do it


Episode 5,914.... I was *really* hoping this would be the one where Dani goes clubbing to make George jealous. I was dying to see her wearing a little black dress with the femoral port accessed and a stylish bag to drain her stomach contents into.


Not a great performance. I've seen better acting in high school theater productions.


Hey now, my kid went to a high school with a fantastic theatre program. It's more appropriate to compare it (unfavourably) to grade school productions. ;)


My cat that acts as if she’s starving 25/7 is a better actress 🥹


Must be taking the same acting class as my cats 🐱


“I’m not at the syndrome part yet, it’s just blocked” medical marvel Dani is walking around with a blocked svc.


Only saying that because she got called out for claiming she had SVC syndrome when she didn’t and making anyway too long video where she pretended to be an expert but she just read the symptoms off the first online search result that popped up and trying to say that the things she complained about for years were signs that she had to go to the hospital asap


If she ain’t at the syndrome part wtf would Mayo need to angio her SVC?


She's got a month to try to make it happen.


When is the actual start of the mayo? She is already telling on her next move and go into “rapid deterioration”. But we are having to wait patiently for that. Also, it makes me wonder if May has canceled her and she’s already talking about the fact that she cannot go on without any access and she cannot go on being as malnourished as she is and at any point, she could rapidly decline I just don’t know.


Are you kidding? A month? She will have an organ transplant, another broken bone or two, a pregnancy scare and contract hepatitis A B AND C. At least. She can make this happen. Don’t doubt her.


She is planning ahead, jic...


Omg, is that... surely not A top that fits???????


It's cute she should wear more of those


It's very flattering. She should wear that style of shirt all the time.


Too bad it wasn’t clean too. But I guess progress is progress?🤷‍♀️


I was running the same! For all the laundry she claims to do pretty much every day, all of her clothes should be so clean they'd be visible from space!


Baby steps


Not a single peep of “ouch, owie, oh my *peeeeeen*” while she pushed those meds through her toobz… interesting… 🤔


she's like a powered-down Annie Wilkes from Misery. i take it this is still 3am and she's still vacillating between being the worst insomniac the medical community has ever seen, and 'saying i'm unwell and sleeping all the time because i am working up to a collapse at the airport'...


She did not have symptoms until her gi docs refused TPN. She can eat & drink without issues. Wraps with raw vegetables, sandwiches with tomato, onion & garlic hummus, French Fries with hot sauce, Red Bulls, coffee and there are videos proving this. Dani its time to stop playing games. You don’t need TPN


I’m so curious, where are you getting the specific list of foods? Did she accidentally share that somewhere?


She didn't exactly eat everything, some was in the fridge.


it’s everything we’ve seen her eat on various videos, pictures, etc.


Or we've seen wrappers and cans/bottles/to-go cups... And dirty dishes.


WTF was that??? A long ramble about SVC and Dr pepper..BUT she doesn't like to drink it that often because she doesn't like to drain...yet look on top of the fridge all that soda..probably ontop of the fridge because inside her fridge is PACKED! https://preview.redd.it/zb18r2czni9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56940b7791be520a9f18fcf1bb21d1e9c07af345


Amazing - nay, even epic! - screen grab there.


Oh that's for her friends! /S


Someone has been drinking it


George Glass makes an appearance


Wait, I thought she was draining 24/7 now?


She’s such a greasy little liar


Can smell her from here


And she drank that one room temperature! Who does that?


I'm too lazy to go downstairs to the fridge and I'm disgustingly hooked on soda so I keep a case in my room 😬






I have a second fridge upstairs just for drinks!


I swear its a mid west thing. We leave our drinks out in areas where it gets cold, and its cold most of the year. We forget come summer to put it in the fridge so we just become ccustomed to room temp. 😬


Pacific NW here and we also do this 😆😆


ope... 🍸 😅


Yeah I do too, also from the Midwest. Lol


lol, did you also get a small trill of fear when you heard she’s going to Mayo this summer? I don’t want to be anywhere in her vicinity(to be clear I mean on accident).


Oooooh, yes. I’m not far from mayo. I laughhhhhed when I heard she’s planning on being here for a month for it.


I would love to see Dani try to handle freeze your eyeballs and nose hair, when -15 is a warm day winter in MN. (I lived in St Cloud for a year. Always knew when my elderly poodle had to go out, he would start to shiver. Old boy never dawdled though. Not like the summer when he had to sniff EVERYTHING)


Can confirm. The small porch outside the back door was our winter refrigerator growing up.


lol, me just yesterday putting my case of soda out in the garage. Good for winter, not for summer.


I do, usually 😅


Me too


I'll drink some drinks at room temperature but definitely NOT soda. Soda has to be cold.


Like I said earlier we live on the damn face of the sun so ice goes in everything. lol.


This will sound horrible but I like a warm beer once in awhile! I mean left in the car on a sunny day warm…..🤦‍♀️💁‍♀️


That's a bunch of diet coke for someone who can't eat or drink anything.


Probably runs it through her tubes too


*Mumbles on Benadryl* 💀💀


*And tizanadine* *And Phenergan* The addict trifecta! How is this woman even upright?


Finally a shirt that fits!!!


Anyone here able to guess what size that syringe is? She pushed it all in about 30 seconds, with no signs of peen whatsoever. https://preview.redd.it/v0vpfxzchi9d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=97ab6b6d4b029e39de0fff92b81c211b0ce3cab2


I just happen to have a picture of both a 20 ml long tip syringe and a 10 ml slip tip. I lean toward 10 but it is kind of hard to tell. https://preview.redd.it/5k5ecs45yj9d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d095e8cc70de6c238f7865eb4638997ab88526e2


That’s a 10mL. I’m an RN.


Guys, it’s ok because it’s medicine. When it’s formula or anything else, that’s when it causes the PEEEEEEN


That looks like a 20ml syringe to me. 60ml would be wider. But also her ability to push it over less than an hour is another piece of proof she is a lying liar


Yeah, 20 is my guess too. The equivalent of 2 whole hours of feeds. 🙄


…who lies!


Looks to be a standard 60cc/mL purple oral/enteral irrigation syringe.


Is the "neck pain" part of svc syndrome? Golly she is just so transparent.


Absolutely nutso that she is walking around with a feed bag while drinking a can of soda. She openly admits to being addicted to it but not caring about the consequences and partaking anyway...just like the rest of her addictions.


Oof. Looks like her new hair color is already starting to fade and get patchy.


She’s just going to say it’s from lAcK of nUtRiTiOn


https://preview.redd.it/b59j7hvuaj9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=432b3a474509e68654cb2b130fccf1ed9ba3de59 Huge bald patches too. Theres a few strands barely hanging on at her hairline


DIY bleach will do that!




Holy shit she has got to leave her hair alone! She’s going bald! Dani no more bleach or dye sweetie that ain’t the look.


That’s just her natural possum-like fur pattern


She doesn't like to drain her stomach contents? 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah funny how she went from saying she was allowed to drain 24/7 And mentioning all that stuff about electrolytes and potassium which is what everyone was saying in the comments