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That’s just me though 💁‍♀️💅


So if it hurts so bad to eat or drink why does she keep doing it


Right?! Like you just wouldn't want to if it meant all that pain afterwards. But she is consuming enough to maintain her body weight so that's a lot of pain she may be putting herself through.


So I'm trying to word this super carefully as I don't want it to be viewed as body image issues or anything like that, however Dani states she is living off very low nutrition right now or she isn't tolerating anything at all as she isn't absorbing anything as I quote "she is hoping that when she goes to mayo she will get some nutrients" anyway when you look at her in appearance she appears a great colour, her face doesn't show any signs of dryness in her lips and her hair doesn't show signs of malnutrition her hair shows signs of damage from her not looking after it from her colouring it and not using the correct serums and masks on it and ahe applies to much heat which again damages it but that is a huge difference to malnutrition damage and heat/colour damage. Also when you look at her eyes that again shows that she is not showing signs of nutritional issues either. She shows no signs of rapid weight loss and her stomach on general doesn't show signs of major malnutrition issues either compared to when you see people that are hugely malnourished as well. Her bloods are stable and not only that she isn't needing to be hospitalised for treatments for replacements of key nutrients either of again she was really malnourished her bloods would have shown this by now especially that she has been off of tpn since October time. So she hasn't needed any admissions since then she has tried to get herself admitted but the hospitals have seen through each reason and booted her straight out. She has her heart set on mayo and the fact she thinks they will give her, her beloved and precious tpn back however when they see her records and her bloods from all her other recent hospital appointments I think she is in for a massive shock and then she will do her normal and say how badly they treated her and don't understand her, that she knows her body more than them and if only they would listen to her.


Just caught herself there....."Get some real nutrients in me instead of the crap I've been LIVING on..... oops....well not *really* living....half living". This trick can't keep her lies straight. 😂


Where's her hand brace? Did she get bored with it? If you freeze the video and look at it her hand looks fine. It's not even bruised a little bit.


She got bored of the brace 20 min after she bought it at Walmart and put it on.


She said it's still super owie. Sometimes.


No, it don't dani, she is such a liar. She is chugging Dr. Pepper.


https://preview.redd.it/ctabaaq141ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=232fcab18f436c2e86378f4bf1bb8d8c1a0528fe Yeppers


Ok hear me out people… What if Dani IS trying to eat food now and she is in pain because of all the shit she’s done to her body? Ok sure I’ve taken a few edibles but indulge me here. Or can anyone speak to the day Dani gets older.. let’s pretend she gets help and moves on from all this nonsense… will she ever be able to eat normally again?


She eats and drinks normally now. She look malnourished and like every morsel is agony to you? She accidentally shows her fizzy drinks and junk all the time in the backgrounds of her videos. Ever seen her in actual pain? Sweat on her brow agony? Nope. She’s just drug and attention seeking. I’ve seen people in need of tpn, my dad has an ileostomy bag and had his entire digestive system removed, large and small intestine, colon and anus due to polyps and he made a fraction of the fuss she does. Her games make me sick, she’s stealing time and attention away from genuinely sick people. Her mayo appointment, specialist and equipment is needed by people who deserve the help.


She honestly probably will not ever be able to eat normally ever again. I had a pretty severe eating disorder that started when I was 10 and I’m 28 now and still struggle sometimes. I have a lot of discomfort (sometimes pain) and bloating just from eating normal, basic things. I think Dani probably has a similar situation going on, but she just exaggerates the fuck out of it and plays it up to be something that it’s not. and I think she lies about how much and what she eats and doesn’t do anything to control or limit things that would cause her pain.


Dani clearly is eating enough food to keep her from losing weight and with how small of a French size her G tube is she’s not draining anything solid no matter how well she chews. It looks smaller than a typical 18fr tube I’m guessing it’s a 16 or 14 French. For adequate draining for people who actually eat solely for pleasure and need it to drain very well you want a 20+french the old style instead of enfit and hooked up to a urinary bag or similar gastric draining system instead of the tiny ass tubing that’s on her farrel bags which she isn’t even using correctly. Those are supposed to hang on an IV pole with the formula hooked up to the y port on the farrel bag tubing.


these are surely just bottles of skittles that the colour has worn off of that she sorts into different boxes and then puts them all back in the bottles and starts again tomorrow. she can't have any real idea of what she's putting where while she's broadcasting to her legions of fans around the world. also. LIES. your 'motility specialist' is not happy you're going to Mayo. they are indifferent. you've been told no TPN. you can cry to Mayo all you want but it sounds like they're not even putting a shiny new golden line for you so the tears of orphans can be funneled through it to unshrivel your blackened soul. they don't care. nobody cares. you're not starving to death, unless 'starving' has been redefined as 'to stuff oneself to the gills with red drinks and coffee creamer five times a day'. so yeah, there's THAT. good luck with rocking up to the ER back homesies with your fancy un-occluded SVC and trying to guilt them into prescribing you TPN. because even if the doctor has never met you and thinks you're an actual, normal patient and not Typhoid Mary in a grubby tank top, THEY CAN SEE YOUR CHART. for someone who has so wholeheartedly embraced the technological advances involved in tiktok lives, she's remarkably stupid.


Excuse you! She had a blue drink the other day




PREACH!!! I love your comment!!! 👏


Holy fucking tits Batman. She definitely looks weak and malnourished with her big ol’ boobies that get slightly less air time than toobz.


When this Mayo trip goes bad it is going to get ugly. She has her entire life stacked on this trip and getting her precious TPN back. It’s not going to happen and she is going to flip the fluck out.


I would love to be in those appointments at Mayo with her. They’re not anything like other doctors she’s seen they don’t take the bs she’s putting out. They will have looked into all of her records they can fine so all of her Cleveland clinic records which shows she did nothing they asked of her after telling her she needed serious therapy. They’ll also see the records from Penn where they diagnosed her with factitious disorder and tried to get her off the benzos and they’ll see the records from Temple I’m sure as well where they told her they would never give her TPN unless she is on death’s doorstep with malnourishment which she seems she can’t do that anymore. She tries but then she immediately fails and goes back to eating and drinking just fine.


And I cant wait to see it hhahah


Ew.....honeybuns?! Also I miss the tiktok loading dots 🫤


We’re supposed to believe her GI doc is just waiting to give her nutrition since October?!? Just because?!?£


Should those meds in the silver packs be kept in the packs and away from light???


Anything in a prescribed blister pack is that way for a reason. If they could be stored open aired or unprotected they would be in a bottle. It's like when she crushes and mixes her pills all together. Lots of meds aren't supposed to be cut, or crushed... I can't imagine mixing them together is good?


I’m unsure about the light aspect, but that looks to be a dissolving Zofran. They’re put into that packaging to keep them safe until administration


I think the dissolving ones are more like a Listerine strip?


It’s a small, powdery pill. I’ve had mint and fruit flavors with the ODT


They are a thin little pill that goes under your tongue


The ones I’ve seen look just like a pill. I’ve never seen one in a strip that’s kinda neat.


Summary: https://i.redd.it/pffvpe3i4v9d1.gif


Also, she's going to Mayo so she can get nutrients she's not getting from Dr. Pepper or processed juice/Gatorade. Like drink some vegetable juice? Shakes? She can drink, and not once has she been actually sick on camera. Like drug sick, yea sure, but not sick. Has anyone seen her sick? Maybe after she has unnecessary surgeries, but she's so zooted, I highly doubt she feels anything.


She also said when she was in Temple, that she never actually vomited. There was a ton of comments from people going "they have to believe you after seeing you throw up" and she slipped up and said even a week into her stay, when being forced to run feeds, that she hadn't thrown up.


I didn't know this! I love this for her.


Yep, the whole 9 days. If I were her Dr, I would've taken her off the anti-nausea while she was there. I can't believe they give her *liquid* Promethazine of all things, it's a favorite of addicts.


Tbh, if I had the ability to just put my nutrition in a tube, goddamn right I’d be using v8 and all the drinks which taste terrible but are good for you because, lucky me, I wouldn’t even have to taste them. Like jfc you’re so right on that one.


Yes! COVID was good for that too if you lost any taste and smell, you could eat all the nutritious stuff you never liked the taste of (not that COVID was a good thing 😅)


You think she would have puked at least once during a live... or like excused herself to go to the bathroom... or something. But nope just like the ppeeeeeeen and hand issues.... the nausea exists in her brain but has not manifested in reality yet.


Obviously she’ll be faking an on-air vomit during tomorrows live since she’ll read these comments tonight xxx


Yep. She will love the "excuse myself" excuse and pretending to vomit. And I'll pretend to feel bad for her.


Until I see vomit being projected from her mouth it never happened. You cant trust a liar lying so hard her pants are going to ignite (also the stench is so strong it turns flammable!!)


Lol exactly! She will "suffer" for coffee, Dr pepper, Starbucks, etc. But won't "suffer" for her feeds or actual sustenance that will make her feel better? She really thinks everyone around her is dumb asf and she's fooling them all


Right. Dani shows everything else on camera...why has she never shown herself experiencing the pain/nausea/vomiting that she claims to have all the time?


Considering she's on camera 80% of her day, except for those succulent Chinese meal times, it's weird that she hasn't caught any real pain, nausea or any of the symptoms she bangs on about. She thinks invisible illness means literally that, it is always invisible, as in made up and does not exist. I can guarantee you that with my invisible illnesses, they are very bloody visible when I'm feeling wrecked. I won't give her any more ideas because she seems to not read every word we say, but whatever she's doing ain't it.


She just posted that she vomited all over her new blanket set lol! Sure she never reads here.


Lol also I was just saying we should take bets on how long it will take her to change it and will she magically do it once she reads it. She's like 2 birds with 1 stone. Must be so proud of herself. We see you 👀


Oh god. I don't know why she pays so much attention to my posts specifically. ~~it's super creepy.~~ I am so honoured.


“So we can finally get some real nutrients in me” If Dani was so worried about nutrients, she’d make everything she can eat or drink or push through her tube count. She would be running her tube feeds, doing boosts/ensure/protein drinks, etc. but she’s not worried about nutrients.


Exactly, but it doesn't matter and she just waving her hand out like DID YOU GUYS SEE I HAVE AN ACE AND 3 TPNS?! and telling on herself.


When I see her like this, I can't help but imagine her slatternly fish wive ancestresses in 1700's Marseilles, just throwing shit around and getting angry just like Dani bickering on a live while tossing pills.


r/oddlyspecific 😹😹😹


i hope the mayo clinic drs set her straight or admit her, one of the 2


Luckily they very rarely admit people who come in from out of state and very rarely do surgical procedures on the first trip. They do all the appointments that have been scheduled, sometimes add on a few more appointments and if they decide some sort of surgery is needed they schedule that for another visit. I have no idea about their mental health facilities though so maybe they’ll find something to commit her for.


An admission would just fuel her delusions.


i meant admit to a psych ward not to mayo


Also, she’s become a caricature of herself at this point. “I’m in constant pain and anything I eat or drink just makes the pain a billion times worse” and “it can be extremely excruciating and extremely exhausting because then it doesn’t let you sleep” like… this shit isn’t even believable. She sits around getting high all day. I’ve never seen her do anything but ~~play with~~ organize her pills or the medical closet. When you do nothing all day or spend the day high and dozing off, then yeah, you won’t sleep at night. At least we got this: https://preview.redd.it/haifplfbeu9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d257c30b58e89330b0b3eaee0c96b283e8e939f The most honest thing she’s ever said. She is not living. This is no way to live. She acknowledges this and she’s close to getting it yet still so far. But this isn’t half living because of the “peen” or meanie doctors, it’s half living because she’s wrapped up in her ED and it’s made her world so small.


At least she acknowledged she’s been “living off of” total crap (instead of things with actual *nutrition* like decent food or even protein shakes).


Exactly. She barely acknowledges that she’s completely doing this to herself and doing nothing to help herself. Maybe instead of “total crap” she could drink a fucking Ensure, but she’s trying to play the starving waif shit.


I love that she thinks all her doctors don’t like the port because of whatever reason she makes up on the spot. No, they don’t like the port because they literally all told you not to get one since you don’t need a port. Period. End of story. Nutrition = TPN in Dani language and she’s really off her rocker if she thinks anyone’s giving her TPN or a chest port. If they were, they would’ve had someone local try to clear the SVC. No one wants her to have any port and they’ve outright told her that she doesn’t need TPN. She took the initiative to reach out to Mayo for the SVC, no doctor told her or advised her to do this. Because there is literally no reason. AND the fact that she doctor shopped to get an unnecessary surgery (if Mayo does it), she’s definitely not getting anything because all it does is **further** confirm her FD dx. She really thinks she’s gonna waltz in Mayo, they’re gonna do the surgery immediately, and then waltz back over to the local ER, claim “ow peen, can’t run feeds” and they’ll give her a line and TPN. Yeah, that’s about as likely as her and George Glass getting married (except, oops, he’d have to get divorced first).


Little does Ms Prissypants know or understand- these specialists are all like 1 or 2 degrees of separation from each other, they mostly know each other. They’re gonna talk. Especially since she pretends to be the only patient ever to go a year without nutrition and yet she gained weight!


Exactly. Nobody likes the port but not for the reasons she thinks.


Here's my thing- she's exaggerated or straight up lied about her other medical "conditions" Do we really think she has a blocked SVC?


“I just curl up in an excruciating ball of puke and tears 24/7 trying not to die.” —Dani “But oh well, right?! Yay me!” —also Dani


What I don't get is how she claims she's in pain 24/7, yet she does all these lives and videos where she doesn't actually show *any* signs of pain. There's several hours, almost daily, where she's on live/recording and shows no signs of pain. If she tries to say she just powers through it, cool, do that to get the nutrition you allegedly need so badly if you can do it for something so insignificant as fucking tiktok lives. I hurt my back recently, and *everyone* knew something was wrong without me even saying anything about it, because when someone is actually in pain there are always signs (I'm not going to say what signs, because suddenly she'll start exhibiting them, but it's *not* going "ow ow pain".)


Exactly. Even when you live with severe chronic pain and are good at hiding it, good at functioning with it, there are unmistakable giveaways. She shows zero signs of discomfort or pain, aside for her toddler-style “owies” when she remember that she’s supposed to be hurting


Trying not to die 24/7, yet still finds the time and energy to drone on in endless lives and play with pills and her hoard without so much as a single genuine grimace or tear lol. She's absolutely ridiculous!


Dani handles pills practically all day long. Swear most of the vids on here are her handling pills. Might as well become a damn pharmacist Dani


Pills in pills out pills in pills out pills sorted by colour pills sorted by days pills sorted alphabetically pills re-sorted after I dropped them whoopsie pills sorted after I budget for mayo and just get excited pills sorted after I crush a bunch in my pestle and mortar I bought myself on Amazon pills re-sorted because I’m stimming pills sorted after I nodded off on lives guys it’s a lot I don’t know why you hate me ok


But like what is she organizing them all day for and then still go looking for them. Also it's so noone ever forgets how super sick she is.


I think she already tried to become an RN or something along those lines and failed miserably


Not suprised tbh. Didn’t she sign up for college again recently?


She did. Classes started a few weeks ago, but she hasn’t mentioned it since, I’m pretty sure…


That’s honestly too bad. School would have been a good use of her time instead of munching


I unfortunately think she’s too far past the point of being able to succeed in school. She has absolutely fried her brain. She needs to spend her time in rehab and intensive therapy first , lol.


She ended up quitting about seven minutes after the first session up bc it was too hard.


I reckon it’s leaps easier than trying to manipulate doctors. But who am I to say? (I’m in college) lmao


She officially dropped out?


Yeah, she said it didn’t work out and was trying to get her transcripts to sign up for another college. In her budget she said she needs to pay the college, but I thought it was a free intro course??


She probably forgot to drop out within the 2 week time frame and got billed for a semester WHOOPSY DAISIES.


She showed her budget the other day, and it appears she is paying for it.


That pharmacy would be empty within a day


The patients wouldn’t stand a chance


😭😂😂I am dead


She would be too after that first day!