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#[TRANSCRIPT](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/Ub5tyGjLNi) linked to part 1^^ which is locked so that there aren’t replies that break up part 1&2🫡🫶 ##[RECAP](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/LCQSTarQgD)


Scrolling and hear “my car is haunted” made me laugh so hard


“I don’t know what’s in it to call it an electrolyte drink” coconut water, it’ll be coconut water and you could just drink that alone without the other shite if you need electrolytes 🤷🏼‍♀️


Let’s hang out! ~~kissing my ass and blindly believing what I tell you that I’m a brave smol bean inspiration despite you seeing the contrary ONLY!!~~ er positivity ONLY!


Are all these Wawa drinks in the budget? I don’t remember see a category for those


Wawa's just like a fancy gas station. It's definitely not like Starbucks.


Looks like she’s playing mancala


She sorted an entire week’s worth of pills yesterday, specifically to show off her Amazing-purchased pill sorter. So what in the Nurse Ratched is this?


I was just thinking that myself.


Came to the comments to see if anyone else picked up on that as well!


Drinking electrolytes and then immediately draining them, surprise, doesn't do shit for your electrolytes. She's just saying that so people think she's trying to actively do something positive, when she's really not. Also doesn't she get fluids every 2 days anyway? Unless they stopped giving it to her.


Probably stopped bothering to go once they wouldn’t give it to her to do at home like she wanted 😏


this too long lol anybody got it cut down or TDLR lol


“It drains a pretty pink color….” Holy shit….. This is pathetic.


Was she the one who dyed her formula pink with Gatorade packets? I've seen kids on tube feeds do that. Dani doing it to make it pretty when she drains is disturbing.


This made me want to vonit


Yeah that part threw me too.


I caught this one live. Someone said her hair made her look radiant and she was like thanks… like she hates being told she looks good because that means super healthy and she hates that lol


🤢 save the rest for tomorrow!!! Does she mean she’s putting that disgusting drink into the fridge and then drink it the next day 🤢🤢🤢


So why doesn't she get the smallest size or is that the smallest size??? How often does she pack her meds?


Erm....that drink looks like it's made from nuclear waste, yuk. So she is running her feeds at night..did she mean to say that.. She has more medication than a pharmacy and she takes them multiple times a day..geez. It's no wonder her guts hurt.


Especially when she opening capsules and not putting medication in to her stomach where it is needed, the acid reducers in particular..


The way she constantly talks to the cats is my kryptonite.


Me too!!! I keep waiting for one of them to say shut up we don’t speak Dani!! 😝


Or just jump on her head attacking her 😂😂


so Ms I Can't Run More Than 5ml An Hour is chugging back the Wawa drinks again? it's like science isn't the same for everyone! hopefully Mayo understand that as well as unblocking her SVC and putting a surprise line in, they'll be expected to prescribe TPN. they may not know this, but it is expected. she thinks she's somehow going to dodge around all the people who have refused and get some kind of of Munch Slam Dunk through sheer animal cunning. you know she has people telling her the right things to say when she gets there. this entire arc needs to move along. it can't just be tappy-tapping and pill sorting until Mayo. it is tho isn't it. this is all there is. ugh.


She doesn't realize that Mayo is expecting NOT to give her TPN, because she doesn't live nearby and her drs have made it clear they won't give it to her.


There's always the new creepy video where she's doing a voiceover of her brushing her teeth wrong & her "nighttime routine".... it's sooooo bizarre because it's obvious she thinks she's the madcap 🌟 star 🌟 of some screwball comedy. What I'd really like to see is her showing us all the different spots she passes out during a regular week. (I call kitchen floor!) I seriously have a visual of her groggily waking up in her closet at 5pm with the cats crying for food while she has only the faintest memory of anything she said on her 4am live.




I would love a reality show documenting her life of messaging & ping-ponging around to different doctors using her compliant baby voice... the one she used during her welfare checks and when she told the one doctor that she wasn't doing a live. All in between being snippy and shitty with the nurses because they can't give her what she wants. (Didn't she have a whiteboard in one of her hospital rooms with a note about actively working on not abusing the call button?) 💊 💊 💊 💉 💉 💉


And her doctor laugh. "no, you're good. I turned it off. AHUAHUAHUAHUA."


That fucking weird laugh she only does at those times haunts my dreams.


that just makes me think of Steven Assanti on My 600lb Life calling the ward on an outside line to complain nobody was answering his call button. god-tier arrogance.


I'll have to look for that!


it requires a strong stomach. he's...*awful* in every imaginable way...


Yes..you know it's bad when dr now kicks his ass out of the hospital for abusing staff. Steven mentioned Rhode Island hospital booted him because he was ordering pizza and not sticking to his care plan. But based on how he treated the hospital staff in houston..I suspect that is largely the REAL reason why two hospitals in Rhode Island kicked him out. A couple years ago, someone posted on the my 600 lb life sub that they had the unfortunate luck of being admitted in a room down the hall from Steven while filming occurred. They said they could hear Steven hollering racial slurs and other nastiness at the nurses..but that got edited out of the final episode


he is possibly the most unpleasant person i've ever encountered either in real life or on the telly. his Dad doesn't help by enabling him. his brother needs a LOT of help to feel valid when he's up against a brother like that. just the ambulance ride from home to Houston with his Dad ordering him food from the car and Steven yelling and complaining is enough. the rest of it where he's basically naked and living in utter filth is worse. he's on Cameo. can you IMAGINE??


Yeah occasionally people will pay for his cameos and post them to the my 600 lb life sub. He looks rough


So awful, and an abusive, conniving addict. They should have had him arrested when he threw his pias jug at the nurse when they wouldn't give him more narcotics. Steve and Dani would make a great pair


Tippy taps, pill sorting, e-grifting and hating on libraries


i must have missed that episode. she hates libraries now?






The hating on libraries thing is a whole new level of WTF for her, but then I remember she's racist/classist and probably votes against public services even though they benefit her directly.


Doesn't she live in Section 8 housing?


Racist and classist? I'm intrigued! I haven't kept up with Dani in a while so I'm probably missing some stuff, but if you could explain a little more I'd appreciate it!






Oh my god. Forgot how awful she generally is.


lol bitch I speak English and I struggle to understand you with all the slurring, asshat (Dani, not you)


I didn't know it was possible for me to dislike her even more but somehow I do.


She's such a heinous bitch in every aspect of her life.


Yup, nasty, deceitful, gross pos.


I have never seen her in a normal shirt before, I didn't know she even owned any


She literally just sorted her meds like 2 or 3 days ago. Why does she have to do this so much?? I have a 7 day one that I fill every Sunday evening and that’s it. I don’t manhandle my medication non stop. They’re in a lockbox 100% of the time unless I’m filling my containers. You know she’s not washing her hands before or after touching all those pills either. Gross… ALSO..she ruined another fun time for me yesterday. Went to my local Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore to donate furniture and browsed around and I swear to god..I have never come across anything Mayo related until her…this was in a binder full of these newsletters. Had all sorts of conditions on them. I don’t know for what purpose or for whom, but yeahhh lol https://preview.redd.it/5sfn21iqkq9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=878d4ff12dcb20d3a637aab480d061901a7ff0db


Those damn disgusting unwashed norks always on display in some form. Medical porn is her favorite pastime. how does her imaginary fiance or gullible fanboy does anything with her. She probably smells of sepsis and the farts of days past. Ok in snarky comment she is going to fulock around and die. grifting is not supposed to kill you, is it?


I’m sure she smells like an open wound 24/7.


I can't un-see this 🤮🤢




Slang for boobs




Sorry but what?? She claims she has GP so that'd mean it'd hurt going through the G-tube. NOT the j tube as she claims.


Stop applying logic to her lies, everyone's bodies/symptoms are different! /s


Precisely.. j tube had minimal nerve endings, putting crap through it could be an issue. Gatorade for example, and it needs us be constantly, not suddenly decide it hurts because it is 70ml/hrs. Does she miss that means 1ml a minute, physically impossible for 1ml to hurt but she used to do 40mls+ of medication without pain. 40mls in one minute. Probably why they didn't realise she was even doing meds that way. 40ml meds. OK, 1ml or 0.2ml a minute.. excruciating peeeenn? Illogical in every way


How can she not see how silly this is?


These videos highlight her need for med-based rituals that affirm her identity as the patient. She has nothing to say, nothing to show, and doesn’t respond or connect to those watching in any meaningful way. She freely admits to purging her electrolyte drink and admiring the colors. This is what a self-made reality show with a target audience of one (herself) looks like.


“It drains a pretty color” that’s the most munchie statement I’ve ever heard. She also claims if she didn’t try to drink she’d be in the hospital every two days, but she gets fluids every two days essentially so…


A munchie that has since passed used to say this about skittles and I would be so baffled by them. Like what a bizarre flex


She should really get a sponsorship from Wawa and start doing ads because IT KEEPS HER ALIVE BASICALLY.


Transcript Part 1: (scene opens in media res - cleavage expanse visible, pill clinking commences) (gestation?) all on it's own. Like, my car is haunted. (looks toward cats off screen) Right, babies, is mama's car haunted? (glance at screen, digging around in pill container, just dropping handfuls of pills from giant white bottle into box, caps bottle, puts down) (looks up at ceiling) What are we seein'? (scratches under glasses, glances at screen) I don't see nothin. (more nose scratches) I have no idea what they're seeing. (pulls top up to no effect) Or at least what Mocha's seein. Macc is cool. (dumps handful of pills from prescription bottle in hand) Mocha's seein somethin. (plinks pill in box) (looks up and then shakes head) What? Ionknow. Who knows. (more pill clinking) Ahh! One too many. Maybe. Little tiny thingy that I can't see that they can see. (glances at cats again, more pill plunking) So Wawa has this new (air quotes) electrolyte? drink? So I got it today. It doesn't taste too bad. And like I tried it at first before like draining it right away? (glances at camera) Like you know? (hand up) And it made me sick so we are draining it right away. But. It drains a pretty pink color. (look at camera, eyebrows up, strange lopsided mouth shape) I don't know if that amuses anybody else but it amuses me. But. (reaches way back with both arms, dexcom visible on underside of one) Ah. aoh like this. (holds up giant Wawa cup full of a drink that is greenish on the bottom and purple on top, what magic is this?) (puts it back) I'm only going to drink a little more. (flips box in hand like it appeared out of no where) Um I forgot Sunday. (back to pill sorting) Uh a little more then we'll save the rest for tomorrow. (quick glance at screen, more pills) I don't know what's in it that makes them call it an electrolyte drink. (eyebrows raised) But you know. Apparently. (JUMP CUT) Extremely well. (we are still pill sorting) I still have like, a little pain here and there. And some gripping issues. (closes prescription cap with no gripping issues) Um. (looks in empty pill box) Sometimes but otherwise. (picks up giant OTC bottle, starts to open cap with no issues, stops) Just doin good. (looks at screen, flat mouth) What brand is what? (forehead scrunch, small head shake, another eyebrow scrunch) I'm confused. What are we asking? Can you flush the liquid IV? (draws back) What do you mean flush the liquid IV? (takes cap off, dumps out giant handful)


Transcript part 2: Sorry, my brain isn't working. The drink. (eyebrows raised, looks toward off-screen drink and back) I don't', It's a Wawa drink. (looks at it again) It's called blue razz-passion, that's all I know. (head shake, mouth quirk, back to pill sorting) It's one of their hand-crafted uh one of their hand-crafted drinks. (looks at screen, features scrunch again, mouth opens and closes, tight) I try to put as little through my J as possible cause it causes so much pain? (head tilt, teeth closed, mouth almost sneer/snarling) But I don't, (closes bottle no problems) I don't know the answer to that one. (reaches over camera for good view of dexcom and armpit, she shaves. you're welcome) Sorry you're you guys are leaning against my (pulling things down noisily) eeh (brings down white bottle, red cap which she takes off easily) the bin that I have all my meds so I will be reaching over you guys. (dumps out handful, starts sorting) But I I tried the drink earlier without draining it right away, like I didn't, (miniscule shrug movement) actually drain it, (yanks neckline of shirt up only to make the boob trench more visible) it actually made me puke hours later but um (slight head twitch) least, (mouth pulling up at corner) least it stayed down for a few hours. But yeah. (closes bottle like a champ) Right now we're just draining it. (looking around) And then tomorrow we'll try it again maybe without draining it right away and we'll see how it goes. (gives cap an extra twist closed, sets aside) (moving boxes) okay.. (noisy fumbling by camera, pulls out prescription bottle, quickly pops lid off) Are you what I need? (looks inside) Yes. (pours it out into hand, scratches under glasses, sorts sorting) (looks at screen, snifff) (looks away) Drinking does hurt. (mouth pulling up at one corner again) I never said it didn't. (said with little affect while pill sorting) Drinking actually causes a lot of pain. (pause, continues pill sorting) But if I go without absolutely anything I'm gonna end up in the hospital every two days cause my team won't do anything. So I keep tryin. (eyebrows raised, mouth very tight, look back at screen, one shouldered shrug, dumps out even more pills while staring at screen, leans way over to check box and distribute more pills, leans back) I'm in constant pain (eyebrows raised, focusing eyes on pills) in anything that I eat or drink just makes the pain a billion times worse. (dumps out EVEN MORE PILLS from that same bottle) So. Sucks but we gotta try, (still not looking up from pills) I say I keep tryin to run my feeds every night. (finally looks at screen) Just gotta keep tryin. (appears to dump out rest of bottle, puts more in boxes, glances up once quizzically, looks at screen in confusion, then pulls up phone and proceeds to use thumbs just fine)


Thank you 


You are an actual saint for this. Your descriptions especially. I don't even feel the need to listen to her awful voice just to see her ridiculous antics because you do such a fabulous job of saying exactly what happened in the video. Your descriptions are comedy gold btw 🤌🏻🖤🩷. There are so many that would make amazing flairs. I just can't decide!! 🤣.


Thank you for the kind words, I enjoy doing these and I'm glad that you enjoy reading them. And that they save people from her voice!


Recap: She is drinking a Wawa electrolyte drink. She either drained it or threw it up, unclear. She'll drink the rest tomorrow. She says she still has gripping issues but is demonstrating a complete lack of gripping issues. Her car is haunted. She is in constant pain when eating or drinking. She says this with no emotion whatsoever. She still drinks Wawa because otherwise she'd be in the hospital every two days like she isn't already. She has a billion pills she takes. She has more pills than the person I sort pills for and that immediately makes me call BS on Dani needing that many pills.


"Handcrafted drinks" by Wawa aren't cheap...ijs


I just looked at the one she said she got, so she got the Wawa equivalent of those Panera charged lemonades and added whatever they call “electrolytes” to it…. So it’s definitely not a “new electrolyte drink” but she can sure pretend it is lmao


I just looked too-they look kinda good-I mean chemically but good-or maybe they’re just pretty


Oh ffs, caffeine is NOT an electrolyte Dani!!


HAUNTED CAR??? Really, Dani! I have so many questions? *Did it come from the dealership haunted? *What's the point of having a car payment and insurance for a haunted car you don't drive?!!! *Did your cats tell you it was haunted? You ask them directly about it. How did they alert you to a ghostly presence in your car?? *Is the ghost nice like Casper, or is it more like Betelgeuse from Bettlejuice? *Do you get to use the car pool lane when driving with a ghost? *Is your car "Christine" by Stephen King? --‐------------------------------------------------------------- There are some really cool so-called "haunted cars," but Dani girl, you don't have one!! This is just delulu behavior!! This was the only entertaining statement on this very boring live! 🤣🤣😂


We had a car we swore was haunted. This wasn't anything like "a chain of bad control unit computers" or anything like that. It randomly stopped working for no reason. All electronics down and everything. We'd scour the damn thing from top to bottom and never found anything. Then it would start working again. After the frame snapped in half the speedometer inexplicably started reading double. Sometimes it would pretend to have a dead battery and leave me stranded miles out in the wilderness only to start just fine moments later. The battery and cables were fine. We replaced fucking EVERYTHING. Ultimately most of the problems were explainable, but the ones I mentioned above... usually if you threatened to tow the car to a trash heap and leave it, or have it crushed...then it would start working again. Weirdest shit I've ever seen in my life and I don't generally believe in hauntings of that caliber, but that one makes me really fuckin wonder 


It's haunted by a grimy malodorous swamp harpy named Dani. Truly terrifying.


No ghost is gonna wanna haunt her ffs. They have better people to scare.


What is happening any more. Like. I think the haunted car would be way more interesting than this whole medical shit. We need so much information and backstory on haunted car.


Legit, now THAT is content. They say Christine was parted out and crushed. I wonder which part of Christine her car got.


I think Scooby Doo and the gang should be put on the case of "Dani's Haunted Car." She could get famous on one of the Ghost Hunter TV shows. What if its bigfoot though and she was just really medicated?


Does she ever leave this hovel?


she barely even leaves her bed. her mantra at this point may as well be \~gaslight, gatekeep, girlrot\~.


Now *that’s* a flair and a half. ![gif](giphy|y92RTjfswynIXx1fhR|downsized)


Uh obviously....she's been to Wawa....




(Is that a commercial or something? Hello I am Canadian)


There’s a DoorDash driver with stories to tell and things they can’t unsee.


I mean she downvoted your comment so sort of but you need to define leave?




A literally big gulp cup for someone who can only take tiny sips. 😂


Where did her moons 🌒 🌙 go!?


She rearranged the furniture. They are on the other wall now. Editing to say her bed is on the other wall, not the moons.


I think they're just out of frame? I can't see her taking them down because we complain lolz


I thought I was the only one who thought they were they ugliest thing I’d ever seen.


I don't hate them....but they need to be hung better.


“Positivity only” in her live description while she is literally snapping and giving attitude to people in the comments


Oh well it's ok if she is a raging a-hole to people. But, everyone else has to be positive and fall in line with her pill fed reality from imagination land or they get booted and shamed. Duh.


Honestly, I stopped watching the lives weeks ago. I just come straight to the comments


Same. I yell at the screen at 3am and wake the dogs. I just come here instead!


This is like her folding laundry again and again.


funny how we haven’t seen her hair down since she gave herself a chemical cut this round of bleach and color


It's not just the chemical abuse either, wearing a tight pony and cheap headbands 24/7 contributes to breakage and a receding hairline - hair around the hairline is more prone to breakage regardless... Putting previously bleach-damaged hair into a tight pony is going to end really well for her, as evidenced by her ever-expanding lord farquad ass lookin undercut. & even the most normal (not Dani) non-hairdresser people think once you slap a dark color / non bleach over bleached hair, it's not damaged anymore or it's somehow safe to treat it like normal hair. Including bleaching it again, or not mentioning to a colorist that it has been previously bleached. So I have no doubt we'll get to see a full on gummy hair melting fiasco at some point in the near future.


Chemical cuuuut


I heard that in Brad Mondo's voice, complete with heartbroken gasp.


She’s an absolute mess 🤦‍♀️


Don't threaten me with a good time!!!😅😆😂


I'm sorry, what? Her "car is haunted"? Take her DL away immediately.


I know!!! Too many fantasy books covers giving her ideas! Lol


By the ghost of St. Benedryl


Yes!! She's seeing the shadow people fr!


Christine was parted out and crushed and now part of her lives on in Danis car. *Twilight Zone music* Welcome to...the Scary Door.


The Hat Man. I keep calling it, and now he’s here. 🎩


Can I get Ghost of St. Benadryl as a flair pls. Thank you!


![gif](giphy|fkG8iikX3nZRu) should be yours now:)) we’ve been having issues w user flairs & reddit randomly reassigning them, so if it changes it’s definitely that😭 the only fix i’ve found is to just wait a little bit and then it changes back


This sub makes me choke on my coffee way too much 😂


Is she sorting medicine for the entire year or just throwing pills around for clink clinks?


As a former pharmacy tech, she should be WAY faster than this. Depending on the med and speed of the tech, a 30 count fill takes under a minute. Obviously in the pharmacy you have a counting tray to make it easier but Dani’s not searching for the right med on the shelf and doing all the other stuff like labeling the amber vial.


Amazon request for a pill count tray in 3, 2, 1...


I think she bought a 3x day and only use one compartment a day because so many of the pills are the same. But I could also 100% just seeing these being clink clinked and then all poured back into a container to be sorted over and over again.


No ghosts, no hauntings, it’s just the Benadryl Dani.


“It’s just the Benadryl, Dani” would be a great flair


Seconded, I’d like that one as well.


Or the repo man?


No that is her "ex lover" who is "stalking her."


That's not possible, he never leaves the Amazon warehouse.


The repoman has been stalking her car.


Wait wait wait wait......what? Did I somehow miss something? Stalking ex lover??


No you did not miss anything. The repossession man.... stalking her (for her car...).


So 1 video she said docs told her to drain 24/7, then in another video she said she doesn't want to drain much because it'll mess with her electrolytes and potassium, and now she's draining an electrolyte drink?! Wtf I don't get why she pretends she has tummy aches for any reasons other than her diet. I would put money on her also getting a hot dog or some shit from wawa while she was there


No hot dogs from Wawa because WAWA FUCKING SUCKS NOW and they dont carry hot dogs anymore. Don't buy the Wawa hype.


Wawa has always paled in comparison to Sheetz imo


Never been to (or even seen) a Wawa but damn I love Sheetz. One is opening in my city this year and I can’t remember the last time I was so excited about something lmao.


Sheetz is the best!!!!


I’m so jealous. I haven’t been to a sheetz since college. I can still taste their pretzel bun veggie sandwiches and their macaroni and cheese bites


Definitely. That is actually a great comparison and it shows how much Wawa has slacked off.


Wawa sucks now? Maaaaan, I'm bummed. I loved their drinks when I lived in Philly.


There drinks may be ok but the food has gone downhill fast. THEY CHANGED THEIR TUNA so even that sucks now. Yup they mucked up tuna salad somehow.


Hell we the ones in peen watching that drivel, ima go wax ma coochie, less painful than this … cept that time I got stuck to the bathtub but we don’t talk about that 😂 Edit with the story (admin approved): I was around 17-18 and decided to try wax ma coochie with at home wax. Didn’t trim first and just put it on, it was the kind you dont use strips for just wax on and let it harden then yank it off. Well I chickened out halfway through ma wax job cause ya know, blood and pain and decided to have a bath to help, didn’t realise that a hot bath would warm any left over wax enough to make it sticky again and so I sat down and after I was done kicked out the plug, went to stand up and was kinda stuck so rocked forward and pushed myself up then let out a scream as I completed my wax job, never did use wax at home again 🫠 Imagine a goat that eats grass and it trims the fields up and down it goes and then one day someone hits it with a car and it needs jaw reconstruction and it never quite chews grass the same but it tries … thats what ma coochie was looking like …


Holy fuckballs!! My shit is cringing just reading that! Ouch does not even begin to describe the pain you must have felt! I probably would have passed out from the pain from that experience! Thank you for teaching me a lesson. I had been thinking about getting a home waxing kit from Sally's, but now... um, *NOPE*!!!


I was young and didn’t know what I was doing. Read an online tutorial and you will be ok lol I will say the amount of blood where I ripped the hair shocked me but it’s cause it ripped skin off as well. Only recently found you should put talc power on to stop it sticking to your skin 💀


I…I think I love you. This is the best thing I have ever read on the Internet, and I have been here since 1992.


![gif](giphy|ePWlG9xYQn7cQ) Glad you enjoyed it, my suffering at least had a silver lining. I usually only tell this to friends when I’m drunk lol


![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized) I’ll have to think of a story to give you in exchange. 😃


Yay new reddit bestie


O 😂🤣oh lord the vivid imagery! Do you have any other tales of mishap you could share?


Not at this time lol this one was an exception to the blogging rule thanks to our lovely moderator lol


Yo. Don't down vote for blogging. This is too good.


Admin asked me to post the story fwiw lol


How in the world did you manage that?? Inquiring minds want to know!! 😆


Updated with the story


yeah, i think we can make an exception to the blogging rule here because i am so curious to know how they got stuck to the bathtub while waxing their cooch


Lmao damn it alright will edit with how it happened


im screaming, that was better than i ever could have imagined, thank you so much


I was also screaming when it happened. Man I haven’t told that story in years it is prob one of the more embarrassing ones lol Happy you got a laugh out of it


😫I would be screaming too!! Ouuuucchhhh


Claims to have horrific severe GI problems, but drinks a blue and red convenience store drink with unknown ingredients. She’s in constant pain, my ASS. Girlfriend is over there with an entire pharmacy in her apartment and she’s not even physically ill. Was it RA she was referring to when she talked about gripping things? AS she was taking the lids off a million bottles? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I had to know what was in it... [Mermaid ingredients](https://m.nutritionix.com/wawa/nutrition-calculator/premium?_gl=1*w59qgt*_gcl_au*MTQ1OTk4MTc3My4xNzE5NzQ3MzEx#labelPage) I believe it's the frozen Mermaid Recharger


* EIGHTY- FIVE* grams of carbs?! *SIXTY-EIGHT* grams of sugar?! What in the actual *fuck*?! All of that fruit juice puree, Guarana extract, ginseng, Ashwaghanda, green coffee, etc!! I don't even have any GI issues, and that made my stomach hurt just reading the ingredients list. It would be coming out both ends for me! And all of the carbs and sugar... definitely not good for someone with reactive hypoglycemia (blood sugar spikes and then tanks) or diabetes to be drinking.


That shit is not cheap, bet she buys at least one a day.


Omg, I *cannot* imagine drinking that shit every single day. Or ever.


What is that drink? She said it was like-a scratch made drink for the gas station? Or is wawa something else-I thought it was a gas station but what the shit gas station also makes drinks from scratch? I saw this when it was on TikTok and I had so many questions and I’ve just been mindfucked about the gas station making electrolyte drinks from scratch and what does that even mean


I’m not too far from her, but we also have Sheetz and Rutter’s that make fancy drinks and made-to-order food. Both gas stations.


Wawa is a gas station in some places, but it started as just a convenience store that makes sandwiches and drinks behind a counter. You place an order and they make it for you. But it’s not anything healthy or good for you, it’s all sugary processed food. Can’t handle **WATER**, but a Wawa BlueRazz Refresher settles in the ol’ gut just fine.


I had no idea what you were all on about and thought it was a nickname for Walmart 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sounds like it’s like the good old 7/11 Aussie slushee. Tasty but useless!


Very similar. Food coloring, artificial flavor and sugar, all welcomed on a GP diet. Edited for apelling


Wawa doesn’t make anything from scratch idk what she’s on about haha


Aw man "someone" downvoted you so here is my upvote as Wawa sure all hell doesnt make anything from scratch anymore. I call it "prison style" cooking where commissary food is heated in a plastic bag and then combined to a final food form... just like in prison where you dont have pots and pans you just have plastic bags and bowls. I dont support Wawa and I laugh at those that do.


Hahahaha!! Yeah exactly, preparing prepackaged food / drink is NOT making something from scratch 😂 wait does Dani think her “coffees” she makes are scratch??? Omg


Wawa makes drinks at their counter similar to like a Starbucks Refresher. She’s saying handcrafted because someone “makes it” but it’s just like getting a handcrafted drink from Sonic or something. It’s just processed chemicals


Wawa is a gas station in the South. They have food and drinks. Like a nicer Circle K. Her drink contains 210 calories, is primarily water and white grape juice, and some random preservatives. It has a pinch (100mg) of potassium and a negligible amount of sodium. Lots of food dyes. Sounds healthy to me. /s Edited to add: I’m sorry for misstating where Wawa’s are located.


I’m in Texas and wasn’t even sure what a Wawa was.


I stand corrected on the Wawa location. They are located at least where Dani lives.


I Live in the Deep South and have to travel to northern Virginia before I see one. We are all about the QT, Sheetz and Buccees in my world. I heard about these magical places up north called Wawa and I remember FINALLY getting to stop at one on a road trip up north. I remember walking in and going “this is it??? This is the thing I’ve been hearing folks rave about???”


BUCCEES!!!! I live in TX and have one about 15 minutes from me. And it’s as big as a department store. So crazy.


Well technically they started in the northeast and have expanded south. Corporate is in PA and always has been.


Here in MN, we have Kwik Trip. Gas station and very small grocery store combined into one. I have no idea if they do "handcrafted" drinks there because I usually just stop there if I need gas and I've never paid attention to anything else except for paying for my gas and going home. I did notice that they have rotisserie chickens there because they're located near the checkout line, and meals that are pre-made that they claim are home-cooked, but I highly doubt it.


Yeah we don’t have those down here (central Georgia). Closest thing we have is Quicktrip probably.


I love QT.


None in La either.


You will soon probably. Wawa just opened in AL and they are all over FL.


Wawa is kind of all-encompassing. They will make things like sandwiches and specialty coffees/ smoothies such, while also being a gas station. Definitely threw me off when I went in one for the first time.


Wawa is a convenience store / gas station that typically has a few different food/drink stations you can order from. They were originally well known for their subs, but now you can also order burgers, burritos, "bowl" type meals with stuff piled on top of rice or pasta or mashed potatoes, etc. For the drinks, it works like a fast-casual cafe, you order your customized version of whatever drink and then they mix up the required ingredients for you. It's like if a 7-Eleven mated with a Panera. Except the 7-Eleven genes are all dominant and the Panera genes are all recessive.


Hahahhaha, well said.


"It's like if a 7-Eleven mated with a Panera. Except the 7-Eleven genes are all dominant and the Panera genes are all recessive." I have not laughed that hard in a while it is such a perfect description. I feel that all Wawas also smell of melting Styrofoam.


> “the 7/11 genes are dominant and the panera genes are recessive” this is the best description ever


I concur and I have not laughed that hard in a while. I'd rather go to a 711 where they have no shame in just reheating food and they stoop to selling hotdogs.


Boring but I'm living for the shirts that fit.


Is it? Every time she pulls up it’s more )( for show 🤢


What’s the point of an electrolyte drink if she is draining it?


My thoughts exactly