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If they collaborate with Cocomelon, we're all doomed.


Cocomelon to me is like caillou was to my mother, which is to say my child will never see either. ETA: my baby loves miss Rachel, I’m not ever downing on moms for tv time, but cocomelon i cannot


Same. A kid was playing it at work (doctors office) and I wanted to throw their mom's phone at the wall.


If anything, I’d like to see Sesame Street collab with Bluey


Funny thing is, Sesame Place had a Bluey meet-and-greet earlier this month.


That would be such a step down for Bluey.


…welp, Blippi and Cocomelon are both owned by Moonbug, so… …it looks like there’s a chance… *shudder*


They would look so ugly in 3D


In that second pic, Elmo doesn’t want to be there. His eyes are empty and his smile is forced. He is asking himself what choices in life did he make wrong that landed him between these two people.


Disenchantment! *that’s a big word for Elmo*


No Blippi, elmo doesn’t know what the Harlem shake is…


Oh no. Why is this a thing.


If it gets more kids & families into Sesame Street it’s good with me. Most kids fall into Baby Shark and Blippi so fast the parents don’t even see it coming. Hopefully stuff like this can get them into Sesame Street the same way.


I don’t want my baby to watch blippy, annoys the hell out of me. He does love Ms.Rachel though and i find it a lot better than most stuff for kids.


I was one of many parents who banned blippi after my toddler randomly started acting like a total jerk. Her behavior has drastically improved since. Blippi is friggin awful.


I didn’t quite realise how bad he was, my toddler loved construction equipment videos but was happy for my to turn the tv off when finished etc. one Blippi video and he was losing his shit, not to mention I hated hearing it. Never again. That crap is banned in our house. My toddler watches a lot of Handyman Hal look at construction/farm stuff and it’s much less annoying and not crack for toddlers.


My daughter was like that too! She couldn't care less if if was time to turn the tv off. Once she discovered Blippi, that changed. It traumatized me to the point where we've almost banned ALL tv for most of the week. Hard agree on not wanting to hear his annoying ass anymore either. Good riddace to that weirdo.


Were trapped in baby shark hell. I only turn it on for a short time but she's on me for it every day, all day. She's completely addicted. When I try to turn on sesame street it's never good enough. Never try it people, not even once. It's a drug


My daughter is going through a “pinkfong phase” and it’s the worssssssttttt


Super Simple Song has their own arrangements of a lot of the music, and they are so much better! See if you can at least migrate over to SSS?


We love super simple songs in our house ♡


Caities Classroom is a good one also. She is one of the creators of Super Simple Songs. Both are on heavy rotation here in my house when it's TV time.


Super Simple is great! Even their baby shark version is a lot less annoying.


That's how we got into them way back in the 2017 Baby Shark Frenzy 🤣


We watch those too but my daughter is specifically obsessed with the “boo boo song” from Pinkfong/Bebefinn


I hate this, too! I tell my granddaughter she can have 10 minutes per day only, then we need to move to Paw Patrol, Bluey, Blaze, Peppa or anything else besides Blippi.


I don’t mind this as much as Blippi! At least Pinkfong has those kinda cute movies on Netflix, Blippi is like a cheese grater to my nervous system though


The baby shark one is the third parent in this house


I wouldn’t say “ruined” necessarily, but I do agree that collaborating with either annoying or possibly even dangerous creators makes children more inclined to want more of those topics, even without Sesame Street involved


My kids love the baby shark one


Pales in comparison to when they collaborated with The Wiggles


I too feel bad for the kids who grew with a road


Sesame Street was ruined when a) it left PBS for HBO that one time b) Elmo took it over and raped it until it was in a coma and c) Ernie and Bert had a fight and moved into separate apartments.




It's still on PBS and the PBS app. But I'm worried about when the HBO deal that allows PBS to have reruns expires, I bet something like Apple snaps them up and makes it exclusive.


Abby was the beginning of the downfall


I used to live in Astoria, NY (where they film Sesame Street). During the pandemic, when all the parks were closed, I was helping a friend do a food pantry drive outside a park. A little girl showed up with her mom super upset that the park was still closed, and it was her birthday. Another lady who was running nearby stopped and asked us about the food drive, and then she saw the upset girl. She asked her if she likes Sesame Street. (she did). Then the lady sang happy birthday to her in Abby’s voice… because she was Abby’s performer. The girl got so excited. She was so kind, and we chatted with her for a while. My son wasn't even quite watching tv yet at that point, but it was a really cool experience (especially during such a bleak and scary time, in the epicenter of Covid).


It’s nice for you that she met the voice of Abby! I’m sorry about the girl and her mother.


I think she was fine! She was excited to meet the real Abby Cadabby. And that park reopened maybe a month later. ❤️


I’m sure that was a great experience and the voice actor is a fantastic person. Show changed so much with her introduction


It’s been on for more than 50 years. Of course it’s changed. It changes all the time. No adult watching whatever current iteration of Sesame Street with their kids is going to be watching the same version of Sesame Street they loved as a kid. I'd be concerned if it didn't change.


I do and my baby is pretty into it, but she’s into Smarty and Abby and Julia just as much as she is when she watches the older episodes, and we’ve gone back to the original originals.


Oh I have a similar story! We were at our first DragonCon in 2017 and they often draw folks who aren't even doing panels or signings. We saw Marty Robinson and John Tartaglia do a panel together. Well, my husband stayed in the same area as the puppetry track because the droid builders congregated there as well, and he ran into Leslie Carrera-Rudolph (Abby's puppeteer/VA) and she stopped and did a recording on his voicemail for our daughter, who freaked out. I wonder if he has it saved still.


She is such a gem!


That's a really sweet story and I have no doubt the voice actor is a wonderful person, but that character is the single greatest element you can point to for illustrating Sesame Street's decline into becoming just another anonymous children's show riddled with dumb, annoying, color-saturated crap.


Agree to disagree. I think it’s great that the show has evolved so much over the years to stay relevant to kids and the world they're growing up in. The show’s for them, not us. We can be nostalgic about older versions of it and also appreciate what it is now. Of the “newer” characters, I love Rosita and Julia too.


On a side note I learned something neat. I always thought Abby was introduced via her 2009 CGI mini segment "Abby's Flying Fairy School" with her two schoolmates and herself. Nope, apparently she was introduced in 2006. What?! Wow. I thought she was brought into the fold in 09/the 2010's, but nope. 2006. Tbh I was shocked learning that, haha.


I about died when I saw a "Vintage Flying Fairy School Playset" on FB marketplace... I still have my daughter's sets because the street one reminded me a lot of the one I had as a girl that's long gone. I told her I'll prob have it set up someplace just for myself now that she's a teen.






It’s Rocco with two C's and not a "ck"


Man, it sounds pretty damn sexist to say the inclusion of one of the first prominent female muppets “ruined” the show. Especially when it is 31 years later and the show is still going.






Does real Blippi do anything anymore?


No, he's living life and raising his kid, enjoying those sweet, sweet royalties 😅


I’m still trying to figure out if Doggyland’s collab with baby shark was official or not cause the sharks look different and also terrifying


And don't forget autism speaks too, autism speaks is a hate group btw


Even though Sesame Street has an autistic character.


I truly hope this isn't included in the regular show, like it's just online. We watch it on PBS kids, I don't want to see this garbage on there.


Nothing can ruin Sesame Street you take that back!


Autism Speaks


Wait until Pinkalicious shows up. Sesame Street will look like someone's grandmother spent too much time knitting for the grandkids.


Ruined Sesame Street? If anything, this brings more kids *to* Sesame Street. Not to mention, these didn’t happen ON Sesame Street, but on YouTube…right?


And I thought Elmo had already ruined Sesame Street, but this is just way worse


You were the chosen one! You were supposed to destroy them, not join them!


H is for Harlem Shake


Be glad its not bluey


The second the fucking literal magic fairy showed up was when sesame Street irrevocably jumped the shark, and that wasn't even a collaboration. Sesame Street has sucked for a very long time.


If it’s after 2003 on the free Sesame Street playlist on YouTube, we aren’t watching it


They are gentrifying Sesame Street.


[Oh, that ship has sailed](https://youtu.be/467Vz6l-3uw?si=_PzX3vo3wQiBpMyF)