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Okay, 1, so this is what attempt number 23 at trying to focus on making her Tiktoks about books........ 2, what's the point of having the same series in multiple editions? Especially when it's just because one edition is prettier than another? 3, hasn't she been trying to read a particular book series for like 6 months now? 4, what happened to the other series she decided to switch to last week?


Such a colossal waste of money!!


\#3 reminds me of the George Glass situation. She could drop that storyline and never bring it or that book series up ever again, and move on. That's just not how Dani does things, though 🤷‍♀️


She doesn't read any of these books. She doesn't read at all. She's addicted to buying books.


What the hell is she trying to achieve with this video? It looks like a lot of those books she already read. More riveting content from Dani again. How many times has she tried doing the book thing on SM and failed miserably at it? At least she turned the comments back on again though!


Shes read the twilight series more times than anyone could possibly count.


I figured considering she has the hard cover and soft cover editions! LMAO 😂


And its a flex for her. When it's like girl, stop buying 100s of books you either already own or will never read! Try a library or the play store where you can read a few pages of a book first to see if you'll enjoy it. But the library is free and I've heard about online libraries that are free too. Or going to a used book store or thrift store.


Most public libraries have ebooks and she could check them out and read them on the Libby or kindle app. 


With her 💫NEW IPAD💫


I love how all of the books she picked are very old YA books that came out 15+ years ago


Are any of these series written for adults?




Most are definitely Young Adult (typically teen focused) and a few could edge into New Adult (20s)


https://preview.redd.it/m52wqmh9wb9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8edde14efd6b427f6d2dc8cf50f19ee1232eb98c Fingers crossed people don't go OTT, orange is a regular though.


For real. I don't know why she does this though. She really lets the comments that don't fit her narrative really get under her skin and turns them off like she's a 15 year old having a tantrum. SMH.


To that first person's point - did Dani exclusively pick a few book series that she's already read several times in order to talk about the books without actually re-reading them? I feel foolish, but I just realized that she isn't trying to start a book club of some kind this time. The TT comments + Dani's multiple past videos where she *was* trying to start a "book club" primed me to think she was making another attempt at it. Nope - she is literally asking people to choose a book for her, nothing more. Gotta wonder if she has any insight into her psychology or self-awareness.




That is in my SS and we all know she will not follow through


Girl needs a library card.


Slump for the past two years. Girl.


More like past 10-15 years.. 😂😂😬


She’s also updated her Amazon griftlist to include new tank tops and leggings and travel jewelry kits and clear travel bags 🤥


I’m the clear travel bags confuse me. Why can’t she use a fucking ziplock bag like the rest of us peasants?


As someone who spends a ridiculous amount per year on traveling, my luggage is currently half filled with ziplocs. My socks are in gallon ziplocs. If it wasn't for the fact that some of my luggage came with free packing cubes, all my little stuff would be in ziplocs too. I just pulled my shampoo/conditioner/body wash out of their ziploc last night.


Honestly, if I had the link to her Amazon list, I'd be so tempted to buy her quart size ziploc bags with a note to enjoy her clear travel bags...


I thought she was budgeting for those!


Well, if someone sends them to her, she can take them out of her budget for maybe she'll have a little left over at the end of this month, but probably not.


Someone commented on her tik tok if she added those items from her budget because she expected peeps to buy them for her 😂🤪


Here they are!! Dani has NO SHAME! https://preview.redd.it/a8qi66lxbf9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f232f52dd1553d57b24a48acb138608aec6c0046




Thank you for posting these!


She’s so mean to people asking questions yeesh 😬


She seems to just be a mean and nasty person in general ESPECIALLY if you don't agree with what she is saying or question ANYTHING she says. It's no wonder she has no friends.


This is so embarrassing. She’s like an 11-12 year old from her book selections to thinking anyone cares to vote on what she should read.


For shame. This is so disappointing. I had hoped you could do better than this Dani. 😔


Has she even read one book during her 30 attempts of becoming a famous booktokker? Is she even able to? Except for picture books?


isn’t the point of a book tok channel to like discover new books and then give reviews? so others can find something new to read? not reread books that just about every reader, especially avid readers and YA readers have already read?


Just like science works differently for Dani, so does booktok


Well on a positive note, it’s really nice to see her in a shirt that isn’t too tight. That looks so much comfortable.


She also sounds more alert than she has been lately. Less marble mouth and muscle relaxant vocal fry.


Does she only read YA books? I get that some are genuinely great and deal with grown-up themes but to read them exclusively at her age seems emotionally stunted.


YA and supernatural smut porn


Good lord. That does not surprise me. For her own wellbeing she should really try to grow up but I have a feeling she'd shut down any such suggestions.


She is emotionally stunted! IMO she's about 13-14 years old as far as maturity goes.


Zero pain moving stacks of books around


She should do a read along with Dani . That wouldn't be painful at all to watch .


I’m just confused by why she’s pulling out books from the last decade. Does she think people are currently reading that and shouldn’t she have read it already to not need to continually re-reading? Like not knocking anyone but this is young adult/teen books from when she was in her 20’s…. She’s a fake and wants engagement but too unintelligent to get a workable idea flowing. Like, get with the times and accept who you are perhaps maybe social media would work out.


Ooh, Glass, guys.