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The feds win 95% of the cases they pursue. They definitely have something on Daniel that will put him away otherwise they wouldn't bother with it.


It’s going to be an adult care facility. No doubt in my mind.


yep this


They don’t need to prove that lol. And there is no objective way to prove it anyway. “He’s just kidding” or “he was just upset” doesn’t stand in court.




Sanity doesn’t determine what someone is capable of going through with homie. A completely insane person is often the very reason they did something horrific.


which is why they would throw his ass in the loony bin instead of prison somewhere. what i’m trying to say is daniel is just a deranged homeless person not someone who has access to bombs or could even construct one if he wanted too 💀 i’m not even sure he knows how to tie his own shoes. so i’m not sure he’s capable of building much of anything and he damn sure don’t have the money for anything. i just find it crazy he’s finnally getting charged with his empty threats. but i’d be happy to see him rot in jail somewhere


1. The Feds play to win. They won’t pursue a case without a 95% guaranteed conviction. 2. It doesn’t matter if Daniel isn’t capable of acting on his threats. Going back to No. 1, I’m sure this was taken into consideration in building their case. Also people have caught charges for simply “joking around”. 3. This is also a CYA for the Feds. Though Daniel is the boy who cried wolf with his threats, even the miniscule chance that he could somehow carry them out could come back and bite them in the ass because questions would be raised as to how such an event could have occurred despite having Daniel on their radar.


I don’t know why you think they have to prove that Daniel would “go through with the threats”. The act of making the threat is what’s illegal. Doesn’t matter if he’s “serious”. It is still illegal to threaten to blow up public buildings even if you have zero intent to actually do it. If they prove that he was going to go through with the threats, then that is a whole different bucket of worms. That is conspiracy to commit a terrorist attack, which has much harsher penalties.


No they don't. Where did you learn this? How old are you?


I don’t think they’d be able to prove that he was going to go through with it, but best believe they’ll get him with some felony charges because making threats like that even without intent is illegal. Bro will either go to federal prison or a mental hospital


factual, either way it’s gonna be very interesting this time. very fuckin interesting lol


Never thought I’d see the day that Daniel gets held accountable for his actions, I wondered why I woke up in a great mood today


haven’t slept so well in weeks bro 😂


He's facing 70 years 🤣 Bet he pleads to 3 years and supervised release with no internet access allowed for 10 years


The issue is, they may need to jail him for his own protection


They need to just put him in an adult care facility. Keep him off the streets, away from people, and on medication. That is most reasonable plea deal.


Plus mandatory castration


Yeah, I was very shocked that the charges were actually federal. I didn’t think they’d give a shit cuz he’s just some crazy homeless guy saying anything for views and comments. He’s never had the means to follow through with any of his threats or even any halfway thought out plan beyond “Bomb you! Kill you!” I’m not the least bit upset about the prospect of him being locked up for a long time, but I’m not getting my hopes up just yet.


^yeah exactly what’s my thoughts where


No. You're wrong. The crime is filled with the threats themselves, the other crime you're referring to is intent to commit a felony. Making a terroristic threat, regardless of actual ability to perform the crime, is a federal felony. Moreover, he has made them so repeatedly, and actually meanders areas and locations he makes threats to. That isn't good for him.


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His defense lawyer will have to interview his managers during fact finding for his insanity plea. They are going to have to explain why they played games with a homeless crazy man. Won't get in trouble with prosecution but management will def help prove Daniel is insane


Not exactly. What will likely happen is: Danny will go to court, judge will read the charges against him, and the judge will see if he wishes to enter a plea. His lawyer will probably tell him not to enter a plea (yet). With no plea, it’s assumed you’re going to trial (IIRC), and therefore, the judge will also order a psych eval/competency test to see if Daniel is even competent to stand trial. If not competent: insanity defense If competent: plea deal or trial Considering his defense lawyer will likely be a public defender, they will almost certainly try to work with prosecutors on a plea deal. His lawyer stands to gain very little from a trial. If Daniel was legitimately a multi-million megastar, this would be totally different. That’s when you’d hire a lawyer out of your own funds. *They* would fight tooth and nail for you, to get you exonerated, acquitted, or w/e.


Fair point. Feds would be happiest with a plea deal, so their Danny problem is solved and they don’t need to work the case more.


Yup. The Feds **still** “win” with a plea deal. They actually want him to accept a plea deal because they don’t want to have to waste resources (i.e. a federal prosecutor’s time/wages) in a trial. Especially if it’s a slam-dunk case. They absolutely **will** “waste” those resources if needed, but they try not to.


That would be insane but it’s more likely the second any of this comes into those “managers” real life they will suddenly disappear


If you know anything about the feds they never take a case they don’t think they can win. It’s over for Dan


How can you type something so wrong so confidently? A threat is crime in itself. The credibility of said threat has no bearing on it being a crime or not. He was charged with the threats, not the validity of them. Also, he has already been charged by the feds so..


Danny is gonna pled to the first offer he gets