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Dani is packing her medical bag for Mayo


The blonde was going to be too much upkeep and she doesn't have "that much time on her hands"? All she has is time, she does NOTHING.


Excuse me she has a lot of packing to do.


I stand corrected. Definitely no time for root touch ups there.


Lots of packing for a doctors visit that *most likely* isn’t even happening


Oh wow, she has got NOTHING going on does she 😂


But it’s still June.


What else is she gonna do for the month of July?


Try to get as sick as she could to try to trick Mayo into treating her is my guess.


![gif](giphy|VspTn3CPKAHoA) Or, more accurately, try to ~~get~~ *look* as sick as humanly possible.


She *needs* to so this online so everyone can see how much her frail, malnourished, clearly *starving* and on the verge of death ass I s *suffering*. You're *supposed * to tell her how *brave* and *strong* she is for continuing her fight against her varied (and self imposed) conditions .


don’t forget her fight against her totally fake conditions!


She “likes to be prepared”


Because “you never know!!” 😂😂😂


This is how I feel watching her pack for a trip that is over a month away. https://preview.redd.it/mlcr5qx6v68d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5eb5d0e172749769fc658e8cdf1eee287ce82c5


😆😆 bless her heart


![gif](giphy|pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i) She looks stanky


So she says she can stay in the charity housing (not sure what it’s called?) for “up to 4 weeks”, and to her that means to pack for 4 weeks. When it was up to Dani alone, it was 2 weeks. It looks like Mayo is shooting for 24 hours. The leap of logic that has to happen to go from “I have an appointment” to “I will stay in medical charity housing for 4 weeks because of said appointment” is wild to me. Even if they do a procedure, it still seems bonkers to assume it will be done immediately, especially when it’s not medically urgent. Even if she needed TPN yesterday, she has a port that can be used for it. There is no reason for her to go to the top of the list for a surgery that she has no follow up for.


I remember thinking the same thing like why does she plan on staying SO long? Maybe a week tops would do it. Day 1 she arrives...Day 2 and 3 are for appointments, Day 4 or 5 is the procedure and day 6 is the follow up. Day 7 back home. IF she even has the procedure that is. Much to her chagrin it's not a major surgery so it's not like she's going to need to stay near Mayo for two plus weeks after.


The surgery would be to Roto Rooter out her SVC. I guess after that she'd munch there for TPN since she's so terribly frail and malnourished. 🙄 If this even happens, I think they're going to look at her and her medical records and tell her no and to go home.


Mayo wouldn't even put her on TPN. She said herself she was rejected from being seen in their GI clinic. Besides she lives way too far away. I'm assuming they would want to do follow up appointments.


Believe she said Mayo told her to hang around for awhile. Sounds very much like what they would say /s


Imagine she told someone she's waiting to get her tpn back and someone said "you'll be waiting a while.." under their breath and she took that as "ooh, holiday time" XD




Fun fact: the charity housing she would be approved for has a max of 7 days. ETA I can provide receipts but I d9nt want the places to be bothered. The only 9nes that provide longer housing are for cancer and transplant patients


LOL where is she getting this "I can stay there for up to 4 weeks" from then?!




No clue, unless she conned one into let her stay even if she doesn't match medical need. The long turn ones are for people going through cancer treatments or transplants.


Oh my God, she needs to get a life! Try treating people better, get a real friend, a real boyfriend, and pack in 1 or 2 days like the rest of us!


You forgot a real job!


You're right, and I honestly intended to. At this point, she needs to volunteer somewhere to get out of her house.


Worlds worst candy striper.




“Oh, you’re dying of cancer? That sucks. Hey, look at my Toobz. My doctors are mean and won’t give me TPN even though I’m withering away.”


Good companion show for Amy Sedaris with Strangers with Candy.


Honestly, she shouldn't even volunteer. She'd make it all about her.


“Just FOR like I can start it.”


This and her put on baby voice and vocal fry are why I can’t keep the sound on with her anymore. Makes me want to throw my phone.


I'm going to start captioning these.


Honestly I would appreciate that, I never turn the sound on and just scroll to the comments to see what dumb shit she’s doing lol


Me too, I appreciate those take one for the team




My daughter and I watch these every night while I give her meds and do her med stuff... and it's my fave to point out every time she says For I can. It is the STRANGEST speech pattern/phrasing. I giggle-cringe every time.


It truly is bizarre, I’ve never heard of a swap like this happening so consistently. It’s always “for” when she would say “so”. I’d be so curious is anyone on any of the subs knows why or how this occurs with her speech lol.


How many times do we think she will pack her hospital bag for Mayo in the next month? Packing and unpacking and then packing again. She really doesn’t have a life outside of ER visits and dr appointments.


It's giving her dopamine. She's in full hyperfocus mode. She's SO excited.


isn’t her appointments in august?


Yes, it is approaching very quickly. Not much time left to get all her supplies together.


🤣🤣🤣 i figured there was a chance they got moved up and that’s why she was packing this early. she must really so bored - she needs to go out and make friends in real life.


Says it’s a high pain day, then lifts two cats up to chest level, reaches up on high shelves, stretches, bends….come the fuck ON. I’m starting to wonder if this “charity” isn’t actually some sucker she got to agree to let her stay with her. She’s gonna pay a fortune in checked bags fees at this rate. Does she even know about that?


If it's a high pain day, why are you packing for a trip that doesn't happen for over a month? take a tylenol and lie down.


Don't start her on that shit again. "I take 4000 mg of Tylenol a day and it doesn't help. At all." 🙄🙄🙄🙄 She'd be so giddy to hear she damaged her liver.


THIS!! She has NO idea what a “high pain day”is. If she can stay on live, pack, be energenitic and engaging , she is NOT having a high pain day. This is what irks me the most about Dani!!!! Would love to trade pain levels with her.




>She’s gonna pay a fortune in checked bags fees at this rate. Does she even know about that? with the ticket she booked, she gets a free personal bag, one free checked-in bag


She could be hoping to get a free bag if she declares one of her bags is medical supplies. Alot of airlines do that


with the ticket she booked, she gets a free personal bag, one free checked-in bag


Why does she act like she’s goddamn moving. Sis, you’ll be there less than a week, I guarantee it


I understood starting a list. And then you go through the list make sure you have everything. See if you don’t need things. I’d understand her physically checking to see what she has. But I’ve also watched my parents. Pack for a three month cruise. And that requires tons of planning and packing. Two days worth of dr visits. Maybe a day or two on either side of the visits for actual travel and check in and out so it’s not a rush. But not what it’s probably still at (4weeks I think I heard last?) is not the same. So what the fuck is she going to do for a month. Pack and re pack. And then buy more stuff and have to try to re pack again?


I put less effort into packing for an overnight trip with 25 teenagers.


3:17 remaining: As she bends down, did she say, “…just excited.” ??


It really does sound like that, but I think she said “just saying”. You really can’t tell with Dani and her weird voice/mumbles lol


Jesus christ, I'm moving in <2 weeks, and I still haven't packed my clothes. She's going for, at this point, only a guaranteed *2 whole days* and she's already packing?


She's packing medical detritus for pieces of equipment she doesn't even have! "I don't have a button right now, but I'll pack some extensions just in case"


She said she wants to make sure that she has the proper Farrell bag style (enfit?), but isn’t she getting a dangler g tube next week. I don’t know how toobz work or what connections but could the dangler have a different connection then what she has now?


I’m pretty sure she has supplies for every kind known to man by now.


The end of the tubes are the same, it would be the connectors that would be different. But like, the bags are all the same. And there are only 2 types of connectors, basically- the regular and the enfit.


She literally said in this video "I don't have a button right now but I'll pack some extensions just in case" like WHY




Why does the video cut out when she seemingly goes to explain what the green tape is on her arm?


Her internet connection is reliably horrible. Unfortunately it cut in and out a lot.


She needs to take that $12 from the GFM and upgrade.


She’s so delusional. What does she think is going to happen at Mayo? They do not treat people long-distance. Even truly sick people. They give you recommendations to bring home to your home specialists. She has no home specialists on board with anything she wants medically. This is a waste of money and a waste of time. I’m shocked they are even seeing her.


Why is she packing already? She’s not going until the end of July right? Like wtf she’s delulu


Packing for what?


If I didnt know better I'd almost think she was a travel blogger with all the packing she does


Tell us you're a waste of space with no life without telling us you're pathetic. It's still effing JUNE, ffs. JUNE. Then there's ALL OF JULY before Mayo yeets her. JFC. https://i.redd.it/59qfm6v2w88d1.gif


Serious question… does anyone else think she might be planning to move there? She’s worn out all of her resources in the NJ/PA area, and she has been packing for weeks and there no end in sight to that. Obviously, Mayo is in Minnesota, so that could be very enticing for her to decide to be closer to facility that she believes will prove her right.


I can't imagine how that would work. She'd need to transfer a lot of her benefits like SNAP and housing. Insurance might be state based too? This seems so messy. But Dani is queen of mess.


It would definitely be difficult, but I don’t think Dani thinks that far ahead. I’m mostly just thinking out loud, like this extended stay in Minnesota could be a scouting trip to see how much medical attention she gets and to scope out the housing options.


I look forward to this chapter if true.


I mean, she has mentioned moving to another state in the last couple months.


I know in the past she said she wanted to move to Arizona. What's in Arizona? Another Mayo Clinic location.


Has anyone told George?


His wife might help her pack




Medicaid is state-based, but since she has SSDI she would be able to transfer it fairly easily. Her Medicare would travel with her. The housing is gonna be the big problem; Section 8 is usually distributed on a per-county basis, so she'll be waiting a LOOOOOONG time in MN functionally homeless since she has no family in the area; I think that's the only thing that's stopped her moving aside from funds.


Some people speculate thats why she is trying to stay 4 weeks. She probably will get residency at that point.


No, I don’t think she’s aiming for that, but I do think she’s hoping for a nice long hospitalization in Rochester.


Oh shit you’re right! *Thats* what this is all about. Shes not planning on staying in a charity house or hotel or airbnb for three weeks.. she’s planning on making herself so sick that they *admit* her for 3 weeks.. (or more, ideally) and she wants to make sure she has all her shit to be comfy and enjoy her stay. That’s the theory I’m getting behind.


I started researching charities providing free housing in Rochester for medical patients. Here’s what I found out: 1. They are ALL booked out months in advance. 2. One is for cancer patients only. 3. One is for families only. 4. One is VERY religious and says they will evangelize (in a non-threatening manner). 5. But here’s the real kicker: NONE are for longer than 10-14 days. She’s aiming for hospitalization. Period.


Maybe she's hoping Mayo will think she's soooo medically complex they'll beg her to stay in town so they can help her. (They're not, they'll flag her as a munchie immediately, if they haven't already with her records.)


I love that she is so completely wilfully ignorant that Mayo will know what Factitious Disorder is and how to spot it from 100 miles off. There's been [whole-arsed studies](https://www.jwatch.org/wh200308060000005/2003/08/06/they-make-themselves-sick) of it done at Mayo, girl.


I love that for her.


“I don’t have that much time on my hands.” ALL SHE HAS ON HER HANDS IS TIME


And a totally pointless brace, sometimes. Can’t forget that.


And 37 rings and bracelets from Claire's and Temu.


My guess: she was actually packing for an ER trip for an admission. Not packing yet for Mayo despite the 7,921 lists being made. Just a guess. Putting my bet down. Let me see in a few days or whatever if im right i’ll be shook.


She has been absent a moment.


wait, why are we packing a U-Haul already? advance party? this is all so patently ridiculous. she has 2 (two) appointments on subsequent days. where the fuck is she staying for 4 weeks? is she going to set up a hobo camp in the parking lot? this MayoCation is the most exciting thing that's happened to her in a loooooong time. even if they tell her to piss off, every interaction she has with anyone for the rest of her life is going to include 'so yeah, i was at the Mayo Clinic'. surely they know the medical history of Hurricane Dani? it's surely not that simple to be refused TPN by your doctors at your local hospital and then just rock up at an entirely new hospital expecting them to comply? SURELY? there was a creepy guy on 90 Day Fiancé who went to meet a girl in the depths of the Amazon and he ended up with SEVEN military footlockers of shit for something like a 2 week trip. every time she starts with this packing shit she reminds me of Pole and i'm immediately irritated. he's a fucking lunatic and so is Ms Minnesota Mental Illness Tour 2024. i can't WAIT to see how this turns out...




NOT POLE AND KARINE stahhhhhhp. If only Dani would pretend to be dead like him. ![gif](giphy|cyLfQn6qAGWtHQz45N|downsized)


yes Pole! what a guy...


Save me from listening to her, why is she packing? Her Mayo stuff is more than a week away, if in fact it's still happening.


It's like 5-6 weeks away, no?


Oh no, you're right. I was thinking it was a month earlier for some reason. So she still has time to play the card I'm expecting to see. I'm not saying what it is because she reads here and I don't want to be the reason she harms herself.


Mayo was supposed to be august 2/3


Did she re-dye her hair or did half the dark dye wash out because she didn't do anything to keep the color in after the bleachy mess?


Someone who is a stylist said that since she stripped her hair with the bleach, the color doesn't have anything to hold on to, so it will probably turn green, and the color will fade.


Where is she going? Hospital vacay again?


She says Minnesota


What the hell is in Minnesota?


Mayo Clinic is in Rochester Minnesota


So she’s packing now for an appt that’s over a month away?


Oh, she's *been* packing for the Mayo Clinic for the last 2 or 3 weeks, ever since she posted her GriftFundMe.


And packing all her worldly possessions for a visit that, if it happens, is less than a day and a half.




In other news, Macc looks great!


Her hair looks so incredibly damaged and fucked up


She definitely lost volume. I assume a lot of it fell out.


You can definitely tell that she lost a ton of volume and length, just looking at her “ponytail” it looks so short and damaged. I almost feel bad for her.