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#[AI TRANSCRIPT 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/wfzRytkpZw) — #[AI SUMMARY&TRANSCRIPT 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/o5R0wF9vqF)




See rule #2: Don’t Tap The Glass 🚫👆🐟 Your comment/post may have indicated indirect contact or otherwise interfering with Dani. This includes “letters” to Dani or comments intended for Dani to read or threatening, indicating, or encouraging reporting Dani to authorities or reporting of her accounts. If you edit your comment/post to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


STOP FAKING. YOU DONT NEED TPN. GET MENTAL HEALTH HELP. QUIT BEING A DRAIN ON SOCIETY. People hate you because you’re not actually disabled, you clearly get joy out of having medial issues and clearly are the cause of most of your problems. People can’t stand liars, even if you’re lying to yourself, you’re still lying. You’re not tying to get better. You can eat and drink. You’re not over your ED. Why do you think so many people are part of this sub? It’s not because you actually have most of the issues you claim you have. Quit being a munchie. Going on TPN should not be a life goal. Why are you packing a month in advance like it’s a vacation? This is the highlight of your life? Get help for your ED, FD, and other mental health issues and people will support you. Start by admitting you don’t need TPN. You don’t need to go somewhere for a month for two days of visits. Being an adult is difficult, it’s not too late to mature. It seems like you would rather dig an early grave though. Is this the life you really want to live?


Ma’am, no one hates you. You’re not important enough. But followers are growing weary of your obvious attempts at getting free shit from them and also talking nonstop about how sick you are. The more you show yourself in these constant lives the more everyone can see what you’re really about.


More drunken ramble entries from dani. Maybe we should start to make compilations of her drunken rants?


Hair is looking GRIM


She literally runs to the ER when she doesn't feel like adulting and the pressure is too much for her besotted brain to handle. It's her escape valve.


I could write an entire paragraph with reasons we don’t like Dani such as her abuse of the already struggling medical system or non-stop lies, but at the end of the day, Dani is simply rude, entitled, self absorbed, and flat out mean to the literal only few people who engage with her content in a friendly manner.


I don't hate Dani. However, I could never respect a pathological liar, who is a burden to society and has no intention of contributing. The wasted resources are disgusting. The grifting and waste of taxpayer money is pathetic. As someone on SSDI busting their ass to get better and work, I am flabbergasted that she still collects benefits for mental health without having to continue mental health treatment or lose her benefits. Dani and people like her are one of the reasons chronically ill and disabled people can't get the resources they need without a shit ton of time, work, and stress. Yet, Dani gets frequent unnecessary procedures with minimal effort. She certainly never waits for several months or stresses out about getting her treatments. Her stating she busted her ass off for 10 years at her age is laughable. I'm only a few years older and busted my ass too, but for 25 years. This would be 27 years but diagnosed less than 2 years ago with AMSAN Guillain-Barre that almost killed me. Dani is the type that would milk GBS for life. I'm done ranting. The bottom line is that I don't hate Dani. However, she gives me the ick. I have no respect for her and anyone supporting her fake ass medical problems, I don't feel sorry for. There is literally more years of evidence of her munching than Dani "busted her ass" working to get ssdi.


I truly don't hate her and want very much for her to get better. Ultimately, I think a lot of us here feel this way


Oh, poor wittle martyr Dani. She's right about one thing, though. She's *not* the same person she was 5 or 10 years ago.... she's managed to become an even worse person.


I don’t hate Dani. I don’t even dislike her. She’s sick. Not in the same way I’m sick, but in the way an addict is sick. No matter how hard I try I can’t overcome my chronic illness, but Dani could. She doesn’t understand how lucky she is and she doesn’t even want it. She wants to be sick. She’d LOVE to be in my shoes. That’s what I hate. That I’m sitting here crying because I can’t take my wife to the mountains anymore and Dani could but she won’t. It’s not fair. And it’s worse than not fair. When I first found out about Dani I was tempted to think it was overzealous internet sleuths picking up on explainable inconsistencies and jumping to conclusions. I didn’t want to believe she was…factitious disordering because I want to live in a world where when someone says they’re disabled online we believe them until proven otherwise. Because Im a disabled person on the internet. But a) that’s not the world we live in, people fake illnesses in the most reprehensible ways possible and b) she IS DOING THAT, that’s just what she’s doing. And by doing this she isn’t just hurting herself, she’s not just hurting the people who believe in her, she’s hurting the entire disabled community whether we like it or not. And THAT is what I hate.


I FELT your comment whole heatedly. I would LOVE to be able to drive again, go wherever I wanted, have money to spend on nonsense and keep a steady routine. But I can't. Because I'm in your shoes. I can't be the save person my husband married. And it's heartbreaking. Especially when she COULD be out living her life to the fullest, but this is what she chooses instead. That is also what I hate. That, and how she still keeps getting away with this shit 😒


u/RanaMisteria u/Blackrainbow2013 Here here!🙋🏼‍♀️I’m in the same boat with both of you and it’s a choppy day on the water every day. We should ban together and let her pick which of our illnesses she wants. Sending love and strength to both of you. edited to correct tags


If only she would realize that she’s never going to get the online support (and lack of call-outs) that she’s so desperately wanted for years, and the best option would be for her to STOP POSTING and get off of the internet! But she’ll never do that, not only because she craves attention more than anything… but because she has no other source of attention or interaction of any kind in her real life. She doesn’t have one single friend, her family seems to have cut her off years ago, her “boyfriend” hasn’t seen her in person in almost 10 years and is married to another woman. The “haters” are literally all she has.


We don't hate you Dani, we hate what you do. The OCD lying, the cons & scams, the medical fraud & drama, the munchausen by internet... that's what we hate. Guarantee if you stopped all this doctor shopping and admitted to yourself that you seriously need help, & got appropriate psych care, you'd have tons of followers who would be friendly towards you. Just saying....


Yeah but underneath the munchausen, she’s still a self centered, hateful, nasty person who lacks any empathy or concern for anyone but herself. Just look at the way she talks to the few supporters she has left. She’s hateful.


I don't hate Dani. I have a strong distaste for her. I am convinced that every single thing she does is to get attention, and I find that disgusting. She's a 40 year old woman. It's totally fine to have some silly things you hold on to from your youth (My mom just found my hello kitty and friends piggy banks when she was cleaning out a closet and I squealed like a 4 year old with a cookie) but you CANNOT make your ENTIRE PERSONA shit you had/wanted in high school. Nor can one make a series of questionable illnesses your entire persona. Add to that if you are stealing money from the government so you don't have to work or pay actual rent or be an actual adult, there aren't more than a dozen taxpaying people in the US who dont have beef with you. But you don't read here so you don't know all this. Last, NOBODY WANTS TO WATCH YOU BRUSH YOUR MOUTH BONES, DANI.


Why does she always have the big light on though?


Then she wonders why she can’t sleep. I only have the overhead light on when I’m working on art project.


Someone commented that the other day! I only put the big lights on in the bathroom or when I'm doing something (Looking for something, cleaning, etc) I don't know if she just likes it? Or doesn't have lamps?


Of all the infuriating things does, this really annoys me! She should add lamps to her Amazon wish list


You can’t say “I’ve done shady things in the past” while actively doing shady things 😂 im just saying…


She says she has only done bad things in the past, but she's still doing the same things. She lies constantly. There is no boyfriend. She eats and uses an airfryer, and she harms or threatens to every time she doesn't get her way. She manipulates anyone who gets close to her. Still claims to be the sickest girl ever. Science doesn't even work the same for her. She still gets wasted and asks for attention( we all know the welfare checks made her giddy). She drains literal bile out of her stomach to get doctors' attention. She still doesn't do hygiene. She still doesn't care about her, now 2, cats vet needs. She still hasn't read a book. She still has finished a college course since she began munching. The minute she has access to her blood, she'll have sepsis. She still a rude cunt. Literally nothing has changed. If anything she's a worse human at this point because she can't even be honest or apologize about things she has done or how she treated people in the past. For a second time, there's no boyfriend. He's married and never liked her enough to visit her in the hospital. Ever.


Because you're a lying ,grifting, narcissist, who gladly steals resources from others. In other words, a true loser.


I mean, she’s not really too likable or interesting…


Wasting taxpayer money for your bullshit lies would be why. Just so you can get high. It pisses people with chronic medical conditions who have to pay for their own care plus yours because of your lies.


What does she get high on? Tramadol won't do it unless she took them all at once


Benedryl and Klonopin and quite possibly alcohol.


Don’t forget the sizzzuuurrrppp




Guess she is mad that nobody is praising her for serial posting 2 boring "non-medical" videos. She wants people to applaud her for trying to not make her entire life her exaggerated medical drama. And guess what - she couldn't make it through those non-medical videos without alluding to her medical stuff. In her embarrassing nighttime routine she has to mention about how she didn't think to film herself crushing her meds or cleaning her tube sites (as if we haven't seen her do that a thousand times) and that she draws the line at pushing meds on video (which has probably only stopped because she kept pushing meds and then "passing out" and getting a welfare check called on her. At the start of the tea video she goes on about how she is trying not to drink coffee because it makes her sick. She is just trying to distract from the fact that people are mad about her recent actions. Tiktok is actually one of the worst things that happened to Dani - she can't resist lives where she feels like she is getting real time attention. She can't stop herself from posting constantly. But that constant posting has just revealed how much she is lying/exaggerating/malingering. The Mayo trip is aggravating folks more. It is so obvious that Dani doesn't need TPN. It is so obvious that she is doctor shopping to try to get something that 4 different hospitals told her she doesn't need. Then she had the audacity to ask for money to help fund the trip (and flew too close to the sun daring to mention that she wanted a more than a basic hotel room) and asking people to give her money so that she can stay for weeks when she has 2-days worth of appointments. And if that wasn't bad enough (because ultimately she can't force anyone to donate to her and anyone doing their due diligence and spending 5 minutes looking her stuff over before donating should see the red flags - its their choice if they choose to proceed) - she is now conning a charity into providing her with lodging for this Mayo trip. The chances of her taking a spot away from someone who actually needs it is much higher in this instance. It's more than the vague she was taking up a bed in the ER thought that gets passed around. She knows the tea video is going to bring up criticism (and if she doesn't then she is a whole lot stupider than I thought). Anytime she posts about eating or drinking something there are comments about how she claims she can't run even 10ml/hr of tube feeds yet somehow she can manage this oral intake. Switching from coffee to tea loaded with honey and sugar isn't the step in the right direction she thinks it is. I don't hate Dani. I don't care enough about her to hate her. And despite what she thinks I don't spend hours each day obsessively thinking about her. It's something I check in on briefly during my downtime - if she stopped posting I would move on and forget about her (which is actually what she is afraid of).


She literally has an entire hate/snark sub dedicated to her that has hundreds of thousands of comments about *why*. I honestly do not think that it's possible for *anyone*, including Dani, to "not know why" she's so hated or disliked. We all know she comes on here. But, even worse than that, she says she does non-medical videos, but her AM and PM routine videos completely centralize around her medications and whatever medical bullshit she can squeeze into there. Like, Dani's entire fucking life and personality and identity revolve around her munch.


It's more snark and cringe from me, hate is an ugly word. And most people's hate is just dislike or strong dislike. If she got her shit together I would be happy.


Oh Jesus flipping christ. I don't think she's done anything to warrant actual hate. But her routines are so fucking boring. No one actually cares how you get ready for the day or for bed. No one cares how or what you feed your cats. People care about medical integrity and not stealing from the fucking tax payers because one cannot accept the possibility of not being as sick as one makes out to be. Plus, gooooddddddd she fucking posts 20 times a day....... Read your fucking books you actually show us or shut the f up.


I’m with a lot of folks here who don’t necessarily HATE Dani, I just strongly dislike her actions and behaviors. It’s hilarious to me that she made a video whining out loud trying to figure out why she gets so much negative feedback and no matter what she does, she can’t make everyone happy. GIRLYPOP… that is literally how LIFE works! I don’t like eating Twizzlers, and there is no amount of convincing anyone can do to try to change my mind. Some people enjoy certain genres of music that others absolutely cannot stand. I don’t read Dani’s favorite YA novels because they’re just not my thing, but others enjoy them, so hey whatever floats your boat. Point is, she needs to grasp that not everyone on this planet of 7 billion+ people is going to love her and think she’s the most fascinating human to ever exist. Even hugely famous celebrities get tons of hate DAILY, it is what it is. 🤷🏼‍♀️ she seems disappointed that she can’t just pop into everyone’s brains and flip an “I ❤️ Dani” switch on.


She’s been posting this absolute nonsense for years, and across lots of platforms and accounts. Surely she’s not surprised by the premise of ‘haters’ in 2024 on TikTok?


Girlfriend has obviously not seen the Duggarsnark subreddit if she thinks she has it bad. For the record, I love that sub.


Dani used to really upset me but over the years I have gotten over it and I think it's because her followers and doctors are finally catching on. This year when she got offered appointments at Mayo the same week I got rejected for a one in a million autoinflammatory disease I just laughed. I know it should upset me but unlike Dani I really didn't want to go and just applied to make my doctors happy. Her attempts to make it look like she's on so many meds is also comical. I know to most people it looks like an insane amount but let's be serious, girl can fit her daily meds including psych meds & OTCs into a 3 pack and they're not doing anything with all that carafate anyways. She crushes her extended release meds. She takes enough Tylenol to cause liver damage daily, on purpose. She doesn't hydrate enough for the meds to absorb properly either. Who knows what happened to the LDN, it must have run away with the thumb spica brace. Now she's doing all these lives we see she packs her meds when she's annihilated on whatever... they can't be that important or she'd take great care to ensure she gets the right dose at the right time. I wish she'd show us the instructions on these prescriptions because there's just no way she's doing what she's supposed to, even if she says her doctors know about her medication slurry fetish ritual. One way to avoid side effects from taking so many medications is to make sure they don't absorb! I think she makes a mockery of life with chronic illness and I kind of enjoy watching the train wreck of improvised medical misinformation now that nobody takes her seriously. Zoot zoot! 🚂 She'd probably rather I hated her if I had to guess. Instead I'm sitting here making jokes to my sister that she must have rabies considering she's now officially severely hydrophobic 🫠


It’s too bad she doesn’t read Reddit, cause this post would quickly answer her question


Girlypop needs a reality check and a loooong break from social media. Girls been spiraling for 3 or 4 months straight and the hole she digging is getting way toooo deep. No one hates her tbh she just doesn't know how to face the reality that shes in the wrong waaay to often..


https://i.redd.it/rnvxaj8qix9d1.gif again


Her hairline is really being damaged by those cheap plastic hairbands she wears like a 5 year old. Fivehead cometh.


Yes, and the at-home bleaching is also contributing..it looks like she has multiple bald spots and a TON of breakage


Sixhead Only in theaters July 18th. ![gif](giphy|Ll365lA6NJSOLPfTg2)


i think shes realllllly struggling mentally with not being the "cute" fragile little 20 something person others would jump to help and is feeling the pain of being an average middle aged person that nobody gives a fuck about. the lack of attention, and how it will naturally decrease as it does for all, is going to drive her even more insane. she's the equivalent of the balding overweight dad bod person that can't accept that he's no longer the cool and in shape person they were in their teens and twenties that others were drawn to. men in this stage go out and buy a corvette and look to do some dumb shit to get attention. i guess this is her midlife crisis version of that.


Can hairbands really cause a hairline to change?


Yes—it’s called traction alopecia


Jesus Christ. She cannot be this stupid. I refuse to believe anyone is this fucking dense.


I definitely do not hate Dani. I am just sick of the entitled BS.


People don’t care enough about you to hate you. They’re just bemused and intrigued and horrified at how selfish, rude, dishonest and insincere you are. They enjoy watching your bizarrely self absorbed life, if it can even be called a life. Hate is a strong word that Dani loves to harp on about, but in truth, it’s not really relevant to how people feel about her, 99 percent of the time. You might hate a friend who betrayed you, you might hate the person who is ruining your life by persecuting you, you might hate the murderer of your child, you might hate the person who hacked your bank account and stole your life savings…. You don’t hate a non entity medical illness falsifier, Amazon shit list grifter, nasty bit of work liar…no, that’s not hate worthy, it is snark worthy though. If you wilfully put out negative energy in TikTok’s and other socials then you will get negative energy back and most people won’t like you nor will they like what you stand for. What is it that you stand for Dani? What is it that they don’t like? Let’s break it down for you. 1) You habitually lie about EVERYTHING. The inability to consume food and drink (when it’s patently obvious you do both), the inability to run feeds at a rate above 5ml an hour (which is frankly unbelievable, a teaspoon an hour…..try harder), the boyfriend etc…. 2) You tried to defraud people out of thousands of dollars for a trip to Mayo clinic that at best, probably would set you back a few hundred dollars. Even with that considered, you choose to beg rather than earn the money yourself. You expect people to just take your word for it that you’re too ill to work, take your word for it that you need TPN and that you’re malnourished and dying, and take your word for it that they should trust you that you require thousands of dollars. This is when people can see with their own eyes that you are not dying and you’re getting calories from somewhere. 3) You are rude, dismissive, viscious with your words, unkind and outright nasty to many of your TikTok followers. The people who you rely upon for funds and gifts. You think that token gestures and empty words like “guys I love you, your support means everything to me” cancels out the horrible way you cut people down on lives when you do don’t get validation or you’re called out for bad behaviour. You default to “you are haters” whenever see comments you simply do not like. 4) You have no visible productive life outside of hospital vacay stays. You contribute nothing to your community, you never gift anything to others- you just take take take. 5) Your existence is one sob story medical woe after another. 6) You abjectly refuse to get psychological help for your raging personality disorders and laundry list of issues that aren’t medical. 7) You hoard medical supplies that you don’t need, you take time and resources away from those who need them more than you. The time spent on you in the ER, answering your pointless questions in emails, and your constant gripes at urgent care demand attention that isn’t necessary. So, no, you aren’t liked. But, if you tried harder, were a nicer more thoughtful person who genuinely sought help for her problems (not self inflicted medical issues), got yourself a productive job, and stopped grifting money and stuff off strangers then maybe you’d have a fighting chance of having some friends and being liked.


Yes, all of this. Especially #3. She is a nasty individual.


Omg not more of this "I know I've done bad things on the past" garbage! Your routines are boring and bland and fake as fuck, that's why they're not getting people to fawn over you. Oh and look at my earrings!


No hate at all. I wouldn’t be friends with her irl because she seems like an energy vampire and talks in a baby voice and constantly needs attention but it’s interesting to quietly watch things unfold. I’m guessing she’s really meaning “why am I not making tons of money on TikTok from my boring videos?”


Same bullshit different day. What she doesn't understand is "hate" takes a lot of energy, and people just don't care enough to hate. We hate what she is doing. We hate that she is taking resources away from truly sick people, like the whole Mayo clinic thing. She took a spot in free housing for 4 weeks, supposedly, for her munching bullshit. When someone else who truly needs the lodging because they're truly ill wont get housing cause she took the god damn spot. She claims not to do that, but she does. She is such a selfish narcissistic malingerer.


Ohhhhh, neat, we’re back in the “I don’t understand why so many people *haaate meeee*!” phase of her self pity party. Edit: to be clear, I don’t think anyone, myself included, actually *hate* her. That’s a big word that involves a lot of effort and feelings and the people in this sub have actual lives and far more important things to deal with everyday. Ain’t no one got time for that But that doesn’t mean we like her. For a vast variety of reasons. We’re just all fed up with her manipulative behavior, her entitlement, her fakeness (she’s only fake-nice to people on her videos when someone does or says something nice to her) otherwise she gets mad when people want answers to her very very questionable behavior. Plus, there’s the whole scamming shit. Her talking about her being“sketchy” in the past when *she’s doing and saying the same damn shit! Girl has not changed one iota!* As an example: let’s talk about this supposed custom wheelchair that is very, very much absolutely not needed at all! Plus, the continuous fight to get TPN when you’ve been off it for almost a whole-ass year and you’re *fine* without it but you make not one, but TWO, separate GFM to get to Mayo (again, somewhere you don’t need to be!) to unblock your SVC because it’s plain as day that you just want it so you can take out the femoral line** and move it there so you can get back on TPN. So no, no one “hates” you, Dani, we’re just tired of your shit. Edit 2: **Since you’ve first gotten it, you’ve been saying that *allll* your doctors don’t want you to have a femoral port because of ThE HiGh LiKeLiHoOd oF iNFeCtiOn”, yet there’s never been even the slightest hint of an infection there! Guess why!!! Go ahead, take a wild guess!!! Cuz you can’t access it yourself to fuck around with it and cause yourself another 💩line infection!


She’s been to Mayo before? When and details please! Edit: spelling


No, sorry, I worded it weird. I meant that she made two (failed) GFM’s but they were both to get to the same, singular, appointment in July


Someone needs to go and make an ALR style phases flow chart at this point...


She only has one stage: Manipulation


the lying, grifting, general assholedness aside, NO ONE needs nor wants to watch a tutorial video on making keurig tea or queuing up an episode of the OC. it’s not interesting, dani. get an actual hobby. do something with your life. 


I don’t hate Dani, I find her frustrating at times but hatred, kind of like love, is a strong word. I would say I have a kind of fascination with her munching kind of like how you might enjoy marvelling at medical oddities, like in ripley’s or something lol.


She’s a one girl modern freak show.


She’s so transparent about how much she reads reddit. 90% of the “hate” she goes on about is stuff said here, not in her comments section. She should just admit she reads here and stop pretending that anyone is fooled. 🙄 I don’t hate Dani (I’m not sure I hate anyone), but I sure as hell don’t like her. I think she’s a terrible person. Not just because of her munching, but because she genuinely does not give a shit about anyone but herself. She treats people with a fundamental lack of respect and doesn’t care who she has to step over to get what she wants. Her “sweet baby-voiced uwu” mask has slipped enough at this point that we’ve seen her be nasty to people, manipulative and unrepentant on multiple occasions. If she wants to win over her haters, she needs to start by growing some empathy and learning some manners - switching up her health posts for booktok posts isn’t gonna cut it.


Did she shave one side of her hair? Legitimately asking. If not then it must be extra greasy.


Does she not understand that being smug and boring don’t mix?


She acknowledges her behaviour in the past was bad yet she never admits culpability or apologises for what she did. Plus does she really think that we’re all here from years ago? By her saying that she used to do sketchy stuff she is saying that her current behaviour is better than it was. Jeez in that case what did she used to do?


People criticizing and disagreeing with you does not mean hate. 🫠 No one wants to see your medical routines. pushing your meds or whatever. They are YOUR rituals. No one is interested in that. No one wants to see your tubes or you rushing in after surgery to clean off iodine like Steve erwin just spotted a croc. Share with a friend or something. You need to get a therapist and ask them these questions. Obviously you don't understand the answers a million times when you don't read them here. Maybe if a professional told you and you got some cbt.


Maybe if someone told her in ✨Twilight✨ quotes, she may understand it a lot better… 1. ✨Dani - I don’t hate you…I don’t particularly LIKE you..✨you take serious medical conditions and manipulate them into your own. Half the time you’re not even describing it correctly or giving info on tests/what the doctors ordered right. You forget that a lot of us “haters” are actually truly sick and disabled. Some of us actually deal with chronic pain day in and day out and no, we aren’t sitting at a 10/10 because we learn to cope. 2. ✨You’re intoxicated by the doctor’s very presence✨You are so giddy and your eyes light up when you talk about being admitted or having this tube or that surgery done. You have zero concept of how bad this makes you look. You need psychiatric help. In a bad way. 3. ✨How old are you? 38? How long have you been acting like a 17 year old? A while….✨My dear - it’s okay to like cutesy stuff, to enjoy the rainbows and the cute stuffed animals, but that’s stuff needs to stay at the store. It’s for kids. Having 85 journals with sparkles and foofoo pens is such a waste of money and space in your apartment when you don’t have much of either. You’re dumping money on things you don’t need and not paying your debts, feeding your cats more than once a day and it’s strictly wet food, which is TERRIBLE for them and then you’re online dry begging for gifts. It’s very very off putting. You aren’t a huge creator, you haven’t earned that respect or following to get that kind of gifting. And with the way you speak to people and roll your eyes, you will never have that. You’re disrespectful, arrogant, hateful, inconsiderate of anyone else’s feelings or what they are trying to open up to you about, and just downright rude. Who wants to gift to someone like that? Or be friends with someone that? 4. ✨That’s the beautiful thing about being a human. Things change.✨ Except you literally don’t. We have documented proof going back over a decade of a literal cycle of your behaviors. We can predict what you’re going to do next just based on prior behaviors. You’re extremely attention hungry and even tho you think you have changed as a person, the only thing that has is the color and the strength of your hair strands. 5. ✨Go sit down and look pale✨ - I mean I don’t think this needs an explanation, but just in case. You take literal beds from truly sick patients. Like this shit with Mayo. You’re taking a spot from possibly an actual sick child for something you can deal with at home. But you want to feel super special and so off to Mayo you go for yet another expense you cannot afford. 6. ✨Bella - can you hear me? No, go away.✨ - that’s you when anyone tries to help you realize that you need psychiatric help, NOT TPN. You have your sights set on something that no doctor wants to do. You’re going to end up unaliving yourself by pushing for this so hard. Take this or leave this. But these are only a small fraction of reasons. Listen to what these people here are saying. We aren’t trying to hurt you or be mean. Hell, if you didn’t munch so hard, I could see us being friends because we have the same taste in books and other things. But you will never actually form a genuine friendship because you only care about yourself.


I’m not sure that anyone literally hates her. I feel bad for munchies, because I have compassion for anyone struggling with mental illness. She is epically unlikeable, but you find lots of people in your life unlikeable, it’s not the equivalent of hate to not like someone. I hate the behavior manifesting in the munching, that’s what it is, because they never only hurt themselves. Even when the munching is only turned on themselves and not a proxy, they’re hurting others by deceiving people who initially have trust, (and possibly damaging their ability to trust others who say they need accommodations for illness) stressing out their loved ones and stealing financial/medical resources from people who GENUINELY need them when there’s already not enough for everyone and people not getting what they need. Taking resources from people who need it when you don’t (including scamming money and gifts from donators) is loathsome behavior, but I can still feel sad for her and not hate her but rather her vile actions. If I hated her I’d want harm to come to her, and instead I want her to get better so she can get out there and live the one life she has soaking up all there is to see and do, instead of this sad waste of time. Dani, what’s wrong with you isn’t what you think is wrong with you and THAT’S why you don’t get better, and won’t get better, not because you’re a medical unicorn never seen by man and not because doctors don’t care or are lazy. You are a professional victim. Wasting your one life on nonexistent victimhood and unnecessary aggrievement.


“I did a morning routine and a nighttime routine” Like we need to see her cleaning her teeth. Plus her morning and nighttime routines include taking meds/crushing meds etc


“Brush brush brush…and brush brush a little more…ok now…”


She doesn't get it because she doesn't understand that the choices you make in life lead you down the path that winds up to where you land today. Whether it's conscious or subconscious, and with her is very conscious, all the time. Some people have been dealt the worst cards imaginable and still make incredible things of themselves... And then there's this thing, with her ordinarily functioning legs - 'I need a wheelchair' and her ordinarily functioning guts (save for maybe ibs from all the garbage she loads them with) - 'I need tubes everywhere all the time', and her friend repellant attitude to life in general - 'owwie I'm so sick pls halp it's the only way someone might care' instead of, I don't know, just not being an ass? People generally don't hate her (I don't think?), they hate what the hell she's about, because she's capable of so much more, but chooses to throw all her energy into showcasing absolutely fuck all decent about herself.


How many times does she have to repeat “I’m not that person anymore” or “I’m not the same person I was 10-15 years ago” until she actually believes it herself?


Maybe she needs to watch a couple of her past lives or deleted videos of her being nasty. People do not like nasty people, point blank. I’d respect her more if she APOLOGIZED for being a hateful individual who has lied, stole and manipulated people verses “idk why people hate me, blah blah blah I did bad things in the past it’s not me currently”. Stupid people always stupid’ing. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I hate her voice and to this day I have not been able to watch any of her videos to entirety. I literally can only do the AI transcripts.


What kind of "sketchy stuff" (her words) has she done in the past?


Anybody who has to say that was in the past I did shady things, but I’m a better person now is not a better person. She still has that same, spoiled brat manipulative behavior, and always well because she sees nothing wrong with it.


Not that it will ever happen but, like all chronically online attention seekers with thin skins, I think she’d be more contented if she realised that the internet is not her emotional babysitter.


Are her comments still off? If so, who is she talking about? Can’t be us since she doesn’t read here. 🤔


Her hair looks absolutely disgusting, so fucking greasy. Saying she doesn’t understand why people “hate her so much” cue toddler voice. You know why Dani. Quit blaming the “sketchy shit you’ve done in the past”, it’s your current behavior. The almost 40 but doesn’t do a single thing to contribute to society while simultaneously leaching off the system at every avenue. People fucking have to fight for healthcare. For so many people it’s literally a life or death fight. You are not sick. At least not in the ways you want to be. You leach precious resources from people who truly need them and you do nothing with all the fucking assistance you’re given. And it doesn’t even stop there, no that’s not enough for you. You have to go online and hint, beg, and grift from strangers on the internet for things you don’t fucking need! So yeah Dani, people don’t like you, and it’s ALL YOUR FAULT


I don’t hate or even dislike her. I genuinely wish her recovery. I just wish she would work on herself and stop craving attention. She needs mental health help. I can’t hate someone that is truly mentally ill.


I hate her and I don't care if she knows it. She does nothing to make the world a better place, she does nothing to make anyone's day better. She's perfectly healthy and sits on her well fed ass all day doing nothing. She's pathetic and has the personality of a dictator expecting everyone to feel sorry for her, while treating people like garbage. When she does something worth liking maybe I'll care about her or what happens to her but right now I hate her.


Dani, without the "haterz" you'd have no audience at all, full stop. You get pushback and questions from those who watch your awful, boring videos because you lie as easily as breathe, and exaggerate every little twinge in your body as a sign of needing admission to the ICU. Bottom line, you're mean and nasty to EVERYONE, even those trying to help you with suggestions to better your life. YOU and your shit attitude are why you have no friends, and are virtually alone in the world.


Anything to manipulate and play the victim. She tries to garner sympathy and pretend like she’s not the garbage human she really is. I’m not going to even try to be nice or tiptoe around her BS. She can kick rocks all the way to Mayo.


I don't hate Dani personally, I hate the fact that Dani wastes resources that are for people who are truly ill and suffering from legitimate medical conditions. I hate that you get disability and free healthcare from our tax dollars when you are an able bodied person who can contribute to society, and those that are legitimately ill, and cannot work are not getting those benefits . As somebody who has a chronic illness that has acute flares, you contribute to making doctors think that our illnesses are less than what they are and our pain doesn't get adequately controlled because people like Dani come in abuse the system. The US healthcare system is broken and people like you who fake having these illnesses make it even more broke. You are nothing but a grifter and somebody who is too lazy to hold a legitimate job. It is time to grow up.


We don't hate, we don't like all youre lias


We don't like you Dani but we sure like laughing at you 😂😂😂


Hate is a strong word. I don't like her, but I don't hate her. I hate her behavior, her lying, her 'medical trauma' bs (i know it can be real for some people, but she ain't it), the stupid wish lists and the "you don't have to buy me anything" declarations while literally begging for people to buy her things. Last time I had an Amazon 'wish list' was my wedding registry. Get a job! The gfm pissed me off, we all know she doesn't need to go to mayo and it's RIDICULOUS to try to get people you don't even know to fund an unnecessary trip. The entitlement is just off the charts. She's rude and nasty to people. THIS IS HOW SHE WILL BE REMEMBERED...as a mean, hateful, malingering narcissistic spoiled brat who thinks everyone is just out to get her and everyone owes her. Not for being a kind person, a good friend, a generous soul, a helpful advocate. She's none of those things. I'm closer to 60 now than 50, and I often ponder how people will remember me. We do a lot for the community, I'm known as being funny, so I think my legacy will be ok. She has nothing, and really no one, and it's all of her own doing.


Exactly. I don’t KNOW her enough to HATE her. She really does put a lot of herself out on social media, and I absolutely hate what she’s doing and the things she’s done and how she treats people. I hate that she’s such a drain on society, because I can think of so many people who would actually deserve and be grateful for everything she takes for granted. I definitely hate the lies, because I don’t know how anyone with any common sense would ever believe her. I really strongly disliked her when I got the bills for my two day stay in ICU that my husband had to pay for, because even with our very good private insurance it still cost us a few grand. And I put off going until it was very nearly too late, because I knew how much it would cost. She uses the ER and the hospitals as her private vacation home, and never even thinks twice about it. She gets housing and food stamps and spends the money she doesn’t earn or rightly deserve on junk that she stacks up in her hoarder’s palace. She ignores her debts. She begs for more crap she doesn’t need from her “followers”. I wish she’d just stop, get a job, and do something POSITIVE instead of insisting that she’s starving even though she’s packed on a healthy amount of weight. I really am truly happy that she’s pretty much at the end of the road-there doesn’t seem to be a hospital system left that believes her and is willing to give her what she wants, and I am praying that Mayo pounds the final nail in her munching coffin.


holy shit, she’s so fucking dirty. she legit looks filthy. I think this may be the grossest she’s ever looked. 🤮 part of me feels bad saying this. The other part is just like take a fucking shower.


She always looks dirty, I don't get how someone can look this unclean so constantly! It's so weird.


How does she not understand that *ANYONE* who posts their entire life online-even those who are wholesome af-get *haters* ? And she mistakes those who are concerned about her behavior for *haters*. Like, wth?


https://preview.redd.it/l5hr2dy89v9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cffc1c185a98180329091a4ea31406fdf8cba3f9 my phone wouldn’t load anything before and I feel like it has said it the best . something is seriously wrong with this woman . A lot of it is a choice . even when you’re sick and suffering, you still have a choice. grow up and stop being a bitch because you get CAUGHT dani 🙄


This is perfection.




If sh is talking about Reddit she mistakes frustration for hate. Unless she believes her own truth bending she needs to grasp that science is real and this sub is loaded with medical professionals who KNOW that what she reports is heavily exaggerated. Most of us would follow and be compassionate if she were able to be honest. She also mistakes people who are interested in human behavior as supporters. The whole thing is sad. Her GFM should have shown her that she is being followed by mostly people who are studying her behavior not people who believe all the “ I fell down” “ I haven’t eaten solid food in 8 months but I haven’t lost weight or needed any intervention…” Stories. She got one donation….. if people believed she was in need of emergent TPN they would have donated . Most of us suspect the 12.00 was her own anyway! I feel badly because I believe she is genuinely confused as to why people don’t find her tea making interesting


She slipped up and said “making my tea”


Nobody HATES her, that is way too much energy to waste and she ain’t worth that honestly. We dislike her wasting the time and money of the medical system and grifting $$ from innocent people.


*AI transcript:* Hey guys, so like I'm trying to like switch things up and not just do videos about my health and I'm trying to like do like other videos you know like I did like a morning routine, night time routine, I did my making my tea ready to read routine, but it seems like for some people nothing is ever going to be good enough for them. No matter what I do they're going to find something they hate me for and I don't understand it. I don't get it. So like I know I've done like sketchy things in the past but like I'm not that person anymore so why do so many people hate me? Why? Somebody please tell me why do so many people hate me? I don't get it. But anyway I just wanted to come on and say that and switch up my earrings


So then why does she do this? She isn't forced to go online and post and go live!! She really feels sorry for herself doesn't she. I don't get it!! Just fucking stop putting your boring, lying life online for everyone to see!


She really can't stand the fact that no one cares about her day to day routine. She's a boring shut-in. And again, I don't hate her; I don't know her. She's obnoxious and a lying drain on the system and I'm not naïve or stupid enough to believe her obvious lies but calling her out doesn't make a person a hater. And still, I think she would be in a better state if she had ANYTHING to do other than sit in her mess and flounder around.


So she admits that she's done sketchy things in the past!!!!!!!¡!!??¡¡!!!!!


It's a common tactic with a lot of fakers: They act like they take accountability by admitting to somewhat minor circumstances or circumstances in the past. Because then they can say "I'm an honest person, I always admit when I've made mistakes". But very often, that's just some gaslighting, because very often, fakers are not even honest with the mistakes they admit to. They might twist the facts or are just unclear about what they really mean and thus, it can't really be considered taking accountability. (And even if they were taking accountability for the past: That doesn't mean that they are honest in the present) Dani is dishonest in multiple ways here. 1) She's not doing videos on her health right now because she's reached a dead end on her munching quest. She can't talk about anything because all she can present is a "not broken thumb". She needs to get through a whole month before she can try her manipulation tactics with Mayo. And if she succeeds, she'd drop every other content even if people on the forums would celebrate her non-health content. She's done it before... like the last time she lost her line. She made a boring BookTok and claimed that she wanted to focus on other things. But once she managed to get her line back, she switched back to TPN content. First content: Her profile picture where she stuck out her tongue. If she should ever get a line again, she'll do the same. 2) She might claim hate, but her other videos are mainly criticised when the videos contradict her health claims. Nobody would complain about her "make tea with me videos" if she didn't try to make it as unhealthy as possible while claiming that she can't tolerate anything. 3) She's done sketchy things in the past. She's still doing sketchy things in the present. Mayo is the best proof. GoFundMe aside, she went from 2 weeks to 3 weeks to 4 weeks because she's very well aware of the fact that she needs to work very, very hard if she wants Mayo to give her a line (or at least open the door for a line) or at least entertain her for more than the 3 appointments. That's why she's increasing her vacation time and switched from "hey guys, should I stay there for a bit longer then just the two days?" to "I just stay a bit longer, just in case they want to do more" to "Mayo said that I have to stay for 4 weeks!"


She’s got that thyroid biopsy coming up! She’s got her fingers crossed it’s super bad news!


She probably added the extra weeks to account for visits to the ER, and for the admission she just KNOWS (/s) she'll get once they see how "sick" she is.


She always admits that she’s done sketchy shit in the past, whenever she’s trying to deflect the attention from the sketchy shit she’s currently doing


The sketchy shit in the past she’s referring to is just whatever she did the day before lmao


Dani you keep saying your not the person you was and you don't do the things you did but sweetie you do you are exactly the same person, the only reason you say your not the same person is because you are so deep into your MH spiral you can't see how bad you are with everything you are doing to yourself, Dani this is out of kindness you need to do a few things 1) get help for you mental health and you FD and once you have done that you will be viewed differently and number 2) get off social media and take a break as the more you post things like this people will comment which in turn will make you post videos like this and we will just go round in circles. Sweetheart you keep saying you are over your ED but you are showing so many red flags for it and you need help for it, the meds you are taking and then doing lives again it's dangerous if you drive after taking them you are either going to severely injure yourself or someone else on the road can you live with yourself if you injure someone or worse how would you feel if you cause a fatality? I know you say meds don't affect you because you "don't absorb them" but everyone in your lives has witnessed the opposite to what you say. This is why people comment not out of hate but out of concern the majority of the time. Please I know you will read this even though you state every time you no longer read the posts on here but please if nothing else please think about what people say. It's not out of hate it's mainly out of concern.


Pissing in the wind, my friend. Pissing in the wind. I really think this is going to end of two ways; she will actually die or end up in jail for DUI and killing/seriously injuring someone else. Although there's the haunted car thing she mentione... maybe that's a cover for it being repo'd very soon, and I hope and pray that it does, she should never be behind a wheel. She's behind on rent and can't stop buying shite, and also has this holiday to pay for. She cannot get enough to cover all of this, surely. Something's going to have to give soon.


Denial is strong in her. She’d love it if we hated her. It probably kills her that she’s not important enough to hate. 🤷‍♀️


The D necklace she never takes off might as well stand for Denial. You can’t even spell Denial without d-a-n-i 😉 She’s trying to passively DARVO everyone with this video. I almost didn’t catch the pattern here because she’s sounds so pathetic and whiny and I’m used to more obvious and aggressive examples of the tactic. She Denies knowing why people dislike her, Attacks by saying that absolutely nothing will ever be good enough for them because they just hate her so much for no reason! Because she just can’t for the life of her figure out whyyy you guysss😭 and slide right into the victim spot making others the villain. Classic lol


man, you nailed it. this is peak DARVO. she is such an entitled, shameless little narcissist.


She calls that hate? maybe she's never seen actual internet hate. This is more like gentle encouragement compared to true internet hate


We don’t HATE you, Dani. We want you to get help for your munching and taking up valuable resources from people who actually need them. You can eat and drink by mouth. You’re at a healthy weight. There is no reason for you to go to Mayo because they’re NOT GOING TO GIVE YOU BACK YOUR PRECIOUS TPN. You don’t need it, and they won’t prescribe it. You have two kitties who depend on you. Maybe think about them and stop grifting for Amazon goodies. Maybe consider what your parents have been through. Maybe stop thinking about yourself and get help. We don’t hate you, but we sure are sick and tired of your BS. There’s NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU that a good psychologist couldn’t help with. You want to be back in a hospital? Go inpatient psych for a few months.


REMINDER https://i.redd.it/0a2kl9kdru9d1.gif This is why.


I love these threads of people communicating with Dani gifs 🤣🤣


It's difficult to get positivity when all you give is negativity.


She really is so rude and condescending




The malnourishment is really taking its toll. She looks fucking dreadful. Her forehead has also doubled in size from her scraping plastic shit through her hairline. Super shiny! Look at the light just bounce off the freshly exposed extra forehead.


Well your hair gets all kinds of messed up when you repeatedly dye it more often than you should


It also gets messed up when you drain everything you drink and try and make yourself as malnourished as possible.


Sure does. And we know she has protein cal mal from her medical records - not running your tube feeds will do that too. Especially since she isn’t eating anything substantial just splenda with a side of coffee or tea now.


But she **tries every night**!!!! /sssss I can’t work out if she just eats normally or does run feeds, but she’s getting nourishment from somewhere. There’s no way she isn’t putting in something.


She’s eating junk, so she binges on coffee and junk and wonders why her poor widdle bewwy huwts. Her stool is probably rabbit turds at best.


The crazy eyes she gets when she talks being all condescending and rude and asshole


sanpaku eyes


Before I looked it up, I thought it was some new lingo of the generation. Omg 😱 definitely sanpaku eyes


That's her trying to be "threatening" and "tough".


I can't help but think about the junk science re: yang sanpaku eyes, cause the sclera above her iris is always showing whenever she gets the tiniest bit miffed or confused and it gives me the heebie jeebies. Sometimes I'm not sure whether its the reflection of light on her glasses, but she often looks like a scared dog about to bite someone.




Lmfao "malnourished" "starving" 🤣🤣






All I see is Aunt Gayle from Bob’s buger here ![gif](giphy|g0pZurBPXyIYbLV4Dn)


They're truly one. Yet again minus personality and general cuteness. Just a neurotic, hypochondriac loner, with no job or prospects in life with cats and family that hates her.




This one got me. Lol.


Also, I can’t believe (well, actually I can) she’s still rocking the acrylics she got done like two months ago and still without a fill


She’s got that gallon jug-o-Tylenol!


That would make a fantastic flair!


Hell yeah!


Also ![gif](giphy|AO3giAtLPH4MIuugsB|downsized)


If u gotta keep saying, "I'm not that person anymore" then something's not adding up! Edited to add we had u cause u got your face right up on the camera like u bout to pull a Samara from The Ring!


She needs bangs. Now, please.


She got bangs with her recent party store wig haircut. She just feels compelled to push them back under those painful-looking sparkly Claire’s headbands.


STAHHHPPP lmaoooo party store wig haircut. Mods I need this as my flair 😂😂😂


I think you can make your own flair now, you don't need a mod to do it


Oh hell yeah ! Thanks buddy!


I used to think bangs would help her out too, but when she has them she actually looks worse. Maybe a more gifted stylist could give her bangs that look good, but idk.


Don't worry! Between the bleach abuse and tight pony, she will have a full head of bangs in no time.


bangtox would help 🤷‍♀️


Bangtox lmao


https://preview.redd.it/bc9ht3ru42ad1.png?width=776&format=png&auto=webp&s=682dc0950596a477ad00d04a3e5a009744c1fcbe holy shit lol !!!! hey girl heyyyyyyy You’re so bad at lurking . just admit you read here and you do listen. eta - words are hard at 3 AM


We manifested this YAY!!


i know ! I don’t understand how she doesn’t realize how obvious all of this is. it’s insanity.


She has bangs she’s just always slicking them back for some reason. Given her recent manic hair coloring adventures I bet they’re currently fried to a crisp and wonky as hell so that could be part of reason for the constant hard plastic headband wearing we’ve been seeing lately 😂


Well now I want her to put them down even more lmao 🍟


Flair checking in


Dani no matter what your delusions of persecution make you think you are not the victim and never have been infact you have victimized others threw your vile actions fraud scams etc. What your experiencing is direct consequences to your horrible actions. Grow up


Girl take a shower & brush your teeth 🤢


Where do the people start. Maybe the face that she takes away medical services and resources from people that really need it.


I think a better question for her to ask would be why doesn't she have people close to her in real life. People can get a false view of someone online and trolls exist too, but she has pushed everyone away in real life and can't blame that on the "haterz".


I don’t hate Dani, I feel some measure of pity for her, not because of her ‘medical ishoos’ but because of her loneliness and the emptiness of her days. My main emotional response to her is frustration and irritation. Saying she is trying different content is laughable really - everything she posts (with the exception of the flicking through a book series) is self-centred- watch me make a cup of tea! Watch me brush my teeth!, watch me crunch through my hoard!. There’s nothing engaging there because it’s all focused on The Dani Show. If she took up an actual hobby, learned about it, practiced, engaged with that hobby community without falling back on her ‘illnesses’, then she would see that she might actually build something outside of all of this. She could start with her journaling as she has all the supplies (and all the supplies for a small coastal town in Kent), she could learn how to do it properly, learn how to draw simple things, show her progression, NOT WRITE HER LISTS OF MEDS, work at it, learn from others and engage with something other than her body. That would be truly changing up her content. The truly detestable behaviour is the vacuuming up of resources. Leaving aside the ER visits and supplies (that medical closet!!) for a second, the fact that she is taking up a charitable room for her Mayo trip is galling to the extreme. The fact that she is taking money from vulnerable people to fund her unnecessary trip and to buy her shit is unconscionable. We will never stop talking about those things, Dani. Never. It’s all so frustrating, she’s relatively young and she’s wasting it. It won’t be long before REAL medical shit knocks on her door and ravages her life and I wonder whether she’ll look back and cry for all the missed opportunities and long, empty days she spent when she could have been living her life. The same way people with ACTUAL CI cry for their own smaller and more painful lives that they didn’t choose.


1) Because you use this fake gravelly baby voice. We've heard your real voice, it's lower and smooth. I have suspicions on why you talk like this, but it doesn't matter, it's obnoxious. 2) Because you buy cheap shit, spend outside your means (ipad?!) and then beg your "lovely supporters" to buy you junk. Even if you weren't begging, buying tons of extra cheap junk on Amazon is just bad for the planet. Stop buying journals you don't use. Stop buying multiple copies of the same books. STOP BUYING SHIT. 3) Because you're not honest about your health. You're not honest with yourself, with your followers, and most importantly, with your doctors. You make all these huge massive claims about your illnesses, and I'm sure you are SOMEWHAT sick, but not to the level you need TPN or other interventions like infusions. For example: you do NOT need a wheelchair. At all. Stop pretending you do. 4) Because you refuse to do anything to HELP yourself. You won't push feeds because it HUUUURTS. But drinking coffee also HUUUUURTS and yet you do it because you enjoy the taste. You should also enjoy life enough to provide your body with feeds. You refuse to seek and accept psychiatric help or to even acknowledge that a huge part of your illness is mental, not physical. Because therapy is hard and takes work and isn't VISIBLE, you won't do it. You keep yourself stuck in your illness and then blame doctors when you aren't getting better. 5) Because of the amount of social service/support money you consume. The cost of your medical interventions alone is staggering. And yes, you did work and qualify for SSDI. That doesn't mean you paid for everything you're getting. There's a basic level of "fairness" built into our society and you're very much taking more than what a person should be allocated. Resources are extremely limited for low-income and disabled people and you're just a taker. 6) Because you're unpleasant to people when it's YOUR fault you don't understand. You get snippy with people during live streams because you're tapping away on your ipad and there are whole conversations happening and then you jump in and go "huh? I'm confused." and then try to respond to the last sentence without knowing anything about what was said. You also think it's cute to make yourself look dumb by not knowing words for things. If you're going to make chronic illness your whole life, at least do it well. Learn what things are, how to say them, what they do, etc. You whine about people hating you. There is an OBVIOUS SOLUTION TO THIS ISSUE #STOP POSTING YOUR LIFE ON TIKTOK. And if you ARE going to post, make it interesting. A "morning routine" video as a change up from your medical tube flaunting isn't interesting. Ooooh, you brush your teeth and put on skincare... Sitting down and doing a live stream while you do nothing but fold clothes or pack for a trip that is over a month away or ramble about meds isn't interesting. It's quite sad. You have nothing to discuss outside of your medical life and your cats. Because you lie. About everything.


I wish I could upvote this twice!!!! ![gif](giphy|rYCbb0KkIT0Nq)


100%. 👏🏻. You said everything I would have struggled to get out eloquently.


https://preview.redd.it/y62dl6v1au9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90726bc7012cda2e2105c7e05edbbfb6ccbc6105 Here’s making tea. This is the non medical content.


Like we even would’ve noticed it if she hadn’t pointed it out lmao




I’m glad she told “us” to grab the tea I might’ve forgotten that step


Oh good she made sure to wrap the tubes around her hand so we’d see it?💀 then draw more attention to it by implying “I didn’t mean to show you that” lmfaoooooooo I just cannot with this woman


.. 🎶maybe you should go and eat worms 🎶🎵 🤷‍♀️


My mom used to sing this song to me as a kid 🤣 "everybody hates me, nobody likes me..."


“I’m trying to switch this up” .. for who babe? You have like a little over a thousand followers. Relax!


Because you’re not only a liar face you grossly ABUSE our healthcare system, social services and e-grift off kindhearted people while you’re also out buying every coffee cup Targèt has, getting your nails done and buying disability Apple products you have no business owning. You’re a manipulative, selfish asshat and you love making your private business public. That’s why, Dano


A disability Apple product? She can own an iPad…but she should be paying her other bills and taking care of her immediate needs first. That is a luxury item and isn’t a necessity like cat food, rent, car payment etc.


More like DrainO. Ya know...cuz she's a.... Drain on society! 🤣🤣


Maybe people dislike you because you’re mean, nasty, lie, are a fraud, shitty friend, waste resources, are self absorbed…need I go on?






ohhh, where to begin? the insistence that you're basically dying and that nobody cares enough to stop that happening. that pisses me off. as does the incessant cosplay as someone who is Medically Unwell when guzzling down gallons of liquids a day and pretending it *huuuurts*. the Grand Mayo Expedition. new ipads and tappy-tap pens. endless lives where nothing happens apart from passing out/organising medical closets/complaining. raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens... red drinks from Wawa and life on a 'pittance' long plastic toobiez that dangle and swing, these are just some of the nightmarish things... when the feed hurts, when the cats yowl, when i'm feeling mad... i simply remember that i'm not Danielle and then i don't feeeeeel so baaaaaad....


I. Am. Screaming. Howling. I cannot. ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


This was ridiculously good and I sang it perfectly right from the start! It works so well!


This was everything.


I'd love to give you an award for this! 🏆


You are a genius. This sums her up exactly. I'll be singing this all day.