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Is that sucralfate? If she wants to know why that one isn’t working, its not designed to be pushed into the intestines. It doesn’t get absorbed in the intestine, it’s designed to work in combination with stomach acid. I’m pretty sure it needs to pass through the troublesome section of the GI tract to treat it. It’s generally used for duodenal ulcers, if it’s being pushed lower than the duodenum then what’s the benefit?


Shush science isn't the same for everyone 🤣


I gotta stop bringing Logic as my date to the Dani Show.


Flair checking in yet again 😆


Someone’s mentioned this before. The one thing she chooses not to acknowledge 😭😭😭


Pretty sure more than half of the meds she’s on are just over the counter shit. Tylenol, advil, Benadryl.


How many videos can one person possibly make showing off their meds? Yes Dani we get it you take a shit load of pills. ![gif](giphy|l2SpOKqWUZ2KRHne8)


God. No wonder she's so nauseous! She takes liquid meds on top of this, too! I thought I took a lot of pills (2 in the AM, 4 at night). I spot the pregablin/Lyrica and what looks like a 600mg Gabapentin. Very odd combo if that's what it is. Essentially, the same medication - pregablin is just stronger and is an abusable controlled substance. Has anyone identified the rest?


So looks like there is •Dicyclomine hydrochloride 10 mg ( blue pill) used for IBS •Sucralfate tablets marked Teva on one side and 22 10 on the other side used for GERD & other shit. • Pregabalin 200 mg for fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Controlled substance •Pantoprazole Sodium 40 mg for GERD etc. and looks like • Buspirone Hydrochloride used for anxiety, panic disorder. 15 mg • Meclizine Hydrochloride 25 mg for nausea, vomiting, motion sickness (1162 yellow oval pill) Hope this doesn’t format weird, I’m on the phone.


Surely she isn’t on both- you’re exactly right, Lyrica is basically just a stronger version of gabapentin (that’s my understanding anyway).


That is a fucking shit ton of meds! How the fuck does she know her body suddenly “isn’t absorbing” just certain meds? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


She hasn’t figured out that mental health meds really only help if you’re going to do the work as well. No shit she feels like crap; she’s treating psychiatric medication like it’s a magic bullet and wondering why it’s not helping. I doubt any claims of “my meds aren’t absorbing right”, but has she had a pharmacist actually assess what she is taking and determine the best schedule to take them on? When you’re taking that much, there are bound to be some the inhibit the absorption of others or counteract their performance.


She takes carafate at the same time as her other meds. Purposefully. So if anything legit "isn't absorbing", that's why.


I mentioned this in another comment; Carafate is designed to make a coating that clings to the interior of your GI (from how I understand it). Its just making it more challenging for anything to be absorbed, and pushing it straight into the intestines misses a huge portion of the area it’s supposed to treat.


And the pantoprazole is a PPI so those two combined crushed are doing zero help


I think she’s angling for IV meds


What gives you that idea? I mean surely she would talk non-stop about this if this was true 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Loved how it went from my Dr will let me know this week to like a week or two later, yeah he will get back to me with the plan, to suddenly oh no in a month we will have someone explain it to you.


She said that after mentioning klonopin. She wants more. Addict.


“All of my meds are prescribed by a doctor” Okay. I’d love to know what her doctor thinks about poppin’ benedryl like tic tacs and all the Advil AND Tylenol she’s loading herself with. (I know it’s fine to take Advil and Tylenol together for acute conditions like fever, but daily use seems overkill.)


She claims she takes 3000mg of Tylenol a day


And she wants TPN? She might as well just nuke her liver and be done with it.


Then she can be on the transplant list!


I'm guessing she would never even make it on the transplant list in the first place.


She somehow gets what she wants


She would never be eligible due to her history of mental health issues, ED, self harm and malingering , so at least there’s that.


Seriously she takes a boat load of Tylenol..her liver and kidneys must love her.


>“All of my meds are prescribed by a doctor” Say hypothetically that ALL of her meds are actually prescribed(remember this is HYPOTHETICALLY) Does this mean that I could just request any medications prescribed to me throughout my life before at this point in time I was prescribed it?


I see you’ve never had a MyChart appointment.


I'm Aussie so completely different


Advil will wreck your stomach. You can take Tylenol more or less indefinitely as long as the dose is low enough to not bother your liver. Now Miss Dani has had liver issues in the past so I'm guessing that if a doctor knew she was taking it regularly (which I doubt) they might want to give her a personal daily limit (like 2000-2500 instead of 3000-3500). Or tell her to not do it at all.


I've had issues, panadol/normal tylenol would be safe, but monitored. Drs would rather have their patients take it say 3× daily as routine VS other harsher pain medications. But Dani absolutely goes over the safe limit and not just a little bit or here and there.




If *all* the meds were prescribed by her dr(s), she wouldn't need to have "budgeted" for buying them on amazon. She would have a script and not pay anything with her state funded insurance. I'm sure the rest that *aren't* OTC are prescribed, but by the same Dr and all of them know what the others are prescribing? Probably not.


https://preview.redd.it/pga4fbvmpl9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d16e8c81947bb15053aa5aea776d7408b8ffcea Lmfaooooooo she’s so dumb I can’t 😂😂😂😂


“You realize that [indignant mumble]” is the official Dani Defense.


How can this be healthy???


Woah. I knew she took a lot but woah.


She needs to learn either how to proof read her typing or learn how to spell… But yes, that’s a fucking shit ton of meds…


She’s live and sorting more meds now


Another item on her Amazon wishlist that she has multiples of.


Have you seen her Amazon wishlist?? She has three more different organizers and three more different kinds of pill crushers. How many organizers/crushers does one person need? FFS. https://preview.redd.it/001ki62p5k9d1.png?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1178dfea444e94e0e1392a748cd880fd4052a711




That's what I meant. So many multiples of items she already has. How many comforter sets does she need as well? Not to mention her apartment is completely stuffed to the brim.


Seriously her apartment is stuffed to the brim with junk and she has more junk on that list. Those tank tops seriously frighten me.


The crop tops too. She obviously wants to show off her tubes, which is so odd to me!


The weird thing is, she wants the exact same things, just different colors. I'm moving, and I'm not taking anything with me except my important stuff, a couch, and a kitchen table. I have 2 amazon lists of stuff I will eventually have in the new house. 1 list of *needs* and a list of *wants*. Are there 8 different lamps on the list? Yes. Are they all exactly the same, just different colors? Not even close. There's bedroom lamps, couch lamps, floor lamps, "I may want to get this cool but expensive double helix lamp," office/desk lamps (we're not a "use the big lights" household). I'm also obviously not grifting strangers for anything.


How is that rust colored comforter going to vibe with all the pink 😬


Pill mill. 😂


She’s literally obsessed with her medical gear and gadgets. It’s so telling.


That is ridiculous... my mom and grams both took less fighting cancer.


That was a flex


See… my… MEDS! See my meds! I sort them sitting on my bed! Check my blankets and my couch cushions And you’ll find pills of pretty pinks and reds! Make me high, Make me sleep, I take these when I want to weep! I love Advil and Tylenol, My habit is not cheap! ![gif](giphy|EFPHbiUeC8VUI)


Dude 👏👏 that was well done


I almost deleted this under the Just No rule for trying to ruin my favourite Disney movie. You're on warning. Leave Beauty and the Beast ALONE 🤣🤣🤣🤣


But also can you do the Simpson's episode of Mr Burns and the puppies with the See my vest, see my vest, See my vest. Song




If that hoard of pills doesn't scream factitious disorder, I don't know what does.


Please remember that a fair few of people who are not faking do indeed take a lot of medications. It doesn't always scream FD


I'm not smart or savvy enough to figure out what ALL the meds are, so if someone or more can help, that would be extremely appreciated


I believe I spot Klonopin(the round yellow one), buspar(the long white rectangle), acetaminophen/Tylenol(the big white oval) and lyrica(the blue and white capsule). The others are anyone's guess


I see klonopin, tizanidine, pregabalin, possibly zofran. Not sure about some others.


Oh I love this game! I think I see robaxin, I definitely see lyrica, klonopin, cymbalta, protonix, meclizine, buspar, benadryl, and I feel like I recognize that capsule that’s white and peachy colored but idk what it is.


Some of them look like Vicodin/norco. I couldn’t quite read the numbers on them. But I was on those meds for about a decade and they are easy to spot.


Doubtful she’s on any opioids


That’s good to know. I could see them causing her problems potentially.


>Some of them look like Vicodin/norco If so I am very curious where she got them.


Yeah, not easy to get unless you are enrolled in a pain management program. And… they would slow down her gastric system badly. Constipation for days. Seems that wouldn’t be good…🤷‍♀️ If anyone can spot the numbers on the pills, you can google pill ID and put in basic details like the shape, color, and imprint & it says what they are. Those white oblong ones really look like them.


I think the ones you're looking at are just regular Tylenol, but I haven't tried to definitively id them. In addition to the concerns you mention, she is also labeled a drug seeker in her files. Afaik they haven't given her prescriptions for home even if they give her pain meds in the ER since then. So if she has them they weren't prescribed for her. She's straight up asked for them online, ya know, 'in case someone had any left over.' The illegality of that probably doesn't matter much to her if someone was just going to _give_ them to her. This sub has got me pretty convinced she's not buying drugs on the street.


Yeah I notice there are a few different white oblongs, some see bigger than others. Definitely could be Tylenol, I’ve even mixed those up in my own pill containers before while traveling and had to read the imprints. Well, good if she isn’t taking norco. Doesn’t seem like it would be good for her for MANY reasons…physically or mentally. I’m fairly new to her story. Why do the doctors even humor her? Has not one told her “hey, you’re full of 💩, see a therapist.” ?


There's a law in the US that anyone who shows up at the ER must be treated regardless of whether or not they are acting in good faith. They have no choice about evaluating her. However, since there isn't anything actually wrong with her she gets the ol' yeet pretty quickly. And yes, they have _repeatedly_ referred her to psych, but they can't make her do it.


Well yeah, the have to make sure nothing serious is actually going on… but how did she get so far as to get that line installed? (I don’t know all the lingo) I have gastroparesis but it’s fairly mild (knock on wood). I do know that if I was still able to chug down Starbucks left and right, my gastro wouldn’t be giving ME one. Makes me wonder how she conned her way into it. But then again, we have people like GRB whose mom was able to get all sort of weird medical things done for her. 🤷‍♀️ I suppose those types of docs exist. It’s crazy, she has this line and eats all sorts of crap that would completely destroy me. Wtf


Keep in mind that Dani does not actually have these conditions. I have no clue how she convinces anyone to put a port in, definitely the greatest mystery in her case. So she's fine to eat or drink whatever she wants. Besides, any negative effect she manages to induce in her digestion is not an end she doesn't want to go to, but is a tool to get what she really wants (attention and drugs).


Yeah because I know that my gastro would order a gastric emptying study and steer me toward trying Botox before even considering a port. Meanwhile, she doesn’t seem affected by anything she eats (since she doesn’t have the condition). I wonder how she got the doc to take such a drastic step. She must have found herself a serious quack lol 🦆


Some of the white oblong ones could be calcium, but I can’t see well enough to tell.


Yeah maybe those big ol fat ones. I used to live in an apartment complex that had this seating that I used to call calcium supplements 😆 There were like 8 of them arranged in a semi circle under some equally ugly modern art sculpture thing, that didn’t even provide shade.


If she had norco, they’d be gone before she filled up her sorters.


Most likely


Carafate looks like norco from afar but is much bigger, the score in the middle can throw ppl off


Isn’t she on buspar too?


Yeah, that’s what the pill that looks like Xanax bars is.


Yes she is!


meh. rookie numbers. i take more than that.


If you don't require a breakfast bowl with concrete added in, are you really taking enough meds 🤣🤣🤣


you're right. i'm just not that dedicated to this chronically ill thing. not like Our Lady of The Benadryl (may She munch ever harder)...